skid row the leading force presents dune ii : final sales release cracked by : c.i.a supplied by : t.f.b if you like this game then please buy the original, as piracy does not have to be theft. just a test of quality software. originals are always better than pirates. to get the latest warez then call our skid row boards worldwide. obtain the numbers from the warp text. skid row regards go out to: crystal dynamix fairlight paradox quartex trsi and to all the rest we forgot. credits for this intro: mathematics and design: ______________ Jinx/devils artwork and design: __________ hof/the silents music: __________ twilight/desire to contact skid row write to: skid row p.o box 106 downers grove il usa skid row po box 907 london sw11 6tl united kingdom or call our boards worldwide. text wrap