---[TY!]----------------------------------------------------------------------- . . _____/|_ _______/\ :. \ _ | \---.____/\____ \_ / \________:_____/\ -poyZ! - - -\/ \| _ \ __ __/-. (____ \ _ \_ _ \________/\ (____| \ \// __/ \_ \____/_) _ | \ _\__ _ \ /______) /__________ / _/ / |____) / / \ : \________/ \/ \_\ /-----' \____ /__________) . \/ \/ * Two Nodes Dial-UP at 33k6/64k-ISDN -+- Four Nodes 24/7 Telnet at 64k-ISDN * [-ahs/dtr/a!/asl/bs! WHQs ··· lfc/bk/ryl/lp!/hts/up!/soia/mvp/tql/1oo/ GHQs-] [-0d Amiga/Ascii/Handhelds/N64 · Snes/Psx/Ps2/Mp-3/PC-Classics/Graffiti/Linux-] -+- Zaner/Lightforce -+- Dipswitch/DualCrew-Shining -+- Ninja/Paradox -+- -+- Darkus/Haujobb -+- Hash/Panzerknacker -+- Mool/Aeroholics -+- ------------------------------------------------------------------------[TY!]-- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================= T H I S I S D E D I C A T E D T O T H E N Z S C E N E ================================================================= the rest of the world may not get everything, but should still be amused. and keep in mind nZ, its just a spoof.. plus i did you fuckers ascii, peace! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ __\ __ /__ \ __\/__ / \\/__\// \ \/ / \ / \/ __________ _______________\_ ____________________ / ./______________\ ___ \ \ / // / / / / / _/ / / / / | / /_________________ / / ________________________| / / / |____/ __________ / / \ / / ------------------------ :::::::/ / /::::::::j::E::D::i::::a::R::T::S:::::::::::::::::: / / / ------------------------ /__________________/ .................. .... .................. :::::: .... :::::: :::::: :::: :::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ( h A C K d A p L A N E T ) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +---iN aSSOCIATION wITH pLAGUE---------------------------------------------+ .___________. _________ ________ __________|__ .|____\_ _/__________ _____\ /___________ / ___ \ :/ ___ \ _____ \/ / / _____ / / \ / /| / _/_\__ / / / ____/_ _/ _______/ \__________\ | ____/\___________\____ | / \________|----|___________|---------/_________\------------------/_________\ +---nZ'S fAVOURITE hACKAH pHREAKAH aNARCHIST cLAN fRONTIN aS aSCII cREW----+ ::::: :::: ::::: ::::: :::::...... :::: ......::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: :::::...... :::: ......::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: :::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: :::::.::::: ::::: ::::: :::: ::::: ::::: :::::.::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: :::::.::::: ::::: ::::: :::: ::::: ::::: :::::.::::: ::::: :::::.::::: ::::: :::: ::::: :::::.::::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: .................. :::: .................. :::::: :::: :::::: :::::: :::: :::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ( p H R E A K t H E s H E E P ) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::: :::: :::: :::: ::::: :::: ::::: ::::: :::::...... :::: ......::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: :::::...... :::: ......::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: :::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: :::::.::::: ::::: ::::: :::: ::::: ::::: :::::.::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: :::::.::::: ::::: ::::: :::: ::::: ::::: :::::.::::: ::::: :::::.::::: ::::: :::: ::::: :::::.::::: :::: :::: :::: :::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::: ::::: ______ ::::: .__ ______. .__________ :: / /______ _|_/__\ _|_ ___________ | . | _____________ / / / /_\__ \_/ _ /_____ | : |/ / / /| / / / / ______//____/ | : / / /______/_____/______/ / /_________\ | : \ \_ ..... \________/ |__________|\____________/ ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: .