. . . .BOUNCING BYTES-PREVIEW. . . . .WELCOME TO THE PREVIEW OF THE NEW INTERACTIVE PACK "BOUNCING BYTES" ! MANY WEEKS FULL OF HARD WORK ARE OVER NOW AND WE ARE PROUND TO PRESENT A PACKMAG WHICH MIGHT HOPEFULLY CLIMB UP THE CHARTS.BUT YOU ALL KNOW.THAT YOUR SUPPORT TO IT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS ! SO WRITE MY ADRESS DOWN AND CONTACT ME AS SOON AS YOU CAN ! SEND SOME ADVERTS,NEWS,RUMOURS,POEMS OR WHATEVER YOU WANT.BUT THE MOST IMPORTANT THINX FOR A PACK ARE GOOD RELEASES ! SO SEND ME YOUR NEWEST PRODS AND REMEMBER: I WILL NOT PUT SHIT ON MY PACK !!! ANOTHER THING: THIS IS JUST A PREVIEW AND THE FINAL VERSION OF BOUNCING BYTES WILL HAVE SOME MORE FEATURES,LIKE CURSOR AND KEYBOARD USING AND MAYBE PAGE-VIEW AND SEARCH FUNCTION ...HMMM... NOW SOME WORDS FROM ABYSS AND LEANDER : AUTHORS OF THIS PACK: IT'S ME - ABYSS !! I'VE TO TELL YOU THAT THE MUSIC YOU'RE LISTENING TO IS UNFINISHED - SORRY ! IF YOU WANT TO JOIN INTERACTIVE JUST WRITE TO ME - ADRESS IN ADVERTS-SECTION !!! LEANDER SAYS -BORGGKS- ... I HAVEN'T CODED THIS FOR FUN NOR FOR MONEY NOR FOR FAME ... I DIDN'T REALLY KNOW WHY I'VE DONE IT ... KIND OF MAD SELFDESTRUCTION .... LEANDER FALLS OFF !!! SEE YOU AND SUPPORT BB !!! TEXT RESTARTS ! ++ Other text ____.___ |\ .__________.______ .____.______.___________________ \__/| \| \| \. \ . \| \ | \__/ / \ / \| \ \ |___/| \ | /| | \ __| __/ \ / | \ / \ \ || ____/ \| \ | || \ / ____/ \ / | / || | \ | \_ | \ | || /\ / | \ \__/|___|___/___||______/__|\___/__|___/\__|___||___/ \/_______/ dodger W E L C O M E T O T H E A D V E R T S E C T I O N O F B O U N C I N G B Y T E S ! SeNd YoUr AdVeRts In ThE FoLLoWinG SiZe To DODGER ! BiG Addy : 66 x 16 SmaLL Addy : 32 x 16 For 2 DM in Stamps DODGER designs you your own Advert ! /\ dOdGeR's cOnTaCt The eDiToR of BB /\/ \ / \ \ \ U n D e R : \ /\ \ \ \/ \ O U N C I N G doDGeR oF INtErActIvE \ / \ - \ Daniel Koschera bei Lenden / \ \ Wilh.-Buschstr.20 / /\ \ 41541 Dormagen Zons / /\ \/ / Y T E S Germany / \ \ / \ /\ /\/ ...and support this pack with \/ \/ tHe NeW IA-pAcK ! releases,ads,news etc... JOiN ThE F0rcEs 0F... _____ / - \ ___ ______/\________/\____________ /\ \ . //. \/ X__ .__/\_ .____/ ____ \ /__\ /\___/// \ \ / .| _/ _|_ \_/__/ \ ___ __ // \ : . \ ||_|_| | \/ / / // \ / / | / / : \ : \_ / // \ \_____/_____|\____/_______/___________/___|____/ /__//______\ A C T I V E !!! ...we Can AlWayS NeeD sum TalenTed Members,so if you are : A good -> C O D E R <- An excellent -> G F X e r <- A high motivated -> S W A P P E R <- ...write to: ABYSS/IA (WHQ) LEANDER (GHQ) DODGER (GFX) Carsten Deibert Paul Heinrich Daniel Koschera Unterangerstr.18 Roemerstr.2 Wilh.-Buschstr.20 86940 Schwifting 86949 Windach 41541 Zons all in Da Fucking Germany ! GUNHEAD/IA (FHQ) WIPER/IA (FI.HQ) TOMMY/IA (NHQ) Berry Slimane Christer Bjoerkman Tommy Foss 42,Rue Clement Penot Forsby Byvag 184 Royslandsfeltet 10 F-944400 Virty/Seine sf-66900 Nykarleby 4387 Bjerkreim France Finland Norway _________ +------------------------------+ \__/ _ \ N | INTERACTIVE | / \ | \ O | | / \ | \ | CONTACT ME FOR SWAPPING | [______]______]-PL$ D | OR SUPPORT MY NICE PACK | I | -- OBSESSION -- | GuNhEd Of InTeRaCtIvE! S | | 4 cOol & FrIeNdLy SwApPiNg K | TOMMY (RYO) /INTERACTIVE | write to: | | N | TOMMY FOSS | BERRI SLIMANE O | ROYSLANDSFELTET 10 | 42 RUE CLEMENT PERROT | 4387 BJERKREIM | 94400 VITRY/SEINE R | NORWAY | FRANCE U | | N | 100%-100%-100%-100%-100% | +------------------------------+ ____ ____ ____ / ___\/ \/ \ / / \ \_/\ .