>ADVERTS< >MESSAGES< >NEWS< >VARIOUS< searching, be patient ... sorry, not found in this section ! ... found !... continue (Y/N) enter string to be found !German keymap active !USA keymap active ! Go to page No. : Page doesn't exists in this section !..Displaying Page HELP-PAGE, Press mouse or key to go on!SCOOPEX brings you NEVER MIND ISSUE 53 .__..__.______.__. ._____ ._____.______._____..______. |::|| |::____|::| |::_ \ |::_ \::__ |:: __||::____| | __ | .__|_| |___| |\ \ | |\ \ || | |___| .__|_. | || | | | | | ___/ | ___/ __ | |__ | | | |__||__|______|______|__/ |__/ |__||__|____. |______| -=====================================================|_|==©håø$==- .oO\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\Oo. ······························································ ^ ånð nøw $øm3 ¡n§Trµçt¿øn$ føR ð¿z k3w£ mÅgaz¡n3! ^ ······························································ F1 = Advertisements Cursor up = Volume up F2 = Messages Cursor down = Volume down F3 = News Cursor left = Page down F4 = Various Cursor right = Page up M = Music on/off Shift+C.left = 5 Pages down K = Change Keymap Shift+C.right = 5 Pages up G = Goto Page HELP = This Page S = Search String ESC = Quit Mag .oO/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/Oo. _______/\ __/\____________:_/\ __/\_________/\______ \_ . \ \_ ______/\_ ¦ \ \_ ______/\_ . \ / | \/ __)__/ | \/ __)__/ ¦ __/ / __/\_________ __/\ _______/\ ________/\. . \_ / \__ . . \ \__.\ \_ . \ \_ . \ | \ ----^-----\______¦/ | | \/ \/ | \ | | \¦______/©håø$-^--- / | | \ \ | \| | \ / | | \ \ | \ ¦ \ \_____¦____¦_____/_____/___¦______/___________/ : : : SCOOPEX brings you another issue packed by MR.KING. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .oO credizs: code-SLASH/DUAL CREW-SHINING, gfx+design-CHAOS/DESIRE, music-SUBJECT/BALANCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .oO File support: Bird of Iris, Petshopboy of Cadaver, Sting of Bonzai, John Peel of Desire ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .oO News support: Donk/Pulse, Comrade&ZYX/Energy, Messiah/BDZ&Equinox, Lionheart/Razor 1911, Chrombacher/Obscene, Heptagon/FCI, Donk/Pulse, Antex/Control, Slime/Medicine, Yaffle/Insane, Frame/Medicine, Trasher/Sanity, Hysteric/Unlimited, Subject/Balance ___________________________________________________ _____ _/ _____________ /_____________/_____ /______/ | / \________ \_ /___/_\ _ \_ \ _ \_ / / ___)__\_ _ _/ | / / | / \/ / \/ / ___/ \ / | \ | ______/_______/______/_______/___|_________/____| \ +---l_____j-------G-e-N-e-R-a-t-i-O-n-S---A-h-E-A-d-----l_____\---+ If you want to support the cool Pack-Mag NEVER MIND with ^ L A T E S T O W N P R O D U C T I O N S ^ ^ N I C E A D V E R T S ^ ^ C O O L M E S S Y S ^ ^ H O T N E W S ^ than contact Mr.King of Scoopex under diz address Joerg Goedden Postfach 3143 46434 Emmerich Germany -============================================================================- Please send your free adverts and messys in the sizes 39*23 and 78*23 on a disk. All disks will be returned with the next issue of Never Mind !! -============================================================================- _ ______________/\ ______________ _ : ::::::::::::::::\/:::::::::::::: : /\_..__ /\__. . /\__. . /\____/\_______/\___________tRm .//\_____\//\_____\//\_____ \ / / / _/ _________ \___ \ / \____ \ \____ \ \____ ·\ \.. / / / /\_ \/ / / / / /\ \.:/ ø| \/ ½|___\/ ¦| \\.: \ \____/__/_____/__/\____/__/__/ / . \/ ¦| ·\____ ·\ : /_ / \___\__\_____\__\/\___\__\__\/ ___/ :| \\ | \\ °| ·\ \ \\_ °: ·\ | ·\_| \\ \ _ ______________/\ ______________ _ \ \_____________/______ / |____ / / : ::::::::::::::::\/:::::::::::::: : \__. . :.[c]Pr!.:. ___\/_. .__\/_/ ...always newest! azkis... \/ \/ ..funny textfiles and news... ..newest intros, demos, other... /X\ john PeeL / DeSiRe /X\ -------------------------------- ! STUFF ONLY DOWNLOADED BY MODEM ! Saavikatu 1 -------------------------------- 20780 Kaarina JAZY / VISION * Roepersberg 22 F I N L A N D 23909 Ratzeburg * Germany/Europe ORDER YOUR ANIMATED AZKI HERE! ------------------------------ 100% REPLY TO STONED PEOPLE! _____/\_ __ ________ _______ ___ __ ___ _____/\_____ |::::/ \/ \/ _____))/ = \/ || \/ \___/ __ \::::| |:::/ \ \ ____)_/ (_ || \ \ \ || \:::| |::/ | \ \ \ = \ || \ \ \ __ \::| |::\ _|\______/ _______/ _________/ _______/ ______/ _||____/::| `---\/---------\/-------\/---------\/-------\/------\/-bAgGpuSs-` FoR sWapPiNg 0-7 dAy OlD WaReZ... AnTiChRiSt/NeBuLa WHQ 356 HiGh StReEt, hArLiNgToN MiDdX. Ub3-5Lf EnGlAnD. -*- ________ ******************************** / /|_ * I C E B E A T * __ /_______/ |/ ******************************** \ / / \ | | | / * * \/ | | | |HIP-HOP|/ * A musician is looking * / \__/ _ --- ---- * for a new group * ^ ^ * to join * GANGSTAZ !!! O O * * ^ * * \-/ * ICEBEAT * * Petri Ala-Louesniemi * CHILL OUT BOYZ IN DA HOOD!!! * Jollontie 122 * IT'S DA REDMAN DA RAP PHUNKADELIC * FI-60640 ISOKOSKI * DA ONLY MC WHO'S GOING TO DO IT * Finland * * * I'M LOOKING FOR DA HARDCORE RAP * Suomalaiset soittakaa: * TAPEZ SWAPPING IN HIGH QUALITY * 964-4176588 / Petri * * 948/6-306476 (Miniviestin) * REDMAN/MAD ELKS * 949-566873 (Autopuhelin) * Robert Zabiegala * * Wesola 2a/22 ******************************** 41-200 Sosnowiec ,Poland * I C E B E A T * ******************************** _______ __ ___ ___ ____ / ____ \ /_ \ THE LIVING /_ \ /\ \ / \ / /\ / \ \/ \ LEGEND \/ \ /\\ \ \ ________ / ___ \ / /__\/ /\/ / ___/ /\/_ \\ \ \ _____ / /\ / \/ _______/ / /__ ____/__/ /___/ \\ \ \ ________ / / \/ / \______\/ ___\ / /\ / / / /\ \\ \ \ / /___/ / _ \ / /\ / \ / / // / / / \ \\ \ \ / / / \ \ / /__/ /\/ / // / / /____\ \\ \ \______ \________/__/ /\ \ /__________/ /___/ //____/ / \\ \________\ \_______\__\_/ \__/ \_\________\/\___\/ \____\/______________\\/________/ Contact CAPTAIN BO (Coder, swapper) if you want a friendly contact! -* GO DAMN DISK STEALERS & LAMERS *- CAPTAIN BO of ORBITAL PK 256 42002 Nalcaci Konya TURKIYE TURKS ALL AROUND THE WORLD, SUPPORT OUR TURKISH DISK MAGAZINE "DMA" ! /\-=/\_____ //\_____ /o\\/ ____// / _ _/=- : / / \ / l__ \ -/ / \\-O-L-/ __/ \- <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> /__________\ /_____| \\ |-----------------------------------| .C. |______\ | X-TREME SWEDEN NEED MORE MEMEBERS | |-----------------------------------| -->COLa/bALAnCE/LingO * Coders,Swappers,Graphix Artists, * IS SEARCHIN' FOR mORE * Sounders,Modem Traders. * fAST 'N cOOL cONTACTS * And SYSOP of A BBS. * wHO wRITEs LONG LETTERs ************************************* 'n SEND nEw sTuFF oNLy! / \ Contact Send Examples. / \ -->mY aDDResS is: \ / FloppyMan/X-Treme SHQ \ / / \ Jonny Karlsson / \ cOLa/bALANCE/LinGO |*| Enes Fårö |*| ULsBEGKROKEN 5 |*| 620 35 Fårösund |*| 4033 FORUS |*| Sweden |*| nOrWAY *---------------------------------* -->aLSO aSCII tRaDIn' !<-- /\-=/\__ _ ___/\ _____ __________ /o\\/ |____ _____ \ _/ _______/_______ /_:__\ |" \_ __/ _ \_ "\ \ \ __ _/=-____ :/ l \\\/"\ \ \ \__ \\ \ "\ ____/\\  /_____________\ \\___|\_ \\_________\ \ \\ ___\// Y /_______\ |_______\ /____________\ :..............................................Y aRE yOU aN AScII deSIGNER wHO aRE sEArChin' fOR a NICe aSCII cREw tO jOIN !? Well, here's your chance ! Send some of your asciis to me, and I'll see what we can sort out !.. . Here's the address: -=cOLa/bALANCE/LINGO=- -=ULSBERGKROkEN 5=- -=4033 FORUS=- -=NORWAY=- ---> aLSO fOR tRADIN' ASCII's 'N nEW STUFF <--- _____________ ____ ___ ____________ ________ | ___||| ___ \| __ \\ || _// _ || | /\/\ / \ \ | | |||| |_| || |_||| || | | || | / \/ _ \ | \ | |_|||| _ || |_||| || | | | || |_ / \/ \ \ / / |_____\\\_||_||____/ \||_/ /__|__|\__\ ~~~~~~~~~ \/~~~~~~~~ THE LIVING LEGEND ____ __ __________ / __/ / |__/ | / __/ ..ooOO00000000000000000000000000OOoo.. / _]_/ | \ \__ \ \ \_____/_| / ___/ BUTTERCUP/ORBITAL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/__/[H] Hoogweg 90 9690 Kluisbergen For friendly ,hot and cool BELGIUM swapping write to: ANSWER= 100% R E D M A N / M A D E L K S FRIENDSHIP= 100% ANSWER TO PERSON FROM BLACK LISTS= 0% Robert Zabiegala * GO DAMN DISK STEALERS & LAMERS * Wesola 2a/22 41-200 Sosnowiec ..ooOO00000000000000000000000000OOoo.. Poland |Loony | | -+---------------------------------------+--------------------------------+- | . . . . . . . ! Loony/Saturne is looking for ! | /|_ /|_ /|_ /|_ /|_ /|_ /|_ | more top contacts, either for : ! ____Y __Y Y __Y | Y __Y . Y __Y____ ! own production swappin or FAST ! | \___|__ | | | | | | | . | | | __)___/ : elite 0-6 day swapping! | | \_| | | . | | | ~ | | | | | |_/ ! | : .oO|___A_|_A_| A___A_|_A_|_A___|Oo. | !Your group is your answer! | ! [!n] ! ! -+---------------------------------------+------------------+-------------+- | A dude in a kewl group = 100% answer! 58 Nethercote Rd | Don't write | ! A dude with 50+ contacts = 100% answer| Tackley | if you ! : A above average artist = 100% answer| OXON - OX5 3AT | support | ! A chip muscian = 100% answer! ENGLAND | fascism! | -+---------------------------------------+------------------+-------------+- |Saturne sends greetz to:-) Absolute,Abyss,Balance,Banana Dezign,Complex,| !Decnite,Defekt,Desire ,Dream Dealers ,Dual Crew-Shining ,Effect ,Energy,| :Essence,Faith,Infect,Iris ,Isch Crew ,Jetset ,Mad Elks ,Majic 12 ,Melon,! !Movement,Nebula,Nuance,Parasite,Platin,Ram Jam,Sanity ,Scoopex ,Stellar,: |Stone Arts, The Silents, TRSI, Union, Virtual Dreams, Vision, Wizzcat...| -+------------------------------------------------------------------------+- | Saturne| __________ ______ ___/( / \ _____ \_ \ | \ ----------------------------- /____ ____\ \ | \ | |\ \ P H O B I A ! / \ /\ \ | |\ \ | |/ / ----------------------------- / \ _____\|__|_\ \| ___/ Get in Touch with us for / \ / \ | fast Amiga and Video trading /__________\__________/________\ |sh ----------------------------- | / Rolling'Ronny A1200 Only! - bAcK oUt oF heLL - |/ Shocker A1200 & Video. For joinin or swappin write 2 ----------------------------- Under: 2DD / TEDP D.ERNST Ronny N. Tor Erik I. Postfach 1144 KongensGt 14-16 Post Box 9 78091 Triberg 7700 Steinkjer 7710 Sparbu Germany N O R W A Y ! =Intel outsidE= ----------------------------- =Friendship ruleZ= 1 0 0 % B A C K C H A T =Disk <-> 100% replY= ----------------------------- ======================== _ _____ ___ __ _______ _____ /\/\ / \| \ / _ \/ |__| | // __/ / \/ _ \ | \ / __/\ | \ ! \____\/lock94\____\/ \__\/ ! THEN DON'T HESITATE, WRITE ME ! +------------------------------+ ! AT: ! |D CONTACT ME FOR COOL 9| ! ! |2 0 - 7 2| ! SYLICON OF INTENSE |9 DAYS STUFF SWAPPING D| ! CHAUVIN FABRICE +------------------------------+ ! 2 LOT DU SACRE COEUR |P PURPLE HAZE / D-29 S| ! 56240 BERNE (FRANCE) |A SLETTA 41 W| ! |W 1800 ASKIM A| ! 100% REPLY GUARANTED !!! |S NORWAY P| +---------------- +------------------------------+ MM MM II NN NN SSSSSS TTTTTTTT RRRRRR EEEEEE LL MMM MMM II NNN NN SS TT R RR EE LL MMMMMMMMM II NN N NN SSSSSS TT RRRRRR EEEEE LL MM M MM II NN N NN SS TT RR RRR EE LL MM MM II NN N NN SS TT RR RR EE LL MM MM II NN NNN SSSSSS TT RR RR EEEEEE LLLLLLL GFX DUDE SEEKS FOR MEMBERS ******************************************************************** I need members.. Talents GFX dude, Good Assembly programers Good Musicians.. We shall do cooooool Amiga500/A1200 Games we shall be like Digital Illusion and TEAM 17.............. Send your work today..I will be your Artist and Manager.... Our first game shall be realised in 1995.................... So harry up...Send your work to: /\/\instrel Flädergatan 8 S-441 56 Alingsås SWEDEN You most live in Germany, England, Denmark, Norway or Sweden And write somthing about you................................ :\ ___________/\_____________ /: ::\ / ______/ / / / /:: :::\ /.: _____/ /:: / . / : / /::: ::::\ / : / /.:. / . / :: / : / /:::: :::::\ /\___/ /\_______/\___/___/ /::::: ::::::\ \/__/ \/______/\/__/___/ /:::::: :::::::\ ¬ // ¬ \\ /::::::: :::::::/ ___________________/______________\___________________ \::::::: ::::::/ /¬ ______/_ /¬ _____/__ /¬ ¬ /¬ /. /. ¬/ \:::::: :::::/ / . _____/ _/ / : \___ ¬ /. / :. / /:. /___/:: /..:/ \::::: ::::/ /:.: / / :. / / :.. / /.::/ :. / /:::/¬ \_\_. __/ \:::: :::/ /\___/ /\___/__/\______/ /\__/\______/\__/ /_/__/ \::: ::/ \/__/ \/__/__/\/_____/ \/_/\/_____/\/_/ \ \_\_/ \:: :/ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬// ¬ ¬ ¬ \\ ¬ \: \\ | // \________________________/ »iLN« A long time ago there were 3 powerful magicans with 3 diamonds.. one diamond was for power, the 2nd for wisdom & the 3rd for FUN! But this magicans lived in war and because of that, all people feared these 3 magicans.. After some years 3 boys were sent to kill the magicans and to bring peace!! Two failed, one was successfully.. he brought the diamond of FUN! And as you can see to- day there is war and no wisdom.. (people forget to fast!) but there is FUN! CoNTaCT iLLUSiONiST/TFF - OBeRZiRKniTZ 14 - 8091 JaGeRBeRG - AUSTRiA !!! ___ ___ _____ +--/ _ \/ _ \/\/\deus-/ / _ \/\/\---+ ____ |:/ / _/ _ / \:/\/ / _ / \::| ______ _____________/ _/_______ |:\/\ \_// (_/\/\ \\__/ //_/ /\/\_):| \\____ V _ \_________________ \ |::::\_):\/::::::\/:::\/:::\/:::::::| __/ / / / ___/___ _/ /_ |:+» Taste the difference «+:| \____/ /____/ ________/_________/(_) +------+---------------------+------+ \_/ \____/ \____/$lm |\Oo. \..........| |.\ For ELITE trading: \.........| ..Trade Tha LatEst.. |..\ \........| |...\ POSDNUOS \.......| .Slime/Medicine. |....\ \......| Stockrosv. 2 |.....\ Cristiano Micoli \.....| 311 33 Falkenberg |......\ Via D'Aragona 12 \....| Sweden! |.......\ 66100 - Chieti \...| |........\ ITALY \..| !Pure Elite Please! |.........\ \.| |..........\ .oO\| !We Have Nothing Against Infect! +-----------------------------------+ /(___________ ___________ __/\__/\ __ \____ ___ // \ / \_ \/ \ / | )// / _____/ / \\ \ / | ¯ \ \ __/_ / /\ \\ \ / | \ · ¯ \/ \¯ \\ \ /____| \____ /\___|\ / \ /___) _______________ \_____/ \___/¯¯ \/_____________/\ _____________ / \ \/¯¯¯/(__________|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯/ \_ \/ \ \ / / ______/\ \ /\____ ___ / \___/ / ______/ \ \ _____/ \ \ __/_ \ \/ / | )/| | \ \ \ __/_ / \ \ __/_ \ · ¯ \ /\ \ / | | | \_\_· ¯ \ \ \ ¯ \ \____ / / \ \ / | | | /\____ /______\ /___) / \_____/ ¯¯¯¯\___\/____| | |\__/ \____/pinhead \/ \____/ |/¯ ¿F ¥Æ®® TIRED OF THE INDEPENDENT LIFE OR ¥A®® GROUP THEN JOIN uZ WRITE TO: THIZ ADDY IS ALSO FOR THE GUNNER OF TMX LIAVEIEN 29 ILLEGAL SWAPP 3058 SOLBERGMOEN NO-(R)-WAY 100% REPLY YA NOW * ************** *** **** * * **** ---*-*---------***--**--*-**----**-**-**-------- -----*---*****---*---****--*****-*-*-*-*****---- ---*-*----------*---**-*--**----*---*-**-------- ******* * * * * ****** * ******* * * ...Subway to hell...!!! Dr.Doom Henlock Major Bandit Jan Schneider Torsten Bastian Siriusbogen 58 Badallee 10 Postfach 3 24943 Flensburg 25832 Toenning 95097 Selb Germany Germany Germany (WHQ, Swapping, Joining) (Swapping) (Swapping) Pet FloppyMan Sway Jonny Karlson 128 High Road P.O.Box 32 Enes Faro Carlton-in-Lindrick 27-100 Itza 62035 Farosund Worksop Poland Sweden Notts (Swapping, Joining) (Swapping, Joining) S81 9DT (England) KYLA LAHTEEE!! __________ __ __ _______ _ ______________________ \________/ | \| |(_____ \(_) ___ \_____ ¬\ ___ \ _ ¬\ | __/¯¯¯\| \ ||/ \ \ \\_ / __) | | \ | \/ | \ | ||/ ¦ \\ \ || ¦ \\/ // | /_/\ | | \ l____ | \ |__|\__!__/__|\__|__!__/__/|_|____/ |______ /___ /__l__ / -+--+---------------------*BzR*-+--+- \/ \/ \/º! Do You Need More Contacts? And Hate The Fucking DiskStealers? TRADING LATEST ANAALI/ULOSTE WARETS!!! _ so!.. Write Me! 100% Reply ÐECEIVER/DECNITE /"\ to Every body! AITTONIEMENTIE.18 \°/ 40270 PALOKKA /|\ BlaZer / FaNaTic! FINLAND | +-----------------------------+ /¤\ | T.Linna | | Kivelant.7 | SEND SUM PORNO STUFF=ANSWER!!! | 13500 HML | ============================== | | +-write-only-this-on-envelope-+ -OWN PROD SWAPPING TOO- ......................................................................... : __________ _______ _ _:___/\ ______ _ ___ /\__ : :-=/ __ / _____/___/\ -ø- _\__ __/________ _/\_____ ___/\ / \: : /_____/ ./ ___/__ _\_: _ __/ \/ \ __ \ __ _/ _\_ \ ___\ : / // / " .\ _ __/ | "\ \\ \_____\ \ "\ _ __/ .\ : : /____/_/\_______\\ | "\__| \\____\ .\/_________\\ | "\____\\: : Y /o\\ /_____| \\ |______\/______\\.cOLa.>/_____| \\ Y: :....:......:...........|______\..............................|______\...:: sUPPORt "TERRITORY" wITh ADVERTS, ASCIIS, MESSAGES 'N YOUR MOST PERVERS STORIES !.. (porno, snuff, horror, terror, blood etc..)!! __/\__ __/\__ sEND yOUr sTUFF tO: __/\__ __/\__ -=\ /=-=\ /=- -=\ /=-=\ /=- -=/_ _\=-=/_ _\=- cOLA/bALANCE/LINGO -=/_ _\=-=/_ _\=- \/ \/ ULSBERGKROKEN 5 \/ \/ 4033 FORUS NORWAY --> aLL sUPPORTERs wILL gET thEiR diSK bACK wITH thE nEWeST ISSUe <-- ! TERRITORY---> AN "LINGO" PRODUCTION <---- ! ___ ___ _____ +--/ _ \/ _ \/\/\deus-/ / _ \/\/\---+ ************************************* |:/ / _/ _ / \:/\/ / _ / \::| * * |:\/\ \_// (_/\/\ \\__/ //_/ /\/\_):| * FOR LEGAL ELITE SWAP WRITE TO * |::::\_):\/::::::\/:::\/:::\/:::::::| * ------------------------------- * |:+» Taste the difference «+:| * TRASHER OF SANITY * +------+---------------------+------+ * ------------------- * |If you think to deserve to join us:| * Oliver Plink * | Try this address: | * Im Kirchen.6 * | RAM JAM WHQ | * 89155 Erbach 2 * | P.O.BOX 23 | * Germany * |You can try also I-07040 FERTILIA| * * |4 swapping if you ITALY | * WANTED: gfx, sfx, legal stuff * |are in the scene | * * |from at least 2 years...... | * only the best can survive * | ___ ___ _____ | * --- no beginners please --- * +--/ _ \/ _ \/\/\deus-/ / _ \/\/\---+ * * |:/ / _/ _ / \:/\/ / _ / \::| * FOR GERMANS: KEINE WARENSENDUNGEN * |:\/\ \_// (_/\/\ \\__/ //_/ /\/\_):| * * |::::\_):\/::::::\/:::\/:::\/:::::::| ************************************* +------+---------------------+------+ ____ _ _______ _ _____ ____ ______ _____________/ _/____________/____________/___________/\___/ _/ \\____ V _ \_________________ \ / _____ /_____ _ \___________/ __/ / / / ___/___ _/ / / _ _/ / / / / ___/__ \____/ /____/ ________/_________/ /\________/ /\___/ / _______// \_/ \____/ \____/ \___/ \___/ \___/\____/$lm / ..Trade Tha LateSt At.. ..Slime/Medicine.. Stockrosv. 2 311 33 Falkenberg Sweden! !Only Pure Elite! _______ __ ___ ___ ____ / ____ \ /_ \THE LIVING /_ \ /\ \ / \ / /\ / \ \/ \ LEGEND \/ \ /\\ \ \ ________ / ___ \ / /__\/ /\/ / ___/ /\/_ \\ \ \ _____ / /\ / \/ _______/ / /__ ____/__/ /___/ \\ \ \ ________ / / \/ / \______\/ ___\ / /\ / / / /\ \\ \ \ / /___/ / _ \ / /\ / \ / / // / / / \ \\ \ \ / / / \ \ / /__/ /\/ / // / / /____\ \\ \ \______ \________/__/ /\ \ /__________/ /___/ //____/ / \\ \________\ \_______\__\_/ \__/ \_\________\/\___\/ \____\/______________\\/________/ ARE YOU CODER? GRAPHICIAN? MUSICIAN? AND YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A GROUP... WHY ARE YOU WAITING FOR? IF YOU GOOD ENOUGH, CONTACT! WE WANT TO GENERATE NEW SECTIONS, ESPECIALLY IN ENGLAND, GERMANY, FRANCE, SWEDEN, ITALY, POLAND FINLAND, DENMARK, HOLLAND, NORWAY, ISRAEL OR OTHER COUNTRIES ... --=* COME ON! LETS GENERATE A WORLD GROUP: ORBITAL *=-- Write to CAPTAIN BO/ORBITAL: Pk 256 42002 Nalcaci Konya TURKIYE IF YOU WANT TO JOIN (AGAIN: IF YOU GOOD ENOUGH!) OUR BELGIUM SECTION WRITE TO BUTTERCUP/ORBITAL : Hoogweg 90 9690 Kluisbergen BELGIUM WE WANT TO GENERATE SUBSECTIONS IN TURKIYE'S OTHER CITIES. JUST WRITE US! + ___ + ____ +____+ \ \ +/ /\ + _ /\ __ __ ___ _ __ ____ ____ + / _ \ / __ \/ __ \/\ + \ \/ / / + / \/ // // // _ \ / \/ // __// __/\ / _/_// /_/ / / / / \ /\ / / + / // // // _ // // /_ / _/_\/ + / _ \/ __/ / / / /\ \/ / \/ + + / /\_/ \___/ \// / \/\_/ \___\\___/\ / _/ / /\ \/ /_/ / / /\ / /\ \ + \/ /\\/ \__\/ \\/ / \/\\/ \___\\__\/ /_____/_/ /_/_____/_/ / /_/\/ /\/\ + \/ \/abs \_____\_\/\_\_____\_\/+ \_\ \/+ \/ + + + + + + + + 4 real cool elite swapping + - Louder than a bomb! - + grab your pen and write 2: + + + + X-Poole of Nuance For swapping , ya should write to : Marco Willemsen Eibenstr. 24 Kazz of Bronx 49828 Neuenhaus Silakkatie 232 G e r m a n y 43170 Hakkila Finland also 4 Samples'n Tunes trading ONLY ELITE ! ! ! _____ _____ _ _ _ \\ \\// // __/\_____ __/\_____ ______/\\ _______/\\ ______/\\ \\ \/ // ____ \_ ._// \_ \\\_ ____\\ \_ \\ \_ ____\\ \\ // /___/ / |_____/ | /// __))___/ \\/ __))___ // \\ / | \\ \\__ \\ || \\ \\ // /\ \\ / | \\ | // \\ || \\ \\ //__//\\__\\ \__________ //___|_ //________ //___||___ //_______ // \// \// \// \// \// ...sUbWaY tO hEll! X-TREME England is searching for new members like: CODERS, SOUNDERS, GRAPHICIANS, SWAPPERS, SYSOPS, MODEMTRADERS \ SWAY (U.K.-Leader) \ 128 High Road E ONLY \ Carlton-in-Lindrick ONLY E Write to:---------> Worksop I G / Notts T A / S81 9DT E L / England ! ! ______ /\ ____/\ __/\______ \___ \ (¯ _) \__ \ _________/\__/ / | _\ \|\/| / \ \ ______/ __| \___/| | | | \ \___________ \ | | | | | | | \ / / _/____ | |__|_ /| |_|____|____/__ / / \_ | | |) ¯¯__/ / \/ \ \ \ / | | __/ / /\ \ /¯/ ) \____\_________ / |___| |\ ¯\/ \ \/ / / Pinhead \/ |__| \ __\__|\ / / \/ \/¯¯¯\//\ ARE U TIRED OF COMMING HOME TO A ·· ·· ··¯¯ EMPTY MAIL-BOX THEN WRITE TO DIZ ADDY FOR SOM GOOD,FAST AND FRIENDLY GAME AND FEEL FREE TO SEND WITH A DISK. SWAPPING,FEEL FREE TO SCRBLE DOWN A FEW LINES TO ME. MR. X / TEAM EXTREME WRITE TO:PINHEAD\INDEPENDENT TUNVOLLVEIEN 3 STIAN SOLLIE 3057 SOLBERGELVA SVANEVEIEN 5 NORWAY! 3057 SOLBERGELVA NO(R)WAY. LAMERS=0,001% REPLY LETTER±DISK:90% DISK=100% REPLY LETTER±DISK±MONEYCHECK:100%POSSIBLE AGA WAREZ=110% REPLY POSITIVE ANSWER _______ __ ___ ___ ____ / ____ \ /_ \ THE LIVING /_ \ /\ \ / \ / /\ / \ \/ \ LEGEND \/ \ /\\ \ \ ________ / ___ \ / /__\/ /\/ / ___/ /\/_ \\ \ \ _____ / /\ / \/ _______/ / /__ ____/__/ /___/ \\ \ \ ________ / / \/ / \______\/ ___\ / /\ / / / /\ \\ \ \ / /___/ / _ \ / /\ / \ / / // / / / \ \\ \ \ / / / \ \ / /__/ /\/ / // / / /____\ \\ \ \______ \________/__/ /\ \ /__________/ /___/ //____/ / \\ \________\ \_______\__\_/ \__/ \_\________\/\___\/ \____\/______________\\/________/ DMA - THE TURKISH DISK MAGAZINE - Turks all around the world, support our Turkish disk magazine DMA by sending Turkish articles, adverts (80*20, 39*20), cliparts, news and messages. Send a disk to one of these addresses for the next issue of DMA and votesheet: CAPTAIN BO/ORBITAL PENTAGRAM/BRONX PK 256 42002 Nalcaci Konya TURKIYE 78 Sok. 3/8 Goztepe Izmir TURKIYE ************************************** * Lamers can write * ,,, * to this adress O * (o o) * ! for suply me with v * -+---ooO-(_)-Ooo---+- * () discs......... E * * () \-----------------------/ r * * | ***************** | L S * * A | */V\r.S(ubelgRuber* | e e * THE TRENDY DEALER / RAM-JAM * n | * Arrendeg.89 * | G A * * S | * S-44156 A-ås * | A s * Eugenio Gori * w | * SWEDEN * | L * Via P.della Valle 12/5 * E | **************** | W * 50127 Firenze * r | | O e * Italy * /-----------------------\ n L * * ...the rest can write L c * [100% back guaranteed to disksenders] * to the address above for y O * * swapping 0-7 days old m * * warez to A500/A1200. E * ,,, * * (o o) * I`m also looking 4 a group to join * -+---ooO-(_)-Ooo---+- * * ************************************** _ __ _________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _|_ _ _ _______ |¯¯Y¯¯| \\ \\ ¦ ¦ \____ _¦ : ¦ \\ \\_____ __ : : \__// : · : / ¬ ¬\_________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _¦_ _ _¦_ _ _ . \ ¯¯: ¦ _______/ /_________ · | | / ! \___¦ __| / / ¬\ ) /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯/ \ ¦ / __ _____/ ________/________ X / / \ |_/ / | / ¬ | / ¦ ( \ / ___________/ ¦ \___/ ¦ __/ | /· : ·/ / ¬ ¦ | \ | \_/ : \¬ | \ ) / / | \_ _/\_| / ¦ \__________| X________/ \________________| \/ | /|_____| ___________ ___ _ _( _ ____________________________ _ _ _ __|_______/________ \/ · // \\ ______ ______ /Y\ ___ _ _// CoNtAcT oUr SwApPeRs \\_ _ ___| /__________ : : Y : \ /___ _ _\\___________ ________________//_ _ ___¦ /___________ : : : · \ / ¯ Y ¯ : / [-SWERX-] ¦ ¦ · Y SWERX/FøDA! : DARKSiDE/FøDA! : /____ _|_|__ ____: Rodrigo Andara : Alexandre A.Siufy ¦ /·\ /········· _ _ __\/__ _· Rua Sao Mateus, 505 : V. de Carvalho 74/11 _ |/ /\\/______ _ _ | | \/ /// Porto Alegre - RS · Santos - SP /// (/ \/ _____ _ _ ¦ ¦ /// 91410-030 BRAZiL · 11045-501 BRAZiL / \\___/\__/ ________________________ _ _____ ______ / /\ / |__ / |__ / \ / For elite swapping , / \ / | \/ | \ / \ /_______________________/ \ / | \ | | \/ _|____/ \ \ / / _ \ | | \ | \ \ try this one : \ / / | \ | | \ |__ \ \_______________________\/ \_____| /_| \___| \ [CDR]|____/ |________/ |_____/ __________________________ ===================================== / /\ / Kazz of Bronx / / For fast and friendly / Silakkatie 232 / / ELITE swapping contact: / 43170 Hakkila _/ / / FINLAND _/ Crusader of Hangover /_______________________/ _/ / Janne Kotta \______________________ _ _\/ Arbygatan 1A _______ 633 45 Eskilstuna _______ / /______ Sweden! \ \ / ON / \ \ \ BR \ /______/ \ X! \ \______\ \_____\ __ ___ __ __ __ _______________ / \ \ \ /\ \// / \ \ \/_ __/___/ _ \ \/\ \ / \ \ / / \ \ / / __/ /___ / / \ \ / / \ /\ \ / / /\/ \_/ \/ / /___/ / / / / \ \__/ \ \ \/ /____/ / /\ /\ \/ /_____/ /__/ / \_____/ \__/______/_/ \_/ \_\/_____/______/[TBN] CONTACT ME FOR THE VERY LATEST: HYSTERIC/UNLIMITED PHILIPP VEIT WINTERERSTR.7 79104 FREIBURG GERMANY USE THIS ADDRESS ALSO FOR SUPPORTING MY NEW PACKSERIE --NIGHTMARE-- WITH NEWS,ADDYS,MESSAGES AND SO ON !! _______ \___ /\____/\_ /\___/\_ / / / ____/ _ \/ _ / _ \ \ +-----/ / __/_/ // / // / // /\-----+ |\ / /\____/_//_/____/_//_/ / /| | /______________________/\/(b$h) | 4 Elite swApp¿ng : \______________________\/ : ~~~~~ : : CAndymAn / sArdOnyx Duq needs some new swapmates ! TIMO KOTTA <--write . If you are one then write to : . ARBYGATAN 1A . | | . 633 45 ESKILSTUNA -+- DUQ / ZENON -+- SWEDEN . | Maarintie 20 | . | 49220 Siltakyla | fR¿endSh¿p rules! . !Finland! . . . : 100% answer to cool stuff senders : +-----------------------------------+ JiNX (Elite Swap,Pack-Support,Join) 96 Cranford Drive Hayes, Middx MANIK (Elite Swap,Music Stuff) UB3 4LB - ENGLAND 1 Ashfield Road Carterton, Oxon OX18 3QY - ENGLAND _____/\_ __ ________ _______ ___ __ ___ _____/\_____ |::::/ \/ \/ _____))/ = \/ || \/ \___/ __ \::::| |:::/ \ \ ____)_/ (_ || \ \ \ || \:::| |::/ | \ \ \ = \ || \ \ \ __ \::| |::\ _|\______/ _______/ _________/ _______/ ______/ _||____/::| `---\/---------\/-------\/---------\/-------\/------\/-bAgGpuSs-` NEBULA - FOR ANY REASON... ^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^ DANGERMOUSE (Code Swap) 32 Hambledon Close, Hillingdon Uxbridge, Middlesex. UB8 3UD - ENGLAND ANTICHRIST (Elite Swap,Join) 356 High Street, Harlington Middlesex. UB3 5LF , ENGLAND _____________ ____ ___ ____________ ________ ___ __ _____ | ___||| ___ \| __ \\ || _// _ || | / / / _/ / \ / _ / | | |||| |_| || |_||| || | | || | /__ __/ / / / \ / // / | |_|||| _ || |_||| || | | | || |_ / / / _/ / /| / __/ |_____\\\_||_||____/ \||_/ /__|__|\__\ / / / /_ / /_| / / THE LIVING LEGEND /__/ /___//______/__/sh ..ooOO00000000000000000000000000OOoo.. - BacK oUT oF HeLL - ROTTEN/ORBITAL If u are a good musician, Pk 217 42002 coder,gfx artist,swapper or Nalcaci Konya modem trader and u wanna join TURKIYE a cool & crazy crew,then write 2 Shithead/T.E.D.P. Answer= 100% Adrian Jaglarz Friendship= 100% Wuelferoder Str.13 Answer to person from black lists= 0% 30880 Laatzen * GO DAMN DISK STEALERS & LAMERS * United Germany ..ooOO00000000000000000000000000OOoo.. !! WRITE NOW !! ________________________ \ / _________/\_________/\___\___/\_________/\____/____/\________/\______/\______ \________ ___ \___ ________ __ \___ __ \\___ ________ ________ ______/ \___| \/ | \ \\/___/__ \/ |____/ \/ | \/ \/ \ / \/ \ \/ ___/__ \_| | / / | \ | \ | \ \/ \ | \ | |/ / ¦ / ¦ \ | / \ ·hJ· \ ¦ / |____| /_____ /______ /____| /___ /____ /_____ / \____/ \___/ \\___/ / | / \____/ \____/ \___/ \ / |__/ ________\ /________ (_ \ / _) _!____________________) \/ (________________________!_ ¡ ¡ DECEIVER/DECNITE -SUPPORT,MAG-NET,OUR AITTONIEMENTIE.18 - SWAPPING LATEST WAREZ...! ADVERT MAG SENDING ME 40270 PALOKKA - OWN PROD SWAPPING... ADVERTS,NEWS'N MESSAGES! FINLANDIA - FRIENDSHIP... SIZE OF ADVERTS IS 38*22 NEEKERIT SAAVAT 100% VASTAUKSEN!!! =Þ ************************************** * Lamers can write * _____________ ____ ___ ____________ * to this adress O * | ___||| ___ \| __ \\ || _// _ || | * ! for suply me with v * | | |||| |_| || |_||| || | | || | * () discs......... E * | |_|||| _ || |_||| || | | | || |_ * () \-----------------------/ r * |_____\\\_||_||____/ \||_/ /__|__|\__\ * | ***************** | L S * THE LIVING LEGEND * A | */V\r.S(ubelgRuber* | e e * * n | * Arrendeg.89 * | G A * * GO DAMN DISK STEALERS & LAMERS * * S | * S-44156 A-ås* | A s * * w | * SWEDEN * | L * CAPTAIN BO/ORBITAL * E | **************** | W * PK 256 42002 * r | | O e * Nalcaci Konya * /-----------------------\ n L * TURKIYE * ...the rest can write L c * * to the address above for y O * Answer= {[(100*2/1)*100]/200}% * swapping 0-7 days old m * Friendship= 100% * warez to A500/A1200. E * Answer to person from black lists= 0% * * * No games please * TURKS ALL AROUND THE WORLD, * * SUPPORT OUR TURKISH DISKMAG "DMA" ************************************** __________________ ______________ ___ / ____ /| ____/| |\ | || .|| |\ | | / /. /// | | . | | \ | || ____.|| | \ | | \ \_ /// | |__ | |\ \ .| || | /| || |\ \ .| | \_//// | ___\ | | \ \ | || | \| || | \ \ | | /// | ___/ | |. \ \| || |\ | || |. \ \| | /// . /\| | . | | \ | ||.|/_| || | \ | | ///___/ \ |____| | \| ||. || | \| | \________/_____/|_| |_||______||_| |_| (Duq) .oO ONLY THE DEAD ARE COOLER Oo. For Swapping da latest For Sample&Module Swap * DUQ of ZENON * Greetz to all * BUZZER / ZENON * Kim Pukero our friends and Mikko Hyyti Maarintie 20 contacts... Kakkulainen 49220 Siltakyla 32800 Kokemaki Finland Finland Only Legal !!! + _ . ___ _____ ___ ___ . ____ ___ /.\ /. \/_ . _\/. _\/. \ /. __\/. _\ // \ \ \// \// _// \ \\__ \ _/_ \___/__/\_/\___/\____/__/\_/\____/____/ . +. [StiX] .oO WhEn StYlE BeAtS aLL!!! Oo. . .+ . ##################################### ## ## ## Yo Freaks! I'm se/\rching after ## ## new enemies to enter in the ## ## swapping War.... ## ## Take your weapons NOW!!! a ## . n ## .######################+ d ## ## Sylicon/INTENSE ## send disks ! ## ## CHAUVIN FABRICE ## ## ## lot du sacre coeur ## . . ## ## 56240 Berne ## ############## ## (France) ## A500/1200 stuff ##################### reply guaranteed! ______ /. _ o\____ _____ ____ ______ \\ // :/. \/. _ \/. \/. _ \ /¯¯ __// \__// // // \: // / /. // .\ / .\ \\ .\ //. \\ .\ \o ¯ //: // // //\ :/ // // |SCOOPEX ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^D +--------------+ ...Only the dead are cooler... Generations | | Ahead ¦ "Rakkaat nuoret, meille voitte myös : : kirjoittaa ongelmistanne. Tiedot . P.O. BOX 11 . käsitellään luottamuksellisesti!" |4387 BJERKREIM¦ ¦ NORWAY | FoR MoDuLe AnD sAmPlE SwApbInG : : CoNtAcT BuZzEr 0f ZeNoN . (SWAPPING) . +--------------+ Mikko Hyyti XEPOOCS| Kakkulainen SF-32800 Kokemaki Finland /\____ /\___ __ /\_ /\____ /\ /\___ /\___ /\____ (_ |~ Y :~Y~ 7 (_ ~Y ~Y Y ___Y ___Y ~7 | | :|: . |: |__| ¦|: : | :| | |: _)_|: | | |: | .|. | |. | | :|. ||. | .|: | |. | |. |:| |. | | | :| .| ¦| | |. ¦ | | | |.| |_____| |__|__ .|__|__:| |__|__: |_____|_____| rave`--' `--' `--' 100% ELITE HYSTERIC/UNLIMITED 100% LEGAL PHILIPP VEIT 100% FRIENDSHIP WINTERERSTR.7 100% FUNNY 79104 FREIBURG GERMANY GREETS TO: DESIRE-NEBULA-TRSI-HAZARD-MANITOU-RAM JAM D-29-SCOOPEX-PRINCIPES-OUTLAWS-EREMATION- ALL IN UNLIMITED-AND THE REST !!! __ /\ \ ( 0-7 days old stuff ) / \ \ ( -fast and freindly ) / /\ |_| ( -elite only ) \ \/ / / ( -wrire NOW!!! ) O \__/_/_ ***************** B /\\__ * S-C-O-O-P-E-X * L \//\ \ ***************** I /\ \ \ ! g-e-n-e-r-a-t-i-o-n-s a-h-e-a-d ! T / \ \ \ ------------------------------------ E \ \ /\ \ LAXICAL/SCOOPEX R \ \/ \ \ Joachim Sobczak A \/\ \ \ \ Pallasstr. 53 T \ / / 44575 Castrop-Rauxel E / / / Germany R \/_/ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (ex.Master-x) + !!! good musicians prefered !!!+ Obliterater / D-29 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Oyvind Torsen Kaiesletta 8 2170 Fenstad no beer-> N o W a y <- norway ........... ........ :::::::_ ___ ____ _______ ______ ____ ______________::::: ::::::/ |__ / \ / |__ / \/ \/ |___|_ \ \:::: :::::/ | \ / \/ | \/ \ \ | \ / | \::: ::::/ | X | \ | | \ __|____/ O \ | / ____/ _/::: :::/ _ \ \ | | \ \ \ / | / __|_ \::: ::/ | \ _ \ | | \ \__ \ / | / \ | \:: ::\_____| /_| /_| \__| \ /_ /__ \_| \: :::[CDR]|____/:.|____/.:|________/.:|_____/___/::\_____/.:|_______/.