-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-# ... fINALLY - aFTER tHE bIRTH alMOST 2 mONTHS aGO tHE fIRST eXECUTABLE rELEASE# NiS rEADY tO bE sHOWN tO tHE wORLD, fIRST lET mE gIVE yOU tHE cREDITS fOR tHIS# pRODUCTION:# # .:.mINDBLASTING cODE: WARLOCK.:.# .:.bREATHTAKING gRAPHICS: WDW.:.# .:.rAVING sOUNDS: C-QUENCE^DEFIANCE.:.# .:.lATE 1980s dESIGN: PURNO.:.# # wE aRE a nEW gROUP cOMING fROM tHE mIGHTY sCENE cOUNTRY :HOLLAND: fORMED aT tHE# eND oF 1994 JUST fOR tHE fUN oF iT tHE mEMBERS aT tHIS mOMENT aRE iN sOME oRDER# # : ZACK : VIGO : PURNO : WARLOCK :# 5 : MINOR THREAT : GAMBIT :# : : RING+RING!: METALION : KINGSIZE :# # wE aRE kNOWN bUT nOT fAMOUS [YET!] bUT tHIS lITTLE iNTRO sHOULD hELP uS gAIN tO# gET tO *CULT* sTATUS - hmmm i tHINK i'M lOSING mY hEAD rIGHT kNOW... sO eHM aLL# i wANT yOU tO dO iS rEAD tHE sCROLLER cAREFULLY aND cALL tHE bOARDS aDVERTISING# oN tHE fOLLOWING pAGES! nOTHING iNTERESTING tO sAY sO eNJOY tHE mELODY! BYE!# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-# # ________ ________ ___ ________________ _________ ________ _________# _\______ \_\_ /_ _ __ _ __/\______ \_\____ / _/ ____/__\ __ /# \ _/ \ _/ \__ \/ \__ _/ \ _/ _/__ \ \l \__ _\__/# \___ _\ \______ _/____ _/___ _\ \__\ / \____ _/ \__# \ _/ l___/ l___/ \ _/ \ / l_____/___ _/# \__/ \__/ \:/ l___/# Y# ________ _______ _________ _________ _/\_ ________ _/\_ ________ _______# \ ____/_\_____ \\____ /_\____ /_\OO/___\ __ /_\OO/_\____ /_/ ___ /# \_____ \__ _/ \ l___/_ _/ _/__ \/ \__ \___/ \/ \__l__/_ \___/_# _/_\ \__ \___\ /__ _/ \____ __ _/ \_____# ___ _ __/ \ _/__ _/ \ / l____/__ _/ l____/____ _/ l___/# l___/ \__/ l____/ \:/ l___/ l___/ mD!# Y# - - - - -- --- ---- ----- ------ ------ ----- ---- --- -- - - - -# # -> 2.3 gIGs * a2ooo/68o3o/68882 25mHz pOWEr * 2 nODEs * aMIGa 0-dAy oNLy <-# -> rEGISTEREd uSEr oF aMIEXPRESs bBs v4.x! * rUNNINg tESTNEt (@ 046002)! <-# -> NoDe 1 : +31-47-463321 (28.8DS!) * NoDe 2 : +31-47-pRIVATe! (16.8DS!) <-# -> sYSOPs: zACk - kAINe - tHe uNDERDOg - tHe rAVEr - hELLCAt - aNALYZEr! <-# - - - - -- --- ---- ----- ------ ------ ----- ---- --- -- - - - -# # # o======---------- - - - - - -----------========o# | t n t |# | ttt nnn ttt |# | ttttt nnnnn ttttt |# | ttttttttttttttttttnnnn nnnnnnnttttttttttttttt |# : ttttttttttttttttnnnnnn nnnnnnnttttttttttttttt :# : tttttttttttttt nnnnnn nnnnnnnttttttttttttttt :# . tttttt nnnnnnn nnnnnn tttttt .# . tttttt nnnnnnnnn nnnnnn tttttt .# : tttttt nnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnn tttttt :# : tttttt nnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnn tttttt :# | tttttt nnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnntttttt |# | ttttttnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnttttt |# | ttttttnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnttttt |# | tttttt nnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnntttttt |# | tttttt nnnnnnnn nnnnnnn tttttt |# o======---------- - - - - - -----------========o# [-RuNNiNG-oN-A2000-G-Force-030-25Mhz-6Mb-]# .