SWISS MODEM CHART 002 - MARCH 1994« __________________________________ F-1 Editorial F-2 Rules F-3 List of participants F-4 Top Uploaders F-5 Top Uploaders of the month F-6 Interview with Slaver of Scoopex F-7 News of the month F-8 BBS List F-9 BBS Advertisments F-10 Credits ESC Exit to DOS HELP For the menu Use the cursor keys to flip the pages »EDITORIAL« Welcome to the March 1994 issue of the Swiss Modem Chart !!! As you can see, the chart will be released every 2 months. Perhaps you will notice some weird changes in the charts. The reason are: 1. Some traders have rearched the 15th position. 2. Some new boards have joined the chart. 3. Some traders have made cooperation. So if you see some mistakes in the chart, please apologize and inform me in order to make the modifications. I hope you will enjoy this new issue. Hardrider/TRZ » RULES OF THE SWISS CHART« Every sysop who will take part to the Swiss Modem Charts has to upload his 15 Top Uloaders, in any format, in the Swiss Modem Chart conference on The Electric Co. The Electric Co: ++41 (0)21 636 4343 (3 nodes Ringdown) If you want, you can also upload an advert for your board and some informations about the Swiss Scene. If you have any question, just leave a mail to Hardrider. » LIST OF PARTICIPANTS« Sysops BBS Crews Eurex Civil War Medellin Hardrider The Electric Co TRSI & Zenith Inspector Terrordome Classic Ironcode Castle Rock Hoodlum MDJ Flying Spirits TRSI & Zenith Rash Dark Tower Partek Slain Hallowed Point Fairlight/Anthrox Slaughter Transilvania Extreme Slaver Black Roses Scoopex » TOP UPLOADERS IN SWITZERLAND« » 1. ANOME & MARK TRSI & Zenith + 1« 2. FURY TRSI & Zenith 720.110.118 + 39 3. KAMENSKI Crystal 712.064.651 - 2 4. ROGER RABBIT Paradox & TRSI 570.742.660 + 4 5. ALADIN TMS 565.911.407 6. AXL Independent 540.539.821 + 1 7. MASTER FREEZ Scoopex 536.977.350 - 3 8. HARDRIDER TRSI & Zenith 529.099.719 - 2 9. SABBER Fairlight 519.712.336 - 6 10. BANANAJOE Scoopex 427.697.463 11. FLOYD Fairlight 420.819.634 - 2 12. MANUEL Independent 404.158.180 + 6 @ 13. OZONE-ROB Classic 377.692.694 + 25 14. LUKE & CHUCK Fairlight 368.973.561 + 45 15. DiGITAL EXPRESSION Independent 357.464.171 - 3 16. STYLE Prodigy 338.053.445 - 5 17. GRECK Medellin 314.879.253 + 5 18. POISON Classic 312.041.150 + 37 19. REMOTE Independent 298.369.830 - 6 20. MDJ TRSI & Zenith 296.761.365 - 6 21. FAZ! & TERMI Independent 285.428.457 - 6 22. SLASH & INSPECTOR Classic 265.141.567 - 6 23. METAZONE Independent 264.404.892 + 20 24. IRONCODE-AIRFORCE Hoodlum 256.417.248 JOIN 25. D^SPAIR! Mystic 225.094.734 NEW! 26. RASH Partek 217.842.950 - 6 27. THE INVISIBLE Double Density Crew 212.973.462 - 8 28. HIGH&HAWK Medellin 194.448.480 + 19 29. DISASTER Independent 174.540.829 - 8 30. joKer Classic 160.650.965 - 6 @ 31. BLADE & iCE TEA Classic 155.155.363 JOIN 32. ANTIFAST TRSI & Zenith 154.688.121 - 5 33. SNIKEI Independent 147.740.000 34. STEVE/D&R Independent 134.900.930 + 24 35. SHAG Independent 