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talking with sodium, founder of cryolite..

Session Start: Mon Dec 03 15:36:13 1997

*** Now talking in #sodium

<dangermouse> op
<_sodium> op

*** _sodium sets mode: +o dngrmouse
*** Retrieving #sodium channel info...
*** _sodium sets mode: +snt
*** _sodium changes topic to "dngrmouse is like, gay and stuff"
*** dngrmouse changes topic to "sodium interview"
*** dngrmouse sets mode: +i

<_sodium> hey
<dangermouse> :>

<_sodium> thats me
<_sodium> thats me on the topic
<_sodium> wow

<dangermouse> it is too!
<dangermouse> how the..
<dangermouse> ok
<dangermouse> lets start shall me

<_sodium> uh

First question.. tell me a little about yerself, name, age, sex, appearance, etc..

I'm oned, real name is chris. im 19, female, im short and ugly looking. and i cant get guys

haha.. no no.. you, not oned.. :)

I'm sodium.. real name is andy.. 19, male, six foot..short dark hair.. goatie.. i guess im attractive cause, well. i get girls. or at least i use to. All the ones i hook up with now end up banging navy submarine guys at the base up the street..

Yeah.. ran into an old friend.. we starting hanging pretty soon we were going out.. then i found out she was fucking my friend who is stationed on the... well i cant say. its top secret.

any other interests . ie. hobbies etc? ..outside of the scene?

Yea. im a music major in school.. also forming an industrial band with my bud, oned.. besides that i goto alot of hardcore shows, hang with the opposite sex, organize smoke-a-thon's on the great american smoke-out.. things like that..

How did you first get involved within the scene? and what would say the atmosphere of the scene was at this time too?

Well. I was big on warez.. this was like 1991/1992. and well, warez and art were like one big scene so the transition was easy... attitude back then was.. "if your under 15 you suck", and if you can draw ansi good then your k-rad

I was under 15 when i started, and i sucked, so the rule did apply..

What memories do you have of your first groups? and .. what groups have you been in since?

My brand of choice is GPC, so bite me. i dont care how nice your cigrattes taste and how you spent 3 bucks on a pack of dunhill's.. gpc is like 1.50 usually and im saving money so fuck off.

Sorry.. My first group was this shithole called chaos/2, formed in san diego, and ive been in a zillion local shits.. then joined shiver, vapor, fire, saga, blade, bleach, odium, 765, acid, cryolite.. co-founded that crazy tracking group 7YNIVf.

I think im still in acid, radman doesn't have the balls to throw me out <g>

Yeah, they don't seem to kick idle members..

It's a social club really..

Oh yeah, that'd be it

Btw, you newschool guys.. dont get me wrong.. acid used to own.. sigh.

Tell me a little about acrylic weekly -- why did you first start it -- the reason you thought at the time..

Well its like this, the tracking scene had traxweekly, warez had week in warez, so i made a weekly mag for the art scene. ...actually i did to make me look good, and provide a weekly mag.

But i couldnt do it alone, there was always a helpful staff that found many creative ways to to turn in their material late to me every consecutive week <g>

What do you think were the best features acrylic showcased over its 9/10 issue history?

We had alot of big stories, like acrylic announced obv/2's end, had radman's interview which was big, and of course the maytrickz thing was huge..

What about that maytrickz thing? what was the deal with that?

Maytrickz and I hated each other for about 6 months.. and well.. i caught him saying that if i ever printed this shit about him i would be permabanned for life and i printed it anyway and a bunch of people cried and said it was bad journalism..

So i told em to kiss my ass.. they got acrylic weekly for free.. they'll read what i want to print.

People were also talking about how nice of a guy maytrickz was, which was hardely the truth.

Back to acrylic -- why did you end it? lack of time?

Basically, and the fact that when i ended it, the staff refused to let me and said if i ended it they would bring it back so they did and it sucked so i killed it.. I was burned out

Next question. Tell me a little about two days in the scene -- what was the general jist of it?

It's a scene crime story, written in the style of pulp fiction. I did it for fun, but it was an immediate hit. A lot of people tell me how it would make an awesome movie ..maybe with a few dozen re-writes..

Heh.. Travolta as sodium perhaps?

Haha.. That's who i based my character on

Haha , no shit?

Yup, same thing in sock6.txt, which should be out by the time you people read this.

Ok.. lastly, you've just started a group with ironghost called cryolite.. who's in the group, and what is its main purpose?

Pack one was great, i dont know who is in the group now cause after the rumor that i died sprang up, everyone quit thinking cryolite was dead... so me and ironghost are trying to piece the group back together

Its purpose is to, well, release quality art.. thats why i do big q.c.'s.. the quality really goes up.. the difference between some artist's first submissions and the final product is phenominal.

AND.. THE BIG QUESTION! What about your death? do you have any idea who started it or why?

No and no.. but it sure fucked up my group. I would have rathered had died like fighting an intruder or getting shot in some covert op.. not falling out of my window like a dumbass..

Whilst locking yer keys inside dont forget :)

* sodium climbs up to his window, almost through the framework..

/act pushes sodium out of the window.. woops!

[ed note: hehe.. we just had to do it..]


Well, its been great talking to yer

thats the end? It's over already?

I'd say so..

Let's do it again.

Unless you've got some greetz to shout..

I guess i do.. Hi to anyone in acid who still remembers me, cryolite "members", 619 people, and ONED GET YOUR ASS DOWN TO SAN DIEGO RIGHT NOW. STOP READING THIS AND GET IN THE CAR. hey c'mon i mean. stop reading. go, now!

Oh, and to that loser, shrink. FUCK OFF. Little rat bastard ran away with my money and shell accounts..

Yeah, he ripped me off big time, the whole scene owes me at least 200 bucks in shit ive down and not gotten anything back like i was supposed to.. So pay up, send email to and ill send you my address, please send a check for 10 dollars.


*** Parts: _sodium (

Session Close: Mon Dec 03 15:13:04 1997

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