---+- ::::: kILLED mY mOM wITH eXULT666's pEN rAZOR ::::: -+---. | ......: :...... | `-+- ::::: sLIT mY wRIST tOO aNARCHIST sTYLE, iT wORKS! ::::: -+-' ::::: .... ::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::: ::::: :::: ::::: ::::: :::::...... :::: ......::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: :::::...... :::: ......::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: :::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: :::::.::::: ::::: ::::: :::: ::::: ::::: :::::.::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: :::::.::::: ::::: ::::: :::: ::::: ::::: :::::.::::: ::::: :::::.::::: ::::: :::: ::::: :::::.::::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: .................. :::: .................. :::::: :::: :::::: :::::: :::: :::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ( b L O W t H I N G S u P ! ! ) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: wISE-k pReSeNTS hIS nEW aSCII cOLLECTION - ______._________ ______ ______ ._____. _____________ \_ | \/ / __/_|_ |/ / _/__ / | / /_ / / / ./ /\___ \ /_____|____\_____/___/\__________\___|\_______\|_______/ o F _______.___________ ________ _______ ____________ \_ | \______\_ \______\ \/ __ / / | / /_ _ / / / ___/ t H E /______|_____\______/____________/_____________/\_________\ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ dISCLAIMER: i WILL eXCEPT fULL rESPONSIBILITY iF yOU dO mY l33T tRICKS tELL dA pOLICE wISE-K tOLD yOU tO dO tHEM! +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ T- RY tO bE eLITE aS pOSSIBLE! R- IP oFF oTHER pEOPLES aRTICLES! I- NFO iS eLITE! C- REDIT cARDS gET yOU fREE sHIT aND dEATHROW bUSTED! K- EEP oUT oF kRUSHERS aNUS! Z- IP yOUR fILES wITH gZIP tO bE eLITE! O- NLY lAMERS gET cAUGHT! F- IND oUT hOW mUCH tROUBLE yOU cAN gET iN fIRST! T- INNIES aRE gOOD, sMOKE eM! H- ACKING iS kEWL! E- VERYTHING cAN bE hACKED bY wISE-K! T- ELL mE hOW tO gET tO sESAME sTREET! R- EMEMBER yOUR mANNERS! A- RE yOU iNSURED? D- O nARQ oN yOUR mATES tO sCORE pOINTS wITH pOLICE! E- VENTUALLY yOU wILL gET cAUGHT, bUT wISE-K wON'T! .................. :::: .................. :::::: :::: :::::: i N T R O -----------::::::---::::---::::::----------- i N T R O :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: hEY yO, wORD uP tO tHE nZ sCENE! wISE-K! iS bACK wITH aN aLL nEW cOLLECTION bUT tHIS tIME wITH a k-tWIST! aLOT oF pEOPLE hAVE bEEN aSKING mE hOW dID yOU gET sO eLITE wISE-K! aND i sAY tHAT iS a tRADE sECRET yO! uNTIL nOW!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .................. :::: .................. :::::: :::: :::::: i N D E X -----------::::::---::::---::::::----------- i N D E X :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .-----------------------------------------------------------------------. | | |i hACKED tHIS iNDEX fROM aNARCHY nZ #1 bY dECRYPTING tHE mUSIC nOTES -> | | | | 1.......hOW tO kILL sOMEONE wITH a pENCIL...................wISE-K! | | 2.......hOW tO hACK pEOPLES bbS aCCOUNTS....................wISE-K! | | 3.......cOOL cHANNELS.......................................wISE-K! | | 4.......hOW tO sEND fREE mAIL...............................wISE-K! | | 5.......iNTERVIEW wITH rED bLADE............................wISE-K! | | 6.......hOW tO gET hIGH oFF wHIPPED cREAM............(bLITZ)wISE-K! | | 7.......rULES oF bEING aN aNARCHIST.........................wISE-K! | | 8.......hOW tO gET fREE pHONECALLS..........................wISE-K! | | 9.......hOW tO hACK iNTO tHE uSA gOVERNMENT cOMPUTER sYSTEM.wISE-K! | | 1o......hOW tO cRASH mACHINES wITH a bLUEBOX................wISE-K! | | 11......pRESS rELEASE oN pUSSY/oS.........................bLITZ&CCS | | 12......nZ hPA sCENE pROPS rAP..............................wISE-K! | | 13......lAST wORDS..........................................wISE-K! | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------` +------( 1 ) -- [ hOW tO kILL sOMEONE wITH a pENCIL ] ------------------+ -1; fIRST oFF yOU nEED a pENCIL fOR tHIS eXAMPLE i wILL uSE a "sTAEDTLER" (c) 110 HB bRAND pENCIL nOTE: mAKE sURE tHE pENCIL iS sHARP aS pOSSIBLE! -2; pICK uP tHE pENCIL wITH tHE hAND yOU mASTURBATE wITH (tHIS iS bECAUSE tHAT hAND wILL bE sTRONGER tHAN tHE oTHER aND yOU nEED tHE sTRONGER hAND) -3; nOW, rUN uP tO sOMEONE yOU hATE ( i dID tHIS tOO mY tEACHER ) aND sTAB tHEM wITH tHE pENCIL aS hARD aS yOU cAN iN tHE lEG oR aRM oR eVEN hEAD fOR tHE bEST eFFEKT!