129.122.345 + 11 36. EXODUS Independent 126.068.898 NEW! 37. KITARO Fairlight 124.215.518 - 11 38. DANIEL Avenger 121.411.119 - 13 39. SLEDGE TRSI & Zenith 114.988.296 NEW! 40. BATHORY Delirium 110.486.783 - 12 41. ROPPE Independent 108.167.672 - 12 42. HURRICANE Independent 98.647.848 NEW! 43. CORONER Independent 86.332.582 - 7 44. SABINE Alpha Flight 84.998.476 - 9 45. PRINCIP Independent 83.576.974 NEW! 46. LIGHTSTORM Independent 80.888.687 - 9 47. RHYS Extreme 77.737.026 - 10 48. Elvin Independent 75.876.581 @ 49. TREMORS Independent 73.004.042 + 18 50. RISK Mystic 72.220.533 + 13 51. JABO Independent 71.778.052 + 18 52. NOP Independent 70.448.697 NEW! 53. DR.AVALANCHE Independent 70.001.513 NEW! 54. ANDY Spreadpoint 66.426.598 - 12 55. POPEYE Independent 66.127.249 - 4 56. VENGER Independent 65.721.284 NEW! 57. FIREHAWK Independent 64.641.159 - 13 58. DEVIL Addonic 64.243.254 - 13 59. VIRANIA Independent 56.376.031 NEW! 60. TRZ Independent 54.341.101 - 10 61. Q Decade 52.399.207 - 7 62. SAMIR TRSI & Zenith 47.880.634 - 2 63. Gizmo Independent 47.222.119 - 9 64. PRiZM Independent 39.240.632 NEW! 65. AL CAPONE Independent 22.774.884 NEW! 66. -N-R-G- Partek 19.886.314 + 5 @ 67. ILLUSION Medellin 15.012.278 NEW! 68. SLAVER Scoopex 14.834.171 - 19 69. AL BUNDY Independent 11.560.420 NEW! 70. KAPTAIN KAOS Independent 10.719.988 NEW! 71. THK Independent 9.291.601 + 2 72. PRISONER Independent 7.076.125 73. VENTILATOR Independent 5.511.174 + 1 » TOP 15 UPLOADERS OF THE MONTH « » 1. FURY TRSI & Zenith 595.708.845« 2. LUKE & CHUCK Independent 324.341.373 3. OZONE-ROB Classic 302.856.108 4. MANUEL Independent 195.930.679 5. D^SPAIR! Mystic 162.204.878 6. GRECK Medellin 151.186.825 7. POISON Classic 146.026.998 8. HIGH&HAWK Medellin 133.610.912 9. AXL Independent 100.355.580 10. STEVE/D&R Independent 89.436.020 11. HARDRIDER TRSI & Zenith 88.557.576 12. PRINCIP Independent 83.576.974 13. SLEDGE TRSI & Zenith 79.744.375 14. DR.AVALANCHE Independent 70.001.513 15. ALADIN TMS 65.414.293 » INTERVIEW OF THE MONTH« Interview of SLAVER, sysop of Black Roses. H: Well, sLA\/ER/sCX, try to present yourself... S: Hoo... Oki m8!, i'M sLA\/ER, sYSOP oF tHE "fAMOUS" bLACK rOSES bBS, lOCATED iN tHE mIDDLE oF sWITZERLAND (kT.Luzern) mHHH oN tHE 25.01.94 wAS mY 20th bIRTHDAY (yOUNG!?), aND mY hOBBIES aRE: cOMPUTERS :), mUSIK, hAVE fUN wITH fRIENDES, dRINKING eRDINGER (bEST bEER!) bLA, bLA, bLA H: As what do you work? S: mHHH wELL i'M a "bANKER", aT tHE mOMENT iN tHE "iNFORMAIK" dEPARTMENT (pC sUXX!!!, hAhA)... @ H: Which music do you prefer? S: mHHH wELL, wHEN i'M sITTING iN fRONT oF mY a4000, tHEN i'M lISTENING aND wATCHING tO mTV (hI bEAVIS & bUTTHEAD yA aRE mY gOD'S, hAhA), mHH iN mY "fREETIME" I pREFER bANDS lIKE bRYAN aDAMS, u2, pHIL cOLLINS, eRIC cLAPTON, aCE oF bASE... bUT iN tHE dISCO i lIKE aLSO tEKKNO (a bIT!!) oR oTHER dANCE mUSIK... H: What was your first computer? S: mY fIRST cOMPUTER wAS tHE fAMOUS cOMMODORE 64 (wITH cASSETTETAPE) hAhA, tHAT