@BEGIN FILE.ID.DIZ ___âµm*P°"¯ãL µm*P°"¯ # #_ deez åL ¬6 nuts! # ::: ::: ::::::. ::: .::. .::::::: ::: :::::::: ::: ::: .::::::: :::· ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ·::::::: ·::::::: ::: ::: ¬Î # # presents åL ¬Î __j# # ___âµm*P°"¯ ¬6m*P°"¯ second ascii collection by Twister called ParaNormal Activity @END FILE.ID.DIZ    _________ ___ _____ ______ ______ ____________ .\ _/_\ | /_\__ /_\ ,__/_\ _/_\__ /_\ / | ___/¯ /¯\ ¯\_ ¯\____ ¯\_ ___/ /_/¯\_ __ ¯\_ | \ / / / / \ / _/ / |__________|___/_____/______/_____________/__/___/ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::twr    of   » Garbage and Veezya «     starring in... ___âµm*P°"¯ãL µm*P°"¯ # #_ åL µm*°"¯å ¬6 # # åL ¬6 ______ ______ ______ ______ __ ___ ______ ______ __ ___ ______ ______ .\___ /_\ /_\ /_\ /_\ \ /_\ /_\ /_\ \ /_\ /_\ / | / ¯\_ ¯\_ __ ¯\_ ¯\_ \ ¯\_ ¯\_ __ ¯\_ ¯\_ ¯\_ _/¯\_ | / / _\ / _/ / _\ / \ / ¹ / _/ / \/ / _\ / \ / | /____/__/___/__/___/__/___/___\__/______/__/___/__/___/__/___/______/ |____| ______ ______ ______ _____ ___ __ _____ ______ ______ .\ /_\ /_\ _/_\__ /_\ | /_\__ /_\ _/_\ / | ¯\_ \_/¯\_ ___/ ¯\_ | ¯\_ ¯\_ ___/ /¯¯\_ | _\ / \ / \ / ¯ / / \ ___ / |__/___/______/____________/______/_____/______ _\ \ / twr\__/ # ¬Î # åL # åL j# ¬Î __j# _âµm*P°"¯ # ___âµm*P°"¯ ¬6m*P°"¯ ___ ___ _ __ . /__ __ |. __ __ \ / \_ /_\\ | | \_//_/_||/_/_\_//_/_ /_ . Trying to contact with other civilizations we sending informations about Earth and very expensive expeditions to nearest planets Is there any life? Is that possible we live alone in huge universe? -|----- colly dedicated to -------|- | | | Estrogen/Garbage+Deck Six! | | | -|--- really cool scene friend ---|- _/\_ __ ___ ____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _/\_ ___ __ .\ // \__/ (__\__ \__ / _ \\___ \__\_ \_/ // (__\ /_ / _ \_/ \___ | \ \_ __/ |/ _| / \ \ |/ \ _/ . __/ __/ / \ \ \ \_ | `-------\___\\`---|__\--\_____/-|___/-----|__\`---\\`-------\_____/---\ | .----------- \· ---------------------------------- \· -----------------\--' | .introduction! ÷®ev¿/l124÷ · `----------------------------------------------------------------------- - in polish only... sorry... Witam wszytkich w mojej drugiej kolekcji, która niestety bardzo dîugo nie mogîa sië ukazaê. Nie bëdë tu sië tîumaczyî dlaczego itd. bliscy scenowi qmple wiedzâ o co chodzi, a reszta... a co mnie to obchodzi ;). Kolekcja bardzo dîugo oczekiwaîa na swojâ premierë, ale jednak wyszîa, bo przecieû macie jâ teraz przed oczami... sama kolly nie jest jakoô specjalnie wystrzaîowa, moûna nawet powiedzieê a raczej napisaê, ûe jest robiona na odpier... i niestety jest to prawdâ :( Trochë zîoûyîo sië na to parë czynników, których nie bëdë przedstawiaî, bo dotyczy to równieû paru osób, które nad wyraz chëtnie chciaîy mi "pomóc". Poza tym ascii mnie trochë zaczëîo nudziê, i przede wszystkim poziom paru nowych ascii-grup zwîaszcza chodzi mi tu o Kore. jest tak wysoki, ûe jeôli naprawdë troszkë sië nie postaram to nie widzë sensu dalszego robienia ascii... Mogë was zapewniê, ûe pomysîów na kolekcje jeszcze mi starczy, i ûe ze swojej strony bëdë staraî sië dalej to ciâgnâê. Niedîugo wydam trzeciâ kolekcjë i to w duûo lepszym stylu niû obecny , postaram sië równieû, ûeby moja kolekcja wreszcie tëtniîa porzâdnym designem i pomysîem... w tej chwili pracujë nad paroma stylami, które bëdâ wykorzystane w bliskiej przyszîoôci. Jeszcze moûe parë sîów odnoônie grupy Deez Nuts pod której labelem jest wydana ta kolekcja... wiem, ûe moja kolekcja nie jest najlepszâ reklamâ tej grupy, ale jeôli mimo tego ktoô kto to teraz czyta ten text i troszq robi w ascii oraz ma jakiô swój wîaôny wyrobiony styl (najlepiej dosyê oryginalny, zaskakujâcy lub egzotyczny ;) to z powodzeniem moûe wstâpiê do naszej grupy. W razie czego piszcie do mnie czyli do Twistera a ja ustalë szczegóîy z Cnr-em... Nie pozostaje mi nic innego jak ûyczyê wam przyjemnego oglâdania a jeôli juû przejrzaîeô kolekcjë i masz zmartwionâ minë, bo nie znalazîeô tu logoska dla siebie, to po prostu napisz do mnie, lub postaraj sië zîapaê mnie na jakimô party - robië ascii za totalnâ darmochë to chyba oczywiste, sama satysfakcja z tego ûe ktoô wykorzysta mój logos jest wystarczajâca... t w i s t e r / g a r b a g e + v e e z y a i n 1 9 9 8 f r o m j u i c y p l a n e t e a r t h _____ ________ ___ ______ | _ \ _____\ ___/____/ _ \_________\_ | | \ \/_ ---' \ \_ _/ | `-----\_/---------------------\ | [®ev¿/l124] \\ · ..... ::: o1. Agravedict - Cnr/Agravedict+DzN ::: o2. Amifan - Amifan/Terror13 ::: o3. AnarchistMagazine - Swonyo/CGST ::: o4. Anxiety - Ash/Anxiety ::: o5. Ash - Ash/Anxiety ::: o6. B0b - Estrogen/Garbage+DC6 ::: o7. Baderman - Swonyo/CGST ::: o8. Cameleon - Pyromaniac/CGST+ML ::: o9. Cgst.diz - Swonyo/CGST ::: 1o. Clever - Rabi/Taski :::............................................ ::: 11. Credits - All ::: 12. Deck6 - Estrogen/Garbage+DC6 ::: 13. DedFisz - Swonyo/Coolgangst ::: 14. Dekruz - Swonyo/Coolgangst ::: 15. Delphin - Delphin/Dreamland ::: 16. Dreamland - Delphin/Dreamland ::: 17. Digger - Digger/Iris ::: 18. Drinkers - Rabi/Taski ::: 19. DrSzach - Swonyo/Coolgangst ::: 2o. Dziuba - Pyromaniac/CGST+ML ::: ............................................::: ::: ::: 21. ESFS - Swonyo/Coolgangst ::: 22. Estrogen - Estrogen/Garbage+DC6 ::: 23. Garbage - Estrogen/Garbage+DC6 ::: 24. Gordon - Rabi/Taski ::: 25. Guma - Swonyo/Coolgangst ::: 26. Laku - Laku/Independent ::: 27. Math - Swonyo/Coolgangst ::: 28. Messages - All ::: 29. MissinLink - Pyromaniac/CGST+ML ::: 3o. MrCode - Pyromaniac/CGST+ML ::: 31. Otton - Rabi/Taski ::: 32. Potion - Swonyo/Coolgangst ::: 33. Pyromaniac - Pyromaniac/CGST+ML :::............................................ ::: 34. Rabi - Rabi/Taski ::: 35. Rodman - Rodman/Independent ::: 36. Roger - Swonyo/Coolgangst ::: 37. Rypciu - Swonyo/Coolgangst ::: 38. RainbowDesign - Ash/Anxiety ::: 39. StrightLines - Cnr/Agravedict+DzN ::: 4o. Scooba - Swonyo/CGST ::: 41. Sensei - Swonyo/CGST ::: 42. Siara - Swonyo/CGSt ::: ............................................::: ::: ::: 43. Sobol - Sobol/Independent ::: 44. State - Rabi/Taski ::: 45. Szczotek - Swonyo/CGST ::: 46. Taski - Rabi/Taski ::: 47. Terror13 - Amifan/Terror13 ::: 48. TheEnd - All ::: 49. Thorin - Rabi/Taski ::: 5o. Tomeq - Cnr/Avd+Deez Nuts! ::: 51. X-Tortion - Swonyo/CGST ::: 52. Yeahback - Swonyo/CGST :::.. _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : agravedict \ l o g o : o1 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________| _|_____________|_ | | ______ ______|______ ______|______ ______ .\ /_\ /_\ /_\ /_\ | /_\__ / | ¯\_ _/¯\_ __ ¯\_ ¯\_ | ¯\_ /_/¯\_ | _\ / \_ / _/ / _\ / ¯ / / |__/___/______/__/___/__/___/______/______/ a g r a v e d i c t ______ _____ ______ ______ .\__ /_\__ /_\ /_\ _/_ | / ¯\_ ¯\_ \_/¯\_ ___/ | / / \ / \ |______/_____/______/______\ | |twr! _|_____________|_ | | _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : amifan \ l o g o : o2 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________|     amifan/terror13!  ______ __ ___ _____ ______ ______ __ ___ .\ /_\ \ /_\__ /_\ __/_\ /_\ \ / | ¯\_ ¯\_ ¯\_ ____/ ¯\_ \ ¯\_ | _\.:/ \/ .:/ .:/ /.: _\.:/ \ .:/ |__/___/__/___/_____/_________/___/___\__/ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::twr!    _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : anarchist magazine \ l o g o : o3 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________|    ______ __ ___ ______ ______ ______ _____ _____ ______ ______ .\ /_\ \ /_\ /_\ /_\ /_\ / _\__ /_\ ,__/_\ _/_ | ¯\_ \ ¯\_ ¯\_ __ ¯\_ \_/¯\_ /¯¯\_ ¯\____ ¯\_ ___/ | _\ / \ / _\ / _/ / \ / _ / / / / \ |__/___/___\__/__/___/__/___/______/___/__/_____/______/______\ a n a r c h i s t - m a g a z i n e __ ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ __ ___ ______ .\ \ /_\ /_\ /_\ /_\__, /_\__ /_\ \ /_\__ / | ¯\_ ¯\_ _/¯\_ ¯\_ ___\_ ¯\_ \ ¯\_ /_/¯\_ | \/ / _\ / \_ / _\ / \ / / \ / / |__/___/__/___/______/__/___/______/_____/___\__/______/twr!    _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : anxiety \ l o g o : o4 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________|   ______ __ ___ _____ ______ ______ ______ .\ /_\ \ / _\__ /_\__ /_\ _/_\ / | ¯\_ \ ¯  ¯\_ /_/¯\_ ___/ /¯¯\_ | _\ / \  / / \ ___ / |__/___/___\__  ____/______/________\ \ / ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::twr!\__/ _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : ash \ l o g o : o5 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________| aSh/aNXIETy+RD! _|___ ______ ______ _____ ____|_ | .\ /_\ ,__/_\ / | | | ¯\_____¯\_ /¯¯\_ | | | _\ / / / _ / | _|___|__/___/______/___/__/___|_ | ::::::::::::::::::twr! | _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : b0b \ l o g o : o6 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________| .............. ::: ...... ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::....::: :::........... ______ ______ ______ : .\__ /_\ /_\__ / :.... | /_ ¯\_ ¯\_ /_ ¯\_ : ....| / / ¹ / / / : : |______/______/______/ : ..:.. ::::::::::::::::::twr! ....: :...: : : ................... : :.....: b0b of garbage! :..: :.................: _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : baderman \ l o g o : o7 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________|     baderman/polpiryna design  ______ ____________ ______ ______ __ _________ __ ___ .