~ -4; wHEN yOU aRE sATISFIED iT iS iN tHE pERSON dEEP eNUFF bREAK tHE lEAD oFF! tHIS iS tHE rEAL fUN pART. iF yOU gOT tHEM iN tHE hEAD tHEY wILL dIE iNSTANT wHICH iS gOOD. iF yOU sTABBED tHEM iN tHE lEG oR aRM rUN lIKE a mOTHERfUCKER cOZ tHEY wONT qUITE bE dEAD yET. tHEY wILL dIE wITHIN tEN mINUTES oF eITHER lEAD pOISONiNG oR lOSS oF bLOOD. mAKE bETS wITH yOUR fRIENDS wHICH oNE iT wILL bE!! +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * ASCII BREAK * [ PHANZ ] .___________________________________________________ __________________| ._______ ______ / __/____________ _| ___|__ \________/________\_ /____ / / __ \ \_ / __ |/ ./ ____\ / / \ / / /______/ / / / // \ \_\ ___\ _____/________\ \__________/|______/_______\_____________\wk! \______\:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/ ::::: p H a N Z ::::: : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : [ ANZ ] __________________ ____________ _____________ \ __ /_____\_ /_______\___ /____________________ \ \_ / | / ___/ / wk \_____| /________| /_________________________________________\ :::::::::|_____/:::::::::|______/:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::: * A * N * Z * ::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +------( 2 ) -- [ hOW tO hACK pEOPLES bBS aCCOUNTS ] --------------------+ yESTERDAY wHILE sHANIQUIA wAS gOING dOWN oN mE i wAS tHINKING tO mYSELF mAN sHE gIVES gEWD hEAD yO. bUT tHIS iS hAXING sO i'LL tELL yOU aBOUT tHAT. i hAD a tHOUGHT aBOUT tHE pROGRAM tHAT eVERY cOMPUTER gEEK wATCHES aND i dECIDED iT wAS x-fILES... aND tHEN iT hIT mEE lIKE i hIT sHANIQUIA eVERY nIGHT! mULDERS pASSWORD wAS tRUSTNO1 ! tHIS mADE mE tHINK tHAT pEOPLE wHO lIKE x-FILES mIGHT uSE tHIS pASSWORD oN a bBS. sO i tRIED iT wITH dEATHR0W's aCCOUNT oN eNTROPY bBS aND sURE eNUFF iT wAS tRUSTNO1 !! i hAD jUST hACKED hIS aSS bIGTIME! sTRAIGHT iNTO tHE uSERBASE i wENT aND sURE eNUFF eVERY uSER oN tHE bBS hAD tHE pASSWORD tRUSTNO1 .. tHIS pROOVES tHAT nO1 iS sAFE nOT eVEN eLITE pEOPLE lIKE dEATHR0W aND fORGiVE mE fOR sAYING tHIS bUT - tRUST nO oNE - h3 h3 h3 h3 +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * ASCII BREAK * ____________________ ____\_______ ___ /_______ _/_______ ____________ ___________ / _ / / / _ /______/ _ \/ _ / / \/ _______/ / / ______/ _ / / / ______/ / / /_______/ \ /_______/|: / \____ /_______/ /______\_______/ \ / __ |____/ / /____/ wk ______________ \________/ _\/_ /_____/ _____________ /________________________\/\/______________________\ ICK! I APOLOGISE! _________._________ ___________ __\_____ | /_______ ._____ ________ ________ ::_\ __ \_\ __ \ / __ \___|_ \/ __ \_\ __ \:: ::| \ /. / / / / / / / / / / /:: ::| \______| ____/ / ____/ / /\____ / ____/::: ::|______| \_____\ \ /\______\ /____/ / /_____/\______\ ::::: ::::: \_______/ /____/ ::::: ::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::wk: ::::::::::::::::::: R E V E N G E ::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: JEAH BITCH! +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +------( 3 ) -- [ cOOL cHANNELS ] ---------------------------------------+ tHRU mY iRC tRAVELS i'VE fOUND tHESE tO bE tHE 31337 (eLITE, fOR tHOSE wHO aREN'T eLITE) cHANNELS (oR "cHAT-rOOMS" iF yOU aRE eLITE) #phr00t #anti-nzi #nzi #phanz lIKE iN mOST nZ hPA zINES tHIS iNFOMATION wILL