/\_ /\_ __/ / ___ ____ _____/ /___ ___ ___ \_ __\_/_ \_\_ \_/ \_ __\_ \_/ +_/_ \ / /__/ /__/ _ / /__/ /__/ / / / / / ¯\___/¯\/zS!¯\___/¯\___/¯+___/¯\/¯+___/¯\/__/ GAZER UNZ AGA demo for Finnish Amiga Party 2012 Small, short, demo for FAP. Featuring all the random throwaway models we had available. This demo was a blast to make. Visuals: rle Audio: aegis + noby 3D: jzu + srthr Uses: ADPCM player by Britelite C2P by Kalms Thanks: Britelite for testing on hw + tips JUMALAUTA for inspiration I lied in the last nfo.. Maybe next time! - rle