III:::.:.:. . . .::... . .--. _________ .------------. II::.. . __________ª `- \____ _|:::::::::________ | ___ I::. ______ \____ |____sF!/ _________________/ `-._/\ / )______ ::. \ __|_____/__ | \/ | \\ \/ \\| . ____\_______ // | \_______ \ +31-70-363.97.60 \| . \ \/ /______________\:::::'|____________\ +31-70-ISDN sOOn ª \____ / .::::::::::' :::::::::: ª \_______/ .::::::::::' :::::::::: < tHe mEAN tEAM: > ª .::::::::::' :::::::::: [=zEn=\RDZ\BDZ] | . %rOadhOgz WHq% .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [Diablo\RDZ\MTH]^[Boldy] | : BLADEz '94 EHq ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [sATAN'S fIRE\RDZ\TTAB] | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [Inferno\RDZ\Smokey] | [aMi/pC/aZCii] :::::::::: __________________ | : ::::::::::_\ ___________/ : | /\ _______:::::::::\ ______/____ ___________ |______//\\___________ _________ \___________:::/ \ \/ __/_\______ / | _// \\_ _____/__à______ \__/ \________/___\____ __\ _______/_ . / \____\\ ___/ /______| /____/ \ \/ _____/ \ \_________\ |____________/::. \ ___ |_________.--. \_________\ : iT'S iN aRT wE TRUST! \_______/ | `----------------- --- - - - ª - --- -------' .............. .............. ............. ...........:::. :::.::::::::::; ::::::::::: ::: `...........::: ::::::::::: :::sF! ::: :......... ::::::::::: ::: ::::::::::: ::: ::::::::::: ::: ::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::: ::::::::::: ::: ::::::::::: ::; ::: ::::::::::: `::::::::::.::' `::::::::::.::; `::::::::::.::' ::::::::::; ... .:::........... .............. .............. ............ ::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::: ::::::::::: ::: `...:::::::::' -rOadhOgz- ::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::: `::::::::::.:::.::: .......... aRt cOURIERs ::: ::::::::::; ::::::::::: ::: ........... ::: ::: :::::::::: ::: ::::::::::: `::::::::::.::' `::::::::::.::' `::.:::::::::' ::::::::::: iT'S iN ART WE TRUST! [ =zEn= ]-[ sATAN'S FIRe ]-[ DiABLo ] [ sAL-1 ]-[ AbRUpt DeCeNt ]-[ jOpiTer ]-[ eiNSTEin ] [ THe ReaPeR ]-[ The Doctor ]-[ iNFERno ] .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | -jUAN/tRSi/iNS/e^D mARiO/tRSi sNiPER/iNS hARPOON/sR hiJACKER/cLS | | dEViL&rAVEN/tRSi/pSG fRANTiK/tRSi mAGMA/iTC biOTECH/iTC dESOTO/e^D | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | THE HAPPY CREW AT >ASYLUM< BBS! ASK ANY CREW/TRSI/INSANE/E^D MEMBER FOR #! | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| `----------------------------------------------------------------------------' [lEcHeD oN 06.07.95 ½ 21:29:58 ½ UFOk/MsT^LsD^PsG] _________ _____ /\ \ (fr 94) / / ··\ / / /_______ ______ ______ / / ____=//\ \ /\ \ /\ \ / º º \ Sysop / / / / / ··\ / / ··\ / / ··\ (  ) /___ / / / \ / / /\ / / / ____=// / ____=/ \__ \ / / ··\ / / /\/ / / / / \ / / / \ \___/ / / ____=// / >/ / ··\ / / ··\ /==================\ / / / / / / // / ___=// / ___=/ # n0dE 1 : 16k8 DS # / / / / / / // / / \ / / / \ # +48-89-181919,R # \/ / \/ / / \/ ··\ \/ ··\ )------------------( \___=/ \__=/\__=/ \______=/ \______=/ # n0dE 2 : 28k8/V34# ,ms # +48-.-eLiTe-.- # SeVerAl ,_ ]@@i \==================/ ReAsoNs @@[ @@b ,ms ,___. TO CaLL... M@@ OLD! Y@@ !@A _mm_@@@@@W. ]@@. ---- !@@[ gm@@@@A@@@fV@@W  aga/cd32 '@@[ @@b _. i@W d@@A@@@ M@@ ]@@W faSteSt @@W ,8@@@@@ ]@@[ @@P 'M@i]@@[ Y@@[  niCe SySie ]@@mmmmmm_ i@@@@@A*f @@[ @@[ @@[ @@W @@[  cOOl usErs _gm@@@@@@@@@@b '**f@@@ @@@ @@@sg@@[ ]@@ '~ *4pM - 8aM* ,W@@@@M@@ V@@W ]@@. ]@@i 'M@@@@A ~` ,W@@@f~ ]@@. gW@@@i !