wAS a cOOL tIME, wITHOUT bUSINESS fOR mE!! aRGL! hAhA H: How did you entered the modem-scene? S: mHHHH iT wAS iN tHE yEAR oF 1991, i bOUGHT aN oLD uSR 9600 wITHOUT v42 bIS!!, i cALLED iN tHIS tIME oNLY lOCAL bOARDS!! hAhA aND iN tHose dAYS i cHECKED aND pLAYED tHE gAMES!! hAhA... @ H: Which were your groups before the modemscene? S: wELL bEFORE i hAVE eNTERED i wASNT iN aNY gROUP, i sOLD a bIT sOFTWARE bUT nOT oRGANIZED! H: Which were your groups in the modemscene? S: hAhAhA.. tHE fIRST gROUP wAS "zEUS", iT wAS rEALLY lAME bUT eVERYONE mUST sTART hIS carrere, aFTER 2 mONTH oR sO I lEft tHEM, aFTER aNOTHER 2 - 3 mONTH i jOINED "aLPHA fLIGHT", i wAS aBOUT 1 yEAR iNTO aFL, iN tHE lAST 3 mONTH i wAS cO-LEADER oF aFL, aFTER sTRANGE pROBS i lEft tHEM aND jOINED "sCOOPEX", aND nOW i'M sTILL a sCOOPEX mEMBA! @ H: Now some other stuff, how do you find the Swiss scene? S: wELL...mHHHH iT iS'NT tHE bEST aND nOT tHE lAMEST sCENE, tHE bOARDS iN sWISS aRE oK (i tHINK), bUT wE aRE tOo lITTLE tO hAVE a lOT oF tRADERS (gOOD oNES) aND iF tHERE aRE sOME, mOST oF tHEM cALL oNLY oUTSIDE sWIZERLAND (bUT tHIS iS nESSESARY! i dO iT tO 90% aLSO..) mOST oF tHE "oLD sCENE" aRE nOW oUT aND lESS nEW oNES eNTERED... bUT wHO cAREZ!? H: Do you have sum idea to improve it? S: mHHHHHH hARD qUESTION...wELL, i tRY tO dO sOMTHING fOR mY bBS hAhA, bUT nOT esPECIalLY fOR tHE sWISS sCENE... (lAME, eH!?) @ H: What about frienship in the modemscene? S: sURE fOR mE!!! i'vE a lOT oF fUN wITH mOST oF tHE dUDEZ.... bUT wE cAN sEE eVERYONE wILL bE fAASTER, cOOLER oR sO...sO wE cAN sEE mORE bUSINESS aND lESS fRIENDSHIP iN tHE sCENE aND tHIS sUXX!!!! H: What is your opinion about the different categories of users ? S: lOCAL lAMERS!: bURN!!!! lOCAL fRIENDS: cOOL, sO iF i sEARCH aNY aMIGA oR sNES gAMES i cAN gO tO mASTER fREEZ aND dO a cOPY, hAhA fOREIGNERS: cOOl tO cHAT wITH tHEM aND tO lEARN aBOUT tHE lIVES iN tHEir cOUNTRIES tHATS cOOL... fAAST dUDEZ : ++41 41 22 79 31 yA aRE iNViTED!!! hAhAhA @ H: Give us a description of your board. S: nAME : bLACK rOSES gROUPS : aMIGA : sCOOPEX aMIGA dIST: tRSI sNES & mD : sCOOPEX nODEZ : fUCKING 1, bUT tHIS oNE iS fAST...i'M sTILL w8TING fOR mY fUCKING sECOND nODEZ!!!!!! aRGL, aRGL cONFS : aMIGA, sNES, mEGADRIVE, mUSIK aND aSCIIS uLD mEGZ : 2470 mEGZ 37614 fILES dLD mEGZ : 2895 mEGZ 8752 fILES uSERS : 151 (fUCKING mUTCH aRE fOREIGNERS!) nUMBA : ++ 41 41 22 79 31 nUP! : aSK aNY sWISS eLITE dUDEZ oR mE oR gOD... mHHH wELL tHE bLACK rOSES iS oNE oF tHE oLDEST eLITE bBS iN sWISS! i'M aFTER sTE\/E tHE sECOND sYSOP oF tHIS bABY! tHE uSERS aND tHE @ sYSOP aRE vERY cOOL :) (hEhEhE) tHE sPEED iS rEALLY gOOD fOR oNE nODEZ, mANY 2 nODEZ bBS's aRE lAMER! oN bLACK rOSES fRIENDSHIP rULES! wELL i tHINKE eVERYONE mUST hAVE a aCCOUNT oN tHIS bBS :) H: And a word about the cosysops ? S: mASTER fREEZ: (sNES, mEGADRIVE (aMIGA!?)) hE iS tOP uPLOADER aND hE wAS iN tHE bEGINNING oF tHE bLACKY aLSO cALLING...hE lIVES iN tHE sAME tOWN lIKE