GREETINGS TO DOLE TULOU ALTER FACTOR JUNKFOOD AND ALL DEMOGROUPS HERE AT THE PARTY you have reached the end of "Wannabe", a demo released by Nature at Icing 1997. the hard work was done here at the party, so we are quite tired right now, so you will have to excuse our english... Complete credits: -------- Intro: ------ Music: Pipe Fire text: Pezac Rotozoom: Code - Pezac Texture - Pipe Radar screen: Code - Pezac Idea - Rex Font - Pipe Main part: ---------- Music: Pipe Nature logo: Pipe Tunnel: Code - Pezac Texture - Pipe Wannabe logo: Pipe Sun: Idea - Pezac Code - Pezac Picture: Rex Blobs: Idea - Pezac Code - Pezac Palette - Rex Plots: Idea - Yomat Code - Yomat Objects - Pipe Picture: Pipe Picture slimer: Idea - Pezac Code - Pezac Texture - Pipe Glass scroll: Idea - Pipe&Pez Code - Pezac Font - Pipe Back - Pipe Text screen: Idea - Pezac Code - Pezac End part: --------- Music - C-Frog Scroll: Idea - Pez&Pipe Code - Pipe Font - Pipe Back - Pipe Text - Pez&Pipe Bonky salute: Code - Pipe Picture - Bonky Text - Pez&Pipe --- Contacts: www.update.uu .se/%7eyomat /nature/ email: Pez: pezac_nat@ Pipe: Pipe_nat@ C-Frog: sgp@ Rex: rexmailbox@ Because of bonkys popularity, we couldn't leave out his email.. sorry! Now some personal comments: ---------------- Pipe: ..hmmm... Nice scroll i have done here huh? You can actually use a whole lot of unnecessary characters in this silly font, like æ, or ß for example.. i also have the english £ sign, and if you are from germany, and your name is "müller", then we could actually greet you in this scroll! Pezac: Well, we had the time to fix all cosmetic things in the demo, so I hope it has no big graphic bugs ... Anyway, I must tell you that this party is full of PC owners, many of them just play around and disturb serious working groups.. I hope that they are not the future sceners.. But beside that we are havin' a good time here.. six members of Nature are here , and we brought our mascot, the Kinder figure! I think it's time to stop now, and let someone else take over the keys.. Rex: Well.. I just made the picture in the demo, it's called " Amiqueen " and as you see I got tired of it and it resulted in a lack of shadows and therefore looks more like a cartoonfigure instead of a human " babe "! I can also tell you that it's no fun making these kind of pictures with a no-boost-Amiga and without a monitor! Well, now they tell me I'm not allowed to write anymore so.....over and out * click * C-frog: Hi! This is c-frog writing some yelly words! I hope that you are enjoying my music that you're listening to right now! And I hope that you've enjoyed the demo! if you wan't my phone-number to my PD-BBS you can ask for it in the e-mail! Well! I don't think I have any more intelligent text to write! :) CU! Yomat: no comment. Hencox: We visited the local pub and found a lot of alcoholics... even the cook was drunk. Advice: don't ever visit the local pub in Stenkullen! Instream: Hmm... another word of advice: Eating a cucumber takes more energy than you get from eating it... No more writers, so let's restart this scroll.. you have reached the end of "Wannabe", a demo released by Nature at Icing 1997. the hard work was done here at the party, so we are quite tired right now, so you will have to excuse our english... Complete credits: -------- Intro: ------ Music: Pipe Fire text: Pezac Rotozoom: Code - Pezac Texture - Pipe Radar screen: Code - Pezac Idea - Rex Font - Pipe Main part: ---------- Music: Pipe Nature logo: Pipe Tunnel: Code - Pezac Texture - Pipe Wannabe logo: Pipe Sun: Idea - Pezac Code - Pezac Picture: Rex Blobs: Idea - Pezac Code - Pezac Palette - Rex Plots: Idea - Yomat Code - Yomat Objects - Pipe Picture: Pipe Picture slimer: Idea - Pezac Code - Pezac Texture - Pipe Glass scroll: Idea - Pipe&Pez Code - Pezac Font - Pipe Back - Pipe Text screen: Idea - Pezac Code - Pezac End part: --------- Music - C-Frog Scroll: Idea - Pez&Pipe Code - Pipe Font - Pipe Back - Pipe Text - Pez&Pipe Bonky salute: Code - Pipe Picture - Bonky Text - Pez&Pipe --- Contacts: www.update.uu .se/%7eyomat /nature/ email: Pez: pezac_nat@ Pipe: Pipe_nat@ C-Frog: sgp@ Rex: rexmailbox@ Because of bonkys popularity, we couldn't leave out his email.. sorry! Now some personal comments: ---------------- Pipe: ..hmmm... Nice scroll i have done here huh? You can actually use a whole lot of unnecessary characters in this silly font, like æ, or ß for example.. i also have the english £ sign, and if you are from germany, and your name is "müller", then we could actually greet you in this