\__ /_\ /_\__ /_\__ /_\ /_\ \ /_\ /_\ \ / | /_ ¯\_ ¯\_ / ¯\_ /_/¯\_ __ ¯\_ ¯\_ ¯\_ \ ¯\_ | / / _\ / / / _/ / \/ / _\ / \ / |______/__/___/______/______/__/___/__/___/__/___/___\__/ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::twr!    _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : cameleon \ l o g o : o8 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________|     cAMELEOn/mISSINg lINk!  ______ ________ ___ ______ ______ ____________ __ ___ .\ /_\ /_\ \ /_\__ /_\ /_\__ /_\ /_\ \ / | \_/¯\_ ¯\_ ¯\_ /_/¯\_ _/¯\_ /_/¯\_ ¯\_ \ ¯\_ | \ / _\ / \/ / / \ / / ¹ / \ / |______/__/___/__/___/______/______/______/______/___\__/ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::twr!      _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : cgst.diz \ l o g o : o9 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________| @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ ______ ______ ______ ______ .\ /_\ /_\ ,__/_\ _/_ | \_/¯\_ _/¯\____ ¯\_ ___/ | \ / \_ / / / \ |______/______/______/_______ ____................____ __\ _ ::: ::: _ /__ \/ :::cOOLGANGSt::: \/ ::: ::: ::: :::....::: present :::...... ::: blah, blah, blah ::: ::: ::: ..........................::: ::: ::: release date: ::: ......... :::.................:::twr! @END_OF_FILE_ID.DIZ _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : clever \ l o g o : 1o | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________|    ___________ ______ ___ __ ____________ ./ /_\ /_\__ /_\ | /_\__ /_\ / | \_/¯\_ _/¯\_ /_/¯\_ | ¯\_ /_/¯\_ __ ¯\_ | \ / \ / / ¯ / / _/ / |______/______/______/______/______/__/___/ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::twr    .o¾%¾o. .¾' _¸ `¾. ¾' .¾'¯¬ `¾ ½. `¾¾._ .½ `¾. ¯¯ .¾' `¤¾%¾¤' In 1947 an American pilot saw from his aeroplane nine bright round object in the sky. He called them flying saucers and this is what people have often called such objects since. Their official name is UFO's - Unidentified Flying Objects. Many people belive that UFO's are visiting craft from outer space. .o¾%¾o. .¾' _¸ `¾. ¾' .¾'¯¬ `¾ ½. `¾¾._ .½ `¾. ¯¯ .¾' `¤¾%¾¤' _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : credits \ l o g o : 11 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________| c r e d i t s _____ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ./ /_\ /_\__ /_\__ /_\___ /_\ _/_\ ,__/ | \_/¯\_ __ ¯\_ /_/¯\_ / ¯\_ ¯\_ ___/____ ¯\_ | \ / _/ / / / / \ / / |______/__/___/______/______/______/_____________/ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::twr! _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : deck6 \ l o g o : 12 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________| ________________________ \ / ______ ______ ______ ______ .\__ /_\__ /_\ /_\ / | / ¯\_ /_/¯\_ \_/¯\_ /¯\_ | / / \ / / |______/______/______/___\__/ \ /twr \\ .:::::: // \ ::: / \:::::::./ ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ·::::::· _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : dedfisz \ l o g o : 13 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________| d e d f i s z ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ ______ ______ .\__ /_\__ /_\__ /_\ __/_\__ /_\ ,__/_\__, / | / ¯\_ /_/¯\_ / ¯\_ ____/ ¯\____ ¯\_ ___\_ | / / / / / / / \ / |______/______/______/____________/______/______/ _____ ______ ______ ___ __ ______ :::::::. .\__ /_\ ,__/_\ ,__/_\ | /_\__ / ::: | ¯\____ ¯\____ ¯\_ | ¯\_ /_/¯\_ .::::::: | / / / / / ¯ / / ::: |_____/______/______/______/______/twr::: .. ·::::::: and another one... d e d f i s z ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ ______ ______ .\__ /_\__ /_\__ /_\ __/_\__ /_\ ,__/_\__, / | / ¯\_ /_/¯\_ / ¯\_ ____/ ¯\____ ¯\_ ___\_ | / / / / / / / \ / |______/______/______/____________/______/______/ _|_________________________________|_ | .... | | · _ _ ___ · :: | | | __\ __\ \_/ \_/_ :: | | ::.: __| _|_______________________________\twr! | _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : dekruz \ l o g o : 14 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________|     dekruz/coolgangst  ____________ ______ ______ ___ ________ .\__ /_\__ /_\ /_\ /_\ | /_\__, / | / ¯\_ /_/¯\_ /¯\_ __ ¯\_ | ¯\_ ___\_ | / / / _/ / ¯ / \ / |______/______/___\__/__/___/______/______/ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::twr!    _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : delphin \ l o g o : 15 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________| d e l p h i n ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ _____ __ ___ .