Main Menu Page 1 򗯜 Editorial 򗛲 -------------------- 2 Welcome Pacmag Staff - Credits! How to make color ads 򗯜 Vote Charts 򗛲 ------------------------ 2 Board Top 10 Sysop Top 10 Most Popular Trader Top 10 򗯜 Upload Statistics 򗛲 ------------------------------------ 2 Board Upload Top Board Callers Top Board Download Top Traders Upload Top 150 Traders Overall Upload Top 150 8 -------------------------------- 1 Release date : 09-09-94 򗯜 Features 򗛲 ---------------------- 2 The Music Tutorial - Part One 2 jokes to fill up your life! 2 News 򗯜 Board Adds 򗛲 ---------------------- 2 BodyCount Illegal Connection Megabyte Mental Insanity Mercyful Fate Metal Connextion Nonstop Up'n'down Plastic Passion Platinum Sky Tower Static Chaos Susperia 򗛲 ---------------------- 4 -> Turn Page for more!! Main Menu Page 2 򗯜 Board Adds 򗛲 ---------------------- 2 Somewhere Online The Larch The Northern Palace Tombstone Warez Unlimited Zone 7 򗛲 ---------------------- Welcome 򗯜 Welcome to Pacmag issue 30. 򗛫 shit! already a month has gone!.. and i'm here trying to write some deeply interesting text.. hmm ah well nobody reads this anyway!.. so get on with the real fun.. 8 BUT now that i have your attention i should maybe point out that if you (yes 9YOU!8.. out there behind this little square screen)  7 If you have some Positive information about the Amiga or the Scene, that you think, might could be of interest for others, feel free to write it down and upload it on SUSPERIA.. it could might even make it into the mag! 5 That's about it, so until next issue.. 򗯜 See Ya! 򗛲 and keep trading! $  Pacmag Staff 򗯛 Credits 򗛲 --------------------------- 5 Coding: 1 Zeke - Vanity 1 Micky - Vanity 5 Main Graphics: 1 Devilstar - Virtual Dreams - Fairlight 5 Backgrounds: 1 Zeke - Vanity 5 Fonts: 1 Tactica - Vanity 5 Music: 1 Twise and Phase - Agoa 5 Editors: 1 Zany - Vanity 1 Caesar - Independent 5 Counting & Voting Tools: 1 Caesar - Independent ( Info On How To get Color In The Board Ads... 򗯛 C1o8l9o3r 򗛲 ----------- 6 Want color in you ads.. ok this is how it works... there are 10 colors to choose among, they are : 0 0 is dark blue, 1 1 is blue, 2 2 is light blue 3 3 is dark red, 4 4 is red, 5 5 is light red 6 6 is pink, 7 7 is green 8 8 is light green 9 9 is white... 2 how to change color?.. you change colors with the use of : @ so in order to make a line go like this : 5C1o8l9o3r2 you would have to write this : @5C@1o@8l@9o@3r@2 the last >@2< was to get the color back to what it was when we began.. in order to 6highlight2 some thing you would write : @6highlight@2 ok!.. got the hang of it yet?... great!.. then lets see som colorsful board ads for next issue , 1|  Vote Charts : The Board Section... 0 2-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 򗯖T O P T E N F A S T E S T B O A R D S0 2-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 0 3 NR. BOARD NAME GROUP SYSOP POINTS LAST MONTH 8(-=----=-------------------=---------------=-------------=------=------------=-) 9 1. PLASTIC PASSION CRYSTAL TARZAN 68 (1) 6 2. MERCYFUL FATE PRODIGY METAL FORCE 48 (5) 5 3. METAL CONNEXTION DELIGHT/DUPLO WOZZY 45 (3) 4 4. SUSPERIA VANITY ZANY 37 (4) 4 5. NONSTOP UP'N'DOWN 2OOO A.D. ENERGY 32 (2) 4 6. BODYCOUNT VIRTUAL DREAMS DEVILSTAR 19 (7) 4 7. SKY TOWER TRSI ENZO 18 (9) 4 8. WAREZ UNLIMITED HUMANS GILTHANAS 13 (10) 4 10. MEGABYTE OUTLAWS NASHUA 11 (-) 4 10. THE LARCH REBELS YOBBO 11 (6) 8(-=----=-------------------=---------------=-------------=------=------------=-) 0 2-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 򗯖T O P T E N C O O L E S T B O A R D S0 2-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 0 3 NR. BOARD NAME GROUP SYSOP POINTS LAST MONTH 8(-=----=-------------------=---------------=-------------=------=------------=-) 9 1. PLASTIC PASSION CRYSTAL TARZAN 50 (1) 6 2. MERCYFUL FATE PRODIGY METAL FORCE 44 (3) 6 2. METAL CONNEXTION DELIGHT/DUPLO WOZZY 44 (2) 4 4. SUSPERIA VANITY ZANY 32 (3) 4 5. BODYCOUNT VIRTUAL DREAMS DEVILSTAR 24 (5) 4 6. THE LARCH REBELS YOBBO 18 (7) 4 7. MEGABYTE OUTLAWS NASHUA 17 (-) 4 7. SKY TOWER TRSI ENZO 17 (10) 4 9. NONSTOP UP'N'DOWN 2OOO A.D. ENERGY 15 (8) 4 10. WAREZ UNLIMITED HUMANS GILTHANAS 13 (9) 8(-=----=-------------------=---------------=-------------=------=------------=-) 6 ; Vote Charts : The Sysop Section... 0 2-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 򗯖 T O P T E N N I C E S T S Y S O P0 2-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 0 3 NR. NAME GROUP BOARD NAME POINTS LAST MONTH 8(-=-----=-------------=---------------=------------------=------=------------=-) 9 1. WOZZY DELIGHT/DUPLO METAL CONNEXTION 46 (2) 6 2. METAL FORCE PRODIGY MERCYFUL FATE 39 (4) 5 3. TARZAN CRYSTAL PLASTIC PASSION 29 (9) 4 4. DEVILSTAR VIRTUAL DREAMS BODYCOUNT 27 (3) 4 5. ZANY VANITY SUSPERIA 26 (1) 4 6. NASHUA OUTLAWS MEGABYTE 15 (-) 4 7. GILTHANAS HUMANS WAREZ UNLIMITED 14 (7) 4 7. YOBBO REBELS THE LARCH 14 (6) 4 9. ENZO TRSI SKY TOWER 13 (7) 4 10. JSON KINGDOM STATIC CHAOS 10 (5) 8(-=-----=-------------=---------------=------------------=------=------------=-) 0 2-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 򗯖 T O P T E N C O O L E S T S Y S O P0 2-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 0 3 NR. NAME GROUP BOARD NAME POINTS LAST MONTH 8(-=-----=-------------=---------------=------------------=------=------------=-) 9 1. TARZAN CRYSTAL PLASTIC PASSION 47 (4) 6 2. WOZZY DELIGHT/DUPLO METAL CONNEXTION 44 (1) 5 3. METAL FORCE PRODIGY MERCYFUL FATE 41 (2) 4 4. DEVILSTAR VIRTUAL DREAMS BODYCOUNT 28 (2) 4 5. ZANY VANITY SUSPERIA 17 (5) 4 6. NASHUA OUTLAWS MEGABYTE 15 (-) 4 7. YOBBO REBELS THE LARCH 13 (7) 4 8. GILTHANAS HUMANS WAREZ UNLIMITED 12 (8) 4 9. ENERGY 2000 A.D. NONSTOP UP'N'DOWN 10 (10) 4 10. ENZO TRSI SKY TOWER 9 (8) 8(-=-----=-------------=---------------=------------------=------=------------=-) A F|  Vote Charts : Most Popular Traders Section... 0 2-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 򗯖 T E N F A S T E S T T R A D E R S0 2-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 0 3 NR. NAME GROUP POINTS LAST MONTH 8(-=-------=----------------=---------------=---------------=-----------------=-) 9 1. NEIL FAIRLIGHT 61 (1) 6 2. MARC SKID ROW 30 (2) 5 3. BLACKEYE SKID ROW 27 (3) 4 4. CAESAR INDEPENDENT 21 (3) 4 5. D-SIYA REBELS / EQX 14 (-) 4 6. THE FREAK VANITY 13 (6) 4 7. WARDANCER VANITY / HUMANS 12 (-) 4 8. SHOCK CRYSTAL 11 (-) 4 9. LECTOR CRYSTAL 10 (8) 4 9. NSL&MR HYDE HOODLUM / KRONICAL 10 (7) 8(-=-------=----------------=---------------=---------------=-----------------=-) 0 2-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 򗯖 T E N C O O L E S T T R A D E R S0 2-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 0 3 NR. NAME GROUP POINTS LAST MONTH 8(-=-------=----------------=---------------=---------------=-----------------=-) 9 1. NEIL FAIRLIGHT 40 (4) 6 2. MARC SKID ROW 31 (2) 5 3. BLACKEYE SKID ROW 29 (1) 4 4. THE FREAK VANITY 21 (3) 4 5. D-SIYA REBELS / EQX 17 (8) 4 6. MICKEY VANITY 12 (-) 4 7. WARDANCER VANITY / HUMANS 10 (5) 4 8. CAESAR INDEPENDENT 9 (5) 4 8. GILTHANAS HUMANS 9 (7) 4 10. SHOCK CRYSTAL 8 (-) 8(-=-------=----------------=---------------=---------------=-----------------=-) K P  Upload Statistics : The Board Upload Top... 0 2-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 򗯖 B O A R D U P L O A D T O P0 2-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 0 3 NR. BOARDNAME GROUP MONTHLY U/L LOCAL U/L LAST MONTH 8(-=---=------------------=----------------=------------=--------------=------=-) 9 1 PLASTIC PASSION CRYSTAL 302443K 0K (1) 6 2 MERCYFUL FATE PRODIGY 268480K 18826K (6) 5 3 SKY TOWER TRSI 265838K 18688K (4) 4 4 METAL CONNEXTION DELIGHT/DUPLO/SR 262162K 141477K (5) 4 5 THE LARCH REBELS 253184K 0K (8) 4 6 NONSTOP UP'N'DOWN 2000 A.D. 252585K 0K (1) 4 7 BODYCOUNT VIRTUAL D./KRONICAL 222699K 12404K (10) 4 8 SUSPERIA VANITY 207146K 30545K (3) 4 9 STATIC CHAOS KINGDOM 201336K 0K (9) 4 10 WAREZ UNLIMITED HUMANS 179848K 40814K (7) 8(-=---=------------------=----------------=------------=--------------=------=-) 0 2-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 򗯖 B O A R D U P L O A D T O P0 2-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 0 3 NR. BOARDNAME GROUP MONTHLY U/L LOCAL U/L LAST MONTH 8(-=---=------------------=----------------=------------=--------------=------=-) 4 11 PLATINUM INDEPENDENT 141499K 75587K (14) 4 12 ILLEGAL CONNECTION INDEPENDENT 126740K 59478K (18) 4 13 NORTHERN PALACE ACCESS 123397K 42646K (11) 4 14 SOMEWHERE ONLINE VANITY 117251K 0K (-) 4 15 ZONE 7 INDEPENDENT 116027K 20207K (16) 4 16 MEGABYTE OUTLAWS 60842K 5468K (15) 4 17 TOMBSTONE INDEPENDENT 89219K 23721K (13) 4 18 MENTAL INSANITY EXCALIBUR 42737K 36468K (17) 8(-=---=------------------=----------------=------------=--------------=------=-) 1 - The rest of the boards are missing becoz their sysops were to slow to 1 upload their lists... or they have closed etc... V [t Upload Statistics : The Board Callers Top... 0 2-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 򗯖 B O A R D C A L L E R S T O P0 2-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 0 3 NR. BOARDNAME GROUP MONTHLY CALLS LAST MONTH 8(-=----=---------------------=----------------=------------------=-----------=-) 9 1 PLASTIC PASSION CRYSTAL 1427 (1) 6 2 MERCYFUL FATE PRODIGY 1001 (3) 5 3 NONSTOP UP'N'DOWN 2000 A.D. 952 (2) 4 4 THE LARCH REBELS 746 (6) 4 5 METAL CONNEXTION DELIGHT/DUPLO/SR 658 (4) 4 6 SUSPERIA VANITY 621 (5) 4 7 BODYCOUNT VIRTUAL D./KRONICAL 595 (8) 4 8 STATIC CHAOS KINGDOM 561 (7) 4 9 WAREZ UNLIMITED HUMANS 460 (10) 4 10 SKY TOWER TRSI 405 (9) 8(-=----=---------------------=----------------=------------------=-----------=-) 0 2-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 򗯖 B O A R D C A L L E R S T O P0 2-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 0 3 NR. BOARDNAME GROUP MONTHLY CALLS LAST MONTH 8(-=----=---------------------=----------------=------------------=-----------=-) 4 11 SOMEWHERE ONLINE VANITY 294 (-) 4 12 MEGABYTE OUTLAWS 199 (15) 4 13 ZONE 7 INDEPENDENT 194 (13) 4 14 PLATINUM INDEPENDENT 180 (14) 4 15 TOMBSTONE INDEPENDENT 170 (11) 4 16 NORTHERN PALACE ACCESS 128 (18) 4 17 ILLEGAL CONNECTION INDEPENDENT 127 (19) 4 18 MENTAL INSANITY EXCALIBUR 67 (17) 8(-=----=---------------------=----------------=------------------=-----------=-) _ eJ  Upload Statistics : The Board Download Top... 0 2-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 򗯖 B O A R D D O W N L O A D T O P0 2-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 0 3 NR. BOARDNAME GROUP MONTHLY D/L LAST MONTH 8(-=---=------------------=-----------------------=------------=--------------=-) 9 1 PLASTIC PASSION CRYSTAL 895205K (1) 6 2 METAL CONNEXTION DELIGHT/DUPLO/SR 433454K (2) 5 3 MERCYFUL FATE PRODIGY 379935K (3) 4 4 NONSTOP UP'N'DOWN 2000 A.D. 312415K (4) 4 5 THE LARCH REBELS 250124K (7) 4 6 STATIC CHAOS KINGDOM 158442K (5) 4 7 SUSPERIA VANITY 125768K (6) 4 8 BODYCOUNT VIRTUAL D./KRONICAL 124549K (9) 4 9 WAREZ UNLIMITED HUMANS 119110K (8) 4 10 SKY TOWER TRSI 107424K (10) 8(-=---=------------------=-----------------------=------------=--------------=-) 0 2-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 򗯖 B O A R D D O W N L O A D T O P0 2-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 0 3 NR. BOARDNAME GROUP MONTHLY D/L LAST MONTH 8(-=---=------------------=-----------------------=------------=--------------=-) 4 11 SOMEWHERE ONLINE VANITY 95566K (-) 4 12 MEGABYTE OUTLAWS 76244K (11) 4 13 TOMBSTONE INDEPENDENT 30292K (14) 4 14 ZONE 7 INDEPENDENT 19434K (13) 4 15 PLATINUM INDEPENDENT 14549K (17) 4 16 ILLEGAL CONNECTION INDEPENDENT 10752K (15) 4 17 MENTAL INSANITY EXCALIBUR 8008K (16) 4 18 NORTHERN PALACE ACCESS 5084K (19) 8(-=---=------------------=-----------------------=------------=--------------=-) i o> v ~6 叢 . 敧 & "  Upload Statistics : Traders Upload Top For The Month Of AUGUST... 0 2-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 򗯖 T R A D E R S U P L O A D T O P0 2-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 0 3 NR. NAME GROUP MONTHLY U/L LAST MONTH 8(-=---=------------------=-----------------------=---------------=-----------=-) 9 1 NEIL FAIRLIGHT! 170886K (16) 6 2 D-SIYA VIKINGS /X CRACKER 152569K (17) 5 3 GILTHANAS (*) H-U-M-A-N-S (*) 147704K (8) 4 4 ZANTHOR <-+-> ACCESS <-+-> 127866K (13) 4 5 CAESAR -*- IB IS COOL -*- 120462K (3) 4 6 MANDRAKE -=*.VA/\/ITY.*=- 91244K (20) 4 7 BLACKANGEL INDEPENDENT 85794K (21) 4 8 RA!ST -() REBELS/DDP RULZ -() 81596K (-) 4 9 IRONMAN -> OUTLAWS DK <- 78149K (26) 4 10 BOROMIR [> TRSI-2KAD-DPL <] 67565K (47) 8(-=---=------------------=-----------------------=---------------=-----------=-) 0 3 NR. NAME GROUP MONTHLY U/L LAST MONTH 8(-=---=------------------=-----------------------=---------------=-----------=-) 4 11 THE MIGHTY ODIN 7HE 0.M.E.N. 66466K (15) 4 12 SCA + |'OLKA |3ROTHERS + 66231K (53) 4 13 NSL/MR.HYDE [--HLM--][-KRL-] 65574K (4) 4 14 MASTURBA THE NORTHERN PALACE 61817K (-) 4 15 RAMOSYS 鞍鞍北北[ AFL ]北北鞍鞍 59615K (29) 4 16 ACOMA ILLEGAL CONNECTION 50838K (-) 4 17 MICKEY .OO VAN!7Y ~94 OO. 47730K (1) 4 18 MR.ORION -->REBELS DK<-- 47622K (27) 4 19 FRANTIK <-== 琓.|R.S.I. ==-> 45996K (5) 4 20 BOZO RS WORLD ORGANIZ 45915K (9) 4 21 SPELLBINDER THE OMEN 45154K (89) 4 22 WEZ -|- INDYP芅DAND -|- 42169K (33) 4 23 HRBERG HOMELESS :) 41676K (59) 4 24 DEATURE .KINGDOM!. & .HUMANS. 36821K (45) 4 25 ZANY SUSP@RIA BBS . VTY SCHQ 36223K (14) 4 26 SLOBO & WHALE -- TRISTAR-RED SECTOR - 35965K (46) 4 27 STORM >> CRYSTAL << 35491K (7) 4 28 MANIAC.KC 4500 NYK,SJ 34212K (-) 4 29 BLACK DEATH =* THE SAVIOURS *= 34031K (18) 4 30 RICKY ROCK -*-PRODIGY-*- DK. 33555K (12) 8(-=---=------------------=-----------------------=---------------=-----------=-) 0 3 NR. NAME GROUP MONTHLY U/L LAST MONTH 8(-=---=------------------=-----------------------=---------------=-----------=-) 4 31 NOOKMAN << VANITY 94 >> 32431K (51) 4 32 MEAN INDEPENDANT LEADER 30716K (-) 4 33 WARDANCER -(VANITY)-(HUMANS)- 29182K (10) 4 34 THE COLONEL RINGSTED, DK 28066K (28) 4 35 FELON [KRL WHQ][*PSG*][HYD] 23914K (-) 4 36 SHANE -[ NE鳱 ]- 19474K (-) 4 37 KRONION VANITY '94 LEADER 19448K (103) 4 38 SHOCK <*>燙RYSTAL <*> 15746K (87) 4 39 RANCOR /\/\/\/\//\/\\//\/\///\ 15475K (11) 4 40 HITMAN THE BUTCHERS 14486K (94) 4 41 BLACKEYE <|>)( SKIDROW )(<|> 10789K (107) 4 42 HEAT THE OLD&REAL ELITE 10475K (92) 4 43 FUZZ (_錡(_IF餝 (> (< 9025K (-) 4 44 ICARUS PREVIOUS LOC. WAS A JOK 9011K (41) 4 45 SPACEBRAIN >IWE BEEN HACKED< 9010K (122) 4 46 COCKROACH GUYS INTO NARCOTICS 8966K (-) 4 47 ICE MAN HOMEBOY 8927K (98) 4 48 THE FREAK >PRESTIGE'N'VANITY< 8594K (37) 4 49 TERRA MANDEN MED DE 2400! 8493K (-) 4 50 MICROPEN&MANIAC INDEPENDENT 8398K (-) 8(-=---=------------------=-----------------------=---------------=-----------=-) 0 3 NR. NAME GROUP MONTHLY U/L LAST MONTH 8(-=---=------------------=-----------------------=---------------=-----------=-) 4 51 ANDROID >-T.A.L.E.N.T-< 8187K (24) 4 52 PARANOID =+=+=> HUMANS <=+=+= 7792K (40) 4 53 THE DANCING DUC THE O.M.E.N. 7552K (43) 4 54 GOONS -< WHERE GREEN BEARS FL 7152K (144) 4 55 TARZAN - PP = 5*DUAL V34 - 7090K (-) 4 56 ELECTROHOLIC ***** ACCESS ***** 6689K (99) 4 57 PSYKO *- C R Y S T A L -* 6557K (48) 4 58 RELIEF \/7H@=LOWLIF@5\/ 6303K (-) 4 59 MARC CARDS FOR LOW PRICE 6096K (-) 4 60 PSYCHE [KRL-WORLD LEADER!] 