Results for inérciaDemoparty2004 - (now here we are) Digital Identity. Held in Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal. July 31 - August 2, 2004. Name Author Remote A B Demo Compo electro glide in black minimalartifact no 0 2 VI STR2.0 party version Volumetric Illusions no 0 0 stager and her and her again and again Nothing yes 1 0 BBEAT JFK no 1 7 64k intro Intro do Compiler Compiler + EviL no 0 13 4k intro GL_RT4K KammutierSpule no 1 11 Heart Compiler no 0 1 4k equals 4D XKpe no 2 2 Pro Music The Winning Song Jeenio no 0 3 Verdes Anos KammutierSpule no 0 4 NOSE UP Soolta yes 0 0 Alianated Filami no 0 4 304_030629_mixed_with_306_030629 ps no 2 0 Inercia EviL no 1 2 Tracked Music Water Dragon KamutierSpule no 0 5 i like sunny farms Soolta no 0 1 The ruby avengers... Dominei yes 0 3 Neat EviL no 2 1 Now here we are Jeenio no 0 3 Freestyle Graphics FakeVote KammutierSpule no 0 4 My Secret, Hidden Place Delilah yes 2 6 sword Compiler no 0 0 Light Orb Kazuya Mochu no 1 3 Fast Gfx (Zoo Cafe and the Love Boat) GreenLove KammutierSpule no 0 1 Caffeine Rampage Carlos Leituga no 3 2 Kintas - zOo CaFe Kintas no 0 0 make LOVE! Cybermanco no 0 0 Love Boat by Compiler Compiler no 0 1 ZooBoat EviL no 1 1 Lóve bote ate de Zoo Cash no 0 0 girafas do amor XKpe no 2 0 Love Bou-te Kazuya Mochu no 2 3 Wild Compo cancelled due to lack of entries GameDev quoridor digital XKpe no 2 3 TTT EviL yes 0 1 g04 KammutierSpule no 2 2 VIGDP01 Volumetric Illusions no 0 4 GLpong GLpong dev team no 0 0 Fast Music (Pinball Dreams' Ignition.MOD remix) Pinball Dreams In Game 1_2 Ignition EviL no 1 6 Pinball Dreams - Ignition (remix) Jeenio no 0 7 Retro Gaming (Pinball Dreams' Ignition Hiscore) 10 Milhões! Cybermanco no 0 0 5,376,705 Starsman no 0 0 Real and Fake KammutierSpule no 0 0 A - votes from participants (not allowed to vote for themselfs) B - votes from attending audience compo winner prizes were distributed according to B. The event organizers were not allowed to vote on any of the competitions (unless participating) The following participants were inérciaDemoparty organizers: Jeenio, EviL, ps, Kintas, Starsman and Cash.