PACMAG #40 Welcome to the new and re-designed to release something, just because the PACMAG #40 - now it's multitasking, Amiga is in a crisis at the moment, so all you traders can trade while commercial software-wise. Why don't reading it! But let's not brag too much just wait until september/october, about that, and get on... when the companies start releasing This month's highlight was the South games again, because Escom brings out Sealand Party II in Vordingborg, 7-9 Amigas on the market again? Read about july, and we've got a report from the the 95 MB-release in this Pacmag. party. Quite a few demos has also been We've also got all the usual stuff, released in the beginning of july - game-reviews, movie-reviews, trader- we've checked some of them out. charts etc., so don't waste more time Unfortunately something less positive here: Read on! has also happened in the scene - the release of more and more BIG CD32- games, marked by the release of the 95 MB Simon the Sorcerer CD32. Appa- rently some people will do ANYTHING The Pacmag Staff Mag Code Sorcerer - Vanity Main Graphics Tactica - Vanity StartUp Logos Tactica - Vanity Music Jogeir Liljedahl Main Editor Mickey - Vanity Article Writers The Freak, Melomaniac, Tactica & Mickey - Vanity Counting & Voting Tools Caesar - Independent, Mickey & Zany - Vanity Help Help The Control Panel. ------------------ Use left arrow to return to the last menu on your path. Use right arrow to roll forward through the articles / screens. The "Main" icon returns you to the main menu. The speaker icon toggles the sound. The "Exit" icon quits Pacmag. Hotkeys. -------- Left Amiga + M - Toggles screens, works the same way as in Workbench. (try it!) Escape - Quit Pacmag (don't try this now!) Right Mouse Button - Returns you to the previous screen. Vote Charts Board Charts Trader Charts BoardAdds BoardAdds -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BodyCount BattleField Consciuos Dreams Critical Zone DeepSpaceNine Electronic Confusion Illegal Connection Imperial Land Of Frosties Mercyful Fate Northern Palace Phaze Out Primal Rage Static Chaos Sky Tower Susperia The Channel Warez Unlimited -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Bodycount >> VIRTUAL DREAMS/FAIRLIGHT DKHQ & POLKA BROTHERS WHQ ____ ____ ____ ___/ /_ ______ ____/ _/_____________ ______ ____________/ /_ \_____ \/ __ \/ ______\ / / ____/ / _ \____/ \__ _ \_ ___/ / / / / / / / _/ / // / / ___/ / / / / /___ / / / / / / /\__ __/ /____/ / / / / / / / / _/ _/ / _/ / _/ / / \ Y / _/ / _/ / / / _/ / \_______/\______/\______/ _/ /\______/\______/\______/___/\ /\_______\ \ \ \ \ \ \______/ | / / / / / / \/ / / \ _____\/\_____\/\_____\ \ |___/\/_____/\/_____/___/\ /\/______ / Y dS\_____\/¯ \/ Y | | `-- --[STAFF: [DEVILSTAR/VD-FLT]-[SCA/POLKA]-[MR.HYDE/PRESTIGE]-- --' .--[LECTOR/CRYSTAL]-[AXEN/CRYSTAL]-[fELON/dVS]--. - - |>--------------------------------------------- |>- - | FASTEST IN DENMARK 100% FOR SURE!! | `-----------------------------------------------' +4598103807 +4598133857 +4598136757 +459NOT4U! NODE1^ NODE2^ NODE3^ NODE4^ - -->> NUP = FILLMYHD -- - Battlefield Wops.. No boardadd.. Remember to give us your boardadd ! C.D. Wops.. No boardadd Remember to give us your boardadd ! Critical Zone ______ _______ ___ _______ ___ ______ ______ ___ /. \/. \/. \/. \/. \/. \/. \/. \ // ____// --- __// //_ _// // ____// --- // /__ / \ \ \// \ / \ / \ \________/___!____/____//______/____\________/___!__\________/ ________ ______ ________ _______ ThE LoWLiFeS \SSC! .\ /. \/. \/. ___/ SySoP: Scqeech wOrLd hEaDqUaRtEr \___ \\// / // \ // \ __ __ _ _ ø¤°¬¯¬°¤ø¤°¬¯¬°¤ø / ___/ \ / / / ____/ /\_\ __ _ _ /________\_______\____/____\________\ \/_/__ _ _ -=[ cOoL sTaFf ^ nIcE rAtIoS ^ bEsT tRaDeRs iN sCaNdInAvIa ]=- cOnFs: 0-1 dAy aMiGa wArEz ^ pC wArEz ^ mUsIc ^ rEqUeSt ^ /X dOoRs nOdE 1: +45-56632610 ××××××××× rUnNiNg: ×××××××××× nOdE 2: +45-56632613 ×××××××× A4040 /X 4.9 ××××××××× ×××××××2mB cHiP ^ 16 mB fAsT ×××× ×××××× 1.1 gIg hArDdRiVe ×××××× ×××××× 28k8 USR mOdEm ××××××× Deep Space Nine ============================================================================ ...._____________________________ _____________________________________ :::\_____ \______/_____/____ \ \__ ___/______ \__ \ _______/:: :::::_/ | \ __/_____/_/ | .:\ _/____ \ | .:\| \ ___ __/_: :: ::::\:. | .:\ .:\ ____/ \:. \ .:\ ____/_ .:\ .:/ .:\: : . :::\ _______/__________/___| _:__ \ ________/____| ___|___/___/______/:: : :::::\/ \/ ___\/___ \ /__\/_______\/___\/ \/ \/ \_____ \/\/\_____ \ ______/; : RuNNiNG tOTaL ElItE ::::| | \ \ | \ __/_:::;:StaFF: 0+ dAyZ wArEZ :: :::| | .:\ .:\ | .:\ \ :: aZlAn/OtL/SpZ (syS) UsR V34 DuAl . :: ::l___| ./_ ./__| ./_ ___/::: JaWlOg/OtL (cosys) A3OOO-SeRVer l_ // \/ l_ // \/ Dr.CHaOs/FbI (cosys) 1GiG HaRdDrIvE \/ toMe/fBi \/ aLL VeRy ElItE ;-) =========================================================[+45 44-991-909]=== Electronic Confusion _ ______ _ _____ _ _____________ _ ______ ______)_ _______. / _ __________ ____/______ _ \_______ / ./ _____| _/__________. _ / /\___ / / / \ \__ / | __l__.___ /_____| \___/___ / _/ _/___ / \_\ /\___/____ l__ \ | \____/ __l__.___ / \___/____\ \_ \___/____/ / / _ / ---\______ _ l___ \ : \___/- ----- -__ \___/- -[rLf]-\___/_/ \___/_ __ - --------\_____ _ _\/_ _ _____ / _\/_ _ ______ ___________ \/\/ _ _____ _ ___\___/ \/\/_______ _ \_________\ ______/__ ________ _____)______ \ \_ / _ / / / \ \_ ___/ /____ ___/__ / _ \_ \_\ / _/ \___/___ / \_\ /__ / / /____ /__ / / /__/ / \_____ / \___/____/ / \___/_____ / _____/_ \__/___ / \___/ «---\___ _ - ----.\___/- ---------.\___/\ / .---\/---- -\___/-uAa-- -» `------\/-> `------\/--' -÷{ pASSiON wORLD hEADQUARTES }÷- -÷{ cREW: wEBSTER/pSn·zARCH&XMAN/pSn·dETRON/d&D·mR.hYDE/hY^kGD }÷- -÷{ rED cHEESE/rBS·nOOKMAN/vTY·gANDALF/vTY }÷- -÷{ O-hOUR aMY/cONSOLE wAREZ · sUPPORTS hYDRA & pACMAG & dANSKTOPPEN }÷- -÷{ 2 x 28k8 v.34 nODES }÷- -÷{ nODE 1: +45-316-095-50 }÷-+-÷{ nODE 2: +45-316-095-51 }÷- Illegal Connection [======================================================================] () iLLEGAL CoNNECTioN () ______ ___ _______________________ SysOp /__/ /\ / /\ / ___/ ___/ __ / /\ CoSysOp ------- / / /__X /__X ___/ /. / __ / /__\ --------- AcomA /__/_____/_____/_____/_____/__/ /__/_____/X Scqeech ------- \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ LABEL 28K8 \__\_____\_____\_____\_____\__\/\__\_____\/ -------- _______________ _____ ___________________________________ ___ / __ / __ / \/ / \/ / ___/ __ /__ __/__/ __ / \/ /\ / |__/ /_/ / / / ___/ |__/ / /\/ / /_/ / / \ /______/_____/__/\__/__/\__/_____/______/\ /__/ /__/_____/__/\__/ / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / \______\_____\__\/\_\__\/\_\_____\______\/ \__\/\__\_____\__\/\_\/ (c) KRoNioN/VANiTY __ __ /\ \ 32 BiT MeGA PoWEr FasT 288OO ConNect /\ \ \/\/ 25mHz CoOlNezZ SpEEd! 0-2 DAy WArEZ \/\/ \/ 640 MeGA-SlAMMErS oF sPAcE! MuSiCiANS HaNGouT \/ CewL MusiC Mania Staff! PacMag & HydRa SuppOr7 CAll NoW +45 4362 2966 +45 4362 2966 [======================================================================] Imperial .---------------------------------------------------------------------. | +45-58286107 ^ Superiors DKHQ ^ Opaque Site! +45-58286107 | :---------------------------------------------------------------------| _:____._ _ _ _ _ ____: _ _ : _|____| _ ___ |____| _ __ _ . _._________ __________________________________:____ ____________ _ . | _____ Y __________ ______ __________ | | ________ | . | | \ / | | | __/_| | _| | \__ | |_____ | | Y | _____| | | | | | | | | |____|____| |____|_ _|____. |____| |____|____| |____. | : _ __ |____|_ _ . . _ |____| _MA!