mE, sO iF i hAVE a hOLIDAY aND tHE bBS cRASHES hE cOMES tO mY hOME aND cHECK tHE pROBLEM...hE iS rEALLY cOOL! tHX fRIEND!! diGIT/\L eXPRESSION: (aMIGA, sNES) aLSO a lEGEND iN tHE sWISS sCENE...i hOPE hE wILL bE a bIT aCTIVE iN tHE fUTERE! hAhA /\/\etaZone: (sNES) aRE yA dEATH oR sO!? iF yA cAN rEAD tHIS pLEASE cALL me! hE aRE a fAST sNES tRADER iF hE wHANT! @ lANCE: (aMIGA) mY bROTHER iN bUSINESS! mHH i hOPE aLSO tHAT yA aRE a bIT aCTIV iN tHE fUTURE!! fURY: (aMIGA) cOOL dUDEZ aND nOW aFTER hIS "mATURA" i tHINK wE wILL sEE hIM mORE oN tHE bOARDS, hAhAhA (mOVIE rULEZ!) pRINCIP/cSL: a nEW fORCE fOR tHE fUTURE i tHINKE! wE wILL sEE! p.S i`M sTILL sEARCHING cOOL & fAAST dUDEZ!! H: How do you find the games released last time? S: mHHH wELL iF i gAMES sOMTHING tHEN oNLY oN sNES! sO mHHH nBA jAM iS cOOL!!!! mHHH oN aMIGA iS mOST oF tHE mAJORS cRAP aT tHE mOMENT! i hOPE iT gOES bETTER... @ H: And u have a lot of place here to tell what u want: S: tHANX m8!! i wILL sEND tHX aND gREETS tO mY cOSYSOPS aND tO aLL oF mY uSERS!!! tHX aND cALL aGAIN gREETS mUST fLY tO: (iN nO oRDER!) mASTER fREZZ/sCX, fURY, bASSMATIC, lANCE, /\/\etazone/tRSI, iRONCODE/pDY, nECRONOM/sCX, sLAIN/aTX^fLT, iNSPECTOR/cLS, bANANAJOE/sCX, xTC/sCX, tRADE/sCX, mIKE hAMMER/sCX, dEXTOR/sCX, cRAYOR/sCX, rONNY/cOMPANY, sTE\/E/d&R, rHYS/eXT, fAZWONGA/fLT, rOGER rABBIT/pDX^tRSI, mDJ/tRSI, rASH, sABINE/aFL, sULTAN, uLTRA, diGIT/\L eXPRESSION, hUMANOiD, sHAG/tRSI, dEEJAY mIX, lACOSTE!, sAL-oNE/tRSI, tHC/lEGEND, sAITO/tRSI, mCLOUD/tRSI, x-tREME/tRSI, rA/\/DY, eXHORDER/sUPPLEX, jIVE/tRSI, dR.G/4wD, vIRANIA, fIREFOX, gANDALF/fTH, oZONE^rOB, g.E.M., rUNT&sCOTTIE, wAREDUKE, mAVERICK, hIFI/aFL, lUKE & cHUCK/fLT, eDO/d&R, rEMOTE, tREMORS/2KAD, dEXON/sCX, rAVAGER/sCX... @ ...iF i fORGOT oNE: sORRRRRRYYYYY!!! :) sCOOPEX rULEZ aND gREETS tO aLL mEMBAS! oKI tHEN sEE yA l8EROS dUDEZ aND dON`T fORGET tO cALL tHE bLACK rOSES, ++41 41 22 79 31... p.S. dON'T tAKE tHE sCENE tO sERIOUS!!! gO oUT aND hAVE fUN bUT bEFORE yA gO oUT cALL mY fUCKING bBS!! hAhAhA... H: Thanx to answer to this interview !! Hardrider/TRZ S: nO pROB aND gOOD lUCK fOR tHE mODEM cHARTS! sLA\/ER/sCOOPEX » NEWS OF THE MONTH« DOUBLE DENSITY CREW is back again in the swiss scene... -------------------------------------------------------------- A.T.L. has closed on 1.4.1994! -------------------------------------------------------------- The real DARK TOWER BBS has closed on 1.4.1994! All accounts have been transfered to T.E.C. on 5.4.1994! T.E.C. will now support the PARTEK CH-HQ (soundconf)! -------------------------------------------------------------- BRAINDEAD has gone ONLINE, 3 nodes (some ISDN), sysop: STYLE! -------------------------------------------------------------- TRELLI IKOJENIA has gone ONLINE, sysop: SNIKEI (also ISDN)! -------------------------------------------------------------- TREMORS will soon (if he gets the PTT-phone-conect) open a new XXX-rated mailbox with elite-conf, all running on