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talking with necromancer, founder and leader of Remorse.

Session Start: Wed Mar 25 15:41:49 1998

*** Now talking in #nmancer
*** nMANCEr ( has joined #nmancer


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Right, let's get going..

Oh, word of warning, if I phase out momentarily, it's because I'm at work, and I might have found a problem with one of the servers or the network.

Ok, let's hear some vital statistics to get us going..

Vital statistics? Ask me what you want to know, and I shall answer. :)

Name, age, sex, hobbies, penis size?

Mark Dunn aka Necromancer, age 18, male. Hobbies.. work. Driving up to San Francisco State University to pick up my girlfriend. I used to do a lot more, before I left high school. But alas, real life made quite a change in my normal day to day patterns.

Penis size? That's for me and my girlfriend to know. :)

Where do you work?


Cirrus Logic.

The video card people? No shit?

Yeah, although our video cards suck ass. :) (.. graphics cards, actually.)

The chief exec is with me right now..


Your fired btw.. ;)

Ok, down to business

Bad typing day. I had that earlier.

You've been in the underground artscene for a long bloody time now, since 1989-90, is it fair to say your one of the 'scene daddies'?

Nope. I was a bystander at that point. I didn't really delve into the art scene until I got onto some of the better boards, a year or two later. But I've been around to see the history. Been around to remember what we all had. And lost.

I notice in your "History of the Ascii Scene" article that you knew a bit about the old Amiga ascii days, what do you remember about those days? Was it much different from the PC ascii scene?

Yeah. The amiga ascii scene is worlds apart from the PC ascii scene. Where we release in packs, they release as individuals with their group name as a sort of "label." It's odd.

I also noticed its sort of still around, the amiga ascii scene, as the Ascii Gazzette was released a few times..

Yeah, the amiga ascii scene is still around. Not as active as it once was, but.. still there, hanging on. Sort of like all of us. :)

Yeah, and xCz really does a good job with the Ascii Gazette. He just released issue 13 a little while ago.

Yeah quite amazing.. How old would you say the Amiga Ascii scene is now?

Since the mid 80's.

Jeeze, much older than ours, and older than I thought..

You have to realize that the amiga/C64 scene really predates any PC scene we had. Christ, Razor was started in 1983, at which time there was a LARGE Commodore 64 scene.

Oh i know, I used to have a Amstrad CPC 464 -- but we won'y go there.. ;)


Ok, so around 91-92 I'm guessing you got involved with the PC artscene.. In what way, through a group or?

Through a BBS. I didn't get into a national group until Shiver in 1994. But before that, I knew people, mainly. Because of my art, I suppose. I knew Tinyz, Piromaniak.. I knew what they wanted to do with their ascii, also.

What did you draw? ASCII?

Well, at that time I did ascii and rip. I was going to join ACiD for rip, but I decided that it took too much time to draw one rip file.

See, the scene has never been very kind to ascii artist. Because that was my medium of choice, my acceptance into any major artgroup was not a possibility, even though I knew most of the founders of the groups at that time.

Now, Tinyz, he started Katharsis in 94.. What do you remember of that? Did that spark the PC Ascii scene into life?

Yeah, tZ's move to making KTS!Ascii a separate entity after the true Katharsis (.. an Amiga warez group) died was what sparked the ascii revolution of sorts. He released at first in much the same manner as the amiga ascii groups, however. With only him releasing, with Katharsis!Ascii as his label.

But a couple of months after that, I believe it was KTS!Asc09 or so, he brought on other artists. And that's what started most of it. Although previous to KTS!Ascii, Piromaniak had released ascii with TRiBE. And was even listed as a full-fledged member.

I never knew that, cool..

Yeah. He drew their diz's, mainly.

Oh, and you can't forget wBALLZ. Lots of ascii was released in wBALLZ. Even though it was all joke ascii, it was still ascii. :) Like the infamous Savage Dragon ascii done by Piromaniak and Minor Threat. :) 400 lines of blue ascii rain, and a little green 4 line stick figure with a green mohawk. :) With a caption, "I should have brought a fuckin' umbrella."


Yeah. And Khyron releasing Tea Spoon Woman 2 .. that was a badass song. I think Hannibal Lecter released as YouR Mom :) Or was tha Tempus Thales? Can't recall.

Do you remember that pack that released, and every ansi was a RIP, and quite obviously so.. Shit, what was it called?

I heard about that, actually. I visited their web page. :) Don't recall the group name, though.

Neither do I.. Oh, did creator do it?

The group? Nah. That's Avenge.

Nono, way before that..

The group that kicked White Trash out as Senior. (HI WHITE TRASH YOU WHORE!) I personally like Legion more. Maestro and Lord Jazz lick ass.

I'd have to agree..

Er.. kick ass. ;)

Haha, I'm sure they enjoy both, anyways..

Ohhh... I know. Oh shit! I know what you're talking about! Oh fuck.. that was around the time of TRiBE, wasn't it?

Umm.. Shit, i dunno.. I don't think it was that long ago

That joke pack.. fuck. Not Onion, was it?