\_/\ \______/_____/_____/r CONTACT THE ESKIMOS UNDER: MAJOR BANDIT: THE IGLU BBS : PLK 039834 A , 8672 SELB 4 , GERMANY 49 (0)30 9331504 CYCLON: SYSOP is BOOMER PF 1115 , O-1140 BERLIN , GERMANY ESK FAXLINE : RUSINE: 49(0)30 5427665 B.RUSINOWSKI , PAUL-SCHWENK STR.28 FAXOP is CYCLON O-1140 BERLIN , GERMANY _____ .__ _ ______._____.______ ------------------------> \ _ \| \| \/ \ . \ . \ \/ \/|. \ \__ .\ / | \ | / d ISCH CREW SWAP CONTACT /| \|| \/ | \. ____/ \ O / O \O | \ 0 \ | \ | \_ - PART OF THE ART ! - \_____/___|____/____/______/__|\___/ RAPPER - A - C - T - I - V - E - THE LEADER OF ISCH CREW -> CoNtAct A L I of InTeRaCTiVE <- FOr Elite-SwAppInG UnDeR : KRISZTIAN TANOS ________________________ 1204 BUDAPEST 2 | | L KOSSUTH LAJOS U.36 1 | GuDIo EckErs | L E HUNGARY 0 d | WeStErBurGstr.12 | O T 0 i | 41541 Zons | N T -> GFX-SWAP-FRIEND <- % s | GeRmaNy | G E SWAPZ WITH EVERYBODY ! x |________________________| R __ __________ ____ ____ +----------------------------+ / // _ /_ _// __// _ /\ | | 1 / // // /\/ /\/ _/\/ \ \\/ |THE TRENDY DEALER of RAM JAM| 0 /_//_//_/ /_/_/___//_//_/\_ | | 0 \_\/ _ \/ ___ _/_/\/ / _/\ +----------------------------+ % / _ // /_\/ // /\/ / __\/ | Latest,hottest and fastest?| /_//_//___//_//_/\__/___/\ | Newest Italian warez ? | \_\\_\\___\\_\\_\ \_\\__\/ | RAM JAM quality ? | +----------------------------+ For funny and legal elite-swapping | EUGENIO GORI | don't hesitate to contact DODGER | Via P.della Valle 12/5 | of INTERACTIVE under this.....: | 50127 Firenze | DANIEL KOSCHERA | ITALY | Wilh-Buschstr.20 +----------------------------+ 41541 Zons,GERMANY | | /| /\ |\ /\ /\ / | / \ | \ / \ / \ _/ | / \ | \_ \ \ / / | | | \| | \ \/ / . | | | |\ | \ / | . | / | / \ / \ / -+--------------+- | / | / \ / \ / |rUsInE/eSkImOs| |/ |/ \/ \/ : pO Box 1115 . 4 FAst & FRiEnDlY SWaP WRiTe 2: . 12631 BeRlIn | gErMaNy : ------- NORBY/INVESTATION ------- -+--------------+- ------- P.O. BOX 20 ------- : : ------- 56-300 MILICZ ------- ------- P O L A N D ------- DISK(S) = 100.1% ANSWER cOnTaCt -tHe mOb On tHe iCeFlOe- eSkImOs-OnLy BeEr aNd gIrLs fOr jOiNiNg: pO bOx 1115 12631 bErLiN ___. _./ __|._.__ FoR sWaPpInG cOnTacT vEnOm: /_|\__ \| | / mArCo QuInTeN / /\ \ . \ sT.nIkOlAuSeR sTr.16 \___)____/_|_/ 66352 gRosSrOsSeLn mAkE iT pOsSible oR mAjOr bAnDiT: pO BoX 3 95097 SeLb oFcOuRsE aLl tHiS iN gErMaNy _____________ ____ __ ____ ------------------------- / __/ __/ __/ \/ \/ \/ __/ - 4 fast and friendly - / __/__ / /../ / / / / /__ / - swapping write to : - \__/\__/\__/\_/\/\/\/\__/\__/ - - -tHe MoB oN tHe iCeFlOe- - RANGER /OBSESSION - - Christopher Gil - Yo aLL sWaPpErS oUt ThEre! - Zascianska 149/2 - ArE yOu FuNnY eNoUgH tO CoNtAcT - 15-546 Bialystok - RuSiNe oF EsKiMoS - Poland - - - pO bOx 1115 - - 12631 bErLiN - long letter+disk(s)= - GeRmAnY - 100 % answer !!! - - - nO sEx-No FuN.................. - - ...............EsKiMoS nUmBeR 1 ------------------------- ====================================== =LECIRCLECIRCLECIRCLECIRCLECIRCLECIRC= ====================================== iF yOu aRe tOtAlLy fLiPPeD oUt gFX-mAn AnD wIshEs tO jOiN =CIRCLE= tHeN wRite ALI.INTERACTIVE cOlOrBIrD/cIrClE! Guido Eckers Kaskog.18nb Westerburgstr.12 S-16476 Kista 41541 Zons Sweden Germany ====================================== ...simple,eh? cIrClE - WhEn dA WiNneR tAkeS iT aLL ====================================== +--------------------------------+ ----------------------------- | EsKiMoS-tHe MoB oN tHe iCeFlOe | - R A M J A M - | | :cOnTaCt oUr wHq: . Taste the Difference . pO bOx 1115 . 