|______/: ::::::::.... ...:::: Looking for a group to join? Now u got da chance to join da drunken crew of Hangover Just send xsamples of your work to. Join and ELITE swap ELITE swap only Warlock Crusader Tomas Mortenson Janne Kotta Hagergatan 140 Arbygatan 1A 692 36 Kumla 633 45 Eskilstuna Sweden Sweden ___________________________ / \ \ ( /\)- DiScMaGs | \_/| PaCkS | | DeMoS | _ _ | All LaTeSt WaReZ | ____/\_____ ___/(_______ ___/(___ |--- | \__ \__\_______ \// \n | WrItE tO tHiS | // \ \\\ // _____// || /o | kEwL aDdY! | // / /_/// | \_____ \r | | \____ / \_____ / || \w | | =^=+\____/==+^=+==^\_____/+=^=|____ /a | -- Dr. DOOM/XTRM | : \/y > Jan Schneider | · | Siriusbogen 58 | FOR COOL 0-7 DAYS SWAPPING ..... | 24943 Flensburg | . United States | PURPLE HAZE/D-29 | of | SLETTA 41 | Germany | 1800 ASKIM >-- _____________________|__ | / \ \ \ \_)--if Disc 100% Answer -) \__/_______________________/ _______ _______ _______ __ / __ /\ / ___ /\ / ___ /\ /\ / /\\ /\ / / / _/ // /__/ / // / / / // \ / / / \/ /\ / / / /_\// ___/ // / / / // /\ \\/ / \ \/ / / \ \ \ / /\ \__\// / / / // / /\ \\/ /\ \/ /___/_/ /\/ / /\ \ / /__/ / // / //\\/\ / /\ \ /_______/ / / / / /\/______/ //_/ //_/\\/ \/ /\/\ \_______\/\_\/ \_\/\______\/ \_\/ \_\/ \/ \/ - Louder than a bomb - For some kewl swapping write to : Kazz of Bronx Silakkatie 232 43170 Hakkila Funnylandia ______ ____ __________________ ___ ___ _____ \_ Y \/ _ _ _ \ +--/ _ \/ _ \/\/\deus-/ / _ \/\/\---+ / \_/ \ | / | \ : / / _/ _ / \ /\/ / _ / \ : _/ | \_ ____/__ | \_ : \/\ \_// (_/\/\ \\__/ //_/ /\/\_) : \_______|_______/________/__________/ : \_) \/ \/ \/ \/ : ___ -+^+/Y\edicine+^+- ___ +-----------------------------------+ ---\-/---^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^---\-/--- \ __ / Y Frame/Medicine Y \ |_) / ¦ Fjallsippev.14 ¦ \ | \ O C K E T E E R / : S-31133 Falkenberg : \ / . Sweden . \ Franco La Cioppa / \ Via Arniense 156 / For swapping all kind of scene stuff \ 66100 - Chieti / and for supporting of -Childs Play- \ ITALY / with yar latest own productions! \ / /~~~~~~\_______________/~~~~~~\ Greets to all members of Medicine, / \ to all my contacts / No Disk(s) = No Answer \ and to all my little friends worlwide (___________________________________) ---------^-^-^-\-\___/-/-^-^--------- _____ _____ _ _ _ \\ \\// // __/\_____ __/\_____ ______/\\ _______/\\ ______/\\ \\ \/ // ____ \_ ._// \_ \\\_ ____\\ \_ \\ \_ ____\\ \\ // /___/ / |_____/ | /// __))___/ \\/ __))___ // \\ / | \\ \\__ \\ || \\ \\ // /\ \\ / | \\ | // \\ || \\ \\ //__//\\__\\ \__________ //___|_ //________ //___||___ //_______ // \// \// \// \// \// ...sUbWaY tO hEll! X-TREME Poland is searching for new members like: CODERS, SOUNDERS, GRAPHICIANS, SWAPPERS, SYSOPS, MODEMTRADERS W t \ PET (Poland-Leader) E o r o \ P.O.Box 32 l n i e :-----------> 27-100 Itza i e l ! t / Poland t y __ ___ _____ ___/ |____ ____ ___/ Y _/_____________\_ |\__/___________\__/_____________________ \__ \_/ \__ _____ _ ___ __ ______ __ _ __ ______/ F| | | __/__ | | \_ |___\_ \_ | \_ __/__ r| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | m|____| |_____ |_____ |_ |____ |_ |____| |____ | |____| \____| \____| \__| \____| \__| |____| \____| . ..oo/^ MeDiCiNe ^\oo.. . Frame/Medicine Small hellos to.... Fjallsippev.14 Godfather,Radavi,Chaos,Beholder,Cola, S-31133 Falkenberg Zenit,Adder,Mindfaser,Ali,Obelix,Pozz, -Sweden- Splatterhead,Hacksaw,Mr. King,Wizard, Suhu,Trooper,Eightball,Falcon,Caizer, For supporting Antex,Phaze-1,Darkhawk,MDB,Miklesz, .o Childs Play o. Virtue,Immortal,Casket,Swerx,Crusader, and some pure elite Mass,Decadence,Fugazi,Dr.Poison,Pantera, swapping consearning Hysteric,Helloween,Siriax,Prospect, the scene.. Yaffle,Pearl... And da rest out there! --------------------------------------- _____________ ____ ___ ____________ - R A M J A M - | ___||| ___ \| __ \\ || _// _ || | | | |||| |_| || |_||| || | | || | Taste the Difference | |_|||| _ || |_||| || | | | || |_ |_____\\\_||_||____/ \||_/ /__|__|\__\ THE LIVING LEGEND Send your votes to: ..ooOO00000000000000000000000000OOoo.. THE CHARTS GRAPHICIANS! CONTACT ME IF YOU WANT P.O BOX 23 A COOL GRAPHICIAN CONTACT I-07040 FERTILIA ITALY QUADRA/ORBITAL (No Name) Mamuriye mah. Atademir sok. Gokhan ap. K:2 N:6 42040 The only CHART which is out Meram Konya TURKIYE every month.... ALSO FOR -ONLY- GFX SWAPPING ..ooOO00000000000000000000000000OOoo.. --------------------------------------- )\_____/( )\____/( /(____ )\__/( __ / \ | ___ \ \ \ | \ __ | | \___ ___/ | |__ \( | \ | /\ \ | | ___| |___ / \ | \ | |\ \ | \/ / ___| |___ |___ ++ ___| / \ | __/ | | \ \| ___/ |___ ++ ___| | | / \ | |___/( | |_/ /| /_ | | | | \ ___ / | ____ / )\| / | / | | |__| )/ \( )/ \( /________/ | / |__|sh - BaCK oUT oF hEll - )/ ........for joinin write 2...............for swappin & joinin write 2........ ..........Shithead/TEDP...........................2DD/TEDP................... .........Adrian Jaglarz..........................Danny Ernst................. .......Wuelferoder Str.13.......................Postfach 1144................ .........30880 Laatzen..........................78091 Triberg................ ........United Germany..........................United Germany............... ............................................................................. ......::....::::.....:.:.:...:::.......::...:.....::.....:.......::::.....::: /(________ \___ __ /____ __ __ __ -IF YARR HEAD IS NOT BLOWING UP. / | )/| _|| \ / \/ \ THEN WRITE TO UZ. / |___ | __|| · \ / \ WE WILL MAKE IT BLOW UP. /___|\ \|____||_|__\/___/\/\__/ / \ \¬ /________\ ¯¯¯¯/______ ________ / ___/\ \/ | \____/\_ ___/|\ | \ \ ___) \ \/\ /\_|· \ / \ | \ /\ | | / \ \ / \ \ \ / | · \_/ / | \/ \ | |__/ \__ / ¯¯ \__\/ \ | | / ¯¯¯¯\| \ ( __| \/ |¯¯| | _|\__/ // \ \| | _| ¬ | | |/ \_______//___\/____/\__ / \\ \\_______________/ / pinhead \/ \\___________________/ FOR ZUM REAL GAMES TRADING THEN WRITE TO THE FOLLOWING DUDES THE GUNNER MR. X LIAVEIEM 29 TUNVOLLVEIEN 3 3058 SOLBERGMOEN 3057 SOLBERELVA NO-R-WAY -AGA STUFF PREFERED -ONLY NEW WAREZ! _ __ ____________ _ ________________ __________________________________ \_ _______________ / \_______ /______ \ _______/_____ ¬\ _/ _/___ -1911- | _/ _/___ __| \ / \_ | \ \ ¬ / | \ ¬ / \__ \_______ / | \ \ / | \ /____| \_ \_____/______ \____\ /-mNt `------\ / l_______/ \______/ \ / \ / \/ \/ CoNtaCt tHiS leGenDaRy eLiTe gRoUp aT: Limbo/Razor 1911, Skrav.7, 27536 Sjobo, Sweden fOr pUrE eLiTe! mAiLtRaDiNg! oR cAll oUr bOaRd <> at +46-416-17315 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ©© © ©©©©©© ©©©©© /(_ /(_ /(_ /(_/(_ /(_ /(_ ©© © ©© © © © © / \/ _ \/ \/ | \/ _ \/ | \ ©©©©©© ©© © © © © / _ _ \ _ \ _ \ | __\ | \ | \ ©© © ©© © © © / | | \| \| \ | | ¯ \¯ \ ... ©© © ©© © ©©©©© ... \ |_|__/|___/|___/_|__|_______/__ / \(¯ ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯r!)/ -*-*-*---> TuNeR <---*-*-*- ¯ >> tHe sPiRiT oF fReEdOm << ¯ \ ___ _ / c0nTaCt Me f0r AnYtHiNg / /_/\_ _t!m3 t0 c0nTaCt..+ ° . \ SeNd aDvErTs,NeWs,..... \ \_\/_ _ ° + / f0r the ! s00nc0ming ! / rAvE oF mAnItOu __ _ _ \ HEM0R0IDS MY0PCHART !!? \ ° cHriStIaN dAhL /_/\_ _ / AlS0 f0r OUTLAW/ERM / ° . fEldStR.53 \_\/ _ \ & HEXAGONE/INTENSE \ + 21335 lUeNeBuRg / . gErMoNeY . °°°°° DUREUX LAURENT °°°°° °°° 5,Rue Jean Mermoz °°° wE liKe iT, wE lOvE iT, wE gEt iT °°° 74100 ANNEMASSE °°° °°°°°° FRANCE °°°°°°° >> SCALPS << _______ /\________________________________________________________________| / _/ ____________ /________ \________ \______ / ________ | / \______ \_ _/___/_/ _ / _/ _ / \_ / / ___)___ _ / | / / \ \ \/ \ \/ / ______/ \ / | \ |__________/__________\_________\__________/ | \__________/ |_____\ +-Mo!/f^I- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -/_______|- -- - -- -/______|-- - -+ PlAsMa of ScOoPeX ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ CoNtAcT mE fOr HoT fRiEnDsHiP(!) Lee Wijant sWaPpInG aNd AlSo FoR pUrE Lautenthaler Strasse 44 > GFX < tRaDiNg ... 38723 Seesen Germany > g.e.n.e.r.a.t.i.o.n.s. a.h.e.a.d.!. < $mall friend$hip greet$ to: CoUgAr,CrOwN,ExCiTeR,ExUmEr,FrIeNdLy,JiMi,MeLvIn,N.S.A.,NoSe,PaRaGoN, SkUl,SlAm,SpEeDy,StEaRo,TrAsHeR,TuRbO and all ScOoPeX members ..._______ /\________________________________________________________________| / _/ ____________ /________ \________ \______ / ________ | / \______ \_ _/___/_/ _ / _/ _ / \_ / / ___)___ _ / | / / \ \ \/ \ \/ / ______/ \ / | \ |__________/__________\_________\__________/ | \__________/ |_____\ +-Mo!/f^I- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -/_______|- -- - -- -/______|-- - -+ .o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o. o _ . _ o : /V\ (_) |-) |) | |3 : ©© © ©©©©©© ©©©©© o of o ©© © ©© © © © © : /\ _ ^_ : ©©©©©© ©© © © © © o / \ _ _|\/|\ o ©© © ©© © © © : 1 /____ \\//| | \ 1 : ... ©© © ©© © ©©©©© ... o 0 _ / \/ _ |==\ 0 o : 0 \ / / /_ ! \\ 0 : -*-*-*---> BiGm <---*-*-*- o % \/ / \/ : \\ % o : : KeEp 0n SeNdInG o A Is hunting sum A o c00l InTr0s f0r : N Kewl kontakts. N : Turlututu Chapeau P0intu o S S o PaCk Fr0m HEM0R0IDS : W MUADIB / SYGMA W : AlS0 f0r SwApPiNg o E BRANDIN FRANCOIS E o (n0 fAkEd StAmPs) : R 35,Rue Etienne DOLET R : o 42300 ROANNE o °°°°°°°°°° SANA °°°°°°°°°° : - FRANCE - : °°°°°°°°° BP 54 °°°°°°°°° o o °°°°° 57157 MARLY °°°°° : : °°°°°° FRANCE °°°°°°° o FUCK ELITE: EVERYBODY'S ACCEPTED! o .o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o. _ _____ /(___________ /¬ _ ¬\ /\ \___ __ ¬/__¬\// /_\__\ \/_ / | )/ l/ /\_____ .\ __/| / | ¬| | \/ . \_\ \\|¬ | /___| l_|\__\________/l__| [HK] INTERESTED in TAPE and ELITE MAILTRADING? ==== ==== Contact one of the completely stoned organisers of T R S I....!! Did you know that Techno, Hip Hop, Rap and Dancehall are boring me to death? If you have the same musicial taste as I have - SOUL, REAGGAE, GROOVE, DUB REAGGAE, BLACK REAGGAE, AFRO and RARE ROCX and you love bands like: BLACK UHURU, RARE EARTH, PETER TOSH, MANU DIBANGO and others.. -------------------------------------------------------------- then try to come in contact with me at this addy: Zinkfloid/TRSI Stefan-Jaeger Str. 12 A-8605 Kapfenberg Austria Oo_____ _____ _ _ ____ oO /~~~\ /~~\ /\ /\ /~~\ /~~~\ /~~~~\ o \ / \ / | \ / | / _ | o ): :\/::::\):\/:(/::::\)::::\)::::( . | | | | | \ / | / / \| . ):/\:():/\:()::::():/\:():/\:():/\_/ | |___| | | \_/ | \ \ )( )()( )()::::()( )()( \/)( | ___ | | |\ /| | \ \ )( )()( )()(\/)()( )()( __ ):\__ | | | | | | \_/ | | \ \ )( )():\/:()( )():\/:()( \:\)::__) | | | | | | | | |\_/ / )( )()::::()( )()::::()( )():/ /___\ /___\ /___\ /___\ |____/ )( )()::::()( )()::::()( )()( ):\/:():/\:()( )():/\:():\/:():\_/\ F o R )::::/)( )()( )()( )()::::/)::::( Fast AnD FrIenDlY \___/ \/ \/\/ \/\/ \/\___/ \____/ Swap WrITe To : MIKLESZ / DAMAGE H O G A N / H U M A N S ------------------ MIKOÎAJ LESZCZUK Andrzej Kotlega UL. BEMA 26 Ul.Ciszewskiego 3/5 31-517 KRAKÓW - POLAND (EU) 78-200 Bialogard P O L A N D - SWAP WITH EVERBODY - . . 100% REPLY ! o DISK(S) = FAST ANSWER o Oo. .oO ____ ____ .-----------------------------------------------/¬ //¬ /. For |­­______­­­­___ ______ .__ ______ ___. _____/ // /­| |::\___ ¬\::/ ¬\\___ ¬\| |/ / ¬\| |/¬ ___/ // /::| Cool |:::| \ \/ \| \ \ | /| \ | _// // /:::| |:::| \ \ \ \ / / < | \ | \ \_ \\ \:::| And |:::| / \ X \_ /\ \| \ | \/¬\ \\ \::| |:::| /__| /. \ : \ \ | / // /::| Friend |:::|____ /:::|___/_|\ /_|\ /___|\___|\____/ // /:::| `­­­­­­­­\/­­­­­­­­­­­­\/­­­­\/­­­­­­­­­­­­­/ // /­­­­' Ship FEe| tHe ¶Ø\X/e® øf tHe ÐÆr|< SiÐe /___//___/(Agnus/AFL) ------------------------------------ V Y Swapping... Thorin/Darkness : | Bertrand Floury -=>100%<=- . . 4 Square Alboni 75016 Paris ==>Answer<== . France _____ _ _ _ _ // __ \ (_)_(_) (_) (_) -C-R-A-Z-Y--F-U-C-K-E-R-S- _ ___/ /__\ \__// \_|\______/|___// \_____// \____//_ \__ _ )()(_)(__/ /___/ /_/ /\ \||\___ /||__/ /\ \___/ /\ \__/ /_\_\_)(_)()( _ _ / / / / / / / /|||\ /||| / / / / / / / / / __/ ® _ (_)(_) \ \__/ / / /_/ /_||| \/ |||/ /_/ /_ / /_/ / / \____ (_) () ()\_____/ \______/|||/\/\|||\______/ \__ / \______/ inc. ================||/ : \||===========/ /================ ===== SITEK/DAMAGE == : : :::ATTRACT\ \/ / = BEDNAR/DMAGE = ===== UL.SWOJSKA 3 == . :: \__/ = KWARTOWA3/35 = ===== 31464 KRAKOW == . _ . . ============== 31419 KRAKOW = ===== PPOOLLAANNDD == (_) ; MIKLESH/DMGE = PPOOLLAANNDD = . UL.BEMA 26 ============== = == WRITE FOR FRIENDSHIP, SWAPPING , 31517 KRAKOW = WRITE NOW !! = == CRAZY-MAD SHORT&LONG LETTS !!! PPOOLLAANNDD ================ . ================ NODiSk=NoAnSwEr HaRdCORe RuLZZZZZ E L I T E B E T T E R ! !!!!!! _________ ____ ©© © ©©©©©© ©©©©© / __/\_ _// __/ ©© © ©© © © © © \_ \ / \ \_ \ ©©©©©© ©© © © © © / \_\/ \/ \_\ ©© © ©© © © © \___/\___/\___/ ... ©© © ©© © ©©©©© ... S a i n t s ----------------------------- -*-*-*---> NeC <---*-*-*- Reach us for ELITE Trading! and joining can touch this: c0nTaCt Me f0r GFX & SWAPPING NoP of SAINTS Serkan Akkaya HEM0R0IDS PK:10 Cennet Ptt.34640 WHEN PREPARATION H KucukCekmece - ISTANBUL ISN'T ENOUGH TURKEY! ----------------------------- °°°°° HURTAUX LUDOVIC °°°°° Wanna get SAINtS Productions? °°°° 8,RUE DU DANUBE °°°° ----------------------------- °°°°° 51100 REIMS °°°°° °°°°°° FRANCE °°°°°°° SIA NEOPLASIA NEOPLASIA NEOPLASIA NEOPLASIA NEOPLASIA NEOPLASIA NEOPLASIA NEOP Nina ... | FoR sOmE cOoL aNd FaSt MaIlSwApPiNg CoNtAcT: do you remember our holidays | our feelings | PEACE/NEOPLASIA => SeNdInGs WiTh VoDkA wIlL and now you left me | POSTE RESTANTE => bE dRuNkEn FiRsT aNd I am missing you girl | 45127 ESSEN => aNSwErEd aFtEr DeLiRiUm! your lips | GERMANY your body | everything of you | FoR aLl ThOsE wHo ArE iNtErEsTeD iN hAvInG a Standing at the window | NiCe ChAt AnD sOmE dRiNx WiTh Me: looking at the sun going down | -= MEET ME ON CEBIT ON SATURDAY 19-03-94 =- like we did | but you are not beside me | GrEEtInX aRe FlYiNg OuT tO mY cOnTaX iN: saying your name | but you dont come | eReMaTiOn * bOnZaI * pLaTiN * bLaCkJaCk I awake | AlChEmY * D-29 * MaD eLkS * iNtErAcTiVe but you are not in my arms | InTeNsE * mYsTiC * fOcUsDeSiGn * TeChNoLoGy Girl I miss you so | DeFiAnCe * MaNiToU * bEtAtEaM * aPpLaUsE there is no word to explain | eQuInOx * BaNaNa DeZiGn * CaRtEl * PhAsE Best wishes for your life. | tRsI * 242 * pArAsItE * eFfEcT * iLluSiOn ... LASIA NEOPLASIA NEOPLASIA NEOPLASIA NEOPLASIA NEOPLASIA NEOPLASIA NEOPLASIA NE +-------------------------------------+ | | __ ____ _ | write 4 the l8es legal stuff | / \ / / .\ / ) | | / \/ / __) /_ | to: | \_/\___/\_/ (____) | | | _______ ______ ______ | Growing like Cancer | / \__/\\ \ __/\_\ \ | | / . : | . \| |\ \/ _ \| |) / | Contact Horra/Neoplasia |/ : | | _ | |_) (_) | _ \ | for legal reasons |\ |__|_/ |__|_____/\_ __/|__|_ \| | \__| \___/ : o \/_ . |_/| Write to: | o . . : o | | : . : | Thomas Horacek | . -) BEYOND THE MIND EYES (- . | Hauptstr. 39 | | 95173 Schönwald | VAdER / MADOR DISC(s) | | ULRICH BECKER | Greetings to all my Contax | WESERSTR.48 100% REPLAY | | 49661 CLOPPENBURG | | | | | +-------------------------------------+ ___________________________ ________ / / / / / \ /\ /\/\ / \ \ / / / / _/ / / / / / / \/ _ \ | \ / / / / / / / / / / \/ \ \ / / /_____/__/__/__/_____/__\__/ / ~~~~~~~~~~~\/~~~~~ \__________________________\/ ____ __ __________ / __/ / |__/ | / __/ 4 friendly swap'n, write 2: / _]_/ | \ \__ \ + . + . + \ \_____/_| / ___/ . + Atomic / Orion + . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/ . + Skalbygatan 157 . + . S-724 76 Vasteras . ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A COOL, + Sweden + . . 100% FRIENDLY AND FAST CONTACTS? . + . + TRY THIS ONE: . + DISX=ANSWER . + + . + . IRON OF MDE . gReEtz 2 aLl /Y\y c0nTaX! . Broniewskiego 36/8 . + . + 59-700 Boleslawiec Orion - A light in the dark! POLAND! . + . + . + - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - - |-_______________________________ -___- | _______ - | -_____| ______ - - |/ ____)_ __)_ _)__ __)/ | \ |/ ____)- | / \ | | )- - |\____ \ / \ / | \ / \ / | \\ \____ \- |/ | \\ __/ - - |/ / /// \\ / \\/ \\/ | \\/ / //- / | \\ \ - - |\______/ \____/ \___| /\____/\_______/\______/ - \_________/__|___). - | - | - | - | - | - ||__/ - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - - | - | | - | - - | - | We`re looking for new, good contacts all over the World! | - | - - | - | | - | - - | - | The SM / Status O.K. Alice / Status O.K. | - | - - | - | Zolnierska 65 Broniewskiego 36/8 | - | - - | - | 58-592 Podgorzyn or 59-700 Boleslawiec | - | - - | - | Poland Poland | - | - - | - | | - | - - | - | Slangy / Status O.K. Ser / Status O.K. | - | - - | - | M. Opitza 6/10 or Wlokniarzy 26/20 | - | - - | - | 59-700 Boleslawiec 34-120 Andrychow | - | - - | - | Poland Poland | - | - - | - | | - | - - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - -13- of Caede searches more cool friends.... So, if ya wanna know me better, just write me at diz addy Le -13- De La Caedes (or try this one (success non quaranted):) Sebastien Diaz ( L'ami -13- ) Guenneval ( Cooperative des Alcooliques Anonymes ) 74500 St Paul En Chablais ( 13, rue du colonel Moukren ) -- France -- ( quoi d'autre ) ( 64561.7 Cognac City ) voice number: 50 74 64 46 (not when it's night, pliz... I like sleeping...) I'm interested in friendship, swapping, gfx, recettes de pates, and delirium Don't need to be elite, don't need to be in a worldwide known group, just be yourself... Don't be timid, write me right now... cool n' long letters rulez ____/\ /\_____________/\ /\ Horra \__ \_/ ________ /\ / \ of \_| \ / \__/ l____/ /___/ \ /\ __ __ _ _| \_/ \/ ___)__// _ \ / \ ( (/ .\ / ) / l \/ j \ / \/ / __) /_ \ ____l____/\_____ _____/ \_/\ /\_( (____) \/_________/\____\______/\_____/___/ \_/ \_/m e d i c i n e\______/\_____/p@! is searching some new keWl tRadeRs, gEt in tOuch wIth: CONTAX for swapping all kinds of .:: pACE/mediCine ::. STUFF roGer andeRssOn write to: viLLav.17 95055 sAngIs Thomas Horacek sWeDeN Hauptstr. 39 9 5 1 7 3 Schönwald pAckSuppoRt,aGa,mOduleS,anSi & Germany oRdiNaRy - eLite sWappIng! - ______________ __________ / \ ______ / \ / _ _ / / \ Yo! Here is Dynio/TOMCAT and \____ ____/ / // // / / /\___/ write something interesting: / / / // // / / / Ofcoz i want more,more and / / / / \__// / / \_____ much more swap-friends so, if / / / / / / \ \ You are one of them - \__/ / / / / \________/ especially coders (but all \___/ / / others are welcome too ofcoz!!) / / then simply write to me: T / / O / / Dynio /TMC M \___/ Krzysztof Dyki C Ul.Karlowicza 69 A - When world need more condoms 71-102 Szczecin T POLAND NO GAMES OFCOZ! ---- 101% Answer if You know what is COOL and what is LAME ---- P.S. Look out for smashing(?!) TOMCAT productions! __________ __________ __ __________ ____ ____ / __ /\/ __ /\/ \/\ __ \/\ \ /\ \ / /\/ / / /\/ / / \ \ \/\ \ \ \\/ \ / / / / / /_/ _/ / \ \ \ \ \ \ _ \ \ \ \ \ \ __ \_ \ / / / / / / _// / \ \/ \ \ \ \ \ \ / / \/ / / _/ / / \_________\/\___\/\___\/\__/\/_________/\/___/ \/___/ Are you independent or unhappy with your current group? Orion is a new swedish group, aimed to be as active as possible. Mostly we need coders (Assembler), but graphicans, musicans, swappers traders can join to. We're also looking for a own board... Our coders will be 100% supported with modules, pictures and everything. If your interested send samples of work to one of these addresses. Atomic/Orion Braindead/Orion Skyhawk/Orion Skälbygatan 157 Eklövsvägen 25 Sodra Promenad 16 S-724 76 Västerås S-443 50 Lerum S-697 32 Palsboda Sweden Sweden Sweden ____________________ /· \ sebastien diaz +---/----------------/----------------+ \\ c a e d e s / guenneval |`` \HEYA! 4:\ ` ` ` miklesz| \__________________/ 74500 st paul | \----->>UTILITIEZ\ ` ` ` ` | ________________ - france - |` \-------> SAMPLEZ\ ` ` | |\ \· / _________ | \----> ALGORHYTMZ\ ` | |·\ \\ / /\ \· | |` \---------> DEMOZ\ ` | | \\ \\ -13- / / \ \\ | | ` `` \-------> MODULOZ\ ` ` `| | ·\ \ / /· \ \· | | ` \-------> SOURCEZ\ ` ` | | \ \ / // \ \ | | ` \WRITE 2:\ ` | | \ \ / // \ \ | | ` \MIKLESZ / DAMAGE\ ` | | \ \ / / -13- \ \ | | ` \MIKOÎAJ LESZCZUK\ ` | |_______\ \/ / \ \ | | ``\UL. BEMA 26\ ` `` | /______________\ \| | ` ` `\31 - 512 KRAKÓW\ `| __________________ | ` \POLAND (EUROPE)\ ` | mute support /· \ |damage ` ` \+48 +12 118577\ `| cool swap // c a e d e s \ +----------------/----------------/---+ long letters \____________________/ ____ ____________________________________________________________/ / /__ | _________________________________________________________/ / /_ | | | _____ __ __ __ _____ __ / / / | | | | /| \ /| | /| | /| | /| \ /\ \ / / / | | | | | | | \ | | | | | | | | | | | | \ \ \ \/ / / | | | | | | || / | | | | | | | | | | | || / \ \ \/ / | | | | | | | / | | | | | | | | | | | | _/ \ \ / | | | | | | | \ | | |__ | | | | | |__ | | \ / / \ | | | | | | || \ | | || | | | | || | |\ \ / / /\ \ | | | | | | | / | | || || | |___ | | || || | | \ \ / / /\ \ \ | | | | | |____/ | |____|| |_____|| |____|| | |\ \ \/ / / \ \_\ | | | | |/____/ |/____/ |/_____/ |/____/ |/_/ \/_/ / / \/_/ | | | |______________________________________________/ / /____________| | |______________________________________________ / / /_______________BblbrX / / / `94 - FUN - FUN - FUN - /_/_/ BeeblebroX For swapping da latest Rene Rummel Hutschenreutherkol.5 95100 Selb + | . . ,_________ . + c0nTaCt -+- + + + | / + | rAv3/mAnItOu . ______/\ | ______/\ ______| ___/______/\ -+- ChRiStIaN DaHl . | \____ \ + \____ \ \ | \____ _____\ | + fEldStr.53 + -+- / _ \ / _ \_\ | / / .__)_____ 21335 lUeNeBuRg | / | /_ . / | \¯ ¯ / / | \ . gErMaNy + _/ _ ¯ \_/ _ \ /_/ | \ | . + \ Y \ Y \ / \ ¯ \ + -+- + \_____| \_____| \____/ \_______________\ 0f . | . |_______\rave|_______\ + ¯ + . + + ¯ ¯ ¯ . ¯ . | . + + MANITOU . + + + -+- + + + . gReEtZ tO: . + . . + | + . . . mOvEmEnT - lEmOn. - dUaL cReW-sHiNing - tRsI - mYsTiC - lEgO - aBsOluTe! + bOnzAi - mAd ElKs - rAzOr 1911 - bRoNx - tHe fUn fAcToRy - uNliMitEd . iNtErAcTiVe - sCaNiA - dIfFuSiOn - X-tReMe - oBsCeNe - rEtIrE - fCi + rAm jAm - vIsIoN - sCoOpeX - tRaNcE iNc. - eFfEcT - sAvAgE - dEsIrE . nUaNcE - pRiNcIpEs - aBySs - PaRaSiTe - InCaLl iNc. - IrIs - iScH cReW . nEoPlAsIa - sTaTiC bYtEs - tAlEnT - SaNiTy and all INDIANS worldwide ######## ### ### ##### ___________________________ ## ####### ## / / / / / \ /\ ## ## # ## ## / / / / _/ / / / / / ## ## ## ##### / / / / / / / / / ## /_____/__/__/__/_____/__\__/ / ## \__________________________\/ TOMCAT Orion is a new group who needs esp- -- When world need more condoms -- ecially coders, but graphicans, mus- icans and swappers can join to. Do You have friend? Do You want friend? Don't waste Coders will be 100% supported with Your time - just write to me: modules, pics n' everything. Dynio /TOMCAT We also want a board, so if your un- Krzysztof Dyki happy with your current group or your Ul.Karlowicza 69 independent, send samples of your 71-102 Szczecin work to one of these addresses: POLAND Atomic/Orion Braindead/Orion Coders especially welcome! Skalbygatan 157 Eklovsvagen 25 (But all others too!) S-724 76 Vasteras S-443 50 Lerum Sweden Sweden ________________ ___ __________ ___ _______ /_______________/ /\ /__/\ /__________\\__\ /\______\ / /\ /\ \/ \/ / // \/ / __ \ \ _ /\ \/ \ \ /\/ _____//\ / / /\ \ \ \ \_____/ \ \ \/\_/\ \ \ \/\/ /\_/\/ / \ \ \ /\___ \ \/ \ \ \ \/\ \/ \ / / / / / \__ \ \ \/ \ \ \/___/_/ / / \ \ / \/ / / \_______________/__________/__/\___________/______/________/[PR] ----------> ThE MaGaZiNE FoR REadEr`s <------------ A TRISTAR & RED SECTOR INCOOPERATED PRODUCTION 1994 =================================================== ISSUE SEVEN will be out in February/March feat. new design and new code so give it a hot support!! T H E M A G F O R R E A D E R S !!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- nø ð¡§k = 5% ån$\x/3r frøgg¿z ©ån 7 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ø ¿ /\\ /\\ ® ::___________________ ___ ___::: $ :\ \/\\::/\\:::\ \\:: ð3mø§ ¥ :/ __)_ _) \_ _)/ | \/ __):: ð k ::\ //\/ \\:::\ \\: å n ð :\__ \:| |/ - \| |:/ | \\__ \:: ¡ ::/ \\ \/\ \\/\\\ \\ µt¿£$ ® :/___/:|_|\__| //|_|:\_____/___/:: § = :/ /\//\ \/ // \/ // ®µ£3! 7 :::::::::::::|_/:::::::::::::::::: k / //:/ /\ // /\ \//: 3 ::::::::::___ _____:::::::::::::: $. 9 \ \\:\ \\\//\ \/\ \\: £ :::::::::/ \| | )::::::::::::: 7 5 :\ \\:\ \\:::\ /\//: £3gå£ ::::::::/ | \\ --<:::::::::::::: @ % ::\ \\:\ \\:::\//:::: øn£¥! ::::::::\_____/__|__).:::::::::::: å let\//'s\//have a cup b :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: £. å å :: :: 3 n סß3 øf 73å £ :: If you wanna have a new, :: r. § :: friendly contact, :: $. w ¿$ £øøk¡ng 4 n3\x/ F®¿3nð$ × :: then write to: :: !: @ $ø $µ¶¶ø®7 /Y\¥ §wå¶ ¡ :: :: :: r & \x/®¡73 2 /Y\@ å7: ß :: Ser / Status O.K. :: :: 3 :: Robert Sermak :: ::: Xavier Borderie :: Wlokniarzy 26/20 :: :::. 19 Avenue Pinel måð £377Å$ :: 34-120 Andrychow :: .::::. 92600 Asn¡eres rµ£3 !!!:. :: Poland :: .:::::.. F-R-A-N-C-E ....::. :: :: . : ::::::::..............:::::::: : . :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - - |-_______________________________ -___- | _______ - | -_____| ______ - - |/ ____)_ __)_ _)__ __)/ | \ |/ ____)- | / \ | | )- - |\____ \ / \ / | \ / \ / | \\ \____ \- |/ | \\ __/ - - |/ / /// \\ / \\/ \\/ | \\/ / //- / | \\ \ - - |\______/ \____/ \___| /\____/\_______/\______/ - \_________/__|___). - | - | - | - | - | - ||__/ - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - - | - | | - | - - | - | We`re looking for musicians, swapers and modem-traders!! | - | - - | - | | - | - - | - | If you want to be member of our wonderful group and | - | - - | - | | - | - - | - | you are good musician or swaper then write to one of us. | - | - - | - | | - | - - | - | Slangy / Status O.K. Ser / Status O.K. | - | - - | - | M. Opitza 6/10 or Wlokniarzy 26/20 | - | - - | - | 59-700 Boleslawiec 34-120 Andrychow | - | - - | - | Poland Poland | - | - - | - | | - | - - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___ __________ ___ ___ __/ /_ ______ / // // / / / / / /_ __/ / __ \ / //_// / / / / / / / / /_/ / / / / / / / / / / / / _____/ / / / / / /__/ / / /__ / /____ /__/ /__/ \_______/ \____/ \______/ We're looking for articles (serious or delirium ones.. ), news, cliparts, digits (BW; the funniest you can.. ) and all those sorts of stuffs... For any infos, write to: -13- / caedes. Sebastien Diaz guenneval 74500 St Paul En Chablais - FrancE - also, don't forget to vote in our charts... ( ask us votesheets ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- | > SCUOT / INDEPENDENT < | ©© © ©©©©©© ©©©©© | | ©© © ©© © © © © | I'm searching 4 a new | ©©©©©© ©© © © © © | group 4 joining. | ©© © ©© © © © | My job is: Coding. | ... ©© © ©© © ©©©©© ... | If you wanna need cool | | TALENTED Coder to your | -*-*-*---> StRaNgEr <---*-*-*- | GROUP then don't wait. | | My address: | c0nTaCt Me 0nLy f0r | | !!! SWAPPING !!! | ZiYA GUNES | | Merkez mah.Ataturk cad. | HEM0R0IDS | Mezbaa yolu.YunusMarket | WHEN PREPARATION H | ustu. No:04 Yenibosna | ISN'T ENOUGH | Istanbul - TURKiYE | | | °°°°°° CEDRIC CHANAL °°°°°° | No Disk = No answer | ° 145 AV COMTE DE NICE °° | Only joining offers | °° 34000 MONTPELLIER °° ----------------------------- °°°°°° FRANCE °°°°°°° ······· ······ ······· ········ ······· ······· ······ ··· ··· ········ ········ ········ ········ ········ ········ ········ ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ········ ········ ········ ········ ······· ······· ··· ··· ········ ······· ········ ······· ········ ········ ········ ··· ··· ······· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ········ ··· ··· ········ ········ ········ ··· ··· ··· ··· ······· ··· ··· ······· ······ ······ *PIONEER OF THE RADICAL COOL* IS LOOKING FOR MORE KEWL CONTACTS! PAPERBOY - JARKKO TARNANEN HARAKANKATU 5 B 15610 LAHTI FINLAND EUROPE GREETINGS GOES TO: SPLATTERHEAD - B.P.M. - GRAND DUKE - MICE - DAVE - NESI - M.L LEGAL=COOL! ILLEGAL=COOLEST! 100% ANSWER TO EVERYBODY! :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +-------------------------------------+ ::___________________ ___ ___::: | | :/ __)_ _) \_ _)/ | \/ __):: | write 4 the l8es legal stuff | :\__ \:| |/ - \| |:/ | \\__ \:: | | :/___/:|_|\__| //|_|:\_____/___/:: | to: | :::::::::::::|_/:::::::::::::::::: | | ::::::::::___ _____:::::::::::::: | _______ ______ ______ | :::::::::/ \| | )::::::::::::: | / \__/\\ \ __/\_\ \ | ::::::::/ | \\ --<:::::::::::::: | / . : | . \| |\ \/ _ \| |) / | ::::::::\_____/__|__).:::::::::::: |/ : | | _ | |_) (_) | _ \ | :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: |\ |__|_/ |__|_____/\_ __/|__|_ \| :: :: | \__| \___/ : o \/_ . |_/| :: If you wanna have a new, :: | o . . : o | :: friendly contact, :: | : . : | :: then write to: :: | . -) BEYOND THE MIND EYES (- . | :: :: | | :: Slangy / Status O.K. :: | VAdER / MADOR DISC(s) | :: Krzysztof Grynienko :: | ULRICH BECKER | :: Opitza 6/10 :: | WESERSTR.48 100% REPLAY | :: 59-700 Bolesîawiec :: | 49661 CLOPPENBURG | :: Poland :: | | :: :: | | :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +-------------------------------------+ . /\ >> yOuR sCaLp Is mInE! << | . | . . + + _/ \_ + . ,___, -+- -+- /\ + + . .___/ \ . + | | | | + / \ __________________ | \ /__________________|_ | + / \/ \______ \ \| \____/¯ \ \__ / | . cOdErS / \ / \/ __ \ \ | | ____\ . \/ / | + wAnTeD! / \/| \ \ \ __¯¯ | | / ! \ /\ | . / | | \ / \ | | \ / | + + / |_|_______\_____/___|\ |____|_____\________/\_______| . + /_________| ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ \___| ¯ ¯ rave¯ ¯ ¯ tHe sPiRiT oF fReEdOm ¯ >> gErMaN rEsErVaTiOn << . rAvE mAjOr bANdIt sIr jInX gEnTlEmAn ChRiStIaN dAhL p.O. bOx 3 iNgO wInKlEr jOhN WaLtEr fElDsTr.53 95097 sElB 4 aNToNiUspLaTz 1 aM bUsCh 4 21335 lUeNeBuRg 49661 cLoPpEnBuRg 53773 HeNnEfF bIeRtH aLl In GerMaNY /| /\_ /\_ /\_ /\_ /\_ / |/ _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / | | \/ |__\ |__\/ |__\/ |__\ ©© © ©©©©©© ©©©©© ! | | ! _|! _|_!_ | ! | ©© © ©© © © © © | | | | | | | | | | | ©©©©©© ©© © © © © |___|__|___|__| |_______|______|__| ©© © ©© © © © ... ©© © ©© © ©©©©© ... - THERE'S NO MEDICINE AGAINST! - -*-*-*---> d0cKeRs <---*-*-*- FoR a FRiEnDLy eLiTe sWaP, cOnTaCT: c0nTaCt Me 0nLy f0r /X\ALARKY / INFECT !!! M0DULES !!! 16 Maple Gardens HEM0R0IDS Yateley WHEN PREPARATION H Camberley ISN'T ENOUGH Surrey GU17 7JG °°°°°° DROUSSE ALAIN °°°°°° ENGLAND! °° 26, RUE DU PONTREAU °° °° 79130 AZAY/THOUET °° Legal Only. Disk = 100% Answer! °°°°°° FRANCE °°°°°°° WeLL KnOwN GrOuPs oNLy pLeeZe! ------------------------------ ___________________________________________________ _____ _/ _____________ /_____________/_____ /______/ | / \________ \_ /___/_\ _ \_ \ _ \_ / / ___)__\_ _ _/ | / / | / \/ / \/ / ___/ \ / | \ | ______/_______/______/_______/___|_________/____| \ +---l_____j-dQ----G-e-N-e-R-a-t-i-O-n-S---A-h-E-A-d-----l_____\---+ Contact us right now for the latest stuff under: Laxical/Scoopex Joachim Sobczak Pallasstr. 53 44575 Castrop-Rauxel Germany Fast greets to my friends in: Razor 1911, Dreamdealers, Sanity, Digital Alcatraz, Fairlight, Virtual Dreams, DCS, Static Bytes, Polka Brothers, Andromeda, Majic 12, Absolute!, Crusaders, Miracle, Infect, Talent,etc. -+-------------------------------------------------------+- + © HEM0R0IDS WHEN PREPARATI0N H ISN'T EN0UGH © + + + + © CONTACT US : + + DOCKERS/HMD + + ©©© TUNER/HMD DROUSSE ALAIN + + © © DUREUX LAURENT 26,RUE DU PONTREAU + + ©©©©© 5,RUE JEAN MERMOZ 79130 AZAY SUR THOUET + + 74100 ANNEMASSE FRANCE + + ©©©©© FRANCE + + © STC/HMD + + ©©©©© NEC/HMD HARDIBO PIERRE-JEAN + + HURTAUX LUDOVIC CLOS FLEURI + + ©©©©© 8,RUE DU DANUBE BAT A APP 13 + + © 51100 REIMS 74190 LE FAYET + + ©©©©© FRANCE FRANCE + + + + HELLO TO OUR FRIENDS :MADE°ORAK°SCAL°PHOTOS°GAROU° + + ACBS°-13-°SPEEDY°MICKEY°SHADOW°DAMION°RA°ALGOL° + + SLEDGEHAMMER°ELF°... + + ----------------------------------------- + + -HMD-HMD-HMD-HMD-HMD-HMD-HMD-HMD-HMD-HMD- + -+-------------------------------------------------------+- /| ==================== · = |\ / | |\| /\ / |) /\ |\| | / | \ /--| | | / \ \ |\ \/ | | | \ |--\ / | ======================== | \ OOoo Yonder/Caedes ooOO - Zikos - le pack de la mort Gfx-men, Swappers and zikos are welcome ... support my pack serie by sending your Addy: Pierre Carrez prods at this addy: 42 av gal de Gaulle 74200 Thonon -13- / caedes. - France - sebastien diaz guenneval OOoo Ciaoooo ooOO 74500 st paul en chablais .. france! .. _/\__ _/\_ __ __/\ __/\__ _/\__ /. \__/. \_/ \_/ \_/. \_/ .\_ // __ .\ ___ \ \ __. \__ __// __ / \__ .\ // .\. .\ | \/. .\ \__ \/ /.\_ \\_/ : \\\ \\\ | \\ \\ /.\_, \ // /\. | // /// | // /// / / __/ \___|___/____/___|__/\____// \ __/ \___/ Check your mind! \___/ Reach us for joining and trading the very latest at: | | NoP of SAINTS | VICToRY of SAINTS | WooBER of SAINTS Serkan Akkaya | Zafer Altincekic! | Goran Myrland PK:10 Cennet PTT. 34640 | Cennet mah.Hurriyet cd. | Gamnes KucukCekmece - ISTANBUL : Orhangazi sok. 14/7 34640 : 9130 Hansnes TURKEY! . K.Cekmece-ISTANBUL-TURKEY . NORWAY Also for you can join SAINTS! +:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+ :+ Surprise! Productions :+ +: _______ ________________ +: /\_..__ /\__. . /\__. . :+_/::'. \_||::'|||::' ___ \ :+ .//\_____\//\_____\//\_____ \ +:|:' |____j|¦' |||' l__) )+: / \____ \ \____ \ \____ ·\ \.. :+l_____ ||l____j|¦ ____/ :+ \.:/ ø| \/ ½|___\/ ¦| \\.: \ +:| ! ¦|______|: | +: . \/ ¦| ·\____ ·\ : /_ / :+l _______jl __jl ___j :+ ___/ :| \\ | \\ °| ·\ \ +: \/ \/ \/e!/eqx +: \\_ °: ·\ | ·\_| \\ \ :+ IS NOT DEAD !!! :+ \ \_____________/______ / |____ / / +: +: \__. . :.[c]Pr!.:. ___\/_. .__\/_/ :+ - for joining - :+ \/ \/ +: MESSERSCHMITT/S!P [WHQ] +: :+ P.O.BOX 48 :+ /X\ john PeeL / DeSiRe /X\ +: H-4015 DEBRECEN +: :+ HUNGARY :+ Saavikatu 1 +: +: 20780 Kaarina :+ - for ELITE swapping - :+ F I N L A N D +: LORD of S!P +: :+ LABOS PETER :+ !greetz to .dead Kennedys.! +: H-1181 BUDAPEST +: :+ DARUS 10 II/3 :+ +:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+::+:+: _______ _ ______ __ _ _____ / \__/\\ \ __/\_\ \ / . : | . \| |\ \/ _ \| |) / -------------------- / : | | _ | |_) | (_) | _ \ -------------------- \ |__|_/ |__|_____/\_ __/|__|_ \ \__| \___/ : o \/_ . |_/ o . . : o : . : . -) BEYOND THE MIND EYES (- . 4 swapping d 4 gfx write to : i write to: s 1 VAdER / MADOR c 0 r CROMATIC/MADOR 0 e Ulrich Becker % p MARKUS MUELLER Weserstr.48 l POZNANERSTR.23 a 49661 Cloppenburg y 03048 Cottbus ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Do YoU wAnT dA oLdEsT ?··········· ::___________________ ___ ___::: ·············Da LaMeSt ?