5900K (93) 4 61 FURY (*) PRESTIGE (*) 5852K (-) 4 62 ECHO&GUIDO |)IGITAL-|)ELIRIUM 5799K (23) 4 63 DRIZZT RED ARROWS 5610K (-) 4 64 DR.DRE .[.TRSI./X-INNOVATION.] 5468K (-) 4 65 GANDALF MISSION CONTROL 5322K (-) 4 66 YEKO GAME OVER MAN! 5268K (36) 4 67 LIGHTSPEED TBWHQ +45 4239XXXX 5262K (-) 4 68 ZACO =-IN THE SUN-= 5222K (96) 4 69 CONAN&NEWTON URSA MINOR! 5208K (52) 4 70 ALF GOT MY OWN TOMBSTONE NO 5157K (57) 8(-=---=------------------=-----------------------=---------------=-----------=-) 0 3 NR. NAME GROUP MONTHLY U/L LAST MONTH 8(-=---=------------------=-----------------------=---------------=-----------=-) 4 71 DEA&SPB ../<璉璑璆璂璒璏.. 4996K (90) 4 72 VELUX GFX - THE LOWLIFES 4874K (80) 4 73 VIRUS %=A%R%I%S%E=% 4852K (104) 4 74 SAM =/=/=/ ISTANBUL =\=\= 4411K (-) 4 75 PLAYMATE .OO| +45-39ACCESS |OO. 4213K (54) 4 76 STEPHEN KING -= M00NSH璑 =- 4051K (73) 4 77 AMT AARHUS 3923K (-) 4 78 LECTOR .OO| CRYSTAL |OO. 3906K (6) 4 79 FELON & CORNFLA KRONICAL+PRESTIGE 3902K (-) 4 80 PHILIPS >X< INDEPENDANT >X< 3754K (-) 4 81 TITAN VANITY, SWEDEN 3563K (58) 4 82 ZULU GULA ZULULAND 3536K (-) 4 83 THE WHISTLE PARASITE 3512K (-) 4 84 BEAST PQHC, RUSSIA 3366K (-) 4 85 GORDON & COCKRO TRSI 3277K (-) 4 86 PEG LAME LOOTERS! 3229K (-) 4 87 LABEL .:.:. INDEPENDENT .:.:. 3150K (75) 4 88 LINEBACKER .TRSI.DNX.ILS.DTL. 3089K (19) 4 89 TRONIC -*:> ZHANE <:*- 2759K (71) 4 90 AZLAN /\NTHRACITE DK! 2740K (-) 8(-=---=------------------=-----------------------=---------------=-----------=-) 0 3 NR. NAME GROUP MONTHLY U/L LAST MONTH 8(-=---=------------------=-----------------------=---------------=-----------=-) 4 91 DEATURE&JANITOR KINGDOM-REBELS-HUMANS 2732K (-) 4 92 RAMIREZ TROJANS 2603K (79) 4 93 BOUNCER HAVERSLEV,DK 2555K (-) 4 94 WHOME MEGATOWN, DK 2544K (-) 4 95 FLASH *INDEPENDANT* 2483K (63) 4 96 REACTOR OO.INDEPENDENT.OO 2407K (117) 4 97 MCLOUD /\-TRSI.94-/\ 2389K (110) 4 98 TRANSFORMER NOPE 2371K (-) 4 99 WARNER NOISE 2348K (-) 4 100 PET INDEPENDENT 2339K (-) 4 101 TREMORS HYPN鳷IC Z鳱E BBS 2291K (74) 4 102 HARD PRAGUE,CZECH R. 2198K (120) 4 103 SUN O DREAMDEALERS O 2162K (-) 4 104 NIKE EXCALIBUR DK 2157K (72) 4 105 SPYBYS UNIVEGA 2026K (-) 4 106 DIZE .: TSA/FRACTION :. 2015K (-) 4 107 PRAYER --=> T R S I <=-- 1979K (-) 4 108 QUARK EXCALIBUR DK 1975K (-) 4 109 ENZO -= TRSI '94 =- 1952K (44) 4 110 SILICON MYSTIC 1806K (-) 8(-=---=------------------=-----------------------=---------------=-----------=-) 0 3 NR. NAME GROUP MONTHLY U/L LAST MONTH 8(-=---=------------------=-----------------------=---------------=-----------=-) 4 111 STRIKE .FANATIC.-.UNIVEGA. 1772K (-) 4 112 HEADHUNTER ODENSE DK 1764K (-) 4 113 INDIO /=\ C.R.Y.S.T.A.L. /=\ 1723K (-) 4 114 VIGO HOLLAND 1709K (-) 4 115 TUFF BRAIN PUMA BBS 1688K (-) 4 116 GHANDY REBELS & PROGRESS 1686K (70) 4 117 SNAKEMAN S.A.S. 1685K (-) 4 118 MR BLUE THE WET HOLE 1670K (-) 4 119 STINGER B.A.C.K.L.A.S.H 1658K (65) 4 120 DEVILSTAR >> VIRTUAL DREAMS / FLT 1641K (-) 4 121 JAN LEMMING HD HUSET 1638K (-) 4 122 PREDATOR FLORENCE, ITALY 1631K (-) 4 123 O.B.1. -(*)- HUMANS -(*)- 1501K (135) 4 124 FIREBLADE -+-SKILION-+- 1472K (-) 4 125 STIGA INDEPENDENT 1465K (-) 4 126 INCUBUS ( T.R.S.I ) 1441K (-) 4 127 FLASHBOY TRIXAN 1413K (49) 4 128 CONAN KOPPANG, NORWAY 1404K (-) 4 129 PONTON SOMEWHERE IN POLAND 1369K (-) 4 130 TALON - DELIGHT - 1368K (-) 8(-=---=------------------=-----------------------=---------------=-----------=-) 0 3 NR. NAME GROUP MONTHLY U/L LAST MONTH 8(-=---=------------------=-----------------------=---------------=-----------=-) 4 131 HELLHOUND < ONLY VANITY > 1321K (55) 4 132 GHETTOBOY <-> DELIGHT '94 <-> 1319K (129) 4 133 PLEXER ->|< H.U.M.A.N.S >|<- 1287K (30) 4 134 KRASNAL POLAND 1249K (142) 4 135 BAGER S鳥ORG DK 1247K (-) 4 136 ZAPPY DRONNINGLUND 1226K (-) 4 137 FAX MULDER ... SCOOPEX'94 ... 1198K (-) 4 138 MACHO >>>BURNING>X< MEGABYTE BBS >X< 1139K (-) 4 141 Z-ROX SWEDEN 1131K (-) 4 142 DATA-STREAM |> SR LEADER <| 1121K (-) 4 143 IZI <> IMPACT <> 1115K (-) 4 144 ZADDO [*]ORIGIN/REBELS[*] 1107K (35) 4 145 EASY NR. ALSLEV, DK 1035K (105) 4 146 SKATE BOB .:S L O V A K I A:.EUR 1002K (-) 4 147 YOBBO /\ R-E-B-E-L-S /\ 955K (-) 4 148 VAMPIRE [ P.R.O.D.I.G.Y ] 922K (42) 4 149 DREAMER -GENETIC ALTERATION- 903K (-) 4 150 FLOZZY VALBY 868K (-) 8(-=---=------------------=-----------------------=---------------=-----------=-) 0 2-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 򗛮 Total U/L'ed Bytes:򗯗 2700711k0 2-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 0 8(-=---=------------------=-----------------------=---------------=-----------=-) 6 FEEL LIKE SOME OF YOUR UPLOADS WAS MISSING?!? 7 WELL THE BOARDS THAT WAS COUNTED CAN BE SEEN ON 9-BOARDS UPLOAD TOP-7 THESE 7 SYSOPS MADE SURE YOUR UPLOADS WOULD BE COUNTED FOR IN THIS ISSUE..... 8 SUPPORT THE BOARDS THAT SUPPORT YOU 8(-=---=------------------=-----------------------=---------------=-----------=-)   硉 吼 耹 设 裠 剜  Upload Statistics : Traders Overall Upload Top, Since... Jan '93 0 2-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 򗯖 T R A D E R S O V E R A L L T O P0 2-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 0 3 NR. NAME GROUP MONTHLY U/L LAST MONTH 8(-=---=------------------=-----------------------=---------------=-----------=-) 9 1 CAESAR -* UNIVERSAL CONNECT *- 1692254K (1) 6 2 NEIL -* PLASTIC PASSION *- 1492849K (2) 5 3 D-SIYA RBS璄QX28K8璈YDRA 1230014K (4) 4 4 NSL/MR.HYDE [-- HLM --][-KRL-] 1147477K (3) 4 5 BLACKEYE -<*>- BRAZIL -<*>- 1012859K (5) 4 6 KRONION VANITY '94 LEADER 952567K (6) 4 7 GILTHANAS (*) H-U-M-A-N-S (*) 912128K (7) 4 8 MARC .OO SKID ROW EURO OO. 745976K (8) 4 9 THE FREAK WORLD OF ELITE! YEP! 715386K (10) 4 10 PLEXER ->|< H.U.M.A.N.S >|<- 711145K (9) 8(-=---=------------------=-----------------------=---------------=-----------=-) 0 3 NR. NAME GROUP MONTHLY U/L LAST MONTH 8(-=---=------------------=-----------------------=---------------=-----------=-) 4 11 RICKY ROCK -*-PRODIGY-*- DK. 655263K (11) 4 12 MICKEY !% V-A-N-I-T-Y %! 573960K (14) 4 13 CROMER FRACTION 561193K (12) 4 14 STORM >> CRYSTAL << 558828K (15) 4 15 WARDANCER -(VANITY)-(HUMANS)- 555487K (13) 4 16 IRONMAN -> OUTLAWS DK <- 522372K (19) 4 17 MANDRAKE -=*.VA/\/ITY.*=- 508107K (21) 4 18 SEARCHER INDEPENDENT 488898K (16) 4 19 ZEKE (*) VANITY (*) 463019K (17) 4 20 O.B.1. -(*)- HUMANS -(*)- 456232K (18) 4 21 SHOCK <*>燙RYSTAL <*> 449135K (20) 4 22 ZANY SUSP@RIA BBS . VTY SCHQ 395897K (24) 4 23 LECTOR ..OO C R Y S T A L OO 384612K (22) 4 24 PAXDEI SOMEWHERE 368463K (23) 4 25 PHILIX INDEPENDENT 357505K (25) 4 26 ENZO -= TRSI '94 =- 348175K (26) 4 27 ACOMA ILLEGAL SEX 344141K (31) 4 28 PSYKO *- C R Y S T A L -* 341413K (27) 4 29 JACK THE ZIPPER HUMANE 328932K (28) 4 30 BOZO&JAKE REBELS 309582K (29) 8(-=---=------------------=-----------------------=---------------=-----------=-) 0 3 NR. NAME GROUP MONTHLY U/L LAST MONTH 8(-=---=------------------=-----------------------=---------------=-----------=-) 4 31 SHARK MYSTIC 305486K (30) 4 32 DEATURE ROYAL .KINGDOM!. ORGANI 299557K (38) 4 33 MEAN HONG KONG 298512K (33) 4 34 BOZO RS WORLD ORGANIZ 290459K (42) 4 35 RELIEF \/7H@=LOWLIF@5\/ 281794K (32) 4 36 ZACO =-IN THE SUN-= 271296K (34) 4 37 VENGER TECHNOBRAINS 265581K (35) 4 38 LONG JOHN >X< 428 >X< 264203K (37) 4 39 KRIZ INDEPENDENT 264051K (36) 4 40 PENNYWISE -DK- Q U A R T E X -DK- 252801K (39) 4 41 ICE Q INDEPENDENT 245932K (40) 4 42 GAZZER PRODIGY 245638K (41) 4 43 PARANOID =+=+=> HUMANS <=+=+= 236904K (43) 4 44 ZANTHOR <-+-> ACCESS <-+-> 235831K (78) 4 45 THE VIRGIN VIRGIN'S LAND 223756K (44) 4 46 PLAYMATE A((ESS DKHQ 45-39ACCESS 221566K (45) 4 47 JANITOR INDEPENDENT 211538K (46) 4 48 PASO INDEPENDENT 211296K (47) 4 49 HOTMILK SKID ROW 211284K (48) 4 50 BLACK VIRUS =====>> BRONX <<===== 208872K (49) 8(-=---=------------------=-----------------------=---------------=-----------=-) 0 3 NR. NAME GROUP MONTHLY U/L LAST MONTH 8(-=---=------------------=-----------------------=---------------=-----------=-) 4 51 DIZE SUBAGENTS 194076K (50) 4 52 SLAZER 2000 A.D. 183984K (51) 4 53 OZZY 2000 A.D. 177647K (52) 4 54 JUGGLER INDEPENDENT 176912K (53) 4 55 CONAN&NEWTON URSA MINOR! 