NEURASTHENIA FINISHED ON 3.04.1993 DRINK BEER BE FREE!!! NO ERRORS SHIT CODE TEKKNO TEKKNO TEKKNO TEKKNO BLOODY DEAD KILL PRIEST FUCKIN SOUNDS ACTION COLORS REPLAY REPLAY VERY GOOD SHIT CODE TEKKNO BLOODY ACTION THE GREETINGS TO PEPSI DRINKERS FUTURE REVOLUTION OLD BULLS DEFENSYWA FLYING COWS INVESTATION GENERATION ESUALPPA YMEHCLA REKOJ HMFW TCEPSUS SREZUL MAET ATEB THIS DEMO WAS RELEASED ON ******************** * A P P L A U S E * * C O P Y P A R T Y* * 9 3 * ******************** IN zYWIEC CONTACT US: UL. KORCZAKA 2/103 41-300 DaBROWA GoRNICZA OR PHONE: 62 - 55 - 89 NOW SOME SHORT INFOS ABOUT THIS PRODUCT. -------------------- MOST OF EFFECTS WAS DESIGNED BY GREY. ALL CODING AND MUSIC BY MATT PICTURE OF VIKING AND OTHER GFX BY GREY ******************** THE INTRODUCTION PART: SOURCE CODE: 25 KB. SOUNDS: 40 KB. GRAPHICS: 40 KB. ******************** TEKKNO PART: SOURCE CODE: 140 KB. MUSIC: 190 KB. GRAPHICS: 297 KB. ******************** END PART: SOURCE CODE: 70 KB. MUSIC: 112 KB. GRAPHICS: 155 KB. SAMPLES: 69 KB. ******************** BIG THANKS TO UNCLE MAT / APPLAUSE FOR TRACKLOADER. THANKS TO PHIL / APPLAUSE FOR SOME HELP ******************** LEFT MOUSE - CONTINUE LAST PART. ******************** TEXT RESTARTS NOW THE GREETINGS TO OUR FRIENDS: ************************* THORGAL PHANTOM PHIL UNCLE MAT DIXAN 05 / APPLAUSE ZUZA ROY B.KYAN LARK / FR OR MAYBE /EX.FR ??? $.b d0,(a0) move.b d1,(a1) bra.s tabur soiam: bsr waiter1 bsr waiter1 bsr waiter1 bsr waiter1 move #3,$96(a6) bsr waiter1 move.l #tabzero,from move.l #colkam2+2,to move.l #nic,jinny+2 move #15,ilecol+2 clr.b show_or_hide bsr colorsup move.l #czarny,$80(a6) bsr waiter1 frani: moveq #16,d0 huoo: wrast dbf d0,huoo add #$111,swiec+2 cmp #$fff,swiec+2 bne.s frani bsr waiter1 bsr waiter1 move.l #adrinterlace,d0 lea fint1(pc),a0 moveq #3,d7 dyadr: move d0,6(a0) swap d0 move d0,2(a0) swap d0 add.l #44*20,d0 addq.l #8,a0 dbf d7,dyadr move.l #adrinterlace+20,d0 lea fint2(pc),a0 moveq #3,d7 dyadr2: move d0,6(a0) swap d0 move d0,2(a0) swap d0 add.l #44*20,d0 addq.l #8,a0 dbf d7,dyadr2 lea lastcopinthisdemo1(pc),a1 lea lastcopinthisdemo2(pc),a2 move.l a2,d0 move d0,runs+6 swap d0 move d0,runs+2 move.l #runs,d0 move d0,runf+6 swap d0 move d0,runf+2 move #$204,$100(a6) clr.l d0 przed: move $4(a6),d0 and #$8000,d0 bne.s przed move.l a1,$80(a6) move.l a2,$84(a6) clr $88(a6) move.l #adrinterlace+[4*[20*44]],from move.l #collast+2,to move #15,ilecol+2 sf show_or_hide bsr colorsup koni: bra.s koni waiter1:moveq #80,d7 ww_r: wrast dbf