imported by the bitstoppers in 1987.... hello to our contacts all over the world (usa,canada,europe:uk,fra. ect..) special greetings go to: acs... bs1... crm-crew... ecc... hotline... hqc... movers... prophets ag... rik... star frontiers... tlc... usr... also greetings to 1001-crew... abc... acf... bks... explorer... freak factory... general... gwl... irata... kent team... mfc... megabyte... ogm... ras... stl... syntax 2001... the mission ?... world of madness... wow... and all the other great fighters on amiga !!! if you want all the latest proggies try to contact the bitstoppers and write to plk: 029995 c 4500 osnabrueck w. germany -press left mouse button-