Trix of Anarchy presents a new pack in the di22y dream series... This new intro was coded by kreator about a year ago, bubbles and font by kreator, logo by mystik and music by Nuke! anarchy send greetings in alfa order to.. action, agile, anthrox, aurora, brainstorm, byterapers, coma, complex, crusaders, cryptoburners, crystal, cult, cytax, d-tect, defjam, dexion, dual crew, equinox, fairlight, frantic, kefrens, no limits, palace, phenomena, pure metal coders, ra2or 1911, rebels, scoopex, silents, skid row, spreadpoint, supplex, tristar and red sector, vision, vision factory, wi22cat, 2ero defects and to all the forgotten ones... now press 'da mooooouse-button!!!!!