Give me graphics.library!! I'll obey Less than 68020 SUXX! Damn! What a loser! - You need AGA! Damn! Ambrosia Error Handler Message: Bifrost.... Modulesize: 24930 bytes.. As you probably allready know this is the introtune for MC2... nice? .. anyway.. use your mouse + LMB to select modules'n'stuff... RMB+LMB quits the pack.. HavE pHuN .. ! | Unsuspected 1A - 11094 bytes - Inspired by the songs of my childhood? Well, I do not quite know, as I do not quite remember the music of my childhood. Still, one for all the kids amongst us?! | Unsuspected 1B - 7500 bytes - Well, what can I say? One of my best in the melody stakes as well! | Unsuspected 1C - 10276 bytes - This is another try in another style, this time going for a feel a bit like Nukes music, or, more actual these days, the style of the Swedish musicgroup The Cardigans. One of my best too. A!A are lucky getting all those mods from me, are they not?! | Unsuspected T - 25710 bytes. Original name was -Maria- but I changed it, because the girl it was named after didn't want a relationship... Which is not, come to think of it, such a bad thing... The style is somewhat strange, I guess... Slightly ambientchippish?! | Unsuspected U - 8824 bytes. What can I say about this? Some kind of slow folk- music tune. Quite boring in fact, if you ask me. | Unsuspected V - 18968 bytes. Well, I think this is one of my best chipmodules, once again folk-music, but with much more pace and feeling in the breaks and so on! | Unsuspected W - 15000 bytes. This is more of a jazzy-funky kind of chiptune with walking bass and a nice second part. A bit short, but I like it anyway. | Unsuspected X - 20000 bytes. A protracker experimental tune, rather simple in melody and chords. Quite nice feel, but... Nothing special?! | Unsuspected Y - 21000 bytes. A try to enter the synthdisco style of the eighties with Erasure, Depeche Mode, Visage, Yazoo and other synthbands being an important source of inspiration. | Unsuspected Z - 19492 bytes. An ultramelodic chiptune, subconsciously inspired by the theme tune from the game Supremacy. At least according to Melomaniac. In fact I think this is one of my best chiptunes so far as well. | Name: mod.chippie#002 Size:13956. I actually like this piece a lot, though it's 3 and a half years old! Great chords! Great tune! | Name: mod.chippie#021 Size:15462. This piece is my first coorporative module. I made most of it, but the basic idea was brougt to me by Chronic/Impact, with whom I made this chippie as we were together at TP3. | Name: mod.chippie#032 Size:11968. I simply like this tune because it is so relaxing, he said, and suddenly the melody went beserk, skyhigh. Nice contrast, in my opinion. | Name: mod.chippie#054 Size: 15934. Now, at this point, I was INTO harmony, so why not start to make arpeggio tunes, just like 4-Mats old lovely organtunes? Massive! | Name: mod.chippie#064 Size:15964. The standard chords make a good basic for the quite chromatic tune. At this point in my musical upbringing, I really loved chromatic scales. | Name: mod.chippie#067 Size:15710. Now if I didn't tell you, you probably wouldn't notice, that I actually ripped the B.theme from Julius/Lemon. Ha! It's quite a funny way to rip, though, as I changed practically all the things in the module. I just ripped the order of the notes. | Name: mod.chippie#077 Size:15570. Another tangotune sees the day. I don't have much to say about this one. Nice middlepart, though! | Name: mod.chippie#126 Size: 12124. One of my best chippies ever. Samples are really volume-adjusted to make everything perfect. The most elegant is that so banal harmony can sound that great! | Name: mod.chippie#127 Size: 14012. Yet another one of my very best ever. This is the ultimate beating the classical minor-vamp to death. Need I say that the change of style from Cytron-chip to tango is brilliantly carried out? | Name: mod.chippie#130 Size:12298. Welcome to the news, I always think when I hear this chippie. Nothing much else to say about this typical chippie from my hand. | Name: mod.chippie#137 Size:11852. This one has got a text. In this period of making music I got quite obsessed with lyrics and made a bunch of texts copying the elements from the romantic period in European litterature! | Name: mod.chippie#160 Size:13336. What a great piece. Really one of my most outstanding chippies. This light, poppy thing that explodes every chorus really beats 'em all! | Name: mod.chippie#179 Size:14642. This tune really reminds me of some of the music by the nice lollipop-girls-pop from the 60'es! I guess it's mainly due to the baseline, but the theme is also a factor of cinsiderating to this aspect. | WASTELANDS by Flower of IRIS. (13866 bytes) Nothing much to say about this one just a typical chipmodule with a catchy and simple melody. I made this one about a year ago for no special purpose. Chip-music is not my strong side, but still, this is one of my favorites amongst my own chipmods. Hope you like it! FLOWER/IRIS | DELIKADE CERUMOE - 19420 bytes - A tune from the good old days of the C64!! :) I just wanted to track this tune after I heard it on SID-player!! That's all..! :) If U don't like it - I don't care!! :) | FAKLES AND SPAIMS! - 11708 bytes - Well.. What can I write? ..a 11k lovely chiptune!! a beautyful chinese girl, called Tangle, has been living there for about 4000 years. It seems she was vanished to the moon because she stole the pill of imortality from her husband. You might go look for her companion! A large chinese weapon, depending on it's quality and high speed...! 8) | GNOOPY DOGSTAR - 8000 bytes - Help!! Regular chip in low-price mode!! :) VI ELSKER CHIP!! | GRYDELAP+PAPRONDEL - 25640 bytes - uoa!! Blah out with this dwelling tune!! This will reset your mind, so be carefull!! It's allways phun to make this sort of chip but 4 channels aint much nowadays!! Ambrosianistikivitet!!!!!!! jearH!!.. Aktivitetsdirektoriatet for døvstumme kompjutersangere vil nok ikke nære nogen som helst tvivl, hvis freaks og fæ skulle søge om virksomhedsbesøg, hos de snublende tovlitetsgængere, der for tiden er stærkt udsat for jævnføre angreb fra psykotiske pundler, der misbruger enhver chance for at have det sjovt ved det nyligt afholdte partaye!! 8) hehe.. party on..! Skumfidus! Ja, hvorfor ikke?? jordbærhjerne!! Hvad med leverhjerter?? Naa.. Så hellere smouflledirptrouffles!! :) Jeg er helt enig!!! Hvorfor?? Bl.a. fordi den grønne strikkepind altid, og jeg gentager: ALTID, vil være meget bedre til at bøje end en saks!! Det er virkeligt fedt at give den lidt mere oxygen, lige få sekunder før retten er fårekyllinger er et sødt lille dyr, men mange folk er ret irriteret over det, bl.a. fordi det larmer meget om natten kan man sagtens sidde længe foran sin Amiga er bare den fedeste computermagi er når man kan flyve som en PC'er som lige er blevet kylet af sted mod det uendelige univers. | JUMPING ASLEEP - 10000 bytes - Yo... Jump around maaannn...! Listen to this module and after a while you will fall into a deep sleep... And suddenly, when you are asleep, your feet will start moving around (the clock;) When U wake up, you will be much happier! I'm sure!!! Believe me!... . .. . . | LOOCID DREAM - 22176 bytes - Skummelt halløjsa og velkommen til alle jer spøjse tiltere der får lyst, værelse og lejlighed til at læse dette... for nu skal vi på trip!!!!! :) Universet er en ret så syrlig ting, som vi alle befinder os i og alle er vi bare ting, der på den ene eller anden måde passer sammen. Forestil dig, at din krop jo bare er sammensat af to ting, nemmerlig et skelet og en skummel klump kød! Når man tænker over det, er vores skelet i realiteten dødt og bare en slavegenstand, hvorimod kødet er levende. Det er skummelt at dit skelet aldrig får lov til noget. Det er kun kødet, der er så heldig at få instrukser fra din hjerne, som jo også bare er en del af kødet. Det er altså kun kødet der får besked på at bevæge sig, og skelettet følger bare med. Det er jo dødt! Det vil sige at vi når til den konklusion, at vi alle har et fremmedlegeme indeni os! Nemlig vores skelet! Det er derfor syrlig at når vi dør, er det kun fremmedlegemet, nemmerlig skelettet, der bliver tilbage. Så er det, at man kan begynde at tænke over om......... hov.. dette er jo en skrolter til MC2, så det var jo ikke det... sorry!! ;) | MORPHING PLEASURE - 18590 bytes - Yearh!! Let's move further into this world of chaotic chipsounds and pleasure. This tune is probably wierd but please do yourself that favour and listen for several minutes!! After a while you'll rave around your Amiga in a funny psycotic mode!! ;-) Anyway.. The durationtime of this tune is about 5 minutes, but at the end it'll just restart, so do what you like to do.. this will go on for hours!! :) This tune takes only 18k5b of your memory, but if you wan't more for the money, then try to rip this modules and locate the hidden part!! ;) The day before I created this module I spendt several hours in front of a Roland MC-3o3 GrOOvebox and what a different this chip make!! ;D Beedle-e-beedle-e-boom ..Still like the tune? Great!! Then you also wan't to read this text one more time!! :) ..anyway.. let's restart.... | NIGHT AT POPOBEACH - 23206 bytes - Breeze out to this hawaii tune! U can almost imagine yourself beeing on the hawaii beach... With a ice cold girl in one hand, and a beautyfull beer i the other hand... . . ..This tune was originally made as a mid-size module... The samplez were sampled from Roland KR-100, and the notes were ripped from the keyboards bulit-in-demotune. But what you are listening to right now, is the wery-chip-version of the tune... Nice?..... ... . Det var en bjørn og en hare, der sad og sked... Da de var ved at være færdige, spurgte bjørnen haren: "Døjer du med lort i pelsen, når du skider?". "Nej!!", svarede haren. "Godt.", sagde bjørnen, hvorefter den tog haren og tørrede røv med den... ;-D ;) ;) 8) .. . . .. | ROSE OF CHIP - 12902 bytes - Yeps!! Probably the most harmonic tune in my contribution for Miracle Chip 2!! This is the good old style and I just hope you like it!! Anyway.. 12k!! Everybody can live with that!! | WALL APOLOGIES - 22320 bytes - Thiz scrollter iz dedicated to ZeEk... . ... ! ! TNX dude... allrightee... I have finally finished this pack, with a bit delay, all right... It was ment to be released at TP6, but.. Hmm.. but.. Well.. doesn't matter... The important thing is... BLAAHH! Fuck! I hate to write scrollers! What can I write? .. . hmm.. something scene related..? .. Well.. The Danish AmigA scene seems to be a little weak at the moment.. eehm. . .. What can we do about it? LET'S SHHOOT BILL GATES, AND SMASH ALL THE PEECEES IN THE WHOLE FUCKIN' WORLD!!!.... what about that? :) . .. . . . .. as I said, I hate to write those scrollers..... |