ANARCHY PRESENTS THEIR NEW RELEASES RELEASED ON 28/7/90! CREDITS FOR THE MENU CODING ... KREATOR MUZAK ... 4-MAT PACK ... MOLE -------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 \C anarchy presents their latest products released at the slipstream party on 28/7/90 in bournemouth,hope you like em!!! this is mole typing credits for this menu go to kreator...coding if you want to contact anarchy write to ...... 38 gladelands way broadstone dorset bh18 9jb england keep a look out for our megademo which will be with you sometime this summer! etc,etc,blah,blah.... ANARCHY PRESENTS THEIR NEW RELEASES - - - - - - - - - - RAISTLIN M.BOX 2 RAISTLINS 2nd INTRO MEDIATOR PARTY DEMO MEDIATOR 2ND DEMO HAMMERS MINI INTRO SPREAD AT THE SLIPSTREAM PARTY