d7,ww_r rts copyglaz: wrast move.l d5,d0 move.l d6,d1 moveq #3,d7 cggg: wblit move.l d1,$50(a6) move.l d0,$54(a6) move.l #-1,$44(a6) move.l #$9f00000,$40(a6) move.l #0,$64(a6) move #[80*64]+[160/16],$58(a6) add.l #80*20,d0 add.l #80*20,d1 dbf d7,cggg sub.l #200,d6 add #$a00,jebb cmp.l #kamien-200,d6 bne.s copyglaz rts glaznagoscia: wrast add d0,jebb add d0,jebbg dbf d6,glaznagoscia rts giveone: lea tabwalk,a0 move.l #screen1+2,d0 move.l (a0)+,d1 bne.s lov lea tabwalk(pc),a0 move.l (a0)+,d1 lov: move.l (a0)+,addile+2 move (a0)+,modulo move.l a0,giveone+2 moveq #3,d7 blwrk: wblit move.l d0,$54(a6) move.l d1,$50(a6) move.l #-1,$44(a6) move.l #$9f00000,$40(a6) move modulo(pc),$64(a6) move #42,$66(a6) move #[90*64]+[80/16],$58(a6) addile: add.l #0,d1 add.l #90*56,d0 dbf d7,blwrk move.l #screen1,d1 sub #9,ile end1: move ile(pc),d0 move d0,d2 and #$f,d2 move d2,d3 asl #4,d3 or d3,d2 eor #$ff,d2 move d2,scrol+2 asr #4,d0 add d0,d0 ext.l d0 add.l d0,d1 lea cadrs(pc),a0 moveq #3,d7 loadnw: move d1,6(a0) swap d1 move d1,2(a0) swap d1 addq.l #8,a0 add.l #56*90,d1 dbf d7,loadnw rts colorsupi: move #312,d5 moveq #14,d6 clii: wrast move.l #lastcopinthisdemo1,$80(a6) move.l from(pc),a0 move.l to(pc),a1 move.l to2(pc),a2 mam: cmp.b $6(a6),d5 bne.s mam move.l #lastcopinthisdemo2,$80(a6) move #15,d7 redi: move (a0)+,d0 move (a1),d1 move d0,d2 move d1,d3 and #$f00,d2 and #$f00,d3 lsr #8,d2 lsr #8,d3 cmp d2,d3 beq.s greeni sub #1,d3 greeni: lsl #8,d3 move d3,(a1) move d3,(a2) move d0,d2 move d1,d3 and #$f0,d2 and #$f0,d3 lsr #4,d2 lsr #4,d3 cmp d2,d3 beq.s bluei sub #1,d3 bluei: lsl #4,d3 add d3,(a1) add d3,(a2) move d0,d2 move d1,d3 and #$f,d2 and #$f,d3 cmp d2,d3 beq.s noei sub #1,d3 noei: add d3,(a1)+ add d3,(a2)+ addq.l #2,a1 addq.l #2,a2 dbf d7,redi dbf d6,clii rts musix: movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7) bsr mt_music movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 move #$4020,$9c(a6) rte mt_init:lea mt_data,a0 lea mt_mulu(pc),a1 move.l #mt_data+$c,d0 moveq #$1f,d1 moveq #$1e,d3 mt_lop4:move.l d0,(a1)+ add.l d3,d0 dbf d1,mt_lop4 lea $3b8(a0),a1 moveq #$7f,d0 moveq #0,d1 moveq #0,d2 mt_lop2:move.b (a1)+,d1 cmp.b d2,d1 ble.s mt_lop move.l d1,d2 mt_lop: dbf d0,mt_lop2 addq #1,d2 asl.l #8,d2 asl.l #2,d2 lea 4(a1,d2.l),a2 lea mt_samplestarts(pc),a1 add #$2a,a0 moveq #$1e,d0 mt_lop3:clr.l (a2) move.l a2,(a1)+ moveq #0,d1 move.b d1,2(a0) move.w (a0),d1 asl.l #1,d1 add.l d1,a2 add.l d3,a0 dbf d0,mt_lop3 move.l $78.w,mt_oldirq-mt_samplestarts-$7c(a1) or.b #2,$bfe001 