············ :/ __)_ _) \_ _)/ | \/ __):: ·············dA sLoWeSt ?············ :\__ \:| |/ - \| |:/ | \\__ \:: :/___/:|_|\__| //|_|:\_____/___/:: ThEn CoNtAcT xIbE oF tEa At : :::::::::::::|_/:::::::::::::::::: XaViEr BoRdErIe ::::::::::___ _____:::::::::::::: 19 AvEnUe PiNeL :::::::::/ \| | )::::::::::::: 92600 AsNiErEs ::::::::/ | \\ --<:::::::::::::: F·R·A·N·C·E ::::::::\_____/__|__).:::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: nø ð!$k = nø ån§\x/@® :: :: 1 С$k = 50% æn$\x/3r :: If you wanna have a new, :: 1 ð¿x + /Y\åð £377å = 100% Ænsw3r :: realy friendly contact, :: :: then write to our female :: 4C65207468E920456CE97068616E7420212121 :: member Alice: :: :: :: Øn£y gøøð f®3n©h / @ng£¿$h §¶æk3®z !!! :: Alice / Status O.K. :: :: Alicja Kulaga :: -------------------------------------- :: Broniewskiego 36/8 :: TEA : LET US HAVE A NICE CUP MY FRIEND :: 59-700 Boleslawiec :: -------------------------------------- :: Poland :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: · : · _ | : ____| \ .__l__.________ ._____.______l _______ \_ | \ | |\_____ \__| |\____ \ \____ \ +-------/ | \|_____l/ |____/|_____|/ | \_/ | \-------+ | / | \ \______ \| / | / | \ | +-----/ | \ / | \ / | / | \-----+ \ | \ \ | \ \ | \ | \ \_____ /___|\_____ /____\_____ \____| / =====\______/=|=======\______/=========\______/sHk|_____/== | | : | . 4 JOINING TRY THIS ADDY : . 4 ELITE TRADING , 2 D-E-C-A-D-E-N-C-E / V-I-S-I-O-N KRISTIAN BROEMME WE NEED ONLY GRAPHICIANS, WALDSRTR.7 14727 DOEBERITZ CODER AND MODEMTRADER GERMANY +- EVERYONE , WHO IS INTERESTED GeT AN ANSWER -+ ------------------------------ ©© © ©©©©©© ©©©©© > TRAP of INDEPENDENT < ©© © ©© © © © © is looking a nice good team ©©©©©© ©© © © © © for joining as Coder. ©© © ©© © © © ... ©© © ©© © ©©©©© ... If you wanna contact with me then you can should write at: -*-*-*---> STC <---*-*-*- TRAP ERKAN AKKAYA c0nTaCt Me f0r CODING Cennet mh.Hurriyet cd. & JOINING Ahmetseker apt.No:76/11 34640 KucukCekmece - ISTANBUL HEM0R0IDS TURKIYE WHEN PREPARATION H ISN'T ENOUGH Please send me disk with your members's works or productions °°° HARDIBO PIERRE-JEAN °°° ------------------------------ °CLOS FLEURI,BAT A,APP13° >No disk = Big risk< °°°° 74190 LE FAYET °°° ------------------------------ °°°°°° FRANCE °°°°°°° _______________________________ 4 / _____________________________ \ Swappin da newest (_(_ _)_) Greetz fly out to Stuff of da Scene , _)_) _ _ _ _ / (_(_ all our contacts Metaltapes , ( ( |_) |_) | |_) |_| \/ ) ) out there ! Mods , Gfx , Games \ \ |_) |_) |__|_) | \ /\ / / Public Domain , \ \ __________________/__ / / WRITE FAST OR Tools , Joining Offers \ \ --------------------- / / DIE HARD !!! \ \ Fun - Fun - Fun / / _________________________\ \ --------------- / /__________________________ | \ \ / / | |___________________________\ \ Have a nice / /____________________________| \ \ / / \ \ Day / / Contact Bººb|ºb®0× under ... \ \ / / Or Contact Horra of Neoplasia , \ \ ! / / Rene Rummel \ \ / / Thomas Horacek Hutschenreutherkol.5 \ \ / / Hauptstr.39 95100 Selb \ \ / / 95137 Schoenwald Home of da Bureaucrats \ X / Fuckin old Germania X X /_X_\ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +---- - - - - - - ----+ ::___________________ ___ ___::: | ___ _ ______ ___ ___ ___ _ | :/ __)_ _) \_ _)/ | \/ __):: | ( _\ \( _\ _) _ \ _ \ \\/ ) | :\__ \:| |/ - \| |:/ | \\__ \:: | /- \| / _) / _ / - ) / :/___/:|_|\__| //|_|:\_____/___/:: | |_|_|__\_|___)_|_\___)__/_/ | :::::::::::::|_/:::::::::::::::::: P|ØN@@R Ø£ TH@ RAÐ|ÇAL ÇØØL! ::::::::::___ _____:::::::::::::: :::::::::/ \| | )::::::::::::: | AM LØØK|NG £ØR MØR@ ÇØNTAÇTS! ::::::::/ | \\ --<:::::::::::::: ::::::::\_____/__|__).:::::::::::: PAP@RBØ¥: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: JARKKO TARNANEN :: :: HARAKANKATU 5 B :: If you wanna have a new, :: SF-15610 LAHTI :: friendly contact, :: FINLAND EUROPE :: then write to: :: :: :: L@GAL = ÇØØL! |LL@GAL = ÇØØL@ST! :: The SM / Status O.K. :: :: Zolnierska 65 :: | 100% ANSW@R TØ @V@R¥BØÐ¥! | :: 58-592 Podgorzyn :: B@G|NN@RS AR@ W@LÇØM@! :: Poland :: | | :: :: |GR@@T|NGS TØ ALL £R|@NÐS'N'ÇØNTAÇTS| :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +---- - - - - - - ----+ yOuR sCaLp_________________________________ ______________ ________ + iS mInE! \______ ~/: ____\_____ ~// _ \// ___\____ \/ ____/\ + . . / / / / . ____/ / / /. _ //. ____/ __ /____ /\/ | + /__/_/__/_____ /__/_/__/_____ ./_____ /___/___/_____ /// | + -+- . \__\_\__\_____\/\__\_\__\_____\/\_____\/\___\___\_____\/./ -+- . | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/r . | /\/\/\ + _______________________________________________ + . + \ \/ / /. / / // __ :\____ //: ./. ______/ . /\ /\/\/\ __/ /\ \__ + // / / /. __ ./ / ./ . /__// _____/ + / /// \ \/ / + _/\/ \/ \/\_ /_____ /___/___/___/_ /___/\_/_______/_____ /./ __/ /\ \__ \\ _ _ // \_____\/\_______\_____\/\___\/r\_______\_____\/ /_/\/ \/ \/\_ \\_/:\/:\_// + ~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/ \\ _ _ // / \ __ / \ + + + rAvE + + \\_/:\/:\_// \_/. .\_/ thE gErMaN rEsErvAtIoN cHrIsTiAn dAhL G / \ __ / \ ! ()()() ! oF dA mIghTy MANITOU nEeDs fElDsTr.53 + e \_/. .\_/ : ||()|| : sUm nEw InDiAnS! . 21335 lUeNeBuRg R . ! ()()() ! . ::||:: . - sTrOnG wArRiOrS + + + m : ||()|| : :: - mIghTy MeDiCiNe Men . mAjOr bAnDiT A . ::||:: . .. (fOr ThE wHiTe mEn:cOdEr aNd gFx mEn) p.O.bOx 3 n :: rave WaNnA jOiN?tHeN cOnTacT oUr 2 gErMan cHiEfs . 95097 sElB 4 Y .. &C.A ________ /\______ ________ ©© © ©©©©©© ©©©©© _/\_/ ___ //__ __/ _/\_/ ___ / ©© © ©© © © © © \_ _ \_\/ / \ \_ _ \_\/ ©©©©©© ©© © © © © /\/ \_ \ / \ /\/ \_ \ ©© © ©© © © © _/ \_/ \_/ \_ ... ©© © ©© © ©©©©© ... :\ _/\_/\/:\__/\_/\/:\ _/\_/\/: ::\__/:::::::::::::::::::\__/:::::NoP -*-*-*---> GrYz0r <---*-*-*- ------------------------------------- SAINTS - Check your mind c0nTaCt Me 0nLy f0r ------------------------------------- !!! M0DULES !!! Try to contact with WooBER for, trading & joining Norway Division at: HEM0R0IDS WHEN PREPARATION H Woober / Saints NHQ ISN'T ENOUGH Goran Myrland Gamnes °°°°° NICOLAS FRANCK °°°°°° 9130 Hansnes ° 157,RUE DE STRASBOURG ° NORWAY ° 77350 LE MEE/SEINE ° °°°°°° FRANCE °°°°°°° _____ _____ // \ // \ __ // /\\ \ __ __ // /\\ \ ______ ________ // \ // /__\\ \// \ // \ // /__\\ \// \ \\ / ® ///\\\// \ \// \// \\ ___\ \\ _/ ///__\\\ ______ \/\__/\\ \ ______ \\ \ __// / // \/ \¢ \ \\ \/ \¢ \\ \__// / >_____ //_________\ |---\ \¢ \ \\ \ |---\ \¢ \_ / / \__________/ |---/ \¢ \ATTRA\__/ |---/ \¢ \\_____/\______/ INC. =====================\___/==================\___/===================== :::: 4 FAST'N'FRIEDLY SWAP ..:; MiKleSZ/DMGe SiTeK/DaMaGe BeDnAr/DMaGe WHITH ONE OF DA BEST : , Ul.Bema 26 Ul.SwOjSkA 3 U.KwArToWa 3 GROUPS IN PPOOLLAANND . .. 00000 KrAkOw 31464 KrAkOw 00000 KrAkOw RITE 2: |----\ |----\ .. ' PpOoLlAaNnDd PpOoLlAaNnDd PpOoLlAaNnDd |----/ |----/ . .' CODER , SWAP GFXMAN, SWAP RAYMEN, SWAP ===================== . . REMAMBA!!! ONLY CRAZY . NoDiSk=nOaNsWeR KnOwN GrOuPs MeMbErS OnLy FUCKERS MAKE IT PSBLE . . LoNg&CRAZY LeTtErS RuLZ HaRdCoRe RuUlLZzZ _________________________.____________________________________________ Oo. H O G A N O F H U M A N S .oO ___________________________ o _____ _____ _ _ ____ o / / / / / \ /\ . \ / \ / | \ / | / _ | . / / / / _/ / / / / / | | | | | \ / | / / \| / / / / / / / / / | |___| | | \_/ | \ \ /_____/__/__/__/_____/__\__/ / | ___ | | |\ /| | \ \ \__________________________\/ | | | | | | \_/ | | \ \ | | | | | | | | |\_/ / 4 FAST n' FRIENDLY swapp'n write 2: /___\ /___\ /___\ /___\ |____/ Atomic / Orion FoR fAsT AdD FriEnDly sWaP wRiTe tO: Skalbygatan 157 S-724 76 Vasteras (Hogan/HumanS) Sweden Andrzej Kotlega Ul. Ciszewskiego 3/5 Letter=99.9999% answer 78-200 Bialogard Disx=100.0000% answer P O L A N D . . Greetz to: Black Jack, Sardonyx, o LeTTer + DiSk(S) = 1000 % answer o Scania, Savage, Vision + forgot- Oo. .oO ten and ofcoz all Orion members! :__: ______/\_ _____ ___ /\ . ____________ __________ | |__ __| ___ / V V \/ \ ..\ ____ \ / ____ | | | V |____ \/ | | / \ \ ...| | ___| | | |__ | | | | || || \\\ || | || \ / \\ ...| | \ __/ \__ \ | | | | || || /// || | || \ // ...| | \ \______| | | | | : .| :| // :| :| \ //O ...|__| \___________/ |__| :\___/|__A____/|___A_____A___/\ /OOo ....... : \/ ..TRISTAR AND RED SECTOR INC. D-E-C-A-D-E-N-C-E / V-I-S-I-O-N ......... ...|...... FOR FAST'N'ELITE KRISTIAN BROEMME fOr jOIn OuR cREw ---+------ SWAPPING WRITE TO: | WALDSTR 7 oR TRaDinG Da | NORBY OF TRSI | P.O. BOX 20 14727 DOEBERITZ L8test ! 56-300 MILICZ | POLAND | GERMANY | Oo. .oO COOL STUFF'N'LETTER ----+--- o V-I-S-I-O-N o FOR 100% ANSWER | . 2 COOL 2 CARE . Oo. .oO ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _______ ___ _________ __ ___ / / / / / / / / / / / ____/ / / / ___ / / \ / / / / / / / / / / / / \ \ / / / / / / / \ / / / / / / / / / / / / \ \ / / / / / / / /\ \ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / \ / / / / /___ / /___ / /__/ / _____/ / / / / /__/ / / / / / /__/ /______/ /______/ /________/ /_______/ /__/ /________/ /__/ /__/ If you are looking for kewl and fast elite swapping, write to this addys: Sigge / Illusion Qba / Illusion Krzysztof Kwiatkowski Jakub Pienkowski ul.Lipperta 3a/3 P.O. BOX 105 12-100 Szczytno 12-100 Szczytno Poland Poland Long letter recommended! No disk(s)=Big risk! __/\____________._/\ _______/\ _______/\ __/\_______ \_ .____/\_ ¦ \ \_ . \ \_ . \ \_ _____/ / |_____/ : \/ | \/ | \/____. \ / | \ . \ . \ | \ | \ / ¦ \ | \ | \ ¦ \ ¦ \ !jµ$t.oO\_____________/___¦______/___¦______/__________/__________/Oo.kåøz! . ¡F ¥øµ wåNNa pµR3 fr¿3n𣥠tRåð¡nG? tH3n ¥øµ ···:----^-----------^-------- ðøn`t h3$t¡tåte tø wR¿t3 m3 nøw! b3 $µRe tø ¦ CHAOS OF DESIRE g3t å få$t ån$w3r. çøø£`n`£øng £3ttå$ rµl3$ | Dirk Wiemer øfçøµr$3 ånð ðøn`t førg3t ðå µ$µå£ ð¿$k(s?)! | Thueringer Str. 150 ¡ å£$ø pr3f3r a££(!) øth3r çråz¥ $tµff,wh¿çh < 14770 Brandenburg ðø ¥å m3 $enð. 100% ®3p£¥ gµåråntee! ¥ø fø£x ¦ Germany wR¡t3 $øøn & måk3 m¥ ðå¥....ð3$trø¥ få$ç¡$m! ·:----^-----------^-------- ° -------------------------^---------------------------------------^------------ & aLwAy$ r3/X\3mBeR : t E s T e D o N a N i M a L s : y3ke!? -------------------------^---------------------------------------^------------ $øm3·høwð¥`s·øµt·tø:dire/tdd,dark/jetset,fashion·design/static·bytes,trasher/ sanity,venom/eskimos,rave/last·aid,overdog/nuance,rapper/isch·crew,mdb/savage blind·guard/manitou,akaabath/nerve·axis,ufo/idk,fanatic/submission,duke/abyss jammy/infect,m.i.y-93,vortex/bronx,mr.gumble/futura,jay·master/public·enemy... oo________ ____ oooo _________ooo o/\_______\/\___\ oo /\________\ o \// °°°\// °°\ o \// ____°\o _______________________ o \ // _/ \ \__\\/ !_______________________! oo \/\ /\//\ \ \______ \ o | ,---.-----------.---, | o /\\/ \ \/ /_/\ /\______\ \ |( | LOOP/IRIS | )| / /\) (/\/\ \_\/\/ /\_____/ \ | \,__|___________|__,/ | \// \// \// / |_______________________| \________/\________/\_________/ o °°°°°°°° °°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°° o ...is searching for new VHS- OooOooOooOooOooOooOooOooOooOooOooO contacts all over the world. Send a video cassette with You are coder? You want join your hottest movie to: to famous team? If you say YEAH ! Join to ILLUSION !!! LOOP/IRIS OVRE STORABERGET 16 N-4033 FORUS STAN / ILLUSION NORWAY Stanislaw Zielosko ul. T.Kulika 11 MOVIE -> 100% ANSWER,SO WRITE 40-424 Katowice 16 NOW! GREETS TO ALL CONTACTS! POLAND _________________________ _____ \ / / / \ \/ / / /\ _/ / /\ / () ) /\____ \__ __/ _ / / / / ___/\ / \ ==> Is Looking for some more <== / / / \ \/ / / \ \/\____ \ ==> <== \/\___/\ /\__/ _/ / /\ \ / ==> Cool contacts... <== : : \_/ : \ \ /\__/ \ /\/ ==> <== . : . \/\__/ : \/ ==> There is only one way: <== . . : . : ==> <== . -=- Fr0m -=-. . ==> Write to... <== ___ ______________ ==> <== ____/\_/ \/\ / / __ \ | \ ==> Thorin / Ivory <== / / | / \/ /_/ / : /\ ==> Bertrand Floury <== \__/ | / \/ \ \__/\___ / / ==> 4 Square Alboni <== / \ | / OO / / \/__\_/ / / ==> 75016 Paris <== / /\ : /\ / / / \ \/ / / ==> France <== \__/ /\ / /\__/\/\ / / \ / / \_\/ \/ / \_/ \/\/[MeM]\_/ / -=>100% Answer<=- \/ \/ \_/ Øøø·· + + ··øøØ ø × ° [»»»»---}}}---}}}--> SPASM <--{{{---{{{---««««] ø ø ø | + _________ _________ ___________ _________ ____ ø · -+- / / / __ / + / ___ / + / / + / / + · · | / _____/ ·/ / / / / / / / / _____/ / / ____ · / / | / / / / / / / / / / | / \/ \ + / / -+- / /_/ / / /__/ / / / -+- / \ + \ \ | / _____/ / ___ / | \ \ | / /\ /\ / . \ \ / / / / / / -+- \ \ / / \/ / / | | / / + / / / /+ | | | / / / / + _____/ / / / / / / / _____/ / / / / / + / / + / / + / / / / / / / / ° / / /________/ /___/ ° /___/ /___/ /________/ + /___/ + /___/ [O×.] | I^m S3㮩HÎñg £ðr Ñè\/\/ £ãst & Çðõ| çÕÑtÀçTs..¡ . -+- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + | dôÑT H3sÎtê ÑÖW·JÛsT wRïTë tð : + __/\__ | OxStOnE/sPaSm | __/\__ + · 100% \ °° / ¦ NiCoLaS mAuFrAiS ¦ + \ °° / 100% · · answer /_~~_\ + : RoUtE dE MaUvEs : /_~~_\ answer · ø real \/ · 61400 CoUrGeOn · + \/ real ø ø + . FrAnCe . + ø Øøø·· Gr3ÉtîñgS tø ålL çðñTãÇtS Ø£ SpÄSm !¡! ··øøØ _ ______________/\ ______________ _ : ::::::::::::::::\/:::::::::::::: : _______ _________ _________ \____ \ ___ \____ \ \_____ \ /\____/\_______/\___________tRm | |\ \ \__\ / ____/ / / / / / / _/ _________ \___ \ | |/ \ / / \/ / \ / / / /\_ \/ / / / / /\ |_______/ \_________/\_________/ \____/__/_____/__/\____/__/__/ / . . \___\__\_____\__\/\___\__\__\/ DAFFY IS SEEKING . NEW CONTACTS/FRIENDS . _ ______________/\ ______________ _ TO SWAP ALL KIND OF LEGAL : ::::::::::::::::\/:::::::::::::: : . 0-10 DAYS HOT STUFF WITH. . ...always newest! azkis... . ( AGA ) . ..funny textfiles and news... ..newest intros, demos, other... ¡ DAFFY/D-29 ¡ -------------------------------- CHRISTER LÆNKHOLM ! STUFF ONLY DOWNLOADED BY MODEM ! BREGNEVÆNGET 7 -------------------------------- ¡ 3050 HUMLEBÆK ¡ JAZY / VISION * Roepersberg 22 DENMARK 23909 Ratzeburg * Germany/Europe | | DISK WITH HOT STUFF = 100% ANSWER ORDER YOUR ANIMATED AZKI HERE! NO FAKED STAMPS PLEASE!!!! ------------------------------ 100% REPLAY TO STONED PEOPLE ______ ___ ___ _________________________ ------/ / /\ / /\ / /\/ / ____/__/ _ / _ \--- -----/ / / / / / / / / / / /____\_/ // / // /\-- ----/ / /_/_/ /_/_/ /_/ /___ / / // / // / /-- ---/ / / / /___/ / / // / // / /--- --/__/______/______/_______/______/__/______/__//__/ /---- --\__\______\______\_______\______\__\______\__\\__\/----- -------------------- Gretz to all my friends !!! Magor of Illusion Ul.Murarska 6/42 Swapping and Friendship Rulez !!! 27-200 Starachowice POLAND ---------------------------------------------------------- _ _ _ _ _ _ -===/\\==/\\==/\\==/\\==/\\==/\\ / // / \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ // / //\\ /\ \\/\ \\/\ \\/\ \\// / _// \/ //// //// //\/ /// ______________________________________ / /\ \\/\ /// \//// //\ ///_ \_____\___ ______ \_____ \hj / \/// //\\\/// \/// // / //\/\\ \_____/ / __/ _/___ /___/ / / //\ \\ / // / //\ ©// \__/ / \ / / / / ==\//==\//=======\//==\//==\//=- \____\___/ /________/____/ `---------------\ /-----------------' Contact Kernal of Desire \/ [cød3r, må¡LtRåd3r & pC-$UpPøRt3r] fO® SOmE fRI£nDShIp SWÅpP¡NG : ×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x× *¤°¬¯¬°¤* Mario Hoehne *¤°¬¯¬°¤* TRæSh heÅd/TR$I Magdeburger Landstr. 130 P.ø.ßOx 144. 14770 Brandenburg / Havel O58²² m¡LaNøWeK United Germany POlæNd. x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x 100 % reply 4 funny lettas & disx. gR33tZ 2 åLl m¥ fR¡EnD$ wørLÐW¡D3! dE$¡r3 - tE$T3Ð øN åN¡MåL$ ... ¡¡¡ USE YOUR !!! ____ ____ ____ __ ___ ________ ___ ______ _________ // \ \\ \ \\ \ // \ \\ \ // __/// \ //___ \// ___ \ \\ / // \ // / \\ \ \\ \ \\ / \\ / /// \ // / \\ / \_ \ \\ / \\ \ \\ \ \\ \ \\ \___ \\ \ \\\ / \\ / /// \\ \ \\ / \\ \ \\ \ \\ \ \___ \// \/// / /// /// // \ \\\ ___\\ / ___// / // /\___// // /// / // \ // \ // \// \__/ \\\\___// \\ \__// // // // \_/ \\ \ \\ / \_____/\_________/ \________/\_______/\_______/\___/\________/\__/ \/ STAN / ILLUSION QBA / ILLUSION THE KING / ILLUSION WAYNE / ILLUSION UL.T.KULKA 11 P.O. BOX 105 UL.KARLOWICZA 45/55 UL. WYZWOLENIA 22 40-424 KATOWICE 16 12-100 SZCZYTNO 58-506 JELENIA GORA 40-756 KATOWICE POLAND POLAND POLAND POLAND LONG LETTERS GWARANTED FAST'N'FRIENDLY FRIENDSHIP HOT STUFFS \/\/\/\___**==--··· 1o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o% ANSWER ···--==**___/\/\/\ __________/\___________ /\____ _/|________ | ___)_ (__) _ \ /(__) _)|_ |___ __/ | _) _ | | | / /_|_ | ( / | | | ||__| |__| |__\ ___/ |_ /__| |SP| `--' `--' `--' \/ `--' \_/ `--`--' - FOR ABSOLUTE PURE ELITE TRADING - - SIRIAX / FAIRLIGHT ! - D.L.! P.O.BOX 540661 22525 HAMBURG - GERMANY - MAYBE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE !? ___ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____________________________ ( _ )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )( )( )( ) (_ \ \ \ O( )( )_ ( \( ) O ( )( )( \( )( ) \___ ___) ___) __) o( )( )( \ ) F ( )( )( \ )( )_ \ \ \ \___\ \___ o(_)(_____)(_)\_) (____)(_)\_)(__ ) \ \ \ ___)\ ___) O o \ \ \ \ \ \ o Are you a friendly musician O ! \___> \___> \___> ! O looking for more contacts ?? o ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ o O O Do you want to swap cool samples o Contact HUNTER of TFF for O and perhaps some new demos ?? o LEGAL,PURE ELITE MAILTRADING! o O O Do you just began to code or o HUNTER/TFF O want to help me in learning o PUISTOLANTIE 37 o assembler ?? O 28400 ULVILA o O FINLAND O If you can answer one (or more) o o of this questions with "Yes!", O GREETS TO:ACCESSION,DESIRE, O then you should write to: o FAIRLIGHT,TRSI,EQUINOX,STELLAR, o O SCOOPEX,DAMONES,S!P,ENERGY, O The Brain/Unlimited o RAZOR 1911,CHROME,VISION, ° P.O. Box 73 03 73 ° CALIBRA,BRONX,DECNITE,MAJIC 12, · 22123 Hamburg (in Germany) · BANANA DESING + OTHERS. ________________________________________________________________ /\\ // /##\\ OOOooo.. KEWL CONTACTS WANTED!!! ...oooOOO // \###\\ // \###\. For swapping 1200/600 stuff. ./ \###\ Please no fucking nerds, idiots, jerks... / \###\. ./ \###\ Write to... / \###\ MAGZ <-DON`T WRITE THIS!!! / \###\ Magne P. Zachrisen / \###\ Aschehougsgt. 19 / \###\ 3183 HORTEN / \###\ NORWAY / \###\ / \###\ / \###\ No Disk? / \###\ BIG Risk!!! / \###\ / \###\____________________________/ \##/ / \/___________________________/ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- V A D I U M I R I S -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- is still searching for more contax ! Spacehawk seeks more contacts to swap the latest warez. Contact me for: Spacehawk/IRIS NHQ Hogeveien 47 - Friendshipswapping - N-4026 Stavanger - Legal & Illegal Swap - Norway - 0-10 days old stuff - - AGA stuff - Contact him also for supporting his new pack: A pack of Fun. Supporters will get their disks back with the Write to... latest issue of the pack. Alexander Deak IRIS - When it comes to friendship Hausherrenstr. 5 78315 Radolfzell -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Germany _ /(____________ ___/\___________ \____/\_____ ~\ \____/\_____ ~\___ _ __ / \/ __/ \/ \/ /____/ __/ / \_ __/ /____ / \ / / \ / / / / / / // / / / __ _ ___/ / / ·/ / / / \____/\___/ /\____/\_______ / ===========/ /==============|/[SHK] / / : \___/ Yøu hAve f¡NaLly FøuNð S0mEøne Whø CårE$ åBøuT tHe dY¡nG BµlGar¡ån Squ¡RreL$!?!!AnyTh¡nG çøNcern!nG SqµiRreL$,Yøu Shøulð çøntaçt: Søme tåsty HoT-Døgs to: /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Deçn¡te,Ar¡se,Dåmøne$, -+) PaNteRa/IrIs (+- / Alsø før Fr¡enðly) PaRas¡tE,InTeråçt¡Ve,VsN, Janne Parkkis. \ EL!TE $wappinG../ VD/FLT,Sçøope×,tr$i,AlPha, Hovslagarg.64 \ /\/\ / \ / TaLenT,BalånçE,Brønx,IRIS, 19431 Uppl.Vasby \/\/.. \/.. \/ StaT¡ç BytEs,LED,Mað Elk$, Sweden And Tø rEst oF My Frienðs! -)Just wr¡te a fµnny letter tø GeT a sµrE answer......sun perseessa! (- +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-+ «««««««««««««««««««»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» |... D i F f U s I o N ...| ¤ ___ __ ____ ____ ____ ¤ +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-+ ¤ /__/ / / / __/ / __/ / __/ ¤ | FOR ELITE MAILTRADING! | ¤ // / / / /__ / /__ / /_ ¤ | | ¤ \\ / / / // / / // / / __/ ¤ | MANIAC/DIFFUSION | ¤ ___// / / / /_// / /_// / /__ ¤ | NAAPURINTIE 11 | ¤ /___/ /_/ /____/ /____/ /____/ ¤ | SF-28400 ULVILA | ¤ ¤ | FINLAND | ¤ If you are searching for new ¤ | | ¤ fast and kewl elite swapping ¤ | 100% REPLY TO ALL!!! | ¤ write to: ¤ | | ¤ ¤ | GREETINGS TO:ACCESSION-DECNITE- | ¤ Sigge / Illusion ¤ | CHROME-MANITOU-CALIBRA-FANATIC- | ¤ ul.Lipperta 3a/3 ¤ | ENERGY-BANAL PROJECTS-STELLAR- | ¤ 12-100 Szczytno ¤ | MAD ELKS-DAMONES-TFF-CADAVER- | ¤ POLAND ¤ | TRANCE INC. AND THE REST! | ¤ ¤ +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-+ ¤ No disk=Big risk ¤ |... D i F f U s I o N ...| ¤ Cool long letter recommended! ¤ +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-+ «««««««««««««««««««»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» + + +---+ +---- + | +---+ +---- | | +---+ +---+ --+-- +---- +---+ |\ /| | | | |\ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \/ | +---+ | --+ | \ | +---+ | +---+ +---+ +-+-+ | +---+ +---+ | | | | | | | \| | | | | | | | | \ | | | | | | | | +---+ | + | | +---- | | | | | \ | ----+ | | OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoEdited by DeliraTum EstoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo Support us by sending : = Your Votes (order a votesheet or get one) ! = = Free Adverts (38*21 & 78*21) ! = = Messages (For free) ! = = Hot News ! = OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo Send all this to the Main Editor of Magna Chartsa : Prof. Vandefrit : Aymeric Hiltenbrand , 12 Rue du Berry , 59700 Marcq-en-Baroeul , FRANCE We're also looking 4 sum Official Spreaders,They'll get 2 weeks before modem ! OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo _________ ____ __________ I don't need this bullshit anymore :::M/\\ \\ \\ /\ I'm stepping out,gonna close the door ::H/ \\_____ \\ \\ ____/ / Will I ever reach the point of it :R/ // __// //\__ \\/: When I wear a suit that doesn't fit ? :/ // / // // /\:: RAGE /___//___/____//___//______/ /:: \___\\___\\___\\___\\______\/::: Tired of normal contacts ? ::::::::::...FRANCE...:::::::::: :is looking 4 friendly contacts: Then try Donk/Pulse for... : : :just take a pen and write a ve: - letters with more than 36 words :-ry long letter + disk to me..: - cool (aga-) stuff (0-7 days) : : - coding matters : Chris of !R!S : - metal-tape-swapping : 34 Rue Dumoncel : : 75014 PARIS : Yann Cebron : : Otto-Blesch-Str. 13/1 : F R A N C E : 78315 Radolfzell : : Germany : : :Also for membership...........: Sorry,only foreigners !! : : :: Friendship is our Business :: PULSE - There's no excuse ! __/\_____/\____ __/\____ __/\____/\ __/\____/\ __/\___ __/\___/\__/\___/\ \__ /\__ / \__ / \__ | / \__ ____/ \__ / \__ /\__ / / \/ /__ / /__ / | \ ______ \ / \ / : \/ : \ / \ / \ / \ | Y | \/ \/ | \ | \ / \ \ \ : \ | \ \ ! \ | \ \__________\________/________/________/__________/________/__________/__!_____/ danzig FOR FAST & FRENDLY SWAP WRITE TO: DANZIG/ILLUSION DEATH ANGEL/ILLUSION JAN BRINKMAN P.O. BOX 1204 AM DOKTORKAMP 3B 53785 LOHMAW 33818 LEOPOLDSHOEHE GERMANY GERMANY Letter + Disk(s) = 100 % FAST answer ____ ________ ____ ________ / /\ / ___ \ / /\ / ____/\ / / // /\_/ /\ / / // /\___\/ / / // __/ // / //___ /\ / / // /\ \_\// / /_\__/ / / ___ ___ ___ /___/ //___/ /__ /\ /___/ //_______/ / /\ // //__// //_ //__/ \___\/ \___\/\___\/ \___\/ \_______\/ / \//__// \ /_/_// / / IRIS Norway needs more skilled members: If you think you are good enough,then -> Coders -> Swappers contact us. Don't hesitate write today. -> Musicians -> Modemtraders -> Graphicians ZEROX/IRIS WHQ SPACEHAWK/IRIS NHQ PO.BOX 2570 ULLANDHAUG or HOGEVEIEN 47 N-4004 STAVANGER N-4026 STAVANGER NORWAY NORWAY Phone: 51655260(Frode) Phone: 51525661(JanVidar) j__/\ ___/\ ___/\_ _/\ __/\____/\___k µ\_ .\\_ __)\_ __)\__)\ .__ \ ____/å ________ ___ _______ $ / | \/ ._|_/_. \/ \/ | _/ ._|_ ø \____ \/ /\\____ \ t/ | \ | \ | \ \ | \ | \z / /___/ /_/_/ /__/\ / : \: \: \ \¦ \: \ / __/\/ / / /\__\/ \ _____/_____/_____/___/:____/___ / /__/\_\/______/__/ / \/t·3·$·t·3·ð ø·n å·n·¿·m·å·£·$\/ \__\/ \______\__\/ «««::«««««««««««««»»»»»»»»»»»»»»::»»» __/\__ CHAOS·OF·DESIRE __/\__ - F.A.I.R.L.I.G.H.T.- \ oo / Dirk Wiemer \ oo / /_~~_\ Thueringer Str. 150 /_~~_\ FOR PURE HURRA TRADING : \/ 14770 Brandenburg/Germany \/ - SIRIAX / FAIRLIGHT ! - «««::«««««««««««««»»»/\»»»»»»»»»::»»» ..gRåph!ç¿ån /\ ånð \/ må¿£tRåð3r.. D.L.! . /\_____/ )/\ /\/\______ . P.O.BOX 540661 . \ ___/ \/(__\/ \__ __/ . 22525 HAMBURG _. /\_/ / \\ \_/ \\(./ ) \__/\ ._ - GERMANY - ·\/···\__ / \ / /\\/ _____/····\/· ·········\/\_/\(______\/············· - WHEN DREAMS COME TRUE ! - ··············(_/·····\)············· ·føre¿gn·gµ¥$··nø·£øw-£3v3£·$wåpp3r!· ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ _________ ______ ________ _________ /\________\ /\_____\ /\_______\ /\________\ \/o \ /o__ \ \/o \ /o ___ \ \__ ___// / /\ \ \_ __// /_ \___/ / / / / / /_/ / / /\ / \/o \_\ / / / / / \_\/ _/ / / / \__ \ ___/ / / / / __ \__/ / /______/\ \ /\__\/ \/ / / /\\ /__\/ \______\/ / \/o /\/o / \/o //o . . .o. . . / \_______/ \__/ \_/ \__________________/ NORWAY IRIS Norway are in need of skilled persons to join them. If you want to join them,write to one of this addys: Spacehawk/IRIS NHQ Zerox/IRIS WHQ JanVidar Meling Frode Hansen Hogeveien 47 Grannes Terrasse 37 N-4026 Stavanger 4044 Hafrsfjord Norway Norway I don't need this bullshit anymore C H U N G - M U I'm stepping out,gonna close the door Will I ever reach the point of it When I wear a suit that doesn't fit ? RAGE Take your chance and write for: Tired of normal contacts ? - Friendship-Swapping Then try Donk/Pulse for... - Legal & Illegal Stuff - AGA stuff & pics - letters with more than 36 words - cool (aga-) stuff (0-7 days) - coding matters 100% reply to everybody ! - metal-tape-swapping Write to: Yann Cebron Otto-Blesch-Str. 13/1 Marc Sander 78315 Radolfzell Lohmuehlenstr. 10a Germany 78315 Radolfzell Germany Sorry,only foreigners !! PULSE - There's no excuse ! ____ ____ ____ __ ___ ________ ___ ______ _________ // \ \\ \ \\ \ // \ \\ \ // __/// \ //___ \// ___ \ \\ / // \ // / \\ \ \\ \ \\ / \\ / /// \ // / \\ / \_ \ \\ / \\ \ \\ \ \\ \ \\ \___ \\ \ \\\ / \\ / /// \\ \ \\ / \\ \ \\ \ \\ \ \___ \// \/// / /// /// // \ \\\ ___\\ / ___// / // /\___// // /// / // \ // \ // \// \__/ \\\\___// \\ \__// // // // \_/ \\ \ \\ / \_____/\_________/ \________/\_______/\_______/\___/\________/\__/ \/ ························· IF YA MAKE RAY-TRACINGS ON YOUR AMIGA · THEN WRITE: · IF YOU WANNA SWAP: · DARK / ILLUSION · - EXPERIENCES · ul.Karliczka 27b/6 · - MATERIALS · KATOWICE 17 · - TEXTURES · POLAND · - OBIECTS ························· - SCENES I ANSWER FOR EVERY LETTER, - RAY-TRACED PICTURES BUT PLEASE SEND DISK IN LETTER ( best in 24-BITPLANES IN FORMAT IFF,JPEG,GIF) /\ ___ __ _ . _ __ _\/__________:____ _ _ __ / \_______ . .___:_ /\ .___:_ \/ \ : __| | __.__ /______ | | ______________ _____ \__. |\ / _ | / | \/ \___ \ | | / _________ \ / _ \/ |/\| \ / | |/ | \/ _ \| | / |___/ _/ _// | \ / \ \ / | / | / | \ | / | / \ \/ ____/ \ \____,___\________\____,____/___| \_______\____\ \________\___/\____/ | : .___: : . :\___\ : | : ._______| |___ __ ___ .___: __ ___ :___|_ ______ ` . / _____ | |(__) / \| |(__) / \| | / .___/_ . | \___. \| _ |/ \/ \ \ |/ \/ \ \ |/ | _/ . | / | \ | / \ \ \ / \ \ \ / | | : | (________/ | \____/___|\____\____/___|\____\___,__ | : : `---|___| ' : | : \| | . : | . | | - -+---+ Now there's a THiRD point of view +---+-- -- - - ----:---+-- - - : | | .-RD: eXCiTeR/dCS * Ingo Kamps * Bodelschwinghstr. 7 * 48527 Nordhorn * Germany _____ ___ __________ Contact me for Joining,Swapping,... \____\ /\__\ /\_________\ \\ / / / \ \// ______/ 1 Prof. Vandefrit/DeliraTum Est : 1 _\_/ / // \ \\ \_____ 0 0 /\__\/ // \ ___ \___ \ 0 Aymeric Hiltenbrand 0 / / \// //\__\___/\\ \ % 12,Rue du Berry % / // \ / \/ \__\// \ 59700,Marcq-en-Baroeul / // \/\\ /__/\\ // / A FRANCE A \// \ \\ \__\// // Illusion \ N N \_________/ \_______/\___________/ S Don't forget to support our charts S W by sending :-Adverts (38*21,78*21) W Do you search for new contacts? E -News E Do you search for new friends ? R -Messages R Contact Illusion at: G And of course,remember to vote ! G A A WAYNE /ILLUSION R All the disk will be returned with R ul.Wyzwolenia 22 A the latest issue of Magna Chartsa A 40-756 Katowice N N POLAND T T E Greets to all my friends'n'contax E !OO% Ån§\/\/e® E E D May The Delirium Be With You !!! D Øøø·· -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ··øøØ ø Ðö ÿõÛ |îKÊ FrÏÈñÐShíP ? * sÖ; ThÃT`s HËRÊ... ø ø dõ ¥ðü £ìké 1Øø% ÅñSwëR ¿ ° · Sõ, tHÂt'S hêrË... ø · DÓ ÝõÛ LîkÊ O>7 ÐÄýS sTûFfS ? | . sÖ; ThãT`s Hê®É... · . Ðõ ¥òÜ lïKÊ ÇRàz¥ pÉRsÕñÑÀ| £êTtëRs ¿ -+- Sð, tHÄt'S hÈrë... . dô ÝðÛ |ÌKé 1Oo% Ér®ør FréÊ DíSkS ? | sø; ThâT`s HÊRË... | DÓ ÿøú £ÏkÉ çøØ| ÇðÑTÅ©Ts ¿ · . SÓ, tHÂt'S hèré... | + Ðð ÝòÜ |Ikë TØ SwÅp ? sØ; ThäT`s Hê®Ê... + | dÖ ÝòÙ LÍKÊ Tò RèçÉïVÊ ÇRázY tHÍñGs ïÑ ¥õûR lêTtËRs ¿ SÒ, tHåt'S hÉrë... | + Dõ ÿÖÜ HäTÉ úñPérSÒñÑâL |ÉTtêRs ? sò; ThÂT`s HÊRê... + | Ðð ÝøÜ HÂtê LÄmÊRs ¿ \ / Sø, tHÀt'S hèrÊ... | + dÔ YòÚ HâTe PØsT Ðê|ãÿ ? × · sÖ; ThÅT`s HÊ®È... + | Dõ ýõÜ HäTÉ pC âñD wÎÑdøWs ¿ / \ SÒ, tHãt'S hêrË... | + Ðõ ¥Öû hÅtE tô Ré©ÊïVÊ ÖÑ|¥ pØsT'ÎT øÑ ÐÍsKs ? sÖ; ThÂT`s HËRë... + | dð ÿõÛ HÂTÊ S£Øw ÇøÑTãçTs ¿ | + SÕ, tHÅt'S hÉrë... | + Dø ÝøÚ ÑÉëÐ ÂñØThÊ® çØñTÀ©T ? -+- sø; ThâT`s HÊRË... + | -dø ¥Øû £0vÊ AMIGA, âñÐ XçÔP¥ ¿ · | SØ, tHåt'S hÉrè... | ° OxStOnE/SpAsM _ ___ ___ _ __ ° · ° NiCoLaS MaUfRaIs \ R / / | | | | | |_|/ / \ r / · . HeRe, RoUtE dE mAuVeS / e \ /. | | | | | | | + / / / E \ . ø It'S tHiS aDd : 61400 CoUrGeOn \ A / | | | | | | | | / /_ \ a / ø ø FrAnCe / l \ |_| |___| |___| /_/|_| / L \ ø Øøø·· +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ··øøØ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::: ___________ ________ ________ ________ ___________ ::::: / \\ /_____\ / \ / / \ ::::: / . | // /¯ . // / / /_____ / . |______/ ::::: \ \ |_____/ \ / / / \ /_____\____ ¯ / / \ \ |___/__ :::: \ \ | \ / / / \ /¯ / \ / / / \ \ ¦ ¯ \ ::: \___| \_______\ \_______\ \_______\ \___ / :: ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ \______/ . ¬ . - MAENNLICH - MARKANT - DREIFACH GEBRANNT - . . REVAL OF PULSE . :: ::: nICo cEbROn GREETZ 2:TRSI,RAM JAM,CHROME,OBSCENE,DCS :::: oTtO-bLeSCh-StR.13/1 DESIRE,MANITOU,NOVA,PHASE,ALCHEMY,EFFECT ::::: 78315 rADOLFzell TEAM EXTREME,JEWELS,BLACK JACK,INFECT, ::::: gErMAnY MOVEMENT,G.A.C,ANGELICA,BANAL PROJ,S!P, ::::: VISION,PRINCIPES,CADAVER,OUTLAWS,INTER- ::::: 0-7 day old warez + legal ACTIVE,UNLIMITED,BONZAI,FREEZERS,SAVAGE.. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: __/\__ ************************************* /\____._____.____\.==./____.____/\ * * /\_____|_____| ____|__|_____|_____/\ * S A N I T Y * \____ V _ V ____/\____ V ____/ * * | | | ___|__. | | _| __|. ************************************* | | | | | | | | | | | | * * |_____A_____A_____| |__|__A_____| * TRASHER OF SANITY * --==================|__|======kaøz!=-- * ------------------- * * Oliver Plink * C·H·A·O·S OF D·E·S·I·R·E * Im Kirchen.6 * Dirk Wiemer Thueringerstr.150 * W-89155 Erbach 2 * 14770 Brandenburg Germany * Germany * << FOREIGN CONTAX WANTED! >> * * * wanted: modules, gfx, legal stuff * --====================/\============-- * * mÅ¿£tRåð3r /\ \/ gRåpH!ç¿ån * ---- NO BEGINNERS PLEASE ---- * /\_____/ )/\ /\/\______ * * \ ___/ \/(__\/ \__ __/ * ....demo or die !!! * / / \\ \_/ \\(./ ) \ * * \__ / \ / /\\/ _____/ ************************************* \/\_/\(______\/ --=============(_/=====\)===========-- ____:____/\______/\___________/\______/\___________/\____________/\__ / ¦ __ / _____ / _____ / _____ / _______ / ___ / / | \/ \/______ \/ \/ | \/ ¡ \/ / | \ \ Y \ \ ¦ \ | \ /\___ /__ /__ : /__ /__ : /__ | / / //\__________//\_____//\__________//\_____//\__________//\_____¦_____/ \// / // / // / // / // / // / : / \/_________/ \/____/ \/_________/ \/____/ \/_________/ \/______.___/ ¯¬°¤ø¤°¬¯¯¬°¤ø¤°¬¯¯¬°¤ø¤°¬¯¯¬°¤ø¤°¬¯¯¬°¤ø¤°¬¯¯¬°¤ø¤°¬¯¯¬°¤ø¤°¬¯¯¬°¤ø¤°¬¯ Vision is seriously searching for new Coders,Graphicians,Traders,Sysops __dragon/vision,richard backhaus,doktorhofweg 13,23879 moelln,germany__ __or call me under +49.(0)4542.5521 (ask for richard)__ __this addy is also for elite swapping__ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ _____ ___ __________ \ X-TRADE / \____\ /\__\ /\_________\ \ IT HURTS TO BE THIS GO(O)D!! / \\ / / / \ \// ______/ \------------------------------/ _\_/ / // \ \\ \_____ / FOR TRADING THE LATEZT \ /\__\/ // \ ___ \___ \ \ / / / \// //\__\___/\\ \ / X-TRADE SWAPPING SECTION WHQ \ / // \ / \/ \__\// \ \ PAYDAY / X-TRADE / / // \/\\ /__/\\ // / / BADSTRANDSV. 6 \ \// \ \\ \__\// // Illusion \ \ S-136 49 HANINGE / \_________/ \_______/\___________/ / SWEDEN \ \ PHONE: +46 (0)8 7774745 / 4 fast & cool swap write 2: /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ \ I'M LOOKING FOR MORE SWEDISH / QBA of ILLUSION / SWAPPERS TO JOIN OUR CREW. \ JAKUB PIENKOWSKI \ THE VERY BEST CAN TRY JOIN!! / P.O. BOX 105 /------------------------------\ 12-100 SZCZYTNO \ ALSO FOR SUPPORT FOR OUR / PLAND / FAMOUS PACK 'INIFITE DREAMS' \ \ / disk(s) 5.25 or 3.5 100% answer /HELLO TO ALL FRIENDS IN CRIME!