@@b @@[ V**f @@@@mm. !@@[ ]@A~V@@ Y@@ @@[ SySOp: UFOk/MsT/LsD/PsG M@@@@@@. @@[ ]@b ,@@Ws ]@@ '~ CoGuY: H O / iDP d@@[ @@@ ]@@@@A@@A ~` ---- / --- @@@@@@! !@A V**f ---- / --- 8**@K` [lEcHeD oN 06.07.95 ½ 21:29:58 ½ UFOk/MsT^LsD^PsG] -={ SPACEBALLS WHQ ACCESS NHQ LSD NHQ MOTION! SCHQ }=- . ______ ________________/|_________________________________. / / \_ . \_ | _/ __ \_ . \_ |/ / / |\____/ |_ \ _)____/ |\_____/ _/ _/ _/ |/ \_ _/ \_ \| \_ |/ \_ \ \_ \_____________/ \_______/____ /___________/ \______/ _/ |sc \____/ _/ | \_________| ____ \________| ________________________| |_____ ______________ \_ __ \_ .____| |_ \| __ ___/ / __| / /| \| |/ \ \/ | / \_______/ \| \_ _/ \ \_ | a4OOO'o4o 18 mb rAM _/ | \____________/ \______|\______/ | 2 GiGA HD - 28.8 V. 34 \________| |____| _/ | \________| KiNGPiN/SPB^M!^ACS^LSD & AXEN/LSD^CSL^SPB & sISKO^BiLBo BaGGins/M! sHADE&dARKELF/TRSI^ACS & LABEL/ACS & rAJ!/PSG & dEViL&RAVEN/PSG^TRSI +47-51593123 28.8 DS - rINGdOWN - +47-51592430 28.8 DS wE oFFER YOU SNES aND aMIGA US iMPORTS dAILY .... mAKE YOUR dECiSION! -(07-06-95 14:17:08)-- -- - --(BB-TxtAdder v0.9 by BiLBo BaGGins/M!^RNX)- .-------=+ ( d I G I T A L w A R F A R E ) +=-------. : | ___/\_.__ ___/\____ ___/\____ ___/\____ ___/\____ ___/\____ ___/\_: \__ \\________7\__ \\________7\__ ___7\__ \\_ 7 / T \__________/ T__/___________/ \__/ T \/ |aQua / | \_ \ | \ \ » \ \ | \ _/ | /\_\ \_ | \_ \_ \_ T \_ | \_ \ | \/_/ / l / / / | / | / \__________ /_______ /_______ /_______ /_______ /___|___ /_______ / \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ : : | -*- HUGE ASCII/ANSI AREA -*- OCCULT AREA -*- X-FiLES -*- | | -*- /X TOOLS -*- AMiGA TOOLS -*- TONS! OF TEXT FILES -*- | | -*- 28k8OO -*- 24HOURS -*- 77O-73882 -*- | | -*- [c]YBERNETIK [s]ABOTAGE [p]OSSE [h]Q -*- | | [n]UMBER +47-77O-73882 [24 HOURS A DAY] | : __ ___/\ . _ ___/\____ ___/\____ ___//\_\_ ___/\____ ___/\____ ___/\_:__ \__ Y Y \\__ \\__ \\__ \/_/ \\__ \\__ \\_ \ / | | \/ T \/ T \/ T \/ T \/ T \/ T__/ / | | \ \ » _ ) l___ ) \ _ _ ) __|__ _/ | | \_ T \_ T »»\_ ___7» T \_ | »»\_ T \_ \ | | / | / | / | \ | / | / | / \__________ /___|___ /___l___ /___| \______|___ /___|___ /_______ / \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ : __ __ : `--/\_\-------------------------------------/_/\------------' \/_/ \_\/ tHIS fILE pASSED dIGITAl wARfARE 14:00:30 06-Jul-95 aD! .---------. _ -+b A S í C`-(_)-- - --- - __ | ______________________ ________ ________.___________ \/_ _(|(______ \________ \__/ ______)_ | ________)__(_) | / _/ __ /\_______ \_ | \ / __ª______ /____ /_________ / ª______ / : \_____/ \_____/ \____/ : \_____/ ª __ . `--\/- - -- ----.í N S T í N C T.-- - a12oo o30 50MHZ 28.8 V.34 `--- - ---------' 10 mB rAM 1.4 gIG HD ______ _ ______ _ ____.____\ ________ ______________.____\ _ _______ __________ |____ \ _/ ______)_ _ / |____ \ ______)__ _ / | \ \_ /\_______ \_ \___/ | \ \_ / \ / \___/ ____|_____\ /_________ /____| ª_____\ /_______ /_____| \ / \____/ : \ / e!\___/ __ \/ | \/ .--\/- - -- -------------------------- -^------- - - -----------------. ª | -|=-[- aCID / aLPHA fLiGHt^gROtEStiCLE -]--=|- -|=-[-½ sHADE/tRSi^aCS & gRiMLOCK/gRt & mR.Z/aCS ½-]--=|- -|=-[- stRAtOS!/sCx^mGS!^gRt & bAFFLE!/StA^eDG -]--=|- | .---' `---a-m-i-g-a--^&^--s-n-e-s------ - -- ------------ - ---. `--. .