-+[-1-Gigabyte-HDD-aND-USRobotics-28K8-V-aLL-]+-.# +[-/X-registered-]+[-Amiga-]+[-/X-tools-]+[-Snes-]+[-PeeCee-]+# [SyZo:Minor Threat/STooPiD/TbC].:.[CoZo:$gt-D/TbC].:.[CoZo:Pesch/TbC]# _.-+=Dial=+31(0)515030201,=SpeedZ:=14.400='Till=28.800,=24Hrs=Each Day=+-._# # bEFORE i fORGET i wOULD lIKE tO sAY tHAT wE aRE lOOKING fOR kEWL aND tALEMTED# mEMBERS!! sO iF yOU tHINK tHAT yOU cAN hANDLE tHE fORCE tHAT cOMES wHEN bEING# wANTED fOR yOUR sKILLS jUST cALL oNE oF oUR bOARDS aND lEAVE a mESSY tO pURNO# oR wRITE tO tHE aDDRESS gIVEN iN tHE sHORT aND sWEET sCROLL bELOW...# # nOW cOMES oFCOURSE tHE gREETS aLL sCENERS hAVE bEEN wAITING fOR, wE wOULD sEND# oUR fLY rEGARDS tO tHE fOLLOWING kEWL gROUPS!# # : AVANTGARDE : TRSI : EFFECT : MELLOW : ABYSS : SCOOPEX :# : INFECT : TRANCE : SAINTS : DEFIANCE : PRESTIGE : ASGARD :# : REALITY : TBC : DESIRE : OTT : LPS : NEW ORDER : MYTH :# and all forgotten....# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-# ________________ ____________________# fOR a kEWL aND fRIENDLY :_/ ____/ __ / \/ \_____ \ \___ \::# sWAP wITH fAST aND NO! _\____ \ \_/ l \ l \ ____/ \ | \:# bULLSHIT wAREZ wRITE tO \ l \ \ | \ | \ \_ / | \# tHE fOLLOWING aDDRESS: :\ ______/___/_______/_____/___/___/______ /# p.s. GREETZ tO aLL mY +-\/zACk---------------------------------\/+# fOREIGN cONTACTZz.... +------------------------------------------+# pURNO^STooPID+Dr.de7QuAYSTrAAt12+5463bA77VeGhEL+HoLlAnd+100%7rEPLy!!!.# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-text restarts-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-# # STooPID is looking for KEWL! AND talented members. We are in TRADERS, GRAPHICIANS, MUSICIANS, CODERS and SWAPPERS!!!! so if you wanna join just call [THE ALTAR OF SACRIFICE] or [TNT], you can also write to the address given in the text above... Dutch ONLY! Compo! coming up with KEWL! prices to win! This compo is for dutch dudes only! Opdracht:- maak een module van minder dan 220k en stuur die voor 31 maart 1995 naar Purno [ adres hierboven vermeldt! ] De maker van de mooiste module wint een poster van Cindy C. of Claudia S. !!! En zijn module wordt samen met de tweede en derde finalist gebruikt voor een musicdisk. STooPID members mogen niet meedoen :) .... min. 10 inzendingen!!! GABBER heeft niet! de voorkeur.. .. en modules mogen in zowel Protracker als MED gemaakt zijn. text restarts. -*- cODE bY WARLOCK : gFX bY WDW : sFX by PACO : dESIGN bY PURNO -*- -=[ STooPID 1995 ]=- coded by Warlock!