witam w mojej nowej kolekcji! na poczatku chcialbym powiedziec, ze potrzebujesz edytora, ktory pozwala na ogladanie bardzo szerokich plikow. szerokosc tego wynosi 2820 kolumn. dlaczego? poniewaz istota tej kolekcji jest fakt, iz ciagnie sie ona od lewej do prawej. to kolejny eksperyment, a jego nazwa brzmi "EXPERIMENT 25", dlatego, ze jest to moja 25 kolekcja. ]-[ dlaczego wybralem tak dziwny sposob na zlozenie kolekcji? lubie eksperymenty z ascii sztuka a to moj nowy pomysl na design. piszac ten tekst juz wiem, ze wielu ludzi nie polubi tej kolekcji z powodu jej rzekomej bezsensownosci. nie martwie sie waszym zdaniem. jestem pewien, ze jest wystarczajaca duzo scenowcow, ktozy docenia moja prace. czy to glupie? moim zdaniem nie. nalezy isc do przodu i urzeczywistniac nawet bardzo dziwne pomysly. gdyby ktos mnie nie rozumie, to mowie, ze nie chce, by uwazano ten typu designu jako jakis nowy kanon w sztuce ascii. ]-[ nie bede juz o tym mowil. zobacz to sam... welcome to my new collection! at the beginning i'd like to say you need an editor, which allows you to watch the very wide text files. the width of this one is 2820 columns. why? beacause the essence of this collection is the fact it drags from left to right. it's the next experiment and its name sounds "EXPERIMENT 25", due to being my 25th collection. ]-[ why have i chosen such a strange way of making this colly? i like experiments with the ascii art and this is my new idea of design. writting this text, i know a lot of people won't like this colly beacause of its ostensible nonsense. i don't care about your opinion. i'm sure, there are enough sceners who will respect my work. is it stupid? in my opinion: it is not. we should go forth and realize even very strange ideas. if somebody don't understantd me, i'm saying, that i don't want to consider this design as a new canon in the ascii art. ]-[ i won't tell about it any word. watch it... __ __ ____ ___ . ___________ ______ _ ____ ______ ___ ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ T |T |___. ___ . ______ __ __ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____ ___ ______ ______ ___ ______ ______ ______ . _ ____ ___ _____ ____ __ __ ______ ______ ______ ___ .people. ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ ______ ____ ______ ______ ____ T (/ T ____ ___ ____ ___ |_) T ______ __) .T ______ _/ \) T ___ __) T ______ _____ __) \_ ______ _/ (__ ______ ____ . ______ ______ ______ ___ ______ T (__ ______ __) T __) T ______ __) .T ______ T (__ ______ __) .T MEMBERS .... acid, fitzroy, sundance PRODUCTIONS .... "maximalistik98", k0-max98.txt, acid MY COLLECTIONS ... Ac!D-asc.txt - ascii - 001.001.996 - 057k dGs-strk.txt - striking mismatch - 020.012.996 - 080k dGs-sun!.txt - sundance! where are you? - 03o.008.997 - 060k k0-exp25.txt - experiment 25 - 001.010.998 - 26k MAKE FOR US: o o this collection is powered by: -----------|_||_|| |/ .T . ______ |/ .T . ______ T |T |--------- T (__ ___ ____ T (__ ______ T (__ ___ T (__ ______ T (__ ______ T (__ _______. T (_ ______ _/ (__ ___ ___ T (__ .a(idT (_ ______ T. (__ ______ __) .T ______ .a(idT ___(__ T (/ T T. (__ __) .T _/ (__ __) .Tk0re. __) .T T. (__ |/ \) T __) \_ __) .T _____ __/ .T _____ __) \ _____ __/.T _____ T. (__ ___ __) T ______ __) .T _/ (__ ______ T. (__ __) T ______ _) T ___ __) .T ___ ____ ___ T (__ ______ __/ T ______ T (__ k0re. T. (__ ___ T. (__ ______ __) .T ______a(id __) .T __| / |___ T. (/ T T (/ .T | ______ | __) .T __) ___ |___ __) .T _) \ |___ _/ (__ __) _____|___ __) .T T __) __(__ __) .T __)__ (__ T (__ \| __) .T ___ __) T _____ __) .T ______ _/ (__ ______ __) T __|_____ (___ __) T __) __ |___ .g |__ T (__ __) ___ |___ __) __ T __|_____ (__ __) T __) __ |__ 24 apr 1998, 040kb Ac!D-azn.txt - azki network - 001.003.996 - 092k dGs-retr.txt - retrospection - 031.012.996 - 160k dGs-jour.txt - journey - 015.009.997 - 