175469K (54) 4 56 ECHO&GUIDO .DTL. 168055K (55) 4 57 MASTURBA INDEPENDENT 167328K (83) 4 58 MR.ORION ODENSE 159315K (75) 4 59 THE MIGHTY ODIN 'HOMELESS' 153888K (93) 4 60 YEKO GAME OVER MAN! 153807K (58) 4 61 ZETIX MYSTIC 152748K (56) 4 62 NOOKMAN << VANITY 94 >> 151438K (71) 4 63 RAMOSYS 鞍鞍北北[ AFL ]北北鞍鞍 150733K (89) 4 64 NIGHTHAWK FRACTION 149801K (64) 4 65 KREON THE LOWLIFES DK 145381K (59) 4 66 DEATHKNIGHT HOLLAND 145047K (60) 4 67 BLACK DEATH =* THE SAVIOURS *= 142018K (77) 4 68 METAL FORCE P R O D I G Y 139749K (61) 4 69 FLASH CONNECT 300 BAUD... 139084K (62) 4 70 BLACKANGEL INDEPENDENT 138783K (131) 8(-=---=------------------=-----------------------=---------------=-----------=-) 0 3 NR. NAME GROUP MONTHLY U/L LAST MONTH 8(-=---=------------------=-----------------------=---------------=-----------=-) 4 71 FRANTIK <-== 琓.|R.S.I. ==-> 135063K (90) 4 72 BLACK PANTHER -[.A.C.C.E.S.S.]- 131872K (64) 4 73 D-TRADE DELIGHT 131554K (63) 4 74 LORD SAURON INSANE 130264K (65) 4 75 HRBERG ZONE 7 BBS 126856K (94) 4 76 MORPHEUS ..oACERBICo.. 126350K (66) 4 77 DEVILSTAR >> VIRTUAL DREAMS/FLT < 124405K (69) 4 78 OMAR&URBAN SONIC 124141K (67) 4 79 PAX&SHA PARAMORPHIZ 124138K (68) 4 80 NASHUA >X< MEGABY7E BBS >X< 120722K (70) 4 81 YOBBO REBELS! 118747K (72) 4 82 DEA&SPB -*-K.I.N.G.D.O.M-*- 116713K (74) 4 83 ELECTROHOLIC ***** ACCESS ***** 115228K (76) 4 84 WILD VAN DAMME DEATH ANGELS 113674K (73) 4 85 HOTBIER NEMESIS 107875K (79) 4 86 DELIRIUM&KICK HUMANE/VANITY 107732K (80) 4 87 ZOONIE FAITH 107170K (81) 4 88 SDD SCEPTIC GHQ 106767K (82) 4 89 ZEUS KEFRENS 99933K (84) 4 90 ZADDO [*]ORIGIN/REBELS[*] 96278K (86) 8(-=---=------------------=-----------------------=---------------=-----------=-) 0 3 NR. NAME GROUP MONTHLY U/L LAST MONTH 8(-=---=------------------=-----------------------=---------------=-----------=-) 4 91 STRIKER EVIL DEAD BBS 96111K (85) 4 92 WEZ -=[INDEPENDENT]=- 94647K (135) 4 93 JAN 2000 A.D. 94209K (87) 4 94 ROPPE JUSTICE 93546K (88) 4 95 ALF .OO TOMBSTONE OO. 92582K (92) 4 96 SCA + |'OLKA |3ROTHERS + 89336K (-) 4 97 SAXMAN SIMPLE 88606K (91) 4 98 WEIRD DREAM >> SIMPLY REBELS ! << 84157K (95) 4 99 BOROMIR [> TRSI-2KAD-DPL <] 81647K (-) 4 100 RA!ST -() REBELS/DDP RULZ -() 81596K (-) 4 101 OMAR&RAM SONIC 79518K (96) 4 102 VICIOUS DECADE 74868K (97) 4 103 RANCOR /7THE LOWLIFES/7--\/\ 74109K (124) 4 104 TERMINATOR TAASTRUP,DK 73485K (98) 4 105 OXID -ER/\CTIVE 72219K (99) 4 106 JAY INDEPENDENT 68679K (100) 4 107 R-SOME HARDCORE DESIGN 68605K (101) 4 108 MAINFRAME INDEPENDENT 68591K (102) 4 109 FREEDOM INDEPENDENT 68383K (103) 4 110 MEAT-CLEEVER OO< 67910K (104) 8(-=---=------------------=-----------------------=---------------=-----------=-) 0 3 NR. NAME GROUP MONTHLY U/L LAST MONTH 8(-=---=------------------=-----------------------=---------------=-----------=-) 4 111 ICE MAN HOMEBOY 67850K (122) 4 112 PIONEER INDEPENDENT 67579K (105) 4 113 INFECTION 67244K (106) 4 114 HELLFIRE // ALPHA FLIGHT DKHQ \\ 67069K (107) 4 115 RAMIREZ /O| F妗H7 |O\ 66925K (112) 4 116 DRIZZT RED ARROWS 66778K (119) 4 117 DYSIG - INDEP3NDENT - 66711K (108) 4 118 THUNDERKID IKAST, DK 66304K (109) 4 119 SPIKE THE FAST LANE 66004K (110) 4 120 DELIVERYMAN GABLERS 64667K (111) 4 121 THE EDGER EBELTOFT, DK 63996K (113) 4 122 JSON CREED 63844K (114) 4 123 HEAT KINGDOM LEADER. 63163K (133) 4 124 UTI 2000 A.D. 62113K (115) 4 125 DCSL TARKUS TEAM 62043K (116) 4 126 OZONE&ROB CLASSIC 61980K (117) 4 127 EIZO 2000 A.D. 61813K (118) 4 128 ZAPP NOERAGER 60851K (120) 4 129 FADE INDEPENDENT 59979K (121) 4 130 EXHORDER&HORN /\NTHROX 58743K (123) 8(-=---=------------------=-----------------------=---------------=-----------=-) 0 3 NR. NAME GROUP MONTHLY U/L LAST MONTH 8(-=---=------------------=-----------------------=---------------=-----------=-) 4 131 OMAR SONIC 57950K (126) 4 132 MR GAUNT INDEPENDENT 57635K (125) 4 133 FEVER INDEPENDENT 56919K (127) 4 134 FUZZ INDIE 56319K (142) 4 135 ICARUS ABOVE PERSON IS LAME 56084K (145) 4 136 HOTSHOTS LOOKING 4 ONE 55862K (128) 4 137 D-SPAIR INDEPENDENT 55054K (129) 4 138 ROMBREAKER INDEPENDENT 54256K (130) 4 139 THE COLONEL RINGSTED, DK 54195K (-) 4 140 THE CORONER LEGEND 52988K (132) 4 141 FOX 2000 A.D. 52598K (134) 4 142 EASY NR. ALSLEV, DK 52470K (138) 4 143 TECNOKID GOBLERS 52304K (137) 4 144 SHAKY THE GREAT EVERYWHERE 52107K (136) 4 145 MANIAC INDEPENDENT 50143K (139) 4 146 SPELLBINDER WHO NEEDS A GFX DUDE 49443K (-) 4 147 SHOCK-G INDEPENDENT 48315K (140) 4 148 FUN FUN TRIANGLE ? 47737K (141) 4 149 MANIAC.KC 4500 NYK,SJ 47357K (-) 4 150 OZA-TAKE YKOHAMA CITY 47291K (143) 8(-=---=------------------=-----------------------=---------------=-----------=-) 鄑 鍌 隑 疝 霎 2 The Music Tutorial - Part One 򗛬 򗛲 oOo The MuSIC TuTORIAL - PaRT OnE oOo ------------------------------------- 1 Written by 7MaRTY / VANiTY 5 I've been asked, if I was interested in making a kind of tutorial, on how to make music on computer. Since I only have the knowledge on how making it on amiga, using Protracker, this will be the issue here... I may not be the best on doing this, but since I've been asked, why the heck shouldn't I give a try? This tutorial will be completely for beginners, since you can't teach people, on how to compose music. It has to be 'in the blood'! But if you're just starting out, and don't know that much about Protracker, this tutorial will guide you through the commands and effects, you can use in your work with your computer. Please don't booh me out, if you think you could have done it better, because you probably could, too. Let's cut the crap, and get down to business... 8 First of all, you'll need a Amiga computer with a version of Protracker, to make this guide useful to you. And I'll start with the basics, so everybody can keep up with it. And remember: This is the way I use Protracker! 0 2 In Protracker you have 4 tracks, and almost as many patterns you'd like. Patterns can best be described like this: Let's say that you count 1 - 4 - 8 - 12. This we'll call a pattern. Now, in between these numbers, you can put tracks of different caliber. Tracks are the numbers missing in your count... Get it? First let's create 4 tracks, to complete one pattern. The basics of these tracks could be like this: Track 1 for drums - track 2 for bass - track 3 for background (chords) and track 4 for the lead instrument. 5 In the first track you create your rythm. If you are having trouble keeping the rythm within the track, you can use a hihat-sample, and put one 'hit' for every 4th number. If you do it right, the first number will be 4 and the last number will be 60. When you play this in a loop, it will sound like a neverending hihat-4/4 beat. Go to track two, to create either your bass or your lead instrument. We'll take the lead instrument. If you're used to playing on an ordinary synthesizer or keyboard, you will soon get used to playing on your computers keyboard too. Experiment a little, to find out what key sounds like what... If you press the button, in Protracker, labeled PATTERN, your pattern will continue playing untill you press STOP. In this way, you can play along with your hihat-beat, to adjust your melody. When you think you've got it right, stop the pattern, and press RECORD. 