GyikSoft Mailer for UNIX v2.0pre3 (C) 1997-99 by A'rpi & Pilu of ESP-team ======================== ======== This is a simple e-mail reader program for UNIX, based on the original DOS version called 'GyikSoft Mailer for DOS v3.4' written in Borland Pascal. Currently Pegasus Mail for DOS (.PMM files) and standard UNIX folders (and so Netscape's Inbox as well) are supported for reading. Main features: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Support MIME multipart mail format - Decode BASE64 attachments and mails - Decode quoted-printable mails - Display ISO-encoded headers correctly (many other mailer doesn't) - Read, Reply, Forward, Compose functions - Multi-level address-book - New mail notification (checked every 5 seconds) - Optimized for slow TELNET connection (minimal redrawing) - Optimized for speed (own buffered string reader, string routines) History: ~~~~~~~~ 1. Idea by Pilu - writting a mail viewer for DOS in Borland C 2. DOS version by A'rpi - written in Borland Pascal, still developed 3. UNIX version v1.0 by Pilu - some a part of pascal sources translated to C 4. UNIX version v2.0 by A'rpi - developed in ANSI C, under LINUX Usage: ~~~~~~ ESC - quit ENTER - read formatted mail ESC+ENTER - read raw mail source (debug) c - compose new mail r - reply f - forward s - search backward first S - search backward next n - search forward first N - search forward next p - find forward mail with same From: ctrl+p - find backward mail with same From: a - add to address book F3 / ESC+3 - address book (works only at INPUT lines) F - toggle "From:" mode (name/email/name+email) H - toggle displaying mail's Header (default: off) P - toggle auto quoted-Printable I - toggle case-Insensitive search Future: (not yet implemented) ~~~~~~~ - send attachments - delete mail - save mail - selection (F7,X,Sh+F7,P) Far future: ~~~~~~~~~~~ - aliases, hotkeys - mail-lists (HIX, listserv digest, majordomo digest) as folder - select folder - del,copy,move mail - filters Send bugreports and ideas to