_ __: :____|____|_ |____| . : : : ¦ : :---------------------------------------------------------------------: |MeNaCe/Opaque&Vanity! ^ BIRD/Visage&Kindom ^ NiCkO/SUPERiORS&SKiD ROW| | <^ am!ga 3000 ^ 28k8 usr dual ^ 24hrs ^ supports groups wanted ^> | l_____________________________________________________________________j Land of Frosties · NEXUS 7 WORLD HEADQUARTER · ........... ...... ...... ........... ...... :::::: ...... :::::: ...... :::::: :::::: :::::: ::::::.:::::: ::::::... :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: ...... :::::: :::::: :::::: `:::::.:::::' _____ ____. _________________.___\___/_ ________._________ \ | \_____ \____. | .____/ \ . | _____/ / l___| . | | | | \ / | | ____) _/ ! | | | | | ! \_ _/ ! | \_ .----\ ____ l___| l___| l_______ /--\ _______l___ /------. ¦ \/ `---' `---' `---' \/ \/ \/ ¦ ¦ -÷+×*=- - +45-66-11-30-61 - -=*×+÷- __ USR .V34 · /X 4.XX ¦ ¦ ________________._______.________________\/_________________ ¦ ¦ \ _________ | . | _____/ . \/\/ _____/ ____/ ¦ ¦ / .___) . _| | l___. l___| | | .___)___. \ ¦ ¦ _/ | | | | ! | ! | | | | ! | ! \_ ¦ `-\ ___!---l___| l_______| ____|---l___l__l____ | ____ /-' \/ `---'-^X×L!-`---' [cdY]`---+---' \/ SysOp · Saxman of Nexus 7 · CoSys's · Bird of VISAGE · Lable of Access · XMan of Passion · XXL of VISAGE · Mercyful Fate A3030/30Mhz POWER - 1*16.8 DUAL/1*28k8 V32bis/3*19.2V.TERBO - 1.0 GB _____.___________________________________._________________.________. \__ | _/\__ .___/\__ . _/\__ .___/\_ |\ _/\__ .___/\__ | _/\__ | / \_/ \ / ._/__ / |\ \ / | ___ _\_._ \ / ._/ / |\ \ / | ___ / | _// |/ _// | _// |/ _// |/ _// | / |/ _// |/ _/ \ |___\\ .___\\ |___\\ .___\\ .___\\ | \ .___\\ .___\ ===\___|=====\__|=====\__|=====\__|=====\__|=====\__|=====\__|=====\__|====== wE dEaL wItH: PDY/aMiGa / LSD/Pc / - dK's #1! nO dOuBt! ____________________________________ bLaCkHaWk/pDx \__ .___/\__ ._ _/\___ .__/\__ .___/ 3nOdEsrInGdOwN: / ._/ / |/ \ / | / ._/__ +45-491-6-2110 MeTaL fOrCe/PdY / | / ._ _/ / | / |/ _/ +45-491-6-2111 \ | \ |/__\ \ | \ .___\ +45-491-6-2113 ---------------=======\__|=====\__|======\__|====\__|[C!]=====--------------- Northern Palace T · h · E .... .... .... ..... ... ..... ..... .... ::: ::. ::: ::. ....::: ::: ::: ::::. ...:::: ::: ::. ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::. ::: :::.. ::: ... ::: ::. ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::. ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::.::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::.::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::-uAa- ::: ::: :::[rLf]::: P · a · L · a · C · E -------------------------------------------------------------------------- · T · H · E · N · O ·R ·T ·H ·E ·R ·N · P ·A ·L ·A ·C ·E · -------------------------------------------------------------------------- GURU STAFF ..... .PLAYMATE.. ....[ ACS WHQ- TRD DKHQ- M! DKHQ].. .SISko^BILBO BAGGIn. ......................[ A4000/040/25/1GB ].. .NEIL/FLT .... .. ......................[ ALWAYS HELPFUL STAFF ].. .LABEL/ACS. ..... ......................[ BIG /X UTIL CONF ].. .RAJ!/PSG ....... ......................[ ].. .RAM&VAZ/CLS/ACS. ......................[ ].. .FURY/PSG/M! .... nODe oNE 28.8DS- +45-PrIvAtE! - nODe tWo 28.8DS - +45-PrIvAtE! Phaze Out ________________ _________________________________ / _ \ /____/ _ \_____ \ _______/ / ______/ _ \ _ / _______/ ____/__ / / / // / // / // / // / / / / // / // / // / // / \ / \ // / // / // / // / \ / \ // / // / // / // /__ ___ _____ \/ \//_____/___//_____/\________/_________/ // //___ \ [xXx]/ // // // / / / \_____/ \_____/ /__/ - P O I S O N - W H Q - [+ 45] - [439] [912] [92] Running 0-5 Dayz aMy/PC WaReZ! SupportinG PacmaG Sysop : TeRmInAtOr / PoIsOn LEADER! CoDriveR 1 : TeRRa RyZiNg / PoIsOn CoDriveR 2 : PoStMaN / PoIsOn CoDriveR 3 : LooKinG fOr U! dIs 2 LD callers Quality Warez Is Revordet in x3 times Primal Rage ________ ________ ___ ________ _______ ___ ________/ (____/ (_/ (__/ (____/ (____/ (_ \___________ / _ _/ ___/ __/ _______/ ____/ // / / / / / / / / / // / / / / / _ _ / / / / // _/ / _/ / / / / / _/ / _/ // ________/ _____/ / / / / _ / l____ // l_ // _ l_ / / / / / / / _// /_// / / __/ _/ _/ _/ / / / \________/ \______/______/__\_____\__\____\_____/_____/_________/ Deliveryman/POS'N'LSC_________ _______ _______ _______ C.A.T./INDY _______/ (__/ (___/ (__/ (___ Metal Man/IND\__________ _/ ______/ / _/ Hardcore/7ll // / / / / / / |>ark\X/ing/sUP//  / / / / __/ _ / // / / / / l_ l_____/ // _/ / _/ / ___________/ ______/  // _____/ _ / l_ ___/ / / // _ l_ / / !  / _/ / _// / / / / / / \______/______/____/____/___________/_________/pRs The Number +45-31612368 Static Chaos you've reached: _. ._ _. ._ ._ _. _ __/¬¦_____¦¬\ __/¬¦_____¦¬\¦¬\__/¬¦____ _ _ ___/ _ \\_ _¬\ _ \ \_ _ / __ _ _ __\___ ¬\__| \/ _ \__| \ \ |__/ /_/_ _ \ | \_| \_ | \_| \_ \_| ¬\_ \_\ _ _ jSON /_____ /|_____/_| /|_____/__/_ / CRb|___/e^D |__./ ._ |_._/ _. _. dEATURE __/¬¦______¦¬\ __/¬¦_ __/¬¦_ /¬¦___ wARDANCER _ _ __ \_ _ / | \\_ _¬\\_ _¬\_/ ___/ yEKO _ _ _\_\ / |__/ _ \/ _ \/ | \____ ¬\ jANIT[]R _ _ /_/ _/ | ¬\_ | \_ | \_ | \_ | \_ cARRERA \_____ /_| /_| /__ /__ / |___/ |____/ |___/ |___/ |___/ 2 nODES uS rOBOTICS, a3o3o 25MHz/6RAM/2.3GB HD/2GB DAT 33k6 V34+ --> +45 PRIVATE! +45 PRIVATE! -- 16k8 DHST Sky Tower __________________ \ \ / \ \ 3 nODEs rINGDOWn _\_______ ______/_ \ ·> +45-74-833-886 ·> | __| \ \ | (__ | .________ \ \ \ _________________:___. _________|__| / ......\ \_\......... .. . . \ _______ |/ / | / : \/_// \________ \_ / _/___ ___/ : kING: eNZo _/ \/ / \ \_ | | . : gUARDS: mANDRAKe^fURy^rAJ! \_____ /______|\ / |______| . : -[dEVIL&rAVEn]- \______/ | \____/ | · : _ ____ sNAKE & dELBOy · _ | . . _/\_\ | _ (__ | : . \/_//__ _ _____________ |__) _ | : ____________________________\ ______/____ _|________ (_) | : \__ _______ __ \ \\____ /_________ \_ | : | | /\ \_ /\ __/ /___ __/ _/_ : : | | \/ / \_____/ / \ \_ . ........: |______|____________/ /\______ /______\ / sTZ!/mSt \_______/ \______/ \______/ · ·· cRUX · pRESTiGE · hELLFiRE · LSD · sCOOPEx · mYTh · aRTcORe ·· · Susperia _ __ __ ___ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ - _____ ___) ____ ) \____/ | ( ) \____/ (/ (__/ (____ _/ ( / |___/\ | \/ |___/\ | \ |__/\ | \ | _|_ \ \---. \/ | \---. \/ .___/ __|_/ |___/ | \__ \ / | \ | \ | \ |/ | \ | | | | \ / _____/________/ _____/___|\_____ \__| |____j___| \ - -==\____|MA!========\____|==============|____/==============|_____/=- - - - --(- VANITY SCANDINAVIEN AMIGA HQ -)-- - - - - --(- POISON PC DKHQ -)-- - - STAFF: ZANY * MICKEY/VTY * MANDRAKE/VTY * TERMINATOR/POS * POSTMAN/POS * CURT COOL/DEPTH * CHODE/PST^ACS -(- 2 nODES USRobotics v34/HST -:- /X 4.HYDRA -:- lATEST AM!GA & PC WARES -)- - - --(- NUP is NEEDED to ENTER this SYSTEM!! -)-- - - The Channel ________________.______________ \_____ ____ ¬| ¬\ _____) // \ | \ ___)_ sKID rOW _// \\_ _ \\_ | ¬\_ sKID rOW dKHQ \ ¤/ | ¤/ ! ¤/ dKHQ \_____/_____!____/________/ _____________.________________________________________________. /¬ _ ¬\_ ¬| ¬\ . ¬\ ___. ¬\ ___. ¬\ ___) ¬| // |____/ ! \ | \ ¬| \\ ¬| \\ __)_ |___ _// | ¬\_ _ \\_ \\_ | \\_ | \\_ | ¬\_ | ¬\_ \ ! ¤/ | ¤/ ¡ ¤/ | ¤/ | ¤/ ! ¤/ ! ¤/ \_____.____/____!____/____!____/____!____/____!____/________/____.___/ | | | aMIGA 4000/25 mHZ/700 mB hD/uSR 28.800 dUAL | | cALL +45 find out! fOR a 33.6 uSR dUAL CONNECTION | | | | mAJOR sTAFF --> mARC / sKID rOW | | rEMOTE sTAFF -> bLACKEYE/sKID rOW & wOZZY/sKID rOW | | aMIGA eLITE sTUFF & aMIGA hARDWARE sITE | | | | sKID rOW dK hQ ^ sUPERIONS sITE ^ rESTLESS sITE | (__________________________________________________________) Warez Unlimited VANiTY DKHQ __/\__ _/\___ _____ ____________ ______________ \___ \/\/ ___// \\_______ \ / _________ \ / / \ \/ | .