" a Very Long Precalc " by Contraz code: Accede/Contraz & Dah Beep music: Whiskas/Donut Fetish (I think the player play the module wrong) 256*256 textures that are scaled down to 32*32 8bit, then converted to 24bit and truecolor-scaled up to 256*256 and converted to 8bit: Cheetah/ephidrena objects: Thumbz/Dah Beep Contraz C2P-OS by: Skjeggspir, Brekke, Nightraver etc. 15bit truecolor (Ham7) 1x1 - "The DMA-trick" is not used. Everything with texture mapping + gouraud shade, with 16:16 precission. Realeased at probably worst party ever arranged; TG (98)