12631 bErLiN | Send your votes to: . : :cOnTacT vEnOm: mArCo QuInTeN . THE CHARTS . sT.nIkOlAuSeR sTr.16 . | 66352 gRosSrOsSeLn . P.O BOX 23 | | I-07040 FERTILIA |cOnTaCt mAjOr bAnDiT: . ITALY : pO BoX 3 : | 95097 SeLb . The only CHART which is out | all in Germany | every month... +--------------------------------+ ----------------------------- ---------------------------------- - 4 fast & frendly swap write 2: - ---------------------------------- - QBA/OBSESSION - - ul CHOPINA 4 - I'm back ! - 12-100 SZCZYTNO - - POLAND - ---------------------------------- - DISK = 1000 % ANSWER - HOLLAND ---------------------------------- 3430 JC NIEUWEGEIN - OBS is looking for new members:- P.O.BOX 7143 - Coders+Sfxer. Send examples of - RADAVI/EFFECT - your work to QBA !!! - ---------------------------------- INTERACTIVE _________________________ | __/___/___/__/ __/_ __/ EVIL IS THE DESTRUCTION OF OUR MIND! | _) __) __) __) |_ | | LOVE IS THE FLOWER TO LIFE! | : \ |, | | \ \ |:| INTERACTIVE IS THE SECRET WAY TO A |___/_|__| |o _/___/ |_| PERFECT LIFE! \/ SO CONTACT US NOW, AND BECOME PERFECT!? FoR SuM FaSt and HoT mailtrading write to: 1 FOR ANY LEGAL REASON 0 -+- USURA/EFFECT -+- 0 INTERACTIVE/NHQ Thorbeckestraat 13 % 6971 Da Brummen ROYSLANDSFELTET 10 holland A 0-7 days old only N 4387 BJERKREIM Be fast or not SWER! NORWAY Two disks - No risks __ __________ ____ ____ I need all kinds of Pack Menus. / // _ /_ _// __// _ /\ I want old ones,new ones,good 1 / // // /\/ /\/ _/\/ \ \\/ ones,bad ones,crazy ones and 0/_//_//_/ /_/_/___//_//_/\_ lame ones.So look in your disk 0\_\/ _ \/ ___ _/_/\/ / _/\ boxes,put all the menus on 1 % / _ // /_\/ // /\/ / __\/ disk and sent it to: /_//_//___//_//_/\__/___/\ RADAVI / EFFECT A \_\\_\\___\\_\\_\ \_\\__\/ P.O.-BOX 7143 N 3430 JC NIEUWEGEIN S FOR NORWAY JOINING WRITE TO: HOLLAND W You can also send bootmenues,we E TOMMY FOSS will get them off that boot. R ROYSLANDSFELTET 10 I iwll (ofcourse) send your disk 4387 BJERKREIM back with my latest... NORWAY Pack Menu Pack ...on it. NOTE! NORWEGIANS ONLY.! __________ __________________________ ______ ____________ / / / / / // \\ \ / ____/ / _____/ _____/ ____// ____\\___ ___\ / /___/ / /___/ /___/ /___// /____/\__/\ \__/ / __/ / __// __// __/ / / \ \ \ /\ /_/ /\ \//\ \//\ /_/ /\ \ \/ / \ \ \______\ \\ \ \\ \ \____ \ \________ / / \ \ \\ \\ \ \\ \ \ \ // / \ \__________\\ \\ \____\\ \________\ \_________// / \/__________/ \ \\/____/ \/________/\/________// / \ \____\ /____/ \/____/ /____/ RADAVI STRANGER MSW P.O.BOX 7143 P.O.BOX 48 P.O.BOX 399 3430 JC NIEUWEGEIN 8090 AA WEZEP 3430 AJ NIEUWEGEIN HOLLAND HOLLAND HOLLAND ___ ___ _____ +--/ _ \/ _ \/\/\deus-/ / _ \/\/\---+ |:/ / _/ _ / \:/\/ / _ / \::| __________________________ |:\/\ \_// (_/\/\ \\__/ //_/ /\/\_):| | | |::::\_):\/::::::\/:::\/:::\/:::::::| | ISCH CREW CONTACT BASE:| |:+ Taste the difference +:| -------------------------- +------+---------------------+------+ | ONLY LEGAL STUFFZ ! | |\Oo For ELITE trading: \.........| | ----------------- | |.\ \........| | | |..\ POSDNUOS \.......| | RAPPER OF ISCH CREW | |...\ \......| | | |....\ Cristiano Micoli \.....| | KRISZTIAN TANOS | |.....\ Via D'Aragona 12 \....| | 1204 BUDAPEST | |......\ 66100 - Chieti \...| | KOSSUTH LAJOS U.36 | |.......\ ITALY oO\..