pROBABLY bE oUT oF dATE bY nOW! +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +------( 4 ) -- [ hOW tO sEND fREE mAIL ]--------------------------------+ nAH nAH gET oFFA mE sHANiQUIA.... hEY dUDES! tHIS iS tHE sECRET tRICK tO sENDING fREE mAIL oN tHE eNVELOPE yOU nORMALLY pUT wHERE yOU'RE sENDING tO oN tHE fRONT aND yOUR oWN aDDRESS oN tHE bACK rIGHT? tHIS oNES sIMPLE, jUST dO tHE oPPOSITE - pUT yOUR aDDRESS oN tHE fRONT aND tHE aDDRESS yOU'RE sENDING tO oN tHE bACK! nOW tHIS iS tHE cOOL pART - dON'T pUT a sTAMP oN tHE eNVELOPE - nOW wHEN tHEY gO tO pOST iT tHEY wILL sEE tHERE iS nO sTAMP oN tHE eNVELOPE aND rETURN tHE lETTER tO tHE sENDER, wHICH iN tHIS cASE iS tHE pERSON yOU aRE sENDING iT tO! nOW yOU kNOW .. .aWWWW sHIT, mAH pHONES rINGING hOLDUP wISE-K - " sUP ? " cALLER - " hEY bRO dIS iS sYC " wISE-K - " wHATS gOING oN? " sYCOTIC - " jUST cONFIRMING tHAT tHE dEAL bE gOING dOWN aT 8.30pM " wISE-K - " aIGHT, yOU'LL pICK mE uP rIGHT? " sYCOTIC - " jEAH mENG nO pROB.. sO wHAT yA dOING? " wISE-K - " jUST wRITING aN aRTICLE oN hOW tO sEND fREE mAIL, yOU kNOW tHE oNE wHERE yOU pUT tHEIR aDDRESS oN tHE bACK aND uSE nO sTAMP? " sYCOTIC - " fUCKIN eVERYONE kNOWS tHAT yOU dUMB sHIT, wHY wOULD yOU wRITE aN aRTICLE aBOUT sOMETHING eVERYONE aLREADY kNOWS? " wISE-K - " tHATS a pRETTY gOOD qUESTION..... i'M sTILL gONNA pUBLISH iT tHO! sYCOTIC - " hEhE, oH tRUE, aLL tHE hPA gROUPS iN nZ dO aNYWAY sO yOU mIGHT aSWELL tOO " wISE-K - " hEh.. yEH, aNYWAY, i gOTTA gO mAN.. cATCHYA l8-R " sYCOTIC - " aIGHT lATER bRO " *cLIZZICCK* sHIIAT... aNYWAY, yOU'LL sAVE a sWEET sWEET 40c oR sO fOR sPACIES! +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * ASCII BREAK * [ TOT ] __________ ____________\_ / _ __\_________\_ \_ \/ / \_ \ / / / / / ::::::::::::::::::::::::: :wk:::/ / / / /::::::: T O T ::::::: _/ / / _/ / ::::::::::::::::::::::::: \___________/ / \___________/ / / / \__________/ __ _________________ ____________ _________________ __ \_\\_ / __ \ _//_/ / _ / |/ \ _ \ / /// / \\\ \ wk _ _/ / /| \ \_ _ \\\_______________\__________________/_______________/// KL0NE - " TOT is under new management " wISE-K! sAYS - hOW cAN iT sTILL bE tOT tHEN ? cHANGE tHE gROUPNAME tHEN aFTER sOME hASSLES hE cOULDN'T hANDLE wITHOUT cRYING tO hIS mOTHER: KL0NE - " if you knew who i was, you'd take it all back " wISE-K! sAYS - nOT lIKELY kRUSHER whats better than ToT? SLi SLi is dead wISE-K! sAYS - sO aRE aLOT oF gROUPS, dOESN'T sTOP tHEM bEING bETTER THO! +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +------( 5 ) -- [ iNTERVIEW wITH rED bLADE ]-----------------------------+ hey hey what you do h/p wise? i do it all and i also do ascii yo oi you blue box? yeh, who doesn't? what countries can you break whats your email? got a cell phone? i can break aus, the US, EUROPE and shit like that bro yeh i got a cellphone, for my laptop so i can hack and phreak on the run i don't have an email coz i'm so elite hmm strange, whats the seizure tone for the us you use? iT gOES lIKE tHIS oh my vmb is o8oo-93-oo-5o ignore the greeting, its eh hacked lA la lo lo lA la le le mo me ma ma ma mo mo did you try it? yo hmm strange, whats the seizure tone for the us you use? oi yeh did you try it? hmm you can box ss7? maybe.. depends how much cash you give me 025-264-7623 if you are lite, your ring me heheh. snk? lite? i aint paying money to ring a cellphone hmm 0800-93-00-50 leave a msg :P i tHINK i'LL jUST hACK yOU iNSTEAD! HEHEHE ignore the greet aFTER tHAT i hACKED hIS aSS sO rIGHT nOW hE iS pROBABLY sTILL tRYING tO rEINSTALL wINDOWS nINETY fIVE! * iF tHERE'S a lESSON hERE, tRUST nO oNE! - aND dON'T gIVE iNFO tO pEOPLE yOU dON'T kNOW eSPECIALLY iF tHEY sOUND lIKE bULLSHIT aS i dID! h3 h3 +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * ASCII BREAK * [ PHR00T ] ._____________________________ ________ _____________ ______________________| ________ / _ \ / \ __________ _| _|__________ / _ \/ / __/_____. / / / \ \_ _|_ \/ / / / \_ | / / / / / |___/ / /_ / / / / | ___\ /_ / ______/________| / \_______/ / /\________/ | /______| /________| \________/ \_________| wk! -(---------[ p h r 0 0 t ]-------------------------------------------------)- [ TFU ] .