LCP 2002 Comporesults (according to Twoflower on #c-64) Music compo: 1) Goto 80/HT 2) Trident/Active 3/4) Dane/Crest and Twoflower/Triad (shared) 5) Produkt / ? Gfx compo: 1) Vodka/FLT 2) Dane/Crest 3) Twoflower/Triad 4) Wiggen/Triad 5) Pingo/DR Demo compo: 1) Digital Magic/Crest for the C-64 2) Gameboydemo/10.000.000 Boys 3) Plus 4 demo/Magervalp 4) TI83 demo by ??? 5) Demo/Civitas (also known as "Africa!" or "Postcard from Kröb!") Cresh/Elysium