| | HUNGARY | +-----------------------------------+ -------------------------- ___ ___ _____ +--/ _ \/ _ \/\/\deus-/ / _ \/\/\---+ ->->-> O-R-I-E-N-T <-<-<- : / / _/ _ / \ /\/ / _ / \ : : \/\ \_// (_/\/\ \\__/ //_/ /\/\_) : Contact ORIENT Dk at : \_) \/ \/ \/ \/ : +-----------------------------------+ Antex of ORIENT \ __ / c/o Danni Hansen \ |_) / Rudsgade 3 \ | \ O C K E T E E R / DK-4291 Ruds-Vedby \ Franco La Cioppa / Denmark \ Via Arniense 156 / \ 66100 - Chieti / Only Elite ! \ ITALY / /~~~~~~\_______________/~~~~~~\ ->->-> O-R-I-E-N-T <-<-<- / No Disk(s) = No Answer \ (_________________________________) /\__/\__/\____/\ /\____/\ /\______ / __ \ /\_ __/ / __ / /\ \ \____/ + . + . + / / / / / / / / / __ / / /\_\__ / . + + . + / /\/ / / / / \/\/ / / / / / \_/ / + . + . + \ \__/\___/\_/\____/ / /\____/\ __/ + RaPpEr Of IsCh CrEw . =\/==================\/========\/==ToX= ------------------- CoNtAcT FLYNN of OUTLAWS FoR FrIeNdLy + . KrIsZtIaN TAnOs . + lEgAl 'n HoT MaIlSwAp aT : . + 1204 BuDaPeSt + . + KoSsUtH LaJos u.36 + FLYNN / OTL . + HuNgArY . + . P.O. BOX 35 + . + . + 4900 SPA . + + . + . + BEL-G-IUM . + . + . + . FOR SWAP BUT DON'T FORGET TO CALL OUR BBS ONLY FOR ELITE. TOXICITY (OTL BHQ) : +32 412-24333 -------------------------------------- - D I F F U S I O N - /\ dOdGeR's -------------------------------------- /\/ \ E / \ \ \ Caramba ! L \ /\ \ Euro / Diffusion wants to have I \ \/ \ O U N C I N G zum sex with you... T \ / E \ - \ EURO / DFN / \ \ T.Forsman O / /\ \ Porvarinmaent.2a4 N / /\ \/ / Y T E S SF-68600 Pietarsaari L / \ \ / FINLAND Y \ /\ /\/ ! \/ \/ tHe NeW IA-pAcK! -------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- <---------------------------> - ________________________ - - H - E - A - D - W - A - Y - - __//_____ //___ // ____//\__ - ----------------------------- - \\ _ __| \\__/ /\\___ \\/ - Contact D-/X\AGE For - | |\_| | |< < <_\__| || - - ____| | // ||____ - - Fast Ordinary Swapping, - \___|______|_____\\______|/___/ - - A Cool Graphician Friend, - \/ \/ - - Getting Our Productions, - ConTacT ME FoR - - Selling Your Own Made Games - Fr!ENdlY AnD LeGaL Ma!LTraD!nG - - -=> DeRk/ObSeSSioN <=- - Under: - WALDEK ZAJAC - c/o Ferenc Tompai - UL.KRAKOWSKA 3/15 - Szamos Str.2. - 44-335 JASTRZEBIE ZDR. - 6723-Szeged - POLAND - Hungary -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- __ ________ __ __ __ . . . . . / \/\/ _/ _/ /\/ _\/\/ \/ \. .____ __ __ __ ____ ____ / / / / // // / / /_/ / / / / /../ / // / // / // / / / // / / / / / / _/ _/ / /_ / / / / / /. / /-// / // /-// / / / // / / \__/_/\/ \/ \__/\__/_/\__/\/_/ . \/ / \/_/ \/ / \/_/ \/_/ \/ / ---+ calm of history +--- ------------------------------- ..FOR TRADING THE LATEST.. CONTACT EURO/DIFFUSION 4 ------------------------------- Shine/Avalon :ELITE MAILTRADING Sev.Broens gt.10 :JOINING 7500 Stjordal Norway T.FORSMAN ------------------------------- PORVARINMAENT.2A4 !! GREETZ TO ALL MY CONTACTS !! SF-68600 PIETARSAARI ------------------------------- Finland .oO ONLY LEGAL Oo. | | ====================================== :------------------------: FoR pUrE mEtAl mAiL TrAdiNg wRitE tO | DoDgEr oF Inter Active | ====================================== : ...yoUr LinK tO thE : | UlTiMaTe Fun ! | LiOnhEaRt/cIrCle ScHiZo/CiRcLe : -+++++++++++++-----=: Tradgardsv.17nb Stationsg.4 | daniel koschera | S-19440 U-Vasby S-53274 Skara : wilh.-Buschstr.20 : Sweden Sweden | 41541 Dormagen Zons | : G e r m a n y : ====================================== |=-----++++++++++++++- | =LECIRCLECIRCLECIRCLECIRCLECIRCLECIRC= : EliTe Schwabbing + Gfx : ====================================== |100% answer,long letters| :------------------------: | | /\ /\ ____//\\____________________//\\____ o / \_ ____/ / / \ o :___/ / ____/ /___/ /____ \___: : __ // // / // / _/__ : | \// / / / / / \/ !D| o----\______/\______/_______/--------o -I-N-T-E-R-A-C-T-I-V-E- E.C.L.I.P.S.E ! The Principle Of Human Beeing o!o-----DeTiNATOR OF ECLiPSE-----o!o || || | 58 THROGMORTON ROAD, | || YATELEY, NR. CAMBERLEY, || | SURREY. GU17 7FA | o!o------------ENGLAND-----------o!o _ /\/\_ /\_ __ <\ //_/ //\/ /\ /\\ \ / //\\\ /) /__ //- /_ \//\\\ / _/ //_ \\\// ...hmmm,seems to be an advert // / ( \_ // \//_/ \\\/ /// \ \ / ,so let's start...: \>(__/\__/_) <______)\/\//_) \_/ No Matter What You Say D0dGeR/InterActive We Will Beet You Anyway. Contact D-/\/\AGE of HEAD\/\/AY DaNieL KoscHera For Swapping The Latest, Wilh.