From: (KLF Fan Mail Machine) Handle: Maelcum Affiliations: Founder/KLF, Coordinator of Exceedingly Great Grooves (EGG) Real Name: Dan Nicholson Age: 20 Height: 5'11" Weight: 195lbs Location: Union, New Jersey, USA Place Would Like to Live: Cybercity, USA Favorite Movie: "Naked Lunch" or "Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me" Favorite TV Show: "The X-Files" Favorite Book: "The Illuminatus Trilogy" by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson Favorite Game: tie between "Dune 2" and "UFO" (X-Com) Favorite Demo: none, they all suck compared to the Orb live. Favorite Music: ambient and trance, middle eastern, jazz, mine Favorite Meal: Roy Rodgers burgers, chicken nuggets, fries, corn bread :-) First Computer: Commodore VIC-20 Three Wishes 1) A woman who understands me 2) A T7 internet connection 3) KLF Cybercity How I discovered demos: who knows? i wish i never had. ;) What I dislike about the demo scene: 3lit3ness, attitudes, delusions of grandeur, programmers who want to do everything, people who actually can't figure out that watching TV is more fun, everyone keeps confusing it with the music scene What I like about the demo scene: that the US guys haven't picked up so much attitude My Opinion of the US: Sucky president and her husband, lame taxes and copyright laws, stupid gun control, too expensive, otherwise it has as much talent in it as europe My Opinion of people in the US: too difficult b/c every type of person is in the US Career Plans: keep doing what i'm doing but actually not have to go into debt next year Biggest Disappointment in my life: Future Sound Of London's "Lifeforms" album Good Advice for others: Don't listen to anyone because everyone is lying to you. Something You Should Know: David Gilmour (Pink Floyd) thinks my KLF is not good and proper and British enough Two People I Would Like To Meet Today: Richard James and Dr. Alex Patterson What I Hope To Accomplish in the Demo Scene: not much because i'm not in it How Long It Takes Me To Compose A Tune: This is the incredibly stupidest question ever. three minutes to two years. What Tracker Do I Compose Music With: MMEDIT v1.01b primarily, ScreamTracker 3.01 a little bit Demo Plans: several 50mb KLF .AVI and MPEG music videos. Hire a coder Are Most Demo Groups Too Serious: Absolutely. Especially the Europeans. My Personal Life: Is none of your business What The Future Holds For Me: If I knew i would either kill myself or be somewhere else. Where I See the Demo Scene in 10 years: a bunch of idiots who haven't figured out that interactive TV and VR are much more entertaining What Is Missing From The Demo Scene: women Will Virtual Reality Ever Catch On: do the programmers of Doom drive Ferraris? Yes, it already has. How You Can Contact Me: Internet Email:,,,,,, -------------------------------------------------------------- bdeep bdeep that's all folks - Maelcum [KLF] - K - L - F - Digital Music - Multimedia Stuff "just say no to the commercial music industry." get music free: /pub/sounds/kosmic/songs WorldWideWeb: