___(\·----------------------- ---- --- -- - - - \) IN A WORLD OF DREAMS - IN A WORLD OF PASSION THIS FILE DECIDED TO PASS ONE OF THE LAST AND REAL BULLETIN BOARD SYSTEMS IN CENTRAL EUROPE THE ONLY WAY TO SURVIVE - FAITH! (\ ___ - - --- --- ------- ----------------------·\) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FACTiON WHQ · FLT uKHQ · TRSi uKHQ . RYL uKHQ . LFC uKHQ X! uKHQ · DC uKHQ · SOS uKHQ · LP! uKHQ · Rj uKHQ · FAiTH uKHQ . Lkr UKHQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ğ 01:38:14 ğ Ğ 09-18-1998 ğ Ğ 03 ğ _.._ .--'` .-,) .' / , / / /\ ; ; FREE LEECH OF GROUP TiTLES | `.__..__ | | | `''-\ ; OF FiNE LiNE BBS iN dA uK! \ ` \ '. `. '--.,__ __..-'-. '. ``` `. '. FiNE LiNE BBS `. `\ _.._ \ `\ LiVE FROM UK! _.' '-._ .__ | `\ .'/ .-' `\ | \ .' : .-. | / \ _ / \ /_ | /_..-`-. ; / '. | . ) .-')_/` \.'` \ | KEEP FILE_ID's CLEAN ; \ /_.' .'_.' .-. .-./ .--._/ ; | _ '-'` ` / /o )(o ( ( __ / ; ( ' /// _) |'. `'` `'-; \ ` _ //// ,__ / `, _) '. ' ( `--.__.\ '. `` / .-' '. ' .-) /-.__.'`-. ( . / \ ' __.' / / \ '---' | `-.'-=\.' / _._\ \ / '===/ /`'._.' _\_ \-.__.-' `| /`-...--''' | \__/`-._ __.-'` `` ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FACTiON WHQ · FLT uKHQ · TRSi uKHQ . RYL uKHQ . LFC uKHQ X! uKHQ · DC uKHQ · SOS uKHQ · LP! uKHQ · Rj uKHQ · FAiTH uKHQ . Lkr UKHQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- .__........__.........__........_....___...._...._...___..._....___....____. | :::: ::: :::: :::: :::: :::::.::::: :::: :::: :::: :::::.::::: | | :::: ::: :::: :::: :::: :::: : :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: : :::: | | .::::.::: ::::..:::. ::::.. :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: | |___::::_____::::__::::_::::_____::::___::::_::::_::::_::::_::::___:::O____| |XXX::::XXXXX::::XX::::X::::XXXXX::::XXX::::X::::X::::X::::X::::XXX:::VXXXX| |~~~::::~~~~~::::~~::::~::::.... ::::~~~::::~::::~::::.::::~::::~~~:::L~~~~| | | | Node 0: Local | | Node 1: +46-(0)243-876-BUSTED MICROCOM 33k6 | | Node 2: +46-(0)243-876 45 USR Courier 56k0 | | Node 3: TELNET NODE MICROCOM 19k2 | | Node 4: TELNET NODE MICROCOM 19k2 | | | | Sysop: DiXY/UP ROUGH CoSysop: YOU? | |__________________________________________________________________________| #------------------------------------------------------------------------# | | | _ Uploader: Lunix Date: 09-17-98 | | ____/:\____ Location: · lTX · cP! · wPZ · Time: 22:00:21 | | /. .-. .\ | | / \ |^| / \ | | \_=--==*==--=_/ [-/-> ..D A T A S T O R M.. <-\-] | | | \_______/ | | | | <__/ \__> | [-/-> +46 (0)XXX-XXXXX <-\-] | | | .^.| | | | <\ ___: /> [-/-> +46 (0)XXX-XXXXX <-\-] | | || XXX || | | ___/\_____/\__ [-/-> IP : 1XX.XXX.XXX.XXX <-\-] | | -=_/\./\_=- | | · SCUMBAGS SHQ · BROKEN EHQ · ALPHA FLIGHT EHQ · | #------------------------------------------------------------------------# ------------------------------------------------------------------------sof- ._ _. )(\ /)( `. ^ .' ! Ħ ! ! · · : - -|- - .-- `---------------------. | | lunix : · of / · latex · crosspoint · whelpz · highlight presents · / [ n o . x . i t ] · : a latex release | | `---------------------. --' - -|- - : · · __ ... ____ ____ __ __ __·L / /_ ... : : _/ __ \_ _/ __ \_ _/ | \_ _\´_ _/ __/__ : : .: : · |___|) |__ (' __| _ >___, < _ |____| `) | · : :. :.: ŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻ /_) ŻŻŻŻŻ /_) ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ :.: ------- · ° . - i n t r o - .° · ------- 98.09.17 Hi, luNix is back, with a new asciicollie. I have change my style a little, and i like it more than ever... ;) The logos in this collie are for the SysOp Yellow Water on Last Legend BBS, some are requested, and some not. Don't have any more to say this time, but READ THIS TIPS FIRST! > Topaz-Ascii-collie Makers: Try to not make your logos longer then 76 lines, it's more elite if the shit is (more?) readable, and not broken, trust me. > Our beloved sysops: Please add one or (two) bbs-adds to the archives that leave your boards, not a ton of them... What's the meaning of 10 copys of the same file when i allready have read one? > Elite(?) Crackers: When a file is cracked, why not add the files that belongs to the program, like neaded libs and that kind of stuff? > the other amiga sceners: Thanks!!! thats all, hope you understand. --- · ° . - t h e b o a r d l o g o s - .° · --- last legend --. amiga | confs | bulletins | amiga warez l_ yellow water wanted | ami express | aga games | psx --' --------------------------------------------------------------------------- o 1 . last legend > yellow water __ --------------------------------------------------------------------·°.-\/- -+- -+- · · __ Ħ last legend Ħ __ / / _!__ ____ | / /_ _/ |__\__ \_ _/ __/__·_/ __/__ |____| ('___|-----___|___`) | __ ŻŻŻTŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ . ŻŻŻŻŻ __ / / ____ _!__ ____ ! ____ ·L _\ \ _/ |_/ __ \_ _/ __ \_ _/ __ \_·_/ __ \_ _/ __ \_ |____|___`)---|___('___|___`)---|___|) | ('___| ŻŻŻŻŻ'-----' ŻŻŻŻŻ. ŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ ! bbs ! · · -+- -+- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- o 2 . a m i g a > y e l l o w w a t e r __ --------------------------------------------------------------------·°.-\/- · |-- - - --|-----------------/>-- - ____ __ __ __ ____ ·L ____ __\__ \_ _/_ Y _\_ _\´_ _/ __ \_ __\__ \_ | ('___|___\_/' |____|___('___| ('___| ŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻ '-----' ŻŻŻŻŻ - --<\-----------------|-- - - --| · --------------------------------------------------------------------------- o 3 . c o n f s > y e l l o w w a t e r __ --------------------------------------------------------------------·°.-\/- __ _ __. Ħ__\´__________________________Ħ .__ _ \ ` ! | \/ | ! 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ŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻ '-----' ŻŻŻŻŻ !_ \\\\ __ __ ____ ____ ____ ·L ____ //// Y _\ \--| /_ __\__ \_ _/ _/_/ __ \_ __\__ \_ Y `- |___( |___| ('___|____||___`)---|___-----| -' ŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- o 6 . w a n t e d > y e l l o w w a t e r __ --------------------------------------------------------------------·°.-\/- .............. ... .. . ° __ __ __ __ ____ ____ / /_ ____ ·L _\ \ _\ \--| /_ __\__ \_ _/ __ \_ _/ __/__ _/ __ \_ _/ __ \_ |___( |___| ('___|___|) |___`) |___`)---| ('___| ŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ ° . .. ... ............... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- o 7 . a m i e x p r e s s > y e l l o w w a t e r __ --------------------------------------------------------------------·°.-\/- ____ __ __ __ __\__ \_ _/_ Y _\_ _\´_ Ħ--------------------- | ('___|___\_/' |____| --------------------Ħ | ŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻ | | ____ __ __ ____ ____ ____ ____ ·L ____ | | _/ __ \_ _/ | \_ _/ __ \_ _/ _/_/ __ \_ _/ __/__ _/ __/__ | !-- |___`)---|>___, <| `) |____||___`)---|-----___|-----___| --! ŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ`---`ŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- o 8 . a g a g a m e s > y e l l o w w a t e r __ --------------------------------------------------------------------·°.-\/- ____ ____ ____ __\__ \_ _/ __ \_ __\__ \_ ........... | ('___|___('___| ('___| ............ : ŻŻŻŻŻ '-----' ŻŻŻŻŻ : _\ /_ : ____ ____ __ __ ____ ·L ____ : : _/ __ \_ __\__ \_ _/_ Y _\_ _/ __ \_ _/ __/__ : :. |___('___| ('___|___\_/' |___`)---|-----___| .: '-----' ŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- o 9 . p l a y s t a t i o n > y e l l o w w a t e r __ --------------------------------------------------------------------·°.-\/- : : | S O N Y | ____! ____ !_ __ _/ __ \_ _/ __/__ _/ | \_ | `) |-----___|>___, < `---`ŻŻTŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ | ŻŻŻŻ | P O W E R | : : --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 o . f i l e _ i d d i z __ --------------------------------------------------------------------·°.