\__ /_\__ /_\ /_\___ /_\ / _\__ /_\ \ / | / ¯\_ /_/¯\_ _/¯\_ / ¯\_ /¯¯\_ ¯\_ \ ¯\_ | / / \ / / / _ / / \ / |______/______/______/ /____/___/__/_____/___\__/ :::::::::::::::::::::|____|::::::::::::::::::twr! _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : dreamland \ l o g o : 16 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________| .:. .. ::: .:: ::. ·:: .::: ::: ::: ·:: .:::::::. ::::::::::: :::· ·::: ::: ::: ______ ______ ______ ______ __ ___ .\__ /_\ /_\__ /_\ /_\ \ / | / ¯\_ __ ¯\_ /_/¯\_ ¯\_ ¯\_ | / _/ / / _\ / \/ / |______/__/___/______/__/___/__/___/ d r e a m l a n d ______ ______ __ ___ ______ .\ /_\ /_\ \ /_\__ / | _/¯\_ ¯\_ \ ¯\_ / ¯\_ | \ / _\ / \ / / |______/__/___/___\__/______/twr where dreams come true... _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : digger \ l o g o : 17 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________|    ___________ ______ ______ ____________ .\__ /_\__ /_\ /_\ /_\__ /_\ / | / ¯\_ ¯\_ _/¯\_ _/¯\_ /_/¯\_ __ ¯\_ | / / \_ / \_ / / _/ / |______/_____/______/______/______/__/___/ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::twr!    ________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : drinkers \ l o g o : 18 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________| ______ ______ _____ __ ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ .\__ /_\ /_\__ /_\ \ /_\ /_\__ /_\ /_\ ,__/ | / ¯\_ __ ¯\_ ¯\_ \ ¯\_ /¯\_ /_/¯\_ __ ¯\____ ¯\_ | / _/ / / \ / / / _/ / / / |______/__/___/_____/___\__/___\__/______/__/___/______/ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::twr! _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : drszach \ l o g o : 19 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________|     DrSzach/Dxp  ______ ____________ ______ ____________ _____ .\__ /_\ /_\ ,__/_\__, /_\ /_\ /_\ / | / ¯\_ __ ¯\____ ¯\_ ___\_ ¯\_ \_/¯\_ /¯¯\_ | / _/ / / / \ / _\ / \ / _ / |______/__/___/______/______/__/___/______/___/__/ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::twr!    .o¾%¾o. .¾' _¸ `¾. ¾' .¾'¯¬ `¾ ½. `¾¾._ .½ `¾. ¯¯ .¾' `¤¾%¾¤' One woman who saw a UFO said it was large, round spaceship. She said her car stopped when the spaceship came near and then started again when it moved away. (_ One man who saw a UFO not long ago said that could see it very clearly: it had square blue windows. The man had camera with him and took a photo of the UFO. .o¾%¾o. .¾' _¸ `¾. ¾' .¾'¯¬ `¾ ½. `¾¾._ .½ `¾. ¯¯ .¾' `¤¾%¾¤' _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : dziuba \ l o g o : 2o | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________|     dZIUBa/mISSINg lINk!  ______ ______ _____ ______ ______ ______ .\__ /.\__, /_\__ /_\ | /_\__ /_\ / | / ¯\_ ___\_ ¯\_ | ¯\_ /_ ¯\_ ¯\_ | / \ / / ¯ / / / _\ / |______/______/_____/______/______/__/___/ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::twr!      _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : esfs \ l o g o : 21 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________|    ______ ____________ ______ ______ ___________ ______ .\__ /_\ /_\ ,__/_\ _/_\ ,__/_\__ /_\__ /_\__ / | /_/¯\_ ¯\____ ¯\_ ___/____ ¯\_ ¯\_ / ¯\_ /_/¯\_ | / _\ / / / \ / / / / / |______/__/___/______/_____________/_____/______/______/ ______ ___ __ ______ ______ _____ __ ___ .\ __/_\ | /_\ /_\ /_\__ /_\ \ / | ____/ | ¯\_ \_/¯\_ /¯\_ ¯\_ \ ¯\_ | / ¯ / \ / / / \ / |_____________/______/___\__/_____/___\__/ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ .\ ,__/_\ /_\ | /_\ /_\__ / |____ ¯\_ ¯\_ | ¯\_ ¯\_ / ¯\_ | / / ¹ / ¯ / _\ / / |______/____ _/______/__/___/______/  `-' twr!    [ e a s t s i d e f u c k i n s q u a d ] and... ______ ______ ______ ______ .\__ /_\ ,__/_\ __/_\ ,__/ | /_/¯\____ ¯\_ ____/____ ¯\_ | / / / / / / |______/______/_____________/ :::::::::::::::::::::::::twr! [ e a s t s i d e ] [ f u c k i n s q u a d ] _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : estrogen \ l o g o : 22 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________|     estrogen/garbage+deck six!  ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ __ ___ .\__ /_\ ,__/_\ _/_\ /_\ /_\ /_\__ /_\ \ / | /_/¯\____ ¯\_ ___/¯ __ ¯\_ ¯\_ _/¯\_ /_/¯\_ \ ¯\_ | / / / \ _/ / ¹ / \_ / / \ / |______/______/_________/___/______/______/______/___\__/ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::twr!    _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : garbage \ l o g o : 23 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________|    ______ ____________ ______ ____________ ______ .\ /_\ /_\ /_\__ /_\ /_\ /_\__ / | _/¯\_ ¯\_ __ ¯\_ /_ ¯\_ ¯\_ _/¯\_ /_/¯\_ | \_ / _\ / _/ / / / _\ / \_ / / |______/__/___/__/___/______/__/___/______/______/ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::twr!    _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : gordon \ l o g o : 24 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________|    _____ ____________ ____________ __ ___ ./ /_\ /_\ /_\__ /_\ /_\ \ / | _/¯\_ ¯\_ __ ¯\_ / ¯\_ ¯\_ \ ¯\_ | \_ / ¹ / _/ / / ¹ / \ / |______/______/__/___/______/______/___\__/ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::twr!    and now little break... __ _ _ _ _ __ __ .:. \_/_\\ \ \_/ /_\\_ \_ .. ::: .:: _/ \ \ ::. ·:: .::: ----------------------- ____ ___ __ ::: ::: /_ __ _ __\ /__| /__\ \_ ·:: .:::::. /__|\_/ \_/ \_ /_\ / \ ::::::::: _/ \ \ yOu mUSt bELIEVe / :::· ·::: / __ ___ __ / ... ::: ::: ... \ \ \_\ /__| \/ :::: ::: ::: :::: O\/\/ ·· ::: ::: ·· ___________ o _____ ·::. .::· / \· _(_____)_ ·:::::::::· / /\ /\ \ ____/_________\____ ·::::::· / / \ / \ \ /...................\ :. :. \ \_,_\_/_,_/ / \___________________/ ::: ::: \ / \_________/ ::· ·:: . \ . . / (_____) \ / . . \ --- / . : . __/\ /\__ . . /\\\ \___/ ///\ : / \ / \ (__)_____ /\ / \___/ \ (..) \ / \ /\ ///\ / | | | \ \/||---||\ / /\/\ / \ \\/\/ / \ A D A D I S / \ | | / / \__ \ //\/\/ / \. | | | ./ \ . : . / __/ \ \\|// / /| P R O |\ \ . . / /\ /\ \ || \ \| | | | |/ / . : . / /\/ \/ \ \ || \ | | | | | / . / / \/\ \ __/__\___ \ | | | | | / __________________/ ____/________________ \_________ \ | | | | | / bY tWISTEr \ | _____ | / \|---| |---|/ ======[=]====== |---|_____|---| | | | | : : . . . . . . _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : guma \ l o g o : 25 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________| g u m a ______ ______ __ ___ ______ .\ /_\ | /_\ \ /_\ / | _/¯\_ | ¯\_ ¯\_ ¯\_ | \_ / ¯ / \/ / _\ / |______/______/__/___/__/___/ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::twr! _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : laku \ l o g o : 26 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________|     laku!  ______ ______ ______ ___ __ .\ /_\ /_\ /_\ | / | _/¯\_ ¯\_ /¯\_ | ¯\_ | \ / _\ / / ¯ / |______/__/___/___\__/______/ :::::::::::::::::::::::::twr!    .o¾%¾o. .¾' _¸ `¾. ¾' .¾'¯¬ `¾ ½. `¾¾._ .½ `¾. ¯¯ .¾' `¤¾%¾¤' There was another sighting of a UFO over New Zeland early in 1979 and this time there was a television camera crew on board the aeroplane. Everyone on board saw a bright round object in the sky. The camera crew started filming at once and soon people all over the world could see the mysterious object on television. .o¾%¾o. .¾' _¸ `¾. ¾' .¾'¯¬ `¾ ½. `¾¾._ .½ `¾. ¯¯ .¾' `¤¾%¾¤' _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : math \ l o g o : 27 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________|    __ _________ ___________ .\ \ /_\ /_\ _/_\ / | ¯\_ ¯\_ ___/ /¯¯\_ | \/ / _\ / \ _ / |__/___/__/___/__________/__/ ::::::::::::::::::::::::twr! [ math o f potion ]    _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : messages \ l o g o : 28 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________| __ ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ .\ \ /.\__ /_\ ,__/_\ ,__/_\ /_\ /_\__ /_\ ,__/ | ¯\_ /_/¯\____ ¯\____ ¯\_ ¯\_ _/¯\_ /_/¯\____ ¯\_ | \/ / / / / / / _\ / \_ / / / / |__/___/______/______/______/__/___/______/______/______/ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::twr! _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : missing link \ l o g o : 29 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________| m i s s i n g l i n k __ ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ __ ___ ______ .\ \ /_\___ /_\ ,__/_\ ,__/_\___ /_\ \ /_\ / | ¯\_ ¯\____ ¯\____ ¯\_ ¯\_ \ ¯\_ _/¯\_ | \/ / / / / / / / \ / \_ / |__/___/______/______/______/______/___\__/______/  ______ ______ __ ___ ______ .\ /_\___ /_\ \ /_\ / | _/¯\_ ¯\_ \ ¯\_ /¯\_ | \ / / \ / / |______/______/___\__/___\__/twr _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : mrcode \ l o g o : 3o | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________| m r c o d e __ ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ .\ \ /_\ /_\ /_\ /_\__ /_\__ / | ¯\_ __ ¯\_ \_/¯\_ ¯\_ / ¯\_ /_/¯\_ | \/ / _/ / \ / ¹ / / / |__/___/__/___/______/______/______/______/ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::twr! __ ___ ______ .\ \ /_\ / mr. code | ¯\_ __ ¯\_ | \/ / _/ /  |__/___/__/___/   ______ ______ ______ ______   .\ /_\ /_\__ /_\__ /   | \_/¯\_ ¯\_ / ¯\_ /_/¯\_  | \ / ¹ / / / |______/______/______/______/twr _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : otton \ l o g o : 31 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________|    ____________ ______ ________ ___ .