I N S T I N C T presents (Phew! long precalk!) I N S T I N C T presents A Priview By ChauplE Ugagh! Bet you have seen that stupid tunnel before! Vel.. This was a fullscreen kicker on 030..(18 fps 1x1).... (APPLAUSE!?) I have been trying to assemble all my effect in a STUNNING! intro, but my head is porridge.. But! instead we put in more text.... hang on! And remember... include the batteries next time! :) SQUARE PORRIGDE! (Tunnel effect ahead) OopS! Where is the tunnel? Hm...Strange..hang on! Hm.. I guess this will take some time... in the meanwhile I would like to send a greet to Pythagoras! (RIP) THERE! Fixed it! Give a big hand for the.... I am so tired But I want to compete! I tried to include some effects i had but My head is like PoRriDGE! So all I can write is SQUARE PORRIGDE That smoke is killing me! talking about killing. we are getting closer to the killer effect! but first, let us play an other mod! Oh yea!! Smell it! ...The CREDITS: Kooking: Chauple Music:Nork GFX: Whooper Chauple Squid Now lets kick it! I will also implent bumpmapping with multiple lightsources fix the txt writer (mangler noen tegn) and i need a cool logo Instinct in the elements! in 16 colors and about 200x80 size The elements is: W A T E R E A R T H F I R E A I R that was it... time to relax... Big greet to all our great fiends! THE END mathffp.library mathtrans.library