-Buschstr.20 For a Cool (Graphician) Friend, 41541 Dormagen Zons For Getting Our Productions, Germany For Selling Your Own Games. C/O FERENC TOMPAI for all this usual crap like . Szamos Str.2. . o 6723-SZEGED o funny-long letter-elite-swap Oo. H U N G A R Y .oO ...outta... _____ /____/ M . O . V . E . M . E . N . T _____ - --- - -- --- ---- --- -- - - - -- / //\ HaVe YoU EvEr WoNdErEd WhY I'm / // \ AlWaYs BuSy BaNgInG YaR MuMmY !? / // \ HeRe's YaR cHaNcE tO fInD Out! / // \ /____//________\ AsTrO/MoVeMeNt Prinsengracht 63 b CONTACT GUNHED/INTERACTIVE 1015 DL Amsterdam Holland BERRI SLIMANE 42 RUE CLEMENT PERROT !nO DiCkHeAdS oF AnY KiNd AlLoWeD! 94400 VITRY/SEINE - --- - -- --- ---- --- -- - - - -- FRANCE [-=-] No DiSk = No RuN! [-=-] __/\. __/\______/\_________./\ \_ | \_ ___/\_ .___/\_ | \ Another Elite Swapper wants / | /___. \/ |____/ : \ YOU ! / |/ | \ | \ . \ \ \ / | : \ : \ | \ \ A - L - I \ \____|__________/________/____./\ / \ oF InTErAcTIvE \ \_ .___/\_ . \_ __/ / | \ \ \ / |____/ | / )__/ : \ \ Guido Eckers \ / | \ . \__ | \ / \ \ \ Westerburgstr. \ / : \ | / : \ \ \ 41541 Zons \ \__________/___|___/_______/________/ \ Germany \ : [tbm] \ RAPPER / ISCH CREW 100% ElitE KRISZTIAN TANOS LonG LeTTerS 1204 KOSSUTH LAJOS 36. V/59 NeW StUff ! BUDAPEST - HUNGARY _ / \ / \ Get YoUR NeweSt / \rion _______ __ __ \ / __ __ BouNCinG ByTeS /_ ___// / \ \ \ / / / \ \ / / / \_/ \ \_/ / \_/ \ HERE : / / / /\___/\ \ / /\___/\ \ \/he \/ \/ove\/ \/ment DoDgEr/InTerAcTivE Daniel Koschera bei Lenden For swapping legal & illegal stuff Wilh-Buschstr.20 41541 Zons Orion / The MoveMent P.K.147 Acibadem 81020 Istanbul We Know What Works ! Turkey ____________:_ __ ___ ___________________ ___ __ _:___________ _ | | _____________ ___________________________ ___ _______________ \_________ \/ / / ____/ /\______ \/ /\/ / _________/ \____/ / / / / /\__/ / /\_/ / / / / / \____/ / / / / / / / / / / / / /\/ /\___ /\ / / / / / / / / /_/__/ / / / / / \______/\______/ / / /_______/__/ /\______/_______/ / \_____\/\____/__/ / \_______\_/__/ /\_____\_______\/ \__\/ \__\/ -ToX- ____________|_ __ ___ ___________________ ___ __ _|___________ _ CONTACT US FOR LEGAL PURE-ELITE MAILTRADING - FLYNN .oOo. OUTLAWS .oOo. P.O. BOX 35 4900 SPA BELGIUM - >>> I N F E C T S W E D E N <<< -------------------------------------- Contact Us For Membership..... - Talented Coders ... - Groovy Musicians ... - Colorful Graphicians ... - Elite Traders & Swappers... - Friendship Beats Business... Hobbes/IFT Dondi/IFT ---------------------------------------- Mats Lundqvist Daniel Andersson Rorumsv.7 Nyponv.61 272 94 Simrishamn 761 64 Norrtalje Sweden Sweden _/| _/\__ _/\__ / | / _ \ / _ \ ___ // |// |___\// |___\ ___ |___| !| || _| !| | |___| || || | || | -=-=-=|____|____|=-=|____|-=-[JME]=- -ThErEs No MeDiCie AgAiNsT- CoNtAcT JaMMie/iNfeCt FjAllSiPpEv.14 S-311 33 FaLkEnBeRg S W E D E N 100% AnSwEr iF DiSk iS iNkLuDed! __ __ _____________________ (__/ \ \ ___/ _/ ___ _) / / \/ _) _) / / / / / : ) / / \ / \/ / ..::\__\__|___ /\_____/___/\__/::.. ..:::::::::::::\/:::::::::::::(p)::... Contact Pace/Infect for totaly 0r Contact Slime/Infect for awesome elite swapping! the same reason! Roger Andersson sLime/iNfeCt Villav.17 sTockrosv. 2 95055 Sangis 311 33 Falkenberg Sweden Sweden every(elite)one will get an Answer,if disx are included ! .... --- Bouncing Bytes --- ___ ______/\________ ____/\_____ :-----/. \/ /\_ .