\ /_\ _/_\ _/_\ /_\ \ / | ¯\_ ___/¯¯ ___/¯ ¯\_ \ ¯\_ | ¹ / \ \ ¹ / \ / |______/____________________/___\__/ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::twr!    _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : potion \ l o g o : 32 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________|     p o t i o n !  ______ ______ ______ _____ ______ __ ___ .\___ /_\ /_\ _/_\__ /_\ /_\ \ / | / ¯\_ ¯\_ ___/ ¯\_ ¯\_ \ ¯\_ | / / ¹ / \ / ¹ / \ / | /____/______/____________/______/___\__/ |____|::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::twr!    .o¾%¾o. .¾' _¸ `¾. ¾' .¾'¯¬ `¾ ½. `¾¾._ .½ `¾. ¯¯ .¾' `¤¾%¾¤' And what scientsis say? Special organizations and government offices examine the UFO sightings: they interview people who have seen UFO's, they collect and study all the information about them. .o¾%¾o. .¾' _¸ `¾. ¾' .¾'¯¬ `¾ ½. `¾¾._ .½ `¾. ¯¯ .¾' `¤¾%¾¤' _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : pyromaniac \ l o g o : 33 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________|    ______ ______ ______ ______ __ ___ ______ __ ___ _____ ______ ______ .\___ /_\ /_\ /_\ /_\ \ /_\ /_\ \ /_\__ /_\ /_\ / | / ¯\_ /¯¯\_ __ ¯\_ ¯\_ ¯\_ ¯\_ \ ¯\_ ¯\_ ¯\_ \_/¯\_ | / /___ / _/ / ¹ / \/ / _\ / \ / / _\ / \ / | /____/_\ \ /__/___/______/__/___/__/___/___\__/_____/__/___/______/ |____|::::\__/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::twr!    fOr kEWl sWAPPINg wRITe 2:     pYROMANIAc oF cOOLGANGSt   sEBASTIAn bÎASZCZYKIEWICz   îÓDZKa 46a bl.9/17   97-3oo pIOTRKÓw tRYbUNALSKi             _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : rabi \ l o g o : 34 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________|    ___________ ___________ ./ /_\ /_\__ /_\__ / | __ ¯\_ ¯\_ /_ ¯\_ ¯\_ | _/ / _\ / / / / |__/ /\/__/___/______/_____/ ::/ /_ \::::::::::::::::twr! /______\     _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : rodman \ l o g o : 35 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________|     rodman !  ____________ ______ __ ___ ________ ___ .\ /_\ /_\__ /_\ \ /_\ /_\ \ / | __ ¯\_ ¯\_ / ¯\_ ¯\_ ¯\_ \ ¯\_ | _/ / ¹ / / \/ / _\ / \ / |__/___/______/______/__/___/__/___/___\__/ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::twr!    _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : roger \ l o g o : 36 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________|    ____________ ______ ____________ .\ /_\ /_\ /_\__ /_\ / | __ ¯\_ ¯\_ _/¯\_ /_/¯\_ __ ¯\_ | _/ / ¹ / \_ / / _/ / |__/___/______/______/______/__/___/ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::twr!    _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : rypciu \ l o g o : 37 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________| ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ ___ __ .\ /_\ /_\___ /_\ /_\__ /_\ | / | __ ¯\_ /¯¯\_ / ¯\_ \_/¯\_ ¯\_ | ¯\_ | _/ /___ / / / \ / / ¯ / |__/___/_\ \ / /____/______/_____/______/ ::::::::::\__/|____|:::::::::::::::::twr! _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : rainbow design \ l o g o : 38 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________| ______ ______ _____ __ ___ ______ ______ ___ ___ .\ /_\ /_\__ /_\ \ /_\__ /_\ /_\ Y / | __ ¯\_ ¯\_ ¯\_ \ ¯\_ /_ ¯\_ ¯\_ /¯\ ¯\_ | _/ / _\ / / \ / / / ¹ / / |__/___/__/___/_____/___\__/______/______/___|___/ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::twr! ______ ______ ______ _____ ______ __ ___ .\__ /_\__ /_\ ,__/_\__ /_\ /_\ \ / | / ¯\_ /_/¯\_____¯\_ ¯\_ _/¯\_ \ ¯\_ | / / / / / \_ / \ / |______/______/______/_____/______/___\__/ ________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : stright lines \ l o g o : 39 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________| ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: _____ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ ______ ./ ,__/.\_ /_\ /_\___ /_\ /_\ / _\_ / |____ ¯\_ /¯\_ __ ¯\_ ¯\_ _/¯\_ /¯¯\_ /¯\_ | / / / _/ / / \_ / _ / / |______/______/__/___/______/______/___/__/______/ s.t.r.i.g.h.t ::::: ::::: l.i.n.e.s _____ ______ __ ___ ______ ______ ./ /.\___ /_\ \ /_\__ /_\ ,__/ | _/¯\_ ¯\_ \ ¯\_ /_/¯\____ ¯\_ | \ / / \ / / / / |______/______/___\__/______/______/twr ..... ..... ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : scooba \ l o g o : 4o | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________|    ______ ____________ ____________ ______ .\ ,__/_\ /_\ /_\ /_\__ /_\ / |____ ¯\_ \_/¯\_ ¯\_ ¯\_ /_ ¯\_ ¯\_ | / / \ / ¹ / ¹ / / / _\ / |______/______/______/______/______/__/___/ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::twr!    _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : sensei \ l o g o : 41 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________|    ____________ __ ___ ______ ___________ .