scroll! Pezac: Well, we had the time to fix all cosmetic things in the demo, so I hope it has no big graphic bugs ... Anyway, I must tell you that this party is full of PC owners, many of them just play around and disturb serious working groups.. I hope that they are not the future sceners.. But beside that we are havin' a good time here.. six members of Nature are here , and we brought our mascot, the Kinder figure! I think it's time to stop now, and let someone else take over the keys.. Rex: Well.. I just made the picture in the demo, it's called " Amiqueen " and as you see I got tired of it and it resulted in a lack of shadows and therefore looks more like a cartoonfigure instead of a human " babe "! I can also tell you that it's no fun making these kind of pictures with a no-boost-Amiga and without a monitor! Well, now they tell me I'm not allowed to write anymore so.....over and out * click * C-frog: Hi! This is c-frog writing some yelly words! I hope that you are enjoying my music that you're listening to right now! And I hope that you've enjoyed the demo! if you wan't my phone-number to my PD-BBS you can ask for it in the e-mail! Well! I don't think I have any more intelligent text to write! :) CU! Yomat: no comment. Hencox: We visited the local pub and found a lot of alcoholics... even the cook was drunk. Advice: don't ever visit the local pub in Stenkullen! Instream: Hmm... another word of advice: Eating a cucumber takes more energy than you get from eating it... No more writers, so let's restart this scroll.. GURU! - Bus Error GURU! - Address Error GURU! - ILLEGAL Instruction GURU! - Division by Zero GURU! - CHK Instruction GURU! - TRAPV Instruction GURU! - Privilege Violation GURU! - Trace GURU! - Line 1010 Emulator GURU! - Line 1111 Emulator TRAP! - Trap Instruction GURU! - No Idea Return without Gosub Next without For Stack Error on Exit - Unterminated Gosub or For? Out of Stack Space Array Subscript out of Range Value out of Maximum Range Array Dimension out of Range Data type mismatch Command only available in BLITZ mode! Command only available in AMIGA mode! End Select/Case/Default without Select No Current List Item OverFlow Error OKAY! OKAY! Out of Memory! Unable to Free Memory Uninitialized Queue Uninitialized BitMap Queue Overflow Shape has too many BitPlanes Unitialized BitMap Uninialized Shape Shape does not have a cookie cut Coords outside of BitMap Uninitialized BitMap Uninitialized Screen Uninitialized Shape Can't copy borrowed Bitmap Can't Open File Can't Read File Can't Find IFF 'BODY' Can't Find IFF 'BMHD' Can't Open IFF Can't find IFF 'CMAP' Can't Read File Uninitialized Screen Uninitialized Palette RGB component out of range Uninitialized Slice Not enough colours in Slice Colour must be in the range 0-31 Cycle colours out of range Cycle speed MUST be >=-1 AND <=1 Cycle MUST be >=0 AND <=6 Uninitialized cycle information Cycles must be added in order, you silly sausage! Not an AGA machine! Uninitialized Shape Can't open Shapes File Can't Read/Write Shapes File First shape must be lower than second Illegal area for GetaShape Uninitialized BitMap ANIM format not supported Illegal ANIM interleave value Cannot GetaShape from an interleaved Bitmap Shapes file at memory location 0? NOWAY! Illegal Scroll Area Uninitialized BitMap Scroll area to large Shape has too many BitPlanes Unitialized BitMap Uninialized Shape Shape does not have a cookie cut Coords outside of BitMap Tracker: File error! (Not found?) Tracker Library Error Tracker: You may only use slots 0-8. Tracker: Cannot load module on top of another. Tracker: Load/Decode module first. Tracker: Decode to an empty slot. Illegal Number of BitPlanes for Resolution Uninitialised CopList Uninitialised Palette Uninitialised Sprite Custom Copper String Must Be Multiple Of 4 Bytes Silly! Not Enough Custom Copper Space Need AGA palette mode ($10000) for this many colors CustomChunky must start at ypos greater than res Not Enough Custom Cops Not Enough Sprite Channels Uninitialized Shape Shape MUST be 4 or 16 colours Sprite too Wide Uninitialized Sprite Uninitialized Slice Sprite Channel Unavailable Slice does not support priority Sprite Channel not in range First Sprite must be lower than second Can't open Sprites file Error reading/writing Sprites file No currently used object! Offset out of range End of Program Interrupted - program start ***** Interupted ***** Format String too long Can't Input Character from Defualt Input No Input channel to pop! No Output channel to pop! Illegal Type Joyport must be 0 or 1