AmiExpress! -------------------------------------------------------------- @ WILD (ex-Justice) will also soon open a new bbs called: FANTA BBS. The board is allready online but only for friends! He's right now making the last installations... -------------------------------------------------------------- DODGER will open in the next months a bbs near BIEL where he and some friends will have installed some kind of XXX-rated- files-net! So this would be the first porno-net in switzerland with some gigas hot pix! -------------------------------------------------------------- There will soon come a new PARTEK-release called: MIND DISTURBTION! (Some kind of sound-demo! Sounds+gfx done by SWISS-dudes!) -------------------------------------------------------------- PARADOX (not the group, the dude from Luzern) renamed to DECYBEL and released now around 2 sounds! Seems to be a great sounder! -------------------------------------------------------------- @ DONALDINI has renamed to -N-R-G-! Some are wondering why he's no more active the last time! I tell you: his machine fucked up and he has some girl-storys at the moment! Hehe.. but he'll soon be back! -------------------------------------------------------------- BISHOP will also soon rename himself. -------------------------------------------------------------- Somebody told of a mega-meeting in BERN where amiga+pc+c=64 users will have a party. Seems that this will be this year! So watch out for maybe the biggest-computer-szene (...) party in switzerland! -------------------------------------------------------------- all news from RASH/PARTEK -------------------------------------------------------------- Upload your text files on The Electric Co »SWISS BBS LIST« BBS NAME: SYSOP: NUMBER: NODE: GROUP: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Black Roses Slaver +41-41-22-7931 1 Scoopex Castle Rock Ironcode +41-31-8792167 3 Hoodlum Civil War Eurex'n Highlander +41-27-22-7472 1 Medellin Dark Tower Rash +41-34-23-3887 1 Partek Flying Spirits MDJ +41-21-7282524 1 TRSI & ZNT Hallowed Point Slain +41- 1-7861121 2 FLT & ATX @ »SWISS BBS LIST« BBS NAME: SYSOP: NUMBER: NODE: GROUP: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Terrordome Inspector +41- 1-8654836 2 Classic +41- 1-8654808 The Electric Co Hardrider +41-21-6364343 3 TRSI & ZNT Transilvania Slaughter +41-53-24-6782 1 Extreme _____________/\____________________________ ____________________ \ __ ____/ \_ ___ \ __ \/ __ \ \/ | \ / /__________/ /_____/ / ___________/ / | \/ __/___/ _// __/ / / __/ | \ / / \ \/ \ \ / / \ \ |_____/________/\____/\ \____/\ \_______ /\____/\ \ the nightrain \___/ \___/ \/ [SP]\___/ ___________ ____________/\__/\____/\_________ Master : INSPECTOR \ \/ / \/ \ / \_ / \______ \ ______/ \/ /_____/ CoMasters: ICE TEA | |/ / / / \ \ __/___ KAMENSKI | / / / / /\/\ \ / / SLEDGE/CLS |____\ /_______ /\ / \ /______/ SLASH \_/ \/ \_/ \_/ CLASSIC AMIGA SWISS HEADQUARTER +41(0)1 865 48 36 - Nd 1 CLASSIC CONSOLE EURO