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talking with ewheat, ansi extraordinare..

Session Start: Sun Nov 26 08:09:19 1997

*** Now talking in #ewheat

*** Joins: ewheat` (
*** sets mode: +o ewheat`
*** ewheat` sets mode: +snt
*** dngrmouse sets mode: +i

*** dngrmouse changes topic to "the ewheat interview"

<dangermouse> yo yo
<dangermouse> haha
<ewheat> Woo hoo, hey ho.
<dangermouse> wow, our own little channel
<ewheat> Yay! We're introverted scene'ers!
<dangermouse> so we are..
<dangermouse> :>

<dangermouse> ok mr. ewheat.. time to get down to business
<ewheat> Yes, Business.
<ewheat> Oh, do I have bad breath?

* ewheat` checks genital areas for any distractions.

<dangermouse> So, something I ask of all my victi... oops, subjects, umm, yeah, is .. what's yer real name, etc etc..
<dangermouse> age
<dangermouse> hobbies
<dangermouse> strange anomilies

<ewheat> My name would be Eric Ryan Txxxxxx the First!
<ewheat> Age: 18
<ewheat> Hobbies: Writing, Sleeping, Drinking, Smoking (yes, both of them), Sex, Partying.
<ewheat> Strange Anomilies: Eh? Say hey, what? No, yes? No? maybe? yeah? no? yes, no? no, yes yes,noyesnoesnononoesyesy esyesnoyesnoyes?

<dangermouse> extremely large birth marks anywhere?
<ewheat> Large Birthmarks: yes, I have a birthmark in the shape of Ronald Reagan's left ear on my right hind leg.

* dngrmouse slaps eric around a bit.. SNAP OUT OF IT

<dangermouse> yeah
<dangermouse> so, thinking back, how did you first get involved with the underground art scene?

<ewheat> Underground art scene, oh boy... that was a long time ago (not as long as older people would think... but thanks to the misconception of time the scene offers, tracking time is virtually impossible) But, I remember back in 1992... I called a bulletin board for the first time in ANSI-mode. The Great White Shark.

<dangermouse> a greg norman bbs?

<ewheat> I asked all the regulars where I could download such a program that produces those pretty ansi blocks, they guided me to TheDraw. I started drawing, and my pics got me on a few warez boards.

<dangermouse> cool

<ewheat> I finally got on my first art board a year later. Inner Tube, run by omot. And then Whodini's magic. I got introduced to IRC later that year, and boom... I became part of the scene.

<dangermouse> it seems to me just about everyone entered the scene the same way or another.. :)

<ewheat> Yeah, it appears that way. :)

<dangermouse> so, how'd you start drawing.. i notice your ansi is pretty much of the toon genre.. did it begin this way?

<ewheat> Well, I've always drawn cartoons when I was little (now my drawings are more human-like, etc) but my ansis, I just cannot see the colors in real-life or a comic rip... so it remains toonish. I believe ansi's palette should be used for toon drawings only, and following that law... I found myself exploring different techniques of drawing toonish objects.
<ewheat> I.e. my abstract ansis... I'm proud that they're still considered "toons"
<ewheat> wow, when i'm stoned i actually over-analyze myself.

<dangermouse> hehe
<dangermouse> good good :)

<dangermouse> who do you respect within the scene.. and more importantly, where do you draw inspiration from?

<ewheat> Respect... I cant say who I respect in the scene anymore, I've been gone for a few months and I've seen many friendly faces disappear. But, who inspired me? I'd say two ice members did, Toon Goon and Chromatik.

<dangermouse> ahh.. toon goon, how theres a name from the past.. is he still drawing? or..
<dangermouse> cause, by god he could draw..

<ewheat> Last time I checked his webpage, it looks like he's still drawing... after all it's his job or something.

<dangermouse> sheeze

<ewheat> But, Chromatik... he just disappeared. I've been told he's still involved with other textures of art, but as for this primitive art-form... nope.

<dangermouse> yeah i spose that's the thing.. a lot of people have to move on --> either to jobs, or 'real life' :)

<ewheat> Nah, I think people can function in both worlds, the art scene and the so-called computer-geek-term "real life."

<dangermouse> haha.. yeah.. hell, i do..

<dangermouse> so, on a similar note.. where do you see yourself a few years from now? any aspirations?

<ewheat> Funny thing is, last summer I saw myself as this html wizard, profiting daily from the capitalistic world of the world wide web... but now, I see myself as a professor at a deaf university. That or I could be a writer. These two careers are serious considerations I have right now.

<dangermouse> yeah..

<ewheat> In fact, I'm asking for a career that prohibits or voids any use of the computer.

<dangermouse> haha

<ewheat> Guess you can say I'm somewhat of a post-cyberage anti-technical treehugger now.
<ewheat> Uh oh, I hope I didn't invent a media term there.

<dangermouse> tell me, if you had to compare the scene of yester-year with the scene of today, what would be the major differences (besides time smartass)?

<ewheat> I'd say the time expen... ah, you got me.

* dngrmouse king hits eric... :) why YOU LITTLEL()Z&$

<ewheat> I'd say, ansi was an art form used for visual pleasure. An artform where people can sit in awe of... now it's an artform used to get people things they want.
<ewheat> Drawing ansis to get in an irchaxor group, drawing ansi for money, etc, etc.

<dangermouse> yeah.. i know just what you mean..
<dangermouse> have you had the chance to read maestro's article about the scene of late?

<ewheat> Pity how such a lost cause could become encrusted with greed.
<ewheat> No?
<ewheat> Send it over here, pardner.

<dangermouse> yea
<dangermouse> read bits of it, and then sound really smart bout the idea ;)

<ewheat> Super Cool!
<ewheat> Wow, that's our manifesto.
<dangermouse> hehe
<ewheat> I hope Steve can truly bring back the excitement and innocence in the scene.

<dangermouse> yeah, it'd be a great thing to be able to 'inspire' people to draw once again.. just do it for the art form and not because a few 1000 bbs' went down :)
<dangermouse> hell, i dont even ring em anymore..

<ewheat> Hold on, oznoid's apologizing for k-lining while I was on his server.

<dangermouse> fair enough

<ewheat> Dumb ircop.
<ewheat> Any other questions?

<dangermouse> heh
<dangermouse> no, that'll be about it my friend..

<ewheat> Allrighty right then.
<ewheat> (uh oh, I just imitated Jim Carey right there)
<ewheat> fuck.

<dangermouse> haha

<ewheat> My last words: Hey, pigshithead (yeah, you know who you are!) FUCK YOU!

<dangermouse> ok, been nice talking to yer man..

<ewheat> (wanted to end this interview with a spice of hostility)
<ewheat> Later buddy.

*** Quits: ewheat` (Leaving)

Session Close: Sun Nov 26 08:39:10 1997

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