0 5 Now Protracker will record, whatever you play. Don't panic, if you don't get it right, just delete the track and try again. 8 Now you go to track three, for creating your bass, doing the same thing you did with the lead instrument. Enter track four, to insert your background chords, whatever they may be. This is also very simple. Now you almost have a complete pattern, except for the drums. Return to track one, delete your hihat-beat, and replace it with your drumbeat. Once you get a hang of all this, you will discover the elementaries of the beat, that one track can withhold. And then you can adjust your beat, by editing your tracks, instead of real-time recording... 2 Now in the top of the Protracker screen, there's a label named POS... There are two arrows, up and down, use these to control the position in your tune. Each POS can hold one pattern. This pattern may be a simple copy of tracks created earlier on, or a brandnew pattern. The pattern we've just created, is POS 1, PATTERN 0. To create a new pattern, change to PATTERN 1, and after finishing it, adjust it to the POS you want Protracker to play it. You can continue doing this, untill you drop dead! Now it's time to add the final touch, to your song... 5 If the different kind of samples, do not match each other, according to the tone, you can finetune these to match perfectly. This is a must, 0 5 if you don't want your tune to sound like crap! And who wants that? There's also several commands you can add to f.ex. your lead instrument. Let's make a run-through of some of these commands: the command F, is the speed of your song. The basic speed, when you start Protracker up, will always be F06. The higher the number, the faster it goes. You can add this command whereever you want in the tracks. The volume of the samples, can be adjusted with the command C . C00 turns the sound completely off, and C40 plays the simple at it's highest level. This effect are extremely good, if you want to make your lead to sound like an echo.. But more about this later on. 8 If you want to turn the volume slowly down, you can ofcourse use the C command doing this. But there's an easier way to do this! The A command, is the one that can either hold the volume, turn it down, or turn it up. A00 keeps the volume at the last played tone, A01 turns it slowly down, untill disappearing. The higher the command, for instance, A02, A03 etc., the faster the volume will fade. To turn up the volume, simply use a 2-figured number after the A command. If you start a tone at, let's say, C10, you can turn it slowly up to it's highest level, with A10. The higher the number, etc. etc... 5 You can also make vibration on a tone. This effect is done by the command 4, follwed by 2 numbers... Experiment with this, to get the vibes, you like 0 5 the best. Just keep in mind, that your numbers can go from 0 to 9, after that it's A, B, C, D, E and F. Then you can continue adding numbers, starting at 10. Then when you hit 19, carry on with the letters. F.ex. 1A, 1B, etc. This is the same procedure with most of the effects, and volume control. Slide is also available, with the following commands: 1 and 2... 101 slides the tone slowly up, and 201 slides it down. The higher the number, the etc. etc. etc... If you want to have a break, inside your song, you can ofcourse adjust the speed, to make it sound the right way. But there is a substitute command, to make this with, the command EE and a number from 1 to F. F.ex., if you are making a tune, with the speed F08 (real slow), and then add EEF somewhere in the song, it'll make a large break. But if your tune started out on the speed F03 (real fast), the EEF command, ofcourse, will not last very long. The EE command's duration, depends intire on your song speed. 2 If you don't need to make use of all 63 beats, in one track, it can be shortened by the D command. Let's say, you want some pattern to break into another at the position 47, simply add the command D at 47. Then it'll break, with the last tone played at the same position. The almost same procedure, can be done with the command B... With D, your song goes into the very next 0 2 pattern, positioned in your song, but with B you can adjust which POS, to go in to. Let's say you're playing POS 5, and you add B02 some place in your track, the module will jump to POS 2, and play on from there... This is the basics of making music with Protracker... As you probably have noticed bu now, there a several buttons with different labels on in Protracker... But if you're mouse is all filled with coca-cola, or maybe you've sat on it, there a shortcut keys, which have exactly the same function. But we'll save them to next time, as you probably have lot's to experiment with for now... See you next time, I hope! 6 MaRTY - VaNITY '94   D *  R Some jokes to fill up your life! 򗛬 1 .---------------------------------. 1 l7 CASTLE OF INSANITYl 1 l 1 l7 The best jokes, the most fun! 1 l 1 l7 Edited by 8Kronion^VTY 1 l 1 `---------------------------------' 4 Now, how many times haven't we heard all those jokes about Blondes ?! I say, not enuff' - So here are some of the best! BLONE JOKES PART ONE ---------------------- 8 1. Q: What do you call a blonde with half a brain? 2 A: Gifted! 8 2. Q: How do blonde braincells die? 2 A: Alone. 0 8 3. Q: What do you call a blonde with 2 brain cells? 2 A: Pregnant. 8 4. Q: What do you call it when a blonde dies their hair brunette? 2 A: Artificial intelligence. 8 5. Q: Why aren't blondes good cattle herders? 2 A: Because they can't even keep two calves together! 8 6. Q: What did the blonde's right leg say to the left leg? 2 A: Nothing. They've never met. 8 7. Q: Why do blondes wear their hair up? 2 A: To catch everything that goes over their heads. 8 8. Q: Why is it good to have a blonde passenger? 2 A: You can park in the handicap zone. 8 9. Q: What was the blonde psychic's greatest achievment? 2 A: An IN-body experience! 8 10. Q: Why is a blonde like a turtle? 2 A: They both get fucked up when they're on their back. 0 8 11. Q: How do you make a blonde's eyes light up? 2 A: Shine a flashlight in their ear. 8 12. Q: What's the difference between a blonde and a computer? 2 A: You only have to punch information into a computer once. 8 13. Q: What do you call a blonde with a dollar on the top of their head? 2 A: All you can eat, under a buck. 8 14. Q: Why do blondes wear red lipstick? 2 A: Because red means 'Stop, wrong hole.' 8 15. Q: What do you call a blonde between two brunettes? 2 A: A mental block. 8 16. Q: How do you change a blonde's mind? 2 A: Blow in her ear. 8 17. Q: How does a blonde like her eggs in the morning? 2 A: Fertilized. 8 18. Q: Why is a blonde like railroad tracks? 2 A: Because she's been laid all over the country. 0 8 19. Q: Why do blondes use tapons with extra long strings? 2 A: So the crabs can go bungee-jumping. 8 20. Q: Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, a dumb blonde, and a smart blonde are walking down the street when they spot a $10 bill. Who picks it up? 2 A: The dumb blonde! because, there is no such thing as Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, or a smart blonde. 6 And, now onto the more intelligent jokes. ------------------------------------------- 7 This IBM service rep, hardware engineer, and software engineer were driving down the road one day and they had a flat. The service rep wanted to replace the car, the hardware engineer thought they could work around it, and the software engineer said 'maybe if we ignore it, it'll go away'. 