------------- - -- ------------------- - -- --------' . -' `--- -> nODE 1 +47-638-28-335 nODE 2 +47-cOMMINGsOON =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=LISENCE NHQ=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ___ ___ /\ ////T\ /T\ /T\ /T\ /T\ /T\ /T\ /T\\\\ /\ |\\//// | | | | | | | \\\\//| |\\/// C | R | Y | S | T | A | L | S \\\//| |\\//\ | | | | | | | /\\//| \/ \ | | | | | | | / \/ \ /-\ | /| | |\ | /-\ / T \ | / | O | F | \ | / T AMIGA&PC \|/ | | | \|/ /X&Classics /-\ | | | /-\ \ / \ / ___ T T ___ /\ ////T\ /T\ /T\ /T\ /T\ /T\ /T\ /T\\\\ /\ |\\//// | | | | | | | \\\\//| |\\/// A | R | B | O | R | E | A | ! \\\//| |\\//\ | | | | | | | /\\//| \/ \ | | | | | | | / \/ \ /-\ | /-\ /-\ /-\ | /-\ / T \ | / T T \ | / T \|/ \|/ /-\ /-\ Call us at +47 77652856 one mother fucking fast node with 28k8 A really kewl LiSEnce board DA unholy miningstaff: BUZZ WIPE/LSC,CYBERTRACKER/LSC & MoRbiD! Running /X on A4000/030 with 2,5gigs of PURE FUN Be there for the latestt hoooooot warezzz! -^( FastAdd v1.o by nIKE '94! )^- @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ.__. | |RS!._______________________________ | |__ |__) /~ ___/~ |~ / /~__/ | | \) | __/ __)/ | / __/ _) | \ |__ \ ~\ | \ \ \ ~\ |______/__|____/\____/\_|____\____\___/ ' Y Y PrEseNtS: Y Y Y On the 06-JUL-95 Buzz Wipe second ASCii colly CALLED: MIXMASTER [%::::::::::::%] rOadhOgged [%::::::::::::%] @END_FILE_ID.DIZ We Welcome you to ONE fo Norways FAASTESt... A really kewl Lisence board . -= C r Y S t a L s =- . -= o f =- ________________________________________________ _____ /¼»_»»¼|»»»_»¼\______»»»»¼/»»¼\»»»»»_»¼\»»»»»»»»¼\/»»_»¼\ / Y | Y \»»»»Y __/ _ \/ Y \/¼ ___ / Y \ / . | . / _ »\ Y \ . / ___\/\ . \ \ | | | \ Y \ / | \ »»»Y \ | / \ __|___|___| __/_________/_____/\___| __/_________/__|__ / Y¼»»»»»»»»»»Y Y»»»»»»»»»Y»»»»» »»»»Y»»Y»»»»»»»»»Y»»»»¼Y . Running /X V4.8 on A4000 2,5gig og STORAGE 0-3days AMIGA /X doors&tools IBM&Classics .:*:./\.:*:./\.:*:./\.:*:./\.:*:./\.:*:./\.:*:./\.:*:./\.:*:. The Very nice STAFF is : MorBid/LSC&CyberTracker/LSC The Kewl and VERY Chattable SYSOP is: Buzz Wipe/LSC Da numba to call Is +47 77652856 TIME FOR ANOTHER GREAT ASCII COLLY BY BUZZ WIPE/LSC CALLED MIXMASTER ....................................................... :After my first colly some of my friends called me to : :Say that I had forgotten them in the colly,, so I : :Decided to YET again terrorise you people with one of: :My collyes,,,,, This one includes some forgotten M8's: : Some BS stuff and even some REQUESTS.Well let's cut : :The CRAP and let the show begin.. ohh and remember if: :you want som ASCII's by me.. call my BBS +47 77652856: :and ASK for one.. I will be honured to do you one : /\The SHOW begins/\ _________________/\___________________ / \ / MENUE \ / \ / 1: Forgotten friends from the first colly \ / 2: Some BBS Stuff \ / 3: Some File_id's \ / 4: Some Requests \ \__________________________________________________/ /\1/\ .:::::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: /\ASCII:1/\ Saying:Cybertracker Dedicated to:Cybertracker/LSC _______ _______________ ___ / |:: ::: / ____ | | |/\ | _____| :: ::: / /___/ | _____| \ | / ::::: / _______| |____ /\ \ | | ::: / |_______ ____| / | \_____ ::: / _____ | |_____ |\ \ | | ::: / /____/ | | | \ \ \_______|::: /_____________|_______|___| \ \ ___________ ___ _ _____ __ ______\/ _ | | |/\ / |/ | | /\ | | |/\ |____ ____| \ / | ____| |/ / ___| | \ | | | /\ X\/ | | / /___ | /\ \ | | | X /| | |____ \ ____| | / | | | |\ \/ \| | | |\ \ \___ | |\ \ | | | | \ \/\___|\_____|__| \_\____| |__| \ \ |_| |___| \ \ \ \ b!w \/ \/ /\ASCII:2/\ Saying:Weird One Dedicated to:Weird One/LSC __ __ __ ____ __ __ ____ __ __ ____ \ \ / / / /| __| | |/\ \ /\ | \ | | __| \ \/ \/ / | |_ | o \|\ \ / \ | \| | |_ \ /\ / | |__ | /|_\ \ / /\ \| |\ | |__ \/ \/ |____|__|__|\ \____/ \____/|__| \__|____| b!w \ \ \/ /\ASCII:3/\ Saying:Red Snake Dedicated to:Red Snake __ _____ __ ______ __ __ _ __ _____ | |/\ | | \ / / | \ | | / | | /\ | | | o \ | ___| \ / ____/__ | \| | / | |/ / | ___| | / | |__ |\ \ /______ \ | |/\/ | / | |__ | \ | __| | \ \ \ \ | |\ |\ /| | \ | __| | \| |___ |__\ \ ______\ \ | | \ |/ \| | |\ \ | |___ |__|\ /|_____|______/ /_____________\|__| \ |\/\___|__| \ \|_____| b!w \/ \| \/ /\ASCII:4/\ Saying:Sealapex Dedicated to:Sealapex/GOD ________ _______ __ ________ ::: ::: / / | | | | | \ ::: ::: / ____/__| ____| | | | /\ \____ ::: ::: / \ \___ __| | __| \/ / | :::::: /________ \ ___| / | | / | _____/ ___| :::::: b!w \ \ \__ /\/ | | /\/ | | \__ ::: ::: __\ \ |\ /| | |___ \ /| | | ____| ::: ::: / \ |/ \| | |/ \| | | \___ ::: ::: /_____________\__|\/\___|______|\/\___|__|___________|::: ::: /\2/\ ::::::. ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::..... :::::::: /\ASCII:5/\ Saying:CONFTOP Dedicated to:EVERYBODY that can use it! __________ ____ __ ________ / / /\ \ \ | \______________ /\ | \ | _____/ / \ | \| | / ___ \ / \ | /\ \ | / / /\ \ | | ____/__/| |\__\/ /\ \ | |\ \/ / | \_____/ /__\ \| |\ ||___ | | / /__\ \ | | \___/ | \ /| | \ | ___| | | / \| | \_________\____/ |__| \ || |_| \________/|__| \|| b!w |/ /\ASCII:6/\ Saying:MENUE Dedicated to:EVERYBODY that can use it! /\ /\ _________ __ ______ / \ / \ | | \ | \ __ __| | / \/ \| ___| \| | | | | ___| / |\ /| \ |__ | | | | | |__ | | \/ | | __|| |\ | | | | __| | | | | |___| | \ | | | | |___ |__/ \__|\_____|__| \ |\ \__/ / \_____| b!W \ | \______/ \| /\ASCII:7/\ Saying:DOORS Dedicated to:EVERYBODY that can use it! ___ ___ | \ /\ /\ | |/\ ________ | |\ \ / \ / \ | \ / / | | \ \ / /\ \ / /\ \ | /\ \/ ____/__ | | \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ | / \ | |___\ X X \| /________ \ |_______X________X________/|___|\ \ ____\ \ b!w \ \/ \ \/ \ /_________________\ /\ASCII:8/\ Saying:Top Pumpers Dedicated to:EVERYBODY that can use it! _____ _________ ______ ______ __ __\ \/\ _____ ___ _ ____ / _____ \ | \ | \ | | | | \| \ | _| |/\/ __/ /__/ | | \__\| _ /\\ | _ /\\| | | | |\/| | _ /\\| |_ o \__ \ | | /\ | | \\// | | \\//| |__| | | | | | \\//| _| / / \ | |/oo\ | | \/ | | \/ | | | | | | \/ | |_ |\ \/_____\ |_|\__/ |__| |__| |________|__| | |_| |___|_| \ \ b!w \ | \/ \| /\ASCII:9/\ Saying:UPLOAD Dedicated to:EVERYBODY that can use it! _____ __ ___ /\ ::: ::: | \ | | /\ __| \ /\ / \ ::: ::: | \ \| | / \ / | |\ \ / \ /_/\_\ ::: ::: | |\ /| | / /\ \/\/ | | \ \ /_/\_\ /\ ::: ::: | | \/ | \___/ / \ \ /| | |__\ \ /\ / \ ::: ....... ::: | |b!w | \ / \| | \ / \ /_/\_\ ::. ::::::: .:: |__| |______/\____/\/\___|_______/ /_/\_\ /\ /\ / \ / \ /_/\_\ /\Is an ART you perform by phusing the U key/\ /_/\_\ /\ASCII:10/\ Saying:Download Dedicated to:EVERYBODY that can use it! _ _ ___ __ ____ __ __ __ ___ _ _ \ \/ / | \ /\ \ /\/\ /\ \ | | | /\ / | \ \ \/ / \ / | |\ \ / \ \ \ \/ / /| \| | | / \/\/ | |\ \ \ / _\/_ | | \ \ / /\ \ \/\ \/ / | |\ | |__/ /\ \ /| | |_\ \ _\/_ \ \/ / | |__\ X \ /\ / | | \ | \ / \| | \ \ \/ / \ / |______X______/\/ \/b!w|_| \ |______\__/\/\___|______/ \ / _\/_ \ | _\/_ \ \/ / \| \ \/ / \ / \/The Hideous ACT you do when you push that D key\/ \ / \/ \/ /\ASCII:11/\ Saying:AMIGA ELITE Dedicated to:EVERYBODY that can use it! ____ ___\ \/\ __ :::::::::. __ ________ ___________________ / | \| |::: : / | | ___| | | |___ ___| ___| /\/ | |\/| | |::: /\/ | | |__ | | | | | | |__ \ /| | | | | |::: ::::\ /| | | __| | | | | | | __| / \| | | | | |::: ::/ \| | | |___ |___| | | | | |___ \/\____|__| | | |:::::::::\/\___| \____|______|__| |__| \____| \|__|b!w /\ASCII:12/\ Saying:PC ELITE Dedicated to:EVERYBODY that can use it! ____________ ________________________________ | _ | | | __| | | |\ /| __| | __| ___|._.| |__ | | | \___ ___/ | |__ | | | |___ |_|| __| |__| | | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | | | | |__ |__| |_____|b!w|____|____|__| |__| |____| __ \ A shitty ASC For a Shitty COMPUTER /\ASCII:13/\ Saying:Console Warez Dedicated to:EVERYBODY that can use it! _________ ___ __ ______ __ ______ / / /\ \ \ | | / / /\ | | | | | ____/ / \ | \| | / ____/__ / \ | | | ____| | / / /\ \ | |\ |/______ \ / /\ \ | | __| |___ | \____/ /__\ \| | \ | ___\ \/ /__\ \| |___/ | ___| | \ /| | \ | / \ /| | |____ \________\____/ |_| \|/____________\____/ |_________|______| __ _ ___ ________ _ _ /\/ | |/\ | __|/_____ / \\ // /\ /|| o \||_ / / \\//\/ / \|| /||__ / /____ \/\ /\/\__|_|\ \|___| /______/ \/ b!w \ \ \/ /\ASCII:14/\ Saying:Bulletins Dedicated to:EVERYBODY that can use it! ____ __ ________ :::::::.__ __ __ __ _____ __________ __\ \ | | / / ::: :: | | | | | | | | | | \| | / ____/__ ::: : | | | | | | | ___|___ ___| | | / \ ::: :::: | | | | | | | |__ | | | | |\ |/________ \ ::: : |__| | |_|_ |__| __| | | | | | \ | \ \ :::b!w:: | | | |___ | | | | | \ | ______\ \ ::::::: \______/|______|___|_____| |__| |__|__| \ | / \ \|/_________________\ /\ASCII:15/\ Saying:/X DOORS Dedicated to:EVERYBODY that can use it! _______ ___ ___ __ / /\ \ / / | \ /\ /\ | |/\ ____ / / \ \/ / | |\ \ / \ / \ | \ / __/_ / / \ / ____ | | \ \ / /\ \ / /\ \ | o \/____ \ / / b!w / \ |____| | |__\ \ / /__\ \ / /__\ \ | |\ /___/ \ / / / /\ \ | \/ X \| | \ \_________\ /___/ /__/ \__\ |_______/\________X________/|__| \ \ \ \ \/ /\ASCII:16/\ Saying:LOGOFF Dedicated to:EVERYBODY that can use it! ______________________________________________________________________ / \ / __ _________________ \ \ | | /\ :::::: /\ | | | / \ | | / \ :: / \ | _____| _____| / \ | |__ / /\ \:: : / \ | | | | / \ |_____|\____/:::::: / /\ \ | |___ | |___ // \\ / /__\ \ | | | | / / \ \ / \| ____| | ____| / / \ \ \ b!w /| | | | // // \\ \\ \________/ |_| |_| / / \ \ // / \ \\ / // \\ \ // / \ \\ / / \ \ // // \\ \\ / / \ \ / / \ \__________________________/ / \_______________________________ / And Do Remeber to CALL these other lovely boards! Crystals Of Arbores +47 77652856 Shaolin Tempel +47 56356069 No Remorse +47 56367026 Primal Rage +45 31612368 Nausea +358 187524921 /\3/\ ......... ::::::::: ::: ::: ::::::: ::: ::: ::: ::::::::: /\ASCII:17/\ Saying:GRT(File:id) Dedicated to: GRT __ ____________________ ::::::: |/\ / | Brings ::: o \____ ____/| | You ::: ::: /b!w | | |__| Another ::: :: \ | | __ GR8 :::::::__|\ ) |____| |__| Testickel \/ /\ASCII:18/\ Saying:LSC Dedicated to:LSC&MYSELF __ ____ ______ | | / __/_/ ___/ /\We kick ASS! | |/____ \ \b!w \/FOR THE LORD | |_ __\ \ \__ /\__\ /\ |____|_______\___/ \/__/ / \ Gives you another lisenced REALESE /\4/\ :: :: :: :: :::::::: ::: ::: ::: ::: /\ASCII:19/\ SHOWING:Hot fish REQUESTED BY:Hot Tuna/RAZOR 1911 ________)_(__)_(______ / ( )( ) \ |||||| /| / ) ( ) ( \ |||||| / | | |\ _________ |\ / | | | | \__/ \ | | | | | | | __ o \ | | | | | | | __ // \ | | | | | | | / \___________/ | | | | | | |/ | | | | | \ b!w / | | | | \______________________/ \/ \/ _ _ ____ _______ _______ _ _ _ _ ______ | |_| | |__ __| |__ __| | | | \ | | __ | | _ | /\ | | | | | | | | | \| | __ | | | | | \/ | | | | | | |__| | |\ | | | | |_| |_|____| |_| |_| |______|_| \_|_| |_| /\ASCII20:20/\ Saying:HOT TUNA Requested by:Hot Tuna/Razor 1911 __ _____________________ ______________ _____ ___________ | |__| | | ___ ___ | | ___ ___ | | | | \ | | __ | | __ | __ |/ | | \| |/ | | \| | | | \| | __ | | | | | |__| | | | | | | |__| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |\ | | | | |__| |__|______|b!w |_| |_| |________|__| \__|__| |__| You Have BEEN watching BUzz Wipe/LSC SECOND ASCII COLLY CALLED "MIXMASTER" And all that remains is The GREETS, so if you don't expect to see you name her take a BREAK from the SCREEN Greets(In no special order) CyberTracker/LSC (good trader) Shaolin/LSC (overall nice dude) MAGZ/GRT (whatc out. he have GENETIC ERROR) ACID/AFL (PUMP UP THE WAREZ) TWISTER/FlashBack'95 (His BBS is a FCUKING nice one) Weir One/LSC (Hope yo get that new modem soon) MORBID/LSC (I hate you,because you get 2months in greece I don't :)) ) bAFFLe/All the groups in the world and then some (Have you plugged that leek) Deliveryman/LSC (Hope you will be able to call me some more ) Akiro&Dr.POOP/SCP^VTY (Your board has been very bussy lately :) ) SealaPex/GOD (I promise to catch up on the upps ) HOT TUNA/RAZOR 1911 (Keep them warez rolling :) ) And HELLO to everybody I forgot This time to Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh SHIT Here comes the adds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We Welcome you to ONE fo Norways FAASTESt... A really kewl Lisence board . -= C r Y S t a L s =- . -= o f =- ________________________________________________ _____ /¼»_»»¼|»»»_»¼\______»»»»¼/»»¼\»»»»»_»¼\»»»»»»»»¼\/»»_»¼\ / Y | Y \»»»»Y __/ _ \/ Y \/¼ ___ / Y \ / . | . / _ »\ Y \ . / ___\/\ . \ \ | | | \ Y \ / | \ »»»Y \ | / \ __|___|___| __/_________/_____/\___| __/_________/__|__ / Y¼»»»»»»»»»»Y Y»»»»»»»»»Y»»»»» »»»»Y»»Y»»»»»»»»»Y»»»»¼Y . Running /X V4.8 on A4000 2,5gig og STORAGE 0-3days AMIGA /X doors&tools IBM&Classics .:*:./\.:*:./\.:*:./\.:*:./\.:*:./\.:*:./\.:*:./\.:*:./\.:*:. The Very nice STAFF is : MorBid/LSC&CyberTracker/LSC The Kewl and VERY Chattable SYSOP is: Buzz Wipe/LSC Da numba to call Is +47 77652856 ______ / / _ _____________ _________ _ __________ ________ /_____/_______ ________ /__\ _____/______ / ._____/____ / \___ / \ / \_____. / / ! / / \/ / \__ / ! / / / /_____________/_____| /_________________/_______/_____________/ g«m|____/[b a s i c] I N S T I N C T .-------------. | .-. | sTAFF! | | | | .--------------------------- ---- --- -- - - `--:--' `--:--' : acid/afl^ttl!^grt^spa |\_____/í : stratos!/scx^grt^ttl! _|_______|_ : shade/trsi^pse ./_ _\. : grimlock/grt | | | | : mr.z/acs | |_________| | : |_| _____ |_| : aLPHA fLIGHT nHQ cOOL rAVEcONF! (^) (|) (^) `------------------------------------------------. __ | | | __ nODE 1 +47-ASK-ME!!! cOURIER 28.8 : / \|____!