move.b #6,mt_speed-mt_samplestarts-$7c(a1) moveq #0,d0 lea $dff000,a0 move.w d0,$a8(a0) move.w d0,$b8(a0) move.w d0,$c8(a0) move.w d0,$d8(a0) move.b d0,mt_songpos-mt_samplestarts-$7c(a1) move.b d0,mt_counter-mt_samplestarts-$7c(a1) move.w d0,mt_pattpos-mt_samplestarts-$7c(a1) rts mt_end: moveq #0,d0 lea $dff000,a0 move.w d0,$a8(a0) move.w d0,$b8(a0) move.w d0,$c8(a0) move.w d0,$d8(a0) move.w #$f,$dff096 rts mt_music: lea mt_data,a0 lea mt_voice1(pc),a4 addq.b #1,mt_counter-mt_voice1(a4) move.b mt_counter(pc),d0 cmp.b mt_speed(pc),d0 blt mt_nonew moveq #0,d0 move.b d0,mt_counter-mt_voice1(a4) move.w d0,mt_dmacon-mt_voice1(a4) lea mt_data,a0 lea $3b8(a0),a2 lea $43c(a0),a0 moveq #0,d1 move.b mt_songpos(pc),d0 move.b (a2,d0.w),d1 lsl.w #8,d1 lsl.w #2,d1 add.w mt_pattpos(pc),d1 lea $dff0a0,a5 lea mt_samplestarts-4(pc),a1 lea mt_playvoice(pc),a6 jsr (a6) addq.l #4,d1 lea $dff0b0,a5 lea mt_voice2(pc),a4 jsr (a6) addq.l #4,d1 lea $dff0c0,a5 lea mt_voice3(pc),a4 jsr (a6) addq.l #4,d1 lea $dff0d0,a5 lea mt_voice4(pc),a4 jsr (a6) move.w mt_dmacon(pc),d0 beq.s mt_nodma lea $bfd000,a3 move.b #$7f,$d00(a3) move.w #$2000,$dff09c move.w #$a000,$dff09a move.l #mt_irq1,$78.w moveq #0,d0 move.b d0,$e00(a3) move.b #$a8,$400(a3) move.b d0,$500(a3) or.w #$8000,mt_dmacon-mt_voice4(a4) move.b #$11,$e00(a3) move.b #$81,$d00(a3) mt_nodma: add.w #$10,mt_pattpos-mt_voice4(a4) cmp.w #$400,mt_pattpos-mt_voice4(a4) bne.s mt_exit mt_next:clr.w mt_pattpos-mt_voice4(a4) clr.b mt_break-mt_voice4(a4) addq.b #1,mt_songpos-mt_voice4(a4) and.b #$7f,mt_songpos-mt_voice4(a4) move.b -2(a2),d0 cmp.b mt_songpos(pc),d0 bne.s mt_exit move.b -1(a2),mt_songpos-mt_voice4(a4) mt_exit:tst.b mt_break-mt_voice4(a4) bne.s mt_next rts mt_nonew: lea $dff0a0,a5 lea mt_com(pc),a6 jsr (a6) lea mt_voice2(pc),a4 lea $dff0b0,a5 jsr (a6) lea mt_voice3(pc),a4 lea $dff0c0,a5 jsr (a6) lea mt_voice4(pc),a4 lea $dff0d0,a5 jsr (a6) tst.b mt_break-mt_voice4(a4) bne.s mt_next rts mt_irq1:tst.b $bfdd00 move.w mt_dmacon(pc),$dff096 move.l #mt_irq2,$78.w move.w #$2000,$dff09c rte mt_irq2:tst.b $bfdd00 movem.l a3/a4,-(a7) lea mt_voice1(pc),a4 lea $dff000,a3 move.l $a(a4),$a0(a3) move.w $e(a4),$a4(a3) move.l $a+$1c(a4),$b0(a3) move.w $e+$1c(a4),$b4(a3) move.l $a+$38(a4),$c0(a3) move.w $e+$38(a4),$c4(a3) move.l $a+$54(a4),$d0(a3) move.w $e+$54(a4),$d4(a3) movem.l (a7)+,a3/a4 move.b #0,$bfde00 move.b #$7f,$bfdd00 move.l mt_oldirq(pc),$78.w move.w #$2000,$dff09c move.w #$2000,$dff09a rte mt_playvoice: move.l (a0,d1.l),(a4) moveq #0,d2 move.b 2(a4),d2 lsr.b #4,d2 move.b (a4),d0 and.b #$f0,d0 or.b d0,d2 beq mt_oldinstr asl.w #2,d2 move.l (a1,d2.l),4(a4) move.l mt_mulu(pc,d2.w),a3 move.w (a3)+,8(a4) move.w (a3)+,$12(a4) move.l 4(a4),d0 moveq #0,d3 move.w (a3)+,d3 beq mt_noloop asl.w #1,d3 add.l d3,d0 move.l d0,$a(a4) move.w -2(a3),d0 add.w (a3),d0 move.w d0,8(a4) bra mt_hejaSverige mt_mulu:blk.l $20,0 mt_noloop: add.l d3,d0 move.l d0,$a(a4) mt_hejaSverige: move.w (a3),$e(a4) move.w $12(a4),8(a5) mt_oldinstr: move.w (a4),d3 and.w #$fff,d3 beq mt_com2 tst.w 8(a4) beq.s mt_stopsound move.b 2(a4),d0 and.b #$f,d0 cmp.b #5,d0 beq.s mt_setport cmp.b #3,d0 beq.s mt_setport move.w d3,$10(a4) move.w $1a(a4),$dff096 clr.b $19(a4) move.l 4(a4),(a5) move.w 8(a4),4(a5) move.w $10(a4),6(a5) move.w $1a(a4),d0 or.w d0,mt_dmacon-mt_playvoice(a6) bra mt_com2 mt_stopsound: move.w $1a(a4),$dff096 bra mt_com2 mt_setport: move.w (a4),d2 and.w #$fff,d2 move.w d2,$16(a4) move.w $10(a4),d0 clr.b $14(a4) cmp.w d0,d2 beq.s mt_clrport bge mt_com2 move.b #1,$14(a4) bra mt_com2 mt_clrport: clr.w $16(a4) rts mt_port:moveq #0,d0 move.b 3(a4),d2 beq.s mt_port2 move.b d2,$15(a4) move.b d0,3(a4) mt_port2: tst.w $16(a4) beq.s mt_rts move.b $15(a4),d0 tst.b $14(a4) bne.s mt_sub add.w d0,$10(a4) move.w $16(a4),d0 cmp.w $10(a4),d0 bgt.s mt_portok move.w $16(a4),$10(a4) clr.w $16(a4) mt_portok: move.w $10(a4),6(a5) mt_rts: rts mt_sub: sub.w d0,$10(a4) move.w $16(a4),d0 cmp.w $10(a4),d0 blt.s mt_portok move.w $16(a4),$10(a4) clr.w $16(a4) move.w $10(a4),6(a5) rts mt_sin: dc.b $00,$18,$31,$4a,$61,$78,$8d,$a1,$b4,$c5,$d4,$e0,$eb,$f4,$fa,$fd dc.b $ff,$fd,$fa,$f4,$eb,$e0,$d4,$c5,$b4,$a1,$8d,$78,$61,$4a,$31,$18 mt_vib: move.b $3(a4),d0 beq.s mt_vib2 move.b d0,$18(a4) mt_vib2:move.b $19(a4),d0 lsr.w #2,d0 and.w #$1f,d0 moveq #0,d2 move.b mt_sin(pc,d0.w),d2 move.b $18(a4),d0 and.w #$f,d0 mulu d0,d2 lsr.w #7,d2 move.w $10(a4),d0 tst.b $19(a4) bmi.s mt_vibsub add.w d2,d0 bra.s mt_vib3 mt_vibsub: sub.w d2,d0 mt_vib3:move.w d0,6(a5) move.b $18(a4),d0 lsr.w #2,d0 and.w #$3c,d0 add.b d0,$19(a4) rts mt_arplist: dc.b 0,1,2,0,1,2,0,1,2,0,1,2,0,1,2,0,1,2,0,1,2,0,1,2,0,1,2,0,1,2,0,1 mt_arp: moveq #0,d0 move.b mt_counter(pc),d0 move.b mt_arplist(pc,d0.w),d0 beq.s mt_normper cmp.b #2,d0 beq.s mt_arp2 mt_arp1:move.b 3(a4),d0 lsr.w #4,d0 bra.s mt_arpdo mt_arp2:move.b 3(a4),d0 and.w #$f,d0 mt_arpdo: asl.w #1,d0 move.w $10(a4),d1 lea mt_periods(pc),a0 mt_arp3:cmp.w (a0)+,d1 blt.s mt_arp3 move.w -2(a0,d0.w),6(a5) rts mt_normper: move.w $10(a4),6(a5) rts mt_com: move.w 2(a4),d0 and.w #$fff,d0 beq.s