\ \______________________________/ |||||||||||| |||||||||||| /** \/** \ ( ** )** ) ...oooOOO Kewl Contacts Wanted OOOooo... |\___/\___/ |. . \______________________ | . . \ | . . ____ ) |. . /____________________/ |. \ /\ | _________\(__) For swapping 1200/600 stuff ___ | |*|__| |__| No disk, no answer / \| |*| | \ |*| Write to... | o \*\ MAgz <-Don`t write thiz! | / \*\ ___ Magne P. Zachrisen \__/\ \_\_____/__ \ Aschehougsgt. 19 \ __/ 3183 Horten \ | NORWAY \ | \ _______/ | | /\ / \ / ___A_____ __\_________A________/ / /\ /\ \/\ /________//_//________ ___ _ \ \_// \__ // \___ \ \_/ \_ __ _____ \ \ V \ \__ / \ / __// / __/\ /\ \\ \_A_ _// \ / ___ \ \ \ . / // \ / / \ /\ \ \ \ \\____ \ \ \ \ \_ \ \__\ \ \ // / \ \__/ /\ \ \ \ // \ V \ \ \ \/ / /// / / / \___ \ /// // \/ /// \ // : // \ \ //\ \_/// / / \/ // /// \_A_/\// \_/\// \A_///__A_// // /// // \ / / \ // \\___ ___/\___ ___/\_____///___ ___/ \/\ \____ / \/ /\/ TM. V V / V V \ V Hey Dude ! If you search for fast 'n' friendly swap ? If your answer is YEAH! COOL! then don't wait and write to: THE KING / ILLUSION __ __ STAN / ILLUSION Pawel Witek ( )|__) Stanislaw Zielosko ul.Karlowicza nr 45/55 (__)| \ ul.T. Kulika 11 58-506 Jelenia Gora 40-424 Katowice 16 POLAND POLAND ¡¡¡ USE YOUR ILLUSION !!! \/\/\___**==--··· 1o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o% ANSWER ···--==**___/\/\/\ _____/\_____/\ /\____ ___ ___ ___ ___ \____ _/___ \_/ _ / duaL CReW / - \ / _ \ \_ Y _/ | |\ \/ |\ /\___\/\ - / T¯¯¯\/ Y \/ ! \_____ __ _ | |/ / |/\/\ \/ / SHiNiNG / | \ | \ . \:::: :: : |_____/\______/\____/ / ! \_! \_| \::: :: : +------------------------------------+ \____. ___. ___| /¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ THiS iS a NeW PoiNT oF VieW... l____/ l___/e!l___/ .e.q.x. +------------------------------------+ For ELITE Trading.. TRY To ReaCH dCS FoR aNY ReaSoN aT Messiah Of Equinox AND Banana Dzn.. eXCiTeR/duaL CReW-SHiNiNG Nordaastraet 60,5041 Nordaas,Norway. iNGo KaMPS BodeLSCHwINGHSTR.7 .___. .___. _______ 48527 NoRDHoRN | l___ ___| |(____ / GeRMaNY. _ __ ___| _____ \/ _____ |/ .__/\ : :: :::| \/ \ \/ | | \ +------------------------------------+ : :: :::| \ \_ / | ! \ ...aND iT SHiNeS eVeN BRiGHTeR! ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯l_____ __ _____|___. / +------------------------------------+ .b.d.z. \___/__/ e!l____/ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE SMOKING GUNS +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you want: - support my Pack / PD-Disk PLAYGROUND with the newest stuff - join The Smoking Guns - swap with me (Disks, Tapes, original games, Toiletrolls and so on) THEN CONTACT NOW: + + + + + ----------------------- + --2DD of THE SMOKING GUNS-- + ----------------------- + Danny Ernst + + Postfach 11 44 + <--- my new adress !! + 78091 Triberg + + Germany + + + One disk = no risk ! Intel outside ! 100 % Answer Greetings to: Phase/ind. (why ?) + Horra/NPL + Peace/NPL + Sonic Flash/MTU Eager Beager/Savage + The Brain/UNL + KPMC/UNL + Axxis/Star Rom + Peacemaker/TSG + SCT / Deep Zone + Mr.King/Scoopex + Shithead/X-Treme + Decnite + Arise + DualCrewShining + Damain and all that we`ve forgotten..... C U all...someday ?!? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ o-7 dAy old wAreZ ? _ _ / \ ________ / \ ________ / _ \ / ____ \ / _ \ / _____\ / | | \| | __ \ |/ | | \| / ___/| / | | \ | |/_/ | | | \ \ \ | Support my pack 'The Verdict' \ | | / | \ \ | | | / __\ \ | \ |_| /| |_|\_\ |\ |_| /|/____/ | \ / \________/ \ / \________/ \_/ \_/ - When it comes to friendship ! ! ! L E G A L ! ! ! Spacehawk/IRIS wants more contacts. If you wanna swap with this cool guy, write to this addy: Spacehawk/IRIS NHQ Write this -> JanVidar Meling Hogeveien 47 reval/pulse N-4026 Stavanger nico cebron Norway otto-blesch-str.13/1 78315 radolfzell germany ______ ___ ___ _________________________ ------/ / /\ / /\ / /\/ / ____/__/ _ / _ \--- -----/ / / / / / / / / / / /____\_/ // / // /\-- ----/ / /_/_/ /_/_/ /_/ /___ / / // / // / /-- ---/ / / / /___/ / / // / // / /--- --/__/______/______/_______/______/__/______/__//__/ /---- --\__\______\______\_______\______\__\______\__\\__\/----- If you want to have contact with mens, who (from unknow reasons) guarant you an answer, ex-KGB agents, write to: Qba/Illusion Death Angel/Illusion Jakub Pienkowski P.O. BOX 1204 P.O. BOX 105 53785 Lohmaw 12-100 Szczytno Germany Poland (legal/ilegal) (legal) .................................... +------------------------------------- . _____ _ _ . | # # # # # # # # # ## ### ### . (_____)_ _ _// __ __ . | # # ## # # # ## ## # # # # # . // /_) // ( _) /__) /__) . ¦ # # # ## # # # # # # # ## # # . // // // // //- // . · #### # # ## # # # # # ### ### . (/) (/) (/) (/) (//) (//) psy . .................................. . The Brain of Unlimited is searching . . 4 sum more kewl musicians.......... . For swapping demos, pd-tools, . . and all kind of legal stuff . Contact me 4 friendly sample-swapping . contact: . and long letters..................... . . . Psycho of TRITEC We are also . The Brain/Unlimited . searching for . P.O. Box 73 03 73 . PLK 035 715 D new members ! . 22123 Hamburg . . Germany . 83022 Rosenheim/Germany . .................................... Greetz: Carlo/FCI·Ripper/DFS·EB/SVG . . cr8y/SVG·QBA/ILS·Tilt/ABS!·IVORY/ICE· . everybody will get an answer . Psycho/TTC·Apeman/PTL·Snake/COBS·all¦ . >>>...not only "elite"...<<< . UNL-members and | .................................... the rest I've forgotten !! | -------------------------------------+ **·*··*········ _ ....... _ : ·························· ____ · *····· ________\\ .. _\\ __A__ ······················ / / / ·· ···· /\________)\ _____\_)\_ /\___/\ __ _____ ············· / / / ··· *·· / / ___ / \____/ /_\ / / °°\ \ /_/\/____/\ ·· ____ ·· / / / ···· ·· / // /___\__/ \__ ___// /. \ \\ \/ °°\ \ ·· \ \ \ / / / ····· ·· \// \______\ / /. / / /. \ \\ /\ \ \ ·· \ \ \/ / / ······ ·· \) °°°°°\ / /. / / /. O \ \\ \ \ \ \ ·· \_\_\/_/ RULES!· ····· \_ __ . // // /\ / // | \ \\ \/\ \ \ ·················· ······ V /\ / \// / / \// | \/ \ / \ \/ ·················· ·· :/ // /\ \_/ / \__ ___|___ __/) / /) \ / ··················· · /\_____o // / / \\/ V Y V ) \/) // · ················· / /\____\// /\/ - OF - o | : ) //\ ·· ············· / /. / / : o · \)/ ····· · ········· \/.__________/\/ ··· ILLUSION ··· o ········ ······ \( \______\/ °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° ·············· STAN / ILLUSION ···· \ ·· Stanislaw Zielosko ··· Don't heistate and write to STAN of ILLUSION for: · ul. T.Kulika 11 ·· cool letters, hot stuffs and friendship... 40-424 Katowice 16 ·· -=- POLAND -=- · BIG GREETINGS to all my contacts and friends!!!!! : °°° °°°°°°°°° o _ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ _ · ····-=*· )\_ \ \ / / _)\ \ \ / / )\_ \ \ / / _)\ ·*=-···· · · ····-=*· /\_/\ \ \/ / /\_/\ \ \/ / /\_/\ \ \/ / /\_/\ ·*=-···· · · ····-=*· / / \ \ \ / / / \ \ \ / / / \ \ \ / / / \ \ ·*=-···· · · ····-=*· / / \ \ \/ / / \ \ \/ / / \ \ \/ / / \ \ ·*=-···· · · ····-=*· / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ ·*=-···· · · ····-=*· /_/ -=I=- \_\/_/ -=R=- \_\/_/ -=I=- \_\/_/ -=S=- \_\ ·*=-···· · · ····-=*· \ \_______/ /\ \_______/ /\ \_______/ /\ \_______/ / ·*=-···· · · ····-=*· \/_ _____\/ \/____ __\/ \/__ ____\/ \/___ ___\/ ·*=-···· · V Y V V : . o : IRIS have decided to restart our famous mag DISC again after some years of silence. So we are now interrested in getting talented people joining our new D.I.S.C. - staff. We ofcourse also need articles, adverts, news etc. from the scene. Write to the following address for supporting DISC now: DISC PO BOX 2570 ULLANDHAUG, N-4004 STAVANGER NORWAY ___ ______ ______ ___ ____ / | / \ / \ | | / / / | / __ \ / __ \ |___| / / /_ | | | | | | | | | / / | | | | | | | | | | / / | | | | | | | | | | / / | | | | | | | | | | / / | | | | | | | | | | / / | | | | | | | | | | / / | | | |__| | | |__| | / / ___ | | \ / \ / / / | | |___| \______/ \______/ /___/ |___| ANSWER !!! That's Here : / OxStOnE/Spasm \ \ Nicolas Maufrais / / Route de Mauves \ \ 61400 Courgeon / / France \ *************************************** __ ___ * +----\ ---+--- +----- || || * __ _/__\_ __ _/___\_ * | | | | || || * /\( /\(_/\/ /\( /\(__/\/ * | | | +-- || || * \ \\ \ \\\/ \ \\ \ \__\/ * | | | | * \ \\ \ \\ \ \\ \/_/\\ * +----/ | +------ || || * \ \\_ \ \\_ \ \\_ \_)\_ D*************************************D \ \/ \ \/ \ \/ /\__/ E Contact Prof. Vandefrit for : E \/ \/ \/ \/_/ L Swapping,joining,our charts,... L I I -When it comes to friendship- R Aymeric Hiltenbrand R A 12,Rue du Berry A Salat/Iris is searching for T 59700,Marcq-en-Baroeul T some contacts,. especially U FRANCE U graphicans... They who wanna M M answer this addy, can write *************************************** the following addy on their E 100 % Answer to Everybody ! E envelope. S S T Greets 2 all my friends'n'contax ! T Salat/IRIS * * Ken Arve Hole *************************************** N-6410 Midsund * May The Delirium Be With You !!! * Norway *************************************** 100% answer... _ _ __ _ __ __ __ __ _ _____ ______ ______ / | | | | \ | | | | | | | \ / | | | | | | ___| | __ \ | | | | \ | | | | | | | \ / | | | |__ | | |_ | | \ \ |__| | | \ \| | | |____ | | | \ \/ | | | | | | | _| | |___| | | | \ | | | | | | | \ /| | | | | | | |___ | | ______| |__|\___| |_______| |__| |__|\__/ |_| |_|[TBN]__| |______| |_______ | O···········································································o o · · O o Adderly · Gold Dragon · The Brain O O Andre Ohlsen · Christian Zimmer · Benjamin Busback o o Bahnhofstr. 31 · Glatzer Str. 2 · P.O. Box 73 03 73 O O 24966 Soerup · 57072 Siegen · 22123 Hamburg o O · · o o joining & elite swap · elite swapping · SFX & friendship O O···········································································o o · O o Hysteric · - All in Germany O O Philip Veit · - Don't 4get da Disx o O Wintererstr. 7 · - Only legal and elite o o 79104 Freiburg · - Greetz 2 all our mates O O · - Don't 4get 2 support our soon comming pack o o pack support & swap · with ya news, adverts, messages... O °···········································································° /\ / \ / ___A_____ __\_________A________/ / /\ /\ \/\ /________//_//________ ___ _ \ \_// \__ // \___ \ \_/ \_ __ _____ \ \ V \ \__ / \ / __// / __/\ /\ \\ \_A_ _// \ / ___ \ \ \ . / // \ / / \ /\ \ \ \ \\____ \ \ \ \ \_ \ \__\ \ \ // / \ \__/ /\ \ \ \ // \ V \ \ \ \/ / /// / / / \___ \ /// // \/ /// \ // : // \ \ //\ \_/// / / \/ // /// \_A_/\// \_/\// \A_///__A_// // /// // \ / / \ // \\___ ___/\___ ___/\_____///___ ___/ \/\ \____ / \/ /\/ TM. V V / V V \ V Hey Dude ! If you search for fast 'n' friendly swap ? If your answer is YEAH! COOL! then don't wait and write to: THE KING / ILLUSION __ __ QBA / ILLUSION Pawel Witek ( )|__) P.O. BOX 105 ul.Karlowicza nr 45/55 (__)| \ 12-100 SZCZYTNO 58-506 Jelenia Gora POLAND POLAND ·<>·<>·<>·<>·<>·<>·<>·<>·<>·<>·<>·<>· ________ tHE bEST ________ GRAND DUKE OF DIFFUSION / \ / \ ·<>·<>·<>·<>·<>·<>·<>·<>·<>·<>·<>·<>· / \ / \ · Grand Duke of Diffusion · / \______/ AT&T / \______/ + Juha Kovanen + / \ / \ * Meijerintie 11 * \ / \ / + FIN 62310 VOLTTI + \ _________/ALLING \_________ /ARDS · SUOMI/FINLAND! · Y Y Greetz: . E V E R ! ! ! ! ! : Chrome,Wartec,Public Enema,Damage YOUR CHANCE TO CALL FOR FREE!!! Trance Inc,Black Jack,Interactive IF YOU WANT LATEST AT&T VIRGIN Scoopex,Eremation,The Fun Factory CARDS, THEN DIAL THIS NUMBER : Zenon,Mad Elks,TRSI,Tilt,Cadaver Talent,The Drige,Simplex,Manitou 0511-9004134466 (GERMANS ONLY) Thera,Flying Cows Inc...+others.. 100% ANSWER TO ALL! AND LEAVE US A MESSAGE AND WE CALL BACK AT ONCE! ONLY DA LATEST MODEMWAREZ z¥x k!Ð __/\__ -÷E÷N÷E÷R÷G÷Y÷- -÷Z÷E÷N÷I÷T÷H÷- __/\__ \ / pOBOx 1212 pOBOx 1212 \ / /_ _\ 27356 rOTENBURg 27356 rOTENBURG /_ _\ \/ gERMANy gERMANy \/ bEST rEGARDS tO aLL iN eNERGY & zENITH aND tO. rAZOR1911 ÷ cRYSTAL ÷ nEMESIS ÷ dCS ÷ tRSI ÷ fAIRLIGHT mOVEMENT ÷ aLCATRAZ ÷ jETSET ÷ bACKLASH ÷ sANITY ÷ sILENTS sPACEBALLS ÷ mELON dESIGN ÷ sUPPLEX ÷ dIGITAL ÷ cOMPLEX ÷ lEGEND aNGELS ÷ eSSENCE ÷ cRYPTOBURNERS ÷ mYSTIC ÷ dAMONES ÷ sTELLAR ÷ lOGIC! _/\__________________/\_ _/__ __________________ __\_ - for swapping write to - _\ \_ _/ /_ LoRd oF ABSOLUTE! \__ | ·» ZeNITH «· | __/ Labos Peter _|_/\____________________/\_|_ 1181 Budapest \___ __ _ _ __ ___/ Darus 10 II/3 l_ \/\_ _/\/ _j HUNGARY | \_ _/ | ¦ __ ^ k!Ð/zEnith ^ __ | ** 100% AnSwEr FoR KnOwN GrOuPs ** : /\/ \/\ ¦ >>> CaLL tHe NuMbEr oF tHe BeAsT <<< . \/ p.O.bOx 1212 \/ : +36-1-291-4029 | 27356 rOtenburg! . | _ wEst gErmany _ | FaSt GrEeTz Go To: l_/ _ _ \_j AnDrOMeDa,MoVeMeNt,ScOoPeX,BaLaNcE,DcS | _/\__ _ _/ \_ _ __/\_ | TrSi,SaNiTy,DiGiTaL,ViRtUaL DrEaMs,S!P |/________________________\| PaRaDoX,FairLiGhT,AfL,PaRaSiTe,WiZzCaT _\ \_ _/ /_ InFeCt,EqUiNoX,StAtIC ByTeS,RaZoR 1911 \__ | ·» ZeNITH «· | __/ JeTsEt,StAtIc ByTeS,MaJiC 12,DeSiRe... _|_/\____________________/\_|_ \____________________________/ _______/\ -AHD- /\____ /\____ · \ \ · . / \.·/ \ . / / /\ · · \/\ /\/ / \. ·./ / / /_/\./\/ __ / /\__ /\ : /______/\/ //__//_____/\/ / /_____/\/ /. ·\ \ \/ . · \ \ \/: \ \ \/ · .\______\/ . :· \_____\/ .· \_____\/ .· D-29 Needz more membaz ! Contact one of the Head-quarters..: E FINLAND : DENMARK : NORWAY : ONLY I Cryzor / D-29 Darkhawk / D-29 Airhead / D-29 T Harri Marjamaki 0sby Nedergade 20 Tommy Mortensen E Toripolku 6100 Haderslev Duelia 9 21500 Pikkio DENMARK 2170 Fenstad FINLAND NORWAY Sorry, but I haven't got the addy for the new leader in Sweden. Each addy is also for swapping da latest wares. REMEMBER ! Send samples of your (hard) work.. ************************************** * C o M r A d E. of E N E R G Y. * ************************************** ______________________ \_____ ¬\ ___ \ _ ¬\ When you need it... | | \ | \/ | \ | | \ l____ | \ - CoMRaDe - |______ /___ /__l__ / PoHJoLaNTie 3 \/ \/ \/º! 32800 KOKEMAKI F!NLAND 4 swapping laatuwarets... ...You can trust it! Ðeceiver/Ðecnite Æittoniementie.18 ::-! ENERGY- SINCE 1987...!-:: 40270 Palokka Finland \- ELITE SWAPPING & JOINING! -/ ILLEGAL&LEGAL WAREZ AHEAD ************************************** * . E-*-!N-*-!E-*-!R-*-!G-*-!Y . * ************************************** ______ ________ __________ _______ _________ _________ | \ \ \ \ ___ \ \____ \ ___ \____ \ \_____ \ | \ \____ \ \____/\ \ | |\ \ \__\ / ____/ / / / | ___ \ / \__ \ \__ \ | |/ \ / / \/ / \ | \ \ / \ / / |_______/ \_________/\_________/ |_____\__/ \_______/ \___/ . . DAFFY IS SEEKING ARE SEEKING NEW MEMBERS . NEW CONTACTS/FRIENDS . TO SWAP ALL KIND OF LEGAL CODERS-SYSOPS . 0-10 DAYS HOT STUFF WITH. . . ( AGA ) . DON'T HESITATE ! SEND SAMPLES OF YOUR WORK TO ¡ DAFFY/D-29 ¡ CHRISTER LÆNKHOLM DARKHAWK/D-29 BREGNEVÆNGET 7 ØSBY NEDERGADE 20 ¡ 3050 HUMLEBÆK ¡ 6100 HADERSLEV DENMARK DENMARK | | DISK WITH HOT STUFF = 100% ANSWER ALL PEOPLE GET AN ANSWER NO FAKED STAMPS PLEASE!!!! ________ _____ _____ __ _________ __ ___ ____ _____ _____ / // / \/ \ / \/ / / \/ Y \/ \ / \ / \ /__ ___// / / ___/ / \ / \ / / / / / / ___// / / / \ / __ / _/_ / / / / / / _/_/ / \ / / / / / _/ ~/ / /\ / / /\A / / \/ _/ ~/ / \ \/ / \/__/_______/ / \ \__/ ___/ \ /__/ ____/_______/___/) / \ /~ \ / \ / \ / ~ \ / ~ \ / \/_______ ________\/__ \/ \/ \/ \/ / / __/ / __/ / /~__/ ______ ______ ______ _______ _______ / / / _/ / / / / _/ /~~~~~~\ /~~~~~_\ /~~~~~~\\~~~~~~\ /~~~~~~/ /___/_/ /_/ /_/_/___/ / / // _/_ / / /_\ \~/ /__/ / / \\ // /~ // / Nexus 6/Balance _ _ _________/_________//______//___/___/_______//___/ -=*!bUlLeTiN BoArD sYsTem!*=- » 144Ø0 bAuD ÷ 120MB HaRdDrIvE ÷ OnLy Am¡gA ÷ /X V3.9 « SyStEm OpErAtOr: LoRd / AbSoLuTe! CaLL tHe BeAsT aT +36-1-291-4029 . ____________ __________ ___ ____ _____ ..\ ____ \ / ____ | / \__ / _ \ / ___ \__ ...| | ___| | | |__ | | / ___ \ /__/| /\/ \_/ __/\ ...| | \ __/ \__ \ | | / /\__\ /\__ _/ _///\__ /\_\/ ...| | \ \______| | | | / \/ / /_/_/\/ /\\/ \/ /// ...|__| \___________/ |__| \ /\/ //_/\\/ /_/ / /// ....... / \/ / \_\// /\ / /_/ ..TRISTAR AND RED SECTOR INC. \_____///grim\_____/// \___/\ ......... \____\/lock94\____\/ \__\/ ...|...... FOR FAST'N'ELITE +------------------------------+ ---+------ SWAPPING WRITE TO: |D CONTACT ME FOR COOL 9| | |2 0 - 7 2| | NORBY OF TRSI |9 DAYS STUFF SWAPPING D| | P.O. BOX 20 +------------------------------+ 56-300 MILICZ | |P PURPLE HAZE / D-29 S| POLAND | |A SLETTA 41 W| | |W 1800 ASKIM A| COOL STUFF'N'LETTER ----+--- |S NORWAY P| FOR 100% ANSWER | +------------------------------+ ___________________________________________________________________________ |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| |:/\_____/\/\___/\/\__/\:/\ /\::/\__/\::/\/\::/\:::::/\/\::/\___/\/\::/\:| |:\oo_o_oo/\ ____/\o___/:\o\/o/::\o__o/::\oo/::\o\::::\oo/::\oo_oo/\o\/o/:| |::\//o\\/:/___/:://__::://__\\:://::\\:://\\::/o/_::://\\::/o/_\/:/ooo/::| |:::/ooo\:/oooo\:/oooo\:/o____o\/o\::/o\/o\/o\/oooo\:/o\/o\/oo\o\:/ooo/:::| |:::\ooo/:\oo___\\oo___\\o\::/o/\oo\/oo/\oo__/\oo___\\__oo/\oo___\\oo/::::| |::::\/Y:::\/:::Y:\/:::Y:\/::\/::\/~~\/::\/::::\/:::Y:::\/::\/:::Y:\/:::::| |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::{I}:| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We need new members for our group ... Also for IMMORTAL\TECHNOLOGY !swapping! -+-------------------+- We are searching for : Tomasz Chmielewski ul. KASPROWICZA 28E --- In Poland we need more good coders ... 31-523 KRAKOW POLAND --- In the rest of the world we need all kind of members like : Swappers , Musicians , Graphic Artists and Coders ... So if you are intrested write to the address above for more infos ... Don't forget to include a disk whit samples of your work . Of course I will return all disks ! / / / 100% answer to / / / -| |______________________________ evrybody who / / /_ _|-|_ \ __ \ _ \_ / sent a letter/ / / /\ | |_ _ _ \_ \ \___ \__/ \ and disk(s) /_/ /_/ \ {I} | _|-__/ \__/ ___/ \ \_ \_ __\ \ \ \/\ \ |- |_  / \_ / / /_/\\ \ \/ / / |_| | _____/____\____/______/_____/ \ \ \\ \ \/ / |_| |-| COLA__- __ \_\ \\ \ / /_/\/ / \\_\/ for swapping write __\ \ \/ /\ \ ------------- python / /\\ \ /\_\/ IMMORTAL po box 105 / / / \ \ \ of 43-200 pszczyna / / / \ \ \ TECHNOLOGY poland / / \ \_\/--------------------- / / /\ \ TOMASZ CHMIELEWSKI gretz 2: ABS!, ACS, AFL, ARISE, BLC, / /\ \ \ ul KASPROWICZA 28E CDR, CMPCT, DMS, DCS, FCT, NME, NRG, / / \ \ \ 31-523 KRAKOW POLAND HZD, ILS, IFT, IRIS, JKR, MDE, M12, / \_\/ OLB, PST, PLS, RJ, S!P, SCT, TNC, UNN, / X-TDE and all the forgotten. sTILL rAVING... ______________ _____ _________ _________ _________ ___________ \_ ____j\_ \| / \_ ____j \_______ \ \_ ____j_\_ | / _ __/ __j__/ \ \_/ __j___/ \ __/_/ | \_ | \__ _ _ -_ | \ \ ! | \ \ | ! | _____ -_ _/ ! \ ! \_ | l________________j\______________________j_____________________jk!Ð! ...sINCE 1987! lATEsT mODEMWaREz zYx of eNERGY p.O.BOx 1212 27356 rOTENBURG gERMANY gAMES=101% Send messys, news, adverts, articles, cliparts, photos, money, girls, -===================- condoms, beers and more... = GENERATIONS AHEAD = -===================- oOo For LIVE oOo Mr.King/Scoopex NAPOLEON / DREAMDEALERS BP 56 Joerg Goedden F-13153 TARASCON CEDEX Postfach 3143 FRANCE 46434 Emmerich Germany Phone: +33/ (Ask for Emmanuel) -===================- = GENERATIONS AHEAD = Also for mailtrading, -===================- own productions are welcome !!! ___________________________________________________________________________ |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| |:/\_____/\/\___/\/\__/\:/\ /\::/\__/\::/\/\::/\:::::/\/\::/\___/\/\::/\:| |:\ _ _ /\ ____/\ ___/:\ \/ /::\ __ /::\ /::\ \::::\ /::\ _ /\ \/ /:| |::\// \\/:/___/:://__::://__\\:://::\\:://\\::/ /_::://\\::/ /_\/:/ /::| |:::/ \:/ \:/ \:/ ____ \/ \::/ \/ \/ \/ \:/ \/ \/ \ \:/ /:::| |:::\ /:\ ___\\ ___\\ \::/ /\ \/ /\ __/\ ___\\__ /\ ___\\ /::::| |::::\/Y:::\/:::Y:\/:::Y:\/::\/::\/~~\/::\/::::\/:::Y:::\/::\/:::Y:\/:::::| |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::{I}:| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The new Norwegian division of TECHNOLOGY seeks more quality members we are looking for Coders, Musicans, Graphicans, Modemtraders, Sysops, Swappers. If you want to be a part of a group based on friendship and have a lot of fun then contact Technology NHQ Tommy Olsen Gamnes 9130 Hansnes NORWAY TEL +47 77 74 86 97 _____ ______ /\ /\ / |__ / \ / Y \/ | \ / \ / | \ | | \/ _|____/ ______________________________________ / _ \ | | \ | \ \_____\___ ______ \_____ \hj / / | \ | | \ |__ \ \_____/ / __/ _/___ /___/ / \_____| /_| \___| \ \__/ / \ / / / / [CDR]|____/ |________/ |_____/ \____\___/ /________/____/ ==================================== `---------------\ /-----------------' \/ For fast and friendly fO® SOmE fRI£nDShIp SWÅpP¡NG : ELITE swapping contact: ×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x× TRæSh heÅd/TR$I Crusader of Hangover P.ø.ßOx 144. Janne Kotta O58²² m¡LaNøWeK Arbygatan 1A POlæNd. 633 45 Eskilstuna x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x SWEDEN! ___________ ________________ ______ /\ ________ ________ _________ / __ / __ ______ \ _ \/ \ __ \ ______ \ / _/ /______/_ /____/ / \ \ / \_ / \ / \ / __\_______ \_ /______ _ \ \ / / \_ _ \ /______ \ / // / / \_ \ / / / / __\__/ \ \______________/_______/ /________/__\ /__________/ /_____\_____________\ \_____/ \_/ \_____/-SyK! ...eLiTe SwAppiNg aT: mELViN/sCAnDaL! p.0.B0x 5044! 48419 rHEiNE! gERMANy GREeTS T0 Da BeST! _contact dragon of vision_ __________ __ __ _______ _ \________/ | \| |(_____ \(_) ___ richard backhaus | __/¯¯¯\| \ ||/ \ \ \\_ / __) doktorhofweg 13 | ||/ ¦ \\ \ || ¦ \\/ // | /_/\ d-23879 moelln |__|\__!__/__|\__|__!__/__/|_|____/ germany -+--+---------------------*BzR*-+--+- ____________________________________ Do You Need More Contacts? _hello to arise_obscene_afl_bdz_tek_ And Hate The Fucking DiskStealers? _equinox_unlimited_nuance_fairlight_ _interpol_interactive_cadaver_crap!_ so!.. Write Me! 100% Reply _dcs_mad elks_kool_freezers_manitou_ to Every body! _mystic_compact inc_the fun factory_ _242_iris_scoopex_dreamdealers_trsi_ BlaZer / FaNaTic! _progress!_faith_sardonyx_diffusion_ +-----------------------------+ _proline_dream ³_eremation_movement_ | T.Linna | _razor 1911_scandal!_infect!_impact_ | Kivelant.7 | _jet set_design_wartec_and the rest_ | 13500 HML | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | | _100 % answer to all known groups!_ +-write-only-this-on-envelope-+ OBSCENE GiVES YOU: /\ /\ / \ __________ ____ / \________ ________________ __ ________ / \ / / / / / /\/ / / / \/ / / / / / \(__)/ / / \ / / \/ / /___/ / / / / / / / / /__\__/ / /___/ / /___/ / / \ /_______/ / / / / / /\__/____ / / / / / / \/ / / / / / / / /___ / \ / / / / ____ / / \ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /_________/_/ /\ / \__/\__/_/___/\__/_/____/ \__/\__/\__/_/___/ / / / / \/ \ / \ / Yea! support OBSCENE's coming mag called AGNOSTiC \/ \/ With sum of your Articles,news,adds and such! Or become a co-editor of AGNOSTiC, then send Your best things in the 4-mats 80*23 or 39*23 (OBS!The articles should be written in two spalters in da 4-mat 39*23) to... CRb/OBSCENE Degelugnsv.3 S-73233 ARBOGA SWEDEN! (This addy is also for swapping!) |-| |______________________________ _|-|_ \ __ \ _ \_ / for swapping write | |_ _ _ \_ \ \___ \__/ \ Norby (HQ) | _|-__/ \__/ ___/ \ \_ \_ po box 20 |-| _|  / \_ / / 56-300 Milicz |_| | _____/____\____/______/_____/ Poland |_| |-| COLA__- (join, swap) Python Trash Head Tap po box 105 po box 144 Poprzeczna 66/6 43-200 Pszczyna 05-822 Milanówek 00-000 Wroclaw Poland Poland Poland (gfx, swap) (swap) (code, swap) greetings to all friends in the scene. .::./\____/\_______/\___________.::. .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. ::./ / / _/ _________ \___ \.:: :::::::::::::/\::' YeaH! `::: :./ / / /\_ \/ / / / / /\:: ::::::::::::/ /\: \\-// ::: : .\____/__/_____/__/\____/__/__/ /:¦ :::::::::::/\ /\Wanna swap sum Hot:: ::.\___\__\_____\__\/\___\__\__\/.:: ::::::::::/ \ / warez??????? ::: Vision is seriously searching for :::::::::/\ \ \/: ::: 1 - 2 active german coders and a ::::::::/ /\ \/:/ Try diz addy: ::: very talented graphician , who is :::::::/\ /\/:// ::: able to draw nice full - screen ::::::/ /\ /:/// CRb/OBSCENE ::: pictures and good sysops and fast :::::/\ \/\/://// Degelugnsv.3 ::: traders to complete our forces . ::::/ /\ /:///// S-73233 ARBOGA ::: So take your chance and write to: :::/\_/ \/:////// SWEDEN! ::: ::/. \ /://///::. .::: Vision WhQ :/\ \ /:////:::::::::::::::::::::::: Kristian Broemme / \ /:///:::::::::::::::::::::::::: Waldstr.7 \ \ \/://:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: D-14727 Doeberitz :\ /:/:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Germany ::\/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: `:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::' -All interested will get an answer- _/\ .__ _______.__ __ ____________ _____________/\ .___ _/\____________ \_ \| O\\_ ___/|. Y Y_ \__ Y. \____ \_ \|: o\/ \_ ___/_ \ |! \ o\|___)_|! | :|/ # \|! | :|! :|. / :|! \ O\_|_/|!__)_|! # \ |!\ /: \! | :|!_/ _/|! | :|! | | :|! _ :|!\ /| \|!: \!_/ _/ |!:\ /!: /! :|!\ \|! | :|! |_| :|! | :|! \ / | \ : /!\ \ |__|\ /|____/|_____A__\ \_____|! | |__A__|__A__|\ /_____/____/|__\ \_ * \/ v \___/ |__| v v \/ *\___/ . : : : . . SOMEHOW...SOMETIME...SOMEWAY..U GOT 2 DU IT!... . * * D . . FOR DA COOL`n'FRIENDLY SWAPP: . . . i . s==0-14 DAYS "NEUROMANCER" * ALSO TAPE SWAPP: k . 128 HIGH ROAD NO-DISK CARLTON-IN-LINDRICK . I'm lookin 4 All Kind's a NO-ANSWER WORKSOP . Ambient,Elecktro,Beats Short Letter Rulez! NOTTINGHAMSHIRE . Acid House,Teckno Etc: I Dont Care. . S81-9DT . Just Way Out Shit! . . . E.N.G.L.A.N.D . . . * . * "Neuromancer"A mAn bOrN To tHe MaChInE". \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ ______________________ ENERGY ...appeal to you... \_____ ¬\ ___ \ _ ¬\ WE NEED MORE TALENTS TO OUR GROUP! | | \ | \/ | \ ESPECIALLY GUYS FROM F'RANCE, HoLLAnD, | | \ l____ | \ NORWAY AND GERMANY should try! |______ /___ /__l__ / Help us with our project ENERGY '94 - \/ \/ \/º! GREENER AND BIGGER! 4 TRADING LEGAL&ILLEGAL WAREZ! ENERGY WHQ DECEIVER/DECNITE T. GUNNAR AITTONIEMENTIE.18 POHJOLANTIE 3 40270 PALOKKA 32800 KOKEMAKI! FINLAND FINLAND NO MOTHAFUCKING OLD STUFF SENDERS!! Do not forget to send some examples of your work! Otherwise, you are out AND SOON U NOTICE THAT SOMETHING of game! ONLY TALENTS ! NICE HAVE HAPPEN TO YOU,I'LL PROMISE! ENERGY - SINCE 1987...! ALSO OWN PROD SWAPPING,IF YA WANT! \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ : · _ | : ____| \ .__l__.________ ._____.______l _______ \_ | \ | |\_____ \__| |\____ \ \____ \ +-------/ | \|_____l/ |____/|_____|/ | \_/ | \-------+ | / | \ \______ \| / | / | \ | +-----/ | \ / | \ / | / | \-----+ \ | \ \ | \ \ | \ | \ \_____ /___|\_____ /____\_____ \____| / =====\______/=|=======\______/=========\______/sHk|_____/== | | : | for swapping for joining . . dragon/vision decadence/vision r.backhaus kristian broemme doktorhofweg 13 waldstrasse 7 23879 moelln 14727 doeberitz germany germany _/\_______/\_____ _/\__________/\_________/\_______ _/\__ _/\_/\_______ / __ \ ____ \/ ______ / __ / ______// \/ / ______/ / |\ \/ |/ /\______ \/ | \___/ ____)_/ /\ \ / ____)_ / | \ / |\ \/ \ | \ | / \ |\ \ / /\ / |\ \ \ |__\ / |_\ \ /_| / |_\ \ |_\ \ / / \ |_\ \ \________\__________/_________/\___________/__________// \___/\___________/ -=====================================================\ /=====================- Y [D] : Yeeeha!, for lightspeed trading, try theese ELiTE OBSCENE boards: Name: - - Number: - - Sysop: - - Note: - - Speed: - Stage Dive........+46-(0)16-128047...Nurgle.........Obscene WHQ.....16.8k ds Reptiles Hole.....+46-(0)28-014115...Crocodile......Obscene HQ......16.8k ds Dark room.........+46-(0)22-010342...Lightspeed.....Obscene HQ......16.8k ds _____________________________________ \ / Indecent and... \ / \/ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ \/ \-=\O\=\B\=\S\=\C\=\E\=\N\=\E\=-/ For fast and friendly swapping \ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ / contact .\___________________________/ .:::. .::::::. :For hot:trading, try this addy: Nick `:::::::.::::' Gastgivarev.14 ..::.:Chrombacher/OBSCENE:. 556 33 Jonkoping `:.:::.::'----=()=----.:.:::. -Sweden- `::::' Degelugnsv.3::::::' `::::S-732 33 ARBOGA:::' (Also AGA!) `::.:::.SWEDEN::.::::' Disk = Answer (Really!) `:::::::::::::::::' (Also:for:joining...) `:::::' `::' `: __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ______ /\ __________ \__ _ ¬\_______ ¬\_______ ¬\_______ ¬\_______ ¬\_____¬\/ \_______ ¬\_ |/ / / _ ___/ /____/ /____/ /____/ \ \ / /____/ | / / / \/\_____ \/ / / ___/__/ /\ / ___/__| | / / / / / / / / / / / / / /| |__ /_____ /_____ /_____ /_____ /_____/ /_____ / | `/_____/----/_____/----/_____/----/_____/----/_____/----/ /-kRm/_____/--' \ /_____/ / --------\ ..CRoMBaCHeR.. ..AiR.. ..sNoW.. /-------- \ DeGeLuGNsV.3 NoRdaasTraet 24 DeNNis sNo / /s-732 33 aRBoGa n-5041 NoRDaaS J.P GRooTsTRaat 7\ --------/ sWeDeN NoRWaY nl-1443 PuRMeReND \-------- / HoLLaND,euRoPe \ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ______ /\ __________ \__ _ ¬\_______ ¬\_______ ¬\_______ ¬\_______ ¬\_____¬\/ \_______ ¬\_ |/ / / _ ___/ /____/ /____/ /____/ \ \ / /____/ | / / / \/\_____ \/ / / ___/__/ /\ / ___/__| | / / / / / / / / / / / / / /| |__ /_____ /_____ /_____ /_____ /_____/ /_____ / | `/_____/----/_____/----/_____/----/_____/----/_____/----/ /-kRm/_____/--' /_____/ ........... ........ :::::::_ ___ ____ _______ ______ ____ ______________::::: ::::::/ |__ / \ / |__ / \/ \/ |___|_ \ \:::: :::::/ | \ / \/ | \/ \ \ | \ / | \::: ::::/ | X | \ | | \ __|____/ O \ | / ____/ _/::: :::/ _ \ \ | | \ \ \ / | / __|_ \::: ::/ | \ _ \ | | \ \__ \ / | / \ | \:: ::\_____| /_| /_| \__| \ /_ /__ \_| \: :::[CDR]|____/:.|____/.:|________/.:|_____/___/::\_____/.:|_______/.|______/: ::::::::.... ...:::: Looking for a group to join? Now u got da chance to join da drunken crew of Hangover Just send xsamples of your work to. Join and ELITE swap ELITE swap only Warlock Crusader Tomas Mortenson Janne Kotta Hagergatan 140 Arbygatan 1A 692 36 Kumla 633 45 Eskilstuna Sweden Sweden _/\__________________/\_ ************************************** _/__ __________________ __\_ ** ** _\ \_ _/ /_ ** Are you a lamer? If yes then you ** \__ | ·» ENERGY «· | __/ ** must write to me, becouse I'm ** _|_/\____________________/\_|_ ** searching for good contacts !!! ** \___ __ _ _ __ ___/ ** ** l_ \/\_ _/\/ _j ************************************** | \_ _/ | ** ** ¦ __ ^ zYx/eNERGY ^ __ | ** Not only for ELITE lamers !!! ** : /\/ \/\ ¦ ** ** . \/ p.O.bOx 1212 \/ : ************************************** | 27356 rOtenburg! . ** Everybody get answer (really) if ** | _ wEst gErmany _ | ** write on this address: ** l_/ _ _ \_j ** ** | _/\__ _ _/ \_ _ __/\_ | ** KURCZAK of FLYING COWS INC. ** |/________________________\| ** MARCIN LICZAK ** _\ \_ _/ /_ ** ul.SZARYCH SZEREGOW 8/39 ** \__ | ·» ENERGY «· | __/ ** 64-600 OBORNIKI wlkp. ** _|_/\____________________/\_|_ ** POLAND ** \________________________k!Ð_/ ************************************** ___________________________________________________________________________ |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| |:/\_____/\/\___/\/\__/\:/\ /\::/\__/\::/\/\::/\:::::/\/\::/\___/\/\::/\:| |:\ _ _ /\ ____/\ ___/:\ \/ /::\ __ /::\ /::\ \::::\ /::\ _ /\ \/ /:| |::\// \\/:/___/:://__::://__\\:://::\\:://\\::/ /_::://\\::/ /_\/:/ /::| |:::/ \:/ \:/ \:/ ____ \/ \::/ \/ \/ \/ \:/ \/ \/ \ \:/ /:::| |:::\ /:\ ___\\ ___\\ \::/ /\ \/ /\ __/\ ___\\__ /\ ___\\ /::::| |::::\/Y:::\/:::Y:\/:::Y:\/::\/::\/~~\/::\/::::\/:::Y:::\/::\/:::Y:\/:::::| |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::{I}:| ~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~ | We are searching for new good members worldwide . | | To join us write to one of these addreses : | | | | Immortal/Technology WHQ Lucifer/Technology NHQ | --+---------------------------------------------------------------------+-- Tomasz Chmielewski Tommy Olsen ul.Kasprowicza 28E Gamnes 31-523 Krakow 9130 Hansnes POLAND NORWAY TEL +47 77 74 86 97 __ ___ _____ ____ _ j\ \/ / |/ __/ | \ \| | yA ______________________ z:\ /| |\__\| |<> | | wAnnA \_____ ¬\ ___ \ _ ¬\ :::\/:|_/___/|_|__/_|\_| s0M31 | | \ | \/ | \ ::::::::::::::::::&::::__ _________ | | \ l____ | \ /\/\/\/\| ,)/ \ _/ _\ |______ /___ /__l__ / wH0`$ |n :\ / ,\ \\/ \/ _)(__ \/ \/ \/º! 2 k3W| ::\/\/_/__\|_Y___]__\__/ gR0uP$? ::::::::::::::::::::::: 4 HOT MAILTRADING! |f Ya wAnT |00nG |3ttaS yA wi|| g3t DECEIVER/DECNITE `3m...|f yA waNt sh0rT3r 0n3s ya AITTONIEMENTIE.18 yA wi|| g3t a fAsT anSw3R ,t00!! 40270 PALOKKA A|s0 4 cRaPs3nD|n aNd fR|3nDsh|p FINLAND jAzy 0f V|$|0N·WarT3C SUPPORT MY "POLLY"PACK WITH Roepersberg 22 YOUR LATEST OWN PRODUCTIONS!! 23909 Ratzeburg Germany/Europe! +49-4541-858270 OWN PROD=100% ANSWER S _\__/\___ __/\____.__/\___ __/\___ __/\ ___. i /\ __, \\_ _ |\ __, \\ __, \\_ Y | NEEDS YOU! N 1987...! ___/ \____// | |/ \____// \____// | |__ C ::/ l \_ | | l \_ | \\ | |:: & e ::\________/___|___|________/__/|__ \\____ exl: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\_/ ____/::: KEEPS CARE OF YOU! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\__/::::::: """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" You are a talent? Productive? You like girls & boozing ? You are looking 4 very powerful and friendship team? If these sentences and words are the right words which describe you and your occasion,then...What the hell are you waiting?!? JOIN to us and keep fun! Raise your reputation to the new dimensions with our other talents! Maybe you have heard some words that ENERGY is dying away! These words are absolutely bullshit! Instead of that we are now a big group, over 20 members and nearly every week is coming more kewl dudes! We need especially more CODERS & GRAPHICIANS! Also "The highest class" Boards are wanted! COMRADE / ENERGY WHQ . POHJOLANTIE 3 . 