3d_math.zip 11835 **+ 3d math by Lithium of VLA : Explanations of some | 3d math concepts - I remember not getting the | 3d rotations working correctly when I first | started programming, but I'm not sure if that's | my fault or the fault of the doc. Most of the | docs are some simple linear algebra. They | spell out the equations in the end for those | who can't completely understand them. Text 3dbasics.zip 2745 * 3d basics by Synergist : Some basic 3d | documentation - I'd never want to tell someone | that this doc is a good place to start. The | person writing this has no concept of | structures, which severely ease the programming | of complex things such as 3d systems. Text 3dica221.zip 422704 ****+ 3D Coding tutorial by Ica of Hubris : This | tutorial is very easy to understand and | describes everything you need to know like the | mathematical basics, the different kind of | polyfillers, shading methods, camera movement, | sorting and backface culling and much much | more. A must-have for every 3d coder! Text fh-3dtut.zip 12903 *+ 3D Tutorial by FH94.3 of Nitro : Explains how to | rotate in 3D. Pascal, Text otmmatx.zip 13676 **** 3D Matrix Transformations by Voltaire of OTM : | Good tutorial on 3D transformations using | matricies. Text sba_3dcm.zip 14496 *** 3D Camera Tutorial by Shadow Bandit of Diabolic | Force Text shadows.zip 121258 **** 3D Shadow Tutorial by Fuzzel of Haujobb : | Explains how to do shadows in 3d using a | zbuffer algorithm. Text ttka3ddo.zip 15613 *** Polyfiller Tutorial by Karma of TFL-TDV : A good | explanation of different types of polyfillers. | Text zed3d060.zip 357811 **** Zed 3D by Zed : A comprehensive doc on many | aspects of 3d math and programming - Designed | for those comfortable with math. It spells out | the math concepts needed and shows their | application, but by no means spoon feeds the | information to you. C/C++, Text zed3d095.zip 697450 ****+ Zed 3D by Zed : Zed 3d - a document explaining | the maths you'll need for 3d. Word and | postscript formats of the same file. Zed has | an attention to detail and a great way to | explain all the math. I highly recommend this | to anyone starting to make a 3d engine who | doesn't know where to start (start with the | math, not the polygon fillers, believe me! the | fillers are trivial in comparison). See the | bibliography for where to go next. Text