\ |: / _/ / __|__ /. / \\ /// \\|| \ .\/ ¡ \// /\ \. /\ ./ | \\ \ \\ \\ \_ \__/ \__/\_____| \____l\ \\__. \_______/ =================|_______/=====\____/=l______/======== ___. ______ __ .___. /\_____ _____ /\_______________________ / ¦|__\__ \l :\ |: |__ / \__ \/ ___/ \__ ____ ___/\____ \ / | \/ \ \ | \|| | .\ \__/ /\ /\ \__/ |. | / __|__ |: |\ .\ / | \\ \\ \ \ ¡ \\/ .\/. \ / :\ / .\ || |/ | .\|| |/ \\ \ \\ \\ \ \ \ \\ \/ / \\|| | \\ \\ \____. \_l\ /_______/___/ |l____\____/l___l____. \\________/ =====l_____/===\ /=========\______l====================l______/[rA!ST]= \__/ aMIGA mANAGER: GiLTHANAS / VANiTY A4000-040 30 mHZ sPEED + 1.5 gIG hD-fUN! 0-1 aMiGA + gAMEBOY + /X 4.x + nEWEST /X uTILS .--x×X×x 33600 USR V34+ DUALS! x×X×x--. | | | rINGDOWN #: +45-4494-6208 | | eMAIL: | | | `----> pACMAG'n'hYDRA sUPPORT! Top Ten Fastest Board Top Ten Coolest Board Top Ten Nicest Sysop Top Ten Coolest Sysop Ten Fastest Traders Ten Coolest Traders Ten Funniest Traders T O P T E N F A S T E S T B O A R D -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= T O P T E N F A S T E S T B O A R D -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= NR. BOARD NAME GROUP SYSOP POINTS LAST MONTH (-=----=-------------------=---------------=-------------=------=------------=-) 1. SKY TOWER PSG/LSD/HF ENZO 69 (1) 2. WAREZ UNLIMITED VANITY GILTHANAS 43 (3) 3. SUSPERIA VANITY ZANY 37 (4) 4. BODYCOUNT VD/POLKA BROS. DEVILSTAR 36 (2) 5. THE NORTHERN PALACE ACCESS PLAYMATE 32 (5) 6. ELEC. CONFUSION PASSION WEBSTER 24 (6) 7. STATIC CHAOS KINGDOM JSON 23 (8) 8. CRITICAL ZONE THE LOWLIFES SCQEECH 17 (-) 8. MERCYFUL FATE PRODIGY METAL FORCE 17 (7) 10. ILLEGAL CONNECTION INDEPENDENT ACOMA 16 (10) (-=----=-------------------=---------------=-------------=------=------------=-) T O P T E N C O O L E S T B O A R D S -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= T O P T E N C O O L E S T B O A R D S -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= NR. BOARD NAME GROUP SYSOP POINTS LAST MONTH (-=----=-------------------=---------------=-------------=------=------------=-) 1. SUSPERIA VANITY ZANY 45 (2) 2. BODYCOUNT VD/POLKA BROS. DEVILSTAR 41 (1) 3. WAREZ UNLIMITED VANITY GILTHANAS 38 (5) 4. SKY TOWER PSG/LSD/HF ENZO 32 (3) 5. STATIC CHAOS KINGDOM JSON 31 (7) 6. ELEC. CONFUSION PASSION WEBSTER 28 (4) 7. CRITICAL ZONE THE LOWLIFES SCQEECH 23 (-) 8. THE NORTHERN PALACE ACCESS PLAYMATE 21 (-) 9. ILLEGAL CONNECTION INDEPENDENT ACOMA 16 (-) 10. CYCLONE ZONE EXC/POS/CLS JOSHUA 15 (6) (-=----=-------------------=---------------=-------------=------=------------=-) T O P T E N N I C E S T S Y S O P -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= T O P T E N N I C E S T S Y S O P -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= NR. NAME GROUP BOARD NAME POINTS LAST MONTH (-=-----=-------------=---------------=------------------=------=------------=-) 1. GILTHANAS VANITY WAREZ UNLIMITED 34 (6) 2. JSON KINGDOM STATIC CHAOS 33 (2) 3. ZANY VANITY SUSPERIA 32 (3) 4. DEVILSTAR/SCA VD/POLKA BROS. BODYCOUNT 26 (1) 5. WEBSTER PASSION ELECTRONIC CONFUSION 23 (4) 6. SCQEECH THE LOWLIFES CRITICAL ZONE 21 (-) 7. DELIVERYMAN POISON PRIMAL RAGE 20 (-) 7. PLAYMATE ACCESS THE NORTHERN PALACE 20 (9) 9. ENZO PSG/LSD/HF SKY TOWER 18 (-) 10. FLOZZY PSR/DR BATTLEFIELD 16 (7) (-=-----=-------------=---------------=------------------=------=------------=-) T O P T E N C O O L E S T S Y S O P -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= T O P T E N C O O L E S T S Y S O P -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= NR. NAME GROUP BOARD NAME POINTS LAST MONTH (-=-----=-------------=---------------=------------------=------=------------=-) 1. DEVILSTAR/SCA VD/POLKA BROS. BODYCOUNT 33 (1) 2. ZANY VANITY SUSPERIA 31 (4) 3. JSON KINGDOM STATIC CHAOS 30 (3) 4. GILTHANAS VANITY WAREZ UNLIMITED 29 (4) 5. WEBSTER PASSION ELECTRONIC CONFUSION 23 (2) 6. MARC SKID ROW THE CHANNEL 20 (-) 6. PLAYMATE ACCESS THE NORTHERN PALACE 20 (-) 8. ENZO PSG/LSD/HF SKY TOWER 19 (4) 8. SCQEECH THE LOWLIFES CRITICAL ZONE 19 (-) 10. DELIVERYMAN POISON PRIMAL RAGE 16 (9) (-=-----=-------------=---------------=------------------=------=------------=-) T E N F A S T E S T T R A D E R S -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= T E N F A S T E S T T R A D E R S -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= NR. NAME GROUP POINTS LAST MONTH (-=-------=----------------=---------------=---------------=-----------------=-) 1. MR. HYDE PRESTIGE 33 (1) 2. GANDALF VANITY 23 (3) 3. ACOMA INDEPENDENT 20 (-) 4. NOOKMAN VANITY 20 (5) 5. ZARCH & XMAN PASSION 18 (6) 6. CURT COOL DEPTH 17 (9) 6. MICKEY VANITY 17 (2) 8. CARRERA INDEPENDENT 16 (-) 8. MARC SKID ROW 16 (8) 8. THE COLONEL PASSION 16 (-) (-=-------=----------------=---------------=---------------=-----------------=-) T E N C O O L E S T T R A D E R S -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= T E N C O O L E S T T R A D E R S -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= NR. NAME GROUP POINTS LAST MONTH (-=-------=----------------=---------------=---------------=-----------------=-) 1. MR. HYDE PRESTIGE 23 (4) 2. CAESAR INDEPENDENT 21 (2) 3. SCA POLKA BROTHERS 21 (3) 4. GANDALF VANITY 20 (1) 5. RELIEF TLL^LSD^ANX^OS! 19 (4) 6. THE COLONEL PASSION 18 (9) 7. ACOMA INDEPENDENT 16 (-) 7. CURT COOL DEPTH 16 (7) 7. MANDRAKE VANITY 16 (-) 7. MICKEY VANITY 16 (6) (-=-------=----------------=---------------=---------------=-----------------=-) T E N F U N N I E S T C H A T T E R S -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= T E N F U N N I E S T C H A T T E R S -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= NR. NAME GROUP POINTS LAST MONTH (-=-------=----------------=---------------=---------------=-----------------=-) 1. RELIEF THE LOWLIFES 35 (1) 2. MIGHTY THOR TLL & VIKINGS 20 (-) 3. MR. HYDE PRESTIGE 18 (6) 4. NOOKMAN VANITY 16 (-) 4. SCA POLKA BROTHERS 16 (3) 4. SCQEECH THE LOWLIFES 16 (-) 7. MICKEY VANITY 14 (2) 7. CONAN & NEWTON REBELS 14 (3) 7. CAESAR INDEPENDENT 14 (5) 7. MADMARDIGAN RESTLESS 14 (7) (-=-------=----------------=---------------=---------------=-----------------=-) )))))))))))))))))))) T h e A m i g a S e c t i o n ((((((((((((((((((( Arcade Pool Obsession Time Keepers )))))))))))))))))))) T h e S N E S S e c t i o n ((((((((((((((((((( Super Bomber Man 1 Super Bomber Man 2 Super Bomber Man 3 Arcade Pool Anmeldelse Obsession Anmeldelse Time Keepers Anmeldelse Super Bomber Man 1 anmeldelse Super Bomber Man 2 anmeldelse Super Bomber Man 3 anmeldelse Trader Charts Trader Charts -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This Month All Time 1-20 1-20 21-40 21-40 41-60 41-60 61-80 61-80 81-100 81-100 101-120 101-120 121-140 121-140 141-160 141-160 161-180 161-180 181-200 181-200 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NR. TRADER GROUP MONTHLY U/L LAST ISSUE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 SCQEECH (O) CRITICAL ZONE (O) 208294K () 2 MR.HYDE [(>] HYDRA [(>] 162697K () 3 FURY (*) PRESTIGE (*) 160881K () 4 GANDALF -=> VANITY (=- 121463K () 5 MIGHTY THOR - 7LL & VIKINGS - 110648K () 6 ACOMA 99561K () 7 CHODE PARASITE,DK 87068K () 8 ZARCH&XMAN P_A_S_S_I_O_N 77602K () 9 BLACKEYE (-> SKID ROW (-> 74177K () 10 SNAKE & DELBOY (*) PRESTIGE (*) 73070K () 11 LORD LEECH NOWWHERE 69552K () 12 BIRD VISAGE^KINGDOM 57035K () 13 GILTHANAS »»WAREZ UNLIMITED«« -VT 55052K () 14 DR. CHAOS -* F B I *- 52316K () 15 THE COLONEL --» PASSION «-- 52306K () 16 PHILIX .:......:. 51581K () 17 HARDCORE |-+ 7LL/SUMPEN +-| 49829K () 18 \/\/IZZY .:*:CRYSTAL:*:. 