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'*M@@@@*`**** 'V*@@@@@@*f` !***** 'V*@@@@@@*f` HAYAT BiR GUTU.. GAPALI BiR gUTU.. GUTULARU AÇA AÇA HAYATIN SIRLARINI ÖgRENiYORUZ. TECRUBE EDINiYORUZ. HAYATIMIZ BiLE ORGANiK BIR gUTU iÇiNDE BA$LIYOR. SONRA DA BiR GUTU iÇiNDE BiTMEYECEK Mi? CÖZMEMiZ gEREKEN SIRLAR KAR$IMIZA BiR gUTU SEMBOLU OLARAK CIKIYOR. gUTU giBi KARI. BU gUTUYU AÇMALIYIZ. KOKA KOLALAR DA gUTU ICINDE SATILIYOR. HAYATIMIZDA KAÇ 1000 TANE gUTU AÇTIK ACABA? AMA BAZEN BU gUTULARI ACTIKTAN SONRA KAPATMAMIZ gEREKEBILIR. 5000 gUTU. I$TE BU ASKi gOLLEKSiYONUMUZDA SiLSiLELER $EKLiNDE gELEN gUTU ATAKLARINDAN BIKAN, BIR DUNYA YORgUNU, PRAgMATiK LiDER, BiR SUHEYL EgRiBOZ KLASigi.. 5000 gUTU.. ANLAMSIZ COMMODORE 1084 E K R A N L A R I N D A . . . A T I N Ö L U M U A R P A D A N O L S U N A N A S I N I S A T I Y I M . . -ACIMAK YOK-YOK ACIMAK- KahrImdan öluyorum ulen Sizlere acIrmIyIm? acIrmIyIm ulen acIrmIyIm .....opua aaghhh... ulen Yetmez Yetmez ulen. ACIMAK YOK YOK YOK ACIMAK ACIMAK YOK YOK YOOOK YOK ACIMAAK BU DUNYADA HER$EY HER$EY YALAN YALAN YALAAAN! ]000000[ _m000WW0[000000]00000[ ]00000[ ]000000[ 000000 0000[ ]000000D d00000000[000000]000000 000000[ ]000000D 000000 0000[ ]0P0000 i000A M00[ 0000 00000[ ]00000 ]0P0000 0000 d00f 40|8000- d000[ ]00[ 0000 000000 000000 40|8000- 0000 d00! 00 ]000[ W000[ 0000 00Y000[ ]0P0000 00 ]000[ 0000d00! -0K !000D 0000[ 0000 00'0000 00`0000 -0K !000D 00000000Ws ]0b__0000 0000[ 0000 00 Y00000P 0000 ]0b__0000 0000~V0000i 400000000- 4000[ ,__. 0000 00 '00000` 0000 400000000- 0000 ]000[ 00- 4000[ ]000b d00[ 0000 00 Y000P 0000 00- 4000[ 0000 ]000[ W00m iW0000i M000mm000`m0000miW00Wi'000`im0000miW00m iW0000im0000m ]0000i 0000 ]00000[ 'M00000A` 000000]0000[ Y0P ]000000[0000 ]00000[000000 '0000[ ~~~~ '~~~~~` ~~~` ~~~~~~'~~~~` '~` '~~~~~~`~~~~ '~~~~~`~~~~~~ ~~~` mmmmmmimmmmm ,_mmm_. mmmmmm mmmmiimmmm 000000[00000 g0000000s 000000 0000[]0000 ~M000K`~Y0A~ ]000P~Y000[ ~0000~ i00A~`]0000 !0000. d0! 0000 0000 0000 i00P -000D M000b,0A !0000 0000| 0000i00P 000[ !0000d0! ]0000 0000[ 0000000ms. 000[ M0000A ]0000 0000[ 0000*M0000. 400- !0000! !0000 0000| 0000 Y000[ ]00 0000 0000 0000 0000 ]000[ !** _0000_ ]000b_d000[ _0000_ ]000W. gmm. 000000 V0000000f 000000 !0000[]0000 000000 '~000~` 000000 ~000! 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( .|P .|R .|E .|F .(A .(C .|E. ) / | / | Wellcome my 1st ascII collection / | ._______. called '5000 GUTU!', means '5000 / | | | BOXES!' in turkish language. 1st 7 | ___________ ._j l____ of all i must admit that i'm not l____. |/ / | / a real asc² artist, my main pur- 7 | ______/__|_. 7 pose in releasing this so called | | | | asc² gallery is to say hello to | |\_________ |_ ____|__. my friends and to show people | | : / || | ~ | what i have done.. it's my first | | :/ || | | asc² collection and probably the | | ` || ! | last one, so don't hurt me much ._j l_. lj : | when criticising this bullshit:) | | \ . | i m not skilled in asc² drawin | | |\ | | | and don't get much pleasure from |_______________j_____________j \___________j it.. i'm doing it just to satis- .:.: .... ... ......... . :. . . . .:...::. fie my friend's need.. boring I . :...... ... .. :...::..:..... . . . .:. .:.. know.. [ s p a c e 4 r e n t ] This collection includes my drawings since 1992 ________________ __ till today. It's not much, because I draw only / _/____ j l_ when a friend needs ascii. Since the modem scene /___ | ___/(_ __)_ in Turkey is not much.. NoT!no!That's because I | |___ | ( | hate to draw ascii and I'm a bit lazy in doing j | ) | \ | this kind of stuff.. There are a thousand people /_____________|______j_____j doing this thing a lot better than me. I respect . .... . .:... . . . . ..... the masters of this art.I really like the things ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. they do. Tooo bad that this art will die when ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: amiga dies. Grace to god.. Hope amiga will never :.:.::.::.:::.::::.....:.:..: die.. I'm impatient to see those new risc amigas . ... . . . . .. . . . . .. it's a pencil. look at the blackboard. Yes it is . . . . . . . . . . my english is lame i'm not sorry for it. [1996] . . . . . / : ....:___ __ _ __\/______________________:________ ....... .. . __/____________/ : ____/ /_____________________________________:__________________..... .. . / / .|B. .|B. .S. ./\. .|D. .S. /___________________________________________________________________ / : / /___________________________________________:___________________/________. . : /_______________/ . .. ...................: :... .. .. . : . . : _______________________________________________:___________________________ \ . ___________________/_ \ M A D L A N D :....../ / \____________________________________________:_____/ for EsqUire ./ : / ._____/ :>>>/____________________/ . : . ......... .. . ... .. . ...... ... .. . . . . ...________________ ___ __ ____________ _____________ __________________ . ...\___________ /// ¬\ / ¬\\ ¬\\ ¬\\\ _____________/ . . .... .. .\_____\/// _X_ \\ ______ \\ _______ \\\/_______/ . ... .. .. . . \// \ / \\// / \_ \\/| | \ \\/ . . .. ... . . . / X \/ /___j \ | l___\ \ . ... .. . . _____/ /_\ // \ ¬ \_____ . .. ... .. / l_______// \_______//__________\_____________j ¬\ . ... .. .. . / / / \ : \\ \: : : ____ \ . .. ... ... / _/ / /¯\_ \ | \\ ¯ | | | \_ \ .. . ...... / l_______/ /___j \ | \\ | | l____l \. . .. .... / // \/¯ \\ |/¯ \. .. ..... \_________________//__________\________\\____|__________________/[kris].... ________________ ___ __ _ _ _ _ __ ___ __________________ \___________ /// LegAcY WHQ ¬\\\ _____________/ \_____\/// SYS0P:VIRTUE \\\/_______/ \// RUNNIN' ON A1400 500 Tb ONLINE \\/ \_______________________________________/ . . : _______________________________________________:___________________________ \ . ___________________/_ \ G O D S F L E E T :....../ / \____________________________________________:_____/ for ESQUiRE! ./ : / ._____/ :>>>/____________________/ ----- ------------------------- --- -- - - - \ E T E R N A L W O R L D H E A D Q U A R T E R S / ____________________________________________________________________\ / _________________ _____________ _______________ _______________\/____ _ \__ ______/____/ . ______ \\__________ \\\___ _____/____ \_ \ __/ (______) \| l____/ \ _\___ _/ \_ ____________/ \_______________/________________\/_______________ / __\/_____________ ______________________________ _____________ __\/ \__ _____/ / \__ _______/___ ________//_________ \\_/ __\ __/ \ _/ _____ \_ ____)__ \_ _____)_ ______ / _/ / / / \/ \/ / \_/ / \\___ \ / / /______/_ __/___________/____________/_____________/_ / _//_____/ [k] /| | - --- ----/ |-----+---------------------------------------------- --- -- -- . . | OrdiNaRiuS SySoPeRaToRiUs : COOL SHOT . . | Ko-SySopErAtoRius' : BLOODY^KRIS/CLIQUE l__________________________________________ ___ __ _ _ . . : _______________________________________________:___________________________ \ . ___________________/_ \ G O D S F L E E T :....../ / \____________________________________________:_____/ for ESQUiRE! ./ : / ._____/ :>>>/____________________/ :...... . . .. . . . . . . . ... ... . .. .. .. .......... . ____________________________________________________________________ : :|o ___________ ___________ __________ _____________ :! || ___\_ __ / . ___\___ /____\___ \ ø \ _ / |! || . / ___/____/_ / " / "/ " / \___\ \___/ || || / /_______ " \/ / / / / "\ \ o || || / / / / / _/ ___/ \ \ . |! :| \_______________/\_____________/____________/ /_____________/ | |: :| _________________ _________________________________ ---+--|: !| : . \__ ____/ / O \_ _____/\_ ______/___ ___/ . ! |. || \|/ __/ \_ \ / __/ \_ __/ \_ " / / : |: ||--*--/ ____/ _/ /____/ __/ / __/ / / s00n 3nds|! !| /!\/_ / /. / /" /_ / "\/_ / "\ _/ / a1200 tower|| || : "/_____\ /_________/"/_________\/_________\/_____/ 68030 68882|| !| " " " o " "" . 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: old style.. \____________________________________________:_____............... .. . . ! : . ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ \___ \_ _\___ \___\___ \_ ______\___ \___\___ \_____ \___ \/ \___ __ \___ / / \___ __ \___ _ \ \ \_ \ \___/j \__\ \ \ \__ \_ \ \ \_________/_____\ \______/\________/____\ \__/_________/ . . . : _______________________________________________:___________________________ \ . ___________________/ \ D O W N L O A D :....../______/ \____________________________________________:_____/ : :>>>> . . . /\______ /\_____/\_______/\______ /\____ /\_____/\_______/\______ \ _ \_/ \ \ \ \ \ \\ / / \ __ \ _ \_ \_ \ \ \ / \ \ \ \\ \__\ \ \ \__ \_ \ \ /________/\______\_________/___\___/\_______\_______/____\\___/_______/[k] . . . : _______________________________________________:___________________________ \ . ___________________/ \ B U L L E T I N S :....../______/ \____________________________________________:_____/ : :>>>> . . . _____ ______ \__ \______ ___________ ____ ___________________ _______ __/ ___/ \_______ \_/ \ \ \ \ \ \_ __\____ __/_\/ \ \/ __/___ \_ \____ \_ \ \_ \___\_ \___\_ \_/___\_ \ \ \_ \ \___ \ /_____ _/________/_______/_______/________//___\/__/___/____/ _ _____/ \___/ _ ___________________________________________ _ /___/ [k] . . . : _______________________________________________:___________________________ \ . ___________________/ \ /X S U P P O R T :....../______/ \____________________________________________:_____/ : :>>>> . . . ___________________ _______ \____ __ \__ \ / ___/ ____ ____________ __________ ___________ \_ /__\ \\_ \/ _/ / _/__/ / / __ \/ __ \ \/ ___ \__ \ _/ ____ _/ /\ \____\___ \ / / \___/ \___/ / / \ __// / /_____/ \__/____/ \_____/ ______/____/___/ /___/ \____/___/\__\/ / /____/ /___/[k] . . . : _______________________________________________:___________________________ \ . ___________________/ \ G O O D B Y E ! :....../______/ \____________________________________________:_____/ : :>>>> . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ / \_____ / \____/ \_____/ \_____/ \______ ____/ \________ \ ___\_/ \ \ _ \_______ \_/ \ \ _ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \_ \ \_ \____ \___ \ \\__/__ /____ /\_______/_______/________/________/________/_________\ [k] \__/ . _______________________________________________:___________________...... .. . \ . \ U P L O A D ! : \____________________________________________:_____............... .. . . ! : . . ..................... : _____. ._____.____. ________________:__[ | ._________._________. ___| ]| | [_ / [_ ___ | l____| __ |\__ __ |/ __ || | | 7 | _/ / | _/ | _/ / |/ _/ / | _/ / || | l ! | 7_( l 7_ | 7_( | 7_( | 7_( ||____| \________| ____/ \________|\________|_________|_________!(____) |____\: .....................................................[k] . . . : _______________________________________________:___________________________ \ . ___________________/ \ D O W N L O A D :....../______/ \____________________________________________:_____/ : :>>>> . . . .................................... _____ : ____ _____ ___| _/_______ ___ ___ __!____ | | _______ ________ ___| _/ / __ l/ __. | |__| | . \| |___/ .__. |\____ |/ __ | | : / | : / | / ! | : | / | : / |/ _ | : / | | :/ l :/ | ' ' | | j l :/ | :/ | :/ | |________!\_______l_________/!____| \________\_______l________|________! ! :____\ [k] : :........( d0 N0T f0RgET t0 UpL0aD L8r! ).. . . : . . . ....: __ _ _ _______________________________________________:_______ /___________...... .. . \ . / \ W E E K T O P ! : /__________ ___ _ \____________________________________________:_____/ / ! /___________ : . . ___ ____ ____ ____ _______ _______ | | _____j |__ ___________________ | |__| l/ ___ \_/ ___ \| l/ /_ __/_/ ____ | ____ l | / l. | : / | : / | ` _/ | ( `| : / | : / / | ' | :(____/| :(____/| \ j l :_( | :_( / |_________/l_______\ !______\ l___j\____\\________|\________| ___/[k] l____j . : . . . ....: __ _ _ _______________________________________________:_______ /___________...... .. . \ . / \ A R T S ! : /__________ ___ _ \____________________________________________:_____/ / ! /___________ : . . ____ _____ __________ ___________j l__ ________ | | \____ _} t ___, | / / ______/__ | | ___/ | | 7_______|_ __(____\______ | | | _/ ___ | | \ | ) || ) | l_____j | :.( l_j \ j |j | _____ l____________|_______) (_________j____________j (_____)[k] . : . . . ....: __ _ _ _______________________________________________:_______ /___________...... .. . \ . / \ B U Y & S E L L : /__________ ___ _ \____________________________________________:_____/ / ! /___________ : . . ......... ..... .... ... . .. . . :__ .____. .____. . | \____ .___.____ .___.____ ______ ________ .________ | | | | . | ._ \ | |\ \ | |\ \\ // ___\| ___ \! | | | : | | \ \ | | \ \| | \ \\ / \_____ T| \______\ | | | . !_!_/ \| l_/ /| l_/ / \/ / / || || |_| |_ : /_________/l________/ l____ / /_________jl________jl_____/l_____/ [k] /____/ . . . .. ... .....: . : . . . ....: __ _ _ _______________________________________________:_______ /___________...... .. . \ . / \ M O D U L E S : /__________ ___ _ \____________________________________________:_____/ / ! /___________ : . . _____ \_ \____ ___________ ________ ______________________ ________ / \ /_(______ \(___ \/ / / / __ \/ ____)_ / \ / \ / / / / / / / (______:______ \ / \__/ \ / / / / / /_ / ) / /_______) \_______/_________/\________/______/________/ _________/[k] \_______\ . . . . . / : ....:___ __ _ __\/______________________:________ ....... .. . __/____________/ : ____/ /_____________________________________:__________________..... .. . / / .(G. .|R. .(O). .lUj. .|P. ./\. .S. .C. .I. .I. /___________________________________________________________________ / : / /___________________________________________:___________________/________. . : /_______________/ . .. ...................: :... .. .. . : : . . . : . . . ....:... . . __ _ _ _______________________________________________:_______ /___________...... .. . \_ . / \ S C R E A M ! : /______ [ FoR ESQUIRE ] \____________________________________________:_____/ / ! / Made around 1994.. : /.................... . . . __________________________________________________________________ ________ \____ ____\__ ___ \__ ____ \___ _____ \__ ____ \__ _\/_ __/ _\_ \ \_ \ /__/ \_ \ _/\__ \_/___/\_ \__ \_ \/ _/ / \______ \_/ /_______/ /\ \_ \ /____/ // / / / /_____________/___________/____/ \____\/________/\____//___/\____/\____/[k] . : . . . ....: __ _ _ ______ _______________________________________________:_______ /__________)) \ . / \ S K I D R O W : /______ [ FoR MIGHTYMUZ ] \____________________________________________:_____/ / ! / Made around 1992.. : /__________________ __ _ . . __________________ / \ \ MightymUz Rullz! / \__ _____________/ \ V OuR ChInEsE fRiEnD sAyS:_____¤_______________________________\ _ /___________ ......................_.......................................\./............ .............._______/ \::_:.__________._______..______..__....%_______.,::_: ............_/ _____/ /\/ \/ /__ \\___ \/ \/· \/\/ _____\ \\ \_ _ _ ......______\____ \/ / / / /__ \ /\__/ / / / / / /\____/.//_/ ......\ \¸_ / . \/ _/ / / / /_ __/ / / / / / /........,. ....../ .) / \ // / \/ / \ \/ / / / / / /........... ......\/\ / / \ / / / / / / / · · / /............ .......\/\ / / / / _/ / / / / ¸_/ /..........:.: :.:.......\___/____/___/__/______//___/ ./_______/\_______/\\/....:.:.:.:.:: .:.:.......\ \ \ \ \ \\ \ /\ \ \ \ /...¸....:.:.::: :::.:.......\__\____\___\__\______\\___\/ \_______\/\______/........:.:. [k] ________________________________________\ /_________________________________ .\_\__ \/ __/_/. \_\\ T H E L E A D I N G F O R C E //_/ \_\_______________________________________________________________/_/ . : . . . ....: __ _ _ ______ _______________________________________________:_______ /__________)) \ . / \ C L I Q U E : /__ [ FoR mY BrOS iN \____________________________________________:_____/ / ! / Da ReAl CLIQUE! ] : /__________________ __ _ ........... : . . . ___________________. ___________________ ______:___ ____________ __ \ __________7| | l_ |\ ______ \ | _]! ( \_________ / __ \/ _7 (________ __| | _____ | |_7 (__ ___) \| _/ : \ ______ // \/ ( ////j j \ \| |( \\ /j `--' \ \ __/______ \ /7 \__) ) l_\ \\_ /7 )/ \_/ 7 \_________/ l_____l_____/l____j \______\7 / l___________/ 7__________j |/ [k] ` : . .. . . . . : . . . ....: __ _ _ ______ _______________________________________________:_______ /__________)) \ . / \ C L I Q U E : /__ gUEST arTisT tBM \____________________________________________:_____/ / ! / : /__________________ __ _ ........... : . . - - -- ----- -------+ : . __________ _ _____: ____ ___________ ____ ____ __________ . / _____/ \ | | |/ ____ \/ / | |[ ______] \ \_______/ l______| |\ \___\ /\ \__j || ___]___ . \__________/l___________/l____| \____j/___/ \_________jl__________/[k] : : br!ng you soon: : +---- -- - ------ ----- ----- - -. : _________ _ _______ _ ________ _ _________ _ _______ _ ______ _ ___ : : __/ ___ \_ _ \_ ___ \_ __ ___/ ______/______ \_ /___: :/ ________/__/ / ________/ \ \_ / \_ ___/ / / \_ / _/ / / / _/ / / / / / / / _/tbM / /_____________/ /______/__________/___/______/__/______/_________/_________/ : : : : . . . . .... __ _ _ ______ _______________________________________________:_______ /__________)) \ . / \ R E B E L S : /__ [ FoR aLL ReBeL DudEs! ] \____________________________________________:_____/ / ! / : /__________________ __ _ . . ________________ _____________ _________ 7__ /________\_ /_______\_ /_______/\ |~ _____ /~ __ 7/ ____ /~ __ ~7 /~ / | \: ___/ \: _| \..:__/ . \: _| 7 ___\ 7__ | \ \ \_____/____ \ ~\ \____/\~ | ~\| \ | 7 \ \~/ ___ \ \ |\.___ ` \ | | \__ \ : / \ \ : \___ / | | / \ / / . / / | |______/_______/___________/________/________/_______/ |______j:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\___7:[k]. . .:.:.:..::.:.:::.::..::.:.:::..... .. . . :::... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . : . . . ... . . . . . .. ... . . .. _____________________________________________________________________________ .\_\__ __/_/. \_\\ We MaKe aLL DaYs PaRtY DaYs! //_/ \_\_______________________________________________________________/_/ . : . . . ....: __ _ _ ______ _______________________________________________:_______ /__________)) \ . / \ H O O D L U M : /__ [ FoR AUTOPSY&COLONEL ] \____________________________________________:_____/ / ! / : /__________________ __ _ . __________________________________________________ \_ __________________________________________ _/ \ / / \ / / _______ _______\ _____________ / / | | | 7 ________ _______ ____j l _l_________ _______________ _j l _j |/ ___ \/ ___ \/ ____ 7 | | 7/ _l | \\ . \ : : \ : : \ : | | ! | . | l _\\_ : \: : \: : \: | | : | : : | 7 | | l ` .. ` / ` l l_ l_ | | | j l_ l______\_______/~\_______/\_________l______l_________l____|__| l_ /_______7 7______l \ / / \ / / \ / / \ / / \ / / \ / / \ / / \___________/ [k] . : . : . . . ....: __ _ _ ______ _______________________________________________:_______ /__________)) \ . / \ S C O O P E X : /__ [ FoR SKULLFUCKER, \____________________________________________:_____/ / CHRIS&AnTIBYTE! ] ! / : /__________________ __ _ / . _________/\_/_ . / /_________ ________ _________________ ______________ :_____ / _______ 7~ ____// ___ \/ ___ \ ___ \/ ____. ~7 \ /: _/ _\_____ \|\ ._/....\. \ : : \ : : \ : : \ : |\_. \/ : _/ / ~ ../ ` \_ \ \: : \: : \; : ~~~7/_./ : \ [k] / / /. ` .. ` / ` /\ ` |. /\ : \_ ~7 _____________/_______/~\______/~~\______/j ____/ \__________:__/ \:____/ | / ~ /_____\ : |/ : . .. . .. ....................:.. . . : . . . . . ....: __ _ _ _______________________________________________:_______ /___________...... .. . \ . / \ B R O N X : /_______ [ FoR BLOODY ] \____________________________________________:_____/ / ! 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SORARIM SIZLEREEE! EHEHE! BLOODY/CLIQUE: MY GREAT COSMIC BRO. YOU REALLY RULE! LAST PROHET.. DETAIL/CLIQUE: MY GREAT FRIEND. WILDCAT C00l BACI. REMIX/CLIQUE : PZ RULEZ. :) BIRA RULZ! CLIQUE RULZ! PRODUCTIVITY SUCKS! :) COOL SHOT/CLIQUE: BABA! YOU ARE A GREAT SAYSOP! KADEM: SENDEN DAHA IYI GRAFIKER VE CODER VAR MI SU MEMLEKETTE? BURUN GURDLARINI LAMERLER YESIN. THE LEPPER MESSIAH: MALi $UBE SUXX! ESQUIRE/ARMY: BOKA SELAM VERDITTILER Mi? DAGLARA GEL DAGLARA hehe! PLASTIKMAN/TRIBE: REGARDS PAL. GAZ VERIYIM MI? EHHEHE FUCKERMAN TA$AKLARIMIZI YALASIN! ALL REBEL DUDES: IT WAS GREAT FUN WITH YOU SINCE 1991! SWOOP/REBELS: PARTY ON DUDE! CONTROL/TRSI: I GOT YOUR E-MAIL MY OLD FRIEND! LETTERS WILL FOLLOW! ZULU/ESSENCE: HELLO MY FRIEND! GREETINGS TO GREY! BIRD/REBELS: HOPE TO CHAT WITH YOU NEXT TIME. ( WHY YOU LOST CARRIER SO mUCH?) JUDGE/REBELS: C64 ruleZ! HOW'S F4CG ON SNES? REGARDS! COUNT ZERO/TALENT: BEST REGARDS. SORRY I COULDN'T KEEP MY PROMISE. COZ I LOST MY INET ACCOUNT. DJ PHANTOM (META)/BASS RECORDS: RAVE ON MY BRO!. MOGUE : THANKS FOR THE ANSI. MATRIX/NGC: DID YOU LIKE JAPANESE GIRL? HYDE/COMPLEX: ARE YOU STILL ALIVE? PRIME/CNCD: HELLO! ARTIFEX/COMPLEX: REGARDS OLD MATE. SATURN&PRIME/RAZOR 1911: HELLO FRIENDS. FAIRFAX/ANDROMEDA: HOPE YOU DONT SUFFER MUCH AT THE ARMY. COLONEL/HOODLUM: SEE YOU ON IRC! DESTOP/CNCD: HOPE TOO SEE S. STARDUST ON PC SOON. LOGIC/MOTION: IT WAS GREAT TO SEE YOU MY FRIEND. SEE YOU IN INTERCHANGE. OXIDE/SONIK: ODAMAN RULZ. JAPANESE AMIGA FREAK IS SOMETHING LIKE SEX ON THE BEACh. EYEQ/SONIK: HELLO MY FRIEND. IT'S VERY NICE TO CHAT WITH YOU ERACORE/REBELS: PLEASE WRITE ME. IRC IS SLOW.. RED DEVIL/DCS: GOOD LUCK AT MICROPROSE PAL. MEEGOSH/MOVEMENT: HELLO MY FRIEND! ZAKKA/MELTDOWN: RAVE SUXX! REGARDS FROM BLOODY! IZZY: NEVERMIND.. STEREO VISION SUXX.. :) PINK/ABYSS: SORRY FOR DELAY. REEBOK/S!P: HELLO.. :) ALSO These guys on irc: Omnibuz/Rebels PC, Fotze/Damones, Allah/Parallax Phase-e, ShenLong, Vention, Bjorn Lynne, Playboy/F4CG, Antibyte/Scoopex. TO ALL: NEW AUSTRALIAN TRADE GROUP CALLED "CLIQUE" HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH US.. WE ARE THE REAL "CLIQUE" COMING FROM C=64 SCENE AND WE ARE ACTIVE SINCE 5 YEARS! OUR OLD PRODUCTIONS ARE ON MANY FTP SITES WORLDWIDE. C=64 DUDES WILL SURELY REMEMBER OUR DISKMAG CALLED "SCRIPT" WHICH WAS #1 IN ALL CHARTS AROUND 1992 AND 1993. 