._______ _ __ ___ _____| /__/\ __ _ __/\ \__\\ | // \\ _)_.___ \\ \ / | \ |_ / \ ___ __ _ \______/________/__ '/______//__// \/ Void presents Feedback #10 A music-disk released at Revision Online 2021. Code by Strife/Void and Loaderror/Ephidrena Graphics by Powerslave/Void (intro) and Rahow/Rebels (panel) Music by Gouafhg, GH, Tecon and Assassin Editing and Packing by Puni/Void Editing by Powerslave/Void Requires an Amiga with AGA and HDD Want to contact Void? Powerslave/Void - nick26cumbria(at)gmail.com Puni/Void - punivoid@protonmail.com Void WHQ - amigavoid.wordpress.com