46694K () 19 FLOZZY BATTLEFIELD - PSE DKHQ 42528K () 20 MENACE >VANITY&OPAQUE/IMPERIAL 42184K () -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NR. TRADER GROUP MONTHLY U/L LAST ISSUE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 NOOKMAN VTY LEADER/ORG. 40252K () 22 MICKEY .OO VAN!7Y OO. 38578K () 23 MASTERBOY * PRODIGY * 34837K () 24 PHAXMAN HVOR ER MIN KO!?!? 32198K () 25 ZANY -#$# SUSP@R!A BBS #$#- 32045K () 26 METAL MAN #$# - #$# 30557K () 27 CONAN&NEWTON URSA MINOR! 29290K () 28 CURT COOL - DEPTH - 28697K () 29 MAXWELL SKID ROW AMIGA COURIER 27521K () 30 RAJ! (+> PSG HAMSTER (+> 24548K () 31 GUARDIAN INDEPENDENT 23960K () 32 SISKO^BILBO BAG -/- MOTION '95 -/- 22969K () 33 SPUNKI 7HE LOWLIFES 22286K () 34 MANIAC SOMEWHERE :) 21448K () 35 WOZZY > SKID ROW '98 ( 20815K () 36 NEIL/FLT FAIRLIGHT RULZ U! 19719K () 37 C.A.T. HMM.... 18544K () 38 MIKE DON'T SMOKE MY GRASS! 18429K () 39 RED CHEESE REBELS 18077K () -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NR. TRADER GROUP MONTHLY U/L LAST ISSUE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40 SHOCK (*> CRYSTAL (*> 16742K () 41 JOYE TEMPEST \*\ MERCYFUL FATE /*/ 16239K () 42 7HE YOUNGSTAR ..DA WU TANG CLAN.. 15053K () 43 MANDRAKE -=*»·VA/\/ITY·«*=- 14787K () 44 -[DEVIL&RAVEN]- PRESTIGE^TRSI^CRUX 14611K () 45 ZINK THE PLACE TO BE .. 14347K () 46 NITRO & RAZOR * PRODIGY * 14164K () 47 SISKO -/- MOTION'95 -/- 14107K () 48 LOGIC =-=(+ACCESS+)=-= 13320K () 49 TERMINATOR POISON LEADER! 13254K () 50 WOTAN DARK-WEST-POWER 13223K () 51 NIKE (==) EXCALIBUR (==) 13159K () 52 MICROPEN -TDK- 12557K () 53 POWS OF TCB > TCB ( 11700K () 54 PLAYMATE *- ACS TRD M! -* 11599K () 55 DIZY VANITY^SPIRITZ! 11321K () 56 ZOLTRIX TRD/LSD/PFL/976/HF/ACS 10143K () 57 MELODY -*- OPAQUE -*- 10142K () 58 [«» NITRO & RAZ *»«* PRODIGY *»«* 10007K () 59 LORUS - 7LL & VIKINGS - 9952K () -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NR. TRADER GROUP MONTHLY U/L LAST ISSUE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60 THE TEA DRINKER (*> TEA BREAK (*> 9869K () 61 DEATURE [*] KINGDOM! [*] 9510K () 62 RELIEF -[-^7LL^LSD^ANX^OS!^-]- 9347K () 63 NICKO SUPERIORS^SKID ROW 9150K () 64 DIZ! *=BOSNIEN=* 9132K () 65 SUBLOGIC =/\((E$$-RULEZ= 8505K () 66 SECTIOD .OOO. SLEEPY .OOO. 8235K () 67 TOP CAT =- GALAXY -= 8232K () 68 SAMIR -*- PRESTIGE -*- 8190K () 69 RAPTOR DEATH ROW 8108K () 70 BRUNIS 0+-SUBACID-+0 8001K () 71 BLACKHAWK PARADOX 7939K () 72 DRIVER FAAREVEJLE DK 7687K () 73 SPELLBINDER -2=HARDCORE=4-U- 7621K () 74 DELIVERYMAN PRIMAL RAGE POISON DIST 7611K () 75 OZ 7LL 7097K () 76 CARRERA HORSENS BY NIGHT 6989K () 77 YEKO -7-/(-I-N-G-D-O-M-7- 6976K () 78 ¶R¡NçE ØF TH¡EV -*-[PSG] [NUMB]-*- 6244K () 79 MC ZIPLIB 7TH LOWLIFES 6005K () -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NR. TRADER GROUP MONTHLY U/L LAST ISSUE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 80 THE MIGHTY ODIN » VTY '95 « 5988K () 81 PRESENCE .:. SPIRITZ .:. 5969K () 82 MADMARDIGAN :> RESTLESS (: 5916K () 83 THUNDERKID // 5793K () 84 PRIDE -S7ELLAR LAND- 5448K () 85 DRUNKEN BUTTERF VALBY 5410K () 86 NIGHTPROWLER ·(÷)·ø·ø·Ð·£·µ·(¥)· 5306K () 87 NEIL -*- FAIRLIGHT -*- 5134K () 88 JENSUS CORPUS TROLDHEDE 5082K () 89 PREFIX POLAND 5009K () 90 METAL FORCE Ä͵PDYÆÍÄ Ä͵LSD/PCÆÍÄ 4916K () 91 FUZZY DEATH ROW 4736K () 92 CHIPS GENTOFTE, DK 4729K () 93 GRIM REAPER THE DATA DIVISION 4696K () 94 SPEED FREAK INCREDIBLE/FANATIC 4389K () 95 PLEXER °· RA¡NBOW*¡SLAND ·° 4163K () 96 EIS /\EIS()LAND/\ 4156K () 97 .RAHIEM. (·E·S·S·E·N·C·E·) 4063K () 98 AZLAN · INDEPENDET · 4014K () 99 SEALAPEX -^[GDS/EXC]^- 3909K () -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NR. TRADER GROUP MONTHLY U/L LAST ISSUE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100 WHOME MEGATOWN, DK 3855K () 101 MAGOO TWL/ANTHROX 3814K () 102 $HAOLIN .: LISENCE :. 3743K () 103 ICE MAN HERNING, DK 3716K () 104 GANDALF/VTY. -=> VANITY (=- 3674K () 105 MANIAC.KC Xפ°~`-{ ACCESS }-'~°¤× 3547K () 106 ROUGH SILK MERCYFUL FATE þþþþþ PC 3245K () 107 BLACKPOINTER BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA 3039K () 108 JIM! -*- STAR CITY/LSD/ACS/H 3020K () 109 MORTIFIED FLESH ALPHA FLIGHT!! 3019K () 110 CASE .XX>RESTLESS(XX. 2911K () 111 IQ - X - 2790K () 112 MACHO (=) EXCALIBUR (=) 2726K () 113 ICEMAN ++-[HELLFIRE/LSD]-++ 2721K () 114 SCA -+ POLKA BROS +- 2714K () 115 EASY RIDER ON THE ROAD 2705K () 116 ROBOTNIK (*) VANITY (*) 2666K () 117 JAWLOG 0UTLAWS DK 2624K () 118 HELL RIDE BALLERUP,DK 2574K () 119 AKIRO&DR.POOP * SCX * VTY * DCS * 2560K () -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NR. TRADER GROUP MONTHLY U/L LAST ISSUE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 120 DAFFY >>>>> \/IS/\GE ((((( 2555K () 121 -MARX! -[INSANE '95]- 2516K () 122 ZYKE .OO INDY OO. 2496K () 123 KREON THE LOWLIFES DK 2403K () 124 PENNYWISE SHAWSHANK PRISON 2390K () 125 DATA -*[ SUP! GHQ ]*- 2313K () 126 BROOKVALLEY 7TH HEAVEN 2029K () 127 MAGZ [) GENETIC^WASTE (] 2011K () 128 FIREBIRD GENTOFTE 1992K () 129 THUNEMAN (-* PTL TRADER *-> 1972K () 130 AL BUNDY JEWELS 1970K () 131 ZINKO KEFRENS & POLKA ßR°$. 1961K () 132 THE WHISTLE *[ PASSION '95 ]* 1960K () 133 TWINKY NATURE 1959K () 134 BEAVIS [} THE LOWLIFES {] 1881K () 135 SPIDER DK 1856K () 136 JOSHUA .OOO(ZEKT)OOO. 1834K () 137 BUZZ WIPE :.:LISENCE:.: 1768K () 138 [ZORRO%%MEPHIST [SPR!%DG%SHT%RTR%IFT!] 1607K () 139 WEBSTER -÷«( PASS!ON'95 )»÷- 1534K () -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NR. TRADER GROUP MONTHLY U/L LAST ISSUE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 140 >>TECNOKID(( GOBLERS 1504K () 141 IZI (> IMPACT (> 1474K () 142 MAESTRO COPENHAGEN 1398K () 143 VIRUS (.:A:R:I:S:E:.> 1349K () 144 STYLE WARS «¬· POISON ·¬« 1343K () 145 TILLER SPIRITZ 1322K () 146 CROUPIER SVEND'S KøKEN 1321K () 147 GURGLE RAMJAM & RST! IHQ 1219K () 148 ZIROX OOO 7HE LOWLIFES OOO 1206K () 149 SKYWALKER :+: MODEL :+: 1190K () 150 BEAT - + 6 FEET BELLOW + - 1156K () 151 BOBBY OOO GALAXY OOO 1148K () 152 CANNIBAL .OO MINDLOSS BBS OO. 997K () 153 IGGY HELLFIRE LEADER 981K () 154 RAM&VAZ CLASSIC/A((ESS 972K () 155 SPOONMAN O·B·S·E·S·S·I·O·N 958K () 156 NES HELLFIRE 947K () 157 WOOBER -^ THG ^ NEO ^ MGS ^ BD 947K () 158 GIGABYTE-MAN GER 941K () 159 SIR MIXALOT (0MPLEX 905K () -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NR. TRADER GROUP MONTHLY U/L LAST ISSUE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 160 KOBRA ? 874K () 161 SCORPION RANDERS 860K () 162 CYQUEST [PRODIGY & DELIGHT] 859K () 163 EASY OF FOCUS D NR. ALSLEV, DK 798K () 164 WAH - GODS EHQ - 796K () 165 RAMIREZ -^- HELLFIRE -^- 790K () 166 RANDALL FLAGG AZTECHNOLOGY 758K () 167 X-RAY LOESNING, DK 703K () 168 REPE^RANSU «·) RRR · SCOOPEX (·» 701K () 169 MOONBOOT (OWTLåVS>(GNUFISK DK> 694K () 170 NERAKA LOLA / NATURE 689K () 171 MICRON VIENNA, AUSTRIA 668K () 172 SOFTLINE ( RST - EXC > 663K () 173 VEGAS ø BISCROK - OUTLAWS ø PROARTS - 599K () 174 GIZMODUCK -÷[ DEPTH ]÷- 561K () 175 GHETTOBOY THE SCENE SUXX 543K () 176 MAVERICK -÷{ PARAD0X }÷- 524K () 177 SHAPIRO 3.RD REICH. 491K () 178 GRIMLOCK! (÷) G®OTE$T!CLE (÷) 480K () 179 PEANUT BRADFORD 477K () -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NR. TRADER GROUP MONTHLY U/L LAST ISSUE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 180 SPEEDY/SHI PARESTOE 468K () 181 INFUSION (*) CORROSION (*) 465K () 182 BALDER VORDINGBORG 457K () 183 NIGEL /*\ I M P A C T /*\ 451K () 184 SPEEDY FUCK-YOU 449K () 185 MARC THE CHANNEL / SKID ROW 443K () 186 BEAST þ CRUX / RUSSIA þ 441K () 187 HEXAGON SUBACID 440K () 188 COOLORADO -->INSANE!