WELCOME TO SOMETHING NEW AND WONDERFUL FROM ANARCHY! THE C.E.S MUSIC PACK \ HERE ARE THE CREDITS...... THIS MENU AND THE BOBS ARE THE WORK OF KREATOR THE LOGO AND FONT ARE BY IGOR AND THIS MUSIC IS BY 4-MAT. THE TUNE-PLAYER WAS CODED BY RAISTLIN WITH A FONT BY IGOR. AND ALL TRACKS ON THIS DISK WERE COMPOSED BY NONE OTHER THAN 4-MAT! LOOK OUT FOR A MAJOR MUSIC SHOW COMING SOON FROM ANARCHY. IT WILL BE SPREAD ACROSS 3 DISKS AND CONTAIN OVER FORTY PEICES OF 4-MATS EXCELENCE! ENJOY THE SHOW........ ADIOS! 4-MAT OF ANARCHY PRESENTS --------------------------- C.E.S MUSIC PACK ------------------ > DNA Dream > Forests > Psychospugs > Thinking of Her > Thunderstar > Thunderstar (Game) > Waterfall RELEASED AT THE C.E.S SHOW - LONDON ++ Other text "DNA DREAM" dna dream - composed by 4-mat of anarchy. this tune is anon's favourite one!! well, what ya fink then? i think it is crap, but it is your choice that counts? today is the 15th september, one day before the show and i have to write 7 scrolltexts and get this musicdisk done. (and copy it lots - cyborg) yes, the guy that is going with me is here... cyborg... so come and see us if you are there at the moment. hey cyborg, do you want to say anything? er... no he doesn't.. so what can i talk about then? (the meaning of life - cyborg) okay... the meaning of life is women, women and more women... and booze.... and a new noisetracker... there... what do you think of that then? (time passes... - cyborg) (thorin starts singing about gold) hang on a tick... done that? well done. (you forgot coke in the meaning of life - cyborg) as you have probably guessed, cyborg does not drink.... (a new experience for mr.big! - anon) so he can't join the ritual 'heres-a-pint-for-turning-up' sequence. i know that old moley babes will be drinking his lungs out... and drokk will be smoking lots.. oh shit! i forgot zarchy's bag of toffees!! (we can get them at the train station - cyborg) so zarchy, if you are reading, the toffees are on their way!!! okay, enough of this text.. enjoy the music and see you in the next one!!! bye!! ++ Other text "FORESTS" forests - composed by 4-mat of anarchy. this tune was originally written for arc developments. (those of the 'photon storm' fame) but i haven't heard from them lately. it was written for a medievil-style game hence the jethro tull beat later on. i like this track, and it is only 65k long and runs for 8 minutes and 3 seconds!! well then, the time is just coming up to 11:15 and i have got to be ready tommorow by 8:30, so it looks as though not much scrolltext can be written for each piece of music... but expect some greetings on tune 7 (waterfall). okay, that is it.. see you on the next tune... ++ Other text psychospugs - composed by 4-mat of anarchy. this tune was written today (september 15th) as a 'fill-in' track, but turned out to be the longest track on the disk!!! i don't think it is too bad, it is certainly very strange indeed, and ends up with some very weird keyboard riffs... at this show i hope to meet uncle tom and dr.awesome to discuss the joys of noisetracker/beer and swap sampledisks (ha!ha!), also to meet all the guys that i have been talking to on the phone for the past 6 months without actually meeting them in person!!! who knows, i could meet you!!! (argghh!!) so with cyborg in tow... i will be handing this disk out to all and sundry.. okay... see you on tune 4... (one of my favourites!) ++ Other text thinking of her - composed by 4-mat of anarchy. a short piano piece done by myself.. i can't remember who i was thinking of when i wrote this, but she must have been beautiful!! okay, well, i must apologise about the state of this disk, but i was expecting my 41-track,3-disk music collection to release, but it didn't arrive on time!! (it has already been delayed for two copy parties, and now it will be released straight after this show!) then again, i suppose one disk is better to swap than 3!!! okay, the time is now 11:35, and i have 3 more tunes to get 'introed' so see ya on the next track.. ++ Other text thunderstar - composed by 4-mat of anarchy. this is the titlemusic from the forthcoming code masters game : thunderstar. the game is a no-nonsense straight vertical scrolling shoot'em up and the early preview i have seen looks very blastable, so i suggest you fork out the measly price to buy this game!! okay, enough advertising, i wonder if del will mind if i use this track (and the in-game music). incidently, if you rip out this module look at samples 10-14 for all the different tracks (titlemusic,get ready,hi-score,game over and in-game) i had to put the title and in-game tracks in different files for this disk because i am using the command 'b' to split them up!! so otherwise you would just get the titletune!! nice soundchip emulation don't you think!?!? okay, see you in the next trackky!!! ++ Other text thunderstar (in game music) - composed by 4-mat of anarchy.. before you start, no this does not sound like hybris in-game music!! no! no! no! it is much different to that, but i thought this tune went well with the blasting action, so in it popped!! remember, anarchy have also released some other stuff at this show (a few intros and demos) so watch out for them coming soon to your pd library, local spreadpoint, supermarket etc. (?!?!) my eyes hurt, i think it is compilation time!! see you!! ++ Other text waterfall - composed by 4-mat of anarchy. no it isn't the brilliant stone roses classic.. i may have a go at that later, but first i will do fools gold!! (hint to my next piece!!) okay, here come them greetings i promised you!! 4-mat greets... amiganuts utd,ant,alan,anon,aztech,andy g.,andi,blitter chips,colin,carl,chris,dan,desir, dan(reaktor),dr.awesome,electra,glide fx,glide,hurricane,helen,mole,marc,mungo,matt f.,morph,mozart,software city,studio master, smash,t.i.w,uncle tom,all members of anarchy (u.k and sweden) and also everyone i forgot!! okay, that is it.. i am off to copy this disk all night long!! (arrghh!!) see you all on inspired sounds (my new 3-disk,41-track mega epic being released just after the show!!!) bye! bye!