32800 KOKEMAKI . FINLAND! """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" j__/\ ___/\ ___/\_ _/\ __/\____/\___k µ\_ .\\_ __)\_ __)\__)\ .__ \ ____/å ================================== $ / | \/ ._|_/_. \/ \/ | _/ ._|_ ø DREAMDEALERS t/ | \ | \ | \ \ | \ | \z ================================== / : \: \: \ \¦ \: \ Support LIVE ! \ _____/_____/_____/___/:____/___ / ================================== \/t·3·$·t·3·ð ø·n å·n·¿·m·å·£·$\/ Send messyz, news and adverts to «««::«««««««««««««»»»»»»»»»»»»»»::»»» Fletch/DREAMDEALERS __/\__ CHAOS·OF·DESIRE __/\__ 10, Bd Louis Blanc \ oo / Dirk Wiemer \ oo / F-19100 BRIVE /_~~_\ Thueringer Str. 150 /_~~_\ FRANCE \/ 14770 Brandenburg/Germany \/ or «««::«««««««««««««»»»/\»»»»»»»»»::»»» Napoleon/DREAMDEALERS ..gRåph!ç¿ån /\ ånð \/ må¿£tRåð3r.. BP 56 . /\_____/ )/\ /\/\______ . F-13153 TARASCON CEDEX . \ ___/ \/(__\/ \__ __/ . FRANCE _. /\_/ / \\ \_/ \\(./ ) \__/\ ._ ================================== ·\/···\__ / \ / /\\/ _____/····\/· Support LIVE ! ·········\/\_/\(______\/············· ================================== ··············(_/·····\)············· ·føre¿gn·gµ¥$··nø·£øw-£3v3£·$wåpp3r!· ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .· _____ ___ .:. ____ __ _____________ _____ /\::.\ _ \/ _ \_::·\ // /// \__ _ // \\ /. \\ / \O:| |_)\\ \)_/O:_|_\\/ / /.\\ \\\/ /\_/ \ // / /) ·\/ ./__ \/ / .\ \_// \\ .\ ) ____\\ ./. - -+OO| \| \\ /\ .\ \ .\ __\\ / _./ ./ .\ \/ .\\_/OO+- - °|· __ :\ \_) \\ ..\\ / .\\/ \ _// ._// .._//___° /__\:\___\_____/____/ ._//___/__/_____/\______/(___) ·::·· \______/O::· ··:·:O::·HazeL. ¡· ·:¡ ·:·¡ ¡ ¡ LoRd oF ABSOLUTE! -=*! CaLL OuR BoArD at: !*=- PETER LABOS +36-1-291-4029 1181 BUDAPEST ABSOLUTE! HQ BBS DARUS 10 II/3 ÷ OnLy Am¡gA ÷ /X V3.9 ÷ HUNGARY SySoP: LoRd / ABS! -­= Where Bottles Cry For Mercy =­- Messages from CAPTAIN BO/ORBITAL: To BUTTERCUP/ORBITAL: Have you find grahician and coder from Belgium ? We are waiting your good news... To GART/BRONX: I see modems in my nightmares (!?) To PENTAGRAM/BRONX: Code... code... we are waiting disk magazine... To MICRO-ASTRON/BRONX: Hayirsizlar. Messages from Subject/Balance: Astro/Movement: "Numb" is really grrreeaat! Hope to get more groovy productions from your group in the future... Cee-Dee/Rising Sun: Good luck in your new group! So, is the war over? Pantera/Iris: Sorry, the adds for Upstream aren't for free anymore... Slide/Polka Brothers: I'm looking forward to hear the music for that game... Se at få lavet noget d0dstekkn0! Motion/Balance: Hej sinke! Se at få lavet den raytracing færdig! NÅ! Jeg glæder mig forresten til at nakke nogle samples fra din nye CD! Remember: JD-800 rulezzz!!! Guybrush/D-29: Hope you'll find another group! Pearl/PST(?): Nice partying with ya dude! Nice girlfriend of yours, hehe! Keep up the work with Dansktoppen! Chorus/Kefrens: Tja, saa regler du videre... Bare synd for Razor! Xr$ize/Quick Design: Sorry, but I don't remember if it's my or your turn to send, so please leave me a note somewhere! Tango/Balance: Welcome David! Well, now you have to support Upstream and UpStrEaM only! Hollywood/Axis: Another groupshift? Well, good luck anyway... Schmoovy-Schmoov/Melon Dezign: So what's up down in France? Hopefully you are still active with coding and SWAPPING! (Get the point?) Mr. King/Scoopex: Hope my messeys will be included in your stunning pack! No shit, it's really the best pack ever! Feel free to use my chip-tune if you like... Condor/???: Danmarks bedste swapper? Hmmm... Roscoe/???: Danmarks bedste swapper? Hmmm... :-) Baizon/GAC: When is that intro out? Keep up your nice sendings (with no photos, hehe!) Best regards to the rest of my contacts and friends... Note to everybody: Watch out for Sound Barrier 2! - One of the first AGA only music-disks! Music by Subject & Blue Fox, GFX by Connor & Unique, Code by Kata & Wreko. It will surely be worth waiting for! Messages from Slime/Medicine.. To all my contacts: When you got my last sending you thought it was VERY old!! And it was, when YOU got it...And that was because the swedish postoffice was sending my letters as a B sending.. So it arrived at your postbox about 2 or 3 weeks after i sent it.. So don't be mad at me and drop me... To all contacts who had to pay for my last sending: Im sorry because of sending too less stamps.. But the one I used this time have never caused any trouble before... And it won't happend again!!! Send soon! To the one who contacted me with a broken version of a CheatDisk by Growl/Energy: Please contact me again! Your disk was broken! (Just send a note!) NOw some normal greetings: Yaffle,Poke/Accession,Exciter/Dcs,Speedy/Parasite,Exumer/Sanity,Heptagon/S!P, Tbm/Led,Excel/Vision,Deiciver/Decnite,Melvin/Faith,Tyrant/Cadaver,Gart/Bronx, Elvis/Limbo,Blaze/Balance,Cyclon/Eskimos,Condor/Razor 1911,Nighthawk, Air/Obscene,Vortex/Bronx,Mystra/Stone Arts,Virus/Arise,Dose/Trance inc, Prospect/Ram Jam,Morpheus,Plugster/Defiance,Antex,Izerman/S!P,Airbrain/Ram Jam, Fazer/Nova,Shock/Iris,Wildcat/Rage,The Collector/Tmg,Le Chien,Chimera/Cadaver, Hobbes/Medicine,Frame/Medicine,Exidor/Medicine,Origo/Medicine, Moster Mygg/Medicine,Pace/Medicine,Lussar'n/Medicine +All Forgotten Messys from Major Bandit of X-TREME to: Bullet / Lego: Euere neue Production ist echt cool, scheint so das Lego eine Spitzengruppe wird. Mr.King / Scoopex: Tja, bin jetzt bei X-Treme, mach weiter so mit deinem "Nr.1" Pack called NEVER MIND, cool wie immer !!!! Rusine / Eskimos: Hey, Alter schon lange nix mehr von Dir gehoert !!! Rave / Manitou: Hoffe Du bist mir nicht boese ueber meine Entscheidung. Bin mir sicher das es jetzt aufwaerts geht mit MTU. to all Manitou Members: Hope that we all will be in contact forever. - Our scalps is mine - Horra / Neoplasia: Na Alter, koennen uns ja jetzt oefter Treffen, bin ja bis Oktober im Lande. Peace / Neoplasia: Ist die Anzahl an Contacts wieder gestiegen ?? Faehrt der Porsche noch ??? Obelix / Platin: Bin schon auf die neue Generation gespannt ! Mickey / Isch Crew: Hope i can see some fun productions from Isch Crew !! Blaster / Eremation: Will you make a new Pack, or only swapping ? You Articles in some mags are very fine. Dexy / Enemy: Hope that you healty and peace for you and all people in Ex-Yougoslavia. If i can help you, write it. Felon / Kronical: Is my article for your mag good enough ??? Lord / Creator & S!P : Your EYE-PACK is very fun, do it again guy. Raven / Fanatic: It"s nice to swap with you !!! Blind Guard / ex-Manitou: Na nicht mehr bei MTU, deshalb kannst trotzdem schreiben, o.k. friendship rulez. From: CRYONIK of X-TREME to: ANDY of NUANCE Thanx very much 4 the sounds! Sobald wieder was von uns raus kommt schick ich`s dir! From: CRYONIK of X-TREME to: THOR of NUANCE Sorry, daß ich nicht mehr mit Dir swappen kann! Dr.Doom ist genauso cool! Ich hoffe Du verstehst den Schritt, daß Swapping war auf dauer halt doch zu teuer! From: CRYONIK of X-TREME to: TOXIC of ABYSS Call ma widda! Vielleicht können wir uns ja mal wider in München treffen! From: CRYONIK of X-TREME to: SKINDIVER of ABYSS Hol Dir am best mal meine Telebimmel von Toxic, dann kannst Du mich anrufen wenn ihr den Treff in München macht! C YA! M E S S A G E S F R O M A N D Y / N U A N C E : ======================================================= To GFX-TWINS of DIGITAL: Hey Artur, was'n los? Schick' mir mal wieder eine DTL-Production. Habe schon lange nichts mehr von Digital gesehen. To BLAZER of FANATIC: Good luck in your new group. Send me the latest Fanatic Productions when released. To P$ of ESSENCE: Na, von Dir hoert man ja ueberhaupt nichts mehr. Haste das Swappen nun endgueltig eingestellt? To TRASHER of SANITY: Ach, da faellt mir ein: Die Fahrt nach Kempten hat nun nach nochmaliger Ueberrechnung doch 260 DM fuer jeden gekostet. Das heisst, ich kriege noch 250 DM von Dir. To TRONIC of SILENTS: Du alter Modem-Trader. Null Bock mehr auf Mail, oder was? To DASCEN of SCOOPEX: Great group, you joined in. Hope, you'll have a good Fun-Time in it. To T'VAAN of DREAMDEALERS: Also, bei dem Durcheinander weiss ich wirklich nich' mehr, in welcher Group Du jetzt bist. Ich denk' mal in DRD. Anyway, Super-GFX in Herning. Echt Geil. To HEINZ of SATURNE: My French fries....aeh friend. Hope, to get soon another pack from ya. To KR'33 of SPACEBALLS: Thanx for writing back. Are you sure, that you mean MY Tune from Herning? To FELIX of INDEPENDENT: Will ya ever re-enter the scene? Then contact me again. To CARLO of FLYING COWS INC.: Now, you AND Mephi have left Neandertal Men. Anyway, great to be in contact with you two. To MR.ROOT of UNION: Whenever there is a any Party or anything else, there is also Mr.Root. The changes, that we meet again, are good. To GOLD DRAGON of UNLIMITED: Heard a long time nothing from you. Still alive? To HACKSAW of CHROME: Thanx for your last sending. There was good stuff in it. To COUGAR of SANITY: Gruess Kleopatra und Tut Ench Amun (oder wie der Typ heisst) von mir, wenn Du's naechstemal nach Aeguebtenn gehst. Ach ja: Wieviele von Euch hab' ich angesteckt mit meinen Windpocken? To EXUMER of SANITY: Den armen Vogel von Nightmare einfach so verdursten zu lassen, schaemst Du Dich denn ueberhaupt nicht? To NOP of SAINTS: Good luck with your new group. And say a nice Hello to Victory from me. To ARONAL of PARANOID: Morgens Aronal, abends Elmex: Der medizinische Doppel- schutz fuer Zahnfleisch und Zaehne? Ha, von wegen. ( Blendax Anti-Belag 3 Rulez !!!) To ICE T of MYSTIC: Na? Wieder die gewohnten Delays, jetzt? To HARDIRE of DIFFUSION: Don't hesitate about my Delay. You should have my answer now. To VICTORY of SAINTS: I'll write the same to you, like to NOP: My best wishes in your new group and say a nice hello to Nop from me. To CHROMBACHER of OBSCENE: I'm sorry, that we didn't meet at the Party 3. But I've seen no Obscene-Sign in the whole halls. To RAVE of MANITOU: Na, schon lange nichts mehr von Dir gehoert. Ich hab' Techno of Manitou(Norway) uebrigens deine Addy gegeben. To TROOPER of DYNAMIC: Nice, that we meat again at Party 3, will there be any Productions from Dynamic in the near future? To SHOCKER of VIRTUAL DESIGN: My Cheese-Contact. It doesn't matter, when you delay. It's the same with me at the present time. To SKYLINE of ARISE: Auf einer Delay-Skala von 1 bis 100 liegst Du bei 99,45. ( Du hast mir immerhin einmal zurueckge- schrieben. To 501 of TRSI: ICH BIN KKKEEEIIINNN B-A-Y-E-R-!!!! Ich lebe in Baden- Wuerttemberg... Und ausserdem koenntest Du mal wieder schreiben. To DODGER of INTERACTIVE: Great pack. Schick' mir mal wieder 'ne Issue. To MEGA MAN of BTB: What's up??? Wird jemals etwas von Euch rauskommen? To ASTRO of MOVEMENT: Really, really Superb Pack!!! I love it. Send me the latest issues. To CRYONIK of X-TREME: Was'n los? Tut mir leid, das ich Dein Joining- Offer nicht angenommen habe, aber Du koenntest trotzdem ruhig mal wieder zurueckschreiben. To CASTOR of LOGIC: Weisst Du, dass Du fast so schlimm wie Skyline of Arise bist? Aber nur fast: Denn Du hast mir immerhin schon zweimal geschrieben (in Worten: 2x). To NORBY of TRSI: Hey, cool. Poland joined TRSI. Good luck with your organizer-work. Send me the first TRSI-Poland-Proddy is fast as possible. To DAZL of IRIS: So, Quark left the scene? I'm sorry about that. He was a really good musician. But anyway: Iris has many other good members (swappers like you, and so on...). To SALVATORE of JUMP: Na, was is'? Jetzt nur noch illegal oder ganz raus aus der Scene? To STING of PROLINE: Na, Fake-Gott. Was geht? Ich hoffe, Du bist nicht sauer, weil X-Poole jetzt bei uns musiziert. Ihr habt ja auch noch andere talentierte Sounder. To NIGHTMARE of ELICMA: Yo, um mal ueber etwas Anderes als Werbepartner und Sponsoren zu reden: Ist der Vogel Deiner Mutter jetzt verdurstet? ( Exumer hat beim Meeting dem armen Tier den Wasser-Spender vom Gitter gerissen und nicht wieder aufgefuellt! (siehe auch: Message an Exumer.) To THOR of NUANCE: Ja, ja, die German Charts, das is' so 'ne Sache. Naja, jetzt ist ja erst mal unser Sound-Pack releast, und die GC kommen ja (hoffentlich) auch bald. Windpocken Rules ( wieviele hab' ich angesteckt?) To ABSTRACT of NUANCE: Mann, was soll ich nur fuer eine Message an einen Typen schreiben, der in der gleichen Stadt wie ich wohnt? To FRENCHY of NUANCE: Wer bist Du? Kenn' ich Dich noch (Bund Suxx). To X-POOLE of NUANCE: Welcome in Nuance. Find' ich gut, dass Du jez da bis'. Endlich wieder jemand in Nuance, mit dem ich Modules swappen kann. To KOPARA of MAD ELKS: Hello, my friend. Nice meeting in Herning. Polish beer Rulez. Perhaps you can send me one in your next sending (would be great). Be sure to get a original german beer back. To OBELIX of PLATIN: Hat sich Damion die Sache mit dem renamen in MAJESTIX ueberlegt, oder was? Bin echt gespannt auf das neue Generation: Groesser, Satter, Lecker ! To IMMORTAL of TECHNOLOGY: Great Music-Disk from your group. One of the best polish ones. Send me always your latest proddys. To TERMINATOR of TRANCE: Hello, friend. You are my only australian contact. Perhaps you could give my addy to other australians. Or just spread my pack in your continent. To COMRADE of ENERGY: Thanx for your last sending. There was really good stuff in it. To RAZORBLADE of MAJIC 12: Thanx for the Seven Seas. Hope to hear soon from you. To OUTLAW of CENTURA: What's up? Immer noch am Painten? Lass' mal wieder was sehen! To DECEIVER of DECNITE: So, Highlight left your group. But I have another elite contact in Decnite an that's you. Swap on. To MR.KING of SCOOPEX: Nach langem Hin und Her endlich sesshaft geworden? Scoopex is' echt gut (besser als Deine vorherigen). Sorry, das es diesmal etwas laenger gedauert hat. X-Poole/Nuance hat mich darauf aufmerksam gemacht, das ich Dir eigentlich mal wieder zurueckschreiben koennte. To DOC M. of LASER DANCE: Na, wird mal wieder Zeit zum Zurueckschreiben, oder? To GURGLE of RAM JAM: So, finally back in contact. Great to have you back, my friend. Hope, we'll have fun together. To KNOX of JEWELS: What's up? I've nothing heard from you since your contact letter. To ZODAK of INCAL INC.: Ich hoffe, endlich mal wieder 'ne neue Production von Euch zu sehen. Und vergiss' das naechste mal nicht wieder, Deinen Namen anzugeben. To ROSCOE of RAZOR 1911: What's up? Since you joined Razor 1911, I've nothing heard from you. I hope, you will soon write back to me. To TECHNO of MANITOU: Yo, I'm waiting for your pack. Please send it to me, when released. To JINX of MANITOU: Koenntest Dir ruhig mal eine andere Fake-Methode zulegen. Deine ist viel zu auffaellig, auch wenn's biss jetzt immer geklappt hat. Nur ein guter Rat. To ZINKO of KEFRENS/PLK BROS.:Thanx for your long letter. Du sehr gut kannst Deutsch sprechen! Hope to get soon another Dansk/Deutsch-Letter from you. To JAZY of WARTEC/VISION:Was'n los? Warum bist Du Doppel-Member? To APEMAN of PURPLE TURTLE: Thanx for the Intel Outside-Stickers. Do you have bigger ones? To IZERMAN of S!P: Is it true, that there are Nazis in your group? (stated in Eurochart). To LORD of S!P: Nice meeting in Herning. Hope, that you will soon release something. To MORPHEUS of ISCH CREW: Komischer Name fuer 'ne Group. Kannst Du mir das mal genauer erklaeren? To YAFFLE of INSANE: Why do you write "???" at the end of Insane??? He, he!!! To MICHAEL of INDEPENDENT: There are not so many good swappers in Greece, but you are one of them. Why don't you join a group? To SYSTEMKID of INDEPENDENT: Na, wie geht's Deinem 1200er? Kauf' Dir mal 'ne Platte. To MAVERICK of INDEPENDENT: Wirst Du die Swapper-Forces of Ehingen ver- staerken oder bleibe ich der einzige hier? To CHRIS of INDEPENDENT: Join doch Mega-Kefl oder Super-Group oder The Great Guys oder was weiss ich... To FELIX of INDEPENDENT: Will you ever re-enter the scene. Then please contact me again. To RIPPER of DIFFUSION: Good luck in your new group. I hope, you have fun in it. To D-MAGE of VIRTUAL DREAMS: Today it would be the right time to write back to me, or? To DR.SKULL of VIRTUAL DREAMS: What's up. I'm still awaiting your answer. To MEPHI of DAMAGE: Great group you joined. Now you AND Carlo left Neandertal Men. That's cruel. To ALI of INTERACTIVE: Thanx for contacting me. Hoffe, wir hamm 'ne Menge Spass miteinander. To CR8Y of SAVAGE: Na, wenn Du sonst nicht swappst, schick' mir halt immer die neuesten Savage-Productions. Soon with your GFX, I hope. Und nimm's Frenchy nicht uebel, wenn er nicht mehr zurueckschreibt (Bund Suxx). To HUNTER of THE FUN FACTORY: Sorry, but I've never seen any productions from your group. Send me, when released. Anyway, great to be in contact with you. To WOLFMAN of BALANCE: Was'n los? Warum schreibst Du...oh, Du bist ja Daene, hab' ich ganz vergessen, also: What's up? Why don't you write back? Hope to hear soon from you! To KAZZ of BRONX: Thank you for your contact-letter. Write back soon. To ACEN of COMPACT: Great to be in compact...aeh, contact with you. Send me always the great Utility-packs from your group. To TEDRIC of DCS: Ja, ich weiss: Ich wollte Dir nochmal schreiben, aber zur Zeit hab' ich echt viel um die Ohren. Swappst Du ueberhaupt noch? Some Messages From BlaZer/FaNaTic! Speedy/Parasite: Thanx for your latest stuffs and Stickers! Mercus/FaNaTic: SEND BACK MY DISKETTES.. or.. Akiro/Black JAck: Thanx for stuffs.. are lazy or what ?..sleeping?.. Hunter/TFF: Thanx man!... send soon.. BreakBeat/Speedy: Have You Buy that A1200?.. Tucan/Decnite: NakkI!? Jam/Decnite: Busy? hmm.. when you have time for next visit? Chaosis/Chrome: ... Nothing Special? Wolfman/Balance: No Answer ? why ?.. Fire Man/Depth: Soittelen kun haen motun!!.. ok..? Denzil/Apocalypse: Lazy? or have you get 16.8?.. Flobby/Intense: i send some cool stuff.. nice and "short" letters we have.. heh.. Tyrant/Cadaver: Send back my diskettes with something cool stuff ok? JaMeS/Decnite: ..heh.. Condor/Razor 1911: thanx for your stuff.. Propaganda was great!.. Andy/Nuance: Send me latest Vagina Packtoris!.. delays? Deceiver/Decnite: .. Yo Your Pack was cool.. ok.. let's see.. i try to make that visit..! Obligator/Depth: bitches are back soon.. Huora persentaces rulez? Metal/PaRallaX: you haven't called me?.. don't worry! Recycler/Humane: Try to call me.. i have lose your phone numbah! Mr.King/ScooPex: cool packs from you.. thanx for your long letter.. MultiPlex/Chrome: Jeesh.. have you coded anything new?.. G.O.D/AFl: what about our voice chat..? gimme your voice numbah.. ok..? DalmaK/Stellar: forget? Dime/Decnite: Evakko Mummo kertoo? where are you? WhiZz/Chrome: Jeeeh.. Klondyke is BAck!? Royal '69/Wartec: heh.. i try to call.. Cobra/Maniacs: Thanx for your prods!.. answer is NO, sorry!! Candyman/Sardonyx: ..jeeh.. cool sends from you! B.P.M/Simplex: only chip tunes.. try send some stuff next time!! Blitzer/?: hah.. i reply.. just wait! Maniac/Diffusion: jaah.. thanx for your letter.. HackSaw/Chrome: Thanx for your calling.. Darren/Scoopex: You joined Scoopex.. hmm.. nice.. thanx for your messages.. really cool swapper.. Viper/Psycho: ..thanx for your stickers!.. i send soon.. Warlock/Hangover: I LOSE YOUR ADDRESS I REPLY WHEN I GET IT SOME WERE, SORRY!!!!.. Zombie/Insane: Hi man!.. have you got new modem? Sphinx/FaNaTic: ..julkinen huh!.. juuh.. FaNaaTtiset kiitokset.. eix juu?.. call me.. hah.. Wasp/Decnite: Se olis vaan Moro! Curt Cool/Depth: heh.. thanx?.. i waiting your chippack! -- Ofcoz all members in Humane! -- Check My AddRess from addy base!.. ___ ___ ___ /__/ /__/ /__/ ___ ___ ___ __ __ ______ ___ _____ ______ ___ _____________ / // / / / / / \ \/ __// // \ / \ / // __/\__ __/ / // /___ / /___/ /___\ \ \ / // | \/ ____ \/ / \ \ / \ \ \\ \\ \ /_/ \\ \\ | /\ \ / /\ \ /_/ \ /`94\ \__\\______\\______\_____/_____/ \__\\_____/ \__\/__/ \__\_____/ /_____\ ..oO \/\/HeN ThE RE/\LiTy dIs/\PPe/\Rs!! Oo.. oF THE FUN F/\CTORY sends an important Message to all his Contacts! Hello Friends!! I have a really important message for you.. If you haven`t received any sending from me for a long time please inform me, because I got already some letters in which some contacts ask me why I delay so long even I had sent them something! It seems that the post had lost some of my sendings.. so please drop me a letter if you are waiting and waiting and nothing arrives... Yep, enough of that! I wish you all the best! c.u.! If there is also someone else except my Contacts reading this message look down.. Try this addy for funny swapping.. No risk to loose your disks !!! » iLLUSiONiST/TFF - OBeRZiRKniTZ 14 - 8091 JaGeRBeRG - AUSTRiA !! « Messages from Crusader/Hangover Obelix/Platin: Only one send per month! u sure are lazy. Ok, but Send me next issue of Generation ok. Cya pal! Amon/Mystic: Yo what happened man, did u drop me or what? I sent u a letter 2 months ago, didnt u get it? Write back if u still swap ok? My addy is below if u need it! Warlock/Hangover: Hi Tomas, my first contact ever. U have more contax than i but still i got da best warez hehe... U sure are a good friend m8! The trendy dealer/Ram Jam: Our swapping is really slow or maybe its the post which is slow... So how are things in Italy, here its so damn cold. The Charts is really cool, but i still think that European top 20 got the best charts. Got to go now pal cya! Xargion/Hangover: If u need more logos just tell me and i do one for ya ok! Keep on coding m8! Speedy/Speedy/Parasite: Hi Steffen! Dansktoppen was really cool u sure dont release any crap hehe... Nice sendings anyway, but short lettaz! Bye pal! Duffy/Insane: Hi. Candyman/Sardonyx: Yo brotha, keep on swapping. Big beeeers to u! Hunter/The fun factory: Hello boozer maniak! The fucking school suxx, the only good thing is friday when u can drink your head full of beer hehe... siija lejter mejt! Mr.Lightfoot/Wizzcat: Hi be faster man, only one letter per 3 week u should send one per week hehe... So hows your board going, have u bought that A4000 yet? I got some logos waiting here so u get them soon. got to go now man BYE! Mr.King/Scoopex: Hi Joerg! Neverminds are really cool u sure release them often too... your sendings are nice man, hope u like my too, but lets continue with da same speed ok! cheers m8! Frame/Medicine: deeeeeelaaaaaaaaaay! Send something! Deceiver/Decnite: Your pack was cool, really nice logo too,u really have a good graphician in your group im impressed! Im waiting for the new Magnet, send it when released. Pearl/Parasite: Dansktoppen was good, u should have my votes and addys now! Norby/TRSI: I hope we will have a nice swapping time together! Looking forward to see the new cool Trsi releases. enjoy life and Vodka! Elric/Futura/Divine: Hello my english friend. Always cool lettaz, im looking forward to get some modemwarez from ya, good luck in your new group! John Peel/Desire: Im waiting for Chip-Chop. Nice sendings, but always so short letters! Snotling/Deicide:Hi modem maniak, are u going to sell that HD or not? Reval/Pulse: Ok lets swap! Little delay, but letter is coming to u soon. Bubble/Excess: Thanx for contacting, yes lets swap! hope we will have a nice swapping time together... Messages from Candyman/Sardonyx: Backfire/Alchemy: Backpack is real cool. Your sendings are great. Im waiting for the new backpack to appear in my Mailbox.Boozing RULES so enjoy Vodka and beer! Yabo/The fun factory: Jarno are You dead?? Kerwin/Defiance: Buzz was cool. Send faster dude. Blazer/Fanatic: Hi dewd. Are you gonna put up your board soon? Fanatic intro was relly cool. Watch out for our coming productions. Petshopboy/Cadaver: My favourite contact in Finland. Fuck Finland didnt win the hockey against Canada. Anything coming from CDR soon? Always cool sendings from you. Long letters Rules! Enjoy life m8! Viper/Psycho: Hmm..Delay is the word. Qwerty/Freezers: Hi Adrian! Long letters rules. send me your mag soon but the fucking post is so slow that it takes about one week to get your letter after that you sent it. Dragon/Vision: Hows your board going? Im waiting for Under Cover to be released.Sardonyx now have a board here in cold Sweden soon with 1 Gig HD. Keep up the same speed and the cool sends but longer letters please! Keep on boozing. Cheers M8! Janitor/Black Jack: Ok lets swap. Send your mag as soon as possible. Obliterator/D-29: Hi my Norweigan friend. You Norweigans can be happy when you got that many medals in the Olympics. Have you find a coder for your pack yet? Anyway keep the sendings coming.. Mac/Stellar: You really are a buzy guy. im waiting for your letter.Send soon mate! Comrade/Energy: I saw your intro any more prods on the way?? Some Messages from Miklesz of Damage: -MACGYVER/GENERATION: Don`t drink! -AXEL/ALCHEMY: I`m still waiting, for letter from you... -ANOTHER/SAVIOURS: -Kiedy wreszcie wpadniesz? A poza tym czekam na odpowiedú... Pospiesz sië... -BFA/SUSPECT: When I was talking with you, on POLISH AUTUMN `93, you said that you really will answer on my letter, but PA`93, was 2 months ago, and I`m still not haveing any letter, from you. -BALD HORSE: Îyse Konie & their intros Rulez. -BEDNAR/DAMAGE: I know, i can stand up, and call to you, but it will be lame. Print the "ONE MORE SHIT" voting-sheet, on LASER-PRINTER!!! -GLUE/DAMAGE: Greetings to your IQ... -BIGANT: You are a coder, I`m a coder, than... contact me! -BETHOVEN/TECHNOLOGY: Is it true, that you left TECHNOLOGY. -BOB/ALCHEMY: I think, I have to contact with you! -BLACHA/NEANDERTHAL MEN: BIG SORRY, 4 delay, but in this moment, I have a lot of letters, to answer, and I`m a swapply coder (mayby codely swapper), and I haven`t got too more free time... -CZAR`S/STATUS O.K.: i`m waiting, I`M Waiting, I`M WAITING!!! -CARLO/NEANDERTHAL MEN: Big thanx, 4 ur stuff. It woz kewl! I`ll send bek ur disks az soon az I`ll can. -BADCAT/ITALIAN BAD BOYS: I hope U enjoyned my last sending. I'm waiting 4 a letter from U. Thanx 4 very FRIENDLY letty. -CDX/GENERATION`&`INVESTATION: You are very good musician, but... I must sorry you, but... DON`T MAKE TECHNO!!! -CLOO/PIC SAINT LOUP: Why you didn`t answer to my letter. -BATMAN: Goodbye Poland, Welcome America... -CARSON/GENETIC: No i co? Najpierw sië pienisz, ûe nie odpisujë szybko, a póúniej sam zwlekasz... -TRONIC/INVITRO: Thanx, for new stuff. I_`_m_ _w_r_i_t_i_n_g_ _v_e_r_y_ _s_l_o_w_l_y_,_ _b_c_o_z_ _I_ _k_n_o_w_ _t_h_a_t_ _U_ a_r_e_n_`_t_ _v_e_r_y_ _g_o_o_d_ _i_n_ _e_n_g_l_i_s_h_._ -DAMION/PLATIN: Last time, I've sended U this messys, but U didn't put it into the "GENERATION"! Why? -D-MAGE/VIRTUAL DREAMS/FAIRLIGHT: WHAT 2 FUCK'S GOING ON?!?!?! If U REALLY don't want, 2 swap with me, just send me back, my disk! -ECHO/FLYING COWS INCORPORATION: Greetings to you, and your wife. Write back! -ALIS/MAD ELKS/MYSTIC: I will send you, something amazing, as soon as I will can! -FLI/MAD ELKS/MYSTIC: Fuckin` post. I`m ought to say some words to our graphician, that if he wants to swap with you, he should write, the letter for you, 1s more. -FRODO/ALCHEMY: I will send you, something (like for example time-bomb, etc.), as soon as I will can. -ACCORD/ALCHEMY: Why you left your "old" group? I think, that in our next, will find place for your module... -GUSTEK/OBSESSION: Why you didn`t answer on my letter? "Are you flying in balls" ("Wkulki se lecisz"). Sorry for thiz bad words... -HIMARK/GENERATION: I don`t know you, but I greet you! -HEPTAGON: Many Thanx 4 Your very fiendly (but not 2 long... He, he) letty. I hope U'll put diz messys 2 G#16... -IREK P./UNION: What is going with this conversion sound-disk. -IKE: Death Metal uber alles. But you now, that Electronic Music is better, isn`t it?!?!?! -IMMORTAL/TECHNOLOGY: Polish Vodka Rulez, Cigarettes Rulez, LSD Rulez, Cymez Rulez, Gir(u)l(e)z Rulez!!! -JET: What`s going with yours radio-station. When I will can listen to it in Kraków? -FRAME/MEDICINE: Hmm... Hmm... Nothing 2 say... Just... Hmm... A_M_I_G_A___R_U_L_E_Z_!_!_!_ -KERI/STATUS O.K.: Your idea, that programs should be "BEERWARE" is great. If will some money and some free time, I will send you a bottle of old, good, Polish "ÛYWIEC-FULL-BEER"... -KOPARA/MAD ELKS/MYSTIC: Yours party was great!!! "SZANUJ ZIELEÏ, ÎOÔ NIE JELEÏ","DON`T WORRY, BE ELK" "NOT BARANKI", saint words!!! When we will can see yours another demo. And... Was you, main organizer? (onanizer)? -KEBAB: Yours paper-magazine is great, but I`m still haveing very BIG problems, with buy it in Kraków! -VERTIGO: Wiem, ûe mogë wstaê i po prostu do Ciebie przedzwoniê, ale jak juû czytasz ten text to Ty przedzwoï do mnie... bo mi szkoda kasy na telefon... He, he, he... -LISIU: Why you didn`t answer to my letter? -LIFTER/TRUE GENIUS: I WANT 2 JOIN TRUE GENIUS!!! CAN I??? I FEEL, THAT I AM A GENIUS!!! More articles, soon... -LEVIATHAN/TRSI POLAND Dlaczego wypieprzyliôcie biednego MEPHISTA. Biedny MEPHISTO dzwoniî do mnie i sië wypîakiwaî... -MUAD`DIB: Why you didn`t clear, the names in the samples, when you wanted, to...(You now what.)