14 ISSUES OF SCRIPT AND MANY DEMOS ARE AVAILABLE.. SO.. OTHER AUSTRALIAN "CLIQUE" CHANGE YOUR NAME PLEASE.. /*/ /*\ \*\ BTW: I'M DESPERATELY LOOKING FOR MY MATES FROM OLD MAIL SWAPPING DAYS. I WAS KNOWN AS KRIS/REBELS and USED TO BE GRAPHICIAN AND MAIN EDITOR AT ETERNAL. SEE YOU ON #CLIQUE IF YOU ARE A IRC FREAK. CALL CHRONIQUE [CLIQUE WHQ] AT: +90 216 310 2150 also try: kris@young.bbs.tr and carbon copy to kris@freak.ege.edu.tr or send me a postcard via (letter will return you asap): p.k. 60 mecidiyekoy istanbul turkey [*] Thanks these masters for their music support [*] JCH/VIBRANTS (GOD OF CHIP TUNES) LAXITY/VIBRANTS (thanks for sidmods! hope you read this one:)) DRAX/VIBRANTS Bjorn A Lynne (Dreamstate was great!) 20CC MANTRONIX&TIP STATIC/REBELS HEATBEAT 4MAT MOBY WALKMAN LIZARDKING Rob Hubbard Martin Galway Charles Deenen Jeroen Tel also.. HUR FM 92.5 Iron Maiden Rainbow Okay Temiz Led Zeppelin Jimi Hendrix Vangelis Muslum Gurses Jean Michel Jarre Orhan Baba [EOF] [BONUS] VOTESHEET OF ETERNAL III: ____________________.____________/\_.___________________._______ _\________/__ _____)____________ )______ \________ \ _/ / ____/_/ | ______/ . \ \| \ ___ \ |______ \ \| \__ | \| \__ | \_ | \__ | \_ | \ \_____ /____|_____ /___|_____/___| /__|______/___ / z!\_____/O \_____/O |_____/O \_____/ You cannot vote for yourself and your group. Best Coder 1 2 3 4 5 Best Graphician 1 2 3 4 5 Best Musician 1 2 3 4 5 Best Demo 1 2 3 4 5 Best 40k intro 1 2 3 4 5 Best Diskmag 1 2 3 4 5 Best Musicdisk 1 2 3 4 5 Best Multifile demo (example: love/flt or switchback/rbs) 1 2 3 4 5 . this file has been frozen inside . . : ____ _|_ __ : : \/ \ / \/, : : ______ ______ ______ ____ _____ ______ ______ ______: __) _ (____) __ (____) _ (__) (__ __) /_____) ___( __) _ (__) _ (__ / / _ ( _ __ __/_/ _ / _ __(__/ __ / / \___/ /\____ /\___/ \____ ( \___/ /\____ _____/ \___/ / : )___/gdm-)____/ /____/ )______/ /____/ )____/lkr/____/ )___/: : _ _ : : - - -)_)- P · A · L · A · C · E -(_(- - - : : : `----------------.- t.h.e.n.o.r.t.h.e.r.n.p.a.l.a.c.e -.-----------------' _::_ 3nds ringdown loaded with amiga/ascii/console/psx/mac _::_ \/ 4040 26mb 5.3gb cd-rom 2/33.6ds 1/28.8ds 3/telnet \/ motion · royal · traders dream · trsi recordz · dreamchart · hoodlum dkhq style · lsd · data division ehq · polka bros. · puzzle world headquarter! save our souls hq · looker house ehq · royal mac schq · oldskool hq kefrens whq · artwork ehq · rebels whq . - - board dedushka-morozes - - . : : zinko · playmate · sisko · bilbo baggins/m! · neil/flt · recall/cls^qtx ufok/cqt^mst^lsd^psg^crx · fury/psg/m! · black panther/psg : : . -^- - -santa +45-58aSKyARSELF- - -^- . . . . . _____: . O o O _____|_____. _____ .) |____o [ t . H . E - y . A . R . d ]_o . _| / .|_____/_ /_ : _ | : \ / |/ / _// \ . ahs . bgirl . arcade . srz . tac . | |____/|____/ /__________\ . lp! . soia . pnk . omen . mce . pph . | /______/ _ _: _____ ______ __________ ________: \\\. / /__________\_ /_/ _ // ._ /. consoles.amiga.graffiti ! / /| / _ \ / / |/ | ascii.hiphop.mp3.ibm/pc |/_____ /____\_______\___\________________| classics.drugs.linux/dd :_ t^/____/ _. zANEr/diPSWiTCH/hAsH/cRAZY | (_____________)| ___________ _______ _ ______: one of the finest in +49 _ _ ___) (_) : #1 33k6. #2 28k8. #3 64k isdn #4 64k isdn #5 telnet #6 telnet #7 telnet #8 telnet