100k RESPECTS: \ / illusion flapjack tresortracks __| / |___ |/ .T __| ___ |___ |/ .T |_||_| .1998 __| ___ (___ T \) T __| ___ (___ T (__ __| ___ T___ _/ (__ __| T___ T (__ __| __ (___ T (__ __| (___ T () | __| \___ T (__ __)__ (__ T \) (_ __| __ T___ _____|_____ \___ T. (__ __|_____ (___ __) .T __) ___ |___ __) .Tk0re. __| \] (____| / |____| ____ (____) |____)__ (___) __ |___ ___ __) ___ |____| __ T____| \ |____) __(__ ___ __) |__ __) .T __)___ |__ __) .T __)_ (__ __) .T __) |____ __) .T __| _____T___ _/ (__ __) .m. |___ __) .T __) __ |___ __)__ (__ __) T __| T___ __) .g |___ __) T __/ .m. |___ _/ (__ __) __ |___ _/ (__ a(idT (/ .T __|_____ (___ __) T __) ___ |__ __) T __| ___ T______ __| T_____ __) \_ __| __ (___ __) T __)_____ |___ __) .Tk0re. __) |____T. .T_| / |___ __| / |__| __) .T |_) _____|___ T [/__| (_) __ |__T \ (_)__ (_)_______ (_) |___ | T \___( (_) ___ |__) )___/ (_| _____T___ | a ja lubie __) ____ |___ _/ (__ __) .g |___ __/ .T __) __ |___ __) .T ...diggerowe __)__ (__ __) .T hey, man! __) .c |__) ____ (_) _____|__) _____| .T this logo _____| (_|_____ (__) [/__| (_) \] |__T ____ (__) .g |_T _____| garbage is to koniec... [ [ k0re. manufaktories ] ] CONTACT .... a: arkadiusz kajzerek f: tomasz rykala s: damian warzocha [ [ k0re. manufaktories ] ] Ac!D-fcs.txt - faces - 007.004.996 - 150k dGs-take.txt - take a deep breathe - 001.002.997 - 170k dGs-mm97.txt - minimalistik97 - 001.010.997 - 030k "acid", "fitzroy", "sundance" __\/___________________________ da jormas ta KOLEKECJA ciagnie SIE od LEWEJ do PRAWEJ. to JEST jej ISTOTA. k0re. T __| T_| |__T [/__| T_| ___ |___ kore. I juz NIC nie JEST takie JAK przedtem. T _____| (_| \ |__T \| (_| ___ T__T [/__| T_)__ (_T . .m | T_| __ T__T T T_| T___ T t. T_| /\ |__T ____ T __| ____T__T )___/ T_| \ (__) _____| T experiment 25. experiment 25. jubilee? there's no menu just scroll it. __ ____ (_|_____ (__) _______(_)_____ |__) [/__| (_) |_____ this logo's made T ____ .T. / T \| .T. _____| T )___/ T _____| .T it's a small gift a(id __ | . |T [/__| T _____| .T. \ T \___( T| . | __ ...and for revi/link124 T. ____| (_)____ |_T. [/__| (_) ___|_T )_/ (_) __ |_T. | (_) ___ |__ special greets 2 T_______ (_)__ (_) . | (_) |__) T T | a(id/k0re. ...hope ya'll T )___/ (_) ___ |__) _____| T this one is created _T. _____| (_) __ |__). _ | (_)__ (_) T (_)__ (_ another logo ____| / |__) ____ (_) .c |__) \| (_) ___ |__T [/__| _ __ ...and another... T | .T_) __(_T T .(_) __ |__T ____ (_) ___ |___ quite linear T. | | .luk | __| .Ta(id yeah, the linear T __| |_) ___ |__|_______ T keep making | __ .r _____| .v. )___/ | s. ____ T there's only who | | .i | [/__| i. _________ T | irysy! T. \| (_)__ (_T. _____| (_) |__T. _____| (_) ___ |___ irysy... a(id T )___/ (_) ____ |___ kisses from poland! :) T _____| .a \] ________ e | | says "case". |___ ____ _ __ .r ____ | a. \] _____| .e | often valuable. koooniec!! [ [ one-nine-nine-eight ] ] : heleny 12/43 ustronna 6/52 "kwiaty", k0-kwiat.txt, acid+fitzory [ [ one-nine-nine-eight ] ] the art for Ac!D-aqu.txt - aquarium - 010.006.996 - 190k dGs-krwi.txt - krash'd wiatrak - 022.002.997 - 110k dGs-mawi.txt - magyari wiatrak - 012.012.997 - 090k --------------------------------------------------------------------------- azzaro dave revi "kore." ( ______ (___________) ______ ) substance konieckonieckoniec... this COLLECTION drags FROM left TO right. IT is THE essence OF this. manufaktories | __ | ____ | __ | _____| T kore. AND nothing IS the SAME like BEFORE. | | .e __ | p. |_____ _____| | __ .r | )___/ | |____| | _____| | | .n | T | ______ / \_ | \] o.| T |.i | \ | e.| | the 25th collection by acid/kore. mayby... in here... just scroll it. //_/ \] .a _______| z. | ____ | r __ ____ __ for azzaro/mawi+anadune+l124 | b. [/ | u. | d. | | g |___ | .i | e | | for budgie/l124. k0re. | _|| |_|| r __ | e | | .v | .i ||_| ||_ | _ respects, guys! | |__ |. ___ | __ |. | |. ____| | | |. \| T garfield of ipc! | | .s | )___/ |. |____| | ____ | n. | | |_/__ . ___ ___. like it, m8... | | \| | .