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  silent knight

talking with cthulu, founder and leader of mistigris..

Session Start: Mon Feb 16 13:10:47 1998

*** Now talking in #silentknight

#silentknight created on Mon Feb 16 13:07:17

*** _SK_ ( has joined #silentknight

<_SK_> hello

*** dngrACH sets mode: +o _SK_
*** Retrieving #silentknight info...
*** dngrACH changes topic to 'Sk intervoo'
*** dngrACH sets mode: +sti+l 2

<dngrACH> okey dokey
<dngrACH> shall we begin then?

<_SK_> yes we shall

Ok, firstly for the rudementary stuff, like yer name, age, sex, hobbies, etc..

Silent Knight:
name: Silent Knight (Daryl G. Christensen)
age: 23
sex: male

Darryl? haha.. no way, thats my name you stealer wealer.. well, with another 'r' added

Silent Knight:
Hobbies: irc. drawing. comic book collecting. anime watching. meeting with friends. Heh. well.. There's only one r in my name. I hear it's a common name.

Ok, heh, now your in Mistigris at the moment I'm guessing, but take us back to the beginning..

Silent Knight:
Well... I've been in mistigris since october 96 at the time of their second anniversary.. and have become their vga department head. I was noticed and recruited by Cthulu after I drew a cartoon fish for a sonic equinox demo..

About a year before that time I had been working on a side project called dream factory.. Dfact is completely seperate from mist and will remain as such, though there are a few members who share responcitibilities in both groups..

Responcibilities even.

Thats a big word :> ~8)

Silent Knight:
Heh. yes. indeed.

Tell us more about dream factory and why you set it up..

Silent Knight:
I currently run which is the official mistigris web site..

Ahh, * plug there ppl, visit it *

Silent Knight:
I set up dream factory because I has been creating art and wanted other peope to see it, and I knew there were other people that wanted the same. It's a comic book company for the most part because comic books are for the most part my favorite art form.

It started as an art group.. and moved on to a magazine.. over it's gestaton.. or you could say.. evolution..

What current projects are you working on within Dream Factory?

Silent Knight:
Currently? I'm working on getting a business plan together.. I'm working laying out everyone's graphics for a free preview that will be released on the net in mist packs, and in vancouver based comic book stores...

I'm making sure that we have enough art to fill both issue one and two before issue one is ready..

I'm working on my own comic book related stories which will go into future issues..

It seems we share a similar interest.. Have you seen 'The Chickenator' online comic?

Silent Knight:
I meet every week to watch anime with friends.. and from there I discuss business.. As it's often the same people who I watch anime with at these meets that are involved with dfact...

yes.. I saw the chickenator comic.. I liked it. It was color though..

Heh, the second issue of it will be out shortly, perhaps a week, with better art and colouring (airburshing, etc)..

Silent Knight:
For asthetic reasons dfact is black and white. heh....


Silent Knight:
Will the art style change?

It has yes, it is now more serious/dark..

Silent Knight:
I like the cartoony style it fits well with a super-hero perody.

It does, yes, but there is now a busty chick to added for more excitement :)

Silent Knight:
Yes.. you should look at ian kim's comic: Emiko's Genesis

Ahh, url?

Silent Knight:

Ok, back on track.. Tell me a little about Mistigris, and whats happening there at the moment..

Silent Knight:
At the moment, we're trying to get more of a web presence.. more of a professional outlook.. There has been talk of printing business cards for each of the members..

Is Mistigris starting to look like a 'company' as such then?

Silent Knight:
And of a cd printed with will have all of our releases some live music and video from mist members either performing music or having fun..

It's not a company per se.. but more of a local arts club that's would like a larger audience than the local scene, not to say that it doesn't apreciate the attention that it gets.. There were a lot of download this month from the mist server, more than I was expecting.

I don't think the structure of mist would be comparable to a company... As it is very community based..

What do you think the future holds? A wider audience for Mistigris, and some great Dream Factory comics?

Silent Knight:
Well.. for mistigris.. I would say that the future hold bigger packs.. and eventually some recognition in the outside world...

For dream Factory I expect taht it will have success as an independent mature readers comic anthology.. After that Dfact may branch out into animation.

Well, that about covers all of it baby :)

Silent Knight:

Well yeah

Silent Knight:
There isn't anymore more you want to ask me?

Not really, do you have anything in mind?

Silent Knight:
Hmm. Well.. visit the dfact site at (under construction.)

I will..

Silent Knight:
I don't think I had anything else in mind.. So I suppose this is goodbye.

yeo, been nice chatting to yer mang, cya l8r..

* _SK_ shakes dangermouse's hand

*** _SK_ was kicked by dngrACH (dngrACH)

Session Close: Mon Feb 16 13:37:08 1998

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