? -DAK: I think, if you will are after all exams, you will send me a letter, OK? -MEPHI/DAMAGE: Wow! I haven`t got letter, from you, without letters, which you send me after MOUNTAIN CONGRESS `93 -MGL/DAMAGE: At first: You should compose 2 modules for intro and demo (ask me 4 more infos). At second: Alcohol & cigarettes aren`t good 4 your health. -MR. ZEB/ILLUSION: Send me some new modules. Yo! -MR. MATT/DTS: Make me this balls, for our demo. I`m really waiting for it!!! And call me... -VAN CACO/DTS: Yeah! Maple Leaf Rag!!! Nothing to add (q.l), nothing to sub (q.l). But, is something, to sub (q.l)-bytes... -MC. MAK/DTS: You should start REALLY SWAPPING! Becouse in this moments, it`s only MORAL SUPPORT... Sorry... -MAXYM/CREDO: What`s going with your sound-disk? Your hair- do is great! We want to make special demo about your hair-do... -MR. KING/SCOOPEX: Send me a new issue of Your magazine, please. It's COOL. It isn't flatterin', it's true. -NORBY/INVESTATION: You said, that you will be (on trip) in Kraków. Then, why you don`t call me... -NINJA/UNION: Hibaiii! Zagualllaa! Auputahahamama!!! Zulugula!!! UQUALA!!! NOXZEMA!!! SWAN, SWAN, SWAN!!! -PIC/GENERATION: Your piccy was great! When you will code fourth number of magazine, ech? -BERSERKER/INVESTATION: Greetings 2 u, and your SHY girlfriend. Hi Monika. BERSERKER. BEERSERKER, BEERSEARCHER, GAYSEARCHER... Sorry... -J.F.K./VETO: Fuckin Post! I know, that I should write 2 u, 1s more. But you have to wait, a "moment"... -PHANTOM/APPLAUSE: Why U... Sorry, I have to say some words in Polish... "ODPISZÛE WRESZCIE!!!". -P.G./MAD ELKS/MYSTIC: The Party was good! But WHY our demo, have "guru-ed"? I don`t know... Oh... Sorry, I think, that you don`t recognize me, but it isn`t important... -MAREK PAMPUCH/LUPUS: Trochë dziwna forma przekazywania informacji, ale jestem po prostu ciekaw, czy dotrze to do Pana (=czy czyta pan ziny!). Pozdrowienia! -QWERTY/MAD ELKS/MYSTIC: Yeah! U see! I have started swapping in Europe! Isn`t it great! What is going with your new pack... -QQÎEK/FUN FACTORY: Wiesz, ostatnio wysîaîem Ci TROCHË dysków, wiëc lepiej odpisz, bo chodzë po ôcianach i niem czy to doszîo! -RANGER/OBSESSION: When you want to release your trackmo? Maybe in WROCÎAW (BRESLAU)? Write 2 me sth! -ROB/HIMERA: What`s going with your AMOS magazine "CHAMPS". I sended you some articles, but u didn`t release zine. Then... What 2 fuck iz goin` on (words from BEDNAR)... -RAYER/BOLEK & LOLEK DEZIGN: Dîugie listy RULEZ! Kiedyô spróbujë moûe pobiê wszelkie rekordy i walnë coô na parëdziesiât kilo! -SCORPIK/PIC SAINT LOUP: I told you. U should answer to my letty. I have sended it 2 U, since May!!! -SCA/MAD ELKS/MYSTIC: Why you didn`t answer to my letter? -SITEK/DAMAGE: WPADASZ! "DOBRZE MASZ!" (means-"U`ve good!"). -SLAM/ESSENCE: Ugh! Very UNPLEASANT! U didn't answet me. I really wanted 2 spread your BROKEN TANKARD in Poland. -THOMAS SCHWARZ: Sorry but U must wait an about month, when I'll collect enough funds 2 buy registerd version of Your GREAT "CRUNCHMANIA"!!! -SLIME: Why you didn`t answer to my letter? U should answer to my letty. I have sended it 2 U, since December!!! -SZUDI/SAVIOURS: No to teraz tylko mogë czekaê na odpowiedú i friendly list od Ciebie... -SIR HAK/DTS: Dalej masz to konto (INTERNET)? Sprowadziîbyô coô ciekawego z czëôci amigowskiej (AMINET)!!! -THORGAL/APPLAUSE: PHANTOM answered 2 my letter, but u-no! Why? And something more! TPP IS THE BEST!!! -TAP/INVESTATION: I will send you your votin` "shit", next time. Do u actually make any code 4 demo... -THANATOS/CREDO: Have U bought new Hard Disk? Make a zooming, is a very hard works. But zoomin`s very effective!!! -THOR/NEANDERTHAL MEN: What`s Going with yours demo`n`intro`n`chips? He, he? Big sorry 4 "double" articles... -JEREMY/MAD ELKS/MYSTIC: ODPISZESZ, CZY NIE!!! -THESM/STATUS O.K.: Write back 2 your Kraków`s contact, and send him, new issue of zine. -TEES/INVESTATION: In which group u exactly are: EQUINOX, INVESTATION "oder" UNION, bcoz I really don`t know.... -V.I.P./GENERATION: PLEASE: GREET all GREAT GENERATION!!! -VALDI/MAD ELKS/MYSTIC: Are you still in MAD ELKS/MYSTIC. Your effects, in TECHNOLOGICAL DEATH were kewl! -XTD/MAD ELKS/MYSTIC: Do you`ll go to Kraków, on aTARI sT pARTY. I think, that maybe it`ll be very "drinkly" pARTY... -ZIEMNIAK/INVESTATION: BATTLE SQUADRON RULEZ!!! -ZOLTAR/TECHNOLOGY: IMMORTAL/TECHNOLOGY said me, that you are kicked, from TECHNOLOGY,is it true?... Messages from Nop/SAINTS to: Airhead/D-29: Thanx for contacting and cool words about letter. Best 501/TRSI: Hey! Hope you will send me regards. Keep on your lettars. more latest prods from TRSI. Extra, as you can see i have built up a cool Purple Haze/ICE: The cool dude. What crew. I don't join any cool group now. is up?? Have you joined another Best regards. group.??. Write soon about it... When you will send me datas of your intro. Device/INFECT: Hoo! Fast Swapper. Hope you and me will elite swapping in Mr.King/SCOOPEX: Never Mind rullaz..It many good years. Send soon. Best was cool.. But why you don't publish regards to you,too. some intros about don't work on A1200.?? Ohhh.. Backfire/ALCHEMY: Hi my good friend. I love BackPack. So I have support it Andy/NUANCE: Oh... Keep on your and you will include my support for supports for SPIDY. Write soon. Best BackPack. Send soon. By the way, i've regards to OCEAN/NUANCE ,too. Where is made an ansi logo for your backpack. I he?? hope you will use it.. Bye.. The Ripper/NIGHTFALL: Hi.. Cool man Chaos/DESIRE: Send soon good friend! .. Do you need some turkish stuffs.? I will send you Cemetery News #3 nearly future. Psyche/KRONICAL: You are very slow... Usura/VANDALZ: Sorry.. but an elite Slow SLow....... Why??? Write soon trading.. please... Falken/TRANCE: What's up man? Hope Tbm/LED: Are you dead? I'm still you are good.! Keep on good sendings! waiting you! I haven't a letter from And Write soon. you since 4 months ago. Write soon. Astro/MOVEMENT: Hey! Where is your Chris/IRIS: Where is E!FFEL last sending? issue...?? Send it to me.. See ya soon. Domain/BLACKJACK: Yooo! Hope you like my sendings. Best regards friend. Napoleon/DRD: Oh.. Send me latest issue of LIVE.Hope good luck in your Cypress/FALVOUR: Hope you and me will editoring for LIVE.. elite TRADING. Paragon/DESIRE: Do you need more Rapper/ISCH CREW: Is Hungary Post disks? Ooohh shit....Back my disk. slow? If not then where are you?? Poseidon/UNLIMITED: I forgot include Mercus/FANATIC: Oh no. But TRADING your stamps in my prev. sending. with me Ok? Sorry! Send soon. Ocean/NUANCE: Where are you.?? Are Jackpot/EQUINOX: Pleaze fast send you dead??? Write soon.. your package..... Are you dead? .. FutureMind/242: Yoo.. NewName? Razorblade/MAJIC12: Maybe you will Okay... Send soon. can't write me back. But i trust you will. Virus/ARISE: Hi. Include some addys on your disk please..Keep on ARISE Kopara/MDE/MYSTIC: Are you slow prods. swapper? send as fast.. Hardfire/DIFFUSION: Musician.. You HighLight/SCOOPEX: Hi.. If your are Good. But i'm still waiting you.. oldname "SPEEDDEMON" then tell me..send soon. Vodka/TSB: Are you a diskstealer or a stampstealer?? Back my disk. or Epix/242: Hey dude! Hope you will die!!! join us. Duffy/INSANE: Hope your new group Pearl/PARASITE: Dasktoppen rullaz. filled with happy.. it was a bit bugged! But cool.. Subject/BALANCE: Hi.. Cool swapper.. SplatterHead/BLACKJACK: Why don't you Reply soon. send to me some adverts! Write soon. Mac/STELLAR: Keep up your good Cobra/MANIACS: Yo! Thanx for sendings and write soon as long letters contacting with me and offer, but i please...Because i don't like any can't join. But we can TRADING!.. standart letters.. Victory/SAINTS: Yoo! Cool dude. Mase/RAMJAM: I write you but you Hope your new year filled with joy. don't answer me. Why? Hear you soon. Klenye/SAINTS: The cool CODER! What Exumer/SANITY: Are you really happy is up? I'm waiting you about come us now! Back my disk. and writing some coderoutines! Shadow/STELLAR: Are you dead? Back Dr.Dweep/SAINTS: Keep up good working my disks. on DeluxePaint! We hope your new telephone will crash.. Fate/FACULTY: Yo! Send soon dude. Are you left the scene or die?.. Woober/SAINTS: Ok! The swappers! You can offer with norwegian swappers.. Bishop/ZENON: Thanx for contacting Hope you will find some!! Don't forget and cool stuffs.. Write me about keep up +45 your works. ZENON.. Becoz i don't know this group.. Hop ya send prods. from ZENON. Messys from XiBe/Tea to : (27.02.94) OxStOnE/Steelers : I'll never thank you enough for what you did for my 1200. You're my very best contact (wasn't so difficult...) ! ZooN/TMGM : Sorry, but I won't be able 2 go 2 da Saturne Party, B-coz I'll in Hollydayz, and the 21th 'll be my birthday... I'll be with you in mind. You can use my work for your LastOne, huhu.. Hercule·Poi : So, wot da ya think of yar 4000 ? Will ya buy a CD Player one day ? Send me some stuffs some day. SeCa/Pulse : IT WORKS !!!!!! AT LAST (least?) IT WORKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!! May I rub out Alex/MVT's words on the disks to write some of mine ? Or must I make a copy of them before writing on the disks ? Jedi/Sector One (ST) : Please go on, yar BBS/RTC is da very best I've ever seen !!! But please take out the nasty messages of line 0 (i.e : ST is the best,Amiga is SHIT), Hmmmm.... And fill the Amiga Download Section, YSWAM ? Mr. King/Scoopex : Do you think it's enough readable ???? La-Taupe/BgSn : Hmmmmmm.................Just go on......Cool RTC........... Update your Amiga Demos+AntiVirus Download Sections sometimes..... Amigaleux : R U dead ? All the others : Long time ago we had little sendings. How about trying again ? Everybody : If U wanna feed my A1200, then send me your stuffs ! Xavier Borderie 19 Avenue Pinel 92600 Asnieres >-F-R-A-N-C-E-< l/\\et's have a/\\cup :\ \/\\::/\\:::\ \\:: ::\ //\/ \\:::\ \\: ::/ \\ \/\ \\/\\\ \\ :/ /\//\ \/ // \/ // / //:/ /\ // /\ \//: \ \\:\ \\\//\ \/\ \\: :\ \\:\ \\:::\ /\//: ::\ \\:\ \\:::\//:::: let\//'s\//have a cup Atomic / Orion sends messys to: -Wildie/Scania: Hej Henrik! Tack för sakerna. Jag skickar snart! -The Wolfman: Yo! Johan, fick du sakerna? Ha det bra... -Splatterhead/Black Jack: Hi Vesa! Thanks 4 your stuff. Send soon m8! -Toby/Sardonyx: Hej Tobias! Din annons var paj, den var bara 2 bytes stor, soz. Arrangera party! Jag kommer! -Excel/Vision: Hej Jani! Send soon! -Solid/Bonzai: Hi Christian! Send that Bonzai demo, coz... I wan't it! Bye! -Dixy: Hi! Jag skickar snart, var så saker! Kewl letter and nice girl! CU! Du kan skicka lite mer kort om du vill oxa. ============================= Messages from PEACE/NEOPLASIA ============================= 2DD/TSG: Hmm, was schreibst Du denn da fuer Messages? Schick mir mal eine Ausgabe Eures Pax rueber! 501/TRSI: Ich hoffe, Du hast damals das SWAPPER UNSER bekommen ... Backfire/Alchemy: Hey Uncle Gorski! Thanx for being a nice contact and go on with sending interesting stuff from Poland. Daffy/D-29: Yo Christer! Always nice and fast sending. Send me the receipt with this special drink once more (how was it called?)! Dodger/Interactive: Hey Daniel! Ich werde Dich mal wieder ancallen. Hmm, jetzt hast Du beim letzten Chat gesagt, ich soll die zweite Teflonnummer usen. Nun ja, schick sie mir noch mal genau zu, sonst musst Du wieder durchs Haus joggen. Ich hoffe, wir sehen uns auf der CEBIT, ansonsten komme ich Dich mal besuchen (Auweia!). DoubleR/Intense: Hi Jose! You seem to be the only hairdresser using his Amiga in his job, I think. By the way: Send me your records of body-building (bench-press etc.). Dulux/Mystic: Hi Axel! Das wird problematisch mit dem Swappen von groesseren Mengen, wenn ich Dich auf der CEBIT nicht sehe, dann erklaere ich Dir das mal in einem persoenlichen Brief, ok? Easy/Focus Design: Hey guy! I hope we will become good friends and have a nice swapping time together! Horra/Neoplasia: Alles klar bei Dir? Dein letzter Brief umfasste mal wieder gigantische 126 Zeichen! Buuh! Immortal/Technology: Hey man! Explain me exactly the meaning of the life depending on financial status! (Shall I start collecting money for your stamps?) Kitcho/Defiance: Hey man! Greek people can be found in every country of the world! Ouzo rulez! I will send you perhaps some photos of my holidays in Greece (Kriopigi/Kassandra). Lasardo/Manitou: Hallo! Hallloooooooo! Rainer? Rainer?! Lebst Du noch? Lovely/BetaTeam: Hi Krzystof! I have seen ya photo in a mag and due to this I will stop all swapping with you! He he he, just a joke! Best greetinx to MARIOLKA! I heard some facts about her from Norby/TRSI! She is VERY nice, he told me ... Magic/Applause: Always nice letters, guy! And nice reports from Schagen. Well, I am planning to make some holidays in Holland, perhaps we will meet! I will drive to the flash-light of the disco! MajorBandit/Manitou: Der reiche Bayer rult wieder, he he! Mit der Sauna war echt gut! Aber kein Geld, um zur CEBIT zu fahren! Ruf mich doch mal im Auto an: 0172/278707x (gibt ja nur neun Moeglichkeiten!) Messiah/Equinox You got it! You wrote a letter as long as mine! But I and Banana Dezign: printed it out and you made it by hand. Hmm, it was 1,60 metres long! Looking forward to your next sending. Mogul/Cartel: I thought, that you have forgotten me. But then your sending arrived some days ago. Delay? Never mind, but send me more infos about Agnes (and give her a kiss??). Muddy/Phase: Oops, whats the weather like in Hammerfest. I think, it will not be very warm? Best greetinx to Norway! Norby/TRSI: Thanx for explaining all my polish contax. You made a Crazy Party? Inform me about next party and I will come and destroy your polish beer. By the way, what about sending me a bottle? Opium/242: Hey David! Whats about you? I heard, you were kicked outta IRIS and you formed 242. I have heard nothing of you since December! Pearl/Parasite: Do you have some problems with your age? That doesnt matter, guy! You wrote some interesting articles I noticed. Phantom/Applause: Some stress? I am waiting for you next sending. Radavi/Effect: Thanx for KitKat rubbish! Send a WHOLE KitKat, not only the packaging! Like I told to Magic/Applause, I am planning to spend some holidays in Holland! Splatterhead/BlackJack: Oops! Your real name is REAL stunning! If I am able to write it in the right way, then I will send you six bottles of vodka for free! SirJinx/Manitou: Hey Ingo! Tut mir leid, das das mit unserem Meeting nicht geklappt hat. War uebrigens ganz gut, dass der Termin geplatzt ist, denn in Norddeutschland war ziemlich Glatteis und Schnee. Allein 160 Unfaelle in einer Nacht in Hamburg! Wir sehen uns dann Samstags auf der CEBIT! Sonic/Platin: Hey Marcus! Ich denke, wir werden eine vergnuegliche Zeit miteinander haben. Wie ist es, sieht man sich on CEBIT? Rave/Manitou: Bist Du jetzt total am Ende oder was??? Seit zwei Monaten habe ich nix mehr von Dir gehoert, dann der Mist mit der German divison von Manitou, von diversen Leuten hoert man dann, wie die Group von ihrem german leader organisiert wird, naemlich ziemlich bescheiden, und von Dir hoert man gar nichts mehr? Bist Du verliebt, in einer Psychokrise, besoffen? Solid/Bonzai: Aahh! Ein weiterer Scene-Member aus Essen! Ich hoffe, wir koennen uns mal treffen! (Ich wohne am Baldeneysee) Vielleicht fahren wir ja auch zusammen zur CEBIT. Wayne/Illusion: The beer-vodka mix you informed me about, is kewl! Its like a KO in boxing, he he. SonicFlash/Manitou: Aargh! Holger! Bitte versuch doch mal, LANGSAM und DEUTLICH und RUHIG und BETONT und KLAR und so zu sprechen! He he. Schade, dass ich Dir auch ueber Grosskunden-Einkauf den Amiga nicht sonderlich billiger besorgen konnte, aber 4 Stueck waren einfach zu wenig! Man sieht sich auf der CEBIT, da kann ich mich ja schon mal auf etwas gefasst machen ... Heavyweight/Foda: Hey guy! Hope we will have a nice swapping time together. You think, that 36 degrees are cool? MESSAGES FROM HOGAN OF HUMANS WRITEN ON 18.II.94 TO LENIN/FREEZERS : HEY YOU SLEEPWALKER ! GET UP ! AND WRITE TO ME ! TO TAP/TRSI : DLACZEGO TYLE CZASU NIE ODPISUJESZ ??? ODPISZ JAK NAJSZYBCIEJ A JAK NIE TO PRZYJMIJ ODEMNIE NAJSERDECZTNIEJSZE FUCK`I ! ___ ___ /. .\ /. .\ \\_// ________ \\_// ________ /\_/\ / ___ \/\_/\ / \ \ / \ \_ _/\ / \ ______/ / \ / \ / \ _/____ \ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ /____//___//___//____//________/ T Y V V Y SP-94 . : : : o o . A few messages from Spacehawk to: Chris/IRIS: Hi pal! Thanks for the PACK-OF-FUN stickers, really nice indeed. So when can I expect you to come to Norway, Zerox said that you would come over to us this summer, am I right? Anyway I hope you will start that BBS you have been talking about for a long time. So when can we expect E!FFEL #3?!! Always outstanding letters from you, keep it up my friend! Zerox/IRIS: I hope you will have a great time in England when you are over there during OL'94. At last you have gotten an A1200 pretty cool right? I really hope you get alot of support to DISC. Anyway I'll call you soon again..... Erectus/Retire: So my friend how is life at Sandnes. You sent verrryyy fast last time, are you sick or something?! You never use to be that fast!!! Anyway you just have to come to T.G.'94, ok! So when will you get some new prods from your group in Germany??! Anyway I hope you are reading this right now. See you soon.... Helloween/Bronx: Hi there! You are one of my newer contacts. It is always cool to get new contacts. Please try to write longer letters, your letters are sometime very short and un-personal. It is very hard to write to you when I don't know anything about you. Anyway you always send fast and that is more than you can say about me... Bridgeclaw/IRIS: Hi Henning, your graphics are always cool. So you have a lot of drawings to do I hope you will get enough time to finish them all. It's going to be cool at T.G.'94?! Stay tuned for more tasks...... Zytrox/IRIS: Hi Morten, thanks for improving this packmag even more. I hope you will continue improving it because I will surely come with more suggestions, he-he-he!!! So how is the coding with DISC going?! I'll beat you in finding new slogans for IRIS!!! Stay cool......... Zerda/IRIS: Thanks for contacting me. You have a very good setup. I'm waiting for even more letters from you, and also for more cool AGA-pics. Thanks for the Cindy pics. very nice!! Mr.King/Scoopex: Hi my friend, thaks for great support as always. Keep it up! I really like your packmag and the new loading- picture too. Oops I seem to have sent you the wrong letter,anyway I hope it was a good letter you got even though it was not for you. Next time you will get the right letter I hope?!?! Stay cool...... Sidewinder/IRIS: Hi Petter!! Hope you draw more pics during the winter holiday, please send soon. So you have moved to away I hope you got my last letter, coz I'm not sure if I sent to the correct address. Are you watching much TV during the OL'94??! Don't watch to much it's not good for your health! Loop/IRIS: Hi, keep drawing as a madman with a drawing pencil. I liked the last picture you have drawn, that was really nice. You are going to The Gathering 94 aren't you?! Let's have a meeting soon??! Cola/BALANCE: Thanks for all the ASCII you have drawn.They are awesome, you are one of the best ASCII drawers in the scene. I might ask you for more ASCIIs, hope you don't mind. Keep making those outstanding ASCIIs. Blaze/BALANCE: Hi Øyvind!! We had a loooonnng and nice chat didn't we, I think we spoke for an hour or something. Your phone- bill will be very high, I hope your parents won't murder you when they get the phonebill. I'm looking forward meeting you at The Gathering '94, I surely will look for a crazy madman as you said!!!! Obelix/Platin: Oops, I think you received Mr.King's letter. I hope you will forgive me. Please send as fast as possible. When will you get a new design on Generation?! Anyway friendship rules, and please support my packmag. Micro/Crash: Hey where are you man?! You have become a bit slow am I right. You always send cool stuff and long letters. Please send to me fast and support my packmag too. Usura/Vandalz: Always nice and sometime long letters from you. How is it going with Vandalz, your last letter said that you had some probs. with your group. I hope you have gotten some more members in your group. Grimlock/Grotesticle: You crazy dude!! Anyway it was very nice to chat with you. We really talked about everything, I look forward meeting you at The Gathering '94. I hope you write to me soon pal........ The Alchemist/Pearl: Hey Ozzie!! So you are going to hold a party in Australia, I think it will be a success. You send a bit slow, but you always send own-prods and that is cool. Please call me some day, soon... Airhead/D-29: Thanks for the great support of my packmag, keep up the good support!!! Good luck with organizing your new crew, and I hope I will meet you at Gathering '94!!! Zendar/IRIS: Hey Ricki! You are very hard to reach by phone, coz I have tried to call you several times but you are never home. Please call me some day for a chat, I would like that. How is the coding going..., I hope to recieve some prods. from you soon. Eagle/IRIS: You are very very talented musician and a very productive one too. I love your tunes they are awesome. Well, lets hope we can use some of them soon... Please write to me sometime because I never hear from you. Arrogance/IRIS: Hello there!! You a very good in composing chip-tunes, I really enjoy listing to your mods. Continue making more awesome tunes ok??! See you at the Gathering party??! Coroner/IRIS: You are also a very talented composer, you make some very weird tunes sometimes, I love them. I sent you a letter, so please write back to me... Salat/IRIS: You have a very strange codename, but who cares anyway!!! Welcome in our crew, keep drwaing logos and fonts. Let us have a great time at The Gathering party ok?!! Norby/TRSI: So you have joined a new crew, I wish you good luck. You are a very crazy guy and I guess you know that by now. Thanks for the weird stuff and a cool and long letter. But in the future please send by Air-mail if possible, coz then the post speed up a bit! Also thanks for the cool support of my packmag, keep it up will you. About the Polish scene: I do not think the scene is bad in your country, it is really improving and it is very active. Axel-D./Illusion: Hi There!! Yet another Polish contact of mine. Well, you are not a very speedy one. But you always write cool and long letters and that is very nice. I hope you will write to me soon again, and send more Polish scene stuff. Your group is very active and I like like your diskmag although it is a Polish one. Keep drawing and composing Axel-D., and send faster! Hitcher/Angelica: Hi Tony!! If there are any contact that truely says he is fast then it should be you. You always send fast and i always get good stuff from you. But where are your new diskmag Tony?!? I hope we will meet at Gathering, just look for IRIS and you will find me. Zenit/Compact: Hi Zenit!! I have swapped with you a while now but I don't know your real name, what is it?? Will I see you at the Gathering party??! I didn't meet you at the Rendezvous party so let us meet... Keep making those cool Toobox utilitydisks. Shayera/Transonic: Hi there!! Thanks for writing back a while ago but where the heck are you?! Please write to me soon. Your group is really underrated, I look forward seeing some productions from Transonic. Darkhawk/D-29: Hi man!! I'm terribly sorry for the delay, but putting good stuff on 13 disks is hard. Anyway support me as you promised me and send real fast back. You always write long and interesting letters, you are one of my coolest contacts in the scene. But will we see any prods from D-29 soon, what about that intro you have been talking about for ages. Have you gotten your pack now??! You must come to Gathering as you promised me, coz now you earn some money, so let's meet.... Sanctum/IRIS: Tobias, how is life!! Well, I'm waiting for those two intros from you guys down in Denmark. You are coming to Gathering are you not??! Of course you are. I hope we can meet there. Have you gotten your monitor back?? Tranze/Legacy: Hi Tor-Kjetil! So you are going to leave your group and maybe quit the scene. You should re-consider that, but I can't decide for you. Send me some clip-arts ok!! When will you write back, call me soon. Thor/Nuance: Thanx for writing back to me. I like your pack very much, it is one of the best in the scene. But please support me and speed up a bit coz you send a bit slow. Use Air-mail stickers when you send from Germany. So you write short letters, well then don't expect getting long letters from me, coz then I don't bother either. Cad/Kronical: Well, where the heck are you!!! You always send slow, speed up a lot ok??! Skull/Eremation: Well,well my french friend! I liked your BBS-intro, it was very good. When will the next issue of Outlaw be released?? Please support me more and continue writing long letters. Selapex/Destiny: Well Nicolai, how is it going in Destiny nowadays??! It has been a while since I wrote to you, please send back soon and supoort my packmag. Will we meet at the Gathering party, I will be there so look for me there. Trendy Dealer/RamJam: So is it still raining in Italy?! I guess not or is it really raining now? Are you watching the Olympics a lot??! Then you might see how much snow we have up here, allthough where I'm living there is not much snow left, coz it is getting hotter and hotter each day. Please send me the next Charts a bit faster, ok??! Magz/Independent!: Hello my friend! You send a lot of disks to me, I hope you like the stuff I send back. Please speed up a bit until next time. Are you going to Gathering '94? Would be nice meeting you there. Helloween/Bronx: Hi danish dude! how is it going in Bronx these days, I haven't seen or heard from them for ages. Are Bronx almost dead or something. Anyway you always send fast, but the stuff is not always that good.... Please support my packmag with everything!!! Threat/Orion: Thanx for a lot of support with addys and news. Keep it up man. Hope to see some prods from you guys in Sweden. Hunter/Fun Factory: Always fast sendings from you and the stuff is hot. But try writing longer letters please, ok??! Are you going to the Gathering party this easter?! Stay cool as you are..... See you soon mate. Mickey/Isch Crew: Hey,hey Mickey where are you man!! I haven't heard from you for a long time, have you forgotten me or what?! Please write back soon and also contact Chris as I told you to do ok??! Guybrush/D-29: Yet another contact of mine from D-29!! Hi Guybrush, how is it going these days, are you coming over to Norway to attend Gathering '94?! Quite a while since you wrote so please write to me in the nearest future. Air/Obscene: Yep are we havening another delay or what is happening?? You always send slow and have long delays, perhaps you have too many contacts or is it something else that makes these delays. I'm waiting for your letter again, Air.....! Shocker/Virtual-Design: Hi man I'm waiting for your letter. Please send more AGA stuff, always nice sendings from you my friend. Please support my packmag and write soon. Mac/Stellar: Thanks for writing back to me. I like your group coz you always make good productions and you are very productive too. I really hope we will have a great swapping time together. Will I have the pleasure to meet you at the Gathering party?? Anyway see you soon my new friend from Finland. Zak/Avalon: Thanks for finally writing to me. I was nice to hear from you, although the letter I got from you was very short. I hope we will have a great time together and I hope to meet you at the Gathering party. Bye for now! Yaffle/C-lous: Thank you for contacting me. I liked the first intro you have made, especially the awesome tune from your musician. He seems to be very talented and very skilled too. Continue making such productions C-lous!! Write a much longer letter next time Yaffle, and write soon and support my packmag. Kickman/Miracle: Thanks for writing to me, and also for supporting my pack. Please send soon and continue supporting me mate!! Vigo/Agnostic Front: Where the heck are you Vigo, you are very slow!! Where is this friendship you were talking about?! Anyway write back fast and support me. This was some messages from Spacehawk/IRIS!! I still need more contacts so you can reach me by writing to following addy: Spacehawk/IRIS, Hogeveien 47, N-4026 Stavanger, Norway. I'll try to write back to all of those who write. MeSsAGes fRom ¡MAGZ!... to... PURPLE HAZE/ICE You usually send cool stuff... maybe a little old sometimes, but keep up the good work!! SPACEHAWK/IRIS Thanx for all the PARTY III stuff! It were kewl!!! I hope I hear from you zoooon!!! Sorry for not asking you before sending the last package, but I lost your phone-number! SKYCLAD/EXTENSIONS Our swapping time is up!! send back my 6 disks!!! -NOW! LEON BENDIKSEN You are a fucking idiot!!! Send back my disks now or DIE!!! (this is a threat!!) -------> CYAN I haven`t heard from you for a long time! Please send 10 disks back zoon! Have you joined DESTINY yet?! BILLY THE KID Send back my disks NOW!! I haven`t heard from you for 3 month!!! Are you dead or something?!! MICHAEL LACEY Sorry for delay!!! I`ll send to you next week. You send a little too old stuff sometimes. Send newer stuff. HÅVARD BIRKELAND Our swapping time is up. Please return my disks N.O.W.!!!!!! --------> HOSSA You usually send good stuff, but too old!!! Keep up the good work. Send back soon. KAI ANDERS LUNDE I haven`t heard from you for a long time. Send soon! Newer stuff!!! Taxman/? Thanx for kewl warez!!! Sorry for sending you 11 disks instead of 12! Hope to hear from you soon... keep up the good work!!! And to the ones I`ve forgotten... Sorry!!! Here`s my addy just in case... MAGZ <- Don`t write this! Magne P. Zachrisen Aschehougsgt. 19 3183 HORTEN NORWAY LOOP/IrIS GREETS TO ThEESE KuL DUdEs: Dennis Sno: Hi, my cool mate. Thanks for the Vhs you sent me. Sorry for big delay. I'm sending real soon! See Ya! Jinx/Nebula: Send back soon. How's life in England! Faris/Iris: Did you get my letter? I hope so! Send soon... Evapor8er: I hope you like the movie I sent you. Send back your hottest movies soon. Thanks for VHS list. Send me soon! Spacehawk/Iris: Hope you like the stuff I send you. Shall we have a meeting soon? Keep packing! Ranx/Balance: Hei, it was cool to spreak with you. Snowboarding and skating is radical. Stay cool. Send back soon, pal! Size/Score: So you have joined Score! The ascii coll. was great. Nice swapping with you. Send soon. I call you maybe later. Cola/Balance: Territory will be a smash hit. Thanks for cool asciis. Made any new ascii collections lately? See ya! Joker/Vision: Received my letter? Let's have a cool swapping time: All: If you want to swap Vhs, then send a vhs cassette for 100 % answer to all! A few messages from Prof. Vandefrit/DeliraTum Est to : EVERYBODY : Please support our charts ! We're also looking for more members ! Virus/Arise : Sorry,for long delays,but as I wrote in my letters,I had to work a bit ! (shit....).Write soon ! Bye ! Ernie/TMT : I hope you'll soon send my disks back ! Bye ! Mr King/Scoopex : Nevermind is really great ! I've sent you some more infos about Magna Chartsa,support it ! Thanx ! Bye ! ADL/DTE : Salut ! Faudrait que tu nous fasse une nouvelle compil avec des utils tournes ziks (soundtrackes,rippers,players,...).Et pourquoi pas en plusieurs disk pour tout y mettre ! Penses y ! Mac Fight/DTE : Tes logos sont de mieux en mieux,continue ! All my friends'n'contax : Hello guys ! Here are some Messages from Chris/IRIS France to his best and friendly contacts... to ALL THE FORGOTTEN ONES: Sorry.... to FRANZ/IBB: I think you are one my very first contact and both we are still in the same crew since the beginning... Tell me when the next issue of The Bad Tongue will be released and i will probably write another boring and non usefull article!!! to NIGHTMARE/ELICMA: Continue to send me your always very good and hot stuffs and let's go for another year of swapping. to BRAINWASHER/EREMATION: Your BBStro is very cool but I prefer your 40k intro released at TheParty3. How is life in Perpignan? Cool with all of the beaches (bitches!!)... bon, j'arrete la trivialite et a la prochaine. to PHOTOS/EREMATION: I like your pictures....... to TURBO/BRONX: Why are you so long to answer turkish dudes... i'm always waiting for your LLLOOOONNNNGGGG letter that you talked about in your phonecalls!! Anyway, keep cool and give my best helloes to Sam. to TRASHER/SANITY: As you probably have noticed it, Oliver. I've finally decided to change of crew for diz new year... Now, I'm in IRIS. to OLIVIER/OPUS MAG: Alors fini (it, ie ou is... et puis je m'en fiche!) le service militaire? to SKINDIVER/ABYSS: I like your Swap&Dance mag and a lot of dudes seem to like it very much, too! Continue your nice job with it! to MESSERSCHMITT/S!P: S!P is back, as I have noticed... but is only the hungarian people who are active? to SPIV/INFECT: Don't be so dark, Stefan!! It doesn't matter that IFT Sweden left and it is very easy for them to say that they make every- thing... IFT is at the beginning a german team and we, all of us, know IFT as terrible party freaks and for your excellent ExoticRipper. to THE RIPPER/POLARIS: Good luck in the army!!! to RAHIEM/WIZZCAT: Always nice letters from you.... Keep on the Wizz, Cats! to HARALAMPIE/ENEMY: My only wish... Peace and Love for you, dude. to COLORBIRD/RAZOR 1911: Propaganda is good... Keep up your job... to MIKE/PULSAR: How is life for you?? As soon as i get GENESIA... I send it to you.... to YOYO/FIFTH GENERATION: Alors comment vont les etudes en francais, Paulo. to Mr KING/SCOOPEX: Nevermind is still the best but what do you think about 'A Pack Of Fun' ? to JMC/PUBLIC ENEMY: Thanks for the picture of your wedding, pal. And I wish you one more time a Happy Life for both of you.... Give a little hello to Vigo and Ghost... but only little ones.... to Mr KEEL/NOVA: I like all your AGA productions, Alex. to MAXI SWAPPERS/ISCH CREW: Keep on your good way of friendship!!! to NAPOLEON/DREAMDEALERS: Unbelievable, Napoleon has some delay.... hey, what happen to you??? to LE CHIEN/CRAP: yo dude... stay cool, maddy dog!! to EXOLON/ALCHEMY: Thanks for your last sending... your book was really interesting but I don't understand polish... (but do we need to understand polish for a porno mag??) to FLYNN/OUTLAWS: A big thanks to you for your help... I really hope to meet you soon on Toxicity!!! to NINJA/PARADOX: Why are you always in an illegal crew when we know that you are only a demo freak. to VICTORY/SAINTS: Nice production from you for your new team, Send soon. to GAZA R/NEBULA: Always cool sending from you Garry and of course, nice musics from you in your NBA productions.... to MIC/PRINCIPES: Yeap, Friendship, peace and love are the most important things... Keep on your cool way of living your amiga life, I like it. to CHRISTINE DE LA QUEEN/TRANSONIC: Yo our danish Queen!!! When will you start your travel through France? to MICHAEL/NUANCE: Always nice packs from you... what do you think about these one... Good, eh? to SLAYER/BLAZE: Cool dude from the country of blond girls, vodka and snow. to ABASH/LEGACY: Try to improve your speed!!! to MSW/EFFECT: Thanks for the fyers you send me regularly... surely, one day, we will meet together in a RaveParty in France or Holland!! to SKULL/EREMATION: Alors didier, comment etait cette party?... quoi, si bien que ca???.... to BOCCA: Continue to send me some cool Tekno music and of course your crazy letters. to CHIMERA/CADAVER: The life as a Cadaver is not too boring ?... to UFO/INVESTATION: Merci pour ta lettre... je vais essayer d'appliquer ta methode, docteur, et p'tet que j'arriverai a avoir un moral en beton mais j'ai des doutes... mon cas est desespere!!! to VODKA/HAZARD: Nice letter from you... let's start a non serious and crazy swapping... I will surely meet you soon on Bouncing Balls. to CORONER/IRIS: how is going on your music disk? to SPACEHAWK/IRIS: here are some new messys from you... Keep 'P.O.F.' up! to GIGABYTE/IRIS: Always nice sending from you... Stay cool. to CHORUS/IRIS: Just try to write me a little more.... to SANCTUM/IRIS: If you think you could express darkness through your gfx then i wait for some of them... to JEF/IRIS: Stay cool, Jean Francois. I hope to meet you and YOGA in April. to LARD/IRIS: Your musics are always better and better... to DZG/IRIS: Nice that your board is now online... I should come to visit you, one day. to BRIDGECLAW/IRIS: Nice graphisms from you... But how do you do to find all the time to make them? to PANTERA/IRIS: I'm quite happy that you have join us Janne! I hope that we will make great works all together.... MESSYS FROM DAFFY/D-29 TO:Prodigy I haven't heard from you since the nice X-Mas card. Come on take your IMPORTANT !!!! penn !! TO ALL.!!!!! TO:Jazy Where are you ? Why haven't you The Post have just caught me in answered my ? faking stamps so DON'T I repeat DON'T use faked stamps when you send to me. If you haven't recived Sorry no messys to all you active something from me, then just write swappers, see you in the next letter once more the post have mabye kept you letter. To all you non fakers don't worry be happy. TO: Sonik (Holland) Where is my video tape !!!! Please send it now but no faked stamps !!! ... ... ..... ... ... ... ... .... ... ....... ........ ....... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ..... ..... ... ....... ........ ........ ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ..... ... ... ... . ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ........ ... ... ....... ... ... ... ... ... ........ .......... ........ ... ... ....... ... ... [TBN] ... ... ... ........ .......... The Brain/Unlimited strikes back on da 22/02/94 with sum messages to: Dreamkiller/Unlimited -> Sooorry 4 da meeeega delay !!!!!! I'll answer you soon. 2DD/The smoking guns -> Hope 2 have a nice swapping-time 2gether. (Disx ohne R/W-Errors sind aber besser, gelle ?!) Laimbrain/Grotesticle -> Thanx 4 contacting !! Protracker rulz ! Tilt/Absolute! -> Hoffe, dass das mit Deinem Pack etwas wird. (Sieht gut aus und waere auch echt schade d'rum !) Friendship rulz !! Rave/Manitou -> Hey Hauptling ... wo bleibt die Briefbombe ?? Schon lange nichts mehr von Dir gehoert ! What's up ? Adderly/Unlimited -> Still alive ?? Hey Chef, wo bleibt Deine Antwort ? Na, jetzt werden aus Norwegen wohl nicht mehr so viele Modules kommen, eh ?! Naja, nur Techno waere ja auch etwas langweilig. Ich habe inzwischen uebrigens auch einiges getan !! (Melde Dich 'mal !) Bionic/Unlimited -> Argh.. mein erstes selbstgeschriebenes "Programm" will (zumindest ausserhalb des Assemblers) irgendwie nicht laufen. Naja, wird schon noch werden. Gold Dragon/Unlimited -> Na, sitzt Du noch auf Deinem 2400'er ? Hoffentlich findest Du demnaechst 'mal jemanden, der Dir das Teil abkauft.. und hoffentlich klappt das mit dem Faxen..... (Viel Spass noch in der Fahrschule !) cr8y/Savage -> Viel Glueck bei den Pruefungen !! Eager Beager/Savage -> Na, wie sieht's mit neuen Mods aus ? ProTracker rulz 4ever !! QBA/Illusion -> Thanx 4 contacting ! 'Waiting 4 ya answer ! Carlo/Flying Cows Inc -> Czesc Karol ... you r a gr8 m8 !! Let's learn more kewl words ... friendship rulz !! (Orbit - alles was ein Kaugummi braucht (he, he)) Ripper/Diffusion -> Hall ! What about more kewl sources ?!? Send my ya Mods !! (If u have any problems with da Protraker, then simply aks me !) Apeman/Purple Turtle -> It doesen't matter if ya modules r bad... just send them !! Doc Brown/ind. -> Write soon !! (Hast Du nun 'nen Namen fuer das Mag ?) Psycho/TRITEC -> Sooooorry 4 da giga d-lay !! Ich haette Dich ja auch 'mal angerufen, habe ja aber leider bloss Deine Plk Addy und Deinen Vornamen !! (Sorry - I'll write soon !! (Yep!)) MK/Froozen Bytes Inc -> Hey Markus... gibt es Dich ueberhaupt noch oder hast Du das Computern inzwischen aufgegeben ?? IVORY/=ICE= -> Hey, Du scheinst wirklich etwas zu viel um die Ohren zu haben. Schreib' 'mal wieder !! Emilio/Platin -> I'm waiting for ya answer ! ?¿?¿/Black ¿?¿? -> Hey Guy from the Netherlands... you called me some time ago. I only know from you that you got a card with my name on it (..don't know who send it to you ..I don't) and that you work in a computer-store and like "The dead trousers" etc. Sorry 4 da lame call, but I was confused, coz I really don't know who u r... to clear the mystery about ya existence etc please call me again or send me a letter..... u got my number and adress ! Yep, that was it... greetz to all forgotten ones !! · · . .:...... . . . . ......:. . : _ _____/\ .____._________.____. _____ _______ : : .\\_\_ / \ |____|\_ ____/|____| / _ \ \___ \ : : / \_ \| |/_____ \| |/ \_ \/ \_ \ : : / / \ / / \ / / / / \ : : \ / / \ / / \ / \ / / : :: \_______/| |\_______/|____|\_______/\__/ / :: ::. =+==^==±==| :=^===+==±===^====+===[sHk]/____/±= .:: ::::.. : . ..:::: ::::::::::...... ......::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::.....................:::::::::::::::::::::: `::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::' Some Messages from Dragon of Vision : ------------------------------------- TO OBELIX/PLATIN ---------------- AVE ALTER GALLIER - SCHADE DAS DU DOCH NICHT AUF DER PARTY III WARST - WAERE LUSTIG GEWESEN . WAS MACHT DAS PACK - IST ZIEMLICH SCHWIERIG , WENN MAN NUR MIT DEM GENERATION LOSSCHICKT . LEGT EUCH ENDLICH MAL EIN NEUES GENERATION DESIGN ZU - WAERE DANN ECHT PERFEKT TO CHROMBACHER/OBSCENE ---------------------- HOW ABOUT DA MAG ? YOU HAVE PROBLEMS WITH THE SUPPORT AND WE HAVE A COMPLETE MAGAZINE WITH A 80 PERCENT CODE . MAYBE WE WILL VISIT AGAIN IN SWEDEN PERHABS THIS YEAR . SEND FAST... TO TROPEDUFT/VISION ------------------- WELL, TOO BAD THAT YOU STOPED SWAPPING - THANX FOR THE MANY CALLS AND I WILL TAKE OVER YOUR CONTACTS OF COURSE TO MESSIAH/EQUINOX,BDZ ---------------------- REALLY COOL SENDINGS AND OF COURSE THE SAME GOES FOR THE LETTERS . I HOPE THERE WILL BE SOME NICE BDZ/EQX PRODUCTIONS SOON . AND ALWAYS REMEMBER : KIWI RULEZ !? TO POSEIDON/UNLIMETED --------------------- NA SIMON - VIELLEICHT SEHEN WIR UNS JA DIESES JAHR WIEDER AUF NER PARTY ICH HOFFE ,DASS BALD MAL WIEDER WAS COOLES VON EUCH KOMMT . GRUESS MAL DEINEN BRUDER ! TO ANDY/NUANCE -------------- ABKNICKER ! SCENE RULES PRIVATE LIVE ! HOEH ! IST JA OK VON WEGEN SCHULE UND SO - ICH HOFFE DAS DEINE DELAYS MOEGLICHST KURZ AUSFALLEN TO SIRIAX/FAIRLIGHT,TEK ----------------------- FAIRLIGHT RULT ! NA BISTE SCHON AM MODEM FESTGEWACHSEN ? TO DODGER/INTERACTIVE --------------------- BAENDERRISS ? DUMM GELAUFEN . KRUECKSTE IMME ZUM BRIEFKASTEN ODER WAS `? ALSO BIS DIE TAGE ! TO LE CHIEN/CRAP ---------------- THANX FOR THE NICE LETTER - WELL TRY TO BE FASTER ! TO RADAVI/EFFECT ---------------- I HAVE NOT HEARD SOMETHING FROM YOU FOR AGES . PLEASE SEND SOON AGAIN . IF YOU HAVE NOT SEND OUT TILL MARCH I WILL RECONTACT YOU . TO ZAK/KOOL ----------- I HEARD THAT YOU HAVE QUIT ELITE SWAPPING ! TOO BAD DUDE - WHAT ABOUT SOME FRIENDSHIP SWAPPING ? TO LENIN/FREEZERS ----------------- NOT ENOUGH MUSIC WAS COOL . SORRY I FORGOT YOUR STAMPS AGAIN . HOPE YOU LIKED THE NBA-CARDS ! TO ZODAK/THE INCAL INC. ----------------------- ALSO ICH HAB EBEN ANGERUFEN VON WEGEN TREFFEN MORGEN BEI MIR . UND DU WARST IRGENDWO WEG . DEINE MUTTER MEINTE ,DASS DU MORGEN NEN FREUND BE- SUCHST UND ERST MONTAG WIEDER ZU HAUSE BIST . ALSO ,WENN DU NICHT KOMMST HAETTEST DU DICH WENIGSTENS MELDEN KOENNEN . ICH HAB' EXTRA NE PIZZA GEMACHT ( OK - ALLEINE FRESS ICH DIE AUCH ) TO STRANGER/VISION ------------------ ALSO WENN DU DIE FRQS HAST SACH MAL BESCHEID . VIEL SPASS BEIM TRADEN... TO 5O1/TRSI ----------- HI JENS ! WAS MACHT DEJA VU - SCHON ONLINE ? SAG BESCHEID WENN ES SOWEIT IST . TO BOBBY B/PULSE ---------------- HOPE TO SEE SOME COOL PULSE RELEASES SOON ! TO SKULL/EREMATION ------------------ TOO BAD THAT WE HAVE NOT MET IN HERNING MY FRIEND . GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR EXAMINATIONS AGAIN . SEND SOON DIDIER ! TO ATHENA/DIFFUSION ------------------- I HAVE NOT HEARD SOMETHING FROM YOU FOR AGES ! TO THOR/NUANCE -------------- NA,DIE ABSCHLUSSPRUEFUNG GESCHAFFT ? ICH HOFFE MAL JA . VIELLEICHT TRIFFT MAN DICH JA DOCH NOCH MAL AUF IRGENDEINER PARTY ! TO RAVE/MANITOU --------------- NA ALTER - WIE WAERE ES MAL MIT NEM TREFFEN . WANN KOMMT MAL WIEDER WAS VON EUCH ? TO KOPARA/MAD ELKS ------------------ HELLO KRISTOF - NICE TO MEET YOU IN HERNING AGAIN . TOO BAD THAT YOU ARE NOT SWAPPING ANYMORE ! OR DO YOU DO PERHABS OWN PRODUCTIONS ? I REALLY HOPE TO MEET YOU AGAIN AT ANOTHER PARTY THIS YEAR ! TO ZENIT/COMPACT INC. --------------------- WELL - YOU ARE THE FASTEST OF COURSE AND SEND ALWAYS GOOD STUFF . BUT JUST WAIT TILL FIRST-PRIORITY IS ONLINE... TO LIMBO/RAZOR 1911 ------------------- ISN'T IT BORING TO SEND ONLY OWN PRODUCTIONS ? BUT THE QUALITY IS ALWAYS HIGH... TO COLORBIRD/RAZOR 1911 ----------------------- WELL, I PROPAGANDA IS GOING TO BEAT RAW BBECAUSE IT IS RELEASED MORE REGULAR AND IT SEEMS THAT IT GETS MORE AND MORE SUPPORT . WELL, YOU WILL RECEIVE SOME SUPPORT SOON... TO PYTHON/TRSI -------------- WELL,THANX FOR CONTACTING ME - MY ANSWER IS ON THE WAY DOWN TO POLAND . HOPE YOU LIKED MY PAPERDRAWINGS . SORRY BUT I FORGOT TO SEND YOU THE TRSI-ASCIIS - YOU GET IT IN THE NEXT SENDING - OK ? GRAFFITI ROOLEZ ! TO ALI/INTERACTIVE ------------------ SAUBERE SENDINGS VON DIR . AUSSERDEM BISTE ECHT FAST . ICH GLAUBE ICH CALL DICH MAL DIE TAGE . ICH HOFFE WIR SEHEN UNS MAL - CE-BIT ???? GRUESS MAL DEN OLLEN DODGER ! TO ICE T/MYSTIC --------------- HOPE TO GET AN ANSWER . NA JA DECADENCE HAT ES MIR JA SCHON ANGEKUENDIGT . SEND ME SOME SELF MADE AZKIZ ! TO FEIVER/TRSI -------------- SCHADE, DASS DER TAURUS NUR 28. GEWORDEN IST . DAS BILD WAR ECHT ABSOLUT BESSER . ICH BIN ECHT GESPANNT AUF DAS AGA-PIC (MAEDCHEN+PLASTIKTUETE!) NA JA - VIELLEICHT SIEHT MAN SICH MAL BEI EINEM EUER TREFFEN TO SYNTHETIK/THE INCAL INC. --------------------------- KAUM IST DEIN MONITOR IM EIMER ,HAENGSTE VOR DEM PC UND DADDELST ! NE NE ,BACK TO THE G/L-AME ROOTS ,ODER WAS ? ICH HOFFE MAL DEIN TRACKMO WIRD EIN GROSSER ERFOLG... DANN KANNSTE DICH JA AUCH AN MEIN PACK SETZEN - HEHEHEHE TO VADER/INDEPENDANT -------------------- WHAT'S UP DUDE ? TO JAZY/VISION -------------- NA HOSHBERT - OHHH NE DAS WAR NICHT GUT LETZTEN SAMSTAG BEIM KONZERT . SCHEISS STAGEDIVING - VOLL GEFAEHRLICH . MEINE KNOCHEN SIND IMMER NOCH BLAU - AHHHRG ... NA JA DU KOMMST JA NACHHER - DRACHEN PIZZA ESSEN - HOEH ! TO XAN/VISION ------------- OK-ICH KANN DIR DIE NUMMER GEBEN - ABER IRGENDWIE HAB ICH DEINE NUMMER VERLEGT . ALSO MISSBRAUCHE MAL DEINE TOLLE TELEFONZELLE... ALSO-IN EIN PAAR TAGEN KOMMT DANN DAS CRACKINTRO... TO DECADENCE/VISION ------------------- BRUMM...BRUMMM...BRUMMM...FAHR...FAHR...FAHR...(HEADBANG)...BAUM...R.I.P. TO CANDYMAN/SARDONYX -------------------- THANX FOR CONTACTING ME AND FOR THE NICE STUFF...CU SOON DUDE... TO ERROX/THE INCAL INC. ----------------------- ICH SAG NUR HUNDEZUECHTER MIT KLEINBUS....AAAARGH.... TO AKIRO/BLACKJACK ------------------ WHAT'S UP DUDE ? TO SISLEY/DAMIAN ---------------- WHAT'S UP ? SEND AGAIN ! TO PEACE/NEOPLASIA ------------------ THANX FOR CONTACTING... TO LEXICAL/SCOOPEX ------------------ ALSO 'NEN TRACKMO IM SOMMER - BIN ECHT GESPANNT . WARTE MAL AB WAS VON UNS KOMMT...ALSO ICH KOENNTE MAL EINEN VON DEINEN COOLEN CHIPTUNES GEBRAUCHEN WENN MEIN MENU FERTIG IST . ACH JA - OSTERFERIEN BIN ICH WIEDER IN ITALIEN . DANN KRIEGSTE DEN C...... TO MR.KING/SCOOPEX ------------------ NA JOERG - IMMER COOLE SENDINGS VON DIR...SORRY FUER DEN STANDARD LETTER- ES KOMMT NICHT WIEDER VOR ! TO JOKER/VISION --------------- GOOD LUCK WITH VISION-SWEDEN . TO NORBY/TRSI ------------- NICE TO MEET YA AGAIN...YOUR NEW HAIRLENGTH IS COOL !!! C U SOON... TO PETE/VISION -------------- HOPE YOU HAVE FINISHED THE DENTRO FOR STATIC BYTES SOON . WELL MAYBE I CAN HELP YOU WITH YOUR PROBLEM - I WILL ASK SYNTHETIC TODAY . TO EKSEC/INFECT --------------- LUSTIGER TALK MIT DIR IN HERNING . MACH DIR NICHTS DRAUS DASS DIE SCHWEDEN WEG SIND . EURE RELEASES WAREN NICHT LAME SONDERN ANDERS . EBEN INFECT ! DAS WAR DOCH GERADE DAS COOLE AN INFECT ! TO NAPOLEON/DREAMDEALERS ------------------------ HOPE TO GET AN ANSWER FROM YOU ! TO TED BURNING/BONZAI --------------------- HI JENS MELDE DICH MAL WIEDER !!! TO STING/BONZAI --------------- NA DIRK - LANGE NICHTS MEHR VON DIR GEHOERT... WIE WARE ES JETZT MAL WIEDER MIT NEN BISSEL SWAPPING . TO EXCEL/VISION --------------- WELCOME IN VISION ! TO SHOCK/VISION --------------- YOUR MODS AND ASCIIS ARE RELLY GREAT ! TO ATHEIST/VISION ----------------- YOU ARE ONE OF THE BEST MUSICIANS OF COURSE TO NIVEK/VISION ----------------- THE SAME FOR YOU ! YOU ARE ONE OF THE BEST TO MRK/VISION ------------- WELCOME... ...A SIMPLE HELLO TO ALL THE OTHER DUDES AND DUDIES AROUND... IF YOU WANT TO CONTACT ME FOR SOME SWAPPING OR IF YOU WANT TO JOIN US WRITE TO...: DRAGON / VISION! (DO NOT WRITE !) ---------------- RICHARD BACKHAUS DOKTORHOFWEG 13 23879 MOELLN GERMANY Some Messages From BlaZer/FaNaTic! Speedy/Parasite: Thanx for your latest stuffs and Stickers! Mercus/FaNaTic: SEND BACK MY DISKETTES.. or.. Akiro/Black JAck: Thanx for stuffs.. are lazy or what ?..sleeping?.. Hunter/TFF: Thanx man!... send soon.. BreakBeat/Speedy: Have You Buy that A1200?.. Tucan/Decnite: NakkI!? Jam/Decnite: Busy? hmm.. when you have time for next visit? Chaosis/Chrome: ... Nothing Special? Wasp/Decnite: Yo! Call mi man!.. Wolfman/Balance: No Answer ? why ?.. Denzil/Apocalypse: Lazy? or have you get 16.8?.. Flobby/Intense: i send some cool stuff.. nice and "short" letters we have.. heh.. Tyrant/Cadaver: Send back my diskettes with something cool stuff ok? JaMeS/Decnite: ..heh.. Condor/Razor 1911: thanx for your stuff.. Propaganda was great!.. Andy/Nuance: Send me latest Vagina Packtoris!.. delays? HighLight/Decnite: busy? heh.. Let's try to write longer letters?! Deceiver/Decnite: .. Yo Your Pack was cool.. ok.. let's see.. i try to make that visit..! Obligator/Depth: bitches are back soon.. Huora persentaces rulez? Metal/PaRallaX: you haven't called me?.. don't worry! Recycler/Humane: Try to call me.. i have lose your phone numbah! Mr.King/Vision: cool packs from you.. thanx for your long letter.. MultiPlex/Chrome: Jeesh.. have you coded anything new?.. G.O.D/AFl: what about our voice chat..? gimme your voice numbah.. ok..? DalmaK/Stellar: hey hey hey.. no more friend ship?.. Dime/Decnite: Evakko Mummo kertoo? where are you? WhiZz/Chrome: Jeeeh.. let's make some car trips? Royal '69/Wartec: heh.. i try to call.. Cobra/Maniacs: Thanx for your prods!.. answer is NO, sorry!! Candyman/Sardonex: ..jeeh.. cool sends from you! B.P.M/Simplex inc.: only chip tunes.. try send some stuff next time!! Blitzer/?: hah.. i reply.. just wait! Maniac/Diffusion: jaah.. thanx for your letter.. Viper/Psycho: ..thanx for your stickers!.. i send soon.. Warlock/Hangover: I LOSE YOUR ADDRESS I REPLY WHEN I GET IT SOME WERE, SORRY!!!!.. Zombie/Insane: Hi man!.. have you got new modem? Sphinx/FaNaTic: ..julkinen huh!.. juuh.. FaNaaTtiset kiitokset.. eix juu?.. call me.. hah.. -- Ofcoz all members in Humane! -- --Here is only 10% of messages but NEXT TIME.. NEXT TIME.. NEXT TIME.. NEXT TIME.. -- also i looking for cool group to join.. check da address from advert base!.. -- BzR / FnC -- mESSAGES fROM k!Ð/zENITH 2pac :yo giovanni!hoffe du hast das zeuch heute losgeschickt..ciao! art :yo andreas!platte im arsch - das is nich gut!kewl gfx.. jolly :yo oliver!na,was macht das coding,schon fertich?ich call mal. lord incognito :yo stephan!wie gehts uns denn heute?was machen die ccards?. zyx :yo andi!ja,da wuensch i dir mal viel erfolch mit dem bbs!.. trasher :yo!bist wirklich schnell - ich nicht (ha!)!bis bald.. tron :moin bastian!man sieht sich mal auf der naechsten party! dick :yO!still in da scene?ONLY trading games?cool!see ya ombre.. kingpin :thanx 4 raw!only trading mods now,thats cool.. schizo :finally i send ya something and you quit da scene..(snief!) reverse :yo michel!whats up,after you joined melon i heared nothing! clawz :yo!jupp,joined up cOmplex?i`ll send soon a letter... gengis :yo!nice spaghetti,..now coding for complex?have a niz day! hi-lite :quit the scene ??????? conquest :the last sending i got was in old anarchy-times! slash :are you still in silents,are you still in the scene? exumer :ja ich weiss,ich hab` bestimmt die laengsten delays!oder? nick :have you been kicked out of spaceballs?is that true???? diddle :yo marc!last sending from you with interference! mESSAGES fROM k!Ð/zENITH stearo :hi stefan!ja,das kann teuer werden!immernoch in jetset? kr`33 :yo!which crew have ya joined after lemon. died?c.ya! dream worrior :yo!thx 4 contacting,still in trsi?sorry 4 not answering yet! kris :i heard that you are still active,still in movement? d-sign :hi massimo!ja,was machen deine gfx?hab`lang nix mehr gesehn! howie :hiho!hm,..hab das sending gar nich beantwortet - sorry! wotw :hi elef!na wie gehts dir denn? tsm :hm,hab` deine voicenumber verlegt.. ikari :hi!every sending from you was kewl,i`m too lazy! castor :holla!was machen die fische und die chips? nox :du asylant,hehehe....was macht - STARMERGE ? - ceterus :immernoch traden per rechnung? shade :jaja,..immer mita freundin unterwechs!ich call mal... dark :yoyoyo!wo biste denn jetz?in trsI? 8^) speedy :still da fastest???? killraven :ich bin schon einer!irgendwann bekommst du die disks back! steroid :you left (or kicked?) jetset?left the scene?gimme a sign,.. shaq :rotenburgs 2 schnellste mailtrader!die silbermedallie... colorbird :good luck with your new posse.. mESSAGES fROM k!Ð/zENITH real :yo!enjoy life in infect,nize ansis & have fuuuuun! storm :left the scene? bross :...joined movement?remember who i am? pace :still in infect?or are you infected? gadbox :thanx for contacting,some mods are kewl!i give you an answer.... mop :yupp!living in malta,crazy but kewl!enjoy life man!,... pepe :was macht datt sounding?nix scene mehr? doc :immernoch bei crystal?was macht das bbs? rakim :jetz bei devils oder jetz aussa scene? scottie :modemtrading suxx,eh? crown :he,crazy to move from france to funland! lowkick :hatte noch keeeine zeit zu schreiben... zinkfloiyd :whats up with suicid? microforce :nabend!ich call mal - neue mods? sparc :hossa!perverser lustmolch! messerschmitt :thanx for contacting but i had no time to answer! nsa :chipchop...no coment! sentinel :oooh!sorry for my loong delays! blackthorne :immernoch lebendich? mESSAGES fROM k!Ð/zENITH orion :alagba!now miracle ? the pride :yo!you`ve joined movement? limbo :thanx 4 contacting,got my sending? exciter :gruess mal den chromag von mir,die mod gefallen! style :left the scene? some1 :yo!cool mods,see ya! ice-t :yo ekrem!nize stuff,send more chippyz!peAce... all others :contact me - and next year you will get 99,9% answer! ZENITH P.O.BOX 1212 27356 ROTENBURG! GermanY! FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : AGONY/BOREALIS : THANKS FOR CONTACTING ME. LET'S HAVE A GREAT TIME TOGETHER. SEE YOU AT THE GATHERING'94!! FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : TRAUMA/CADAVER : WHERE ARE YOU? I TALKED WITH YOU FOR 2 WEEKS AGO,AND YOU SAID YOU WOULD SEND THE TAPE SOON... ANYWAY,HOPE YOUR MAG WILL BE FINISHED VERY SOON!SEE YOU AT THE GATHERING'94 (IF YOUR GIRLFRIEND ALLOWS YOU..)! FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : THE HITCHER/ANGELICA : NICE TALKING TO YOU. LOOKING FORWARD TO GET THE ISSUE OF G.I.! SORRY FOR MY DELAY. SEE YOU AT THE GATHERING'94 (IF YOU CAN AFFORD IT...HAHAHA!!!BIG JOKE!!!! ERH..)! FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : ZYTROX/IRIS : HELLO!IS IT YOU OR ME WHO ARE WAITING ??? IF IT'S ME, THEN SORRY FOR DELAY.MY ROOM IS A BIG JUNKYARD AT THE MOMENT,AND I'LL HAVE TO RENT A PRO TO DIVE AFTER YOUR LETTER.ANYWAY,SEE YOU AT THE GATHERING'94! FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : SPACEHAWK/IRIS : SORRY FOR MY LAME SENDING. I SENT YOU THE WRONG DISKS. ANYWAWY,HOPE TO HEAR FROM YOU SOON. SEE YOU AT THE GATHERING'94! FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : HADES/MYSITC : WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!?!?! PLEASE SEND SOON,OR SUFFER ETERNAL PAIN. IF YOU DON'T WANT TO SWAP WITH ME,THEN GIVE THE DISKS TO AMON. WILL I MEET YOU AT THE GATHERING'94? FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : AMON/MYSTIC : BLACK METAL RULES. I LOVE TRADING WITH YOU,BUT IT HAS BEEN A LONG TIME SINCE THE LAST PACKAGE...SEND SOON, WILL YOU? SACRIFICE HADES FOR ME!! WILL YOU BE PRESENT AT THE GATHERING'94? FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : FAZER/NOVA : GET OUT OF YOUR CAVE,AND WRITE ME A LETTER!!!! I MISS YOU SO MUCH,THAT I CAN'T POSSIBLE STAND IT ANYMORE... WILL YOU BE PRESENT AT THE GATHERING'94? FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : CHIMERA/CADAVER : OPS!FOUND YOUR LETTER LAST WEEK,AND I STILL HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING WITH IT. I'M SLOW NOWADAYS,REAL SLOW.. I GET MY RARE BLACKMETAL TAPES FROM OTHER CONTACTS, AND FRIENDS...YOU'LL HEAR FROM ME SOON. WILL YOU BE PRESENT AT THE GATHERING'94? FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : DEADBEAT/ZENON : CHANGED GROUP A G A I N ,HUH??ARGH!! DID YOU LIKE THE THE SUNGLASSES I SENT YOU,OR DID YOU JUST LOVE'EM???? WILL YOU BE PRESENT AT THE GATHERING'94? FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : JANITIOR/BLACK JACK : YOU ARE COOL,BUT I LIKE YOUR OLD HANDLE BETTER. YOUR SPEED IS ADMIREABLE! SEND ME SOME CANDY!! WILL YOU BE PRESENT AT THE GATHERING'94? FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : DRAKE/PSYCHO : HELLO,YOU LITTLE DELAYER!! UH..THANKS FOR THE PACKAGE. YOUR HANDWRITING IS VERY NICE,ALMOST BETER THAN MINE... I'M SENDING TO YOU TODAY,SO WHEN YOU READ THIS : SEND SOON!! WILL YOU BE PRESENT AT THE GATHERING'94?? FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : PARANOID/RHAPSODIC : I GUESS YOU WANT TO TEAR MY SOUL APART,SHOOT ME, POISON ME,TORTURE ME,KILL ME,KICK ME,HIT ME,HAVE SEX WITH ME (EH..NOT),AND WITH A GOOD REASON,TOO. I PROMISE,YOU WILL GET MY SENDING VERY SOON! WILL YOU BE PRESENT AT THE GATHERING'94? FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : CURT COOL/DEPTH : HELLO,YOU C O O L MAN. HOW ARE YOU TODAY? I AM TIRED OF WRITING MESSAGES.I WILL SEND A LITTLE PACKAGE TO YOU SOON.WILL YOU BE PRESENT AT THE GATHERING'94? FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : THE TROOPER : I CAN'T SWAP DEATHMETAL TAPES WITH YOU,BUT WE CAN SWAP ORDINARY SCENE-PRODS.WILL YOU BE PRESENT AT THE GATHERING'94? FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : SINISTER :THANKS FOR TAPE AND STUFF. HOPE WE CAN SWAP 100% BLACK METAL TAPES,NOT ...DEATH METAL. ANYWAY,YOU'RE A NICE MAN. HOPE YOU'LL COME BACK TO THE SCENE. FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : RADAVI/EFFECT : THE SIMPSONS ARE MUSCH BETTER THAN HEH..HEH...HERH.. HUH..HUH...ERHH..BEAVIES & BUTTHEAD,BUT THEY'RE COOL. CHANGE THE LAYOUT ON YOUR PACK!!!WILL YOU BE PRESENT AT THE GATHERING'94? FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : ONIX/ILLEGAL : NICE SWAPPING WITH YOU,BUT PLEASE,I BEG YOU,WRITE LONGER LETTERS!HOPE YOU WILL BE BETTER IN ASSEMBLER SOON, BECAUSE YOUR PRODUCTIONS SO FAR,HAVEN'T BEEN THE BEST AROUND. WILL YOU BE PRESENT AT THE GATHERING'94? FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : TARGET/TFA : YOU SOUNDS LIKE A VERY COOL GUY. LET'S SWAP!! HOPE TO HEAR FROM YOU IN THE NOT TO FAR FUTURE...WILL YOU BE PRESENT AT THE GATHERING'94? FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : ZINKFLOID/TRSI : YOUR MAG IS ONE OF THE BEST.KEEP ON! TRY TO WRITE LONG LETTERS.WILL YOU BE PRESENT AT THE GATHERING'94? FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : GYU/MUFFBUSTERS : WHERE ARE YOU? YOU ARE COOL,AND THEREFOR WE MAKE A GREAT COUPLE. ONE OF OUR MEMBERS IS WORKING ON A GAME. MAYBE HE'LL RELEASE IT ON YOUR LABEL? WILL YOU BE PRESENT AT THE GATHERING'94? FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : GART/BRONX : THANKS FOR THE CANDY. YOUR SPEED SUCKS,BUT STILL I'M PRAYING TO GET YOUR PACKAGE BEFORE MY BIRTHDAY,23/2! WILL YOU BE PRESENT AT THE GATHERING'94? FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : AIR/OBSCENE : COOL TALKING WITH YOU. I'LL BUY THAT TAPE YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT. THE DISKS WHICH I SENT TO MESSIAH,IS "YOURS". SEE YOU AT THE GATHERING'94! FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : DNA/GRT : WILL YOUR GAME AND ASSEMBLER BE FINISHED SOON? HOPE SO,BECAUSE THEN YOU CAN CODE SOME COOL PRODS FOR US! SORRY FOR MY DELAY,BUT...BUT...BUT I GUESS I'VE BEEN VERY LAZY LATELY...IT WON'T HAPPEND AGAIN! WILL YOU BE PRESENT AT THE GATHERING'94? FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : KOLGRIM/GRT : ARGH!!IS 35,- TOO MUCH TO SPEND ON THE CINEMA?! OK,SEE YOU TOMORROW.PLEASE COMPOSE MORE MODULES!! FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : NIGGERJACK/STONE ARTS : LET'S SWAP. IT'S NICE TO TALK WITH YOU. WHAT DO YOU SAY ABOUT JOINING US? CALL ME (69883857, ASK FOR FRODE)!SEE YOU AT THE GATHERING'94! FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : PURPLE HAZE/D-29 : ENJOY LIFE IN D-29!! I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO YOUR UTILITY DISK NR.9,OR WAS IT 8? SEE YOU TOMORROW, I GUESS. FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : CYBORG/GRT : HELLO,YNGVE! IS THE BRIDGE TO YOUR ISLAND REALLY THE BIGGEST IN NORTH-EUROPE?! I'M IMPRESSED! I LOVE YOUR GFX.. LOOKING FORWARD TO MEET YOU AT THE GATHERING'94! FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : LAIMBRAIN/GRT : HIMMA! OUR SAMPLES ARE MEGA!! KEEP ON COMPOSING THOSE MODULES,BUT TECHNO ISN'T ALWAYS THE ONLY THING. SEE YOU TOMORROW (KLASSEROM 10,SOM VANLIG..) ! FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : BLOCKHEAD/GRT : YOU ARE MY FAVOURITE MUSICIAN..YOU ARE EVEN BETTER THAN ME (WOW!). NICE THAT YOU AND YOUR B I G-BROTHER JOINED US. DO NOT RENAME!!!! PRODIGY IS THE BEST TECHNO! I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO MEET THE VOSS-GANG AT THE GATHERING'94! FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : THE KIDNEY/GRT : DO YOU LIKE GRT SO FAR? LEARN YOUR ASSEMBLER BETTER, AND MAKE MORE COOL MODULES!! YOUR HANDWRITING IS AWFUL (EWVER CONSIDERED BUYING A PRINTER?)! WILL YOU BE PRESENT AT THE GATHERING'94? FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : PHAZE-1 : YOU DID THE RIGHT THING,YOU RENAMED.JINX IS THE MOST CLICHE HANDLE IN THE WHOLE SCENE! PHAZE-1 IS MUCH BETTER,BUT DID YOU THINK OF PurpleHAZE WHEN YOU DECIDED TO RENAME? I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO MEET YOU AT THE GATHERING'94! FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : HAMMER/GRT : SEND SOON! CAN YOU SEND ME A MARK-1 T-SHIRT? MAYBE I'LL COME VISIT YOU SOME DAY (IF I'M WELCOME) ! LOOKING FORWARD TO MEET YOU AT THE GATHERING'94! FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : DALAMAR/GRT : HELLO,BAMBI! OPS,I FORGOT,YOU HATE THAT NICK-NAME! WELL, SORRY.. SORRY FOR THE DELAY,BUT I'VE BEEN VERY LAZY LATELY (JUST ASK PARANOID/RHAPSODIC) . I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO MEET YOU AT THE GATHERING'94! FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : PUDDING/GRT : YOUR GRAPHICS ARE PRIMA! DAJM IS VERY GOOD,BUT NOTHING BEATS NORSK MELKESJOKOLADE! YES,I KNOW. I'M A COLA- MONSTER. ONLY TODAY I'VE DRINKED 1.5 l. THE T-SHIRT WILL HOPEFULLY BE READY SOON. LOOKING FORWARD TO MEET YOU AT THE GATHERING'94! FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : SARV/GRT : YOU WAS THE FIRST VOSS-DUDE WHO JOINED US..SNIFF..SNIFF. YOU ARE A NICE BOY,AND YOUR GRAPHICS ARE MEGA! IS IT TRUE THAT YOU WON'T COME TO THE GATHERING'94? IT'S A SHAME! FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : KAZZ/INDEPENDENT : THANKS FOR YOUR LETTER,BUT I'M SORRY,YOU CAN'T JOIN US. WE DON'T NEED MORE SWAPPERS AT THE MOMENT. BUT WE CAN OF COURSE SWAP TOGETHER!!! FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : FACEDANCER/GRT : I HATE YOUR HANDLE!! HRODUVALDER IS 100% BETTER! RENAME,GODDAMNIT!!!!!!!! YOU ARE A GOOD RAYTRACER, AND YOUR MUSIC ISN'T BAD,EITHER. AW,WE WILL HAVE A GREAT TIME AT THE GATHERING'94! FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : RAIDER/GRT : NICE OF YOU TO CALL ME YESTERDAY. I WILL SEND A PACKAGE AS SOON AS I GET RID OF THE "MAIL- MOUNTAIN" ON MY DESK! COME VISIT ME! MEET YOU AT THE GAHTERING'94! FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : JIX/GRT : PUH!! AT LAST YOU CHANGED YOUR HANDLE. NOT A BIG CHANGE,BUT I DON'T CARE. I WILL SEND TO YOU SOON. ASKIM IS BETTER THAN...SPYdeBERG!! MEET YOU AT THE GATHERING'94! FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : MESSIAH/BANANA DESIGN : GIVE MY DISKS TO AIR/OBSCENE. YOU ARE A NICE PERSON TO TALK WITH. WISH WE COULD SWAP TOGETHER...YOU CAN ALWAYS WRITE ME A LETTER. SEE YOU AT THE GATHERING'94... FROM: GRIMLOCK/GRT TO : DEE JAY JONES/UNLIMITED : HELLO! DO YOU WANT TO JOIN US? UNLIMITED IS NOT A FRIENDLY GROUP! JINX (PHAZE-1), BLOCKHEAD AND CYBORG JOINED US. I LOVE YOUR MUSIC!! JOIN US! WRITE TO ME: GRIMLOCK/GRT, BLUNKESLETTVN.5C,1800 ASKIM,NORWAY! WILL YOU BE PRESENT AT THE GATHERING'94? ACADEMY: - A new polish group. ACTION: - TEKLORDS joined as subgroup. ALCATRAZ: - MOP left for ESSENCE. ALPHA FLIGHT: -[STN]/ALPHA FLIGHT joined MYSTIC as double member. ANGELS: - YABBO left ANGELS and joined REBELS. - WEIRD DREAM left ANGELS and joined REBELS. - They died, once again, because FLETCH, their leader, formed HIGHBREEZE. ANTHROX: - FLETCH joined form HIGHBREEZE. ARISE: - Arise Memberlist on 08.2.94 Dragonfly,Effendi,Falcon,Kid Frost,Kyle,Pater Pink Pencl,Skyline,Smudo,Taron,Virus,Vision BALANCE: - TRICKTRAX and NEXUS was kicked out of BALANCE. - KATA joined as a coder. - KEFIR joined as a musican. - BLUE FOX changed his handle to AYOTTE. - Some members of DEFEKT joined. Organizer of the UK devision is TANGO. - SUBJECT, BLUE FOX, CONNOR, UNIQUE, KATA & WREKO are working on Sound Barrier 2! One of the first AGA only musicdisks. - SUBJECT is arranging a musicdisk with the best danish composers together with CHORUS/KEFRENS. The working title is "Rock the Nation". BANANA DEZIGN: - MARLBORO got kicked. - SARACEN renamed to KRISTIAN, which is his real name. - They got a Croatian Division!! -They'll devastate the compos on The Gathering, so watch out!! BOLEK AND LOLEK DESIGN: - There is a new group from Poland. - Actual Memberlist: ELIOT - SWAP KLF - GFX RAYER - GFX, SWAP, ORGAZING WARLOCK - GFX BONZAI: - X-POOLE left for NUANCE. - They`ll release a Packdisk with Magpart soon. BRONX: - GORE left for ZENON. CHAOS AD: - They're no longer the sub. crew of RAM JAM, coz everybody joined.. (Guess who!) .. RAM JAM! CLASSIC: - FASH left for MEDICINE. COLOR: - BIRD left for IRIS. CONTROL: - ANTEX joined from ORIENT. - SCORPION joined from ORIENT. - Soon to come is a trackmo with music by THE MASTER/SILENTS and SCORPION. It is called "Trance Mission". - Soon a musicdisk with music by SCORPION is to be released. - ANTEX will start his new packserie as soon as the menu is ready. - WOBIN is in the army. - Current memberstatus 16/02/94: Sidewinder - Coder Evade - Coder Kris - Coder Joy-Boy - Coder, Graphician Sniper - Graphician Scorpion - Musician Antex - Swapper Wobin - Swapper CRASH: - FALCON left for LEGACY. C-LOUS: - ORIGO left to join MEDICINE. - They was offered to join TRANCE INC but they refused. - YAFFLE left for INSANE. DAMAGE: - MEPHI left NEANDERTHAL MEN and joined DAMAGE. - Actual Memberlist: BEDNAR - 3D GFX GLUE - MSX MEPHI - SWAP MGL - MSX MIKLESZ - CODE SITEK - 2D GFX - MIKLESZ bought an A1200 & now he'll release only AGA demos?! - They're working on the "INFTRO 2". DAMIAN: - FRIENDLY left for STATIC BYTES. DEFEKT: - Some members of DEFEKT joined. Organizer of the BALANCE UK devision is TANGO. DELITE: - MICHAEL joined from S!P. DEPTH: - two DEPTH in scene on in Denmark and another in Finland. DESIRE: - MATRIX joined form DCS. - IMPOSE joined. DESTINY: - SCOUNGER, TANTALUS, CUSTODIAN, SPUD, MORF, HAMPSTER, LOAD STRADH and NARC left for TALENT DIGITAL: - ALLAH left for PARALLAX, but he's still also a member of DAMAGE. - DILLENGER/ex.ANALOG joined. - KAIS joined from PLATIN.