____ ____________ ______________| \ wk \_ \/ _/__ | \ .-------/ / ___/ | \--------------------------------. | _/ / | | \ t H E f I N A L u N K N O W N | `-----\__________/\_________|______________/-------------------------------' +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +------( 6 ) -- [ hOW tO gET hIGH oFF wHIPPED cREAM ]-----------------+ wHAT jOO nEED : cANS oF wHIPPED cREAM bALLOONS tHIS iS hOW tO eXTRACT nO2 (lAUGHING gAS) fROM wHIPPED cREAM! hERES wHAT yOU dO, yOU tAKE tHE bALLOON aND pLACE iT oVER tHE tOP oF tHE cAN tHEN yOU sPRAY cREAM iNTO tHE bALLOON aLL tHE cREAM wILL fALL tO tHE bOTTOM aND tHE nOS wILL bE iN tHE bALLOON hAVE pHUN! cREDIT tO bLITZ fOR tHIS rECIPE! +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ *ASCII BREAK* [ BLAZE ] ............ . _|_______:_|_ _______ : | . | _______ / /___:__|_ BLZ :_|______\_ /______ / _ : / :\ / / \___________:__/ : \__________________\ . _|_______:_|_ wk : | . | :..........: [ F0RMAT ] ______ .______ / _/___________ __________ ______ ______ ___________|_ \ \ _/ _ \_/ \/ / \/ _ \/ / \ \ \ / / /_ \/ _/ \_ / \ \_________/______\______/_____/ \_______|_______/ / wk! _ __ __\_ _\_______ ____ . /______/_ _______/_ _/__ __ _ \\\_\\__\_____\____ \__/ \ .__ | __. / \__/ ____/_____/__//_/// \ \ \______/\ \_| |_|_| |_/ /\______/ / / . . \___. ._|_. ___/ . . |__| | |__| .______ .______ _____ | | ____ _______ .____ ___| | ______ _______ --/ /___|_ |_____\ \/ __/_| |/ / |/ _ // _ |------- / _ / / _ / / / / /_ / _/_\ \ | black \_________/____/_________/\_________\___|\____|_____\_______|\____ | leg! -wk-------------------------------------------------------------/____|------- dO yOU hAVE a bLACK lEG ? +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +------( 7 ) -- [ aNARCHIST rULES ]--------------------------------------+ tHESE aRE tHE rULES fOR bEING aN aNARCHIST, mODIFIED fROM oN tHE rUN #1 * dON'T mAKE uP sTORIES aBOUT pEOPLE * yOU hAVE tO gET sTONED lOTS ! * dON'T sPREAD pRIVATE bBS nUMBERS oR nUPS * mAKING uP kIDDY gROUPS fUCKIN sUCK * yOU mUST'VE fUCKED a fEW bIATCHZ bY tHE tIME yO aSS bE 15 * dON'T sPREAD gOOD tRIX tO lAMERZ * dON'T nARK oN yA mATEZ * sHARE eARNINGS wITH pEOPLE tHAT tAUGHT cHA oRIGINAL rULES cREDIT tO tHE "oTR kREW" - dOLLAR dOLLAR bILLZ yO +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * ASCII BREAK * [ LUSTA ] ______ _______ / /_____/____. _______ \_ \ _______ +---/ / / |/ _/_____/ /_____\_ \--L-U-S-T-A-- - wk / / / /\ \ / _ / +--/ /____________/|___________/_/ /_____________/-gOT-sTINKY-bRITCHES? /_____/ /_____/ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +------( 8 ) -- [ hOW tO gET fREE pHONECALLS ]---------------------------+ hERES sOME wAYS tO mAKE sOME fREE pHONECALLS 1) gOTO yOUR fRIENDS hOUSE aND sAY yOU gOTTA cALL yOUR mOM, tHEN wHEN hE'S nOT lOOKiNG dIAL hELSINKI! 2) gOTO a lIBRARY, aSK fOR a pHONEBOOK fOR tHE cOUNTRY yOU wANT tO cALL tHEY pERSON aT tHE cOUNTER wILL hAPPILY gIVE tHIS tO yOU. nEXT aSK iF yOU cAN uSE tHEIR pHONE, tHIS iS tHE tRICKY pART, wHEN tHEY aSK iF iTS a lOCAL cALL, sAY yES! nOW jUST cALL wHEREEVER yOU lIKE iN tHE pHONEBOOK fOR fREE aND rUN oFF wITHOUT tHEM kNOWING! - tHIS wORKS cOZ i sAW iT oN tHE sIMPSONS. 3) aT a pAYpHONE, sTICK a wASHER dOWN iNSTEAD oF a cOIN, tHE pAYpHONE iS sTUPID aND wILL aCCEPT iT aNYWAY 4) dRILL a hOLE iN a cOIN aND tIE a pIECE oF sTRING tO iT, nOW wHEN yOU pUT iT iN a pAYpHONE yOU cAN pULL iT bACK oUT. aLSO wORKS wITH sPACIES! 