|a(id for garfield's and simon's ascii group! |/ | |___ _____| .| |____| )___/ _ | .n . )___/ |_ . another ascii mate. __ _ __| .a \] _____| .p. |____ _____| _ r __ - -- it's a gift for you, kacper! ---| l. | | \___( | .n | _____| .| a. \] | [/__| T--- style of life... | | |___________| __ |k0re. surprise. | __ | [/__| _|_ | | ascii art, krs. |----]_______ e | _____________ i. . _____________ .q \] _ |_ ruler... | |_________| r __ __________| | s. | | | | d. )___/ | |___ | _____| .| | e. [/__| .T _ _ | \| T k0. | | _____________ | s. ____________| __________ a. \] |----]_______ b. [/ _____________ |___ ____________ : pl-30838 krakow pl-44335 jastrzebie pl-43100 tychy 29 aug 1998, 0--kb the art dGs-deep.txt - deep forest - 030.008.996 - 290k dGs-kulf.txt - plecaki kulfoniaki - 022.002.997 - 110k dGs-all!.txt - *all logos in one archive* - 031.012.997 -manyk [ 2'580 ] kbytes in [ 25 ] files during [ 2 years 10 months and 1 day ] boobba fitzroy sharp "the art for the art" \( _ | ____ ____ | _ )/ dave radix endendendendendend... |----]_______ \] |----]_______ | |___ |_____________ T x.|________|--|.e | -----]______| i. |-----]______ | e.|-----|______ t. _____| |________|--| .w ____________| | f. _____|___________ .v.|___________| _________________ z | _____________ a. \] ------]_______ .o \] \_\\ |_____/_____|___________|___________|___________|_________|___________| . (_|___|____|----]______|___________|___________|______________|___|_) . |__________ \] |----]_____ ____|_______| | |_________| | | |____________ i. |-----]______ o. \] |-----|_____| | ||| ||___| |___________ |________________|k0re. /|__|____________ e | |-----]______ i. . T-----|_____| i. . | \| -- - __ .k ____________ | _________| | e | |----]__________ ---|____________ .i |-----|______ e | |___________| r __ |--- ---] ]___________[ - - - - - ]----]______[ [--- |----]______| __ )|(__________| |___________| |_________| |_________\\ / |-a(id/k0---- ]----]______| |___________[ --| |____________ i. |____________ g |___ |____________ r __ | (_) |__________ .id. | | _ _ |___________| |___________|a(id/k0re. |___________| |_____/_____| |__________|a(id/k0re. : 012 6574558 036 4719664 dGs-!us!.txt - i love us! - 016.009.996 - 065k dGs-14xl.txt - 14 x love - 022.002.997 - 050k L124-m98.txt - minimalistik98 - 002.002.998 - 140k --------------------------------------------------------------------------- budgie garfield sundance "kore. manufaktories" \ \\ (_) | |. .|. .| | (_) // mortimer t. T___________| T___________| .T a(id/k0 ]-----|_____| |___________| |_________| |___________| |________| |___________| |________| |___________| ---------------]___________(-----------]___________[-----------]______________ ----------]_________[.a(id/k0.]_______[---------]_________[---------]_________| |_________| |___________| |____| |________| )___________| )_________| |_________|__|\ -------]_______| |___________| |___________| ---------------]_________[-----------]___________[-----------]----]______|--- |----]______| \/ a(id/k0re.|_________| |___________| - -- -----|----]______| |___________| (_) : "experiment 25", k0-exp25.txt, acid dGs-indd.txt - independence day - 009.011.996 - 160k dGs-gfti.txt - graffiti! - 030.005.997 - 110k k0-max98.txt - maximalistik98 - 024.004.998 - 40k chosen nemesis yaneq \ \ \\____| l____l____| |____// fndr muffler -[ acidfitzroysundance ]--------------------------------------|___|---------- . .independent. .community. . |___________| a(id/k0re. :... e-mail: fitzroy@friko6.onet.pl, toxik@friko3.onet.pl xx sep 1998, 0--kb dGs-brwi.txt - broken wiatrak - 015.012.996 - 120k dGs-live.txt - still alive - 012.007.997 - 120k k0-kwiat.txt - kwiaty - 030.009.998 60k THANX \_______________________/ dune psylocyb