The pack was a complete take off of old acid pics and stuff



Hrmph. Speaking of joke stuff, RaD Man reminded me of Paradigm and Doyadigm.

Yeah? I don't believe I've heard of that one..

Take a look some time. Doyadigm was put out for the expressed purpose of one thing: Making fun of Shihear Kallizhad/TafKaSk.

Ok, you were saying that in 1994 you joined Shiver, and I suppose officially joined the scene? Did you enjoy having TG as your prez?

The Guardian was a great group coordinator. He knew what to do, he was intelligent, and he knw what looked good. He also had a purpose. To make the best group he could within the space of one year. And then he would kill the group. And he did just that. An Shiver was a good group, for what it was, when it was.

That was his reason. Trust me. :) Me and TG are buddies. We understand each other. I know the real TG, I remember the real TG. Everyone else with a few exceptions only know that "GAYASS LOSER TG."

I'm buddies with rw, who also knows TG really well.. I understand he has an online image of sorts. ie. He's completely diff. online.. But he can go a tad too far sometimes I feel..

Yeah. TG does that because he doesn't care. Because people don't feel like knowing the real TG.

Ok, you also started Remorse in late 1994 along with Necronite.. Did you create the group to give KTS some direct competition?

Nope. We just didn't feel we were good enough to get into KTS. :) Which we weren't, not for a little while. But when we started gaining more prominence and skill, they started questioning their status as the #1 (and only) PC ascii group.

Tell me about the "THE-NME.TXT" file.. What was it about?

That was KTS's response to us. That's about when they started taking us as a serious threat. If you find that file, and read it, you'll see that. :) We issue a rebuttal to that ascii collection in .. RMRS-03.ZIP, I believe.

Talking of Remorse, can you give me detailed history of what happened to Remorse from 1994 to the present date.. I understand there were a few problems?

The group was started in late 1994, after three packs I was expelled from highschool and moved up to my mother's house where I had no computer. At that point, Necronite was supposed to assume control. That however, did not happen. Whodini and Omicron controlled the group, with Whod acting as the figurehead. They continued up until pack 5, when Whodini announced that Remorse no longer existed, and he was starting his own group called "Trank".

With the death of Remorse came the birth of Trank, which was composed mainly of ex-Remorse members. A Remorse II, if you will. :) (.. Remorse:TNO, perhaps? *wicked grin*)

Anyway. That was April of 1995. May? Whatever. April or May. I came into ACiD at the beginning of 1996, when I had returned to my father's house. RaD Man had asked me to run ACiD Ascii, which at the time had been transferred from Christopher Robin's hands (ex-Remorse, surprise) to kHz's hands. kHz however, was killing it. Terry is a great artist, but not the greatest coordinator. :)

Anyway. I continued to run ACiD Ascii with a release date of every three months, until October of 1996, when I found out that Trank was dying. I was a member of Trank, and didn't like that very much. So me and Whodini decided to merge ACiD Ascii and Trank. We didn't want a regular merge, because in a regular merger, one group loses it's identity and makes the other group better. We wanted it to be a fair show of respect from both sides. So we decided to change the identity completely, but still stay as a part of ACiD, sort of like the music division, pHluid. We couldn't decide what to name it at first.. and then it went something like this:

<nECROM> Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
<Whodini> yeah.
<nECROM> Remorse.

And that's how it got revived. :)

Haha, I thought for a minute whodini would say:

<whodini> no, i was thinking about sex

Like I always enjoy saying, there have only been two truly successful revivals in artscene history, iCE and Remorse.

Ok, so what the remorse of today, is it much stronger than the remorse of old?

Yeah, the Remorse of today is stronger. More stable. Mainly because I have more experience in running a group. Of course, back in 1994 the artists seemed more loyal. We still have the hardcore Remorse1981 to the death artists of course, but they're more rare to come across now.

1981? People from that far back?

Nah, 1981 is a secret code for certain Remorse members. :)

Well, I think we've covered everything.. Just another thing though, do you think the scene has problems at the moment?

Yeah. Inactivity, and false promises, mainly.

Another thing, what do you think of Any things you think it could cover more?

What do I think of it? How about this: How the hell do you pronounce it? Is it AK-ER-ON or is it ASH-ER-ON? Or sort of a squishy crunchy ACH-ER-ON? And what's it mean?


What could it cover more? Nothing. Ok, so it's the squishy crunchy noise, but is it an AHHHHH or an AYYYYY CHERON?

It's actually said to be a river in greece, that in some parts went underground.. It was said to lead the dead to hell..

'arrchheerrron', more like 'ackeron'

I thought that was the river Styx?

Fucks me, could be..

Well whatever, it's a badass name.

I know it has something to do with hell..

You could have named it "" :)

Welp anyways.. man, it's been great talking to you about stuff..

Sorry if I wasn't entertaining or anything. :(

Bye bye TUFFY!

*** nMANCEr ( has left #nmancer

Session Close: Wed Mar 25 17:15:16 1998

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