5) pUT a lITTLE vARNISH oVER yOUR sTUDENT iD tHEN pUT yOUR sTUDENT iD iN tHE cARDpHONE - iT wORKS i'VE tRIED!! 6) gET hOLD oF a pHONEcARD wITH aNY aMOUNT, aS lONG aS iT hAS mORE tHAN $0 oN iT. pUT a lITTLE vARNISH oVER iT, nOT tOO mUCH. tHE cARDpHONE wILL rEAD tHE aMOUNT oN tHE cARD bUT wON'T bE aBLE tO wRITE tO iT!! 31337!!!! +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +------( 9 ) -- [ hOW tO hACK iNTO tHE uSA gOVERNMENT cOMPUTER sYSTEM ]--+ iF aNYBODY kNOWS hOW tO dO tHIS cOULD yOU pLEASE eMAIL mE aND tELL mE hOW ? * wisekid@ihug.co.nz +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * ASCII BREAK * [ GOTHIC9 ] /\ ________ ___ /\ _____________________ _________ ________ / _ _\_____ _________/ (__) __________ / _ \ / _ \/ / \_ \ ___/ ______ / ____/_____ / ( / / / / / / / \_ / \/ / / \___ / \____ / / _/ / /___/ \_______________\___ /_____/ |_____/ / \______/_______/ \__________/ .-----------------------. wk! \________/ - -- ---------------------------: g O T H i C 9 : `-----------------------' [ ERSATZ ] _________________ _____. ____________\_ ._____ . / _ / \__/ _|__ ____\_ \ \ __|_ \__ . +-|-/ ____/ / /_ \ \ _ \/ \/ / \-|-+ | \_____\ /_____\_____/__________/___________/______/_____________\| | | wk +---Y-----------------( e r s a t z )------------------Y---+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +------( 10 )-- [ hOW tO cRASH mACHINES wITH a bLUEBOX ]-----------------+ fIRST oFF yOU wILL hAVE tO rEPROGRAM tHE bLUEBOX.. nONE oF tHIS C oR C++ bULLSHIT tHIS tIME. tHE sECRET tO pHREAKIN iS sIMPLICITY. hERES tHE pROGRAM i wROTE wITH qBASIC! -------------------------------------- fOR tONE = 1000 tO 50000 sTEP 20 sOUND tONE, 1 pRINT tONE nEXT tONE -------------------------------------- sAVE tHIS pROGRAM aS tONE.BAS ... -------------------------------------- fOR tONE = 10000 tO 1000 sTEP -100 sOUND tONE, 1 NEXT tONE -------------------------------------- sAVE tHIS pROGRAM aS tONE2.bAS ... oNCE yOU'VE hACKED iN tO tHE mACHINE (i wONT tELL yOU hOW) jUST rUN tHESE pROGRAMS vIA tHE bLUEbOX aND wATCH aS aLL hELL bREAKS lOOSE! i hAVE cRASHED hEAPS oF sHIT wITH tHIS. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * ASCII BREAK * [ RED BLADE ] _____________\_ _______ ._______ \__ _ \___\__ \ _____| / / / /. / / _ / .-----R--E--D--------------------. _/ \_______| ____/ \ / `-----B--L--A--D--E--------------' \________| \______| /____________/ _______. .______ ______ ._______ ______ __ \ |______ | | ____\_ / ______| /_\__ \ .-. _\/_ .-. \ __ \| |/ __ \ / _ / / / `-' \/\/ `-' \ \ \ / / / \ / ____/ \____________\____/___________/_\ _________/______| [ L0DE ] .......... ________ ........... : _______:. / _ \ _____ ____:__ : :| :| / / /____\ | __\__ \ : ------:| :|/ / / _ |/ / / ... :------------------- wk! :|.......:/ / / / / ____/ :.: : L 0 D E -------|_______/ / /____________\______|:.........:------------------- \________/ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +------( 11 )-- [ pRESS rELEASE oN pUSSY/oS ]----------------------------+ bLITZ: " i'm currently doing penetration testing on PUSSY os (c). i have exploited its inferiour security with my security probe manytimes. The PENI Security testing probe is the beefiest you can get when it comes to testing PUSSY os. any questions? " CCS: " I've heard that PUSSY os is a bit sloppy " bLITZ: " the construction of PUSSY os is, quite.. loose.. due to excess use.. which can lead to corruptions. and sometimes. if infected media is used. serious infections can occur. rendering PUSSY os unuseable " +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * ASCII BREAK * [ ASCII FOR DEANO, HIYA ] [ 7RANZIIE ] .______ __ __ |_ \__________ _________ .______ ________ (__) (__) ___________ / / \ _\ _ /____|_ \__\_ /____________\ _ / / / / /_ _ \_ / / _/ ___/ _/ /______\______/_____|______/_/ /_______________________________|wk \_____/----------------------------/_____/----------[ 7 R A N Z i i E ]------ [ HYPE ] _______ ______________\ \ .