(-- 436K () 189 NAPOLEON TARASCON - FRANCE 412K () 190 SUNJAMMER ((-ESSENCE->> 411K () 191 STRATOS! [·-S-C-O-O-P-E-X-·] 407K () 192 HAVE DE/\TH RO\/\/ 394K () 193 ZWITEX =>) NOIZEVISION ((= 384K () 194 CHICK -*- LEECH -*- 350K () 195 BC HYPERIA 330K () 196 2FAST OO -AC! · HLM OO 312K () 197 BAKERMAN [XXX] OPAQUE [XXX] 305K () 198 RADIX .OOO. INDEPENDANT .OOO. 278K () 199 BLACK DEATH ·S·U·B·A·C·I·D· 263K () -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NR. TRADER GROUP MONTHLY U/L LAST ISSUE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 CAESAR ARE THERE ANY LEFT????? 2359327K () 2 NEIL FAIRLIGHT * REDNEX 1901821K () 3 D-SIYA [» C L A S S I C «] 1484228K () 4 GILTHANAS »»WAREZ UNLIMITED«« -VT 1482980K () 5 BLACKEYE -_- SKID ROW -_- 1435402K () 6 MICKEY ..OO VANITY OO. 1406094K () 7 NSL/MR.HYDE (==) EXCAL|BUR (==) 1354422K () 8 MANDRAKE -=*»·VA/\/ITY·«*=- 1153598K () 9 KRONION VANITY '95 LEADER 978773K () 10 MARC THE CHANNEL / SKID ROW 858816K () 11 SCQEECH (O) CRITICAL ZONE (O) 773533K () 12 PLEXER °· RA¡NBOW*¡SLAND ·° 769977K () 13 NOOKMAN VTY LEADER/ORG 757161K () 14 BOZO RéBéLS WóRLD LéÁDéR ÁMÍ 752322K () 15 ACOMA ILLEGAL CONNECTION 749758K () 16 RAIST REBELS PC! 732574K () 17 THE FREAK [» PSG AND VTY «] 726502K () 18 ZANY (-*-> SUSP@R!A BBS (-*- 719331K () 19 ROBOTNIK (*) VANITY (*) 700370K () 20 RICKY ROCK -*-PRODIGY-*- DK. 660854K () -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NR. TRADER GROUP MONTHLY U/L LAST ISSUE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 RAVEN >--( PASSION >--( 620296K () 22 SPEEDY PRAESTOE 611913K () 23 WARDANCER ---(VANI7Y 1795)--- 605582K () 24 SHOCK (*> CRYSTAL (*> 596531K () 25 IRONMAN INDY WORLDLEADER 588865K () 26 STORM >> CRYSTAL (( 579488K () 27 MANIAC.KC Xפ°~`-{ ACCESS }-'~°¤× 571491K () 28 THE MIGHTY ODIN » VTY '95 « 567399K () 29 CROMER FRACTION 561193K () 30 SEARCHER LAND OF LOVE! 539851K () 31 FURY (*) PRESTIGE (*) 518575K () 32 RAM&VAZ CLASSIC/ACCESS 512836K () 33 O.B.1. -(*)- HUMANS -(*)- 458261K () 34 PHILIX -TECHNODROME BBS- 421253K () 35 PLAYMATE WEBSTER ER EN JUNKIE 420475K () 36 LECTOR ..OO| CRYSTAL |OO.. 405349K () 37 DEATHKNIGHT \X/0RL|) 0F ELITE!. 397187K () 38 RELIEF -[-^7LL^LSD^ANX^OS!^-]- 384584K () 39 ENZO [» P R E S T ¡ G E «] 384407K () 40 PAXDEI SOMEWHERE 368463K () -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NR. TRADER GROUP MONTHLY U/L LAST ISSUE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41 SNAKE & DELBOY PSG/CRX/MTH/D&R/NME 367797K () 42 DEATURE -> AT&T SECURITY (- 365457K () 43 LABEL - ACCESS · LSD - 365347K () 44 PSYKO *- C R Y S T A L -* 348916K () 45 CONAN&NEWTON URSA MINOR! 345993K () 46 LONG JOHN B0HH 340975K () 47 SHARK (*) PRESTIGE (*) 333045K () 48 BLACKANGEL INDEPENDENT 331783K () 49 JACK THE ZIPPER HUMANE 328932K () 50 MASTURBA *****> A((ESS (***** 318118K () 51 ZANTHOR (-+-> ACCESS (-+-> 318033K () 52 GANDALF -=> VANITY (=- 309502K () 53 MEAN INDEPENDANT LEADER 298518K () 54 DIZY - VANITY! - 295049K () 55 RAMOSYS (-[MST]-[ACS]-[POS]-> 293760K () 56 CARRERA HORSENS 285496K () 57 FLOZZY BATTLEFIELD - PSE DKHQ 285134K () 58 VENGER TECHNOBRAINS 283932K () 59 MR.ORION ...:::VSG-DKHQ:::... 282415K () 60 ZACO PC RULE :) 279547K () -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NR. TRADER GROUP MONTHLY U/L LAST ISSUE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61 ZARCH&XMAN P:A:S:S:I:O:N'95 276385K () 62 THE COLONEL --» PASSION «-- 268798K () 63 DELIVERYMAN WEBSTER ER EN JUNKIE 2 268531K () 64 DEATURE&JANITOR -/ KING OF DENMARK -/ 266075K () 65 KRIZ INDEPENDENT 264051K () 66 HRBERG ZONE-7 : FNT 263397K () 67 WEZ ( © ) VANITY ( ® ) 262267K () 68 THE DANCING DUC -* ()/V\@|\| LEADER *- 260210K () 69 PENNYWISE SHAWSHANK PRISON 259572K () 70 EXOTIC ACCESS / POSSE 253385K () 71 SUBLOGIC -=-=- A((E$$ -=-=- 251214K () 72 SPELLBINDER >:) =RESTLESS=DK=ORG= - 248092K () 73 ICE Q INDEPENDENT 247359K () 74 GAZZER (*) H·U·M·A·N·S (*) 246624K () 75 PARANOID =+=+=> HUMANS (=+=+= 236904K () 76 BLACK VIRUS =====>> BRONX ((===== 226117K () 77 YEKO -7-/(-I-N-G-D-O-M-7- 226057K () 78 THE VIRGIN VIRGIN'S LAND 223756K () 79 SCA + POLKA B. + 221632K () 80 HOTMILK NEMESIS WHQ. / SBS. DHQ 214559K () -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NR. TRADER GROUP MONTHLY U/L LAST ISSUE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 81 PASO INDEPENDENT 211296K () 82 JUGGLER INDEPENDENT 206799K () 83 BIRD VISAGE^KINGDOM 206374K () 84 DEVILSTAR >> VIRTUAL DREAMS/FLT ( 194579K () 85 DIZE SUBAGENTS 194076K () 86 METAL FORCE Ä͵PDYÆÍÄ Ä͵LSD/PCÆÍÄ 193501K () 87 SLAZER 2000 A.D. 183984K () 88 OZZY 2000 A.D. 177647K () 89 BLACK DEATH ·D·I·S·A·S·T·E·R· 177274K () 90 RAJ (+> PSG HAMSTER (+> 176815K () 91 NIGHTHAWK REBELS CO-ORGANIZER 176268K () 92 ECHO&GUIDO ·DTL·+3587751252· 168055K () 93 HARDCORE |-+ 7LL/SUMPEN +-| 165221K () 94 MR.HYDE [(>] HYDRA [(>] 164158K () 95 KREON THE LOWLIFES 155792K () 96 DRIZZT >>>ACCESS((( 154937K () 97 ZETIX MYSTIC 152748K () 98 ELECTROHOLIC ***** SUMPEN ***** 143710K () 99 NASHUA >X( MEGABYTE BBS >X( 139939K () 100 FLASH CONNECT 300 BAUD... 139240K () -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NR. TRADER GROUP MONTHLY U/L LAST ISSUE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 MIGHTY THOR - 7LL / VIKINGS - 137828K () 102 FRANTIK (-=»= ¬T.|R.S.I. =«=-> 135063K () 103 BLACK PANTHER -[·A·C·C·E·S·S·]- 133366K () 104 D-TRADE DELIGHT 131554K () 105 MORPHEUS DA JUNGLE 130532K () 106 LORD SAURON INSANE 130264K () 107 STRIKER *+* LOOKIN 4 GROUP *+* 128677K () 108 DEA&SPB ··­­/(­I­N­G­D­O­M­­·· 127628K () 109 JABO (*) PRESTIGE (*) 125464K () 110 OMAR&URBAN SONIC 124141K () 111 PAX&SHA PARAMORPHIZ 124138K () 112 KEYBOARD KID PSG COURIER 123556K () 113 DRIVER FAAREVRJLE,DENMARK 122683K () 114 WILD VAN DAMME ÄðDðAðRðKðLðAðNðDðÄ 122207K () 115 YOBBO REBELS! 118747K () 116 MANIAC SOMEWHERE :-) 114823K () 117 AL BUNDY JEWELS 113630K () 118 BEAST PSICHODELIQ HC/RUSSIA 113055K () 119 BEAVIS THE LOW LIFES 112898K () 120 RED CHEESE REBELS 110208K () -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NR. TRADER GROUP MONTHLY U/L LAST ISSUE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 121 CHODE ODENSE,DK 109684K () 122 HOTBIER NEMESIS 108559K () 123 ZEUS KEFRENS 108226K () 124 DELIRIUM&KICK HUMANE/VANITY 107732K () 125 ZOONIE FAITH 107170K () 126 SDD SCEPTIC GHQ 106767K () 127 NIKE EXCALIBUR DK 105937K () 128 TERMINATOR OMEN/POISON LEADER 105261K () 129 MTZ&TBL .OOO. 7HE LOWLIFES .OOO 104101K () 130 TRAITOR [DEL!GHT] 102412K () 131 XXL *+- EDGE -+* 100558K () 132 ZADDO [*]ORIGIN/REBELS[*] 99544K () 133 MC ZIPLIB 7TH LOWLIFES 99454K () 134 ALF .OO TOMBSTONE OO. 94511K () 135 BOUNCER MY HOME IN HEAVEN 94245K () 136 JAN 2000 A.D. 94209K () 137 SAXMAN NEXUS 7 - HEADQUARTERS 94109K () 138 BOROMIR [> TRSI^2KAD^DPL (] 93746K () 139 ROPPE JUSTICE 93546K () 140 GHANDY REBELS & PROGRESS 92789K () -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NR. TRADER GROUP MONTHLY U/L LAST ISSUE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 141 CURT COOL DEPTH 92320K () 142 PHAHP JOE... 91931K () 143 JOYE TEMPEST \*\ MERCYFUL FATE /*/ 90602K () 144 WOZZY > SKID ROW '95 ( 90327K () 145 WEIRD DREAM RBS - LOCAL HERO - RBS 89459K () 146 METAL MAN SOMEWHERE/ 86789K () 147 TERRA MANDEN MED DE 2400! 85215K () 148 SPUNKI -* 7HE LOWLIFES *- 83742K () 149 DAFFY >>>>>|(| EDGE |>|((((( 81442K () 150 MENACE [×X×( O.M.E.N )×X×] 80671K () 151 DARKELF -÷«(TRSI·ACS·INS)»÷- 80167K () 152 OMAR&RAM SONIC 79518K () 153 MAXWELL SKID ROW AMIGA COURIER 77559K () 154 ICE MAN RANDERS, DK 77274K () 155 XMAN P:A:S:S:I:():N 76965K () 156 RAMIREZ -^- HELLFIRE -^- 75090K () 157 VICIOUS DECADE 74868K () 158 WENIX .XX OUTLAWS XX. 74710K () 159 SHADOW & MCI --= SYNERGY BBS! =-- 74560K () 160 RANCOR /7THE LOWLIFES/7--\/\ 74109K () -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NR. TRADER GROUP MONTHLY U/L LAST ISSUE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 161 OXID F·A·N·A·T·|·C 73213K () 162 THUNDERKID // 72594K () 163 JSON × STATIC CHAOS × KGD^^C 72283K () 164 TARZAN JEG ER PSYKOPAT!!! 