____|/ \ nODE 2 +47-638-2???? sPORTSTER 28.8 : (_________|_________) - - -- --- -----------------------------------' [-AquaAdder v1.0-] [ ] [] iNTO tOTAL dARKNESS, tHE uNKNOWN, cOME wALK wiTH mE iN [] [ ] ......... .... ......... .... ......... ......... .... :::: ::::: :::: ::::: :::: :::: ::::: :::: ::::: :::: :::: ::::: ::::: :::: ::::: ::::: :::: :::: ::::: :::: ::::: :::: :::: ::::: ::::: :::: :::: ::::: :::: ::::: :::: :::: ::::: ....::::: :::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::::..... ::::: :::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: .---:::::-:::::-:::::-::::::-::::-:::::-::::::------:::::-:::::-:::::--------. | :::::::::: ::::: ::::::::::: ::::: :::::: :::::.::::: ::::::::: | | | | - ---( pLUS fOUR sEVEN sEVEN sEVEN zERO jUST aSK fORiT )--- - | | - --( nORWAY's cOOLEST aBBS sYSTEM! cHECK iT OUT nOW! )-- - | | - ---( !nEW FiLES fROM tHE nORWEGiAN sCENE eVERY dAY!! )--- - | | .. .. .. ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........| | :: ::: ::: ....:::: :::: :::: :::: :::: ....:::: :::: :::: ::::.::::| |::: ::: ::: ::::: :::: :::::.::: :::::.. ::::: :::: :::::.::: ::::: ....| `:::-:::-:::-:::::-::::-:::::-::::-:::::-----:::::-::::-:::::-::::-:::::-::::' ::: ::: ::: ::::: :::: ::::: :::: ::::: ::::: :::: ::::: :::: ::::: :::: ::: ::: ::: ::::: :::: ::::: :::: ::::: ::::: :::: ::::: :::: ::::: :::: ::: ::: ::: ::::: :::: ::::: :::: ::::: ::::: :::: ::::: :::: ::::: :::: ::: ::: ::: ::::: :::: ::::: :::: ::::: ::::: :::: ::::: :::: ::::: :::: ::::::::::: :::::.:::: ::::: :::: ::::: :::::.:::: ::::: :::: :::::::::: wE fOUND tHIS fILE fLOATiNG aROUND 14:00:30 06-Jul-95 [-AquaAdder v1.0-] sPACEBALLS WHQ mOTION! SCHQ aCCESS NHQ lSD NHQ FAST! / NICE STAFF / 28k8 / 2 NODES / AMIGA&SNES jUST cALL iT +47-515-93123 (RD) CHECKPOíNT -(07-06-95 14:17:08)-- -- - --(BB-TxtAdder v0.9 by BiLBo BaGGins/M!^RNX)- [lEcHeD oN 06.07.95 ½ 21:29:58 ½ UFOk/MsT^LsD^PsG] \_\\_\\________/ MsT^LsD^PsG pOLISH hQ . : / __/ _______ _______ _______ : tHE cHAIRMAN: | / \ _/ _____/ / __ / / __ / : . . UFOk :_ / \ \ \_ / \___/_ / \___/ : ............^\/^ / \ / // __ \ / __ \ [ . . _/ __________\/_______//__________\/__________\_ . . . .. _______ _________ _________ _________ ____ ______ .. __________ _/ ____/_\ ______ \_ _\____ \\ ______ \_\__ \ _\____ \ _\_____ _/ _\_____ \\/ // / \\/ // \/ / \/ / \ \ / \_ _// / \_ _// \_ / \_ / \_ \___________/_____\/_____/ /_____\/________/_________/___/_______/ ----fASTEST aROUND----_/________/------sIMPLY tHE bEST-------------> -yUk ññ _/\_ rUNNING /\MI B()X -(( lATEST vERSION ))- _/\_ ññ ** \/ aMIGA oNLY \ 99% fOREIGNER uSERS \/ ** cOoP'S: H O / IdP H Y S B D W A F E A O E E E ? E R A N ! V U E Y A ? .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: E S O ! E N O T T U N H -+) -48-fUCKIN-eLITE (+- G D H .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: [lEcHeD oN 06.07.95 ½ 21:29:58 ½ UFOk/MsT^LsD^PsG] .____. : _ _ __________ _______________| |_____. ______ª_ :____ /\___ _ _ \\\\__ . \/ _________ \ \__ | \__ / ____ \ / __//// / |___ \______ \/ /_ |/ |___/_. / |/ \ \/ / \ _/ ____/ \_ _\ \_____ _/ __/ | /_ _/ \ / \_ dZG\______|______/_________/ | \____________|______\______\/______/G'S : : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tRISTAR aND rEDSECTOR sWEDISH hEADQUARTER! iNSANE sWEDISH hEADQUARTER! ePSILON^dESIGN sWEDISH hEADQUARTER! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-sYSOP: jUAN/tRSI/iNSANE/ePSILON^dEZIGN-] [-cOSYSOPS:-] hARPOON/sKIDrOW/ePSILON^dEZIGN hIJACKER/cLASSIC fRANTIK/tRSI bIOTECH/iFFTIC dESOTO/ePSILON^dESIGN dEVIL&rAVEN/tRSI/pRESTIGE mARIO/tRSI sNIPER/iNSANE mAGMA/iTC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [sUPPORTING aMIGA lINE cOMPUTERS aND cONSOLE wAREZ!] [-A 2 nODE sYSTEM pOWERED wITH tHE aMAZING aMIGA 3000 sPEED aND uSR 21k6!-] [-oNE gIGABYTE oF fRESHWAREZ fOR yOUR pLEASURE!-] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [nODE.1 +46-31-eLITE kNOWS!] [nODE.2 +46-31-eLITE kNOWS!] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .............. .............. ............. ...........:::. :::.::::::::::; ::::::::::: ::: `...........::: ::::::::::: :::sF! ::: :......... ::::::::::: ::: ::::::::::: ::: ::::::::::: ::: ::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::: ::::::::::: ::: ::::::::::: ::; ::: ::::::::::: `::::::::::.::' `::::::::::.::; `::::::::::.::' ::::::::::; ... .:::........... .............. .............. ............ ::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::: ::::::::::: ::: `...:::::::::' -rOadhOgz- ::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::: `::::::::::.:::.::: .......... aRt cOURIERs ::: ::::::::::; ::::::::::: ::: ........... ::: ::: :::::::::: ::: ::::::::::: `::::::::::.::' `::::::::::.::' `::.:::::::::' ::::::::::: iT'S iN ART WE TRUST! [ =zEn= ]-[ sATAN'S FIRe ]-[ DiABLo ] [ sAL-1 ]-[ AbRUpt DeCeNt ]-[ jOpiTer ]-[ eiNSTEin ] [ THe ReaPeR ]-[ The Doctor ]-[ iNFERno ] . _______ ___.___ _ _________ :. :: +31-70-3639760 __\_._ \_/ | \___ ______/ :: :: +31-70-ISDN sOOn / l/ _/_ | \/ \/ \ .:::.::. _/ / \_ ! \_ \_ :: =zEn=\RDZ\BDZ ]% .---\_______________//\______/_______/ :' Inferno\RDZ\Smokey ]% | \ /____/ \nUp! : sATAN'S FIRe\RDZ\TTAB ]% | \ / / \ _______ _______ _____ Diablo\RDZ\MYTH ]% | \ / / \___\_._ \_/ ____/ _/ ___/__ Boldy\SLT ]% `-------\-- /\ / \\ l/ _/_ __/---\____- --\--------------. \ /\__/__ _ \ / \_\ / \_ | ......\..._/ \_/_________/__ _ _/\ _ _ ___/_ _ __/\__ | : \______________/ \/ \\ / | : - -----------------------/_ _\--' : [% rOadhOgz aRt cOURIERs WHQ %] \/ : [% BLADEz '94 EHQ %] : :.............................. ... .. . . . ..................................... ................................. : : : ......... : : : :...... : : : : .· : : : : GHQ : ·....... : : .· : : : ·. : : : :..........: : : : : : :........: :........: ·........................·..:......:.... : : : : ___/\_____________/\ /\______/\__/\_________ : : \_/ \ /_____ ) )_ )/ ) ___/ aMiGa-CoNSoLeS : : ___\_ \__/_____/ / /_/ _// // \ aSCii-aNSi : : \ (/) \_/ \____/ / \ \/ // \_ ART-CORE WHQ : : \_____ /\_____| (__ / _\ ___/_ /\_______/ . : : \/Seven M| \/ _(_ \/ \//\___________________/|__/\____ : : (_)\ / \ / _/\____| \____/__/ : : fIvE nOdEs rIngdOwn ___\_ \__/ // \ | | .| : : +49-ASK-ELITE! \ (\) \ \ // / | | :|_____ : : ISDN POWER! \_____ / \//___/________\ ________/ : : \/ \/ \/ : : .......... .......... ........................ .............. : : : : : : : ............ : : : : : : : : : : ·. ......: : ·. ·. : : : : ·........: : : : :···· : : : ····································· ································· Upload Date: [07-07-95] - Upload Time [09:59:10] dRE!Add v1.10 [REGiStERED] bY dR.dRE! (tRSi /X·iNNOVATiON)