0 2 There is a man in a casino gambling with lots of 'borrowed' money and a fairy comes and sits on his shoulder. He's playing pontoon and gets dealt a seven. The fairy advises him to buy a card for 500 pounds. Naturally he doesnt trust the fairy, but he decides to buy one anyway. He gets a five giving him twelve. The fairy then advises him to buy another card for 500 pounds. This time he does and gets a three. 'Buy another for 500 pounds,' says the fairy. This time he gets a five so he's got twenty with four cards. The fairy tells him to buy another for 500 pounds. He thinks to himself that the fairy's been right so far, so he complies. He gets dealt an ace. The fairy falls off his shoulder crying, 'You lucky bastard!' 5 There was a businessman, and he was feeling really crook, and he went to see the Doctor about it. The doctor says to him 'Well, it must be your diet, what sort of greens do you eat?' and the man replies 'Well, actually, i only eat peas, i hate all other green foods'. The doctor was quite shocked at this and says 'Well man, that's your problem, all those peas will be clogging up your system, you'll have to give them up!!'. The guy says 'But how long for, i mean i really like peas!' and the doctor replies 'Forever, i'm afraid'. The man is quite shocked by this, but he gives it a go and sure enough, his condition improves, so he realises that he will never eat a pea again. Anyway, one night, years later, he's at a convention for his employer and 0 5 getting quite sloshed and one of the reps says 'Well, ashully, i'd love a cigarrette, cozi avint ad a smoke in four years, i gave it up'. Quite a shocker really, and the barman goes, 'Really, i haven't had a game of golf in 3 years, because it cost me my first marriage, so i gave it up!' and the businessman says 'Thas nuvving, i haven't ad a pea in 6 years' and the barman jumps up screaming 'Ok, everyone who can't swim, grab a table....' 8 One day, Moses, Jesus and an old man are golfing. Moses steps up to the tee and hits the ball. It goes sailing over the fairway and lands in the water trap. Moses parts the water and chips the ball onto the green. Jesus steps up to the tee and hits the ball. It goes sailing over the fairway and lands in the water trap. Jesus just walks on the water and chips the ball onto the green. The old man steps up to the tee and hits the ball. It goes sailing over the fairway and heads for the watertrap. But just before it falls into the water, a fish jumps up and grabs the ball in its mouth. As the fish is falling back down to the water, and eagle swoops down and grabs the 0 8 fish in its claws. The eagle flies off, and when it is over the green, a lighting bolt shoots from the sky and hits the eagle. Startled, the eagle drops the fish. When the fish hits the ground, the ball pops out of its mouth and rolls into the hole for a hole-in-one. Jesus turns to the old man and says, 'Dad, if you don't stop screwing around, we won't bring you next time.' 4 A rich American tourist was holidaying in Rome, and was intent on seeing the Pope. There he was stood in a big long queue with a rather expensive suit on - hoping the Pope would notice how smart he was and perhaps talk a few words with him. As the Pope made his way slowly down the queue, he walked right passed the American, hardly even noticing him. The Pope then stopped next to a tramp, leaned over and whispered something in the tramp's ear, and made his way on again. This pisses-off the American and so agrees to pay 1000 dollars to the tramp in exchange for his suit, in the hope that the Pope will speak to him the next day. The next morning the American is stood in the queue, waiting to see 0 the Pope and hopefully exchange a few words. The Pope was making his way slowly up to the American, and when he finally reached him, leaned over to the American and spoke softly into his hear, saying: 'I thought I told you to fuck off.' 7 Well fellas', that's all for now! Get back with me in the next issue and see what time brings ;) If you know a spendid joke, or a frantic storry, then don't hesitate to mail me (KRONION) on some board arround the world! ;) 6 Kronion of VANITY signing off!  N.E.W.S 򗛬 Amstrad Wants to buy the Amigas.. Great.... Melomaniac: The new star on the musical heaven....Composing for VANITY Talent: they are ALL norvegians,except Android,Italian,and he represen t Talent in the modem scene after the 42 mag issue 2 they are working to 2 music disks SomeWhere online is running 1 (for now) 28k8 Dual from 10/9-94 Somewhere online is running EURO-ISDN on 2 nodes from 28/9-94 Usr 28.8 dual on BodyCount! New board... The land of Frosties..... +45-66158216...sysop:saxman hmmm, 2. Node is soon comming up at TOMBSTONE.... Plastic Passion is now going for 5 nodes USRobotics V.Everything Platinum got a new number from 1/9 - 94! New Number : 57 67 59 60 DON'T USE THE OLD ANY MORE.. Platinum is still running whit the old file new musicdisk soon out from complex and equinox " Board Add 򗛬 _ _ _/\_/\_ _ TEST YOUR BALLS, CALL _ _/\_/\_ _ _ ____ ____ ______ __ __ ____ ____ __ ___ ______ _____/ __ \__/ __ \_/_ __ \_/ /\/ // __ \_/ __ \_/ /\___/ _ \_/_ __/\__ \ / /\/ /\/ /\/ /\\/ /\/ // / / // /\/ // /\/ // / / // /\\ \\/ /\_\/ / ) / /_/ / / / / / // / / // /_/ // / /_// / / // / / // / // // / / / / / _ _/ / / / / // / / / \__ // / _\ / / / // / / // / // // / /_/__\ / / /\\ \\/ / / / // / / /__/\/ // / / // / / // / / // / // // / / // / \ / / / // // / / / // / / // /\/ // / / // / / // / / // / // // / / / \/ / \/ /_// // /_/ / // /_/ // /_/ // /_/ // /_/ // /_/ // / // // / / __ / /_ /______/ \____/ //_____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____//_/ //_//_/ / / / / \______\/ \___\/ \_____\/ \___\/ \___\/ \___\/ \___\\_\/ \_\\_\/ \// / / __\ Sys:DEVILSTAR Team:SCA-LECTOR-fELON-ZANTHOR-NSL/MRHYDE / \/ /__ \ Running: A4000 at 25MZH * 700 MB ONLINE * VFAST/DUAL / / \__ __ * AMIGA * CC COMPO * 24H * SPECIAL GFX/MUSIC CONF * __ __/ \ \ \ (288DS) (168DS) (HST) / / / \ \ \ Node #1 Node #2 Node #3 / / / \ / \ +45 98103807 +45 98133857 +45 98PRIVAT / \ / Y \________________________________________________/ Y : VIRTUAL DREAMS DKHQ - KRONICAL DKHQ : . . ASK ANY ELITE FOR THE NUP! ( Board Add 򗛬 _______________________ .l . l. aMiGA 3OOO . uSR 16.8 dS . 6OO mEGS HD :l .::___:_ l:. _::l____ ::/. l _________l::____ tRTAR & rED sECTOR dANH HQ _/. ___/__/ l/. /. \:/ 琝 __\_______ 琝_ / _/ Y \__ sTAFF: eNZO/tRS \___ / __ \ ____ : ______/ mANDRAKE/vANY - bOROM/TRS \___________/_____l\_____/ \_ _/ tHE fREAK/pRESTE __l___________________ /. l_____________ _________ \____ ___/. ___ 琝/ l 琝. ___/_____\____ 琝_ ___/. \/ 琝_ \ / \_ /痋 \_ ___) 琝_. __/ _/___ \___ __ _ Y ___ . __ \ __ \_ ___/ .:\_____ ./__________/_____l ./__________/____l ./:. ---l---:____/--Stz---------l--:____/----------------:______/-- .::l l::. :l rUNNIG wITH hYDRA l:. 2 nODES rGDOWN! . +45-74-833-886 .l_______________________l: -f Board Add 򗛬 [======================================================================] () iLLEGAL CoNNECTioN () ______ ___ _______________________ SysOp /__/ /\ / /\ / ___/ ___/ __ / /\ CoSysOp ------- / / /__X /__X ___/ /. / __ / /__\ --------- 5AcomA2 /__/_____/_____/_____/_____/__/ /__/_____/X 4Zanthor2 ------- \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 4The Mighty Odin2 128K82 \__\_____\_____\_____\_____\__\/\__\_____\/ -------- _______________ _____ ___________________________________ ___ / __ / __ / \/ / \/ / ___/ __ /__ __/__/ __ / \/ /\ / l__/ /_/ / / / ___/ l__/ / /\/ / /_/ / / \ /______/_____/__/\__/__/\__/_____/______/\ /__/ /__/_____/__/\__/ / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / \______\_____\__\/\_\__\/\_\_____\______\/ \__\/\__\_____\__\/\_\/ (c) KRoNioN/VANiTY __ __ /\ \ 32 BiT MeGA PoWEr PuRE AMiGA MANiA /\ \ \/\/ 25mHz CoOlNezZ SpEEd! 