71748K () 165 HITMAN (*) PRESTIGE (*) 71235K () 166 BLACKPOINTER BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA 70364K () 167 RAJ! (+> PSG HAMSTER (+> 70036K () 168 LORD LEECH NOWWHERE 69552K () 169 EASY NR. ALSLEV, DK 69508K () 170 TECNOKID GOBLERS 69155K () 171 JAY INDEPENDENT 68679K () 172 MAINFRAME INDEPENDENT 68591K () 173 FREEDOM INDEPENDENT 68383K () 174 DYSIG ½^»> ESS3NS!A («^½ 68117K () 175 MEAT-CLEEVER OO( 67910K () 176 PIONEER INDEPENDENT 67580K () 177 INFECTION (SAY NO MORE> 67244K () 178 HELLFIRE // ALPHA FLIGHT DKHQ \\ 67069K () 179 SPIKE THE FAST LANE 66004K () 180 MAGOO TWL/ANTHROX 65013K () -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NR. TRADER GROUP MONTHLY U/L LAST ISSUE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 181 AZLAN · INDEPENDET · 64772K () 182 N-GIN K0GE 64479K () 183 THE EDGER EBELTOFT, DK 63996K () 184 MIKE DON'T SMOKE MY GRASS! 63448K () 185 HEAT KINGDOM LEADER. 63163K () 186 MARIO TRSI FOREVER 63048K () 187 HELLHOUND ( ONLY VANITY > 62877K () 188 ICARUS KILL CHEATERS 62501K () 189 DR. CHAOS -* F B I *- 62316K () 190 UTI 2000 A.D. 62113K () 191 DCSL TARKUS TEAM 62043K () 192 OZONE&ROB CLASSIC 61980K () 193 EIZO 2000 A.D. 61813K () 194 MELODY [--(7H3 0M3N)--] 61197K () 195 ZAPP NOERAGER 60851K () 196 SKYMAKER XXXX UNDERTAKERS/RST XX 60747K () 197 FADE INDEPENDENT 59979K () 198 ULTIMATE WARRIO REFLEX AND TENSION 59942K () 199 PRIDE -S7ELLAR LAND- 59427K () 200 EXHORDER&HORN /\NTHROX 58743K () Board Download Board Upload Board Calls -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Boards Download -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Sky Tower 1318925K Warez Unlimited 401788K BodyCount 212861K Electronic Confusion 205352K Northern Palace 205324K The Channel 156976K BattleField 146281K Static Chaos 131221K Primal Rage 122489K Mercyful Fate 109197K Susperia 97778K Critical Zone 92593K Illegal Connection 40541K DeepBassNine 33495K Land Of Frosties 9957K Imperial 3237K Consciuos Dreams 1421K Phaze Out 26K -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Boards Upload Local Upload -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Sky Tower 466175K 1824K Electronic Confusion 257709K 11057K Critical Zone 255893K 4061K Warez Unlimited 244284K 6763K Susperia 243016K 22116K Illegal Connection 227532K 30166K The Channel 196756K 410K Primal Rage 196556K 76929K BattleField 191533K 46183K Mercyful Fate 162381K 25590K Northern Palace 156684K 6877K * BodyCount 148240K 2141K Static Chaos 135155K 984K Consciuos Dreams 114728K 953K DeepBassNine 79387K 19010K Imperial 52583K 29848K Land Of Frosties 35751K 27K Phaze Out 25609K 15771K -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * Due to a minor crash, Northern Palace was only counted from 14-6 to 30-6. An unofficial count claims 284091K was uploaded! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Boards Calls -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Sky Tower 1805 Warez Unlimited 1171 Susperia 910 Electronic Confusion 736 BodyCount 727 Critical Zone 606 Static Chaos 588 BattleField 515 Northern Palace 467 Primal Rage 397 The Channel 379 Mercyful Fate 297 Consciuos Dreams 283 Illegal Connection 233 DeepBassNine 202 Phaze Out 124 Land Of Frosties 100 Imperial 49 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The Movies Casper Sidste Time Hideaway The rest Maniac KC South Sealand '95 The Party The Demos The latest scene stuff The South Sealand Party Results Reviews Of This Month Scene Stuff South Sealand Party Results SUPRISE GRAPHIC COMPETITION (THE FARM) -------------------------------------- No. Points Entry 1 84 07 Muuhko Sanctum / Iris 2 77 03 The Farm SS95 Kollaps / Focus Design 3 61 04 NielsHelvegForPresident! Coma / Balance 4 42 06 Dream-Farm Bifrost / Iris 5 31 02 Lego-Lasse Gizmoduck / Depth 6 25 05 Gardinring og Termokande Folka / Depth 7 24 09 Animal Farm Mr. Yogi 8 23 01 Lasse Runover Keld Køleskab / Depth 9 10 08 Kermits Dream Toyota 10 7 10 Alternative Agricu. Dev. Swap SUPRISE MUSIC COMPETITION (16 SAMPLES) -------------------------------------- No. Points Entry 1 111 04 Tricktrax.Surprise Tricktrax 2 60 03 Unison.16smpl Unison / Impact DK 3 55 06 Moral Sex Trip / Depth 4 51 02 Smatøses Søn Cytron / Homo Sapiens Elite 5 47 05 Surprise Melomaniac / Vanity 6 37 01 Heavy Hangover Curt Cool / Depth 7 35 07 Nutcase! Fuzzy / Death Row South Sealand Party Results MUSIC COMPETITION No. Points Entry 1 56 (*) 27 Kool World NHP&Christopher / Scoopex 2 56 (*) 11 [Monoliner]-[Hard] Motion / Balance 3 52 02 Beat-Phobia P.O.W / Iris 4 43 17 Strictly Jungle Relief / The Lowlifes 5 42 10 Skubidubab Tricktrax 6 41 03 Concieved Zany / Iris 7 40 16 Resolution Melomaniac / Vanity 8 38 30 Fish-Funk Unison / Impact DK 9 35 20 Grouls Mr. Nobrain / Subacid 10 33 31 Cillum Smoke Trip / Depth 11 30 29 Viva Amiga Ramosa / Passion 12 25 13 Deppentechno Bird&Trickster / Visage 13 21 05 Multiethnic Sasquatch / Diagnosis 14 20 23 Let's Go Cytron / Homo Saphiens Elite 15 18 04 Fantasy Trance Cathater / Diagnosis 18 06 X-Panded TFT / Iris 18 09 Only Got Sinalco Cola Toyota 18 15 Trance Parent Eniac / Opaque 16 14 01 Disco Dust Maytz / Mentrax 14 08 Total Flight To Mars Zoomorph / Death Row 17 13 19 This Generation Mr. Yogi 18 12 25 Theme Of A Life'95 Curt Cool / Depth South Sealand Party Results 19 11 21 Love Drac / Iris 20 8 12 Movin' Motion Mickey / Vanity 8 18 Penalus Blues LTD. Notman / Iris 8 32 Illegal Tobacco Cyboman/Alienworkshop/Ambrosia 21 7 26 Baker-Walk Mot / Sonic Angels 7 28 No More Musikism! Fuzzy / Death Row 22 6 24 Oh Shit! Bloodshare / Bloodshare 23 4 07 Beavis&Amadeus! Amadeus 4 14 Back Rogers Kollaps / Focus Design 24 3 22 Watch Out Flower / Iris 25 0 33 Klaver Kludder Pharao *) Both "Kool World" by NHP&Christopher/Scoopex and "[Monoliner]-[Hard]" by Motion/Balance got 56 points; "Kool World" got most "1st Place Votes" and is therefore the winner of The Music Competition. South Sealand Party Results GRAPHIC COMPETITION ------------------- No. Points Entry 1 148 20 Cybolove RWO / Balance 2 110 23 Breath Taker Deckard / Subacid 3 43 03 Logo'95 The Party 4 31 02 Under Control Fiver / Artwork 5 29 18 Barbarian-32cols Dr. Zulu / Giga Prod. 6 27 09 Beyond Tactica / Vanity 7 26 22 Audiens Smirnoff / Scumms 26 26 Vargas Brunette Bird & Pris / Visage 8 24 25 Valley Connor / Balance 9 23 04 Sacrifice (Not A Copy) Lovelace 10 19 01 Syretrip Sanctum / Iris 19 10 Trolltimes Bifrost / Iris 11 17 08 Polygone Dreams Motion / Balance/Alienworkshop 17 19 Breakthrough Folcka / Depth 12 15 07 Fag.14 Chim & Gax 15 13 Hangover Coma / Balance 13 14 24 Attack Of TheMutantSpejders Kollaps / Focus Design 14 13 17 Funnything Sparc / Scumms South Sealand Party Results 15 11 11 Rappa Man XXL / Impact DK & Visage 11 15 What!? TNT / Let's Trace Prod. 16 9 16 Spirillen Cathater / Diagnosis 17 7 05 The Mask Melmoth / Scoop 18 6 12 Svendaage Mac / Death Row 19 4 06 Cyborotica Flow / Impact DK 20 2 14 InsideMyHead (Empty) Cyboman/Alienworkshop/Ambrosia 21 0 21 Goatscape Aviator / Uld-I-Mund South Sealand Party Results INTRO COMPETITION ----------------- No. Points Entry 1 270 03 Herb Polka Brothers 2 162 01 Cold Fire Impact DK 3 110 04 Fire Power Tricktrax 4 84 02 FFFF Focus Design DEMO COMPETITION ---------------- No. Points