the legend is back to present another frog production another masterpiece... released at the saturne party ii april 1994! by... flasher jack by... acid by... monty This is NOT the end! > COBALT < (Calimero returns!) Was our contribution to the 64kb intro competition Some hellos to these happy-guys of para-shmurz: HALFASToche CPToche Boute-en-train 52 Super NINJA 2000 MONTYrolien (Zut,j'ai oublie ACID!) and all the others from PARADOX worldwide! ... Music is "SHAD(E)" 30kb from MONTY's genious brain! ... As every scrolltext must be spoiled by commercials here are our famous... Amiga boards! Nirvana... (WHQ) +1-516-364-6257 Lithium... (USA) +1-313-479-5924 Yee Side... (CAN) +1-613-PRI-VATE House Of Coolness... (EHQ) +49-89-651-8168 Don't miss them!!! (Or you will regret!) ... Nothing else to write this is only a short intro(!?) ... Never forget: WINNERS CAN'T USE FASCISM!!! WINNERS WON'T USE FASCISM!!! WINNERS DON'T USE FASCISM!!! CAUTION: TOUTE RESSEMBLANCE AVEC UN GROUPE DE CRACKS EXISTANT OU AYANT EXISTE SERAIT PUREMENT FORTUITE PARADOX IN 1994 E.N.J.O.Y. T.H.E. P.A.R.T.Y. PS: THAT'S ALL!!! REAL Plasma!!! FIREBLAST Plasma