attention! this is our last production because rainbow trio will be joining another group !! so, two of our members: skull & mbo are now going to the: black monks o.k. ! please do not write anything more to our old plk address as the german police have gotten our old number !! note to all the old contacts of rainbow trio: if you would like to contact us further, please write to our new number ( but no name !!!!!! ) plk 046141 c - 1000 berlin 42 - west germany well, let's start with our last list of our golden regards !!! to: gemini (thanks for this beautifull logo !!!), kns crew & fastteam, oth, antitrax, deathstar, astatic, dueco, the rising force, los bamigos, diabolics, wizzcat, coca cola gang, poltergeist, the dark terminal, fatal error, the berlin plutons, c-mafia and all our other contacts ..... lets start with the credits demo by skull, design & scroll by mbo, logo by gemini, sprite design by oth & sound by tc !!