Entry 1 297 P.Y.T. Subacid 2 204 Der GrÜne Punkt Gunnars Farvebio(TM) 3 133 Amazed Vanity 4 64 Hazard Giga Productions 5 24 Headwave Mentrax This Month Scene Stuff Hi outthere ESCROM4A.DMS, ROM issue 4 It's time for some info on the scene Latest issue of this great multitasking productions released this month. mag. If you haven't allready leeched and I will hopefully return in every issue read it, then you better do it NOW! of Pacmag with this column, but don't hesitate to write me, if you would likeGetIt: 9 to take over, or help me out! SDX_AWK2.LHA I will rate the different productions on a scale from 1 to 10, 1=SHIT and A quite funny slideshow. The technique 10=Getit. used is not to high, but the motives are cool enough. So.. Here's this month stuff! GetIt: 8 -------------------------------------- UNCODED.LHA VIVAT_A.DMS, Vivat Slovakia Demo *AGA* The winner-intro from the first italien party ever. Not mush code, but some Another demo from some eastern country.nice design. Absolutely NOT worth downloading! GetIt: 7 GetIt: 1 This Month Scene Stuff INS-IMUT.LHA RKM-BART.DMS Dentro from Insane. A couple of nice A musicdisk by Bartman. It sounds pretty effects, that you might wanna check good, and the graphics are nice too. out. GetIt: 6 GetIt: 8 MD-RQM1.DMS, MD-RQM2.DMS SCX-ALIE.LHA A cool dentro from the legendary Arg.. Another musicdisk, this time from Scoopex. Absolutly worth having in your some russian group i believe. The music collection. are very OldSchool, and so is the code. Well, if you wanna see how far they have GetIt: 9 come over there then check this one out. P303SBC5.LHA GetIt: 2 A nice mag, with some extremely cool music. A lot of info on the c= matter, ETER_PSK.LHA and some partyreults. A also a nice A 64k intro with some nice musik. monoscope, which the coder seems to be pretty proud of.. GetIt: 5 GetIt: 8 SD-SOCK.LHA A totally lame production. Stay out of This Month Scene Stuff STH_PZP.LHA IC95-INT.LHA A 64k intro with a bit of code. Pretty The Icing Party Intros. Well, they are nice. worth having.. A couple of nice ones inside the archieve.. GetIt: 5 GetIt: 8 STL-HEIL.LHA A dentro from Stellar, and a very cool SIH-A40K.LHA one. Nothing much, just one totally The SIH=party intros.. Lot's of new cool gouraud-routine, and a music-piece routines, and some VERY cool and nice that fits perfectly. Reminds me of the ones among. Especially Rose is cool. the Pygmy-projects intro, that won some party a while ago.. GetIt: 10 BTW: Requires 020+ and fast ram!!! The SIH demos. A couple by Melon, and GetIt: 9 2-3 from some more or less unknown groups. Most of them are pretty nicely MTX-BD1.DMS designet, but better demos are A very funny production by Matrix.. availeble, fx the Winner-demo at SS2 Lot's of falls and things you don't from SubAcid. wanna experience.. Thsi one is a very good laugh.. GetIt: 6 GetIt: 9 Mickey - Vanity ================ CASPER ======================================= by MeloManiac == Casper - the Friendly Ghost was a popu- Casper's uncles, who are 'real' ghosts: lar cartoon haunting the tv-screens of the terrorize and irritate the people america in the sixties, and now Steven who lives in the house. Spielberg's production-company, has Casper has a hard time making contact brought out a cinema live-action with Kat at the beginning though, bec- version, called just Casper. The movie cause of transparent appearence, so it stars Christina Ricci from Addams takes a while for Kat to accept him. Family, as the girl Kat, who moves to Later in the movie, Kat has to find a the weird Whipstaff Mansion with his certain potion to bring back Casper to father who's a famous (but not very life, but that doesn't come easy - and much respected) ghost-hunter! Kat has that's all I'll say about the plot. no friends, and everybody makes a fool Because the real stars of the film are of her, because of her father's strange Industrial Light and Magic, who've profession. But the house they've moved created the first computer-character, into, gives her father a chance to that you actually end up loving! And prove his worth, as it's haunted by the team behind Roger Rabbit, has made no less than four ghosts. The most the computer-characters' interaction. important one is, of course, Casper, with the environment better than ever! who's a friendly ghost who, like Kat, The movie has the best special effects misses a friend. The three others are and the best sound, since Jurassic Park. And it's also a very funny and cute movie! 'Cute=puke' I hear you say, Rating: 3.5/5 Opens July 28. and yes, it won't fall into everybody's taste, but I certainly know, that I'll have to visit Imperial Cinema, when it opens there - it'll be thrilling! ============= SIDSTE TIME ===================================== by MeloManiac == Sidste Time (The Last Hour) is a new students are (generally) played Danish horror-movie written by Dennis very well, but the interest in 'let's Jurgensen. Some high-school students see how the next one's killed' soon are called in for a meeting at the disappears, and you start getting a school, but when they arrive, nobody's little bored. The movie is heavily there. Suddenly the doors close, and inspired by Nattevagten and Natural black curtains are rolled down, so they Born Killers, but it never gets a can't see anything out the windows. In firm grip in the audience. It's just the beginning, they think it's a joke, a too clichee'd. but when they find biology-teacher Gerluf Loevholm dead, they realize that they're trapped, and someone's out to kill them... At the same time, the crazy tv-show Rating: 2/5 host Mickey Holm who runs a show called Sidste Time, starts covering the story, The movie is playing at theaters now. as the students get killed one after another. That's the plot - just as exiting and realistic as a Friday the 13th movie. The movie does have quite a few exiting scenes, and some nice make-up effects, and the young high-school =============== HIDEAWAY ====================================== by MeloManiac == Dean R. Koontz has written the story the movie (saving his daughter etc.), for this new film, starring Jeff Gold- but that's OK. The movie is quite blum (The Fly, Jurassic Park), as exhilerating at times, but then it all Hatch, who dies early in the picture gets burried in loads of satanic, in a car-accident. And that's it? No! psychic and spiritual nonsence. And it Because a doctor at the hospital he's gets even worse towards the end of the brought to, brings him back to life movie, where the ugly and untasteful after beeing dead for about 2 hours. computer-graphic gets on the loose, However, his short trip to the dead has with visions of Hatch's and Lindsey's affected him quite drastically, so he dead daughter, a battle between good has a lot of dreams and nightmares. and evil light and that sort of stuff! He dreams about a certain young man, Jeff Goldblum plays his role all right, Vassago, that kills young women, and and Jeremy Sisto as Vassago is wonder- uses them in a sort of sculpture! But ful, but Christine Lahti is dreadful as is it a dream, or is it for real? When Hatch's wife Lindsey, and does what she Vassago decides to make Hatch's daughtercan to make the audience feel distanced Regina his next victim, he finds out to the movie. All in all, a pretty that it is REALLY for real! He also weird, sometimes good, but mostly bad discovers that he can force himself movie. to get in 'visionary contact' with Vassago (seeing what he sees) by making Rating: 2/5 himself suffer through pain! It's not hard to imagine the ending of Opens July 14. Maniac KC -------------------------------------- 