____/ \--_--/ \_ ____/-----: // \ \/ _|_\ \/ \/ /___. \ / : . \ | \ / | \ / | / : \ X / : \ \_____|\____/__________/\__/ \__/___________/d0DgEr ...this time supported by: NOBODY !!! ABYSS : aso. ZENITH: aso. | | | | _|_ _|_ \_/ \_/ puuups: aso. We hope you send us some news for the next issue !! Credits are for sure and if we insert BOUNCING BYTES CHARTS after some issues you may be at the top ! # THe CREDITz FOr THIs PREVIEw Of BOUNCINg BYTEs : # # # # Supported by: Nobody !!! Gfx+Design: DODGER # # News by : No News ! Code : LEANDER # # Extras by : SLAM/Trance Inc. Sound : ABYSS # # # # Additional Coding + Mega Help: LUNATIC/ind. # # # # RELEASE DATE : 1st of December 1993 # # # ...edited by DODGER/IA ! Today InterActive wants to send best regards to: Acrid Addonic Adept Addict Aff Afl Agnostic Front Alcatraz Amaze Analog Artefact Arise Asl Awake Awesome Balance/UpS. Bastarts Black Light Inc. Cadaver Cascade Cave Celestical Circle Conquerers Contrast Crime Devils Crome Crystal Cyborx Dai Damion Dark Co Dark Star Dazzle Deadline Decept Death Defiers Defcone One Dci Desert Desire Devils D-tect Dual Crew Dytec Effect Elysion EOC 1999 Eskimos Essence Equinox Flatliners Frantic Fun Factory Fusion Futurize Genetic Genocide Gothic Hardline Headway Hysteric Ind. Insania Intense Krom La Rocca Leader Prod. Laserdance Last- Aid Legacy Legend Live Act Logic Lsd Majic 12 Mexx Model Midnightsun Netzwerk Nexxon Mystic Nikki Corruption Noice Nova Noxious Nuance Obsession Palace Panic Paradise Pmc Paralysis Paramount Paranoid Platin Principles Progidy Quartz Ram Jam Razor 1911 Rebels Reflect Reflectors Retire Sanity Silents Sharks Stage Slipstream Sonic Sphynx Stellar Submission Supernova Suspect Tech Technoir Tek The Orb The Incal Inc. The wave Trance Inc. Triange Tsb U.D.O Vanish Vlsi Vox Dei Vicious Virtuel Design Waltons Wizzcat X-Factory X-Treme Zenith 5th generation...The Mc Disk Team ...all ia-members and all we have forgotten ! YOU NEED A HELP IN USING THIS... . - -- --|\ --- -------- ---------------------------------+-- -- - .___.__ | \ ._____.___________ .____ .___________.___._ | _____. | | \| \| \| \ | \| / | | | \ \_ _ ____| |-| /| | \| .___. ._ \ \/ /__| | | | | _|__| \| \ |__.| || \ / _|. | | \ | | \ | || || |\ / | |_______|\____|___|________|\_____|_________||___||___| \__/_____| | ...PACK ??? Oh,are you stupid !!! | Press: RMB in the File-Menue for getting into the Mag-Menue UP cursor for one page BACKWARD DOWN cursor for one page FORWARD M-button for the Mag-Menue Exit for the File-Menue Well guys,now you are in the EXTRA-section of BOUNCING BYTES and that means this time you can have some fun by reading some nice POEMS by the the totally mad SLAM/TRANCE INC, and some MESSAGES from DODGER/IA and ALI/IA... The EXTRA-section of BB will always contain messages and sum special thinx like poems,invitations fpr parties and so on. But now the messages...: From DODGER/IA to some contacts: ABYSS/IA: Hope You feel better after your stay in the hospital. Hope to see you soon anywhere...Mensch,zieh nach NRW ! Ich bekomm schon tierischen Aerger wegen der Telefon- rechnung ! Meeting ? Wenn nicht,bis Daenemark ! LEANDER/IA: Boah,bist Du faul ! Das mit dem Pack haette auch ein bisschen schneller gehen koennen ! Hab ja ein Mega- delay gehabt (sorry to all my contacts,but HE was the reason!)