______.__________________________________ ________\ \ \| | ___________ / \ _\ \______ |__________\ _ \ \ / __ |______\ _ \ \ \ wk \ / /______________________________\ \ \ ____/____________\ /________/ \ ____/\______\ \_____| [ QUID ] __/______ _____\__ __/___________. / /_____.________ _______\ \ +----------/. _ |/. | |. \ _ \---------+ ::::::::: // \ // /| |: \_ / / ::::::wk: +---------\_______ \______________|__________/___________/----------+ |______| +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +------( 12 )-- [ nZ hPA sCENE pROPS rAP ] ------------------------------+ tHE iNFORMATION hERE iS jUST fOR pLAY, dON'T aTTEMPT iT iN aNY wAY, iF yOU dO, aND yOU gET cAUGHT tRUST mE oN tHIS, tHE pIGS cAN bE bOUGHT iF yOU uSE cARDS yOU'LL gET sHIT fREE tHEN yOU'LL gET bUSTED mOST pROBABLY lOOK tHRU mY eYES, aND jOO wILL sEE tHE oNE wHO kNOWS mORE tHAN yOU iS mE "pHANZ tEACHES yOU iT aLL" ? wHILE rEADING iT i hAD a bALL lAUGHING oUT lOUD fALLIN oFF mY sEAT nZ hPA zINES cAN'T bE bEAT lIKE mY rHYME sO fAR sO hERE cOMES tHE pROPS wORDUP tO yA'LL wITH tHESE lYRICS i dROP f0RMAT, kEEP kEEPIN iT rEAL rED^bLADE, mAKE mE a dEAL oN yOUR wAY tO mAKE 6G'S pER yEAR aND iF i fUCKED lUSTA'S aSS wOULD sHE fEAR? bLZ wHAT dO yOU cARE aBOUT kEVIN mITNICK hE'S jUST sOME lAMER wITH a rEAL sMALL dICK iS cOOLGUY, rEALLY tHAT cOOL? wRITING aBOUT mIRC sOCKETS mAKES hIM sEEM lIKE a fOOL cREDIT tO jEEZUS fOR tAKIN tHE cHAN aND tHANKS tO tORPID nOW i'M a dOPE dEALIN mAN iTS yOUR rESPONSIBILITY tO sAVE yOURSELF! iTS yOUR rESPONSIBILITY tO sAVE yOURSELF! iTS yOUR rESPONSIBILITY tO sAVE yOURSELF! iTS yOUR rESPONSIBILITY tO sAVE yOURSELF! sOCIAL eNGINEERING gETTING fREE pORN tRASHING tHE pAPERCHASE iTS aLL oN uSING dIVERTORS hACK yOU wITH cONTROL-C bUSTIN pROXIES sHELL sERVIN oN mY kILLIN sPREE wITH eXULT cOMIN hARD wITH tHE 666 hIS pENKNIFE wAS dOPE kILL wITH iT tO gET mY fIX i pHREAK tO mY 0900 tO mAKE aLOT oF mONEY bUT pIMPS lIKE mE sTILL gOT tIME tO bE fUNNY lAST nAMES tO mENTION tHAT i dIDN'T fIRST lINES eRSATZ l0DE bLACKLEG cRASH f00BZ gOTHIC9 iTS yOUR rESPONSIBILITY tO sAVE yOURSELF! (mOTHERFUCKER!) iTS yOUR rESPONSIBILITY tO sAVE yOURSELF! (mOTHERFUCKER!) iTS yOUR rESPONSIBILITY tO sAVE yOURSELF! (mOTHERFUCKER!) iTS yOUR rESPONSIBILITY tO sAVE yOURSELF! (mOTHERFUCKER!) i'M nOT gONNA sAVE yOUR aSS tHIS tIME wHITEBREAD sAVE yOURSELF mOTHERFUCKER sAVE yOURSELF bITCH! sAVE yOURSELF mOTHERFUCKER sAVE yOURSELF bITCH! sAVE yOURSELF mOTHERFUCKER sAVE yOURSELF bITCH! sAVE yOURSELF mOTHERFUCKER sAVE yOURSELF bITCH! sAVE yOURSELF mOTHERFUCKER sAVE yOURSELF bITCH! sAVE yOURSELF mOTHERFUCKER sAVE yOURSELF bITCH! sAVE yOURSELF mOTHERFUCKER sAVE yOURSELF bITCH! sAVE yOURSELF mOTHERFUCKER sAVE yOURSELF bITCH! pEACE i'M oUT yO! @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ .____ _____ ____| /___\_ / \ / | _ | - j e d i a r t s - /_______|_______|--------------------------. | | | tRICKS oF tHE tRADE - wISE-K/jEDIARTS | | | | | `------------------------------------------' @END_FILE_ID.DIZ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +------( 13 )-- [ lAST wORDS ] ------------------------------------------+ CUT MY MUSIC! Hey everybody :) I had fun making this, so hope you had fun reading it. Although the texts are obviously bullshit there are a couple of lessons to be learnt from this: - don't rip articles - don't write articles about trivial shit any idiot can work out - don't write about out of date things or things that won't even work - don't act like you own the scene coz you made an hpa zine first and foremost, greets to the nz scene, hEhE Zorro did the Jedi Arts logo at the end which i like to use :> greets fly out to these names who i can think of right now : fungus, whodini, sycotic, red