# DUAL CREW-SHINING: - CHROMAG left for LEGO. DUPLO: - A new group is born! - They're formed by some ex-Chaos A.D members who left because of internal weakness for old, homosexual men with forks in their ass!! - The guys is: ·DIGITAL (Swapper) ·DOUBLE (Sysop) ·FARCUZ (Swapper) ·BABAR (Graphician) ·BLISTER (Modemtrader) - ANDERS/EX.PMC joined up. - BLISTER renamed to HOOT. - DIGITAL joined Absolute! too. He's a doublemember. - DIGITAL will soon start a packmag. D-29: - PURPLE HAZE joined the norwegian section. ENERGY: - TOCCADERO, BHN, ZIPPO, CATFISH, LEE, MCM joined as crackers and trainers. - MIKE, PARALLAX, LORD, ANC, BRAINWASHER, NOMAD as suppliers! Many of these guys are joined from QUARTEX! So, You can really wait some high quality cracks and trainers very soon from ENERGY! - SNOOPY left to join TRSI. - GROWL, UFO, HIJACKER and TRAZER joined from ORIENT. - STRANGER is now server to BLACK BOX (International modem network!) in Austria! - They are going to release a new diskmag! Maineditor will be STRANGER! - Also some cracks and trainers by STRANGER! - Possibly some co-operation cracks with TRSI! - ZYX joined as modemtrader. - GROWL left for FANATIC!! ESSENCE: - MOP joined from ALACTRAZ - They are working on a MAG. The first issue should be released in April. FAIRLIGHT: - MAJIC MUSHROOM EX-LEMON. joined. GALACTICA: - Everything was a fake spread by a guy called foxx who was not the same as FOXX/SILENTS. GALACTICA is dead! HIGHBREEZE: - FLETCH left for ANTHROX. ICE: - PURPLE HAZE left them,and joined D-20 as NHQ. ILLUSION: - PATAPIK is coding trackmo called Aberrations. - SMUGGLER is coding sound-disk with MR.ZEB'S music. - NIUNIEK is coding a file-demo. - DARK was coded sound disk "Funology" for not famous team called DEMAGOGIC. - AXEL D. is still working for the scene. False news about AXEL D. was spreaded by TRADER/EX-INVESTATION - MR.ZEB is a member of two groups ILLUSION and SIONIC TEMPLE. - ANDY back for the scene. - WAYNE is actually painting pictures for own Graphic Colections. - NIUNIEK renamed to CACPER. - FIVE member join to ILLUSION in Germany. ACTUALLY MEMBER LIST: 04.02.1994 AXEL D. - SFX, GFX, LOW SWAP, MAIN ORGANISER DARK - CODER, STAN - SWAPPER, ORGANISER ANDY - SFX SINUS - GFX, SWAPPER THORON - CODER MR.ZEB - SFX, LOW SWAP THORON - CODER PATAPIK - CODER WAYNE - GFX, SWAPPER CACPER - CODER MAX - MAIN RAY TRACER THE KING- SWAPPER SMUGGLER- CODER MAGOR - GFX, SWAPPER SIGGE - SFX QBA - MAIN SWAPPER, smal RAY TRACER SPIRYT - SFX RYGAR - GFX GERMAN SECTION: DEATH ANGEL - SWAPPER, ORGANIZER DANZIG - SWAPPER, ANSIS, ORGANIZER AXXIS - SWAPPER SHARK - MODEM AMOK - MODEM IMPACT: - Quence left IMPACT to join IRIS. INFECT: - BABY FACE (ex. SKID ROW) joined as a musican in Holland. - The BBS 'The Leech' got kicked. INSANE: - YAFFLE joined from C-LOUS as a mailtrader. - CATEYE joined with his board. IRIS: - BIRD joined from COLOR. - JEF and JOGA left IRIS to join OUTLAWS. - Quence left IMPACT to join IRIS. - MR.VAIN left WILLOW and joined IRIS. KEFRENS: - RWO, BLIZZART and ZINKO rejoined from POLKA BROTHERS. - CHORUS & SID joined from RAZOR 1911. - JULIUS didn't join! He's in Polka Brothers! LEGACY: - FALCON joined from CRASH. LEGO: - FADE ONE joined from MASQUE. LSD - OEDIPUS/NEBULA joined as a modemtrader. MAD ELKS: - IRON joined from STATUS O.K. - THIEVING MAGPIE ,R.U.R. ,Z. joined. - French division working on three projects. - They're looking for members specially for GOOD CODERS (!!!) & Boards! - Their actual memberlist: Dak (code, swap) AliS WHQ (gfx, swap ,organizing) Valdi (code) Kopara (swap - stopped) Sca (swap) Redman (ex.Iceman) (main swap) Fli (gfx, swap) Zielu (sysop) Xenos (gfx) Iron (code, music) Thieving Magpie (code) R.U.R. (music) Z. (gfx) Zombie (swap) - in Sweden Avenger (swap) - in Finland Quaid (swap) - in Norway Vocal (music) - in Denmark French division: Baby FHQ (music ,gfx) Fabrice (code) Dr.Trans (music) MAGIC 12: - MAGIC 12 DHQ console is born. - The 1 & Only console members are: Manthan & Centenial MANITOU: - The German section was NOT kicked. - MOSQUITTO left. - BLIND GUARD was kicked. - COON-O was kicked. - RIP and NUKE are the new WHQ. - INTERCEPTOR joined with his Board THE MATRIX. - THE MATRIX is now the GHQ of MANITOU. - GENTLEMAN (Swapper) joined. - DEATH (Gfx man) joined. - HOMEBOY (Modemtrader) joined. - CIE (Musican) joined. - GANDALF joined with his Board BLACK BOX. - THORSTEN was kicked. - GOLMO left the scene. - MAJOR BANDIT left X-TREME. MASQUE: - All members left the scene or started commercial. - FADE One joined LEGO. NEANDERTHAL MEN: - MEPHI left NEANDERTHAL MEN and joined DAMAGE. MEDICINE: - ANTEX and SCORPION have NOT joined. They joined CONTROL instead. - ORIGO (Coder) and MR.Mygg (Music) joined from C-LOUS. - WAVEFRONT/AFL joined as modemtrader. - WHISKAS (ex.TWILIGHT) of INFECT NORWAY joined as musican. - Memberlist: Exidor......Coder Lussarn'....Coder Origo.......Coder Hobbes......Music Morrow......Music Mr.Mygg.....Music Whiskas.....Music Frame.......Gfx Slime.......Gfx Stardust....Gfx Pace........Swap Borre.......Sysop T.B.B.......Sysop Wavefront...Trade - They Do NOT hate infect! - FASH/CLASSIC joined as a Musician - They will release a onefile demo at the Gathering'94. - Whiskas got kicked METRO: - ULTRAS SUR joined after he was kicked from SPEEDY. MOVEMENT: - BROSS was kicked out of MOVEMENT. - CORNY and CODEMAN joined MOVEMENT in Norway. MYSTIC: - The Polish section is now officially borned ! - XTD is still in MYSTIC ! - Here's actual MYSTIC PL section members list: XTD - musician, organizer NINJA - swapper MARS - swapper CHARON - coder KATANI - coder ECHO - coder CIA - gfx GUNMAN - gfx -[STN]/ALPHA FLIGHT joined MYSTIC as double member. NEBULA - OEDIPUS (modemtrader) left for LSD. - The new leaders are JINX and ANTICHRIST. NOXIOUS: - They offered EXIDOR/MEDICINE to join but he refused. NUANCE: - X-POOLE joined from BONZAI. - The UK section left them. - MICHAEL joined S!P. OBSCENE: - CROCODILE joined with his board REPTILES HOLE. - HEADBANGER was kicked with his board XPOSURE - TOXIC tried to join, but he was refused - CHROMBACHER and F.N.M/INDY. is going to do a co-op ascii collection. ORBITAL: - BUTTERCUP joined as musician from BELGIUM. - ORBITAL will release a Turkish disk magazine: "DMA" and searching Turks from scene for supporting DMA. - NICOTINE joined as graphician from TURKIYE. - INTEGRA joined as mathematician from TURKIYE. ORIENT: - ANTEX and SCORPION have NOT joined Medicine neither S!P. - ANTEX and SCORPION left to join CONTROL. ORION: - ZENON got kicked. - TIZIAN quitted the scene. - They will release a musicdisk with music from DYNAMIC. The musicdisk will be called Dynamo. OUTLAWS: - JEF and JOGA left IRIS to join OUTLAWS. PARASITE: - SLIDE (GFX), GARGOYLE (CODER), MOUNT (GFX), PIXIE (GFX) and EASLEY (GFX) left for POLKA BROTHERS. PLATIN: - KAIS left for DIGITAL. POLKA BROTHERS: - SLIDE (GFX), GARGOYLE (CODER), MOUNT (GFX), PIXIE (GFX) and EASLEY (GFX) joined from PARASITE. - RWO, BLIZZART and ZINKO rejoined KEFRENS. PULSE - NOSFERATU (code) joined. - CHIPSI left for TAURUS - CASCAY will stop swapping for some time coz of exams RAZOR 1911: - BOKI (CODER), CALYPSO (CODER), JASON (MUSICIAN), JOACHIM (GRAPHICIAN), PAPILLION (CODER) joined RAZOR 1911. - CONDOR (SWAPPER) and ROSCOE (SWAPPER) left RAZOR 1911. - Coming prods from Razor 1911... Propaganda #4 ( Gathering ) Trackmo ( Soon!!!! Next weekend perhaps ) Memorial Songs #2 ( Gathering ? ) Trackmo ( Gathering ? ) PackMenu for LIONHEART/RAZOR 1911 - RAZOR 1911 memberlist (Updated 6 FEBRUARY 1994) Boki - Coder - Sweden Calypso - Coder - Sweden Colorbird - Maineditor, Coder - Sweden Deelite - Musician - Sweden Diesel - Graphician - Sweden Fazer - Sysop - Sweden Futuremind - Coder - Denmark Hammer - Coder - Sweden Jason - Musician - Norway Joachim - Graphician - Norway Limbo - Swapper - Sweden Lionheart - Editor, Swapper - Sweden Lizardking - Musician - Sweden Oden - Trader - Sweden Odeon - Coder - Sweden Papillion - Coder - Denmark Prime - Musician - Sweden Some1 - Musician - Sweden Tony - Graphician - Sweden = 19 happy members of da Razor family!.... - Slash joined as a swapper from Silents. - 'Perception of Reality' is a 4-disked trackmo that will be released at Gathering. - 'Debut', musicdisk from Deelite, will be out soon. - 'Quite Unusual', another trackmo, will be out soon. - They offered EXIDOR/MEDICINE to join but he refused. - CHORUS & SID left for KEFRENS. Rebels: - Nighthawk joined as a Mailtrader SAINTS: - This group is not HUNGARIAN. They are TURKISH! - SAINTS DK will burn soon. - Some of the new members will join soon. - They will release a CHIPPACK. - Latest Members list: NoP : Coder,Swapper,Ansi,Leader.(WHQ) VICToRY : Coder,Swapper. kLENYE : Coder. dR.dWEEP: Graphician. WooBER : Musician.(NHQ) SANITY: - DIDDLE & CRUISER left the scene. - HAVOK sold his compi and left the scene. - MICROFORCE works now on PC. - RA works now in USA for a software company. - SANITY memberstatus march 1994 Microforce Coder (PC) Tron Coder Mr.Pet Coder Chaos Coder Mc Deal Coder Cougar Graphican Ra Graphican Moby Musican Jester Musican Trasher Swapper Exumer Swapper SARDONYX: - METROID renamed to TOBY. - They will release a pack with chipmusic from Mundgor entitled Mundgoria. - A slideshow with graphics from the three graphicians is on its way. - Complete memberlist (Mars 1994) Agamemnon...designer, musician Calladin....graphician Candyman....swapper Duffe.......graphician Fichu.......sysop Mundgor.....musician Syntax......coder Toby........graphician, organiser Woody.......code SAVIOURS: - ANOTHER started swapping. - SZUDI started swapping. - Their music disk, which`ll contain modules from SZUDI, will be released soon. - Their intro "SPRITES EFFECT", will be released soon. - Actual Memberlist: ACE - CODE ANOTHER - CODE, SWAP SHIFTER - GFX SZUDI - GFX, MSX SCANDAL: - SHILONE joined as musician. - They will release a Musicdisk soon. - JMF joined as Trader. SCOOPEX: - TRITON (Coder) joined from VISION in Germany. - JAZZ joined in France as musician. SILENTS: - SLASH left for RAZOR 1911. SIMPLEX (INC.): - Changed their name back to SIMPLEX (R.I.P. Inc.) - All members of D-CIDE joined. - They will release a Dentro in Diffusion & R.E.M. party. - DAVE and NESI are going to open a BBS. - Official memberlist 14.02.1994: B.P.M - Music,Swap DAVE - Gfx,Organizer FRANK - Gfx NAVVIE - Code NESI - Modemtrader TROOPER - Music ZAX - Code SPASM: - OXSTONE joined from STEELERS. Now, the member list is : Boomer (Code) Jay (Code) Zac (GFX) Draghan (Zik) Oxstone (Swap) STATIC BYTES: - FRIENDLY joined from DAMION. - DALI (ex-MAGIC12) joined STATIC BYTES as DAAE. STATUS O.K.: - IRON left group and join MAD ELKS. - USNCREW, MR.SER, ALBION, SCHULZ joined from ANALITIC. - CZAR'S was kicked. - Memberlist: Zomo - Gfx Grochu - Code, Msx Vip - Code Alice - Moral Support, Swap Nampalm - Beer Man TheSM - Swap Chmiel - Swap Gosciak - Gfx Kyle - ? Tractor - Text Writer Unscrew - Gfx Albion - Msx Schulz - Gfx, Code Mr.Ser - Code - THE SM will start with new pack-serie called "Urgh!" STEELERS: - OXSTONE left for SPASM. SURPRISE!PRODUCTION: - MICHAEL joined from NUANCE, but later he left to became independent. TALENT: - Current memberlist of TaLeNT is: - SCOURGER, TANTALUS, CUSTODIAN, SPUD, MORF, HAMPSTER, LORD STRADH and NARC joined from DESTINY - Current memberlist of TaLeNT is: NORWAY: Stripe The Gremlin (Coder, organizer) Boo (Graphician, organizer) Jomar (Coder) Noname (Coder) Cindy (Coderess) Scourger (Coder) El Loco (Musician) Don-Cato (Musician) Sundance Kid (Musician) DeCaff (Swapper) Lord Stradh (Editor) Kekken (Graphician) Jackass (Graphician) Zytron (Graphician) DENMARK: Viper (Graphician) Ogier le Petit (Musician) Djenghis Khan (Musician) ITALY: Android (Musician) TAURUS: - CHIPSI joined from PULSE. - 2FAST/ex.TRSI joined. TDC: - RAZE will start to release a new toolserie! The name is unknown until now! TEA: - A french group born on 10.02.91, formed by the 5 only guys who's got Amigas in our school : CanDo (Code), Unreal (GFX), Elmo (SFX+GFX), K.A.T (Moral Support) and XiBe (SFX+GFX). - Unreal and Elmo sold their Amigas in Sept. and Dec. '91. - CanDo left to live in Belgium in Feb. '92. - K.A.T got kicked out because of lazyness and high stupidity. - Future and last Memberlist (24.02.94) : XiBe (SFX+GFX+World Organizer+Swap+Code+Drinks+Peanuts+...) - I'm trying to make fake compilations of utilities, so send me your stuffs ! Addy in the Adverts part of this Mag. TEDP: - A new group in Germany is born. - SHITHEAD, PARANOID WOLF and CHUCKY joined from X-TREME. - PUMA and MR.BIG joined from WARHAMMER. TEKLORDS: - They are a Subgroup of ACTION. - HUMANOID was kicked out. - RUSTY was kicked out. - Complete Memberlist(1.Jan.94): SULTAN - Leader GENGHIS KHAN - Sysop, Leader SKY - Cosys, Trader C.I.P. - Gfx, Asc2, Coleader BONNY - Sfx R^C^P - Sfx JAZZYTECH - Sysop, Trader REMO - Code DR.GRELL - Trader ELDORADO - Sfx SHAQ - Swap TRAUMA: - BASIC renamed to CAPELLA. TRANCE INC: - DOSE joined from RAM JAM as a musician. - They offered the whole group C-LOUS to join,but they refused. TRSI: - Soon comming productions from TRSI PL: BornTro, MusicDisk, SlideShow and a TrackMo' later on... - 501/TRSI is now only 2FAST/TRSI as Cybernant ;eft the part of 2FAST/TRSI and the scene ! - 501/TRSI (now 2FAST/TRSI) stopped mail trading as the German Post nearly caught him because of stamp-cheating. So his contacts will be handled to : TRASH HEAD/TRSI and CASCAY/PULSE! - 2FAST/TRSI opened finally his BBS named: SEAQUEST (former name: DEJA VU!) Running on: A2000, 760MB HD, 5MB-WorkSpace, 050 MHZ-Power, Zyxel 1486E, First only one node...2nd on the way. - 2FAST got kicked out of TRSI, later he joined Taurus. - TRSI kicked out: PLY2, DARK, DOUBLE TROUBLE, NOLEM, RIO, - TRANSFORMER, DAN, COSMOS. TURK: - DJOCK joined. - ALPACINO joined. - THE COLLECTOR joined. - SPEEDY renamed to JACK. UNION: - MUSASHI left DEFORM again, and joined UNION. UNLIMITED: - BLACKY (GFX) was kicked. - GURTH is coding an AGA trackmo. - BIONICS Dentro will be released on the CEBIT. - Call the new BHQ TOXICITY: +32 (0)41-224333 - DEEJAY JONES is sill in UNLIMITED. VISION: - TRITON left for SCOOPEX. - XAN left the scene. - VISION was never in war with TRSI. - MEMBERLIST 24.FEBRUARY '94 GERMANY: DECADENCE - SWAP , WHQ DRAGON - GFX , SWAP JACY - MODEM , SWAP STRANGER - SWAP SQUIRRLE - MODEM , SWAP MC BRAIN - CODE NEW MODE - CODE TNT - SFX , GFX + SWAP JARRE - SFX C - CODE , CRACK PIT - CODE SWEDEN: EKKHEAD - GFX EXCEL - GFX , SWAP , SHQ MRK - GFX , SWAP PETE - CODE NIVEK - SFX ATHEIST - SFX SHOCK - SFX MIND PHASER - SWAP , SHQ DENMARK: TROPEDUFT - GFX,SWAP,DHQ NORWAY : LORD MINDFACE - CODE FLASH - MODEM WARHAMMER: - PUMA and MR.BIG left to build up a new group called TEDP. WATCHMEN: - SCATTERBRAIN, THE TORG, CODY and DR.WHO was busted by the police. - COOL WORLD will offline forever! Maybe THE TORG will reopen it, but it will take a long time. WILLOW: - MR.VAIN left WILLOW and joined IRIS. X-TREME: - SHITHEAD, PARANOID WOLF and CHUCKY left to build up a new group called TEDP. - SWAY chanched his handle from DECOY into SWAY. - WIZZARD joint as a modemtrader - X-TREME found a Polish-devision! The leader is PET. - FLOPPYMAN bought himself a A1200. He is doing the ToolsPack "Members Tools"! - MAJOR BANDIT joint from MANITOU Germany - all in all, there are 10 X-TREME members in 4 countries! - Actual Memberslist from 28/2/94: -> from WHQ which is in Germany: Cryonik (Designer, Organizer of the devisions) Dr.Doom (World-Leader, Gfx, Swapping, Main Editor of *The File*) Hemlock (Coding, Swapping) Major Bandit (Sound, Swapping) Snoopy (Coding, Cli-Artist) Wizzard (Modemtrader on PC&Amiga) -> from Polish Devision: Pet (Polish-Leader, Swapping) -> from Swedish Devision: FloppyMan (Swedish-Leader, Swapping) -> from U.K. Devision: Sway (U.K.-Leader, Swapping) ZENITH: - THE NETWORK is now a SILENTS BBS. - CAN renamed to K!D. - LORD INCOGNITO renamed to LEE! - ART renamed to DOPE! - 2PAC renamed to HASCHISCH! - ZENITH & TRSI are in cooperation in cracking games (TRZ) ! - They are looking for 1 CODER and 1 GRAPHICAN in germany! ZENON: - DREAMER joined as a modemtrader. - GORE joined from BRONX. - Memberstatus (1.3.94) BISHOP (Swap-Gfx-Modemtrade) BUZZER (Music-Swap) DEATBEAT (Music-Swap) DR.CHAIN (Gfx) DREAMER (Modemtrade) DUQ (Swap) MR.ZAK (Gfx) NICO (Code-Gfx) TOHE (Code-Gfx-Swap-HQ) GORE (Music) ___________________________________________________ _____ _/ _____________ /_____________/_____ /______/ | / \________ \_ /___/_\ _ \_ \ _ \_ / / ___)__\_ _ _/ | / / | / \/ / \/ / ___/ \ / | \ | ______/_______/______/_______/___|_________/____| \ +---l_____j-------G-e-N-e-R-a-t-i-O-n-S---A-h-E-A-d-----l_____\---+ Never Mind Various Menu Page Articale Autor ------- ---------- ------- [002] Party Report Petshopboy/Cadaver [004] The Elite Tester MaGZ [008] The Gathering '94 Invitation Crusaders *** PARTY REPORT *** -= A PARTY ORGANIZED BY DIFFUSION =- By PetShopBoy of Cadaver This is a true story what happened at the 'party' organized by Diffusion. We(me, Bit, Seven, Dechtech, Slipper and Safe) travelled 4 hours to a party which was in Alaharma, Finland. This report is for Finns, but I want foreigners to know what really happened there. Here we go... We arrived to the partyplace. We saw about 15 guys, all under 17. We tried to find the promised hall where all the action would happen. No, no halls here. Only two little classrooms, both half empty. Well, we decided to stay and take apart to the competitions. We had two productions, but we competed with only one (With our Slideshow...) because it wasn't allowed to have two productions. Nice, very nice. Well, we waited many hours and what a shock stroke to us when we saw the voting results! Diffusion's intro, with no cool routines, ten votes. Cadaver: A one disk slide-demo, ten votes! This thing was decided before we even arrived to the place! I heard that the coder of DFN's intro voted us, if this is true, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. So, then we started music-competition. Six tracks, five techno songs, and my song was a two-part module filled with nice stereo effects and slides. Luckily Safe/Cadaver won the competition. I made it to third. We also agreed that the composers have no right to vote. I was the only one who did this! If I just had voted my own song, I would have been on the second place with some other guy. I haven't seen any money yet. This was a really big disappointment to us who travelled many hundred kilometres to win some compos. Here are our messages to Diffusion... Seven: Fuck off! PetShopBoy: Fuck you!!!1 Slipper: Fuck you all!!! Bit: Fuck off you all!!! Dechtech: Fuck! Safe: Fuck you and your family!!! Thank you to Mr.King/Scoopex for puplishing this in Nevermind!!! Are You A REAL Elite Swapper??!! (If ya wanna know, answer the following questions) By... MaGZ 1994 1. Are you Elite??? A: Yes B: No C: I don`t really know 2. How old stuff do you usually send?? A: 0-2 Days old B: 3-7 Days old C: 8 Days or older 3. How many contacts have you got??? A: Less than 10 B: More than twenty and less than 50 C: Over 50 -----------> 4. How many days do it usually go between you receive packages and send back to the same contact? A: You send back the same day that you receive the package B: You send back after around 3 days C: You usually send back after a week or later 5. Do you write looooooooong letters? A: No B: Between one A4 page and two C: More than two A4 pages 6. How many of your contacts are "KNOWN" scene guys? A: 100% B: Less than 100%, but more than 30% C: Less than 30% 7. When you send warez, do you send them `cause they are new or because they are really good? A: Because they are new B: Because they are good C: Because they are new, but you don`t send "bad" warez -------------> 8. If you got an advert in a disk-mag and get an answer including one disk from a really lame idiotic guy, what do you do? A: Send back his disk and write that you wanna be his contact, and ask him to send lotsa` disks to you - wich you steal B: Steal his disk and never send back C: Send both his disk and his letter back and say that you don`t wanna swap with him 9. Are you a member of a KNOWN group? A: Yes! B: No! C: Well... I don`t really know how known my group is. ------------> POINTS... So now you`ve answered the questions, and wanna know how many points you`ve got... Question 1... A-3 B-5 C-7 Question 2... A-9 B-7 C-3 Question 3... A-4 B-7 C-9 Question 4... A-9 B-6 C-1 Question 5... A-3 B-6 C-10 Question 6... A-9 B-7 C-5 Question 7... A-5 B-3 C-9 Question 8... A-3 B-5 C-6 Question 9... A-8 A-3 C-4 Now that you`ve counted your points, why don`t you state your points in the ELITE tester, and write something like... "ONLY PERSONS WHO GOT OVER X POINTS IN THE ELITE TESTER" in your adverts instead of writing somm`ing like... "I`m really ELITE!" "ELITE ONLY!!!"...... T H E E N D ! ! ! t h e g a t h e r i n g 1 9 9 4 g e n e r a l i n f o r m a t i o n The Gathering is an annual event arranged primarily by The Crusaders with the good help of resources from other parts of the computer scene. The event is a mix between a sports competition and a computer symposium. Computer user groups gather from all over the world and compete together with other groups with their latest multi-media products. You do not need to be a computer freak to attend, but it sure helps. A lot of people attend just to see what small computers are capable of these days. The Gathering 1994 will be held at a place called RYKKINNHALLEN just a few kilometers south west of Oslo. The Gathering 1994 will be arranged in the middle of easter holiday on the following dates: The Gathering 1994 day 1: Tue 29th of March The Gathering 1994 day 2: Wed 30th of March The Gathering 1994 day 3: Thu 31st of March The Gathering 1994 day 4: Fri 1st of April The Gathering 1994 day 5: Sat 2nd of April 27/3, 28/3, 3/4 and 4/4 are reserved for the arrangers and people working with the arrangers. The Gathering 1994 will open some time the 29th of March and there is NO way of entering the hall before this time. If you have problems arriving this day, you may stay AT the hall, but NOT inside. There is NO way of reserving any tables or seats. Entrance fees will be set to 200,- Norwegian kroners for those who pay at the entrance 150,- Norwegian kroners for those who pay in advance using postal or bank giro For 200,-/150,- you will have the opportunity to stay 24hrs for all remaining days inside the hall. Price includes only access to the building. We will also have a few special rooms for you to rent. These rooms are meant for bus drivers etc who need something more than a sleeping bag. All rooms have real beds and separate shower. The price per room is 200 NOK per day. Some foregin currencies will be accepted. You pay once for all days, which means that once you've payed you can go in and out as you wish provided you show proof of payment. The only way to attend The Gathering is to show proof of payment. No short visit passes and V.I.P passes will be given out. Member of the press will be allowed in for free, of course, provided they show valid press cards. t h e g a t h e r i n g 1 9 9 4 i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t t h e a r r a n g e r s As of now, the only two people that are certain to act as arrangers are: Dr. Outtasight / Crusaders, acting as head of operations. E-Mail : edb88002@vm.bi.no (Internet) Shady / Crusaders, acting as Systems Supervisor Dag Sondre Hansen, acting as economical and sponsor supervisor. E-Mail : siv93004@vm.bi.no (Internet) Mail address : Romerike Dataforening Lovenstadveien 8a 2006 Lovenstad Norway t h e g a t h e r i n g 1 9 9 4 c o m p e t i t i o n r u l e s a m i g a d e m o c o m p e t i t i o n r u l e s The term 'demo' is defined as a stand-alone executable program compiled or assembled by the use of anything from a hi-level compiler to pure machine code. The arrangers require that the demo runs on *ALL* Amiga models. The entries will be tested on the following machines: Amiga A1200, Amiga A3000, Amiga A4000/030 and Amiga A4000/040 ============================================================= The demo _can_ and _should_ utilize the AGA chipset of the A1200/4000. This means that the demos doesn't HAVE to, but seeing that AGA is the new standard, it should. AGA demos will of course not work on an A3000, and we don't expect them to. p c ( c o m p a t i b l e ) d e m o c o m p e t i t i o n r u l e s The term 'demo' is defined as a stand-alone executable program compiled or assembled by the use of anything from a hi-level compiler to pure machine code. The demo can and should utilize the full potential of the graphics adapter it is viewed on. It can and should also utilize the full potential in either Soundblaster 16 ASP or the Gravis Ultrasound music card. The machine used during the compo will be 486-50MHz local bus, with ET4000 SVGA local bus card, and, after your own choice, either an Soundblaster 16 ASP or Gravis Ultrasound. The resolution should not exceed 640x480 due to problems with the video signal converting. All entries that WORKS will contend, and it's possible to test production before the compo. a m i g a i n t r o c o m p e t i t i o n r u l e s The term 'intro' is defined as a stand-alone executable program compiled or assembled by the use of anything from a hi-level compiler to pure machine code. The size of the executable file before execution must not exceed 40 kilobytes. The arrangers require that the demo runs on *ALL* Amiga models. The entries will be tested on the following machines: Amiga A1200, Amiga A3000, Amiga A4000/030 and Amiga A4000/040 ============================================================= The intro can and should utilitze the AGA chipset of the A1200/4000. This means that the demos doesn't HAVE to, but seeing that AGA is the new standard, it should. ECS intros will of course not work on an A3000, and we don't expect them to. m o d u l e c o m p e t i t i o n r u l e s The term module is defined by a file compatible with the standard Amiga Protracker format. However, modules from other types of trackers can compete, but a player for this format must be supplied. The module can only use 4 channels, and will be played on a played on and must be compatible with a standard off-the-shelf Amiga A1200 with no extra hardware. The module will be played for up to 3 minutes unless the author has an utterly good reason for playing it longer. p i c t u r e c o m p e t i t i o n r u l e s The term picture is defined by a file consisting of one frame of graphical data. Pictures from any platform can be entered, but a picture viewer must also be supplied in case of very special formats. Pictures from the Amiga platform will by default be viewed using the latest version of DPaint. Pictures from PC platforms will be shown using the latest CompuShow. The maximum graphical resolution is 1024x768, and the maximum number of bitplanes is 24. The pictures can and should utilize the full potential of the graphics adapter it is viewed on. a n i m a t i o n c o m p e t i t i o n r u l e s The term animation is defined by a file of graphical frames viewed at a certain frame rate. Animations from any platform can be entered, but an animation viewer must also be supplied. The maximum graphical resolution is 1024x768, and the maximum number of colors is 256. The animations can and should utilize the full potential of the graphics adapter it is viewed on. Animations from PC platforms will be shown using a Tseng ET4000 SVGA adapter. Animations from Amiga will be shown using a standard off-the-shelf Amiga A1200 with no extra hardware. Animations from any other platforms (if any) will have to supply a machine to view them on. This machine must supply a video signal that is compatible with a 'multisync' monitor. v i e w i n g o f t h e e n t r i e s All demos, intros, pictures and animations will be taped to Broadcast Quality video before viewing. All modules will be taped to DAT before playing. This to ensure that everything goes well while playing them. The time from the deadline to the viewing of the entries will therefor be extended somewhat in order to copy all entries to their respective media. j u d g i n g f o r t h e f i n a l s As many of the competitions will have a lot of entries and there's no time to play all the modules, show all the pictures and demos, the arrangers will use a jury to select a percentage of the entries in each competition to view/play for the finals. The number of modules, pictures and so on is fairly uncertain, but it seems to be wise to select as follows: If the number of modules exceedes 40, a jury will select 20% pictures 40 30% intros 20 30% All other competitions (as of now) will show all entries. The jury will consist of 20-30 randomly selected people from the party attendants. The first 20-30 people that voluntair will be selected. A maximum of two persons from each group can attend. The arrangers will have absolutely NOTHING to do with the selection except to play the entries for the jury in a closed room. As far as it is possible, the name of the author of the product will not be shown to the jury. This is to ensure that each product will be judged by its appearance, not by the name of the guy that made it. j u d g i n g t h e w i n n e r s The Gathering 1992 made use of a computer based voting system. This proved to be quite ineffective. The Gathering 1993 used a paper based system which proved to work quite well, but as usual there was a lot of disagreements regarding the results. The Gathering 1994 will therefor use a jury system where a group of jury members who voluntair and have some background in the category they judge. No votes will be taken from other attenders or from the arrangers. s p r e a d i n g o f t h e e n t r i e s To make sure that as many people as possible get all the entries from the competitions, we will make copies of disk sets which contain all entries from all the competitions available to a selected group of people. From this group of people you can copy the disks you want. t h e g a t h e r i n g 1 9 9 4 w o r k i n g w i t h t h e a r r a n g e r s The event is taking place easter 1994 somewhere in Norway. As of now, things are very un-detailed as almost nothing has been decided yet. The reason is that the arrangers are planning a whole new ball game. Well, not a ball game, but you get the basic idea anyway. That's where YOU come in. From what we have learned after arranging two computer partys, we now know that one group cannot arrange the whole thing themselves. They might have the manpower, but they do not fully reflect the 'scene'. Therefor, we want to hire YOU as a consultant. If you're looking for a easy way to make money, turn off your computer now. There is no such thing as a fast buck involved in arranging computer partys. The only thing we can promise is free entrance, a place to spend a couple of great days and all the fame and virtual fortune you can carry. If you attended The Gathering 1992 and 1993, I bet you at some point said to yourself that THAT could have been done better. If you also said that it could have been done better by YOU, read on. We are looking for a whole range of persons, and we do NOT mean mindless people to carry tables and straighten chairs. We definetly mean resourceful independant persons who can think for themselves and do a great job. So, if think you can in ANY way contribute to the arrangement of The Gathering 1994, please do not hesitate to contact us. w h a t w e n e e d h e l p w i t h a t t h e m o m e n t It is unfortunately not possible for us to list exactly what kind of people we are looking for. We thought we would adjust our needs as we went along so to speak. However, we do have some detailed tasks that we need to fill. Information Bulletin Operator ----------------------------- We're going to have a bulletin for information from us and other groups active. For this we need a person or two that can operate such a bulletin. Prefferably using the well known program "Scala". If you have some idea on how such a source of information should look, please contact us now. You will be receiveing verbal and written information on the run from the arrangers and other groups. This information must then be transferred to the information bulletin immediately. t h e g a t h e r i n g 1 9 9 4 v i r u s p r o t e c t i o n f r o m s a f e h e x Any attender of The Gathering 1994 who can show a valid proof of payment of either 200,- or 150,- for access, can pick up the latest in professional virus protection software at the Safe Hex International stand at The Gathering 1994. Through a very special deal with Safe Hex, all Safe Hex virus protection software will be given out for *** FREE *** and Safe Hex will be there to answer any questions. t h e g a t h e r i n g 1 9 9 4 e v e n t s h a p p e n i n g s a n d s o o n h a p p e n i n g s a n d e v e n t s b j o r n l y n n e p r e s e n t s ' m o n t a g e ' Famous ex Crusaders musician Bjorn Lynne (ex Dr. Awesome) will be present at The Gathering 1994. His brand new and already extremely popular Compact Disc. The CD will have its official release at The Gathering 1994 and Bjorn Lynne will be present to play pieces from it and give out signed copies. Bjorn Lynne is most famous for his numerous Crusaders Music Disks and demos tunes, and for putting music to the famous Tobias Richter 'Space Wars' video. Bjorn Lynne has also released many popular demo tapes. e x t r a c o m p e t i t i o n s s n e a k e r c o m p e t i t i o n The Sneaker Competition is based on the word 'Sneaker' from the movie by the same name. A hacker competition with a special twist so to speak. You or you team will be given a task which must be dealt with using the large object between your ears. Rules and description will be given out when the competition starts. b e s t c o d e r h a t c o m p e t i t i o n Every good computer freak has a coder hat. Not only coders, but Sysops, graphicians and musicians have hats that have been proven scientifically to enhance their capabilities. Usually a coder hat cosists of a normal baseball type cap modified with a truckload of electronic devices. The rules are simple. The hat must be wearable like a hat, and the powersource driving the gadgets must be contained on the hat. You can't have a battery pack on your back. Whomever has the funniest and best looking hat wins. o u t d o o r s o c c e r t o u r n a m e n t The competition that makes The Gathering the most popular party in the universe. 2x5 minutes (or less) periods with teams consiting of the worst football players in the world. No professional players or professional gear like football shoes allowed! . . . a n d s o o n The following things doesn't fit anywhere else at the moment, so it's all squeezed into one place. i n f o b u l l e t i n We'll completely cover a 8x4m wall in the entrance hall where everyone can write messages to eachother. You'll have to bring your own pens of course and no spray-guns! t h e g a t h e r i n g 1 9 9 4 r y k k i n n h a l l e n This is a short info file on Rykkinnhallen, which is the place for The Gathering 1994. Rykkinhallen is a very modern sports hall which was finished september 1993. It cosists of two large halls, one which will be used for people who like things quiet and to do things with the lights on, and one for people who like it noisy and doing things with the lights off. The video projector and the sound system will be placed in the latter of the two halls. The locker area and every other available spot will be used for sleeping. Unfortunately the space for this is very limited, so we will probably have to rent some houses next door. The cafeteria serves breakfast consisting of a normal diet meal with everything from milk to bread with ham and cheese. As many as five different types of dinner will be available along with lunch and the usual amount of pizzas and burgers. In conjuction to Rykkinnhallen, we have also rented a football field for the outdoor soccer tournament with separate lockers and showers. There is also a skateboard ramp just 10m from the hall for those of you who skate and die. We're even working on keeping the swimming pool open during the party! We will also have a few special rooms for you to rent. These rooms are meant for bus drivers etc who need something more than a sleeping bag. All rooms have two real beds per room and separate shower. The price per room is 200 NOK per day (24hrs). These rooms MUST be ordered and payed for in advance, and you need to hurry! Contact sysop for more info.