3. If you really choose to dl the MANIAC K(RA)C(Y) game, it's gonna cost you almost as --------------------- The Freak ------ much as the original. Ok, you could get it from a bbs with a sysop who Ok, just WHAT the fuck is this world could copy it to floppy and sent it to coming to. It's crazy enough that you. But just how many bbs' got it? CD-Rips the size of mount everest is released on PC, but somehow you don't 4. The game is OLD! WHy release it notice it as much since everything on now? I mean, anyone could release PC fills a lot. But releasing a 200MB Beneath A Steel Sky CD32 so there you CD-rip for Amiga? Hrmp... that's going have it, all you release-hungry a bit too far. Why? Well look at this: groups. A nice tip for a release. Nono, really, don't release that kind 1. The game doesn't work on '040 which of stuff! rules out all A4000/040s. Anyway, I don't have anything against 2. It's on HD-floppies - meaning that Maniac KC personally, but Maniac, when it will only unpack on a A4000. That you think about it, wasn't it a bit leaves only the A4000/030 and who stupid? How about the rest of Access? really WANTS to spend that much time unpacking and that much space on their HD? Maniac KC 3. If you really choose to dl the When I first saw this I was going to game, it's gonna cost you almost as make a top-five lamer list with Maniac much as the original. Ok, you could and Access taking all places, but get it from a bbs with a sysop who since when I've calmed down. could copy it to floppy and sent it to you. But just how many bbs' got it? And before any of the blamed people start moaning, take into consideration 4. The game is OLD! WHy release it that EVERYONE else I asked thought the now? I mean, anyone could release release was 'Lame', 'Crazy', or even Beneath A Steel Sky CD32 so there you 'Laughable'. So I'm not the only one. have it, all you release-hungry groups. A nice tip for a release. What this all boils down to is this Nono, really, don't release that kind little prayer: of stuff! DON'T DO THAT F*CKING SHIT AGAIN Anyway, I don't have anything against PLEASE! Maniac KC personally, but Maniac, when you think about it, wasn't it a bit PS.: I'll give Maniac one credit - He stupid? How about the rest of Access? did one HELL of a wild trading work. He deserves a pat on the shoulder for I don't want to start a war, but that (but why was he alone in trading christ, there has to be limits! This it, poor guy!). time the limit was stretched beyond its breaking point. The Party -------------------------------------- much everyone else (that was the SOUTH SEALAND 95! feeling I got). Easy (the leader of ----------------------- The Freak ---- Focus Design) was quite happy with how the party went. There were no serious Yes, once again there has been a South trouble, lot's of fun, the Sealand party. And like last year, compo-prices were higher than expected the arrangers were the well-known (at so all in all everything was kinda ok. in DK!) demo group Focus Design. Easy's only complaint was the lack of Iselinge school roomed the party demos (and the quality). Although ravers, although it wasn't excactly a there were some really nice demos, the rave. I mean, we were only about 250 general quality would have rised much people but that didn't really make the if Scoopex had chosen not to postpone party any worse. Like the arrangers the release of their demo. say, you can only experience the true South Sealand party feeling by being But I didn't care too much, I had a there. And boy were they right or good time checking out the Cybervision what? GFX card and the Cyberstorm '060. Oh and there were LOTS of people who were There was, indeed, a very nice much into the new amazing MAC-emulator atmosphere. It seemed that everyone ShapeShifter which ran pretty ok on was satisfied with the party even the Cybervision. Of course I (amongst though one could have asked for a bit more attendants. But never mind that, I enjoyed the party, and so did pretty The Party many others) also used the opportunity Raist, Playmate, etc. (thanks for to swap (read: leech) some stuff with teaming up against me in ROTT! I'm some of the other guys there, so sure you didn't mean to, hehe!) everything was like a party should be. Melomaniac (how about that Mission So for those of you who weren't there: Impossible theme?) SHAME ON YOU, this party was GREAT. Easy (thanks for letting me have all Ok, that's all from me this time, I'll the demos - and for telling everyone! end by sending some party hello's to: I copied something like 100 disks! Eek! :-) Morph (hope the SNES came in handy, I'll try checking out some tools for Relief (damn I didn't get your mods. PC - btw thanx for lending me the But hey, I'll check out Burger King CDs). the next time I'm in vicinity!) -the rest of the Party people (thanks Gilthanas (thanks for letting me use for creating that special atmosphere your computer). which can't be beaten :-) Playmate (thanks for being so crap at MK2, I'm the champ and you know it. Oh and thanks for the leech :-) The Demos -------------------------------------- ???? (from Giga Productions) SS95 - THE DEMOS ----------------------- The Freak ---- Okok, I forgot the name and don't wanna dig out the demo now so forgive Well I don't know WHY I am reviewing me this time, ok? Anyway this demo the demos since I'm not the most was...well it was ok but nothing to qualified for the job. Anyway, here shout about. Some ok music and gfx, is a short rundown on all the demos: but the routines were boring. So if you are a demo freak you probably want this no matter what I say. The rest HEADWAVE (from Mentax) This was the first demo showed, but Mark: 4 out of 10 NOT number one in any other way. Well it was the saddest attempt so you might call it piece de la crappo supreme numero uno. It was just a picture of a head 'waving'. Drab. Boring. Mark: 1 out of 10 The Demos PYT (from Subacid) Die Grune Punkt (from GFB) Well this one was of much higher This has to be one of the funniest quality. Really nice raytraced anim demos yet. By far the best one from at the beginning (though a bit wee in Gunnars Farvebio. Pity it's for danes originality, standard only or at least you have to fly-through-landscape made with understand danish to get the most out Lightwave and with lots of lensflares, of it. Some of the demo's highlights giving it that distinct LW look. were the doompart and the awesome Nice, but could have been better. drilling sound. Oh and there was this really amusing (and well done) C64 The music was cool, and there was lots emulation in between. Excellent fun of (great) gfx. And there was and a demo you really need to have (as actually some rather good routines, a dane :-) like the water ripple routine and all routines were executed really well. Mark: 7 out of 10 The demo DID also win the compo, and it WAS a deserved first place. Grab it. Mark: 8 out of 10 The Demos Amazed (from Vanity) Oh dear, this is our own contribution to the demoparty. I shouldn't really comment this. Well it's a quite ok demo, there's a nice intro and the @Oo. _____ _____ _____ ____.oO@ music is by Motion/BLC, meaning that O / ___/_ / ___/__ / _ \/ __/ O it kicks ass. A bit. Ok, more than a O _\_____ Y\_____ : / / ./__ \hEO bit. But unfortunately we had o |/X\@! o o/ / // / ./bYo problems making it work on an A1200 o | O O\___ / / //foc: without fastram, so in the end it :..| ..ooOO@ ..ooOO@ /___/\_____/us D. didn't run so well and we only came in third. Too bad, but at least we won SOMETHING. But look out for a fixed/updated version around. Bound to be better. Mark: 6 out of 10