demon, trivial, stz, xcz, boheme, speedevil, bj, ranx, shockg, 2fast, folar, dartagnan, tango, blue, zoltrix, sal-one, whirr, exile, crusader, b, and whoever else.. . respects- CONTRA, ARCLITE, MO'SOUL, ART, UPPERCLASS, DEZIGN, G'STYLE, UNREAL my email is wisekid@ihug.co.nz if you want anything +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ :::::::::::::::::::::::[ W I S E - K ]:::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::[ C O M M I T I N G S C E N E S U I C I D E ]::: ::::::::[ A N D K E E P I N I T R E A L I N T H E 0 0 ]::::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: :::: ::::: ::::: :::::...... :::: ......::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: :::::...... :::: ......::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: :::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: :::::.::::: ::::: ::::: :::: ::::: ::::: :::::.::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: :::::.::::: ::::: ::::: :::: ::::: ::::: :::::.::::: ::::: :::::.::::: ::::: :::: ::::: :::::.::::: ::::: :::: ::::: ______._________ ______ ______ ._____. _____________ ::::: ::\_ | \/ / __/_|_ |/ / _/__ ::::: :::/ | / /_ / / / ./ /\___ \ ::::: ::/_____|____\_____/___/\__________\___|\_______\|_______/ o F ::::: ::::: _______.___________ ________ _______ ____________ ::::: \_ | \______\_ \______\ \/ __ /:: ::::: / | / /_ _ / / / ___/::: :t::H E /______|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| (JEDI ^ ARTS) | | | ___ |___ _____|_ ____ ____/ ¬/\ __.,____/ ¬/\ \_ ¬/\__,.__ _____/¬ /\ ____/ / /_/ _\__ /___/_/ ____/ /_\_ ¬/_\_ /___¯¯¯¯/\ ___/¬ _/ _/ /\/¬ _/ _/ /\ _/¬ _ _/ __/ _/ _/ / _/ /_/_____ |¬ \ \ _/_\___\ \ _/_/ \ \ \ \ \ \ ¯\ \ ¬| | \ \ \ _/ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \_ \ \____\ \ | | ____\___ \_______\ \ \ \ ___\___\ \___\/ \____ | |_________\/¯~ \___\/ ¯~\ __\/ \___\/ | ¯~Y\___\/2o! \_____ _| . ~Y | ¯~ ¯~ | . ¯~ `Y' . | So my 9mm | . | goes baanngg! | .-^-.`-------------- ` .-^^-. ( . + ) _____, \O s) ,__.-\ o·· · _, ·· =\____,\_(-_ /_ (_\__ ¯Y~ __/_) (\_\____) | ` | ·ToY· | Y ¯¯ |jA! | |___ ___| . |____| (_ _I___) (____) Y . i havent got an up to date list of Ja releases to put here unfortunately These productions have been released under the label of JEDI/\RTS and may not be altered in any other form than adding bbs ads. Removing tags or using logos without crediting is strictly forbidden under the etiquette of the worldwide ascii scene. ::::: :::: ::::: ::::: :::::...... :::: ......::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: :::::...... :::: ......::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: :::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: :::::.::::: ::::: ::::: :::: ::::: ::::: :::::.::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: :::::.::::: ::::: ::::: :::: ::::: ::::: :::::.::::: ::::: :::::.::::: ::::: :::: ::::: :::::.::::: :::: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx : /___________ø_ [%* tHE YARd BBS 2k! *%] ._________________/// ________: ____ ___|_______ ____. / ___\_ |___ ___\ _____ __/_ \ \ _ // _|__ __/_ \ | \ / \ __/_ \/ / \ \___/ ø / \/ / / |_ / \/ / _/ / \ _/ : /_ \_ /____/¯\_____/ / / /_ \__________/ \______| \_____/_________/ /____/ \_____\_____// \_______| /____________\©nUP zANEr^LFC ÷ diPSWiTCH^DCS ÷ hAsH^SOiA ÷ NINjA^PDX ÷ mOOL^AHS ÷ dARkUS^HjB ÷ AEROHOLiCS WHQ ÷ ARCADE WHQ ÷ AEROSOL WHQ ÷ DiSCiPLES OF AGEEMA WHQ ÷ ÷ DREAM THEATRE WHQ ÷ LiGHTFORCE GHQ ÷ BAD KARMA GHQ ÷ ROYAL GHQ ÷ ÷ SOiA GHQ ÷ UP ROUGH GHQ ÷ LOW PROFiLE GHQ ÷ PHUNK GHQ ÷ TEQUiLA GHQ ÷ ÷ SODiUM GHQ ÷ PUNGAS GHQ ÷ OMEN GHQ ÷ 1OO% GHQ ÷ VORTEX GHQ ÷ MVP GHQ ÷ ÷ DAYDREAM/LiNUX DEVELOPMENT TEAM HEADQUATERS/BETA-SiTE ÷ ÷ 2 nODES dIAL-UP 33k6 aND 64k iSDN ÷ 4 nODES tELNET 24h/7 64k iSDN ÷ ÷ 0d aMiGA/aSCii/hANDhELDS/n64 - pSX/sNES/mP3/cLASSiX/liNUX/dRUGS/cHiPtUNES ÷