0-2 DAy WArEZ \/\/ \/ 640 MeGA-SlAMMErS oF sPAcE! MuSiCiANS HaNGouT \/ 3 CewL MusiC Mania Staff! PHUCKiN' FAS7 uS TRAdE! CAll THiZ NuMBA NoW 6Node 1: +45 4362 296602 _DenMarK_ 6Node 2: +45 4PRI VATE2 [================================================(c) KRoNioN/VANiTY====] <-* N O W V . F A S T *-> 5 Board Add 򗛬 __ ________ ___________/\________________ __ __ /_/\ l____~\ ~l / _~\_ _/ \\ __ ~l l ~l \/ ~l /\_\ \_\/ l l \ l// l \l ll \__/ ll ll l l ll \/_/ Y ll ___/ (___._ l :l l ~ll ll l: l l \/ :l Y l ..l: l l____ \l__l__l l__l__ll__l_____l__ll .l... : : :::l__l:.....\__\..+----------------------+.l__l:::: . ::::::::::::::::::l 'The nice Hang-out!' l:::::::: +----------------------: . ELITE ONLY * 0-1 DAYS WAREZ NON HST ONLY; CONNECT 144oo/ARQ/V32BIS/LAPM/V42BIS - SysOp : Black Angel - CoSysOp : The Colonel +--------------------------------------------------------+ l Online 24 Hrs. 7 days a week! l +--------------------------------------------------------+ - --+ CALL +45 576-759-60 +-- - ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ NEW NUMBER :\ Board Add 򗛬 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- wANNA bE aMONG tHE rEAL eLI7E ??? tHEN dO aS tHEY dO aND cALL... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______ ___________ ________________ ________ ____ __ _________________ \______\__/______/_ Yo __ \___ __ Yo __ Yo Y Yo __ ___/ \____ ____/ l___l l_______ \/ l___ \/ l__ l l____ ___ l___/ ll \__/ ll ___l__ \__ ll __ ll __ l_____ ll ll ___l__ ll ll ll l l l ll ll ll \/ ll l ll ll l l :____::____:________:_______:___::____:________:________:____:________: : :: : : : :: : : : :[NASHUA]: . . . . . . . . . . . -----===+>> OU7LAWS DKHQ <<+===----- .----- - -+- --- ----- ---+--- ---- --- -- -+- ----. kEWL l l nE 3:1 : mOVG 0-1 dAYS aMA wAREZ - aD&D & rEQUES7 aRAES : aND rA7S : . hELPFUL fOR . rUNNG /X 4.xx a7 28 mHZ aND 16k8 dUAL pOWER ! . s7AFF aLL . . fOR uSERZ : wE sUPPOR7S yA w7H mORE tHAN 15 gIGS oF sOF7WARE ! : yA l l sUPPOR7 `--- -- ---+--- --- --- ----+---- -- --- - ---+--- --' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- fOR a 16k8 dUAL pOWER cONNEC7N cALL a7 : +45-428-818-85 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Board Add 򗛬 A4030/30Mhz POWER - 2 * 16.8 DUAL/ 1 * 28k8 V32bis - 2.4 GB _____.___________________________________._________________.________. \__ l _/\__ .___/\__ . _/\__ .___/\_ l\ _/\__ .___/\__ l _/\__ l / \_/ \ / ._/__ / l\ \ / l ___ _\_._ \ / ._/ / l\ \ / l ___ / l _// l/ _// l _// l/ _// l/ _// l / l/ _// l/ _/ \ l___\\ .___\\ l___\\ .___\\ .___\\ l \ .___\\ .___\ ===\___l=====\__l=====\__l=====\__l=====\__l=====\__l=====\__l=====\__l====== wE dEaL wItH: aMiGa / Pc-GaMeS - dK's #1! nO dOuBt! AMIGA-FILELISTING FROM 01-01-1990 FOR ZIPPY SEARCE AND FAKE SEARCH. ____________________________________ bLaCkHaWk/pDx \__ .___/\__ ._ _/\___ .__/\__ .___/ 3nOdEsrInGdOwN: / ._/ / l/ \ / l / ._/__ +45-4916-2110(RD) MeTaL fOrCe/PdY / l / ._ _/ / l / l/ _/ +45-4916-2111 \ l \ l/__\ \ l \ .___\ +45-4916-2113(28k8) ---------------=======\__l=====\__l======\__l====\__l[C!]=====--------------- PRODIGY DANISH HQ ---------------===============================================--------------- F Board Add 򗛬 /\___ _______________________ ___ / \ \ _ X / \l l / \/ \/\_ \_/ \/l l\/ l l l / ll \ / \ l l \ /l l/\ \____ll___ \_____ \ l l \__l / l_____ \ =====\l===\/=====\/===\/======l/========\/ Info: Amiga 4000. - 68040 25Mhz. - 8 MB Ram. 0 Days warez. - AmiExpress. - 16.8 Dual. --> 3 Nodez RINGDOWN On: +45 7443 5949 <-- Sysop-Heads: * Wozzy & The Violator * BlackEye/SkidRow & Marc/SkidRow * ___ __ __ _ __ / \ _ l l _ l l__________ / \________ __ _ l l // / /\ / \l l/ \l l\ / \ / / l _l /\ / \l l // \/ // \ // \ l \ l//__/\__X \// X/ /l/ // \ // \ l / \_/ . \/ _ / _ / __/ \ \ / / \/l l\/ _/l/ . \/ l \ / l \ \ / \ /\ l \ / / \ l l l l l \ \ l \___ X______/ l\_/ l\_/ \______ X /\ \ l__l l__l______/ l\_ l ==== \/====/_____l=/____l============\/_/==\_/===\/=====\/====/_____l==\/= SkiD RoW DhQ. -+- DeLIgHt ScAN HQ. -+- DUpLO EuROpA HQ. -+- FoCuS DeSiGn L Board Add 򗛬 - --- - ---- --- ---- -- - ---- ------- - --------- - - - --- -- ---- - + CALL THE FASTEST BOARD IN DENMARK! + - -- - ----ll\_--__ --____ll\_--_---____-_____--____--_____--- -- --- - - ::::::::::::ll \l l//o- \l \l Yl/ l__ \/o- \l \:::::::::::::: ::::::::::::llo \ l// \ \ ll l__l// /\ \ \ l\ \::::::::::::: :2000 AD::::ll: l /\ ) :l__ l/ / /\/ /\ ) l/ /::::TRSI::::: ::AMIGA:::::ll \ l\ // \ .l l l\, /\\ // __/::::CONSOLE::: :::EHQ::::::ll__l\_ l\\____/l__l\_ l____/:\\/::\\____/l _l::::::::DKHQ::::: ::::::::::::::::::\\l::::::::::::\\l::::::[ICE:LORD]::ll/:::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::_:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::__:: :::::::______:___:___:: __ _:ll l: __ : _______::::____::__::__: _:ll l:: ::::::/. /\ \\ \\. \:l_ l:l \l: l:l_ l ll __ \::/o- \/ \/ .\l \ll l:: :::::// /::\ \\\ \\\ \://::ll . l:://::l: l::\\ \/__/\ \\\ /\ \\. l:: :::::\\ \__/ /// //__/:::::l: . l::::::l. l__/\\ \___/ /// //: ll:: ::::::\______//__/::::::::::l. l__l::::::l______/\_______/\__/\__/ll l__l:: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::l__l::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::l__l::::: :::::::::::SYSOP : ENERGY ::::::::::::::HELPERS : VENGER , SPIKE & CAESAR : - --- - ---- --- ---- -- - ---- ------- - --------- - - - --- -- ----- - + * 0-1 DAYS WAREZ * 2.5 GIGA ONLINE * 3 NODES * A4000 68040/25 MHZ * + - --- - ---- --- ---- -- - ---- ------- - --------- - - - --- -- ---- - THE RINGDOWN NUMBER FOR ALL 3 NODES : +45 - 3833 5432 CALL NOW! S Board Add 򗛬 o o Call Scandinavias __/\__ o O . \ / -> Crystal European HQ <- o /l Fastest . /_ _\ __/ l_ ____ _____________l\___ \/ ____ 5 Nodes Magic Ringdown On /\_ _ \) _//\_ _ __ ____ __/___ / / \_) l \ l \/ l \l___ \ l \ \_ Y __/ +45-982-38413 /\_ ___/ l_/__ _ \_l \l \/ l \ \// l/ /_l /l \ \ l \ Original V34 On All Ports _/ l\_____ /_ l / l____ )___ )_l____ ) /\ l____/\/ l l /l____/\/__/\/_//__/\/ O \ \ l Jay\/. l l/ \/ \/ \/ o o \ \ l /l l/ . o \ \ l __/ l__________________ ________/l____ \ \l /\_ _ \ _/\_ __ _/__/\_ ____ _ _/ Master: \ l \_) l \ _ \/__ \__ \l \/ o \/ l \ o \l /\_ ___/ _ \ \ \ \ \ l \_ TaRzAN O \// l____l \ \ \ \ \_l / o o _/ l___ l___ )____ )___ )__)_____)l / o /\ l l___/\/___/\/__/\/__/_____/ l / Butchers: \ \ l \/ \/ \/ l l / \ \ l l l / SHOCK, NEiL/FLT \ \ l . P.L.A.S.T.I.C . l l/ SlEdGe, StorM \ \l l/ \ l . P.A.S.S.I.O.N . \l Zd Board Add 򗛬 -------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- l - - -- - - --- -+--- - 4 _2- - -- ----4_2--------------4_2---- -- -4 __2- ---+---- -- l4 ______/o\2 -- -4_____/o\ 2- -- 4______/o\2 - - --4_2-4/ \ 2 4_2l :4/ \\_____/ \\____/ \ \\______/o\\__/__/ \2-- - - -- -+4\\ /__ // / \ /__ // \ /____/ \ \\ \2 l4/\___ o\/ / o/__ o\/ / o/___/ / o/ // / o/ /o / \\ / // / \\ / // / \ _/ // // // // / /// // / //______/ / /// ____/ // / //2l 4\ ______// //________/ / \________/ \o \__/ / //2-+- -- - 4 \_/ \________/2 - -4\___/2 - -- - 4\___/\\ \\___/____/2 : - -- +----7dENMARkZ 'fAZTEZt' tRANZFER sTATi0N2--4\___/2------zany--+--- -- : - -- ---------------- ---- --- -- - l . 