HEADQUARTER +41(0)1 865 48 08 - Nd 2 Latest Amiga & Console stuff ! Ask for the NUP ! @ _______ __________ _______ _____________ ________ / __/_\_____ \/ __/ /\/ ______/ /____/ ___/ / / / _ /\___ \/ / / / __/____ /\/__ _ \________/____/ /_________/____/ \________/\___________/ \___/ ________ ________ _______ __________ / _ \/ _ \/ __/__/ / / __/\__ \ / _/ _/ / / / _ _/ \ __ / _ __\/\____\ \_________/\________/____/ / /_ _\ \____\RasTan \___/ \/ hOODLUM cHHQ - KiNGDOM eHQ fAAAST aMiGA, sNES & sEGA - 52oMEGz - /X3.35 - 3 nODES! - nUP rEQ! [RiNGdOWN-nODE0:] +41-31-879-2167 [21K6 tERBO] [---------nODE1:] +41-31-879-2168 [21K6 tERBO] [---------nODE2:] +41-31-PRi-VATE [16K8 DUAL!] [->ISDN!<-nODE3:] +41-31-872-SOON [iSDNmASTER] @ _______________ ___ ____ ____ ______ T_ ___T _T\ \/ /__T _\ T |/ ___T_ sYSOp: | __)| T _\_ _// T| \\| | T__/T mDJ/TRSi | | | |/ |T TT || \ | / | cOsysOPs: l__! l___!__!l__!l__!l__!\____!\______! MCloUD/TRSi ________________ ______ __ __________________ hARDRiDER T ___TT __ \'__T __ \ !'__T___ ___TT ___T l___ \_| / // T| / / _/ T T T l___ \_ | T| __/T || _ \ T | | | | T l______!l__T l__!l__T\__\l__! l__! l____ _! tRY_yOUR_dREAM Y ..nOW!! [ TRZ ] CHhQ +41-21-728-2524 : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1'200Mb oNLiNE, /X 3.xR, lATEST sTUFF! @ sCOOPEX sWISS hQ & tRSI dIST. sIDE /\ _________________. __________ __________________ / \__ \_______ \__ | \__ . \\__ . /__ / / / \_ _/ |_____/ __! \/ |___/\/ _/ __/ / _/ \ ! \ \__ \ ! \ \ \ \___________/__________/____!_____/__________/____\ \_ \______/ ____________________ __________________________________ {______ \__ . \\__ ____ /_ ______/__ ____ / / _/ _/ | \/\____ \/\/ __|__/\/\____ \/\ / \ \ ! \ Y \ Y \ Y \ \_____\ \_________/__________/__________/__________/ \______/sct gODFATHER: sLA\/ER/sCX <-- --- - -- --- --- --> gANGSTERS: mASTER fREEZ/sCX fURY/tRZ pRINCIP/cLS dIGITAL eXPRESSION <------ ----- ---- --- -- - -- --- ---- --- - ---- --- -- - -- -----> nODE 1: ++41-41-227-931 cALL tHIZ nODE 2: fUCKING sOON @ __/\__ /\_ /\__ __/\_____ __/\ _ __/\ >-----------\_ _ \/__ \ / __ )\___ ___// __/ / | /----------< / __/ \_ \/ _/ \ / \ / __>_/_ | < >-------/ \ | \ | \/ \ V _/ _ \-------< / \ | \ | \ \ \ | \ >--!\____ /__|_ /_|_ /___ /____ /_|_ /!--< !!!!!!\__/!!!!\__/AxE\__/!!!\__/!!!!\__/!!!\__/!!! <\> DARK TOWER (switzerland-section!) -=> ++41-(0)34-233-887 <=- PARTEK WHQ (switzerland) Sysop: xxX[ RASH/PTK ]Xxx Sysopname: RASH/PARTEK Special: NO GAMES+TOOLS here! Contents: FASTEST SOUNDBBS IN CH! Modem: US Robotics 14400 with ASL XXX-RATED+AMIGA-DEMOS BBS: Amiexpress /X V3.60 >>>[ ONE OF SWITZERLANDS BEST SOUNDMODULE-CENTRES! ]<<< -=>>[ PARTEK, when TEKKNO is NOT enough!! ]<<=- @ - We are your Past, your Present and your Future! - ___________ _____ _______ ___________ ________ _________\____ /____________/__ / \ /____/ \ X / / \ / / ____/ ___/ / / _ / \\ /_\__ /_/__ \ / / __/__ / // / / / \ / / / / \\ /\ /\ / / / / /____/ /_________\__ /\__ /_______/\ /\__/ \__ /________\ /______\ /\/____/ /____/ ______ \/ /____/ ______________ / \______________\ / \ \ \/ \ _ / // * F.A.I.R.L.I.G.H.T Amiga HQ * / / \\ / / / \/ * A.N.T.H.R.O.X European HQ * // ___/ \ / / / \ * 2 Fuckin' Nodes Ringdown ! * /______|\_________/\/___/ /_________/ - -- - -- ----/______\-rS!