-\/- @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ __ __ / / / /_ ·L __ __ _/ |_/ __/__ _/ | \_ ---------|____|___`) |>___, <--------- ŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻ LATEX PRESENTS A NEW ASCIICOLLIE by: LUNIX^LTX·WPZ·CP!·HL called: [ n o . x . i t ] ------------------------------------------ @END_FILE_ID.DIZ .......................................................................... : .... : :...................................................:..:.................: ... : : ................ :.: : : : : .......... :.:: ... : ...... : ..... ...... : : ...... :.: :..:....:.....:: : : :....: : : : : : : ... :..:: :.......:: : ..:... : : :.: .................... :..:.: : : : ...:..................:...... : : ... :...:: ....... : : : : :...:: : : : ...:..:..:......... : ..:... ... :.: : : : : : : : : : : :.: .......... :..:.:: : : : : : : : ..... :........: : : :........:........:: ..:.:..:... : : ..... :.....:...........: : : : : : :..:: : : : ..... : : : : : : : ..:......... : : :.:.:..:..: : : : :........:....:...:.......:.: : ....... :..:: : : : : : : :.....: : : : : :...:: ..... :.........:: : : ... : : :..:: : : :..:: ... :.: :.: - look, a stupid fillout! -------------------- ego ------------------- here today here tomorrow what's the flavour can i borrow? beg or steal what's the deal? beats for the money he's not real bite the bullet * see the man * feed his ego no more time you feel the rhyme afraid to speak the flavours weak who stole by the hand who stole by the hand life is cheap no time to speak ride the wave no sync to slave like grains of sand we're blown away a darkening sky we fade away feeling sorrow dont mean a thing fame and fortune are everything ----------------------- frontline assembly - --- · ° . - h e l l o s to : - .° · --- lacoste · gfxtwins · wizler · fenriz · starhawk · case zoltrix · acidburn · schindler · ghandy · cyclone ltx-crew· hl-crew · wpz-crew · cp!-crew · the rest... ------------------------------------------------------------------------eof- . ( - data storm / come and meet the bad guys - ) . ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ______ .___\__\__/ _ /__(_ _/_/ _ /_. ._/ _/___(_ _/_/ _ /___\_ /____\ /_. | / \ (_ \ \ (_ | · | \___ \ \ ( | _/ \ \/ | |_____ /\__/__|\____|\__/__| |____/ /\____|\_____|__\____/\__/ | -:---/___/gdm^lkr---------------------/___/------------------------/_____|- : : :_alpha flight ehq · scumbags shq · broken ehq · section8 & hotline shq_: /_ ___ ___ _\ -:-(_( /---------------------------------------------------------\ )_)-:- Miffo Telia...! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FACTiON WHQ · FLT uKHQ · TRSi uKHQ . RYL uKHQ . LFC uKHQ X! uKHQ · DC uKHQ · SOS uKHQ · LP! uKHQ · Rj uKHQ · FAiTH uKHQ . Lkr UKHQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ğ 01:38:14 ğ Ğ 09-18-1998 ğ Ğ 03 ğ UPLOADS ARE ALMOST AS GOOD AS SEX {((((((} {))))))))) KEEP THE FiLE DESCRiPTiONS CLEAN ! ((((( _ _)) )))))) e (e(( FiNE LiNE BBS iN tHE UK dOES! (((((( >))) _)))))) ()/( .-' (((((.--' ))) FREE LEECH ON ALL GROUP .-'''''-._ _.-' :: ((((( RELEASES AT FiNE LiNE ! .` '-. .-' _.-'' :::))))))) : ':-: _.-' :' .:::(((((( U KNOW iT mAKES sENSE! : .: .:: : : ::::))))))) :. ..:: .:: : ' ::::(((((( :. (::: .:::: : : o ::))))))) _.-. :. \/ :-'-'-'-'`'-.-'`:: :(((((( __.-' _\ _ :. \ / ))):. :)))))) ( .-' ;;'-.-''' '':. : (((((:. :(((( ```'-..-.;._ _.-''-.\ : ))))):. )))) __.-' _\_.`' \ : (((((((:. '((( ( _.-' ;; : :. '---.__ `'''-....;;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,___: \:..b====' ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FACTiON WHQ · FLT uKHQ · TRSi uKHQ . RYL uKHQ . LFC uKHQ X! uKHQ · DC uKHQ · SOS uKHQ · LP! uKHQ · Rj uKHQ · FAiTH uKHQ . Lkr UKHQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- / \ ·/(_____ sPEEEEEEEED aND fRIENDS ONlY! _____)\· / \ fILE pASSED tHE L.E.BBS \ _____ _____ / ·\( sPEEEEEEEED aND fRIENDS ONlY! )/· \ /