7- VANiTY SCANDINAVIEN AMIGA HQ -2 : - --+--- - -- --- - - - - --- -+- l 7- THE O.M.E.N DK PC HQ -2 l . - -- ---- - ------+- -- - 7 STAFF: ZANY * THE FREAK/VTY/PSG * MICKEY/VTY * THE PENQUIN/THE O.M.E.N2 - - ---+----- - -- - --- - - - -- ------- - - -- - - --- - - --+--- - - 7N1: [HST] 8+45 434-342367 * AMIGA and PC * N2: [V32b] 8+45 434-342382 : . ` Board Add 򗛬 -!- kICKING aRSE iN 994 -!- _. ._ _. ._ ._ _. _ __/_____Μ\ __/_____Μ\Μ\__/____ _ _ ___/ _ \\_ _琝 _ \ \_ _ / __ _ _ __\___ 琝__l \/ _ \__l \ \ l__/ /_/_ _ \ l \_l \_ l \_l \_ \_l 琝_ \_\ _ _ jSON /_____ /l_____/_l /l_____/__/_ / CRbl___/e^D l__./ ._ l_._/ _. _. dEATURE __/______Μ\ __/_ __/_ /___ wARDANCER _ _ __ \_ _ / l \\_ _琝\_ _琝_/ ___/ bOZO/rEBELS _ _ _\_\ / l__/ _ \/ _ \/ l \____ 琝 nSL/mR.hYDE _ _ /_/ _/ l 琝_ l \_ l \_ l \_ l \_ yEKO \_____ /_l /_l /__ /__ / l___/ l____/ l___/ l___/ l___/ hYDRA hQ! 2 nODES uS rOBOTICS, a4o4o 25mHz/10rAM/1.2GB HD/2GB DAT cOOL cODERS, gFX dUDES, aND tHE nICEST pEOPLE iN tHE bUSINESS +45 864 185 02 DHST ^^ +45 864 395 14 DHST A OLD BOARD WITH A NICE ATTITUDE e Board Add 򗛬 3REBELS AMIGA WHQ2 _________ _________ _ ________ SYSOP : YOBBO \_ l _\\\_ l \ \\_ \ 4RUNNING ON A2000/030/822 l. l_ l. ! \ l. \___\ 4 AT 25 MHZ2 COSYSOP'S : l __\___l \ l __\___ l l \ : \l l \ SUPPORT'S BOZO l l -o\ l -o\ l -o\ _ AMIGA [-GHANDY-] _ l ! / l / ! /// & 6 /\2 WEIRD DREAM \\\_________/\___l_____/\_________///__ SNES. 6 (OO)2 ^ 6 \/2 9R2 ____________________ ________ _________ __________ _ 9E2 \_ l _\\\_ \ \_ \ \_ \\\_ l \\\ 6 /\2 9B2 l. l l. ! \ l. ----<_ l. \___\ l. ! \ 6 (OO)2 9E2 l l_____l \l . \l \____l \ 6 \/2 9L2 l l \ l \ l \ \ \ : \ 9S2 l l -o\ l -o\ l -o\ . -o\ l -o\ _6 /\2 2 _ l ! / l / l / / l /// 6 (OO)2 9W2 \\\_________/\___l_____/\___l____/\_________/\___l_____/[rLf] 6 \/2 9H2 ^ ^ ^ 9Q2 8 RINGDOWN NUMBER: 7+45 98 19 14 54 8 = 28k8 V.FAST 2 8 HST USERS CALL: 7+45 98 19 17 06 8 = 16k8 DUAL 2 l Board Add 򗛬 H-U-M-A-N-S DKHQ __/\__ _/\___ _____ ____________ ______________ \___ \/\/ ___// \\_______ \ / _________ \ / / \ \/ l .\ l: / _/ / __l__ /. / \\ /// \\l \ .\/ \// /\ \ /\ / l \\ \ \\ \\ \_ \__/ \__/\_____l \____l\ \\__. 癨_______/ =================l_______/=====\____/=l______/======== ___. ______ __ .___. /\_____ _____ /\_______________________ / __\__ \l :\ l: l__ / \__ \/ ___/ \__ ____ ___/\____ \ / :l \/ \ \ \l l .\ \__/ /\ /\ \__/ l. l / __l__ l: l\ .\ / \\ \\ \ \ \\/ .\/. \ / :\ / \ ll l/ .\l l/ \\ \ \\ \\ \ \ \ \\ \/ / \ll l \\ \\ \____. 癨_l\ /_______/___/ ll____\____/l___l___. \\________/ =====l_____/===\ /=========\______l====================l______/[ra!st]= \__/ A4000-040 30 Mhz SPEED + 1 GiG HD-FuN! /X 4.HYDRA + /X NET @DK0003 .--------------. .--------------. lSYSTEM LEADER:l x譞讀 28k8 USR V34 DUAL!! x譞讀 l FREE l l l .-----------------. l DOWNLOAD l lGiLTHANAS/HMS!l l1: +45-4494-6208 l l !EVERYDAY! l `--------------' +-----------------+ `--------------' l2: +45-4284-8888 l `-----------------' r Board Add 򗛬 .......gIVe tHIs A 7rY........ T . H . E _____ ______________________________________ ________________________ ____ \____\ \______ \______ \__ _ ___/ l/ \______ \_____ \___\ \ _/ \\ \\_ l/ \\_ l/ \\_ \\_ ! \\_ l/ \\_ l/ \\_ \\ \\_ \ :\\ / : / :\ / / / :_____/ :\ / :\\ / \\___ l /__ /__ l \ /__ /___ : /__ /_ l \ /_ l / -----\l____/---\____/---\l--\_/---\___/----\l___/---\____/--\l--\_/--\l____/-- __________________________ ______________________________ _ \________ \______ \ l____\______ \ \______ \\\ _/ l__/ \\_ l/ \\_ l '\_ l/ \\_ l_____\\_ l/ \\_ _\ : / / : / / l/ '/ :______/ \\\___ l /__ : /__ /__ : /__: /__ / -----\l____/---\l____/---\_____/---\l____/---\_____/---\_____/-[rLf] []-^-[] A((ES DKHQ []-^-[] -^- tHE maSTeR -^- -^- tHE sLAvEs -^- pLAmATe leCtOR/CSL zANtHOr/ACC \ / []-^-[]rUNNiNG oN A2000/030/25MHZ/1GB[]-^-[] mAsTURbAtEr/ACC __ bLAcK dEAtH _\/_ []^USROB DS HST-V32-V32BIS-V42BIS^[] pAYKo/CSL \/\/ / \ rINGdOWn oN - +4539-619-420 yd Board Add 򗛬 >*********************************************************************< __ YOU HAVE FOUND /\ \ SYSOP : /-/rBerg : independent +45 4353 7209 / \_\ Mr.Hyde : HLM __/ /\ \ :::::::::::: ZONE \ \/ \_\ :::::::::::: COSYS : NSL : HLM SEVEN /\ / /\ \ :::: .:::: BBS / \ / \_\ .:::: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __/\ \\ /\ / / ...::::.. SYSTEM SETUP: \ \ \\ / / ::::::::: A2000 G-Force 33/50 Mhz /\ \ o\__/ / :::: 625 MB Online space / \ \ \ \ _/ :::: Smartlink 19k2 v32/Terbo __/ \\ \ / / :::: 9Mb 32 bit ram 1Mb chip \ \\ \ / / OS/KS 2.++ / Express 3.38 /\ \ o\ \/_/ / \\ \ \/_/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __/ o\ / / Online 24.Hour Daily \ \ \ / / \ / /\ / / PACMAG Support -->> type 'VOTE' in the menu's \/ / \/_/ \ \ / / ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \ / / \__/_/ 0-2 Day Warez -->> GAMES UTILS PICS /X-STUFF TOOLS >*********************************************************************< >>>> +45 4353 7209 <<<<>>>> CALL IT NOW <<<<>>>> NO NUP <<<< >*********************************************************************< v Board Add 򗛬 ____ ____/\____/\_ _____/\____/\___/\_ /_ _\/_ \_ _____ _ \\____ __ _ \ / Y/ / / / __/_/ / \\ / / / / / /__ / / / / / / / / / / / __ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /_/ / / / / / / / / / / / / /__/ /__/_____/__/__/__/__/_/__/________//\__/\___/\_ Y Y Y DS/ /\\____ _ \\____ /_ ___/ / : . : / / \\ / /__/ / / \\ / // // / . . / / / /__ / __ / / / // / / / : / / / / / / / / / / // / / / : / / / / / / / / / / // / / / ; /__/__/__/_____/__/__/__/__/__//__/ /__/ The $y$:mr.Orion,Ramo$y$ 0-2 day's warez ONLY 14k4 accex V42 bis/v42 2400 ONLY invitet 540 MB HD online Open 24H Pac-Mag SUPPORT VHydra Support Phone : +4565943572 Phone : +4565943572 劜 Board Add 򗛬 WHAT CAN U FIND [---------------l S o m e w h e r e O n l i n e l----------------] ____________/\_______________ ___________________________ / ______ _ /____ _ /. ___/ /\/ / / /. _______ /. ___/\ _\__ \/ / // / / /// ___/ /\/ / // ___/ _// ___/\ \l_ /_____/_____/__/_/__/_____/___/\__/__/__/_____/__/__/____ /\ \/l \ \ _\__\_\__\_____\__ \/__\__\__\_____\ \ \ \/ \/ _l\_____\__/_____ /__ _ / /__/__/__ /. ___/\__\__\___\ / l __ \ / / / / // / / / / // ___/\ \ __ \/ /_/\ /_____/__/__/____ /__/__/__/____ /\ \/ /\_\ \_\/ \ \ \ \ \/\ \ \ \ \/ \/ \/_/ [------------l\__ __\__\__\___\ \__\__\__\___\ /l-----------------] : Y \/ Sk!n \/ : . : Get the NUP From Vty members . STaff: HELLHOUND/Vty Kronion/Vty Zeke/Vty Mandrake/Vty Hellfire/AFL A2000/030/25 8 Megz 1GIG ONLINE 3+ GIGs Offline Supporting: 3Amiga PC ANd X-Rated WarreZ2 9ALL PURE ELITE2 If U're Cool U'll GEt A Cool Account 4ever Online.. 6EURO-ISDN READY 2 ROCK'n ROLL 28/9-942 ISDN: +45 5964 1042 2 nodes isdn-master NODE 1 USR 28k8/dual v34 (10/9-94) NODE 2 USR 16k8/dual ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ __ __ VANITY _l_ l__l(__ _(__ (__)(__ (__ __)(__)l l l VANiTY DKHQ l l___) ___)___)(__)___) ___)(__)l__l l DKHQ V32' UzerZ Call +45 5965 4155 (use main number from 10/9-94) 嫓 Board Add 򗛬 __ _ _ _ _ __ _____ __ _ _ _ _ __ / \ .-/\--/---------> T . O . M . B . S . T . O . N . E <-----------\--/\-. l/ \/ \/ \l __/ \____ __________ ______.___ _____ _:___: __________________________ :__________ \________/\____ _l__ V ____l_l___l__\ ___/_________/\_______l\l _______/ l l \/ l_.\_/ _/ l\______ \______ \_ l/ \/l l \ ___/___ l l l/ l \ l l/ / \/ / l l l\ \_ \l \_ l ___l________/ l \ l_____ /_ / ___l__________l_\_____ / : : : : : \___/ \___/ - : [rLf]\____/ . . oUR bIZ iZ - 7hE lA7@57 /X. SUPp0R7iNg CoNSoLe-iBM-AmIgA-VHS gUArDIaN : ALF d@fEnDERs : RaMoSyS, SpIkE, Mr.OrIoN <> 7hE fINESt iN WEeK cOmPoS.<> aLl nODe5 aRE USR 16.8K DS. sPACe 1Gig. A3000 p0wEr _ __ _ nODE 1 - +45-7514-2650 nODe 2 - +45-PriV-a7e! . / _ _ __ _/\ : ._ \ / \. / \/---------------> T . O . M . B . S . T . O . N . E <-----------------\/