...anyway...thanx for the pack... THE BLIND/IA: Nice to meet you in Cologne.Wenn Deine Raytracing- dinger Fortschritte machen,koennen wir echt was damit anfangen...Cu aufm Meeting oder in Daenemark ! ALI/IA: Hoffe wir beide kriegen das hin mit dem Pack...Du weisst ja: Zuviele Koeche verderben den Brei ! Anyway... FEANOR/GENETIC: I thought you would have quit the scene.But I saw your sheets in Cologne,so I decided to write to you again.Hope we can swap like before ! RUSINE/ESKIMOS: So ein mega-delay kommt schon cool...Da werd ich mich doch gleich mal revanchieren...you know...: KICK ALL CODERS ASSES ! cu in Daenemark ! HOWIE/A.FRONT: Gibts Dich noch ? Write soon ! KILLTECH/RETIRE: Euer intro war ja prima! Mehr davon ! Hey,wann bist Du endlich General ? Cu ! TRASH HEAD/SUSPECT: Are you still alive my polish friend ? I hope so ! Your letters were always nice to read ! You seem to be the only well English speaking scene-guy in Poland.Hope 2 meet you anywhere ! RAHIEM/WIZZCAT: Always nice stuff,alter Mann ! Deine Briefe werden auch immer kuerzer.Werde jetzt wieder regel- maessiger schicken(...) See You in Daenemark ! P.S.:Wo warst Du in Koeln ? YOYO/5th GEN.: Alter writer! Que tal ? Ach scheisse,ich kann immer noch nicht perfekt Spanisch ! Vielleicht brauch man da doch laenger als 3 Monate zu ??? Send my some pieces or photos from your bombings.Need some inspiration ! See you in Daenemark ! Adios ! TWAIN PAIN/VCS: Sorry 4 my Mega-delay,but I got bored writing articles.I hope I can soon send some,so that you can finish Megazine 3 ! Cu anywhere ! SLAM/TANCE INC.: En prettige dag old Gouda ! Is your back okay ? Sorry for the mega-delay,but you know the reason! Hope to meet you in Daenemark.We can have a nice smalltalk there: Youll speak German and I will speak Dutch ! Could be very funny... l8ter ! QBA/OBSESSION: I think about painting a logo for you,but please tell me the size and bitplanes ! Hope your English will become better! Perhaps we can meet in Danmark! SIGNE/MYSTIC: Bisse tot oda so ? Please write soon ! LOU VAN B/S!P: Du bist wohl auch unter einen Bagger gekommen,oder warum hab ich immer noch kein sending von Dir ge- kriegt ? Lief doch alles prima ! Anyway,Cu ! COLORBIRD/?: Are you still in Circle,or did you join another group ??? I cannot remember it..Sorry 4 delay! Read letter! EUMEL/INCAL INC.: Hast Du Dir mal die Haare geschnitten ? ho,ho... Warst nicht in Koeln,oder ? Schreib mal was laengere Briefe ! ciaoooooo ! TONIC/IND.: Well I remember you ! ha ! Send me some more pics ! It was not bad ! Sorry 4 delay... See you in Herning ! TRAUMA/CADAVER: Whats going on ? Did my last sending not arrive ? Please write back ! Perhaps well meet in Herning ! HEPTAGON/IND.: Thanx 4 contacting ! Spread my pack and write long letters and we will have a nice swapping time ! Sorry fuers delay,aber die Scheiss-coder ! Cu ! WALKER/SAVAGE: Found you adress in my bag ! Hope we will have a nice swapping time.Uebrigens: Ich hab nen Onkel,der wohnt in Nordhorn ! Waaahhnsinnig interresant,oda ? Spread my pack ! Bis denn... ! DEATH ANGEL/?: Bist Du independant ? Hoffe wir werden ne prima- swap-Zeit (oh,Gott! Was fuer ein Wort!) haben ! Cu! Now some messages from ALI/IA : --> Freddy/NOVA ----------- Hey Freddy, everything OK? Why do you delay so often the last time? Hope you like our pack... --> Mr.King/ANALOG -------------- Hi Joerg...Du kriegst Konkurrenz, wie Du siehst (he,he...;-)) --> Trasher/SANITY -------------- Mach weiter so...immer coole Sendings von Dir --> Exumer/SANITY ------------- Wie schaffst Du es eigentlich immer so geile Sachen zu schicken ? --> Ceterus/LOGIC ------------- Keine Sorge...das Meeting machen wir schon noch mal...irgendwann ...irgendwo... --> Rave/ACCEPT ----------- Sorry, dass ich auf der WoC so kurz angebunden war...Trotzdem cool Dich zu treffen --> Exciter/DCS ----------- Goile Sounddisk