\ ,__/_\__ /_\ \ /_\ ,__/_\__ /_\__ / |____ ¯\_ /_/¯\_ \ ¯\____ ¯\_ /_/¯\_ ¯\_ | / / / \ / / / / / |______/______/___\__/______/______/_____/ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::twr!    .o¾%¾o. .¾' _¸ `¾. ¾' .¾'¯¬ `¾ ½. `¾¾._ .½ `¾. ¯¯ .¾' `¤¾%¾¤' Scientists have made a list of questions for people who think they have seen UFO. Here are some of those questions: -On what date did you see the UFO? -What sort of weather was it that day - fog? snow? rain? -Did the object move? How quicklydid it move? -Did it make noise? -How long did it stay in the sky? -How big was it? .o¾%¾o. .¾' _¸ `¾. ¾' .¾'¯¬ `¾ ½. `¾¾._ .½ `¾. ¯¯ .¾' `¤¾%¾¤' _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : siara \ l o g o : 42 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________| ______ _____ ______ ______ ______ .\ ,__/_\__ /_\ /_\ /_\ / |____ ¯\_ ¯\_ ¯\_ __ ¯\_ ¯\_ | / / / _\ / _/ / _\ / |______/_____/__/___/__/___/__/___/ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::twr! __ __ _ _ _ __ _ __| _ \_ \ /_\ /__\_| |_\ \ /_\ \_| /__ | | _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : sobol \ l o g o : 43 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________|    ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ .\ ,__/_\ /_\__ /_\ /_\ / |____ ¯\_ ¯\_ /_ ¯\_ ¯\_ _/¯\_ | / / ¹ / / / ¹ / \ / |______/______/______/______/______/ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::twr!    _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : state \ l o g o : 44 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________|    ___________ ______ ____________ ./ ,__/_\ _/_\ /_\ _/_\__ / |____ ¯\_ ___/¯ ¯\_ ___/¯ /_/¯\_ / / / \ _\ / \ / /_______/_________/___/_____________/ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::twr!    _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : szczotek \ l o g o : 45 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________|    ______ ____________ ______ ______ ____________ ______ .\ ,__/_\__, /_\ /_\__, /_\ /_\ _/_\__ /_\ / |____ ¯\_ ___\_ \_/¯\_ ___\_ ¯\_ ___/ /_/¯\_ /¯\_ | / / \ / \ / \ / ¹ / \ / / |______/______/______/______/______/_____________/___\__/ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::twr!    _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : taski \ l o g o : 46 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________|         ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ .\ _/_\ /_\ ,__/_\ /_\__ / | ___/¯ ¯\____ ¯\_ /¯\_ ¯\_ | \ _\ / / / / / |_________/___/______/___\__/_____/ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::twr!  ·tASKi·     _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : terorr13 \ l o g o : 47 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________| ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ .\ _/_\__ /_\ /_\ /_\ /_\ / | ___/ /_/¯\_ __ ¯\_ __ ¯\_ ¯\_ __ ¯\_ | \ / _/ / _/ / ¹ / _/ / |_____________/__/___/__/___/______/__/___/ : ... .... : | :: · :: | | t e r r o r :: :: t h i r t e e n | _| :: ..:: _____|_ \|____________________________________\twr!|/ _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : the end \ l o g o : 48 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________| ______ _____  __ ___ ______ .\ _/_\ /  _\ \ /_\__ / | ___/¯ /¯¯  \ ¯\_ / ¯\_ | \ _  \ / / |__________/__ ____\__/______/ :::::::::::::::::::::::::twr! _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : thorin \ l o g o : 49 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________|    ______ _____ ______ ______ _____ __ ___ .\ _/_\ / _\ /_\ /_\__ /_\ \ / | ___/¯ /¯¯\_ ¯\_ __ ¯\_ ¯\_ \ ¯\_ | \ _ / ¹ / _/ / / \ / |__________/__/______/__/___/_____/___\__/ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::twr!    _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : tomeq \ l o g o : 5o | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________|    ____________ __ ___ ____________ .\ _/_\ /_\ \ /_\__ /_\ / | ___/ ¯\_ ¯\_ /_/¯\_ ¯\_ | \ ¹ / \/ / / ¹ / |_____________/__/___/______/____ _/ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::twr!`-'    .o¾%¾o. .¾' _¸ `¾. ¾' .¾'¯¬ `¾ ½. `¾¾._ .½ `¾. ¯¯ .¾' `¤¾%¾¤' Scientsis and people from the special government offices examined several thousand sightings of UFO`s in the last ten years. More than ninety per cent turned out to have a simple explanation - the mysterious objects were aeroplanes, satellites and even clouds. But then there is that ten per cent left... After all it IS possible that there is life in outer space. And if something is alive there, it may come to visit us... .o¾%¾o. .¾' _¸ `¾. ¾' .