- The One'n'Only fast Swiss System ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Supporting: AMiGA - iBM - SuPeR NES - MeGaDRiVe - ANSi - PHReaK DIALUP: 41-1-786-1121/16.8/DUAL --- 41-1-786-2242/16.8/DUAL Management: Slain - Enforcer - Roger Rabit - Sabber - DEX! - TCM&Joker @ -=========================- MeÐe££íN EµRø Hq -==========================- _______________/\_/\__ ____ _/\__ _/\__ _._______________._ \\ /// \\ \ / /// /// / | ___| // /\______/// /\\ \ / /// /// / .| SySopS: \ : // / ______ // _/ \\_ \/ _/// _/// _/ || \/| /¯ \/ ///¯ // \/ ///¯ ///¯ _/ _______ EureX N' HighLandeR / / /// // \ /// /// / \/ // || / Cosy's \ | \________// \__// \__// \__// \_/ _______// :|MaNueL - GrecK | \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ AgressøR - /\/\eTaZoNe _/\__ ____ _/\__ ____/\ _/\_______ Kap. KaoS -[High&Hawk]- \\ \ / /// /// \ // / \ |___ || \\ \ / /// /// \ // __ \ / : / Running: |: \\_ \/ /// _/// /\ /\ /¯ _ \/ / |\/ |· \/ /¯¯¯ ///¯ ____/ ¯\\/ //\\____/ /X 3.xx - USR DS 16.8k \ /_ /// / ______ \\ // \ \\ A 2000 - 030 - 25 Mhz \__// \__// \_/ / \__//_// \__// | 240 Mb Hd | \/ \/ \/ \/¯\/ \/ _|_______________|_ -======================-... +41 (0)27 227 472 ...-======================- @ + T R A N S I L V A N I A + _____/\__________/\____/\________________ ______/\____/\_______/\____ \____\/\_________\/\___\/\___\_____\__\__\_/\__\__\/\___\/\___\__\/\___\ _\___/o________ /___ /__ _ / ___/__/ /_\/ / ./___ /__ _ /__/___ /_ .::/ // // / _/ / / //\__ \/ / / / / // / / // / /::. \/__/ \/__/ /__/__/__/ /_____/__/_____/\____/__/__/__/ /__/__/__/__. \/___ / \/___ / \/___ /Sk!n ExTReMe EHQ / TRSI CONSOLE CHHQ / 2000AD DS -=- AMIGA/SNES/PORNO/MUSIC/MSG CONFERENCES -=- -68o3o & 16'8 DS / 1.2 GB WaReZ Online- THE STAFF:SLAUGHTER/2KAD&TRSI / MARK/TRZ / RISK/MST ROGER RABBIT/PDX / METAZONE @ ____________________ ___________ \_______ / | \/ _____/ : \/\ \ ___>___ | \ : \ : / |____ /____|___ /_______ / -e-\/ \/ \/ ______________. ____________________________________________________ / _____/ : / _____/ _______ /_____ \___ / ______/ / ___>|__ |__/___ ___>/__ |__:__ \/\ __/ \/\ |______ \ : / : / : / : / \ : \ \ : / \_______ /_______ /______ /_______ /__ /___|___ /____ /______ / \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ ___________________ ZeNiTH / ____________ \ +41 (0)21 636 43 43 / |____/_ | \ euRoPeaN HeaDQuaRTeR \ : / : \ 3 NoDeS RiNGDoWN \_______ /\________ / \/ \/ wHY tO tELL mORE ?? jUST cALL & sEE !! » CREDITS« The January issue of the S.M.C. was done by: Code : Dr Jones & Stef Music : Unknown! GFX : Peace Statistics : Hardrider $$5FWhyŠ › ¬ ½ ¾ ¿ ¿DIJ$$VER: SwissModemChart 5.0 10.02.94 ***