von Euch letztens...warum schreibst Du nimmer? --> Ice-T/MYSTIC ------------ Von wegen Kraut&Rueben..das Pack hier wird viel geiler ! --> Posdnuos/RAM JAM ---------------- Ciao Cristiano! Keep on producing The Charts! It is the best and most current Chart-Mag in the scene, I think. --> To all others: -------------- Send us your news, messages or adverts for Bouncing Bytes !!! --- Now some crazy ...hmm... poems by SLAM of TRANCE INC. : --- 1. Da book is sinking into my cd-box and my diskdrive is reading the amigaformat, so I better stop before I push the red button of my alarm clock ! 2. Time is up, coz my shag is running out of gas, and my disks are swimming on my colour tv. My clock is crying for breath, and my computer is saying I must watch my cd-player jumping over my cheated stamps, so ..... 3. Well,I must stop, goz my electronic-work-closet is filled with some nice eyscreams, that our dog has to eat up for his monthly mail. My screw-driver says it's time to clean up my mess, and my disks are flying out of my window. My kickstart says it's a 4.0, and my powerled is turning so bleu, that I can't see the differents between my underweare, and my money ! So I better stop writing, otherwise the newspaperboy is going to smach with his bike on my grandmothers shoes ! 4. Ok, got to stop. My videorecorder needs some wather, otherwise the nature on my videofilm is drying out ! 5. Ok ,I now must realy stop, coz my box from my stereo is going to explode,coz I put 220 Volts on my joystick. Our neighbers are shooting me, coz of the beutifull music I trow outside, and my bed is asking for a girl. My mirror has broken, because the dinner tonight wasn't tasting great, coz my mummy has put my school books in the microwave. My floor is looking like the palace, and my contacts are shouting for their CHEATED disks ! Enuff of this crazy poems nobody seems to understand,because the written English there is horrible... Its time for a little children verse in Dutch...: Ik heb een potje met vet, al op de tavel gezet, ik heb een potje,potje ve e e t, al op de tavel gezet, dit was het eerste komplet, van het potje met vet, ik heb een potje,potje ve e e t, al op de tavel gezet, dit was het tweede komplet, van het potje met vet, ik heb een potje,potje ve e e t, al op de tavel gezet, dit was het derde komplet, van het potje met vet, ik heb een potje,potje ve e e t, al op de tavel gezet, dit was het vierde komplet, van het potje met vet, ik heb een potje,potje ve e e t, al op de tavel gezet, dit was het vijfde komplet, van het potje met vet, ik heb een potje,potje ve e e t, al op de tavel gezet, dit was het zesde komplet, van het potje met vet, ik heb een potje,potje ve e e t, al op de tavel gezet, dit was het zevende komplet, van het potje met vet, ik heb een potje,potje ve e e t, al op de tavel gezet, dit was het achste komplet, van het potje met vet, ik heb een potje,potje ve e e t, al op de tavel gezet, dit was het negende komplet, van het potje met vet, ik heb een potje,potje ve e e t, al op de tavel gezet, dit was het tiende komplet, van het potje met vet, ik heb een potje,potje ve e e t, al op de tavel gezet, dit was het elfde komplet, van het potje met vet, ik heb een potje,potje ve e e t, al op de tavel gezet, dit was het twaalfde komplet, van het potje met vet, ik heb een potje,potje ve e e t, al op de tavel gezet, dit was het dertiende komplet, van het potje met vet, (and so on!) ...ahh what an silly shit ! Why did I include this crap in my great pack ??? Don't know.... ...well,this must be enuff 4 this time.Wait for the next issue of BB and send me ads,news and messies ! DODGER/IA