¾'¯¬ `¾ ½. `¾¾._ .½ `¾. ¯¯ .¾' `¤¾%¾¤' _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : x-tortion \ l o g o : 51 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________|    ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ ______ __ ___ _\_ _/_\ /_\ /_\ _/_\__ /_\ /_\ \ /  \_ ___/ ¯\_ __ ¯\_ ___/ ¯\_ ¯\_ \ ¯\_  / \ ¹ / _/ / \ / ¹ / \ /  _____________/__/___/____________/______/___\__/  :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::twr! _________________________________ _ _ _________________________ | \ | | n a m e : yeahback \ l o g o : 52 | |__________________________ _ _ \__________________________________| ______ ______ ______ _____ ______ ______ ______ ______ _\ /_\__ /_\ /_\ /__\__ /_\ /_\ /_\ / \ /¯¯\_ /_/¯\_ ¯\_ / \_ /_ ¯\_ ¯\_ \_/¯\_ /¯\_ ::::___ / / _\ / _ / / / _\ / \ / / :: \ \ /______/__/___/___/__/______/__/___/______/___\__/ :::::\__/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::twr! that`s all folks today... __\_____ _____ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______/__ _ _\ .\ / _\__ /_\ ,__/_\ _/_\ /_\ /_\ / /_ _ \ | /¯¯\_ ¯\____ ¯\_ ___/ ¯\_ __ ¯\_ /¯¯\_ / | _ / / / / \ 7 / _/ /___ / \ |___/__/_____/______/_____________/__/___/_\ \ / / \_::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::[ptk!]\__/__/ no file name original title lenght released ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 1. [ptk!-mare.txt] [ manic reach ] [138.344kb] [13.o4.98] 2. [dzn-pac.txt] [paranormal activity] [82.353kb] [26.11.98] 3. [dzn-rol.txt] [ rhythm of life ] [don`t now] [sooooon!] ______ · s o m e C R E D I T S · _\ ___/__ _______ ______ _____ ___ _____ | ) /_\ _ \ _\ ___/__ \ \ __ / __|_ __ _) ___)__ | \_ _/_ ____/ \____\__ \__(__)_/ ___) /_/ \____ /. |_________ _ / \ _/ | / | bD!/dGs|___/ _________________________________________________| _ / ____/ \/ main work & design.........twister/garbage+veezya ..................................also starring : introduction, menu...................revi/link124 credits.............................budgie/linear deez nuts............................cnr/deeznuts the end............................azzaro/link124 music support.....................mike oldfield's ....................."the songs of distant earth" hardware+software used.............A12oo+CEd v4.2 font used.............................topazpl [8] file size................................82.353kb release date.............................26.11.98 wanna contact? _______________________ \ // \ /__________ d · e · e · z · n · u · t · s · ! \ ____ ________ ____ ____ _______ _ _____/ /_____ ______\__ /___________/ /___/ /_/ \ __ __ _ // \ \ / / /\__ /___/ // / /___/ /___/ / / / / / _ ___________________________________/ ___________________________//__ ____________ /___/c&r. // ______________ the alterantive connection! /_________________________\\ cnr/agravedict twister/garbage+veezya konrad szeromski bartosz ptaszynski rechniewskiego 1om48 robotnicza 2 o3-98o warszawa 14-53o frombork poland poland cnr@plearn.edu.pl (preffered) DeeZ Nuts - new ascii team waiting for ya ascii requests... If you looking for some ascii group to join - write to us! greets fly to the following groups: absurd·agravedict·anxiety·apathy·beret squad·black maiden·butchers coolgangst·crew·dark team·deck six·decree·dreamland·drinkers·exile grave rave dancers union·high voltage·iris·kore·linear·link124 mantra·mawi·missing link·phase truce·power of manga·potion·prl reality·rainbow design·rave network overscan·sector5·taski terror13·x-liberty·whelpz ..... ................ :: :: :: :: .. :: ::... .. . :: ____ ____ _______ __::____________ ___ :: _) _/__ _| /___ _) __ | __) __ __ (______) | :: | _/ ( __ (_ / | | / ___\/ __ | :: |__ ___\/ _____( | _____( / __ /_| :: )_____| /___________\ )____\ /______| )___/ :: az0!/l124 :: :: :: t h e e n d n o w :: ::.......................:: _ _ _|.|-----|.|_ @BEGIN FILE.ID.DIZ | ____ | | | |___ | ___âµm*P°"¯ãL | |_,|_,| | µm*P°"¯ # | ( _(")_ ) | #_ deez åL | `---' | ¬6 nuts! # _____|_____________|_____ ::: | | \ / | | ::: ::::::. ::: .::. | | \_____/ | | .::::::: ::: :::::::: | _ _ | ::: ::: .::::::: :::· ::: | | I LIKE | | ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: | | MJUT | | ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: | | A PECET TO | | ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: | | I TAK SYF | | ·::::::: ·::::::: ::: ::: | | | | ¬Î # ||_|||_______________|||_|| # presents åL | | ¬Î __j# | | # ___âµm*P°"¯ | | ¬6m*P°"¯ | _ | | | | second ascii collection | | | by Twister __|_ | _|__ called |||||| | |||||| ParaNormal Activity | | | |__________|__________|twr @END FILE.ID.DIZ